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Fu G  Yuan H  Wang S  Gadda G  Weber IT 《Biochemistry》2011,50(29):6292-6294
D-Arginine dehydrogenase (DADH) catalyzes the flavin-dependent oxidative deamination of D-arginine and other D-amino acids to the corresponding imino acids. The 1.07 ? atomic-resolution structure of DADH crystallized with D-leucine unexpectedly revealed a covalent N(5) flavin adduct, instead of the expected iminoleucine product in the active site. This acyl adduct has been successfully reproduced by photoreduction of DADH in the presence of 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoic acid (ketoleucine). The iminoleucine may be released readily because of weak interactions in the binding site, in contrast to iminoarginine, converted to ketoleucine, which reacts with activated FAD to form the covalently linked acyl adduct.  相似文献   

We have compared the roles of two anti-apoptotic members of the Bcl2 family, Bcl-w and Bcl-x(L), in regulating the survival of sensory neurons during development. We used microinjection to introduce expression plasmids containing Bcl-w and Bcl-x(L) cDNAs in the sense and antisense orientations into the nuclei of BDNF-dependent nodose neurons and NGF-dependent trigeminal neurons at stages during and after the period of naturally occurring neuronal death. Whilst overexpression of either protein promoted neuronal survival in the absence of neurotrophins and microinjection of antisense constructs reduced neuronal survival in the presence of neurotrophins, the magnitude of these effects changed with age. Whereas Bcl-w overexpression became more effective in promoting neuronal survival with age, Bcl-x(L) overexpression became less effective, and whereas antisense Bcl-w became much more effective in killing neurotrophin-supplemented neurons with age, antisense Bcl-x(L) became much less effective in killing these neurons. There was a marked increased in Bcl-w mRNA and Bcl-w immunoreactive neurons and a decrease in Bcl-x(L) mRNA and Bcl-x(L) immunoreactive neurons in the trigeminal and nodose ganglia over this period of development. Our results demonstrate that both Bcl-w and Bcl-x(L )play an important anti-apoptotic role in regulating the survival of NGF- and BDNF-dependent neurons, and that reciprocal changes occur in the relative importance of these proteins with age. Whereas Bcl-x(L) plays a more important role during the period of naturally occurring neuronal death, Bcl-w plays a more important role at later stages.  相似文献   

Yuan H  Gadda G 《Biochemistry》2011,50(5):770-779
Choline oxidase catalyzes the flavin-dependent, two-step oxidation of choline to glycine betaine with the formation of an aldehyde intermediate. In the first oxidation reaction, the alcohol substrate is initially activated to its alkoxide via proton abstraction. The substrate is oxidized via transfer of a hydride from the alkoxide α-carbon to the N(5) atom of the enzyme-bound flavin. In the wild-type enzyme, proton and hydride transfers are mechanistically and kinetically uncoupled. In this study, we have mutagenized an active site serine proximal to the C(4a) and N(5) atoms of the flavin and investigated the reactions of proton and hydride transfers by using substrate and solvent kinetic isotope effects. Replacement of Ser101 with threonine, alanine, cysteine, or valine resulted in biphasic traces in anaerobic reductions of the flavin with choline investigated in a stopped-flow spectrophotometer. Kinetic isotope effects established that the kinetic phases correspond to the proton and hydride transfer reactions catalyzed by the enzyme. Upon removal of Ser101, there is an at least 15-fold decrease in the rate constants for proton abstraction, irrespective of whether threonine, alanine, valine, or cysteine is present in the mutant enzyme. A logarithmic decrease spanning 4 orders of magnitude is seen in the rate constants for hydride transfer with increasing hydrophobicity of the side chain at position 101. This study shows that the hydrophilic character of a serine residue proximal to the C(4a) and N(5) flavin atoms is important for efficient hydride transfer.  相似文献   

2,2'-Anhydro-3'-deoxy-5-ethyluridine, a new pyrimidine nucleoside analog, has been examined in terms of its binding potency to uridine phosphorylase, and its conformation in solution (NMR) was studied. 2,2'-Anhydro-3'-deoxy-5-ethyluridine has a Ki value of 3.4 microM for uridine phosphorylase from rat intestinal mucosa. This value is approximately one order of magnitude lower than the Km for uridine (22 microM), the natural substrate. The presence of the 3'-OH group (in the ribo-configuration) on pyrimidine nucleoside analogs may not be considered a prerequisite for the binding to uridine phosphorylase; however, it enhances the binding in the case of flexible ligands cooperating in the process of conformation change toward a more favorable enzyme-ligand interaction. The presence of the 3'-OH group in pyrimidine nucleosides seems to be essential if the molecule is to become a substrate.  相似文献   

