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A 1369 bp DNA fragment (Sc) was isolated from a full-length clone of sugarcane bacilliform badnavirus (ScBV) and was shown to have promoter activity in transient expression assays using monocot (banana, maize, millet and sorghum) and dicot plant species (tobacco, sunflower, canola and Nicotiana benthamiana). This promoter was also tested for stable expression in transgenic banana and tobacco plants. These experiments showed that this promoter could drive high-level expression of the -glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene in most plant cells. The expression level was comparable to the maize ubiquitin promoter in standardised transient assays in maize. In transgenic banana plants the expression levels were variable for different transgenic lines but was generally comparable with the activities of both the maize ubiquitin promoter and the enhanced cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter. The Sc promoter appears to express in a near-constitutive manner in transgenic banana and tobacco plants. The promoter from sugarcane bacilliform virus represents a useful tool for the high-level expression of foreign genes in both monocot and dicot transgenic plants that could be used similarly to the CaMV 35S or maize polyubiquitin promoter.  相似文献   

The tissue-specific expression of transgenes is essential in plant breeding programmes to avoid the fitness costs caused by constitutive expression of a target gene. However, knowledge on the molecular mechanisms of tissue-specific gene expression and practicable tissue-specific promoters is limited. In this study, we identified the cis -acting elements of a tissue-specific promoter from rice, PD54O , and tested the application of original and modified PD54O and its cis -elements in the regulation of gene expression. PD54O is a green tissue-specific promoter. Five novel tissue-specific cis -elements (LPSE1, LPSE2, LPSRE1, LPSRE2, PSE1) were characterized from PD54O . LPSE1 activated gene expression in leaf and young panicle. LPSRE2 suppressed gene expression in leaf, root, young panicle and stem, and PSE1 suppressed gene expression in young panicle and stem. LPSRE1 and LPSE2 had dual roles in the regulation of tissue-specific gene expression; both functioned as activators in leaf, but LPSRE1 acted as a repressor in stem and LPSE2 as a repressor in young panicle and root. Transgenic rice plants carrying cry1Ac encoding Bacillus thuringiensis endotoxin, regulated by PD54O , were resistant to leaf-folders, with no Cry1Ac protein found in endosperm or embryo. A reporter gene regulated by a series of truncated PD54O showed various tissue-specific expression patterns. Different fragments of PD54O fused with the constitutive cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter suppressed 35S -regulated gene expression in various tissues. PD54O , truncated PD54O and the tissue-specific cis -elements provide useful tools for the regulation of tissue-specific gene expression in rice breeding programmes.  相似文献   

通过构建表达光信号系统关键基因CRY1、CRY2和COP1启动子与GUS融合基因的拟南芥转基因植株,并对转基因植株进行GUS组织化学染色的结果表明,CRY1、CRY2和COP1的表达模式不受光条件的调控,并且在各器官有广泛的表达。分别分析CRY1基因启动子在cop1突变体以及COP1基因启动子在cry1突变体遗传背景中表达模式的结果表明,CRY1和COP1在转录水平上不存在明显的相互调控关系。  相似文献   

We isolated a gene, BnSKP1γ1, expressed in rapeseed (Brassica napus) microspores, which encodes a protein closely related to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Skp1p protein previously shown to play a role in cell cycle regulation. Twelve SKP1-related genes have already been identified in the Arabidopsis thaliana genome. Using a PCR-based strategy, we isolated three other genes. To date, most data available concerning the function of the SKP1-related genes in plants are indirect. Studies on transgenic A. thaliana plants showthat a 1100-bp BnSKP1γ1 promoter fragment can direct GUS expression in female gametophytes soon after the first haploid mitosis and in male gametophytes from the tetrade stage. No GUS expression can be detected in sporophytic tissues. RT-PCR experiments suggest that this gene is expressed in a similar way in rapeseed. This is the first reported case of a gene exhibiting such an expression pattern in angiosperms. Received: 5 October 1999 / Revision accepted: 28 March 2000  相似文献   

