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Ribonucleotide reductases (RNRs) catalyze the reduction of ribonucleotides into deoxyribonucleotides, which constitute the precursor pools used for DNA synthesis and repair. Imbalances in these pools increase mutational rates and are detrimental to the cell. Balanced precursor pools are maintained primarily through the regulation of the RNR substrate specificity. Here, the molecular mechanism of the allosteric substrate specificity regulation is revealed through the structures of a dimeric coenzyme B12-dependent RNR from Thermotoga maritima, both in complexes with four effector-substrate nucleotide pairs and in three complexes with only effector. The mechanism is based on the flexibility of loop 2, a key structural element, which forms a bridge between the specificity effector and substrate nucleotides. Substrate specificity is achieved as different effectors and their cognate substrates stabilize specific discrete loop 2 conformations. The mechanism of substrate specificity regulation is probably general for most class I and class II RNRs.  相似文献   

Ribonucleotide reductases are a family of essential enzymes that catalyze the reduction of ribonucleotides to their corresponding deoxyribonucleotides and provide cells with precursors for DNA synthesis. The different classes of ribonucleotide reductase are distinguished based on quaternary structures and enzyme activation mechanisms, but the components harboring the active site region in each class are evolutionarily related. With a few exceptions, ribonucleotide reductases are allosterically regulated by nucleoside triphosphates (ATP and dNTPs). We have used the surface plasmon resonance technique to study how allosteric effects govern the strength of quaternary interactions in the class Ia ribonucleotide reductase from Escherichia coli, which like all class I enzymes has a tetrameric alpha(2) beta(2) structure. The component alpha(2)called R1 harbors the active site and two types of binding sites for allosteric effector nucleotides, whereas the beta(2) component called R2 harbors the tyrosyl radical necessary for catalysis. Our results show that only the known allosteric effector nucleotides, but not non-interacting nucleotides, promote a specific interaction between R1 and R2. Interestingly, the presence of substrate together with allosteric effector nucleotide strengthens the complex 2-3 times with a similar free energy change as the mutual allosteric effects of substrate and effector nucleotide binding to protein R1 in solution experiments. The dual allosteric effects of dATP as positive allosteric effector at low concentrations and as negative allosteric effector at high concentrations coincided with an almost 100-fold stronger R1-R2 interaction. Based on the experimental setup, we propose that the inhibition of enzyme activity in the E. coli class Ia enzyme occurs in a tight 1:1 complex of R1 and R2. Most intriguingly, we also discovered that thioredoxin, one of the physiological reductants of ribonucleotide reductases, enhances the R1-R2 interaction 4-fold.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the large subunit of the first member of a class Ib ribonucleotide reductase, R1E of Salmonella typhimurium, has been determined in its native form and together with three allosteric effectors. The enzyme contains the characteristic ten-stranded alpha/beta-barrel with catalytic residues at a finger loop in its center and with redox-active cysteine residues at two adjacent barrel strands. Structures where the redox-active cysteine residues are in reduced thiol form and in oxidized disulfide form have been determined revealing local structural changes. The R1E enzyme differs from the class Ia enzyme, Escherichia coli R1, by not having an overall allosteric regulation. This is explained from the structure by differences in the N-terminal domain, which is about 50 residues shorter and lacks the overall allosteric binding site. R1E has an allosteric substrate specificity regulation site and the binding site for the nucleotide effectors is located at the dimer interface similarly as for the class Ia enzymes. We have determined the structures of R1E in the absence of effectors and with dTTP, dATP and dCTP bound. The low affinity for ATP at the specificity site is explained by a tyrosine, which hinders nucleotides containing a 2'-OH group to bind.  相似文献   

The reduction of purine nucleoside diphosphates by murine ribonucleotide reductase requires catalytic (R1) and free radical-containing (R2) enzyme subunits and deoxynucleoside triphosphate allosteric effectors. A quantitative 16 species model is presented, in which all pertinent equilibrium constants are evaluated, that accounts for the effects of the purine substrates ADP and GDP, the deoxynucleoside triphosphate allosteric effectors dGTP and dTTP, and the dimeric murine R2 subunit on both the quaternary structure of murine R1 subunit and the dependence of holoenzyme (R1(2)R2(2)) activity on substrate and effector concentrations. R1, monomeric in the absence of ligands, dimerizes in the presence of substrate, effectors, or R2(2) because each of these ligands binds R1(2) with higher affinity than R1 monomer. This leads to apparent positive heterotropic cooperativity between substrate and allosteric effector binding that is not observed when binding to the dimeric protein itself is evaluated. Allosteric activation results from an increase in k(cat) for substrate reduction upon binding of the correct effector, rather than from heterotropic cooperativity between effector and substrate. Neither the allosteric site nor the active site displays nucleotide base specificity: dissociation constants for dGTP and dTTP are nearly equivalent and K(m) and k(cat) values for both ADP and GDP are similar. R2(2) binding to R1(2) shows negative heterotropic cooperativity vis-à-vis effectors but positive heterotropic cooperativity vis-à-vis substrates. Binding of allosteric effectors to the holoenzyme shows homotropic cooperativity, suggestive of a conformational change induced by activator binding. This is consistent with kinetic results indicating full dimer activation upon binding a single equivalent of effector per R1(2)R2(2).  相似文献   

