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Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (Sm), with most of the isolates being resistant to multidrugs, is an opportunistic bacterium causing nosocomial infections. In this study, a novel virulent Sm phage, Smp14, was characterized. Electron microscopy showed that Smp14 resembled members of Myoviridae and adsorbed to poles of the host cells during infection. It lysed 37 of 87 clinical Sm isolates in spot test, displayed a latent period of ca. 20 min, and had a burst size of ca. 150. Its genome (estimated to be 160 kb by PFGE), containing m4C and two unknown modified bases other than m5C and m6A as identified by HPLC, resisted to digestion with many restriction endonucleases except MseI. These properties indicate that it is a novel Sm phage distinct from the previously reported phiSMA5 which has a genome of 250 kb digestible with various restriction enzymes. Sequencing of a 16 kb region revealed 12 ORFs encoding structural proteins sharing 15-45% identities with the homologues from T4-type phages. SDS-PAGE displayed 20 virion proteins, with the most abundant one being the 39 kDa major capsid protein (gp23), which had the N-terminal 52 amino acids removed. Phylogenetic analysis based on gp23 classified Smp14 into a novel single-membered T4-type subgroup.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate Utilization in Lactobacillus sake   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The ability of Lactobacillus sake to use various carbon sources was investigated. For this purpose we developed a chemically defined medium allowing growth of L. sake and some related lactobacilli. This medium was used to determine growth rates on various carbohydrates and some nutritional requirements of L. sake. Mutants resistant to 2-deoxy-d-glucose (a nonmetabolizable glucose analog) were isolated. One mutant unable to grow on mannose and one mutant deficient in growth on mannose, fructose, and sucrose were studied by determining growth characteristics and carbohydrate uptake and phosphorylation rates. We show here that sucrose, fructose, mannose, N-acetylglucosamine, and glucose are transported and phosphorylated by the phosphoenolpyruvate:carbohydrate phosphotransferase system (PTS). The PTS permease specific for mannose, enzyme II(supMan), was shown to be responsible for mannose, glucose, and N-acetylglucosamine transport. A second, non-PTS system, which was responsible for glucose transport, was demonstrated. Subsequent glucose metabolism involved an ATP-dependent phosphorylation. Ribose and gluconate were transported by PTS-independent permeases.  相似文献   

Abstract The lactose metabolism was investigated in five strains of Lactobacillus curvatus and 14 strains of L. sake isolated from meat or meat-derived products. Strains with the ability to ferment lactose were found in both species. They exhibited either phospho-β-galactosidase (P-β-gal) or β-galactosidase (β-gal) activity, or both. P-β-gal activity of L. curvatus and L. sake was induced and detected only in the presence of lactose or galactose. Furthermore, catabolite repression by glucose was demonstrated. The immunological properties of the P-β-gal enzymes of these organisms resemble those of Lactococcus lactis . Several strains of L. sake but none of L. curvatus exhibited β-gal activity which was constitutive. In hybridisation experiments, the β-gal genes of L. sake and L. casei ATCC393 showed over 60% DNA-homology. The presence of β-gal genes in L. sake was demonstrated in both β-gal-producing and non-producing strains. This observations is consistent with a genetic potential of lactic acid bacteria exceeding their physiological capabilities.  相似文献   

Two different bacteriophages, FE5-B1 and Z63-B1, active against strains of Lactobacillus fermentum were isolated from a sample of sour dough of a regional wheat bread. They showed different host specificities when tested against 58 strains of obligately heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria, as well as differences in adsorption and one-step growth kinetics. The burst size of FE5-B1 was about 100 pfu cell−1. This phage belonged to the A1 morphotype of Myoviridae family, having an icosahedral head (83 nm diam.) and a sheathed contractile tail (170 nm in length). The phage consisted of five major structural proteins and had a genome of 86 kbp. Z63-B1 showed a burst size of 10 pfu cell−1 and belonged to the B1 morphotype or Siphoviridae family. Z63-B1 had an isometric head (60 nm diam.) and a non-contractile tail (160 nm in length), with eight major different structural proteins and a genome of 32 kbp.  相似文献   