A new method to introduce a benzyl group onto the 2'-OH of purine ribonucleoside is described. Thus, 6-chloropurine 3'-O-benzoylriboside and its 5'-O-trityl congener were condensed with benzyl alcohol using the Mitsunobu reaction to give the 2'-O-benzyl derivative. The yields were varied from 4.6 to 62.9% depending on the solvent. The product was converted to adenosine, indicating that the stereochemistry at C-2' is retained.  相似文献   

Zaher HS  Shaw JJ  Strobel SA  Green R 《The EMBO journal》2011,30(12):2445-2453
The ribosome accelerates the rate of peptidyl transfer by >10(6)-fold relative to the background rate. A widely accepted model for this rate enhancement invokes entropic effects whereby the ribosome and the 2'-OH of the peptidyl-tRNA substrate precisely position the reactive moieties through an extensive network of hydrogen bonds that allows proton movement through them. Some studies, however, have called this model into question because they find the 2'-OH of the peptidyl-tRNA to be dispensable for catalysis. Here, we use an in vitro reconstituted translation system to resolve these discrepancies. We find that catalysis is at least 100-fold slower with the dA76-substituted peptidyl-tRNA substrate and that the peptidyl transferase centre undergoes a slow inactivation when the peptidyl-tRNA lacks the 2'-OH group. Additionally, the 2'-OH group was found to be critical for EFTu binding and peptide release. These findings reconcile the conflict in the literature, and support a model where interactions between active site residues and the 2'-OH of A76 of the peptidyl-tRNA are pivotal in orienting substrates in this active site for optimal catalysis.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》1987,126(1):113-117
The title compound was prepared by slow crystallization from a hot aqueous solution of copper(II)- dichromate and pyridine. The structure determination was performed at room temperature on a single crystal in the triclinic space group P1, a = 5.378(1), b = 5.619(1), c = 13.569(2) Å, α = 93.32(1), β = 100.25(1), γ=98.45(1)°. Using 2026 reflections with Fo2 > (Fo2) obtained on a CAD-4 single crystal diffractometer the structure was solved by conventional Patterson and Fourier methods and full matrix least-squares refinement to R = 0.047. The structure consists of complex chains built up from two different (4 + 2) distorted copper(II) octahedra sharing common edges. These chains are linked via OCrO bonds thus forming a two-dimensional infinite network. The pyridine rings extending into the space between these layers are disordered due to rotation around the CuN bond. In the course of the refinement two favoured positions with occupation probabilities 50:50 percent were found. During thermal decomposition the compound loses pyridine and water followed by a release of oxygen to yield poly- crystalline CuCr2O4 and CuO. An intermediate phase with empirical formula Cu3O(CrO4)2 was detected by X-ray powder diffraction and its unit cell parameters were determined.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》1988,141(2):281-288
The crystal structures and 95Mo NMR spectra of two complexes formed between 2-α-hydroxybenzyl- benzimidazole (C6H5·CHOH·C7H5N2=HOBB), as its sodium salt, and MoO2Cl2 are reported. [MoO2- (OBB)2]·EtOH (OBB=deprotonated HOBB) crystallizes in space group P21/n, with a=12.8441(7), b=15.917(3), c=13.314(2) Å, β=97.163(8)° and Z =4. The structure was determined from 3096 observed reflections and refined to a final R value of 0.030. The complex is a six coordinate cis-dioxo species, the 95Mo spectrum of which shows a single sharp peak at 56 ppm in dimethylformamide (DMF). The second complex, [Mo2O5(OBB)2]·EtOH·H2O, crystallizes in space group Pbca, with a=22.482(4), b=16.442(3), c=18.407(3) Å and Z=8. The structure was determined from 2936 observed reflections and refined to a final R value of 0.061. The complex is a binuclear doubly bridged species in which one metal atom is six coordinate while the other is five coordinate. Its 95Mo NMR spectrum in DMF shows a sharp peak at 124 ppm and a second broader much weaker peak at 51 ppm.  相似文献   

