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Changes in tibial hemodynamics have been studied experimentally after applying a clamp (n=41) and resection of superficial femoral artery (n=22) in 63 adult dogs. It has been revealed with the help ofrheovasography that, in case of blood flow disorders in the superficial femoral artery, anastomoses with deep femoral artery branches contribute to maintenance of blood circulation in tibia, and in this connection the parameters of tibial blood flow may significantly differe from those of circulation in the leg soft tissues. Preservation of intraosseous pressure all along tibial diaphyseal cavity demonstrates a possibility of using its driving force to compensate for the circulatory insufficiency in the leg soft tissues and, moreover, in that part of the bone the environment of which in ischemia is involved.  相似文献   

Blood flow in abdominal aortic aneurysms: pulsatile flow hemodynamics   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Numerical predictions of blood flow patterns and hemodynamic stresses in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAAs) are performed in a two-aneurysm, axisymmetric, rigid wall model using the spectral element method. Physiologically realistic aortic blood flow is simulated under pulsatile conditions for the range of time-averaged Reynolds numbers 50< or =Re(m)< or =300, corresponding to a range of peak Reynolds numbers 262.5< or =Re(peak) < or = 1575. The vortex dynamics induced by pulsatile flow in AAAs is characterized by a sequence of five different flow phases in one period of the flow cycle. Hemodynamic disturbance is evaluated for a modified set of indicator functions, which include wall pressure (p(w)), wall shear stress (tau(w)), and Wall Shear Stress Gradient (WSSG). At peak flow, the highest shear stress and WSSG levels are obtained downstream of both aneurysms, in a pattern similar to that of steady flow. Maximum values of wall shear stresses and wall shear stress gradients obtained at peak flow are evaluated as a function of the time-average Reynolds number resulting in a fourth order polynomial correlation. A comparison between predictions for steady and pulsatile flow is presented, illustrating the importance of considering time-dependent flow for the evaluation of hemodynamic indicators.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to assess the time course of enlargement and gene expression of a collateral vessel that enlarges following occlusion of the femoral artery and to relate these responses to the increases in collateral-dependent blood flow to the calf muscles in vivo. We employed exercise training to stimulate collateral vessel development. Rats were exercise trained or kept sedentary for various times of up to 25 days postbilateral occlusion (n=approximately 9/time point). Collateral blood flow to the calf muscles, determined with microspheres, increased modestly over the first few days to approximately 40 ml.min(-1).100 g(-1) in sedentary animals; the increase continued over time to approximately 80 ml.min(-1).100 g(-1) in the trained animals. Diameters of the isolated collateral vessels increased progressively over time, whereas an increased vessel compliance observed at low pressures was similar across time. These responses were greater in the trained animals. The time course of upregulation of vascular endothelial growth factor and placental growth factor, and particularly endothelial nitric oxide synthase and fms-like tyrosine kinase 1, mRNAs in the isolated collateral vessel implicates these factors as integral to the arteriogenic process. Collateral vessel enlargement and increased compliance at low pressures contribute to the enlarged circuit available for collateral blood flow. However, modulation of the functioning collateral vessel diameter, by smooth muscle tone, must occur to account for the observed increases in collateral blood flow measured in vivo.  相似文献   

We determined the effect of perivascular electromagnetic flow probes (EMF) on pulmonary hemodynamics in acute experiments. In seven dogs placement of the EMF on the main pulmonary artery (MPA) increased pulmonary arterial pulse pressure by 25% (17.8-21.9 cmH2O, P less than 0.005) and mean right ventricular pressure by 12% (23.2-25.9 cmH2O, P less than 0.001) but did not alter heart rate, systemic blood pressure, mean pulmonary arterial pressure, or right ventricular end-diastolic pressure. This response was not abolished by local application of lidocaine to the MPA. In three cats input impedance was calculated from measurements of pressure and flow in the MPA. Impedance was calculated with flow measured using an EMF and ultrasonic volume flow probe (USF), which avoids the constraining effect of the EMF. When flow was measured with an EMF rather than a USF, there was a significant difference in the impedance spectra (P less than 0.001), but it was only apparent in the moduli greater than six harmonics. We conclude that the EMF does affect right ventricular afterload in acute experiments and alters the measured input impedance.  相似文献   