Lipoteichoic acids (LTAs) were purified from Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis ATCC 15808 and its LL-H adsorption-resistant mutant, Ads-5, by hydrophobic interaction chromatography. L. delbrueckii phages (LL-H, the LL-H host range mutant, and JCL1032) were inactivated by these poly(glycerophosphate) type of LTAs in vitro in accordance to their adsorption to intact ATCC 15808 and Ads-5 cells.  相似文献   

A novel exopolysaccharide (EPS) produced by Lactobacillus sake 0-1 (CBS 532.92) has been isolated and characterized. When the strain was grown on glucose, the produced EPS contained glucose and rhamnose in a molar ratio of 3:2 and the average molecular mass distribution (M(infm)) was determined at 6 x 10(sup6) Da. At a concentration of 1%, the 0-1 EPS had better viscosifying properties than xanthan gum when measured over a range of shear rates from 0 to 300 s(sup-1), while shear-thinning properties were comparable. Rheological data and anion-exchange chromatography suggested the presence of a negatively charged group in the EPS. Physiological parameters for optimal production of EPS were determined in batch fermentation experiments. Maximum EPS production was 1.40 g (middot) liter(sup-1), which was obtained when L. sake 0-1 had been grown anaerobically at 20(deg)C and pH 5.8. When cultured at lower temperatures, the EPS production per gram of biomass increased from 600 mg at 20(deg)C to 700 mg at 10(deg)C but the growth rate in the exponential phase decreased from 0.16 to 0.03 g (middot) liter(sup-1) (middot) h(sup-1). EPS production started in the early growth phase and stopped when the culture reached the stationary phase. Growing the 0-1 strain on different energy sources such as glucose, galactose, mannose, fructose, lactose, and sucrose did not alter the composition of the EPS produced.  相似文献   

A dipeptidase was purified from cell extracts of Lactobacillus sake. This compound was a monomer having a molecular weight of 50,000 and a pI of 4.7 and exhibited broad specificity against all dipeptides except those with proline or glycine at the N terminus. The enzyme was inhibited by EDTA or 1,10-phenanthroline but could be reactivated with CoCl2 and MnCl2.  相似文献   

Phage contamination has resulted in abnormal fermentation in silage. We isolated a phage-resistant strain, Lactobacillus plantarum NGRI0101 from silage. The strain carried two plasmids, pLKL (6.8 kb) and pLKS (2.0 kb). By curing and retransformation of the plasmids, we clarified that pLKS has phage resistant activity, characterized as no adsorption inhibition. pLKS has 2,025 bp and three orfs, orfl23, orf132, and orf918. The predicted amino acid sequence of the orf918 product showed high similarity to those of Rep proteins of Pediococcus halophilus plasmid pUCL287 and Lactobacillus acidophilus plasmid pLA103. The replication origin (ori) was upstream from orf918. There was no gene similar to typical phage resistant genes encoded by known plasmids. The phage resistance of L. plantarum NGRI0101 may possibly be due to a plasmid-encoded abortive infection.  相似文献   

A comparably poor growth medium containing 0.1% yeast extract as sole non-defined constituent was developed which allowed good reproducible growth of lactic acid bacteria. Of seven different strains of lactic acid bacteria tested, only Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus sake were found to catalyze stoichiometric conversion of l-malate to l-lactate and CO2 concomitant with growth. The specific growth yield of malate fermentation to lactate at pH 5.0 was 2.0 g and 3.7 g per mol with L. plantarum and L. sake, respectively. Growth in batch cultures depended linearly on the malate concentration provided. Malate was decarboxylated nearly exclusively by the cytoplasmically localized malo-lactic enzyme. No other C4-dicarboxylic acid-decarboxylating enzyme activity could be detected at significant activity in cell-free extracts. In pH-controlled continuous cultures, L. plantarum grew well with glucose as substrate, but not with malate. Addition of lactate to continuous cultures metabolizing glucose or malate decreased cell yields significantly. These results indicate that malo-lactic fermentation by these bacteria can be coupled with energy conservation, and that membrane energetization and ATP synthesis through this metabolic activity are due to malate uptake and/or lactate excretion rather than to an ion-translocating decarboxylase enzyme.  相似文献   

