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Time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay of plasma and urine O-desmethylangolensin   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We present a method for the determination of the phytoestrogen metabolite O-desmethylangolensin (O-DMA) in plasma (serum) and in urine. O-DMA is a metabolite of daidzein, which occurs in soybeans. It has been suggested that isoflavones may afford protection against breast and prostate cancer and therefore, also the metabolites are of interest. The method is based on time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay (TR–FIA) using a europium chelate as a label. After the synthesis of 4′′-O-carboxymethyl-O-DMA, this compound is coupled to bovine serum albumin, and then used as antigen in immunization of rabbits. The tracers with the europium chelate are synthesized using the same 4′′-O-derivative of the -methyldeoxybenzoin. After enzymatic hydrolysis and ether extraction the immunoassay is carried out by time resolved fluoroimmunoassay (TR–FIA). Cross-reactivity was tested with angolensin, dihydrogenistein, dihydrodaidzein, equol, 6′-OH-angolensin, trans-4-OH-equol, 6′-OH-O-DMA, cis-4-OH-equol and 5-OH-equol. The antiserum cross-reacted only with angolensin. This cross-reactivity seems not to influence the results, which were highly specific. Plasma samples are hydrolyzed and extracted. Urine samples are analyzed directly after hydrolysis without extraction. The correlation coefficient between the plasma TR–FIA results and the GC–MS results was high; r value was 0.985. The correlation coefficient between the urine TR–FIA results and the GC–MS results was high over the entire range of concentrations (0–1500 nmol/l); r value was 0.976, but lower in the low concentration range (0–100 nmol/l), i.e. value was 0.631. The intra-assay coefficients of variation (CVs) for plasma O-DMA concentrations and for urine O-DMA concentrations at three different concentrations varied 2.8–7.7 and 3.0–6.0%, respectively and the inter-assay CVs varied 3.8–8.9 and 4.4–6.6%, respectively. The working range of the plasma and urine O-DMA assays was 0.5–512 nmol/l.  相似文献   

A time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay (TR-FIA), with europium labeled phytoestrogens as tracers, was developed for the quantitative determination of enterolactone, genistein and daidzein in human urine. The aim was to create a method for the screening of large populations in order to assess the possible correlations between the urinary levels and the risk of Western diseases.

After the synthesis of the 5′-carboxymethoxy derivative of enterolactone and 4′-O-carboxymethyl derivatives of daidzein and genistein, the respective compound was coupled to bovine serum albumin and then used as an antigen in the immunization of rabbits. The same derivatives of the phytoestrogen were used in preparing the europium tracers. After the enzymatic hydrolysis, the TR-FIA was carried out using the Victor 1420 multilabel counter. The method has sufficient sensitivity to measure the phytoestrogens at concentrations even below 5 nmol/l. The intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation, at three different concentrations, varied from 1.9 to 5.3 and from 2.4 to 9.7, respectively.

We measured urinary enterolactone, genistein and daidzein in 215 samples from Finnish healthy women and found that more than 50% of the values ranged between 1 and 7, <0.1 and 0.6 and below 0.6 μmol/24 h, respectively. The TR-FIA method including only a hydrolysis step gave higher values than those measured by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). However, the assay results by the present method showed strong correlation with those obtained by GC–MS. It is concluded that the TR-FIA is suitable for population screening of urinary phytoestrogens.  相似文献   

Phytoestrogens (isoflavones and lignans) are of increasing interest due to their potential to prevent certain types of complex diseases. However, epidemiological evidence is needed on the levels of phytoestrogens and their metabolites in foods and biological fluids in relation to risk of these diseases. We report an assay for phytoestrogens which is sensitive, accurate, and uses low volumes of sample. Suitable for epidemiological studies, the assay consists of a simple sample preparation procedure and has been developed for the analysis of five isoflavones (daidzein, O-desmethylangolensin, equol, genistein, and glycitein) and two lignans (enterodiol and enterolactone), which requires only 200 microl of urine and utilizes one solid-phase extraction stage for sample preparation prior to derivatization for GC/MS analysis. Limits of detection were in the region 1.2 ng/ml (enterodiol) to 5.3ng/ml (enterolactone) and the method performed well in the UK Government's Food Standards Agency-sponsored quality assurance scheme for phytoestrogens. For the first time, average levels of all the above phytoestrogens were measured in samples of urine collected from a free living population sample of women. Results show a large range in both the amount and the type of phytoestrogens excreted.  相似文献   

