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Genetic studies have identified the HLA and CTLA4 regions as susceptibility loci for the development of common autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITDs), including Graves' disease and autoimmune hypothyroidism. Despite numerous studies, the identification of a third locus has remained elusive. Genetic-linkage studies have implicated chromosome 8q24 as a susceptibility locus for AITD. The gene encoding thyroglobulin (Tg), which encodes a major thyroid autoantigen, maps to this region, and a recent study has reported the association of several exonic single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with disease. Although these preliminary data are potentially exciting, caution needs to be exercised, and replication of the data sought before Tg can be designated as the third locus for AITD.  相似文献   

The chemokine receptor CCR5 came into worldwide prominence a decade ago when it was identified as one of the major coreceptors for HIV infectivity. However, subsequent studies suggested an important modulatory role for CCR5 in the inflammatory response. Specifically, CCR5 has been reported to directly regulate T cell function in autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and type 1 diabetes. Moreover, T cell-mediated immune responses are proposed to be critical in the pathogenesis of autoimmune and viral liver diseases, and recent clinical and experimental studies have also implicated CCR5 in the pathogenesis of autoimmune and viral liver diseases. Therefore, in this brief review, we highlight the evidence that supports an important role of CCR5 in the pathophysiology of T cell-mediated liver diseases with specific emphasis on autoimmune and viral liver diseases.  相似文献   

The concept that viral sensing systems, via their ability to drive pro-inflammatory cytokine and interferon production, contribute to the development of autoimmune and autoinflammatory disease is supported by a wide range of clinical and experimental observations. Recently, the tripartite motif-containing proteins (TRIMs) have emerged as having key roles in antiviral immunity - either as viral restriction factors or as regulators of pathways downstream of viral RNA and DNA sensors, and the inflammasome. Given their involvement in these pathways, we propose that TRIM proteins contribute to the development and pathology of autoimmune and autoinflammatory conditions, thus making them potential novel targets for therapeutic manipulation.  相似文献   

The end in sight for Huntington disease?   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) are a multifactorial degenerative vascular disorder. One of the defining features of the pathophysiology of aneurysmal disease is inflammation. Recent developments in vascular and molecular cell biology have increased our knowledge on the role of the adaptive and innate immune systems in the initiation and propagation of the inflammatory response in aortic tissue. AAAs share many features of autoimmune disease, including genetic predisposition, organ specificity and chronic inflammation. Here, this evidence is used to propose that the chronic inflammation observed in AAAs is a consequence of a dysregulated autoimmune response against autologous components of the aortic wall that persists inappropriately. Identification of the molecular and cellular targets involved in AAA formation will allow the development of therapeutic agents for the treatment of AAA.  相似文献   

Aiming to further our understanding of T cell-mediated suppression, we investigate the plausibility of the hypothesis that regulatory T cells suppress other T cells (target cells), while both cells are conjugated with one APC. We use a mathematical model to analyze the proliferation inhibition scored during in vitro suppression assays. This model is a radical simplification of cell culture reality, assuming that thymidine incorporation is proportional to the number of target cells that would instantaneously form conjugates with APCs that are free of regulatory cells. According to this model the inhibition index should be mainly determined by the number of regulatory cells per APC and should be insensitive to the number of target cells. We reanalyzed several published data sets, confirming this expectation. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the instantaneous inhibition index has an absolute limit as a function of the number of regulatory cells per APC. By calculating this limit we find that the model can explain the data under two non-mutually exclusive conditions. First, only approximately 15% of APCs used in the suppression assays form conjugates with T cells. Second, the growth of the regulatory cell population depends on the target cells, such that the number of regulatory cells per APC increases when they are cocultured with target cells and overcomes its limit. However, if neither of these testable conditions is fulfilled, then one could conclude that suppression in vitro does not require the formation of multicellular conjugates.  相似文献   

An influential concept in contemporary computational neuroscience is the reward prediction error hypothesis of phasic dopaminergic function. It maintains that midbrain dopaminergic neurons signal the occurrence of unpredicted reward, which is used in appetitive learning to reinforce existing actions that most often lead to reward. However, the availability of limited afferent sensory processing and the precise timing of dopaminergic signals suggest that they might instead have a central role in identifying which aspects of context and behavioural output are crucial in causing unpredicted events.  相似文献   

Cytokines and growth factors are involved in all important biological processes. Hence it is anticipated that they will be of importance in autoimmune disease. The pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases involves a number of stages, initiation, perpetuation and tissue damage, each of which involves different cell and molecular interactions. In this review, we will discuss an outline of the cytokine involvement in the various stages of autoimmune development, prior to focusing on the analysis of cytokines in rheumatoid arthritis. Cytokines exert their effect via high affinity cell surface receptors. Thus an understanding of cytokines involves the analysis of receptor expression, and also of cytokine inhibitors. Currently there is only adequate knowledge of these aspects in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and as such the emphasis of this review is on RA. One of the major reasons for being interested in the role of cytokines in autoimmunity is to define possible therapeutic targets. There is now considerable evidence that TNFα is such a target in RA, and the effect of anti TNFα monoclonal antibody therapy in RA is discussed.  相似文献   