The structure and function of the renal artery ostium flow diverter on the caudal side of the renal branch point were previously reported; in this study, we further evaluate the diverter?s possible functions. The protrusion of this structure into the abdominal aorta suggests that the diverter may preferentially direct blood flow to the renal arteries, and that it may also influence flow patterns and recirculation known to be involved in atherogenesis. Three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of steady and pulsatile blood flow are performed to investigate the influence of diverter size and position, and vascular geometry, on the flow patterns and fluid mechanical forces in the neighborhood of the diverter. CFD results show that the flow diverter does affect the blood distribution; depending on the diverter?s position, the flow to the renal arteries may be increased or reduced. Calculated results also demonstrate the diverter?s effect on the wall shear stress (WSS) distribution, and suggest that the diverter contributes to an atherogenic environment in the abdominal aorta, while being atheroprotective in the renal arteries themselves. These results support previous clinical findings, and suggest directions for further clinical study. The results of this work have direct implications in understanding the physiological significance of the diverter, and its potential role in the pathophysiological development of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

In continuing the investigation of AAA hemodynamics, unsteady flow-induced stresses are presented for pulsatile blood flow through the double-aneurysm model described in Part I. Physiologically realistic aortic blood flow is simulated under pulsatile conditions for the range of time-average Reynolds numbers 50< or =Re(m) < or =300. Hemodynamic disturbance is evaluated for a modified set of indicator functions which include wall pressure (p(w)), wall shear stress (tau(w)), Wall Shear Stress Gradient (WSSG), time-average wall shear stress (tau(w)*), and time-average Wall Shear Stress Gradient WSSG*. At peak flow, the highest shear stress and WSSG levels are obtained at the distal end of both aneurysms, in a pattern similar to that of steady flow. The maximum values of wall shear stresses and wall shear stress gradients are evaluated as a function of the time-average Reynolds number resulting in a fourth order polynomial correlation. A comparison between numerical predictions for steady and pulsatile flow is presented, illustrating the importance of considering time-dependent flow for the evaluation of hemodynamic indicators.  相似文献   

Innervation plays an important role in development and remodeling of blood vessels. However, very little is known whether innervation is involved in arteriogenesis. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that innervation may contribute to the process of arteriogenesis induced by ligature of femoral artery in rat/rabbit hind limb with or without denervation. We found that: (1) angiography showed more collateral vessels in the ligature side than that in ligature plus denervation side; (2) collateral vessels in denervation side was characterized by an inward remodeling; (3) in both collateral vessels (CVs) from only femoral ligature side as well as the ligature plus denervation side, ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 expression was up-regulated but increased VCAM-1 was more evident in the adventitia of collateral vessels of only femoral ligature side; (4) 7 days after surgery, in CVs from the femoral ligature side only, numerous macrophages (RAM11 positive cells) and high cell proliferation ratio (ki67 positive cells) were detected, but they were less in the denervation side. In conclusion, our data demonstrate for the first time that neural regulation is one of the factors that contributes to collateral vessel growth in rat/rabbit hind limb ischemic model by showing collateral vessel growth induced by femoral artery ligature is impaired by denervation.  相似文献   

Numerical predictions of blood flow patterns and hemodynamic stresses in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAAs) are performed in a two-aneurysm, axisymmetric, rigid wall model using the spectral element method. Homogeneous, Newtonian blood flow is simulated under steady conditions for the range of Reynolds numbers 10 < or =Re < or =2265. Flow hemodynamics are quantified by calculating the distributions of wall pressure (p(w)), wall shear stress (tau(w)), Wall Shear Stress Gradient (WSSG). A correlation between maximum values of hemodynamic stresses and Reynolds number is established, and the spatial distribution of WSSG is considered as a hemodynamic force that may cause damage to the arterial wall at an intermediate stage of AAA growth. The temporal distribution of hemodynamic stresses in pulsatile flow and their physical implications in AAA rupture are discussed in Part II of this paper.  相似文献   

