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Canrep is a heterogeneous, tandemly repeated, 176 bp nucleotide sequence that contains a single Hind III site and is present in high copy numbers in the genomes of many Brassica species. Complete clusters of repeats of this DNA were cloned from the nuclear DNA of Brassica juncea. Restriction-fragment dimers and higher multimers of the 176 bp sequence have arisen by mutations within the Hind III recognition sequence. Adjacent repeats from within the same cluster usually have different nucleotide sequences with features indicating that diversity is generated by a mechanism that causes site-specific base substitutions. While most of the units of canrep DNA are clustered in long arrays of tandem repeats, some are dispersed throughout the genome as isolated copies or in small clusters. Regardless of the size of the arrays, each cluster begins and ends with a variable-length, truncated repeat and is flanked by inverted copies of the sequence 5-ATCTCAT3-,which is not part of the basic sequence of the canrep family of DNAs. Furthermore, some clusters are located close to nucleotide sequences related to those of known plant transposons. Thus, canrep elements may be dispersed by transposition. There are two distinct subfamilies of canrep sequences in B. juncea, and one of these is closely related to one of the two subfamilies of this type of DNA from B. napus, indicating that it originated from B. campestris, the common diploid ancestor of both amphidiploid species. Neither the repetitive DNA nor nucleotide sequences flanking canrep clusters are transcribed in seedlings, suggesting that even small arrays of repeats are located in heterochromatic regions and might be involved in chromatin condensation and/or chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

Swine genomic DNA segments containing repetitive sequences were isolated from a porcine genomic library using genomic DNA as a probe. Three fragments containing the repetitive sequences from two of the primary phage clones were subcloned for sequence analysis, which revealed six new PRE-1 repetitive families other than those reported earlier by Singer et al. (Nucleic Acids Research 15, 2780, 1987). The frequency of the repetitive sequences in the swine genome was estimated at 2 x 10(6) per diploid genome. Sequence analysis revealed similarities between these repetitive sequences and that of arginine-tRNA gene.  相似文献   

Many families of interspersed repetitive DNA elements, including human Alu and LINE (Long Interspersed Element) elements, have been proposed to have accumulated through repeated copying from a single source locus: the "master gene." The extent to which a master gene model is applicable has implications for the origin, evolution, and function of such sequences. One repetitive element family for which a convincing case for a master gene has been made is the rodent ID (identifier) elements. Here we devise a new test of the master gene model and use it to show that mouse ID element sequences are not compatible with a strict master gene model. We suggest that a single master gene is rarely, if ever, likely to be responsible for the accumulation of any repeat family.  相似文献   

Evolution of interspersed repetitive elements inGossypium (Malvaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Very little is known regarding how repetitive elements evolve inpolyploid organisms. Here we address this subject by fluorescent insitu hybridization (FISH) of 20 interspersed repetitive elements tometaphase chromosomes of the cotton AD-genome tetraploid Gossypiumhirsutum and its putative A- and D-genome diploid ancestors. Theseelements collectively represent an estimated 18% of the G.hirsutum genome, and constitute the majority of high-copyinterspersed repetitive elements in G. hirsutum. Seventeen ofthe elements yielded FISH signals on chromosomes of both G.hirsutum subgenomes, while three were A-subgenome specific. Hybridization of eight selected elements, two of which were A-subgenomespecific, to the A(2) genome of G. arboreum yielded asignal distribution that was similar to that of the G. hirsutumA-subgenome. However, when hybridized to the D(5) genome ofG. raimondii, the putative diploid ancestor of the G.hirsutum D-subgenome, none of the probes, including elements thatstrongly hybridized to both G. hirsutum subgenomes, yieldeddetectable signal. The results suggest that the majority, although notall, G. hirsutum interspersed repetitive elements haveundergone intergenomic concerted evolution following polyploidizationand that this has involved colonization of the D-subgenome byA-subgenome elements and/or replacement of D-subgenome elements byelements of the A-subgenometype.  相似文献   

