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Consolidated memory can re-enter states of transient instability following reactivation, which is referred to as reconsolidation, and the exact molecular mechanisms underlying this process remain unexplored. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) plays a critical role in synaptic plasticity and memory processes. We have recently observed that BDNF signaling in the central nuclei of the amygdala (CeA) and insular cortex (IC) was involved in the consolidation of conditioned taste aversion (CTA) memory. However, whether BDNF in the CeA or IC is required for memory reconsolidation is still unclear. In the present study, using a CTA memory paradigm, we observed increased BDNF expression in the IC but not in the CeA during CTA reconsolidation. We further determined that BDNF synthesis and signaling in the IC but not in the CeA was required for memory reconsolidation. The differential, spatial-specific roles of BDNF in memory consolidation and reconsolidation suggest that dissociative molecular mechanisms underlie reconsolidation and consolidation, which might provide novel targets for manipulating newly encoded and reactivated memories without causing universal amnesia.  相似文献   

The most distinctive attribute of long-term memory is persistence over time. New studies have uncovered many aspects of the molecular and cellular biology of synaptic plasticity, and the acquisition and consolidation of memory, which are thought to depend on synaptic plasticity. Much less, however, is known about the molecular and cellular biology of long-term memory persistence. Recent findings in the field are construed within the conceptual framework that proposes that consolidation and persistence of long-term memories require modulation of gene expression, which can culminate in synaptic remodeling. Whether modulation of gene expression, and particularly the ensuing morphological plasticity of the synapse, is permissive, causal or sufficient for the materialization and persistence of the long-term trace is, as yet, undetermined. How persistent is persistence? Renewed interest is focused on the possibility that some long-term memories consolidate anew with retrieval, and could, under certain conditions, become transiently shaky in this period of reconsolidation.  相似文献   

A new memory is initially labile and becomes stabilized through a process of consolidation, which depends on gene expression. Stable memories, however, can again become labile if reactivated by recall and require another phase of protein synthesis in order to be maintained. This process is known as reconsolidation. The functional significance of the labile phase of reconsolidation is unknown; one hypothesis proposes that it is required to link new information with reactivated memories. Reconsolidation is distinct from the initial consolidation, and one distinction is that the requirement for specific proteins or general protein synthesis during the two processes occurs in different brain areas. Here, we identified an anatomically distinctive molecular requirement that doubly dissociates consolidation from reconsolidation of an inhibitory avoidance memory. We then used this requirement to investigate whether reconsolidation and consolidation are involved in linking new information with reactivated memories. In contrast to what the hypothesis predicted, we found that reconsolidation does not contribute to the formation of an association between new and reactivated information. Instead, it recruits mechanisms similar to those underlying consolidation of a new memory. Thus, linking new information to a reactivated memory is mediated by consolidation and not reconsolidation mechanisms.  相似文献   

Systems memory consolidation involves the transfer of memories across brain regions and the transformation of memory content. For example, declarative memories that transiently depend on the hippocampal formation are transformed into long-term memory traces in neocortical networks, and procedural memories are transformed within cortico-striatal networks. These consolidation processes are thought to rely on replay and repetition of recently acquired memories, but the cellular and network mechanisms that mediate the changes of memories are poorly understood. Here, we suggest that systems memory consolidation could arise from Hebbian plasticity in networks with parallel synaptic pathways—two ubiquitous features of neural circuits in the brain. We explore this hypothesis in the context of hippocampus-dependent memories. Using computational models and mathematical analyses, we illustrate how memories are transferred across circuits and discuss why their representations could change. The analyses suggest that Hebbian plasticity mediates consolidation by transferring a linear approximation of a previously acquired memory into a parallel pathway. Our modelling results are further in quantitative agreement with lesion studies in rodents. Moreover, a hierarchical iteration of the mechanism yields power-law forgetting—as observed in psychophysical studies in humans. The predicted circuit mechanism thus bridges spatial scales from single cells to cortical areas and time scales from milliseconds to years.  相似文献   