Unlocking the genetic contribution to autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) will hold one of the keys to understanding disease pathogenesis and developing improved treatments. Significant increases in our understanding of the human genome combined with methodological advances in our ability to search for genetic variation have transformed the way in which we screen the genome for susceptibility loci. From early linkage analysis through to candidate gene studies and most recently genome-wide association screening, each methodology has revealed important insights into not just the heritability of AITD but also the best way of identifying disease causing DNA variants. This review will examine each of the different genome screening techniques, highlighting the successes and failures of each methodology and the lessons learnt which have helped inform the next phase of the disease-gene identification process. We will also look to see where we should be focusing our research efforts in the future.  相似文献   

Ionic and signal transduction alterations in Alzheimer’s disease   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Several lines of, evidence indicate that Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has systemic expression. Systemic changes are manifested as alterations in a number of molecular and cellular processes. Although, these alterations appear to have little or no consequence in peripheral systems, their parallel expression in the central nervous system (CNS) could account for the principal clinical manifestations of the disease. Recent research seems to indicate that alterations in ion channels, calcium homeostasis, and protein kinase C (PKC) can be linked and thereby constitute a model of pathophysiological relevance. Considering the difficulties of studying dynamic pathophysiological processes in the disease-ridden postmortem AD brain, peripheral tissues such as fibroblasts provide a suitable model to study molecular and cellular aspects of the disease.  相似文献   

Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory disease, characterized by implantation and growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity. This disabling condition is considered one of the most frequent diseases in gynecology, affecting 15-20% of women in their reproductive life. Pelvic endometriosis, the most common form of the disease, is associated with increased secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines, neo-angiogenesis, intrinsic anomalies of the refluxed endometrium and impaired function of cell-mediated natural immunity. Recently, endometriosis has also been considered to be an autoimmune disease, owing to the presence of autoantibodies, the association with other autoimmune diseases and recurrent immune-mediated abortion. These findings are in apparent contradiction with the reduced cell-mediated natural immunity observed during the disease. In this review, we focus on the multiple processes underlying the complex pathogenesis of endometriosis, with particular emphasis on the role played by the immune system with the induction of autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Burnet and Fenner originally defined 'tolerance' as 'unresponsiveness against self'. It is now generally accepted that the phenomenon of tolerance is required to protect on individual from potentially autoreactive cells. Recent experiments have independently shown that parasite infection or interleukin 2 (IL-2) can reverse an established T-cell tolerance in vivo. Breaking T-cell tolerance restores the capacity of T cells to be stimulated by their specific antigen and, in the case of a self-antigen, may be followed by autoimmune disease. In this review, Martin R?cken and Ethan Shevach briefly describe the potential pathways for generating T-cell tolerance in vivo, and focus on recently described mechanisms by which parasitic infections may circumvent or abrogate the tolerant state.  相似文献   

Skipping, a gait children display when they are about four- to five-years-old, is revealed to be more than a behavioural peculiarity. By means of metabolic and biomechanical measurements at several speeds, the relevance of skipping is shown to extend from links between bipedal and quadrupedal locomotion (namely galloping) to understanding why it could be a gait of choice in low-gravity conditions, and to some aspects of locomotion evolution (ground reaction forces of skipping seem to originate from pushing the walking gait to unnaturally high speeds). When the time-courses of mechanical energy and the horizontal ground reaction force are considered, a different locomotion paradigm emerges, enabling us to separate, among the bouncing gaits, the trot from the gallop (quadrupeds) and running from skipping (bipeds). The simultaneous use of pendulum-like and elastic mechanisms in skipping gaits, as shown by the energy curve analysis, helps us to understand the low cost of transport of galloping quadrupeds.  相似文献   

Over the last 5 years proteogenomics (using mass spectroscopy to identify proteins predicted from genomic sequences) has emerged as a promising approach to the high‐throughput identification of protein N‐termini, which remains a problem in genome annotation. Comparison of the experimentally determined N‐termini with those predicted by sequence analysis tools allows identification of the signal peptides and therefore conclusions on the cytoplasmic or extracytoplasmic (periplasmic or extracellular) localization of the respective proteins. We present here the results of a proteogenomic study of the signal peptides in Escherichia coli K‐12 and compare its results with the available experimental data and predictions by such software tools as SignalP and Phobius. A single proteogenomics experiment recovered more than a third of all signal peptides that had been experimentally determined during the past three decades and confirmed at least 31 additional signal peptides, mostly in the known exported proteins, which had been previously predicted but not validated. The filtering of putative signal peptides for the peptide length and the presence of an eight‐residue hydrophobic patch and a typical signal peptidase cleavage site proved sufficient to eliminate the false‐positive hits. Surprisingly, the results of this proteogenomics study, as well as a re‐analysis of the E. coli genome with the latest version of SignalP program, show that the fraction of proteins containing signal peptides is only about 10%, or half of previous estimates.  相似文献   