Antibacterial activity of Lactobacillus sake isolated from meat   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
A total of 221 strains of Lactobacillus isolated from meat and meat products were screened for antagonistic activities under conditions that eliminated the effects of organic acids and hydrogen peroxide. Nineteen strains of Lactobacillus sake, three strains of Lactobacillus plantarum, and one strain of Lactobacillus curvatus were shown to inhibit the growth of some other lactobacilli in an agar spot test; and cell-free supernatants from 6 of the 19 strains of L. sake exhibited inhibitory activity against indicator organisms. Comparison of the antimicrobial spectra of the supernatants suggested that the inhibitory compounds were not identical. One of the six strains, L. sake Lb 706, was chosen for further study. The compound excreted by L. sake Lb 706 was active against various lactic acid bacteria and Listeria monocytogenes. Its proteinaceous nature, narrow inhibitory spectrum, and bactericidal mode of action indicated that this substance is a bacteriocin, which we designated sakacin A. Curing experiments with two bacteriocin-producing strains of L. sake resulted in mutants that lacked both bacteriocin activity and immunity to the bacteriocin. Plasmid profile analysis of L. sake Lb 706 and two bacteriocin-negative variants of this strain indicated that a plasmid of about 18 megadaltons may be involved in the formation of bacteriocin and immunity to this antibacterial compound. In mixed culture, the bacteriocin-sensitive organisms were killed after the bacteriocin-producing strain reached maximal cell density, whereas there was no decrease in cell number in the presence of the bacteriocin-negative variant.  相似文献   

A new virulent bacteriophage, termed øRsV, was isolated from a local sewage plant on the facultative phototrophic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides DSM 159 as the host organism. Electron microscopic studies revealed that in general morphology phage øRsV resembles the T-even Escherichia coli phages. The host range of phage øRsV was restricted to strains of R. sphaeroides. E. coli strains B and K 12 were not infected. The phage genome was characterized on the basis of thermal denaturation profiles and restriction analyses indicating that it consists of about 160 kb of double-stranded DNA lacking cohesive ends. The G+C content was determined to be 46.8 mol%.  相似文献   

Arginine catabolism in Lactobacillus sake isolated from meat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lactobacillus sake isolated from meat can hydrolyze arginine via the arginine deiminase pathway. Two enzymes, arginine deiminase and ornithine transcarbamylase, have been revealed by detection of their reaction products, citrulline and ornithine, respectively. The production of citrulline depends on the concentration of glucose in a synthetic medium; it does not occur when the concentration of glucose is 27.5 mM or higher.  相似文献   

Lactobacillus curvatus CECT 904 and Lactobacillus sake CECT 4808 were selected on the basis of their proteolytic activities against synthetic substrates. Further, the effects of whole cells, cell extracts, and a combination of both enzymatic sources on muscle sarcoplasmic proteins were determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography analyses. Strains of both species displayed proteinase activities on five sarcoplasmic proteins. The inoculation of whole cells caused a degradation of peptides, whereas the addition of cell extracts resulted in the generation of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic peptides. This phenomenon was remarkably more pronounced when L. curvatus was involved. Whole cells also consumed a great amount of free amino acids, while the addition of intracellular enzymes contributed to their generation. L. sake accounted for a greater release of free amino acids. In general, cell viability and also proteolytic events were promoted when cell suspensions were provided with cell extracts as an extra source of enzymes.  相似文献   