Arc/Arg3.1 is robustly induced by plasticity-producing stimulation and specifically targeted to stimulated synaptic areas. To investigate the role of Arc/Arg3.1 in synaptic plasticity and learning and memory, we generated Arc/Arg3.1 knockout mice. These animals fail to form long-lasting memories for implicit and explicit learning tasks, despite intact short-term memory. Moreover, they exhibit a biphasic alteration of hippocampal long-term potentiation in the dentate gyrus and area CA1 with an enhanced early and absent late phase. In addition, long-term depression is significantly impaired. Together, these results demonstrate a critical role for Arc/Arg3.1 in the consolidation of enduring synaptic plasticity and memory storage.  相似文献   

Cellular and molecular studies of both implicit and explicit memory suggest that experience-dependent modulation of synaptic strength and structure is a fundamental mechanism by which these memories are encoded and stored within the brain. In this review, we focus on recent advances in our understanding of two types of memory storage: (i) sensitization in Aplysia, a simple form of implicit memory, and (ii) formation of explicit spatial memories in the mouse hippocampus. These two processes share common molecular mechanisms that have been highly conserved through evolution.  相似文献   

Hong I  Kim J  Lee J  Park S  Song B  Kim J  An B  Park K  Lee HW  Lee S  Kim H  Park SH  Eom KD  Lee S  Choi S 《PloS one》2011,6(9):e24260
It is generally believed that after memory consolidation, memory-encoding synaptic circuits are persistently modified and become less plastic. This, however, may hinder the remaining capacity of information storage in a given neural circuit. Here we consider the hypothesis that memory-encoding synaptic circuits still retain reversible plasticity even after memory consolidation. To test this, we employed a protocol of auditory fear conditioning which recruited the vast majority of the thalamic input synaptic circuit to the lateral amygdala (T-LA synaptic circuit; a storage site for fear memory) with fear conditioning-induced synaptic plasticity. Subsequently the fear memory-encoding synaptic circuits were challenged with fear extinction and re-conditioning to determine whether these circuits exhibit reversible plasticity. We found that fear memory-encoding T-LA synaptic circuit exhibited dynamic efficacy changes in tight correlation with fear memory strength even after fear memory consolidation. Initial conditioning or re-conditioning brought T-LA synaptic circuit near the ceiling of their modification range (occluding LTP and enhancing depotentiation in brain slices prepared from conditioned or re-conditioned rats), while extinction reversed this change (reinstating LTP and occluding depotentiation in brain slices prepared from extinguished rats). Consistently, fear conditioning-induced synaptic potentiation at T-LA synapses was functionally reversed by extinction and reinstated by subsequent re-conditioning. These results suggest reversible plasticity of fear memory-encoding circuits even after fear memory consolidation. This reversible plasticity of memory-encoding synapses may be involved in updating the contents of original memory even after memory consolidation.  相似文献   

Extinction describes the process of attenuating behavioral responses to neutral stimuli when they no longer provide the reinforcement that has been maintaining the behavior. There is close correspondence between fear and human anxiety, and therefore studies of extinction learning might provide insight into the biological nature of anxiety-related disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder, and they might help to develop strategies to treat them. Preclinical research aims to aid extinction learning and to induce targeted plasticity in extinction circuits to consolidate the newly formed memory. Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) is a powerful approach that provides tight temporal and circuit-specific release of neurotransmitters, resulting in modulation of neuronal networks engaged in an ongoing task. VNS enhances memory consolidation in both rats and humans, and pairing VNS with exposure to conditioned cues enhances the consolidation of extinction learning in rats. Here, we provide a detailed protocol for the preparation of custom-made parts and the surgical procedures required for VNS in rats. Using this protocol we show how VNS can facilitate the extinction of conditioned fear responses in an auditory fear conditioning task. In addition, we provide evidence that VNS modulates synaptic plasticity in the pathway between the infralimbic (IL) medial prefrontal cortex and the basolateral complex of the amygdala (BLA), which is involved in the expression and modulation of extinction memory.  相似文献   