The ENOD40 gene is induced early during Rhizobium-legume symbiosis and has probably a primary role in the nodule organogenesis. In this paper we show that the 1.7 kb 5-flanking region of the GmENOD40(2) is able to drive the expression of a gusA-int marker in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. The promoter activity is developmentally regulated and the major activity is detected in the root and in the stigma.  相似文献   

Patatin class I promoter (B33 promoter) is a tissue-specific potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) promoter expressing the patatin gene mainly in tubers. However, it can be induced in other organs by sucrose or light. We compared the activity of this promoter fused with the reporter gene during heterological expression in B33::GUS transgenic arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana L.) plants and homological expression of the same DNA construct in potato. Promoter activity was estimated from quantification of β-glucuronidase (GUS) activity. It was shown that, during heterological expression in arabidopsis seedlings, B33 promoter manifested a tissue-specificity and inducibility, although in a different manner than during homological expression in potato. In noninduced arabidopsis seedlings, B33 promoter was most active in the roots, whereas, after induction with sucrose treatment, it became most active in cotyledons. 10 mM sucrose was sufficient for a manifold activation of B33 promoter in intact seedlings. The degree of B33 promoter induction by sucrose in arabidopsis seedlings was strictly organ-specific and increased in the following sequence: root < hypocotyl < cotyledons. 150–200 mM sucrose enhanced B33 promoter activity in cotyledons by 200 to 300 times, i.e., much stronger than in potato organs. Glucose and fructose were less efficient than sucrose. Phytohormones affecting tuber formation in potato (gibberellins, auxins, and cytokinins) did not affect significantly B33 promoter activity in arabidopsis. A lag period of approximately 6 h preceded sucrose-induced B33 promoter activation. This indicates that the patatin promoter is not the primary target for the sucrose signal. The quantitative examination of heterological expression of patatin class I promoter further clarifies its basic functional characteristics and permits a better prognosis of its behavior after transferring into other plant species.  相似文献   

The minimum functional length of pre-mRNA introns in monocots and dicots   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
When exogenous genes are to be expressed in transgenic plants, their RNAs must be correctly processed. To gain information useful for predicting whether foreign introns will be accurately spliced, we have analysed the processing of an artificial gene in maize and Nicotiana plumbaginifolia protoplasts. A synthetic plant intron, devised to contain the elements necessary for pre-mRNA splicing in dicots, was found to be efficiently spliced in a monocot (maize) transient expression system. A series of deletion mutants of the synthetic intron was constructed to assess the minimum functional intron length. In both monocots and dicots this was found to be between 70 and 73 nt. This length requirement is similar to that seen in vertebrates, but significantly greater than that in fungi and insects.  相似文献   

Two putative promoters from Australian banana streak badnavirus (BSV) isolates were analysed for activity in different plant species. In transient expression systems the My (2105 bp) and Cv (1322 bp) fragments were both shown to have promoter activity in a wide range of plant species including monocots (maize, barley, banana, millet, wheat, sorghum), dicots (tobacco, canola, sunflower, Nicotiana benthamiana, tipu tree), gymnosperm (Pinus radiata) and fern (Nephrolepis cordifolia). Evaluation of the My and Cv promoters in transgenic sugarcane, banana and tobacco plants demonstrated that these promoters could drive high-level expression of either the green fluorescent protein (GFP) or the -glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene (uidA) in vegetative plant cells. In transgenic sugarcane plants harbouring the Cv promoter, GFP expression levels were comparable or higher (up to 1.06% of total soluble leaf protein as GFP) than those of plants containing the maize ubiquitin promoter (up to 0.34% of total soluble leaf protein). GUS activities in transgenic in vitro-grown banana plants containing the My promoter were up to seven-fold stronger in leaf tissue and up to four-fold stronger in root and corm tissue than in plants harbouring the maize ubiquitin promoter. The Cv promoter showed activities that were similar to the maize ubiquitin promoter in in vitro-grown banana plants, but was significantly reduced in larger glasshouse-grown plants. In transgenic in vitro-grown tobacco plants, the My promoter reached activities close to those of the 35S promoter of cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV), while the Cv promoter was about half as active as the CaMV 35S promoter. The BSV promoters for pregenomic RNA represent useful tools for the high-level expression of foreign genes in transgenic monocots.  相似文献   

