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Chemical implantation of Group 5 cations [Nb(III), Nb(V), and Ta(V)] has been carried out under mild conditions by the reaction of N,N-dialkylcarbamato derivatives M(O2CNR2)n (M = Nb, Ta) with silanol groups of amorphous silica, carbon dioxide, and secondary amine being released in the process. The amount of supported cations depends on the metal and on the initial number of N,N-dialkylcarbamato ligands on M; partial reduction to the +4 oxidation state occurs in the case of Nb(O2CNR2)5.  相似文献   

The niobium complex [NbCpClCl4] (CpClη5-C5H4(SiCl2Me)) (1) with a functionalized (dichloromethylsilyl)cyclopentadienyl ligand was isolated by the reaction of [NbCl5] with C5H4(SiCl2Me)(SiMe3). Complex 1 was a precursor for the imido silylamido derivative [NbCpNCl2(NtBu)] (CpNη5-C5H4[SiClMe(NHtBu)]) (2) after addition of LiNHtBu, which subsequently gave the dichlorosilyl compound [NbCpClCl2(NtBu)] (3) when reacted with SiCl3Me. Addition of LiNHtBu to complex 2 gave the niobium amido complex [NbCpNCl(NHtBu)(NtBu)] (4), which slowly evolved with exchange of the niobium-amido and the silicon-chloro groups to give the dichloroniobium complex [NbCpNNCl2(NtBu)] (CpNNη5-C5H4[SiMe(NHtBu)2]) (5). Reaction of 2 with excess LiNHtBu gave the silyl-η-amido constrained geometry complexes [Nb{η5-C5H4[SiMe(NHtBu)(-η-NtBu)]}(NHtBu)(NtBu)] (6) and [Nb{η5-C5H4[SiClMe(-η-NtBu)]}(NHtBu)(NtBu)] (7), whereas addition of one equimolecular amount of LiNHtBu to 5 in C6D6 afforded complex [NbCpNNCl(NHtBu)(NtBu)] (8). All of the new complexes were characterized by 1H, 13C and 29Si NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》1986,112(2):177-181
Reactions of CrCl3·3thf with KM(OPri)6 in 1:3 molar ratios in benzene yield soluble complexes of the type Cr[M(OPri)6]3 (M=Nb or Ta). On heating under vacuum, these complexes tend to disproportionate into Cr(OPri)3 and M(OPri)5 (M=Nb or Ta). A number of bimetallic alkoxides have also been synthesized by the alcoholysis of Cr[M(OPri)6]3 with alcohols (methanol, ethanol and t-amyl alcohol). The IR, visible, electron spin resonance and magnetic properties of these newly synthesized complexes throw light on the structural features.  相似文献   

The N,N-diethylcarbamato derivative of zirconium(IV), Zr(O2CNEt2)4 has been studied by X-ray crystallography. Crystal data: C20H40Na4O8Zr, monoclinic, space group C2/c, a = 14.057(1), b = 12.168(1), c = 16.746(2) Å, β = 108.071(4)°, Z = 4, Dc = 1.356, F(000) = 1168, T = 213 K. The compound is isotypic with the corresponding niobium(IV) derivative with a dodecahedral coordination at the zirconium atom. By reaction of NbCl4(THF)2 with Tl(hfacac), the hexafluoroacetylacetonato derivative of niobium (IV), Nb(hfacac)4, has been prepared and structurally characterized. The compound crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group Pna21 with the following cell constants: a = 10.399(4), b = 15.852(9), c = 119.073(1) Å. It is not isotypic with the corresponding zirconium(IV) derivative, Zr(hfacac)4. Crystal data: C20H4F24O8Zr, monoclinic, space group P21/n, a = 11.974(4), b = 20.451(6), c = 13.140(3) Å, β = 104.487(11)°, Z = 4, Dc = 1.960, F(000) = 1776, T = 223 K. Although in both compounds the central metal atom shows a square antiprismatic coordination, the coordination mode of the ligands is different and slight deviations from the D4(llll) and C2(llss) ideal geometries have been observed in the case of niobium and zirconium, respectively. An EPR study has been performed on the Nb(IV) derivatives as diluted solid solutions in frozen organic solvents or in the diamagnetic matrix of the corresponding zirconium(IV) compound. The EPR spectra have confirmed the presence of non-interacting paramagnets in the solid solutions and, in the case of Nb(O2CNEt2)4, the point symmetry of the paramagnetic centre has been found to be in agreement with the results of the X-ray investigation. An EPR spectrum of rhombic symmetry has been observed for the hexafluoroacetylacetonato derivative of Nb(IV) when diluted in frozen THF solution or in Zr(hfacac)4.  相似文献   