The intracellular mechanisms underlying memory reconsolidation critically involve cAMP signaling. These events were originally attributed to PKA activation by cAMP, but the identification of Exchange Protein Activated by cAMP (Epac), as a distinct mediator of cAMP signaling, suggests that cAMP-regulated processes that subserve memory reconsolidation are more complex. Here we investigated how activation of Epac with 8-pCPT-cAMP (8-CPT) impacts reconsolidation of a memory that had been associated with cocaine self-administration. Rats were trained to lever press for cocaine on an FR-1 schedule, in which each cocaine delivery was paired with a tone+light cue. Lever pressing was then extinguished in the absence of cue presentations and cocaine delivery. Following the last day of extinction, rats were put in a novel context, in which the conditioned cue was presented to reactivate the cocaine-associated memory. Immediate bilateral infusions of 8-CPT into the basolateral amygdala (BLA) following reactivation disrupted subsequent cue-induced reinstatement in a dose-dependent manner, and modestly reduced responding for conditioned reinforcement. When 8-CPT infusions were delayed for 3 hours after the cue reactivation session or were given after a cue extinction session, no effect on cue-induced reinstatement was observed. Co-administration of 8-CPT and the PKA activator 6-Bnz-cAMP (10 nmol/side) rescued memory reconsolidation while 6-Bnz alone had no effect, suggesting an antagonizing interaction between the two cAMP signaling substrates. Taken together, these studies suggest that activation of Epac represents a parallel cAMP-dependent pathway that can inhibit reconsolidation of cocaine-cue memories and reduce the ability of the cue to produce reinstatement of cocaine-seeking behavior.  相似文献   

药物成瘾者戒断后的持久复吸是治疗药物成瘾的难点.成瘾者出现持续复吸的重要原因是由于成瘾记忆的长期存在.成瘾物质的长期反复使用导致前额叶-边缘多巴胺系统结构和功能的适应性改变,这种改变是成瘾记忆形成的神经基础.本文从学习记忆的角度来理解成瘾形成,介绍了成瘾记忆的初始形成阶段、习惯化阶段和成瘾行为维持阶段及其相应的神经基础.回顾了近年来成瘾记忆的临床干预方法,包括消退干预方法、增强消退干预的多情境干预方法,以及直接干预消除成瘾记忆的记忆再巩固干预方法,并总结了虚拟现实、神经调控技术在成瘾记忆干预中的应用.对记忆再巩固干预方法与虚拟现实、神经调控技术相结合干预成瘾记忆进行展望,为药物成瘾的临床干预和治疗提供了新方法、新思路.  相似文献   

Long-term memories are likely stored in the synaptic weights of neuronal networks in the brain. The storage capacity of such networks depends on the degree of plasticity of their synapses. Highly plastic synapses allow for strong memories, but these are quickly overwritten. On the other hand, less labile synapses result in long-lasting but weak memories. Here we show that the trade-off between memory strength and memory lifetime can be overcome by partitioning the memory system into multiple regions characterized by different levels of synaptic plasticity and transferring memory information from the more to less plastic region. The improvement in memory lifetime is proportional to the number of memory regions, and the initial memory strength can be orders of magnitude larger than in a non-partitioned memory system. This model provides a fundamental computational reason for memory consolidation processes at the systems level.  相似文献   