With the use ofthe microdialysis method, the present study, performed on young,healthy, nonobese subjects of both genders, compares the effects oflocally infused catecholamines on glycerol concentration and blood flowin abdominal (Abd) and femoral (Fem) adipose tissue. Physiologicalactivation of the sympathetic nervous system through active tilt wasalso investigated. In both genders, extracellular glycerolconcentration was higher in Fem than in Abd adipose tissue. Local bloodflow was lower in Fem than in Abd adipose tissue. Isoproterenolperfusion increased extracellular glycerol levels, but no differenceswere found by gender or fat-deposit site. Isoproterenolinduced a greater increase in local blood flow in Fem adipose tissue inboth genders. Epinephrine and norepinephrine perfusion increasedextracellular glycerol and reduced blood flow. No major differenceswere found according to gender and fat-deposit site. Active tiltincreased plasma glycerol, free fatty acid, norepinephrine levels, andextracellular glycerol concentration to the same extent whatever thegender and fat deposit. Thus, Fem adipose tissue is characterized by ahigher extracellular glycerol concentration and a lower blood flow thanis Abd tissue in men and women. In these tissues, in situ lipolysis andlocal blood flow were similar in response to adrenergic stimulation.


Effect of alterations in muscle fiber length on diaphragm blood flow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A variety of studies have examined the response of diaphragmatic blood flow (Qdi) to rhythmic pleiometric (i.e., shortening) and isometric contractions. The effect of changes in diaphragm fiber length on Qdi are, however, unknown. The present study examined the effect of changes in diaphragm fiber length on Qdi and the effect of alterations in length on the response of Qdi to increases in diaphragm contractile activity. Studies were performed on 21 anesthetized mechanically ventilated dogs in which a strip of costal diaphragm was developed in situ. The strip was immobilized in a rigid metal frame that permitted precise adjustment of muscle length. Strip blood flow was assessed with a drop counter attached to a catheter in the branch of the phrenic vein draining the strip. Strips were electrically stimulated via intramuscular electrodes, and the isometric tension developed was measured with a force transducer. Fiber length was expressed as a percentage of the length at which active isometric tension was maximum (Lo). With the diaphragm at rest, steady-state blood flow fell by 59 +/- 6% (SE) (P less than 0.001) as fiber length was increased from 92 to 107% Lo. Blood flow also varied as a function of length when muscles contracted rhythmically (15 contractions/min, duty cycle 50%) to generate isometric tensions equal to 20 and 80% of maximum. As fiber length increased from 92 to 106% Lo, Qdi fell by 36 +/- 6% (SE) when tension was 80% of maximum (P less than 0.01) and by 38 +/- 6% (SE) when tension was 20% of maximum (P less than 0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to determine whether different methods of increasing cardiac output would have similar effects on lung lymph flow, and to assess the contribution of the microvasculature (fluid-exchanging vessels) to the total calculated pulmonary vascular resistance. Yearling unanesthetized sheep with chronic vascular catheters and lung lymph fistulas underwent intravenous infusions of isoproterenol at 0.2 micrograms X kg-1. min-1 (n = 8) or were exercised on a treadmill (n = 16). Both isoproterenol and exercise increased cardiac output, lowered calculated total pulmonary and systemic vascular resistances, and had no effect on the calculated pulmonary microvascular pressure. Isoproterenol infusions did not affect lung lymph flow, whereas exercise increased lung lymph flow in proportion to the increase in cardiac output. We conclude that 1) the sheep has a different pulmonary hemodynamic response to exercise than dogs and man, 2) the microvasculature is recruited during exercise-induced but not isoproterenol-induced increases in cardiac output, and 3) the microvasculature represents only a small proportion of the total calculated pulmonary vascular resistance.  相似文献   

Controversy exists regarding the suitability of fully developed versus measured inlet velocity profiles for image-based computational fluid dynamics (CFD) studies of carotid bifurcation hemodynamics. Here, we attempt to resolve this by investigating the impact of the reconstructed common carotid artery (CCA) inlet length on computed metrics of "disturbed" flow. Twelve normal carotid bifurcation geometries were reconstructed from contrast-enhanced angiograms acquired as part of the Vascular Aging--The Link That Bridges Age to Atherosclerosis study (VALIDATE). The right carotid artery lumen geometry was reconstructed from its brachiocephalic origin to well above the bifurcation, and the CCA was truncated objectively at locations one, three, five, and seven diameters proximal to where it flares into the bifurcation. Relative to the simulations carried out using the full CCA, models truncated at one CCA diameter strongly overestimated the amount of disturbed flow. Substantial improvement was offered by using three CCA diameters, with only minor further improvement using five CCA diameters. With seven CCA diameters, the amounts of disturbed flow agreed unambiguously with those predicted by the corresponding full-length models. Based on these findings, we recommend that image-based CFD models of the carotid bifurcation should incorporate at least three diameters of CCA length if fully developed velocity profiles are to be imposed at the inlet. The need for imposing measured inlet velocity profiles would seem to be relevant only for those cases where the CCA is severely truncated.  相似文献   