Autoimmunity appears to be associated with the pathophysiology of Meniere''s disease (MD), an inner ear disorder characterized by episodes of vertigo associated with hearing loss and tinnitus. However, the prevalence of autoimmune diseases (AD) in patients with MD has not been studied in individuals with uni or bilateral sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL).

Methods and Findings

We estimated the prevalence of AD in 690 outpatients with MD with uni or bilateral SNHL from otoneurology clinics at six tertiary referral hospitals by using clinica criteria and an immune panel (lymphocyte populations, antinuclear antibodies, C3, C4 and proinflammatory cytokines TNFα, INFγ). The observed prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and ankylosing spondylitis (AS) was higher than expected for the general population (1.39 for RA, 0.87 for SLE and 0.70 for AS, respectively). Systemic AD were more frequently observed in patients with MD and diagnostic criteria for migraine than cases with MD and tension-type headache (p = 0.007). There were clinical differences between patients with uni or bilateral SNHL, but no differences were found in the immune profile. Multiple linear regression showed that changes in lymphocytes subpopulations were associated with hearing loss and persistence of vertigo, suggesting a role for the immune response in MD.


Despite some limitations, MD displays an elevated prevalence of systemic AD such as RA, SLE and AS. This finding, which suggests an autoimmune background in a subset of patients with MD, has important implications for the treatment of MD.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken in order to describe circulating glucose and cholecystokinin (CCK) concentrations in relation to the spontaneous feeding behavior of the human newborn infant. Eighty-three, healthy, 3-days-old infants were studied in connection with breast feeding. Blood samples from the infants were cross-sectionally collected before feeding, 5 and 10 min after the start of sucking, and after the infants had sucked ad libitum. Before feeding, the infants presented a typical "hunger behavior", which changed in connection with breast feeding into a pattern associated with satiety. A significant increase in the plasma CCK concentration was found, 5 min (P = 0.004) and 10 min (P = 0.02) after the start of sucking, as well as after feeding (P = 0.04). Furthermore, a positive correlation between the CCK concentration and the volume of ingested milk was found 10 min after the start of sucking, when 91% of of the volume of milk had been ingested; Rs = 0.51, n = 19, P < 0.02. However, no change was found in the glucose concentration in connection with breast feeding. It is concluded that CCK may be important as a satiety factor in the regulation of food intake in the newborn infant.  相似文献   

Extracellular calmodulin: A polypeptide signal in plants?   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Traditionally, calmodulin (CaM) was thought to be a multi-functional receptor for intra-cellular Ca2+ signals. But in the last ten years, it was found that CaM also exists and acts extracel-lularly in animal and plant cells to regulate many important physiological functions. Laboratory studies by the authors showed that extracellular CaM in plant cells can stimulate the proliferation of suspension cultured cell and protoplast; regulate pollen germination and pollen tube elongation, and stimulate the light-independent gene expression of Rubisco small subunit (rbcS). Furthermore, we defined the trans-membrane and intracellular signal transduction pathways for extracellular CaM by using a pollen system. The components in this pathway include heterotrimeric G-protein, phospholipase C, IP3, calcium signal and protein phosphorylation etc. Based on our findings, we suggest that extracellular CaM is a polypeptide signal in plants. This idea strongly argues against the traditional concept that there is no interce  相似文献   

Evolutionary psychologists suggest that a preference for sexually dimorphic traits in human faces is an adaptation for mate choice, because such traits reflect health during development. For male faces, this claim rests on the immunocompetence-handicap hypothesis, which states that the increased testosterone levels needed to develop large masculine traits stress the immune system. We examined whether masculine traits in adolescent male faces are associated with health during development, and also whether feminine traits in adolescent female faces signal health. Feminine traits are attractive, but it is less clear whether they should signal health. Rated masculinity in adolescent male faces correlated modestly with actual health, and was perceived as healthy, but not as attractive. Rated femininity in adolescent female faces did not correlate with actual health, although it was perceived as healthy and attractive. These results support the immunocompetence-handicap hypothesis for male faces in that masculine traits signalled health during adolescence. However, they suggest that any health-related evolutionary benefits obtained from preferences for attractive facial traits may be weak.  相似文献   

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