Hunter P 《EMBO reports》2011,12(11):1106-1108
New research reveals that long-term memory is not entirely stable and can be modified or potentially erased. These insights open new therapeutic possibilities for a range of memory-related diseases and disorders.There are many popular ideas about human memory serving as the repository of experiences etched into the substance of our brains until they are wiped out through death or disease. As the British writer Oscar Wilde put it, “Memory [...] is the diary that we all carry about with us.” And even if we sometimes cannot remember a particular event or person, we rarely doubt our memories. Friedrich Nietzsche, the German philosopher, placed great faith in memory, noting that, “The existence of forgetting has never been proved: we only know that some things don''t come to mind when we want them.”Despite these popular notions of infallible human memories, our understanding of how long-term memory works has changed dramatically during the past decade: it seems that our memories are not as permanent as we once thought. This has profound implications for both neuroscience and for treating a range of cognitive disorders including PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), drug addiction, chronic pain and even possibly Alzheimer disease....it seems that our memories are not as permanent as we once thoughtFor a long time, neurologists and psychiatrists had assumed that after an initial period of consolidation, during which memories are liable to change or be erased, memories eventually become enshrined and immune to alteration. But since 2000, this memory consolidation theory has gradually been replaced by a new one called reconsolidation, which posits that long-term memories can, at least in some circumstances, be changed. On activation or recall, the memory of an object or event enters an update process during which it can be strengthened, weakened or modified, just as short-term memories can be during the initial consolidation phase. The new reconsolidation theory has created great excitement among cognitive disorder researchers and practitioners. As many disorders are associated with some form of long-term memory malfunction or impairment, a reliable method that can reactivate and amend these memories would have great potential as a treatment; indeed a number of clinical trials to treat PTSD are currently testing this new understanding of memories.As many disorders are associated with some form of long-term memory malfunction or impairment, a reliable method that can reactivate and amend these memories would have great potential as a treatment...As happens so often in science, reconsolidation is actually an old idea that has been reincarnated. The theory first emerged in the 1960s when neurologists found that fear memories in rats could be greatly weakened if they were reactivated on recall (Misanin et al, 1968). Before then, it had been assumed that retrograde amnesia—the inability to access memories formed during or just before a traumatic event or illness—worked backwards in time to affect recently acquired memories. Retrograde amnesia also occurs in humans as a result of head injuries or, sometimes, extreme trauma. The experiments in rats, however, showed that even older memories might be vulnerable if they were in an active state of recall at the time of the trauma, but interest in the research waned because of the lack of any neurological or molecular basis for the theory. This all changed with the publication of a seminal paper in 2000 by Karim Nader at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, who demonstrated the reconsolidation of a fear memory in the lateral amygdala (Nader et al, 2000). This walnut-sized region in the medial temporal lobe of the brain has a key role in emotional memory in that it orchestrates the production of hormones or neurotransmitters such as dopamine, noradrenaline and adrenaline.Various forms of extinction training have long been applied to some disorders, notably PTSD...The work by Nader and Joseph LeDoux at New York University, USA, heralded the beginning of a unification between the previously largely distinct fields of neuroscience and cognitive psychology. Neuroscience had been driven chiefly by animal research to identify the underlying molecular, genetic and neurochemical basis of behaviour, emotion and memory. Cognitive psychology had been based almost entirely on behavioural experiments in humans. This unification process is still in its infancy, but advances in imaging techniques, particularly functional magnetic resonance imaging, promises to combine behavioural experiments in humans with observing changes in brain activity. According to Valérie Doyère, from the Centre of Neurosciences at Paris-Sud University in France, it will help resolve questions about how different regions of the brain interact during memory recall and reconsolidation. “I think the next step is to do neural imaging, as this would help detect at which step in the network the system has been modified or blocked,” Doyère, a pioneer of reconsolidation theory and collaborator of LeDoux and Nader, explained. “That is difficult to know unless you do have some way of analysing the neural network activity to try and see what you update and where.”Even without this insight, a lot of progress has been made in linking molecular events at the neuron level with the reconsolidation process—at least in animals. The starting point was the discovery by Nader and colleagues that reconsolidation in rats involved protein synthesis. They noted from other work that the initial consolidation of fear memories in rats could be inhibited by infusion of the protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin into the amygdala, shortly after fear training. Such training typically involves traditional methods first used by the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov (1849–1936) in which an animal is given a so-called conditional stimulus (CS), such as a particular sound, followed shortly by an unconditional stimulus (US), such as an electric shock. The animal learns to associate the two so that exposure to the sound triggers fear: it begins with the activation of the amygdala, which is followed by a signalling cascade that leads to elevated heart and respiratory rates, with an associated increase in glucose production in preparation for the ''fight or flight'' response. The administration of anisomycin shortly after this training process blocks consolidation and prevents the animal from associating the CS signal with the US response.Similarly, Nader found that if the rats were exposed to the CS some days after the initial conditioning, to recall the association between the sound and the electric shock, anisomycin blocked reconsolidation and generated amnesia: the rats ''forgot'' the association between CS and US and had a greatly reduced fear response on exposure to the CS. Nader argued that this must mean the reconsolidation of the memory had been interrupted, because if the rats were given anisomycin after the initial training, but without exposure to the CS sound, they retained their fear conditioning. This link between memory reconsolidation and protein synthesis has also been demonstrated in other