A family of interspersed repetitive elements, RlBamHI, with sequence similarity to the transposase of hAT DNA transposons, occurs in genomes of eight western Palaearctic water frog taxa and the brown frog Rana dalmatina , but was not detected in Xenopus laevis or Salamandra salamandra . RlBamHI elements are not tandemly arrayed, are dispersed across all chromosomes although not uniformly distributed, and based on dot-blot hybridizations may constitute as much as approximately 10% of the genomes of Rana lessonae , Rana ridibunda , and Rana perezi , but only approximately 1% of that of Rana saharica . Eleven nucleotide sequences of a 572 bp fragment from the nine taxa are very similar (pairwise differences 0.4–8.1% for nucleotides, 0.6–18.2% for amino acids), and all share a single open reading frame across the whole RlBamHI fragment. The reading frame is maintained despite several indels, most of which are multiples of 3 bp, but a pair of which in one species alters and, after 13 codons, restores the reading frame. It is possible that the reading frame is selectively maintained, suggesting recent or even present transposition capacity. The amino acid sequences encoded by RlBamHI elements, but not the nucleotide sequences themselves, reveal the similarity of RlBamHI to members of the widespread hAT superfamily of DNA transposons. Amino acid sequence comparisons permitted no convincing phylogenetic placement of RlBamHI among 32 representative hAT transposons across organisms, probably reflecting both the genetic divergence of RlBamHI elements and the paucity of aligned residues available for analysis. Among DNA transposons, a genomic fraction of 10% is extraordinarily high. Phylogenetic analyses of Rana RlBamHI sequences match poorly with independent genetic and molecular phylogenies; the elements compared probably are not orthologous, which renders their sequences inadequate for reconstructing organismal phylogenetic histories.  相似文献   

Approximately 39 to 49% of the genome of finger millet consists of repetitive DNA sequences which intersperse with 18% of single copy DNA sequences of 1900 nucleotide pairs. Agarose gel filtration and electrophoresis experiments have yielded the sizes of interspersed repeated sequences as 4000–4200 nucleotide pairs and 150–200 nucleotide pairs. Approximately 20% of the repeated DNA sequences (4000–4200 nucleotide pairs) are involved in long range interspersion pattern, while 60% of the repeated DNA sequences (150–200 nucleotide pairs) are involved in short period interspersion pattern. Based on the data available in literature and the results described here on DNA sequence organization in plants, it is proposed that plants with haploid DNA content of more than 2.5 pg exhibit mostly the short period interspersion pattern, while those with haploid DNA content of less than 2.5 pg show diverse patterns of genome organization. NCL Communication No.: 2708  相似文献   

The properties of DNA segments containing foldback elements were studied after their selection from a ‘random’ recombinant library of Physarum polycephalum nuclear DNA sequences, cloned using the plasmid vector pBR322. Hybridisation of in vitro labelled recombinant plasmids to Southern blots of genomic restriction fragments demonstrated that each cloned segment contained repetitive elements located at several hundred sites in the genome. Two of the DNA clones generated hybridisation patterns which suggested that they contain repetitive elements with internal cleavage sites for the restriction endonuclease HaeIII. Cross-hybridisation of all combinations of the cloned sequences showed that most contain different arrangements of repetitive elements derived from different sequence families. The results are consistent with a model proposed previously on the basis of studies on total nuclear DNA, for the organisation of sequences closely associated with foldback elements in the Physarum genome  相似文献   

B Brenig 《Animal genetics》1999,30(2):120-125
Interspersed elements are ubiquitous in the genomes of higher eukaryotes and account for over a third of the genomic DNA (Smit 1996). In swine the short interspersed elements, SINEs or PREs (porcine repetitive elements), have been found in a number of introns and 3' untranslated regions of different genes. However, compared to human Alu repeats the number of available PRE DNA sequences is still limited. In this study we have compared 85 PREs selected from DNA sequence database entries. The PREs were aligned and for each nucleotide position the relative frequencies of the four bases were calculated. A consensus sequence was derived from the first base usage. Similar to studies of SINEs in other species, the analysis showed that most mutations in PREs occur at CpG dinucleotide hot spots. The position variability for the two most frequent bases shows a bimodal distribution. The analysis suggests that the porcine SINEs can be divided into three major subfamilies sharing conserved nucleotide similarities.  相似文献   