The role of ribityl side chain hydroxyl groups of the flavin moiety in the covalent flavinylation reaction and catalytic activities of recombinant human liver monoamine oxidases (MAO) A and B have been investigated using the riboflavin analogue: N(10)-omega-hydroxypentyl-isoalloxazine. Using a rib5 disrupted strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae which is auxotrophic for riboflavin, MAO A and MAO B were expressed separately under control of a galactose inducible GAL10/CYC1 promoter in the presence of N(10)-omega-hydroxypentyl-isoalloxazine as the only available riboflavin analogue. Analysis of mitochondrial membrane proteins shows both enzymes to be expressed at levels comparable to those cultures grown on riboflavin and to contain covalently bound flavin. Catalytic activities, as monitored by kynuramine oxidation, are equivalent to (MAO A) or 2-fold greater (MAO B) than control preparations expressed in the presence of riboflavin. Although N(10)-omega-hydroxypentyl-isoalloxazine is unable to support growth of riboflavin auxotrophic S. cerevisiae, it is converted to the FMN level by yeast cell free extracts. The FMN form of the analogue is converted to the FAD level by the yeast FAD synthetase, as shown by expression of the recombinant enzyme in Escherichia coli. These data show that the ribityl hydroxyl groups of the FAD moiety are not required for covalent flavinylation or catalytic activities of monoamine oxidases A and B. This is in contrast to the suggestion based on mutagenesis studies that an interaction between the 3'-hydroxyl group of the flavin and the beta-carbonyl of Asp(227) is required for the covalent flavinylation reaction of MAO B (Zhou et al., J. Biol. Chem. 273 (1998) 14862-14868).  相似文献   

Through a combination of chemical and enzymatic approaches a series of sequence-specific tubercidin-substituted ppp5'A2'p(5'A2'p)n5'A (n = 1 to about 10; 2-5A) analogues were generated. In addition to the previously developed methodology of Imai and Torrence [Imai, J., & Torrence, P.F. (1985) J. Org. Chem. 50, 1418-1420], a new approach to synthesis of 2',5'-linked oligonucleotides utilized adenosine in 3',5' linkage as a precursor to the targeted 5'-terminus of the desired product. For instance, A3'p5'A could be condensed under conditions of lead ion catalysis with tubercidin 5'-phosphate to give A3'p5'A2'p5'(c7A). Treatment with the 3',5'-specific nuclease P1 led to p5'A2'p5'(c7A). The combined use of the above procedures led to the synthesis of p5'(c7A)2'p5'A2'p5'A, p5'A2'p5'(c7A)2'p5'A, p5'A2'p5'A2'p5'(c7A), and p5'A2p5'(c7A)2'p5'(c7A), which were converted to their corresponding 5'-triphosphates by the usual methods. Evaluation of these analogues for their ability to bind to and activate the 2-5A-dependent endonuclease (RNase L) of mouse L cells showed that there were small changes (less than or equal to 10-fold) in the ability of the four tubercidin analogues to bind to RNase L. However, whenever the first and/or third adenosine nucleotide units were replaced by tubercidin, a dramatic decrease in ability to activate RNase L occurred. Only the second (from the 5'-terminus) adenosine residue could be replaced by tubercidin without any effect on RNase L activation ability.  相似文献   

Triplex-forming oligodeoxynucleotide 15mers, designed to bind in the antiparallel triple-helical binding motif, containing single substitutions (Z) of the four isomeric αN7-, βN7-, αN9- and βN9-2-aminopurine (ap)-deoxyribonucleosides were prepared. Their association with double-stranded DNA targets containing all four natural base pairs (X-Y) opposite the aminopurine residues was determined by quantitative DNase I footprint titration in the absence of monovalent metal cations. The corresponding association constants were found to be in a rather narrow range between 1.0 × 106 and 1.3 × 108 M–1. The following relative order in Z × X-Y base-triple stabilities was found: Z = αN7ap: T-A > A-T> C-G ~ G-C; Z = βN7ap: A-T > C-G > G-C > T-A; Z = αN9ap: A-T = G-C > T-A > C-G; and Z = βN9ap: G-C > A-T > C-G > T-A.  相似文献   