Several niobium and tantalum compounds were prepared that contain either the diamidoamine ligand, [(3,4,5-F3C6H2NCH2CH2)2NMe]2− ([F3N2NMe]2−), or the triamidoamine ligand, [(3,5-Cl2C6H3NCH2CH2)3N]3− ([Cl2N2NMe]3−). The former include [F3N2NMe]TaCl3, [F3N2NMe]NbCl3, [F3N2NMe]TaMe3, [F3N2NMe]NbMe3, [(F3N2NMe)TaMe2][MeB(C6F5)3], [F3N2NMe]Ta(CHSiMe3)(CH2SiMe3), [F3N2NMe]Ta(CH2-t-Bu)Cl2, [F3N2NMe]Ta(CH-t-Bu)(CH3), and [F3N2NMe]Ta(η2-C2H4)(CH2CH3). The latter include [Cl2N2NMe]TaCl2, [Cl2N2NMe]TaMe2, [Cl2N2NMe]Ta(η2-C2H4), and [Cl2N2NMe]Ta(η2-C2H2).X-ray diffraction studies were carried out on [F3N2NMe]Ta(CHSiMe3)(CH2SiMe3), [F3N2NMe]Ta(η2-C2H4)(CH2CH3), and [Cl2N2NMe]TaMe2..  相似文献   

Gas phase photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) is used to investigate the bonding and electronic structure in (fv) [M(CO)2]2 (fv = fulvalene, η55-C10H82−; M = Co, Rh). The results for these bimetallic complexes are also compared to those for the analogous monometallic complexes CpM(CO)2 (Cp = η5−C5H5; M = Co, Rh) which have been reported previously. The low valence ionization patterns observed for CpCo(CO)2 and (fv)[Co(CO)2]2 are very similar, indicating that there is little electronic interaction between the two metals of the dicobalt complex. The spectrum of (fv)[Rh(CO)2]2 also is very similar to the spectrum of CpRh(CO)2, except that the first metal ionizations in the bimetallic rhodium compound show a significant splitting (0.45 eV). This splitting is due to electronic interaction between the two metal centers which occurs via communication through the fulvalene π system. The differences in electronic structure are compared to the differences in electrochemical behavior of the Co and Rh fulvalene complexes.  相似文献   

The synthesis and electrochemical characterisation of octa-pentylthio (4a) and octa-octylthio (4b) - phthalocyaninato tantalum (III) hydroxide are hereby reported. These TaPc complexes absorb in the near infrared region (∼800 nm in dichloromethane). They show good solubility in most common solvents especially non-viscous solvents such as dichloromethane and chloroform. NMR, mass and infrared spectroscopy and elemental analysis confirmed the structures and purity of the synthesised complexes. The cyclic voltammograms (CVs) showed reversible reduction couples and irreversible oxidation peaks. The latter exhibited adsorption behavior. The reduction processes were observed at −0.74 and −1.13 V (versus Ag|AgCl) for 4a, and −0.67, −1.02 and −1.48 V (versus Ag|AgCl) for 4b. Spectroelectrochemistry confirmed one metal reduction, with the rest of the redox processes being centered on the phthalocyanine ring.  相似文献   