以拟南芥动蛋白(kinesin)kin-8家族的AtKin8a和AtKin8b这两个动蛋白基因作为研究对象,以组成型表达的肌动蛋白基因(Actin2)作为对照,利用半定量RT-PCR的方法,分析其在拟南芥各器官中的表达状况。结果表明:AtKin8a和AtKin8b基因主要在花器官中特异表达;随后克隆AtKin8a和AtKin8b基因启动子区域并与GUS基因融合,转基因植株花器官GUS染色表明:AtKin8a和AtKin8b基因的表达主要分别在胚珠、花药部位。由此推测它们可能分别在胚珠、花药发育过程中发挥作用。  相似文献   

The Botany Array Resource provides the means for obtaining and archiving microarray data for Arabidopsis thaliana as well as biologist-friendly tools for viewing and mining both our own and other's data, for example, from the AtGenExpress Consortium. All the data produced are publicly available through the web interface of the database at http://bbc.botany.utoronto.ca. The database has been designed in accordance with the Minimum Information About a Microarray Experiment convention -- all expression data are associated with the corresponding experimental details. The database is searchable and it also provides a set of useful and easy-to-use web-based data-mining tools for researchers with sophisticated yet understandable output graphics. These include Expression Browser for performing 'electronic Northerns', Expression Angler for identifying genes that are co-regulated with a gene of interest, and Promomer for identifying potential cis-elements in the promoters of individual or co-regulated genes.  相似文献   

Steryl glucosides are characteristic lipids of plant membranes. The biosynthesis of these lipids is catalyzed by the membrane-bound UDP-glucose:sterol glucosyltransferase (EC The purified enzyme (Warnecke and Heinz, Plant Physiol 105 (1994): 1067–1073) has been used for the cloning of a corresponding cDNA from oat (Avena sativa L.). Amino acid sequences derived from the amino terminus of the purified protein and from peptides of a trypsin digestion were used to construct oligonucleotide primers for polymerase chain reaction experiments. Screening of oat and Arabidopsis cDNA libraries with amplified labeled DNA fragments resulted in the isolation of sterol glucosyltransferase-specific cDNAs with insert lengths of ca. 2.3 kb for both plants. These cDNAs encode polypeptides of 608 (oat) and 637 (Arabidopsis) amino acid residues with molecular masses of 66 kDa and 69 kDa, respectively. The first amino acid of the purified oat protein corresponds to the amino acid 133 of the deduced polypeptide. The absence of these N-terminal amino acids reduces the molecular mass to 52 kDa, which is similar to the apparent molecular mass of 56 kDa determined for the purified protein. Different fragments of these cDNAs were expressed in Escherichia coli. Enzyme assays with homogenates of the transformed cells exhibited sterol glucosyltransferase activity.  相似文献   

Constitutive promoters such as CaMV (cauliflower mosaic virus) 35S and nos (nopaline syn-thase) have been used extremely as useful tools in many plant transgenic researches. Because of lacking temporal and spatial regulation, constitutive promoters have a number of potential drawbacks in genetically improved crops[1]. For example, constitutive expression of viral capsid proteins in plants may increase the risk of transvapsidation or viral recombination to generate new strains of phytopathogen…  相似文献   

An upstream region isolated from a eukaryotic algal virus adenine methyltransferase gene was tested for promoter function in plants. Fusion of this region to the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene resulted in significantly higher expression than fusion with the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. Strong levels of expression were also found in electroporated monocot plant cells. The promoter activity in transgenic tobacco plants showed tissue-specific expression. Leaves had the highest expression followed by stems and flowers. The promoter activity was not detected in root tissue. Environmental cues, such as light, and the phytohormones auxin and cytokinines had no effect on the promoter's expression. This promoter might be utilized to achieve high levels of expression of introduced genes in higher plants.  相似文献   