Optimal pH, temperature, and concentration of enzyme conditions for the rate of hydrolysis of five isoflavone conjugates (daidzein, O-desmethylangolensin, equol, genistein, and glycitein) and two lignans (enterodiol and enterolactone) from two biological matrices (urine and plasma) were studied using beta-glucuronidase from Helix pomatia. In addition, the use of mixtures of beta-glucuronidase and sulfatase enzymes from different sources was investigated to find enzyme preparations that contained lower amounts of naturally present phytoestrogens. Quantification of aglycones spiked with (13)C(3)-labeled internal standards was carried out by LC-MS/MS. In urine, all of the phytoestrogen conjugates hydrolyzed within 2h under standard hydrolysis conditions (24mul H. pomatia, pH 5, 37 degrees C). Hydrolysis rates were improved at 45 degrees C and by doubling the enzyme concentration and may be used to further reduce hydrolysis times down to 100min. In plasma, a 16-h hydrolysis was required to ensure complete hydrolysis of all conjugates. As with urine, the use of increased temperature or increased enzyme concentration reduced hydrolysis times for most analytes. However, the rate of hydrolysis in plasma was significantly slower than that in urine for all analytes except enterodiol, for which the reverse was true. Neither increased temperature nor increased enzyme concentration increased the rate of hydrolysis of enterolactone. Hydrolysis at pH 6 proved to be detrimental to hydrolysis of phytoestrogen conjugates, especially those in plasma. Other enzyme preparations from different sources, such as beta-glucuronidase from Escherichia coli, were found to contain lower amounts of contaminating phytoestrogens and showed increased enzyme activity for isoflavones, but lower activity for lignans, when used with other sulfatase enzymes. In addition, this involved complicating the analytical procedure through using mixtures of enzymes. Therefore, the use of beta-glucuronidase from H. pomatia combined with an enzyme "blank" to correct for phytoestrogen contamination was shown to be a suitable method for hydrolysis of phytoestrogens.  相似文献   

Time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay of plasma daidzein and genistein   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We present a method for the determination of the phytoestrogens daidzein and genistein in plasma (serum). These weakly estrogenic isoflavones occur in soybeans and in smaller amounts in some other beans and plants. It has been suggested that they may afford protection against prostate and breast cancer. The method is based on time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay (TR-FIA) using a europium chelate as a label. After synthesis of 4'-O-carboxymethyl-daidzein and 4'-O-carboxymethyl-genistein the compounds are coupled to bovine serum albumin (BSA), then used as antigens to immunize rabbits. The tracers with the europium chelate are synthesized using the same 4'-O-derivative of the isoflavones. After enzymatic hydrolysis and ether extraction the immunoassay is carried out using the VICTOR 1420 multilabel counter (Wallac Oy, Turku, Finland). The antisera cross-reacted to some extent with some isoflavonoids but not with flavonoids. The cross-reactivity seems not to influence the results, which were highly specific for both compounds. The correlation coefficients between the TR-FIA methods and the reference method based on isotope dilution gas chromatography-mass spectrometry were high; r-values were about 0.95-0.99 depending on concentration. The intra-assay coefficients of variation (CV%) for daidzein and genistein at three different concentrations vary 3.2-4.5 and 3.2-4.1, respectively. The inter-assay CVs vary 5.0-6.3 and 4.5-5.3, respectively. The working ranges of the daidzein and genistein assays are 1.0-216 and 1.7-370 nmol/l, respectively. The plasma values (n = 80) of daidzein and genistein are very low in Finnish subjects (mean for daidzein, 3.8+/-6.8 and for genistein, 3.2+/-7.6 nmol/l; median value for daidzein 1.5 and for genistein 1.4 nmol/l).  相似文献   

Phenols are present in the environment and are prevalent in human populations, as environmental contaminants, dietary components, or their metabolites. Many are potential endocrine-altering agents. Currently available methods analyze single components or single families of chemicals as biomarkers of exposure. In order to assess multiple biologically relevant exposures to such substances, we evaluated the feasibility of determining several phenols simultaneously in urine, using an electrochemical detector (ECD) in combination with high performance liquid chromatography (LC). Based on reported analyses in the literature and the ECD response, we selected four xenobiotic residues, including three phytoestrogens (enterolactone, daidzein, and genistein) and bisphenolA [BPA]. These compounds had detection limits below 1 microg/L in urine using the cleanup procedure (glucuronidase hydrolysis and C18 column) and the urine volume (2 mL) we employed. As a pilot study to demonstrate the method's utility, we determined urinary enterolactone, daidzein, genistein and BPA in samples from nine children and 24 adults.  相似文献   