It was found that nucleoside 5'-diphosphates could serve as effectors of ribonucleotide reductase. ADP was an activator of CDP reduction; ADP reduction was activated by dGDP; GDP reduction was activated by dTDP. Conversely, dADP inhibited the reduction of CDP, UDP, GDP, and ADP; dGDP inhibited UDP and GDP reductions; and dTDP inhibited UDP reduction. The inhibition of UDP reduction by dADP, dTDP, and dGDP was at least equal to that observed for dATP, dTTP, and dGTP, respectively. In these experiments with the nucleoside diphosphates as effectors, high-pressure liquid chromatography analysis of the reaction mixtures showed that no nucleoside 5'-triphosphates were found during the reaction period which could account for the effects seen with the nucleoside diphosphates as effectors. Further experiments were carried out in which adenyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate was used as the positive effector of CDP and UDP reductions in place of ATP. Under these conditions, CDP and UDP reductions were inhibited by dADP, dTDP, and dGDP to the same extent observed in the presence of ATP. ADP served not only as a substrate for ribonucleotide reductase but also as an activator of CDP and UDP reductions. The direct products (dNDPs) also served as positive and negative effectors. Dixon plots indicated that the dNDPs were acting as noncompetitive inhibitors with respect to the substrate. ADP increased the sedimentation velocity of the ribonucleotide reductase in a manner similar to ATP. These data are consistent with the allosteric effects seen with the nucleoside 5'-triphosphates. Additionally, from the thorough study of the role of effectors on UDP reduction, it is clear that UDP reduction was most sensitive to the negative effectors dATP, dADP, dTTP, dTDP, dGTP, and dGDP.  相似文献   

An allosteric ribozyme that requires two different effectors to induce catalysis was created using modular rational design. This ribozyme construct comprises five conjoined RNA modules that operate in concert as an obligate FMN- and theophylline-dependent molecular switch. When both effectors are present, this 'binary' RNA switch self-cleaves with a rate enhancement of approximately 300-fold over the rate observed in the absence of effectors. Kinetic and structural studies implicate a switching mechanism wherein FMN binding induces formation of the active ribozyme conformation. However, the binding site for FMN is rendered inactive unless theophylline first binds to its corresponding site and reorganizes the RNA structure. This example of cooperative binding between allosteric effectors reveals a level of structural and functional complexity for RNA that is similar to that observed with allosteric proteins.  相似文献   

Kashlan OB  Cooperman BS 《Biochemistry》2003,42(6):1696-1706
Reduction of NDPs by murine ribonucleotide reductase (mRR) requires catalytic (mR1) and free radical-containing (mR2) subunits and is regulated by nucleoside triphosphate allosteric effectors. Here we present the results of several studies that refine the recently presented comprehensive model for the allosteric control of mRR enzymatic activity [Kashlan, O. B., et al. (2002) Biochemistry 41, 462-474], in which nucleotide binding to the specificity site (s-site) drives formation of an active R1(2)R2(2) dimer, ATP or dATP binding to the adenine site (a-site) drives formation of a tetramer, mR1(4a), which isomerizes to an inactive form, mR1(4b), and ATP binding to the hexamerization site (h-site) drives formation of an active R1(6)R2(6) hexamer. Analysis of the a-site D57N variant of mR1, which differs from wild-type mR1 (wt-mR1) in that its RR activity is activated by both ATP and dATP, demonstrates that dATP activation of the D57N variant RR arises from a blockage in the formation of mR1(4b) from mR1(4a), and provides strong evidence that mR1(4a) forms active complexes with mR2(2). We further demonstrate that (a) differences in the effects of ATP versus dATP binding to the a-site of wt-mR1 provide specific mechanisms by which the dATP/ATP ratio in mammalian cells could modulate in vivo RR enzymatic activity, (b) the comprehensive model is valid over a range of Mg(2+) concentrations that include in vivo concentrations, and (c) equilibrium constants derived for the comprehensive model can be used to simulate the distribution of R1 among dimer, tetramer, and hexamer forms in vivo. Such simulations indicate that mR1(6) predominates over mR1(2) in the cytoplasm of normal mammalian cells, where the great majority of RR activity is located, but that mR1(2) may be important for nuclear RR activity and for RR activity in cells in which the level of ATP is depleted.  相似文献   