Changes in the methylation levels of DNA from white blood cells (WBCs) are putatively associated with an elevated risk for several cancers. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between colorectal cancer (CRC) and the methylation status of three DNA repetitive elements in DNA from peripheral blood. WBC DNA from 539 CRC cases diagnosed before 60 years of age and 242 sex and age frequency-matched healthy controls from the Australasian Colorectal Cancer Family Registry were assessed for methylation across DNA repetitive elements Alu, LINE-1 and Sat2 using MethyLight. The percentage of methylated reference (PMR) of cases and controls was calculated for each marker. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated using multivariable logistic regression adjusted for potential confounders. CRC cases demonstrated a significantly higher median PMR for LINE-1 (p < 0.001), Sat2 (p < 0.001) and Alu repeats (p = 0.02) when compared with controls. For each of the DNA repetitive elements, individuals with PMR values in the highest quartile were significantly more likely to have CRC compared with those in the lowest quartile (LINE-1 OR = 2.34, 95%CI = 1.48–3.70; p < 0.001, Alu OR = 1.83, 95%CI = 1.17–2.86; p = 0.01, Sat2 OR = 1.72, 95%CI = 1.10–2.71; p = 0.02). When comparing the OR for the PMR of each marker across subgroups of CRC, only the Alu marker showed a significant difference in the 5-fluoruracil treated and nodal involvement subgroups (both p = 0.002). This association between increasing methylation levels of three DNA repetitive elements in WBC DNA and early-onset CRC is novel and may represent a potential epigenetic biomarker for early CRC detection.  相似文献   

Summary Three non-cross-hybridizing highly repetitive DNA components were studied in six whalebone and two toothed whale species. In one of the components, composition and repeat lengths have been preserved through the evolution of all cetaceans. Another component, primarily a whalebone whale characteristic, also has slow evolution. In the family Balaenopteridae the length of the repeat is about 420 bp. The component occurs in terminal chromosome positions. About half the component is composed of subrepeats having the motif TTAGGG, the same as has been described by other workers in the telomeres ofTrypanosoma brucei. Among the whalebone whales the third highly repetitive component was found only in the family Balaenopteridae. It is conceivably younger than the other two components. No common monomeric unit was identified, and the hybridization patterns were species specific, indicating that it evolves considerably faster than the other two components.  相似文献   

Summary We present approximately 7.0 kb of composite DNA sequence of a long interspersed middle repetitive element (LINE1) present in high copy number in the rat genome. The family of these repeats, which includes transcribing members, is the rat homologue of the mouse MIF-Bam-R and human Kpn I LINEs. Sequence alignments between speciments from these three species define the length of a putative unidentified open reading frame, and document extensive recombination events that, in conjunction with retroposition, have generated this large family of pseudogenes and pseudogene fragments. Comparative mapping of truncated elements indicates that a specific endonucleolytic activity might bei involved in illegitimate (nonhomologous) recombination events. Sequence divergence analyses provide insights into the origin and molecular evolution of these elements.  相似文献   

Five experiments examined the hormonal regulation of the precopulatory reproductive behavior of male housemice of two genotypes (DBA/2J inbreds and C57BL/6J X AKR/J hybrids). The two precopulatory behaviors examined were preferences for female urinary odors and ultrasonic courtship vocalizations to anesthetized females. The preferences were then used to make inferences about odor attractiveness. Gonadally intact hybrid males were highly attracted to the airborne urinary odors of female mice but were either indifferent to, or exhibited less attraction to, male urinary odors. Castration decreased male attraction to female odor such that castrated males were equally attracted to male and female odors. Normal levels of attraction could be maintained in castrated hybrid males by Silastic implants of either testosterone or estradiol. While Silastic implants of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) were also effective in maintaining attraction in hybrids, this hormone was ineffective in inbreds. The effectiveness of estradiol, DHT, and testosterone in maintaining attraction following castration was paralleled in castrated hybrids by the effects of these hormones in maintaining courtship vocalizations to females. In contrast to the genotype-specific effects of DHT upon behavior, DHT was effective in both genotypes in maintaining seminal vesicle weight. Estradiol, on the other hand, which was quite effective in maintaining both precopulatory behaviors in hybrids, had little effect upon seminal vesicle weight. Thus these experiments dissociate the behavioral effects of steroids from their effects upon peripheral morphology. We suggest that testosterone can activate precopulatory behaviors following either aromatization or 5-alpha reduction but that genetic variability somehow gives rise to strain differences in DHT responsiveness.  相似文献   