Phytoestrogens are polyphenolic secondary plant metabolites that have structural and functional similarities to 17β-oestradiol and have been associated with a protective effect against hormone-related cancers. Most foods in the UK only contain small amounts of phytoestrogens (median content 21 μg/100 g) and the highest content is found in soya and soya-containing foods. The highest phytoestrogen content in commonly consumed foods is found in breads (average content 450 μg/100 g), the main source of isoflavones in the UK diet. The phytoestrogen consumption in cases and controls was considerably lower than in Asian countries. No significant associations between phytoestrogen intake and breast cancer risk in a nested case-control study in EPIC Norfolk were found. Conversely, colorectal cancer risk was inversely associated with enterolignan intake in women but not in men. Prostate cancer risk was positively associated with enterolignan intake, however this association became non-significant when adjusting for dairy intake, suggesting that enterolignans can act as a surrogate marker for dairy or calcium intake.  相似文献   

A new and reliable HPLC method for the quantitation of daidzein, equol, and genistein in human breast tissue has been developed. The method was applied to biopsies from women undergoing breast reductions, who, prior to surgery, had ingested either a soy isoflavone preparation or a placebo tablet. The results were compared with data collected for urine and serum of the same subjects using standard methods. The limits of detection in the breast tissue homogenate were 24.7 nmol/l for daidzein, 148.0 nmol/l for equol, and 28.4 nmol/l for genistein (S/N of 3). The chromatographic limits of quantitation were 62.5 nmol/l for daidzein and genistein, and 125.0 nmol/l for equol, for which the accuracies were 86.0%, 83.6%, and 81.8%, respectively. The coefficients of variation of these measurements were all below 20% (11.1% for daidzein, 16.4% for genistein, and 13.2% for equol). The sample preparation comprised a concentration step and the absolute limits of quantitation were, therefore, 4.7 nmol/l, 18.8 nmol/l, and 0.94 nmol/l for daidzein and genistein, and 9.4 nmol/l, 37.5 nmol/l, and 1.9 nmol/l for equol in urine, serum, and breast tissue homogenate, respectively. Recoveries were between 70% (+/-5.6%) in breast tissue homogenate and 100% (+/-14.1%) in urine and serum for all three compounds. Equol (less than 1 micromol/l homogenate) was found to be the predominant phytoestrogen in breast tissue and its concentrations exceeded those in serum. The concentrations of phytoestrogens were at least 100-fold higher in urine than in serum and breast tissue.  相似文献   

目的 调查人粪样中大豆素和雌马酚的含量及其与年龄和性别的关系;了解人粪样中雌马酚含量高低与菌群结构的关系.方法 采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)对来自杭州的125份粪样进行大豆素和雌马酚含量检测,并使用生物统计学软件SPSS进行统计学分析;使用PCR-DGGE对粪样中雌马酚含量的高低与菌群结构的关系进行初步研究.结果 HPLC检测结果表明,尽管粪样中雌马酚含量的高低与性别关系不大,但却与年龄大小存在很大的相关性,41 ~50岁年龄组的粪样中雌马酚含量明显高于其他年龄组.PCR-DGGE结果表明,粪样中雌马酚含量的高低与菌群结构无明显相关性.结论 人粪样中雌马酚含量的高低与年龄大小有很强的相关性.  相似文献   