Antibacterial activity of Lactobacillus sake isolated from meat.   总被引:27,自引:7,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
A total of 221 strains of Lactobacillus isolated from meat and meat products were screened for antagonistic activities under conditions that eliminated the effects of organic acids and hydrogen peroxide. Nineteen strains of Lactobacillus sake, three strains of Lactobacillus plantarum, and one strain of Lactobacillus curvatus were shown to inhibit the growth of some other lactobacilli in an agar spot test; and cell-free supernatants from 6 of the 19 strains of L. sake exhibited inhibitory activity against indicator organisms. Comparison of the antimicrobial spectra of the supernatants suggested that the inhibitory compounds were not identical. One of the six strains, L. sake Lb 706, was chosen for further study. The compound excreted by L. sake Lb 706 was active against various lactic acid bacteria and Listeria monocytogenes. Its proteinaceous nature, narrow inhibitory spectrum, and bactericidal mode of action indicated that this substance is a bacteriocin, which we designated sakacin A. Curing experiments with two bacteriocin-producing strains of L. sake resulted in mutants that lacked both bacteriocin activity and immunity to the bacteriocin. Plasmid profile analysis of L. sake Lb 706 and two bacteriocin-negative variants of this strain indicated that a plasmid of about 18 megadaltons may be involved in the formation of bacteriocin and immunity to this antibacterial compound. In mixed culture, the bacteriocin-sensitive organisms were killed after the bacteriocin-producing strain reached maximal cell density, whereas there was no decrease in cell number in the presence of the bacteriocin-negative variant.  相似文献   

Lactobacillus sake LTH673 is known to produce a bacteriocin called sakacin P. Production of and immunity to sakacin P were found to depend on the presence of a protease-sensitive component that is produced by L. sake LTH673 itself. This component (called inducing factor [IF]) was purified from culture supernatants and shown to be a basic, nonbacteriocin peptide consisting of 19 amino acids, which in principle is capable of forming a highly amphiphilic helical structure. Circular dichroism studies showed that IF indeed could adopt a helical structure, but only in membrane-mimicking environments. Both purified IF and chemically synthesized IF induced expression of the structural gene for sakacin P and concomitant secretion of the gene product. In addition, IF induced its own production and immunity to sakacin P and related bacteriocins. These results indicate that bacteriocin production by L. sake LTH673 is controlled by an autoinduction pathway in which IF may function as a cell density signal.  相似文献   

Myoglobin as an Inhibitor of Exopeptidases from Lactobacillus sake   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The effects of myoglobin on exopeptidases of Lactobacillus sake were determined. Inhibition of the aminopeptidases increased as the myoglobin concentration increased; aminopeptidase 3 was the most affected (90% inhibition). Aminopeptidases 1, 2, and 4 showed similar inhibition levels (around 60%). Myoglobin did not affect tripeptidase activity. Thus, myoglobin could limit amino acid generation in meat systems.  相似文献   

Strains of Enterococcus faecalis and Lactobacillus sake have been found to express lantibiotics with unusual properties. The enterococcal lantibiotic is unusual in that it consists of two dissimilar subunits, both putatively containing modifications consistent with those found in other lantibiotics. The enterococal lantibiotic is also unusual in the number of proteolytic steps involved in secretion signal removal and activation. Moreover, it has been observed to contribute to enterococcal disease in humans and in animal models. Structrural studies of lactocin S, expressed by a strain of L. sake highlight unique properties including the presence of D-alanine within its structure, and a protease putatively responsible for lactocin S secretion signal peptide removal which, itself, lacks a signal or propeptide sequence. Despite the unusual properties of each of these lantibiotics, the operons encoding each, and accompanying auxiliary functions, are collinear suggeting a common ancestry. The accretion of interdigitating DNA sequences between genes encoded within the lactocin S determinant are unique to that determinant, however, and are of unknown function.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2007,42(1):89-92
In order to make full use of soybean stalk produced in large quantity annually in China, a process is proposed for production of lactic acid from soybean stalk hydrolysate with Lactobacillus sake and Lactobacillus casei. Experiments were conducted using the proposed process and experimental results indicate that the potential of 242 mg (g stalk)−1 fermentable sugar is released from hydrolysate through enzymatic saccharication with a saccharication of 51%. The main sugar released from pretreated soybean stalk through enzymatic hydrolysis was a mixture of glucose, xylose and cellobiose at a ratio of 3.9:1.7:1. Fermentation of soybean stalk hydrolysate by L. sake and L. casei yielded the lactic acid conversion of 48% and 56%, respectively, however, lactic acid conversion increased to 71% by co-inoculation of both strains. L. sake and L. casei were able to degrade glucose, but unable to completely assimilate xylose and cellobiose. The proposed process can be used to produce lactic acid from soybean stalk hydrolysate.  相似文献   

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