Protonation of Na3[Ta(CO)5] in liquid ammonia provides the thermally unstable Na[Ta(CO)5NH3], which may be isolated as the crystalline and deep violet salt [Ph4As][Ta(CO)5NH3]. Sodium amminepentacarbonyltantalate(1−) reacts with PMe3, PPh3, P(OMe)3, AsPh3, SbPh3, CNtBu and CN at about 0°C in NH3/THF to give exclusively the corresponding [Ta(CO)5L]z. These have been isolated as tetraethylammonium salts in 54–84% yields.  相似文献   

The synthesis and crystal structure of novel oxo-alkoxo-carboxylato Nb(IV) complexes, Nb62-O)32-O2CCX3)62-OC2H5)6(OC2H5)6 (X=Cl, F) are described. The single-crystal X-ray structure determination carried out, revealed a closed ring of six Nb(IV) ions linked alternately by two carboxylato groups and an oxo group, and two ethoxo groups. The hexanuclear molecule can essentially be described as a trimer of Nb22-OC2H5)2(OC2H5)2, each linked by an μ2-oxo group and two μ2-carboxylato groups. The ethoxo-bridged Nb-Nb distances are 2.735(5) Å, which is consistent with a single metal-metal bond, while the oxo- and carboxylato-bridged non-bonding Nb-Nb distances are 3.635(2) Å.  相似文献   

Addition of (Me3SiNHCH2CH2)2NH (H3[N3(TMS)]) or (Me3SiNH-o-C6H4)2NH (H3[ArN3(TMS)]) to a solution of TaMe5 yields [N3(TMS)]TaMe2 or [ArN3(TMS)]TaMe2, respectively. An X-ray study of [ArN3(TMS)]TaMe2 showed it to have an approximate trigonal bipyramidal structure in which the two methyl groups are in equatorial positions and the triamido ligand is approximately planar. Addition of (C6F5NHCH2CH2)2NH (H3[N3(C6F5)]) to TaMe5 yields first [(C6F5NCH2CH2)2NH]TaMe3, which then decomposes to [(C6F5NCH2CH2)2N]TaMe2. An X-ray study of [(C6F5NCH2CH2)2N]TaMe2 shows it to be approximately a trigonal bipyramid, but the C6F5 rings are oriented so that they lie approximately in the TaN3 plane and two ortho fluorines interact weakly with the metal. Trimethylaluminum attacks the central nitrogen atom in [N3(TMS)]TaMe2 to give [(Me3SiNCH2CH2)2NAlMe3]TaMe2, an X-ray study of which shows it to be a trigonal bipyramidal species similar to the first two structures, except that the C-Ta-C bond angle is approximately 30° smaller (106.6(12)°). Addition of B(C6F5)3 to [(C6F5NCH2CH2)2NH]TaMe3 yields {[(C6F5NCH2CH2)2NH]TaMe2}+ {B(C6F5)3Me}, the structure of which most closely resembles that of [(Me3SiNCH2CH2)2NAlMe3]TaMe2 in that the C-Ta-C angle is 102.0(6)°. The C6F5 rings in {[(C6F5NCH2CH2)2NH]TaMe2}+ are turned roughly perpendicular to the TaN3 plane, i.e. ortho fluorines do not interact with the metal in this molecule.  相似文献   

2-[Bis(ethoxyethyl)phosphino]phenol P1-OH reacts in basic refluxing solvents with ReOCl3(PPh3)2, in a 2/1 molar ratio, to give the green ReOCl(P1-O)2 complex. Structure elucidation by 31P NMR is consistent with a cis-PP “twisted” octahedral complex, which is the preferred conformation on electronic grounds. The complex is unique in toluene while several species were present in ethanol. When the reaction is performed with Re(NPh)Cl3(PPh3)2, a mixture of trans-PP (major) and cis-PP(minor) species in a 3/1 ratio is obtained. These geometric isomers were distinguished by their 2JPP coupling constants. Only cis-PP-Re(NPh)Cl(P1-O)2, less soluble, could be isolated and its molecular structure determined by physicochemical measurements. This is the first example of cis-PP phosphinophenolato complex with the [ReNPh]3+ core, thus illustrating the importance of the steric demand of the phosphine substituent. Reaction of P1-OH with NiCl2 gives Ni(P1-O)2 as an orange oily solid with a cis-PP square planar structure. This structure is the most probable based on the 31P, 13C NMR data.  相似文献   