L N Johnson 《FASEB journal》1992,6(6):2274-2282
Structural studies of muscle glycogen phosphorylase during the last two decades have provided a detailed mechanism for the molecular basis of the control by phosphorylation and by allosteric effectors and the catalytic mechanism. Control by phosphorylation is effected by a disorder to order transition of the NH2-terminal residues that promotes localized changes in the structure of the protein at the region of subunit-subunit contacts and larger changes in the quaternary structure. The covalently attached phosphate group acts like an allosteric effector but the full manifestation of the response is also dependent on the NH2-terminal tail residues. The noncovalently bound allosteric effectors produce similar shifts in the structural states although these are bound at sites that are remote from the serine-phosphate site. The communication from these sites to the catalytic site is through long-range interactions that result in activation of the enzyme through opening access to the buried catalytic site and through creation of the substrate phosphate recognition site by an interchange of an acidic group with a basic group. Recent advances in expression systems have opened the way to a study of properties both for the muscle and other isozymes and other species that should illuminate the different regulatory roles of the enzyme in different tissues and organisms. The allosteric mechanism of activation of phosphorylase by phosphorylation may be relevant to other enzymes although it is now known that other mechanisms such as electrostatic steric blocking mechanisms also exist.  相似文献   

Ribonucleotide reductase from Ehrlich tumor cells moves as a 9 S particle in sucrose gradient centrifugation. In the presence of ATP or dATP, but not dGTP, there is a loss of enzyme activity in the 9 S region. When a fraction from the 6 S region of the gradient or the reductase component not bound by blue-dextran Sepharose or ATP-agarose columns, is added to each gradient fraction, essentially full activity can be recovered, the major portion of which is in the 16–18 S region. The reductase subunit which is bound by blue-dextran Sepharose moves as a 6.5 S particle but ATP shifts this component to 16–18 S. These results indicate that ATP or dATP causes association of the nucleoside triphosphate-binding subunit and dissociation of the remainder of the enzyme from this aggregate.  相似文献   

Here we examine the enantioselectivity of the allosteric and substrate binding sites of murine ribonucleotide reductase (mRR). L-ADP binds to the active site and L-ATP binds to both the s- and a-allosteric sites of mR1 with affinities that are only three- to 10-fold weaker than the values for the corresponding D-enantiomers. These results demonstrate the potential of L-nucleotides for interacting with and modulating the activity of mRR, a cancer chemotherapeutic and antiviral target. On the other hand, we detect no substrate activity for L-ADP and no inhibitory activity for N3-L-dUDP, demonstrating the greater stereochemical stringency at the active site with respect to catalytic activity.  相似文献   

Ribonucleotide reductase activity is strongly regulated by nucleoside 5'-triphosphates acting as positive and negative effectors. With the use of dGTP analogs, araGTP and dITP, it was found that the structural requirements of dGTP to serve as a positive effector of ADP reductase were not the same as the requirements for dGTP to serve as a negative effector of CDP and ADP reductase activities. The dTTP analogs methylenedTTP and dideoxyTTP also gave different responses in terms of activating GDP reductase activity and inhibiting CDP and ADP reductase activities. Etheno-ATP and etheno-dATP were inactive as positive and negative effectors, respectively, of CDP reductase activity. DideoxyATP was less active than dATP as a negative effector. Formycin ATP was a very poor substitute for ATP as a positive effector of CDP reductase. These studies indicate that the effector sites are very specific in terms of binding nucleoside triphosphates as positive or negative modulators of ribonucleotide reductase activity.  相似文献   

Ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) is the enzyme critically responsible for the production of the 5'-deoxynucleoside-triphosphates (dNTPs), the direct precursors for DNA synthesis. The dNTP levels are tightly controlled to permit high efficiency and fidelity of DNA synthesis. Much of this control occurs at the level of the RNR by feedback processes, but a detailed understanding of these mechanisms is still lacking. Using a genetic approach in the bacterium Escherichia coli, a paradigm for the class Ia RNRs, we isolated 23 novel RNR mutants displaying elevated mutation rates along with altered dNTP levels. The responsible amino-acid substitutions in RNR reside in three different regions: (i) the (d)ATP-binding activity domain, (ii) a novel region in the small subunit adjacent to the activity domain, and (iii) the dNTP-binding specificity site, several of which are associated with different dNTP pool alterations and different mutational outcomes. These mutants provide new insight into the precise mechanisms by which RNR is regulated and how dNTP pool disturbances resulting from defects in RNR can lead to increased mutation.  相似文献   

The complex of Lactobacillus casei dihydrofolate reductase with the substrate folate and the coenzyme NADP+ has been shown to exist in solution as a mixture of three slowly interconverting conformations whose proportions are pH-dependent and which differ in the orientation of the pteridine ring of the substrate in the binding site. The Asp26----Asn mutant of L. casei dihydrofolate reductase has been prepared by oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis and studied by one- and two-dimensional 1H-NMR spectroscopy. NMR studies of the mutant enzyme--folate--NADP+ complex show that this exists to greater than 90% in a single conformation over the pH* range 5-7.1. The single conformation observed corresponds to conformation I (the 'methotrexate-like' conformation) of the wild-type enzyme--folate--NADP+ complex. These observations demonstrate that Asp26 is the ionizable group controlling the pH-dependence of the conformational equilibrium seen in the wild-type enzyme.  相似文献   

1. The extent of the allosteric transition from the R into the T conformation of rabbit skeletal muscle phosphofructokinase induced by Mg2+-1,N6-etheno-ATP was determined by stopped-flow fluorimetry from the amplitude of the slow phase of the Mg2+-1,N6-etheno-ATP fluorescence enhancement [Roberts & Kellet (1979) Biochem. J. 183, 349--360]. 2. The amplitude of the slow phase was decreased by low concentrations of the activators cyclic AMP and fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, but increased in a complex manner by the inhibitor citrate. 3. Mg2+-1,N6-etheno-ATP and Mg2+-ATP are unable to induce the T conformation to a detectable extent in the presence of saturating cyclic AMP, but can do so readily in the presence of saturating fructose 1,6-bisphosphate. 4. The conformational transitions induced in enzyme alone by different ligands were observed by changes in intrinsic protein fluorescence. In general, an R-type conformation has diminished protein fluorescence compared with a T-type conformation. 5. Mg2+-ATP exerts a complex effect on protein fluorescence; both the enhancement at low concentrations and the quenching at high concentrations of Mg2+-ATP result from the binding of Mg2+-ATP to the inhibitory site and the ensuing allosteric transition. Enhancement reflects the extent of the allosteric transition and involves both tyrosine and tryptophan, probably in the region of the active site; quenching reflects occupation of the inhibitory site and involves tyrosine at the inhibitory site. 6. The mechanism of the allosteric transition from the R into the T conformation induced by Mg2+-1,N6-etheno-ATP at low concentrations occurs predominantly by a 'prior-isomerization' pathway; at higher concentrations a limited contribution from a 'substrate-guided' pathway occurs. 7. The allosteric behaviour of phosphofructokinase with respect to Mg2+-ATP and Mg2+-1,N6-ethenol-ATP binding may be accounted for in terms of the simple, concerted model.  相似文献   

G Le Bras  J R Garel 《Biochemistry》1982,21(26):6656-6660
Limited proteolysis of Escherichia coli phosphofructokinase by subtilisin yields a homogeneous derivative. This proteolyzed protein is composed of four polypeptide chains, with a molecular weight of 32 000 as compared to 37 000 for the original enzyme. Removal on each chain of about 5 kdaltons maintains the enzymatic activity and does not change the apparent affinity for the substrates ATP and fructose 6-phosphate. Limited proteolysis, however, affects the cooperativity of fructose 6-phosphate binding: the Hill coefficient is reduced from almost 4 in the native enzyme to only 2 in its proteolyzed derivative. Also, the proteolyzed protein is no longer sensitive to allosteric effectors, activator, or inhibitor. These changes in regulatory properties upon proteolysis are apparently due to the destruction of the effector binding site. The allosteric effector GDP protects phospho-fructokinase against proteolysis and irreversible thermal inactivation; GDP is, however, inefficient in protecting the proteolyzed protein against thermal denaturation. These results suggest that phosphofructokinase may function as a dimer of dimers, in which homotropic and heterotropic allosteric effects are not mediated by the same sets of quaternary interactions.  相似文献   

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