Total cavopulmonary connection is the result of a series of palliative surgical repairs performed on patients with single ventricle heart defects. The resulting anatomy has complex and unsteady hemodynamics characterized by flow mixing and flow separation. Although varying degrees of flow pulsatility have been observed in vivo, non-pulsatile (time-averaged) boundary conditions have traditionally been assumed in hemodynamic modeling, and only recently have pulsatile conditions been incorporated without completely characterizing their effect or importance. In this study, 3D numerical simulations with both pulsatile and non-pulsatile boundary conditions were performed for 24 patients with different anatomies and flow boundary conditions from Georgia Tech database. Flow structures, energy dissipation rates and pressure drops were compared under rest and simulated exercise conditions. It was found that flow pulsatility is the primary factor in determining the appropriate choice of boundary conditions, whereas the anatomic configuration and cardiac output had secondary effects. Results show that the hemodynamics can be strongly influenced by the presence of pulsatile flow. However, there was a minimum pulsatility threshold, identified by defining a weighted pulsatility index (wPI), above which the influence was significant. It was shown that when wPI<30%, the relative error in hemodynamic predictions using time-averaged boundary conditions was less than 10% compared to pulsatile simulations. In addition, when wPI<50, the relative error was less than 20%. A correlation was introduced to relate wPI to the relative error in predicting the flow metrics with non-pulsatile flow conditions.  相似文献   

The effect of changing ambient temperature on skin temperature was recorded in human subjects; also, its effect on blood flow was measured using venous occlusion and optical plethysmography. When cold stimulus was removed in stages using a heating cabinet, it was found that a biphasic flow response occurred in the fingers with each step change in temperature. There was a rapid transient rise followed by a decline to an equilibrium flow level. The transient rise occurred even when the temperature rose from 37 to 40 degrees C, although at this level the equilibrium remained unchanged. It is suggested that the transient rise was due to stimulation of Hensel's dynamic warmth receptors, whereas the rise in equilibrium temperature was due to removal of cold stimulus, which at low ambient temperatures maintains reflex vasoconstriction through activation of static cold receptors. Upper arm skin responded to removal of cold stimulus by a fall in temperature. Immersion of a different limb in cold water produced vasoconstriction in fingers but vasodilatation in the upper arm skin. It is suggested that this may be due to neurogenic vasodilatation, though the present work gives no indication as to pathways.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that aged animals are as responsive as the young adult animals in expanding collateral vasculature under a similar treatment of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF). Two age groups of male Fischer 344 rats (11 mo old; n = 32, 23 mo old; n = 43) weighing approximately 385 g were subdivided into normal, acute ligation [femoral artery (FA) ligated 3 days before blood flow (BF) measurement] or ligated groups for 16 days and received recombinant human bFGF intra-arterial infusion at doses of 0, 0.5, 5, and 50 microg x kg(-1) x day(-1). BF was determined with (85)Sr- and (141)Ce-labeled microspheres during treadmill running at 15 and 20 m/min at 15% grade. Blood pressure (BP) values were approximately 149 and approximately 163 mmHg (p < 0.05); heart rates were approximately 496 and approximately 512 beats/min in the aged and young adult groups during running, respectively. Maximal collateral BF values were confirmed by no additional BF increase in the calf muscle at the higher speed. Ligation of the FA for 3 days reduced the BF reserve to the calf muscle by approximately 90%. Calf muscle BF was modestly greater (10 ml x min(-1) x 100 g(-1)) by 16 days in the carrier group. bFGF infusion expanded collateral BF in a dose-dependent manner with an increase of 33 and 42 ml x min(-1) x 100 g(-1) (P < 0.001) in the 5 and 50 microg x kg(-1) x day(-1) bFGF groups, respectively. Aged animals showed similar BF improvements as observed with the adult groups in response to ligation surgery and bFGF treatment. Our data indicate that the aged rats (approximately 23 mo old) remain responsive to exogenous bFGF induced in developing collateral-dependent BF as the young adult (approximately 11 mo old) controls. This suggests that the influence of bFGF in expanding collateral BF should not be preempted in the aged group, the population most affected by peripheral arterial insufficiency.  相似文献   

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