animals, including primitive invertebrates such as worms, suggesting that this is an evolutionarily conserved adaptation (Rose & Rankin, 2006).Attempts to observe this link between reconsolidation and protein synthesis in humans, however, have remained elusive. “We can''t test whether the mechanisms in humans are mediated by protein synthesis because those drugs would not be approved for human use,” Nader said. “Usually, rodent preps are used to understand the molecular mechanisms, and these seem to generalize to humans.”Indeed, Nader argues that evidence for reconsolidation in humans is now very strong in the light of recent work by LeDoux, demonstrating that the principles of fear extinction training in rats could be applied to humans to weaken the association between a CS trigger and memory of the US (Schiller et al, 2010). Human participants were shown an object and then given a mild electric shock in classical Pavlovian conditioning—the authors tested for the presence of the fear memory by measuring the change in skin electrical conductance in response to seeing the object. Once this fear memory was established, the authors reminded the participants of the object a day later to initiate the reconsolidation process, but then provided information that the same object was now ''safe''—this being called ''extinction training''. A day later, the participants were tested again to see whether the object elicited a fear response.The key point is that extinction training had to be conducted within the reconsolidation window, when the memory was temporarily unstable, to eliminate the fear response. The researchers also showed that rewriting the fear memory was specific to the CS object that was reactivated. If participants had been conditioned to associate several different objects with fear, then extinction training would only work on the specific object used during the training. Participants would continue to associate the other objects with fear, indicating that extinction training is selective.Various forms of extinction training have long been applied to some disorders, notably PTSD—an anxiety disorder that occurs in the aftermath of exposure to a traumatic experience involving death or the threat of death. The victim ingests a trauma memory that is emotionally overwhelming and cannot be resolved in the normal way, often intruding spontaneously into consciousness with a continued state of hypervigilance. The idea of extinction training is to force sufferers to actively recall memories frequently, but success has so far been mixed.The ability to stimulate memory could inspire new treatments for sufferers from memory loss...Although anisomycin cannot be given to PTSD sufferers to edit long-term memories, propranolol is an alternative. It has already been approved to treat hypertension as a so-called beta blocker that blocks the beta andrenergic receptor and diminishes the effect of stress hormones. Having been largely replaced by other drugs for treating high blood pressure, interest in propranolol was revived by its potential for treating PTSD in association with psychotherapy (Brunet et al, 2007). It also triggered research into the role of beta adrenergic receptors in PTSD, notably by Jacek Debiec and colleagues at New York University, who found that adrenergic signalling in the amygdala is involved in the memory consolidation process (Debiec et al, 2011).Drugs such as propranolol seem to suppress memory reconsolidation and thereby weaken the emotions associated with trauma memories. This is the theory, and early evidence of success has attracted significant interest in the USA, where PTSD is a particular problem given the country''s longstanding involvement in armed conflicts and the resulting large number of former soldiers suffering from the syndrome.The US Department of Defense''s standard treatment for PTSD has been cognitive behavioural therapy, in which individuals learn to identify thoughts that make them feel afraid or upset and then try to replace them with less distressing thoughts. But the potential of propanolol to replace or enhance cognitive behavioural therapy has prompted the US National Institutes of Health to conduct a phase II clinical trial, for which it is currently recruiting volunteers.The urgency of finding a more complete cure for PTSD has been increased by recent indications that the disorder not only diminishes quality of life for sufferers and their families, but also has serious long-term effects on physical as well as mental health, including premature ageing and a heightened risk of dementia. This link was confirmed by a recent retrospective study of 181,093 US war veterans aged 55 years or older, 53,155 of whom had PTSD (Yaffe et al, 2010). Kristine Yaffe (University of California, San Francisco and the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center) and her colleagues found that veterans with PTSD had a 10.6% risk of developing dementia compared with 6.6% among the general elderly population without PTSD. Although this result was statistically significant given that the study was adjusted for other factors such as demographic variation and psychiatric illnesses, it did not entirely preclude other risk factors. The causes of the higher risk of dementia were related to either the physiological stress on the brain with associated inflammation, or the systemic effect of long-term disruption to memory functioning, or probably a combination of both.The emphasis in treating PTSD and addictive disorders is on weakening aspects of long-term memory, but the emerging reconsolidation theory can equally provide clinical benefits by strengthening connections, as LeDoux pointed out. “Memory reconsolidation is not a process of weakening memory from the evolutionary point of view. It is an update mechanism. It allows memories to be changed when new information is available,” he said. “An extreme example from our work is that fear memory can be increased or decreased, depending on how you activate beta-adrenergic receptors. Block these during retrieval and you get a weakening of memory; stimulate these and you get an enhancement.” As happens so often in science, reconsolidation is actually an old idea that has been reincarnatedThe ability to stimulate memory could inspire new treatments for sufferers from memory loss, according to Doyère. “In the case of a disease like Alzheimer''s, it may be possible to reincorporate some elements and recover memory that has been lost. At least it may be possible to delay some of the symptoms,” she explained. Yet, more work is needed to expand on the emerging theory of reconsolidation, particularly in humans, because human memory recall goes beyond what happens in most animals. “Humans have the knowledge of a memory association and that may reactivate the emotional value,” Doyère commented. In other words, humans can better exploit their associated knowledge of events that they recall either wittingly or possibly in dreams, and this can affect the reconsolidation process. Moreover, there is also the role of sleep and dreaming in long-term memory recall and reconsolidation. In any case, it seems that reconsolidation as a unifying theory has both great therapeutic and scientific potential to explore human memory.  相似文献   