Laboratory microcosms were used to compare the effects of the littoral ostracod Cypridopsis vidua and the planktonic cladoceran Daphnia magna on community structure and metabolism. Filter-feeding by cladocerans, both in the presence and absence of ostracods, greatly reduced the abundance of planktonic algae when D. magna reached peak density around day 50; rotifers and euglenids were then limited to flocculent matter on the container bottom. Both net production and community respiration rates decreased as community composition changed. Microcosms containing ostracods as the only microcrustacean showed little reduction in total algal numbers but the otherwise dominant alga, Scenedesmus spp., was replaced by Ankistrodesmus spp. when peak ostracod density was reached around day 100. Rotifers were completely eliminated but euglenids were able to coexist with ostracods. Ostracods impacted community metabolism less than cladocerans, but depressed respiration slightly more than net production.  相似文献   

The microsomal (Mc) and mitochondrial (OM) isoforms of mammalian cytochrome b5 are the products of different genes, which likely arose via duplication of a primordial gene and subsequent functional divergence. Despite sharing essentially identical folds, heme-polypeptide interactions are stronger in OM b5s than in Mc b5s due to the presence of two conserved patches of hydrophobic amino acid side chains in the OM heme binding pockets. This is of fundamental interest in terms of understanding heme protein structure-function relationships, because stronger heme-polypeptide interactions in OM b5s in comparison to Mc b5s may represent a key source of their more negative reduction potentials. Herein we provide evidence that interactions amongst the amino acid side chains contributing to the hydrophobic patches in rat OM (rOM) b5 persist when heme is removed, rendering the empty heme binding pocket of rOM apo-b5 more compact and less conformationally dynamic than that in bovine Mc (bMc) apo-b5. This may contribute to the stronger heme binding by OM apo-b5 by reducing the entropic penalty associated with polypeptide folding. We also show that when bMc apo-b5 unfolds it adopts a structure that is more compact and contains greater nonrandom secondary structure content than unfolded rOM apo-b5. We propose that a more robust beta-sheet in Mc apo-b5s compensates for the absence of the hydrophobic packing interactions that stabilize the heme binding pocket in OM apo-b5s.  相似文献   

Thyrostimulin is a heterodimeric hormone composed of GPA2 and GPB5, and shares the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR). Thyrostimulin has three N-linked oligosaccharide chains, two in GPA2 and one in GPB5. The roles of these N-linked oligosaccharides in secretion, heterodimer formation and signal transduction were analyzed. Recombinant GPA2s lacking either of the two oligosaccharides were obtained from conditioned medium, whereas dual site-disrupted GPA2 and the GPB5 mutant were not expressed in either the conditioned medium or cell lysate. The binding between GPA2 and GPB5 was weaker than that between TSH subunits GPA1 and TSH beta. Neither of the oligosaccharides in GPA2 had significant effects on heterodimerization. Disruption of either of the oligosaccharides in GPA2 significantly decreased receptor activation, suggesting their critical role in receptor activation.  相似文献   

HtrA2(Omi), belonging to the high-temperature requirement A (HtrA) family of stress proteins, is involved in the maintenance of mitochondrial homeostasis and in the stimulation of apoptosis, as well as in cancer and neurodegenerative disorders. The protein comprises a serine protease domain and a postsynaptic density of 95 kDa, disk large, and zonula occludens 1 (PDZ) regulatory domain and functions both as a protease and a chaperone. Based on the crystal structure of the HtrA2 inactive trimer, it has been proposed that PDZ domains restrict substrate access to the protease domain and that during protease activation there is a significant conformational change at the PDZ–protease interface, which removes the inhibitory effect of PDZ from the active site. The crystal structure of the HtrA2 active form is not available yet. HtrA2 activity markedly increases with temperature. To understand the molecular basis of this increase in activity, we monitored the temperature-induced structural changes using a set of single-Trp HtrA2 mutants with Trps located at the PDZ–protease interface. The accessibility of each Trp to aqueous medium was assessed by fluorescence quenching, and these results, in combination with mean fluorescence lifetimes and wavelength emission maxima, indicate that upon an increase in temperature the HtrA2 structure relaxes, the PDZ–protease interface becomes more exposed to the solvent, and significant conformational changes involving both domains occur at and above 30 °C. This conclusion correlates well with temperature-dependent changes of HtrA2 proteolytic activity and the effect of amino acid substitutions (V226K and R432L) located at the domain interface, on HtrA2 activity. Our results experimentally support the model of HtrA2 activation and provide an insight into the mechanism of temperature-induced changes in HtrA2 structure.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12192-012-0355-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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