Summary The L1 family of long interspersed repetitive DNA in the rabbit genome (L1Oc) has been studied by determining the sequence of the five L1 repeats in the rabbit -like globin gene cluster and by hybridization analysis of other L1 repeats in the genome. L1Oc repeats have a common 3 end that terminates in a poly A addition signal and an A-rich tract, but individual repeats have different 5 ends, indicating a polar truncation from the 5 end during their synthesis or propagation. As a result of the polar truncations, the 5 end of L1Oc is present in about 11,000 copies per haploid genome, whereas the 3 end is present in at least 66,000 copies per haploid genome. One type of L1Oc repeat has internal direct repeats of 78 bp in the 3 untranslated region, whereas other L1Oc repeats have only one copy of this sequence. The longest repeat sequenced, L1Oc5, is 6.5 kb long, and genomic blot-hybridization data using probes from the 5 end of L1Oc5 indicate that a full length L1Oc repeat is about 7.5 kb long, extending about 1 kb 5 to the sequenced region. The L1Oc5 sequence has long open reading frames (ORFs) that correspond to ORF-1 and ORF-2 described in the mouse L1 sequence. In contrast to the overlapping reading frames seen for mouse L1, ORF-1 and ORF-2 are in the same reading frame in rabbit and human L1s, resulting in a discistronic structure. The region between the likely stop codon for ORF-1 and the proposed start codon for ORF-2 is not conserved in interspecies comparisons, which is further evidence that this short region does not encode part of a protein. ORF-1 appears to be a hybrid of sequences, of which the 3 half is unique to and conserved in mammalian L1 repeats. The 5 half of ORF-1 is not conserved between mammalian L1 repeats, but this segment of L1Oc is related significantly to type II cytoskeletal keratin.  相似文献   

Penetration of intestinal mucosa by oncospheres of Taenia taeniaeformis occurred among three age groups of White Swiss Mus musculus. Highest frequency of penetration was demonstrated among the 10–30 day-old group with the other two older groups, 40–60 and 70–100 days, each having succeedingly less penetration. The invasion process was more cytolytic than ground substance lysis; no difference in this process, or the reaction of the villi to it, was detected among the various age groups. Liver reaction, displayed by the same three age groups against larvae of T. taeniaeformis, was age dependent. Disorganization, loss of larval tissue integrity, and formation of a non-cellular capsule were demonstrated within 48 h in the 10–30 day group, while a rapid cellular response of inflammation and walling-off of larvae was seen in the 40–60 day group. No larvae were observed in the 70–100 day group.  相似文献   

母性效应因子复合体SCMC(subcorticalmaternalcomplex)中的Filia蛋白,其N端具有Ⅰ型KH结构域的特征,通过结合RNA参与卵子发生及胚胎发育过程中的RNA转录调控.此外,Filia蛋白对染色体整倍体化的维持起重要作用.缺乏Filia的雌鼠体内早期胚胎发育进程延迟,致使雌鼠生殖力降低,但不会不育.在卵母细胞成熟过程中,还原型谷胱甘肽(glutathione,GSH)浓度发生变化以维持胞内的氧化还原环境.本文成功解析了在含有GSH的条件中生长的Filia(N1-124)蛋白晶体结构.与在不含GSH的条件中生长的Filia(N1-124)蛋白晶体相比,在含有GSH的条件中,Filia(N1-124)蛋白晶体的一个不对称单位中含有5对二聚体,Filia(N1-124)单体分子在α3螺旋区与邻近分子发生了结构域交换.Filia(N1-124)晶体内凭借链间的离子键、氢键和疏水相互作用,形成了独特的十聚体组装方式.本文为进一步研究在不同生理条件下Filia的结构与功能的关系提供了结构依据.  相似文献   

Coal is a mixture of a variety of compounds containing mutagenic and carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Exposure to coal is considered as an important non-cellular and cellular source of reactive oxygen species that can induce DNA damage. In addition, spontaneous combustion can occur in coal mining areas, further releasing compounds with detrimental effects on the environment. In this study the comet assay was used to investigate potential genotoxic effects of coal mining activities in peripheral blood cells of the wild rodents Rattus rattus and Mus musculus. The study was conducted in a coal mining area of the Municipio de Puerto Libertador, South West of the Departamento de Cordoba, Colombia. Animals from two areas in the coal mining zone and a control area located in the Municipio de Lorica were investigated. The results showed evidence that exposure to coal results in elevated primary DNA lesions in blood cells of rodents. Three different parameters for DNA damage were assessed, namely, DNA damage index, migration length and percentage damaged cells. All parameters showed statistically significantly higher values in mice and rats from the coal mining area in comparison to the animals from the control area. The parameter “DNA Damage Index” was found to be most sensitive and to best indicate a genotoxic hazard. Both species investigated were shown to be sensitive indicators of environmental genotoxicity caused by coal mining activities. In summary, our study constitutes the first investigation of potential genotoxic effects of open coal mining carried out in Puerto Libertador. The investigations provide a guide for measures to evaluate genotoxic hazards, thereby contributing to the development of appropriate measures and regulations for more careful operations during coal mining.  相似文献   

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