Gray-Mitsumune M  Matton DP 《Planta》2006,223(3):618-625
The maize ZmEA1 protein was recently postulated to be involved in short-range pollen tube guidance from the embryo sac. To date, EA1-like sequences had only been identified in monocot species. Using a more conserved C-terminal motif found in the monocot species, numerous ZmEA1-like sequences were retrieved in EST databases from dicot species, as well as from unannotated genomic sequences of Arabidopsis thaliana. RT-PCR analyses were produced for these unannotated genes and showed that these were indeed expressed genes. Further structural and phylogenetic analyses revealed that all members of the EA1-like (EAL) gene family shared a conserved 27–29 amino acid motif, termed the EA box near the C-terminal end, and appear to be secretory proteins. Therefore, the EA box proteins defines a new class of small secretory proteins, some of which being possibly involved in pollen tube guidance. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

克隆得到了一个白桦纤维素合成酶基因(CESA7)GenBanK登录号(EU591531)启动子序列,通过序列分析发现该启动子含有多个不同功能的顺式作用元件,包括光响应元件、激素响应元件、叶片形态发育元件等,推测该启动子在白桦生长发育过程中具有关键作用。将BpCESA7启动子克隆至带有GUS报告基因的植物表达载体,命名为proBpCESA7-121-GUS,并利用农杆菌介导方法侵染白桦和拟南芥,然后通过GUS组织化学染色观察BpCESA7基因启动子的组织表达特性。结果在白桦的根、茎、叶和拟南芥的根,叶,萼片、雌蕊中检测到了GUS活性,说明BpCESA7基因启动子具有启动子活性,并且在白桦的根和叶中染色最深,表明BpCESA7基因在白桦根和叶中表达量较高,并且其存在组织表达特异性。  相似文献   

The tissue-specificity of the sugarcane bacilliform virus (SCBV) promoter was investigated in oat, barley, and wheat to determine whether its expression pattern in one species was predictive of promoter specificity in the other closely related Gramineae species. Progeny of transgenic plants produced using constructs containing the SCBV promoter driving gusA were sampled at different stages of plant development and stained for GUS activity using a histochemical assay. Overall, the GUS staining patterns were most similar between oat and barley. In all three species, similar GUS staining patterns were observed in mature endosperms, leaves, and floral bracts of developing infloresences. No GUS staining was detected in oat embryos whereas the entire barley embryo was stained, and GUS staining was confined to the scutellum of wheat embryos. Oat and barley stems exhibited GUS staining whereas no GUS staining was observed in stems of the transgenic wheat plants. The SCBV promoter conferred strong GUS staining intensity in most tissues of oat and barley but was generally weaker in wheat. These differences in SCBV promoter specificity indicate that promoter evaluation should be conducted in the target species of interest rather than by extrapolation from expression patterns in other species.  相似文献   

木质素作为木材的主要组成成分,通常是由3种单体聚合而成,在其生物合成过程中,共有10个酶家族参与负责将苯丙胺酸转化为单体木质素,其中C3H是在对-香豆酰辅酶A(p-coumaroyl CoA)到咖啡酰辅酶A(caffeoyl CoA)的羟基化过程和G/S单体形成中的关键控制酶类,探究PagC3H3基因表达模式,对于进一步了解该基因功能具有重要意义。该研究通过定量PCR对PagC3H3基因的组织特异性表达进行分析;克隆得到了长度为2 035 bp的PagC3H3的启动子序列,预测含有多个顺式作用元件;同时,将获得的PagC3H3的启动子序列构建植物表达载体pBI121-PagC3H3pro::GUS,进行拟南芥瞬时转化,结果显示PagC3H3基因在84K杨的根、中部茎节和基部茎节中的表达量较高;瞬时转化拟南芥,GUS染色表明:在下胚轴和根中GUS活性较强,由此推测PagC3H3基因在木质素合成过程中发挥作用。  相似文献   

以拟南芥为材料,利用PCR技术分离pyk10启动子序列,构建了该启动子GUS植物表达载体,农杆菌介导转化烟草,分析该基因在烟草中的表达,以明确拟南芥根特异表达基因pyk10启动子在烟草中的表达特性.结果表明:克隆的pyk10启动子与已报道的pyk10启动子一致性为100%,GUS基因在烟草的根部特异表达,表明该启动子为根部特异表达启动子,为揭示植物根的发生、分化和发育机制,以及培育抗根部病虫害和营养高效利用型转基因烟草奠定了基础.  相似文献   

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