Hong KW  Ko KP  Ahn Y  Kim CS  Park SJ  Park JK  Kim SS  Kim Y 《Genes & nutrition》2012,7(4):567-574
Equol is a daidzein (a phytoestrogen isoflavone) metabolite of gut bacteria, and the ability to produce equol varies between individuals and reduces the risks of several diseases. We tested the effects of equol production on health in Koreans and identified the genetic factors that determine the equol-producing phenotype. In 1391 subjects, the equol-producing phenotype was determined, based on measurements of serum equol concentrations. The anthropometric and blood biochemical measurements between equol producers and nonproducers were analyzed by LC-MS/MS. Genetic factors were identified in a genomewide association study (GWAS), and the interaction between genetic factors and the equol-producing phenotype was examined. We observed that 70.1 % of the study population produced equol. Blood pressure was significantly lower in equol producers (beta ± SE = −1.35 ± 0.67, p = 0.045). In our genomewide association study, we identified 5 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (p < 1 × 10−5) in HACE1. The most significant SNP was rs6927608, and individuals with a minor allele of rs6927608 did not produce equol (odds ratio = 0.57 (95 % CI 0.45–0.72), p value = 2.5 × 10−6). Notably, the interaction between equol production and the rs6927608 HACE1 SNP was significantly associated with systolic blood pressure (p value = 1.3 × 104). Equol production is linked to blood pressure, and HACE1, identified in our (GWAS), might be a determinant of the equol-producing phenotype.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12263-012-0292-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The ability of a soy-based high-phytoestrogen diet (nutritional intervention) or genistein (pharmacological intervention), to limit ischemic brain damage in Wistar, Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) rats, has been assessed. As to the nutritional intervention, two groups from each strain received either a phytoestrogen-free (PE-0) or a high-phytoestrogen (PE-600) diet from weaning to adulthood. As to the pharmacological intervention, all animals were fed the standard soy-free AIN-93G diet and subsequently separated into two groups from each strain to receive either pure genistein (aglycone form, 1 mg/kg/day intraperitoneal) or vehicle at 30 min reperfusion. After an episode of 90 min ischemia (intraluminal thread procedure) followed by 3 days reperfusion, cerebral infarct volume was measured. Arterial blood pressure (ABP) was significantly higher at the basal stage (just before ischemia) in SHR (140 ± 7 mmHg, n = 17, p < 0.05) than in Wistar (113 ± 4 mmHg, n = 23) and WKY (111 ± 6 mmHg, n = 14) rats. No significant differences were shown among the three stages (basal, ischemia, reperfusion) within each rat strain for both PE-0 and PE-600 diets. Wistar, but not WKY or SHR, rats fed the PE-600 diet showed significantly lower infarct volumes than their counterparts fed the PE-0 diet (30 ± 3% vs. 17 ± 3%, p < 0.01). Genistein-treated Wistar, but not WKY or SHR, rats showed significantly lower infarct volumes than their vehicle-treated controls (27 ± 2% vs. 15 ± 2%, p < 0.01). Our results demonstrate that: (1) the neuroprotective action of either chronic or acute exposure to soy isoflavones is strain-dependent, since it was shown in Wistar but not WKY or SHR rats; and (2) the soy-based diet does not prevent development of hypertension in SHR rats.  相似文献   

The extent of conversion of daidzein to its metabolite, equol, by intestinal microflora may be a critical step that determines if a diet rich in daidzein protects against the deterioration of bone after estrogen withdrawal. The objective was to determine the extent that daidzein is converted to equol. In addition, bone mineral content (BMC), bone mineral density (BMD) and strength of femurs and lumbar vertebrae (LV) in four mouse strains were measured. Mice were ovariectomized and fed control diet (AIN93G) with or without daidzein (200 mg daidzein/kg diet) for 3 weeks, after which serum, femurs and LV were collected. Serum daidzein and equol were elevated in all mice fed daidzein. Among mice fed daidzein, the CD-1 and Swiss–Webster (SW) mice had higher (P<.001) serum equol than C57BL/6 (C57) and C3H mice. Differences due to mouse strain were observed for all bone outcomes. C57 mice had lower femur BMC (P<.001), BMD (P<.001) and peak load at femur midpoint (P<.001) and neck (P<.001) than other mouse strains. C57 mice also had a lower femur midpoint yield load (P<.001) and resilience (P<.001) than C3H mice. C57 mice had a lower LV1–4 BMC (P<.001) and BMD (P<.001) compared with all mouse strains and peak load of LV3 was lower than CD-1 and SW mice. Differences in serum equol, BMD and bone strength properties should be considered when selecting a mouse strain for investigating whether dietary strategies that include isoflavones preserve bone tissue after ovariectomy.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive and convenient method to detect malondialdehyde (MDA) in specimens of plasma and urine was developed using high-performance liquid chromatography combining chemiluminescence detection. MDA was separated through a reverse-phase C18 column at a flow rate of 0.8 ml min−1. It was then detected by a chemiluminescence detector. Variables that affected chemiluminescence reaction, including mobile phase, flow rate, chemiluminescence reagent, parameters of the photomultiplier tube, and temperature, were studied. This assay was linear from 0.50 to 50 μmol L−1, with limits of detection and quantification of 0.08 and 0.30 μmol L−1, respectively. The recoveries were in the range of 92.2 to 98.5%, and the intra- and interday reproducibilities were obtained with relative standard deviations of less than 4% and less than 6%, respectively. MDA in plasma and urine was stable for 12 h at 4 °C. MDA levels were 2.74, 3.19, and 3.20 μmol L−1 for plasma and 1.25, 2.04, and 1.58 μmol L−1 for urine, respectively. The proposed method is simple, rapid, and sensitive with low cost. Taken together, this method can be suitable for detecting MDA in tissue and feed specimens.  相似文献   

Sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) methods have been developed and validated for the simultaneous determination of the antitumor drug topotecan and its metabolite N-desmethyltopotecan in human plasma, urine and faeces. Both compounds are reversibly hydrolysed to their hydroxycarboxylate forms at physiologic pH. Separate HPLC systems have been developed for the determination of lactone and total (lactone plus hydroxycarboxylate forms) concentrations in plasma. The instability of the analytes in plasma requires immediate protein precipitation with ice-cold methanol. The lactone forms of the analytes were stable in the methanol extracts for at least 15 months when stored at −70°C. For the determination of the total levels, the plasma extracts were acidified with 25 mM phosphoric acid to convert the compounds into their lactone forms quantitatively. The sample pretreatment procedure for urine included dilution in methanol while the faecal samples were homogenized in distilled water and then extracted twice with an acetonitrile–ammonium acetate mixture. Separation was achieved on reversed-phase columns (Zorbax SB-C18) and detection was performed fluorimetrically at 380/527 nm. Within-run and between-run precisions were less than 10% and average accuracies were between 90 and 110%. The methods were used in a mass balance study in patients with malignant solid tumors to determine the disposition and routes of elimination of topotecan and N-desmethyltopotecan.  相似文献   

J.M. VAN DER WOLF. 1993. Time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay (TR-FIA) was compared with double antibody sandwich (DAS)-ELISA for detection of Erwinia chrysanthemi antigens in potato peel extracts. Pure cultures were used to optimize TR-FIA with respect to the microplate washing procedure and dilution buffer compositions.
The detection threshold level for spiked potato peel extracts with the optimized TR-FIA format was 105 cells ml-1 as for the detection level of DAS-ELISA. The signal to background ratios at concentrations above 105 cells ml-1 were higher with TR-FIA than with DAS-ELISA. The dynamic range of TR-FIA was also superior to that of DAS-ELISA.
It can be concluded that TR-FIA is an attractive alternative to DAS-ELISA as a detection method for Erw. chrysanthemi, especially when quantification is required.  相似文献   

Equol (EQ), a metabolite of the soy isoflavone daidzein, has well known estrogenic properties. Data from animal studies suggested that EQ may act also as an anti-androgen. However, data regarding how EQ may affect brain functions like the regulation of neuroendocrine activity and reproductive outcomes in adult male rats are still lacking. We therefore investigated the effects of EQ on sex-steroid regulated gene expression in the brain [medial preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus (MPOA/AH) and medial basal hypothalamus/median eminence (MBH/ME)], pituitary, and prostate as a reference androgen-dependent organ. Furthermore reproductive outcomes were evaluated. The anti-androgen flutamide (FLUT) served as reference compound. Male rats (n = 12 per group) were treated by gavage for 5 days with either EQ (100 or 250 mg/kg BW/day), or FLUT 100 mg/kg BW/day. All vehicle- and EQ-treated males showed successful reproductive outcomes, whereas FLUT-exposed males had severe reproductive impairments resulted in infertility. FLUT decreased relative weights of prostate, seminal vesicles and epididymides, and increased serum levels of luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, testosterone and 5α-dihydrotestosterone without altering prolactin levels, whereas EQ exerted opposite effects. Both EQ and FLUT decreased gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) expression in the MPOA/AH. Only FLUT upregulated levels of GnRH receptor expression both in the MBH/ME and pituitary. While EQ downregulated the hypothalamic ERα and ERβ expressions, but FLUT did not. In the prostate, only FLUT upregulated both ERα and AR mRNA expression levels. Taken together, our findings are the first data that EQ did not induce anti-androgenic effects on brain, prostate and male reproductive parameters, however, estrogenic neuroendocrine and reproductive effects of EQ were observed.  相似文献   