Dudai Y  Eisenberg M 《Neuron》2004,44(1):93-100
Memory consolidation refers to the progressive stabilization of items in long-term memory as well as to the memory phase(s) during which this stabilization takes place. The textbook account is that, for each item in memory, consolidation starts and ends just once. In recent years, however, the notion that memories reconsolidate upon their reactivation and hence regain sensitivity to amnestic agents has been revitalized. This issue is of marked theoretical and clinical interest. Here we review the recent literature on reconsolidation and infer, on the basis of the majority of the data, that blockade of reconsolidation does not induce permanent amnesia. Further, in several systems, reconsolidation occurs only in relatively fresh memories. We propose a framework model, which interprets reconsolidation as a manifestation of lingering consolidation, rather than recapitulation of a process that had already come to a closure. This model reflects on the nature of consolidation in general and makes predictions that could guide further research.  相似文献   

Learning new facts and skills in succession can be frustrating because no sooner has new knowledge been acquired than its retention is being jeopardized by learning another set of skills or facts. Interference between memories has recently provided important new insights into the neural and psychological systems responsible for memory processing. For example, interference not only occurs between the same types of memories, but can also occur between different types of memories, which has important implications for our understanding of memory organization. Converging evidence has begun to reveal that the brain produces interference independently from other aspects of memory processing, which suggests that interference may have an important but previously overlooked function. A memory's initial susceptibility to interference and subsequent resistance to interference after its acquisition has revealed that memories continue to be processed 'off-line' during consolidation. Recent work has demonstrated that off-line processing is not limited to just the stabilization of a memory, which was once the defining characteristic of consolidation; instead, off-line processing can have a rich diversity of effects, from enhancing performance to making hidden rules explicit. Off-line processing also occurs after memory retrieval when memories are destabilized and then subsequently restabalized during reconsolidation. Studies are beginning to reveal the function of reconsolidation, its mechanistic relationship to consolidation and its potential as a therapeutic target for the modification of memories.  相似文献   

Disrupting reconsolidation of drug memories reduces cocaine-seeking behavior   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Lee JL  Di Ciano P  Thomas KL  Everitt BJ 《Neuron》2005,47(6):795-801
Maladaptive memories that associate environmental stimuli with the effects of drugs of abuse are known to be a major cause of relapse to, and persistence of, a drug addictive habit. However, memories may be disrupted after their acquisition and consolidation by impairing their reconsolidation. Here, we show that infusion of Zif268 antisense oligodeoxynucleotides into the basolateral amygdala, prior to the reactivation of a well-learned memory for a conditioned stimulus (CS)-cocaine association, abolishes the acquired conditioned reinforcing properties of the drug-associated stimulus and thus its impact on the learning of a new cocaine-seeking response. Furthermore, we show that reconsolidation of CS-fear memories also requires Zif268 in the amygdala. These results demonstrate that appetitive CS-drug memories undergo reconsolidation in a manner similar to aversive memories and that this amygdala-dependent reconsolidation can be disrupted to reduce the impact of drug cues on drug seeking.  相似文献   

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