Endocrine active compounds (EACs) have been shown to influence a number of reproductive endpoints but less is known about how they might affect other hormone dependent behaviors including anxiety and aggression. Recent evidence suggests that these effects may be mediated through the beta form of the estrogen receptor (ERbeta). Using male Long Evans rats, we sought to determine how neonatal exposure to EACs affects anxiety and aggression in adulthood. Anxiety was assessed using the elevated plus maze and aggression was assessed 8 weeks later using the resident intruder test. To gain insight into which ER subtype (ERalpha vs ERbeta) might be mediating these effects we used agonists specific for ERalpha (1,3,5-tris(4-Hydroxyphenyl)-4-propyl-1H-pyrazole (PPT)) or ERbeta (Diarylpropionitrile (DPN)) as additional treatment groups. For these experiments the synthetic EAC bisphenol-A (BPA) and the phytoestrogen metabolite equol (EQ) were used. Male neonates were injected with either 0.05 ml sesame oil (control), 50 microg estradiol benzoate (EB), 1 mg/kg DPN, 1 mg/kg PPT, 50 microg/kg BPA, or 10 mg/kg EQ daily for 4 days beginning on the day of birth (PND 0). Compared to the oil treated controls, significantly fewer open arm entries were made by the males neonatally treated with DPN, EQ, or BPA. The DPN and EQ treated males were also more aggressive compared to the controls. These findings suggest that neonatal exposure to EACs with agonistic activity on ERbeta may influence affective behavior in adulthood, including anxiety and aggression.  相似文献   

M Crabos  I W Wainer  J F Cloix 《FEBS letters》1984,176(1):223-228
This study was undertaken to assess endogenous Na+,K+-ATPase inhibitors in both plasma and urine in the same subjects. Samples were chromatographed on reverse-phase HPLC using an acetonitrile gradient and the eluent screened using Na+,K+-ATPase inhibition and cross-reaction with anti-digoxin antibodies. The donors were divided into inhibiting and non-inhibiting subjects using a previously described method, plasma action on ouabain binding and on Na+,K+-ATPase activity. Three Na+,K+-ATPase inhibitors (1P, 2P and 3P) were detectable in plasma; the antibodies cross-reaction of the peaks 2P and 3P were larger than that of peak 1P. The peaks 2P and 3P were significantly higher in inhibiting subjects as compared to non-inhibiting subjects. The 24-h urine is resolved into two peaks inhibiting Na+,K+-ATPase activity (1U and 2U). Peak 2U cross-reacted with anti-digoxin antibodies to a greater extent than peak 1U and is significantly larger in inhibiting subjects in terms of Na+,K+-ATPase inhibition. These data support the heterogeneity of human Na+,K+-ATPase inhibitor in both plasma and urine.  相似文献   

An analytical method using double focusing sector field inductively — coupled plasma mass spectrometry (sector field ICPMS) for rapid simultaneous determination of 42 elements in urine is described. Sample preparation consisted of 20-fold dilution with 0.14 mol/l nitric acid in ultrapure water. The importance of controlling possible contamination sources at different sample preparation and analysis stages in order to achieve adequate method detection limits (DL) is emphasized. Correction for matrix effects was made using indium and lutetium as internal standards. Different approaches for accuracy assessment in urine analysis are evaluated. Additional information on trace element concentrations in a urine reference material is given. Between-batch precision was assessed from the analysis of separately prepared aliquots of the reference material and was better than 10% RSD for 32 of the elements. The robustness of the procedure was tested by analysis of about 250 samples in one analytical run lasting more than 50 hours. A statistical summary of results for 19 urine samples from non-exposed subjects is presented. For a majority of the elements tested concentrations were higher than the detection limit of the method.  相似文献   

Ochratoxin A (OTA) is a frequent mycotoxin contaminant found worldwide in foods and feedstuffs. Biomonitoring has been used to assess internal OTA exposure resulting from dietary intake and from other sources. Mycotoxin levels in blood and/or urine provide good estimates of past and recent exposure since OTA binds to serum proteins and is also partly excreted via the kidney. But, measuring OTA alone does not reflect its biotransformation. In light of scarce data on its metabolites in humans, it was the aim of this study to develop a method that allows analysis of OTA and its detoxication product ochratoxin alpha (OTα) in urine and in blood plasma. The method involves enzymatic hydrolysis of conjugates, liquid–liquid extraction, and analysis of sample extracts by liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. Application of the validated method in a pilot study with 13 volunteers revealed the presence of OTA and OTα in all samples (limit of quantification: 0.05 ng/mL in urine, and 0.1 ng/mL in plasma). In line with negative findings of others, an OTA glucuronide was not detected, neither in urine nor in plasma. By contrast, conjugates of OTα (glucuronide and/or sulfate) are major products in these samples. This was confirmed by mass spectrometry detection. As OTα represents a large fraction of ingested mycotoxin, we propose to include analyses of this metabolite in future biomonitoring studies, also in light of the observed variations for urine OTα-levels that suggest different interindividual abilities for OTA-detoxification in humans.  相似文献   

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