The mixture of isomers of silylated cyclopentadiene derivative C5H5CH2CH2Si(OMe)3 (1) has been used for the syntheses of the mononuclear Rh(I) complexes [η5-C5H4(CH2)2Si(OMe)3]Rh(CO)2 (3). [η5-C5H4(CH2)2Si(OMe)3]Rh(COD) (4) and [η5-C5H4(CH2)2Si(OMe)3]Rh(CO)(PPh3) (5). Upon entrapment of 3–5 in silica sol-gel matrices, air stable, leach-proof and recyclable catalysts 6–8 resulted. Their catalytic activities in some hydrogenation processes were compared with those of the non-immobilized complexes 3–5, as well as with those of homogeneous and heterogenized non-silylated analogs, 9–14.  相似文献   

Depending on experimental conditions and the nature of the phosphite, the reaction of OsH2P4 [P=P(OEt)3 and PPh(OEt)2] with bis(aryldiazonium) salts [N2Ar-ArN2](BF4)2 [Ar-Ar=4,4-C6H4-C6H4, 4,4-(2-CH3)C6H3-C6H3(2-CH3), 4,4-C6H4-CH2-C6H4 and 1,5-C10H6] afford the cis and the trans binuclear [{OsHP4}2(μ-HNNAr-ArNNH)](BPh4)21, 2 aryldiazene derivatives. These complexes 1, 2 further react with the mono(diazonium) (4-CH3C6H4N2)BF4 salt to give the bis(aryldiazene) [{Os(4-CH3C6H4NNH)P4}2(μ-HNNAr-ArNNH)](BPh4)43, 4 derivatives. Binuclear bis(aryldiazenido) [{OsP4}2(μ-N2Ar-ArN2)](BPh4)2 (6) [P=P(OEt)3; Ar-Ar=4,4-C6H4-C6H4, 4,4-C6H4-CH2-C6H4] complexes were prepared by deprotonating with NEt3 the nitrile-diazene [{Os(4-CH3C6H4CN)P4}2(μ-HNNAr-ArNNH)](BPh4)4 (5) derivatives. The aryldiazenido compounds 6 react with HCl to give the new aryldiazene [{OsClP4}2(μ-HNNAr-ArNNH)](BPh4)2 (7) derivatives. The characterisation of the complexes by IR and 1H, 31P, 15N NMR data is also discussed. The reaction of the hydride OsH2(PPh2OEt)4 with mono(diazonium) salts was also studied and led exclusively to the mono(aryldiazene) [OsH(ArN NH)(PPh2OEt)4]BPh4 (8) (Ar=C6H5, 4-CH3C6H4) derivatives. Spectroscopic data (1H, 31P, 15N NMR) on 15N-labelled derivatives suggest the presence of two isomers with the N-bonded and the π-bonded ArNNH ligand, respectively.  相似文献   

Dichloroplatinum complexes [PtCl2L2] (L2 = cod, dppp) react with 1,2-C6H4E2 (E = O, S) in the presence of a base to produce mononuclear complexes. The diene was not readily displaced from [Pt(E2C6H4-EE)(cod)]. A second approach to complexes containing dianionic chelating ligands involved [Pt(acac)2] as precursor. Reaction with dppp and oxalic acid gave [Pt(C2O4)(dppp)], whereas the analogous reaction with Ph2PCCPPh2 produced the bimetallic complex [Pt(C2O4-OO)(μ-Ph2PCCPPh2)]2. Similar reactions with 1,2-C6H4E2 (E = O, S) also gave bimetallic products. The structures of [Pt(C2O4)(dppp)] and [Pt(C2O4-OO)(μ-Ph2PCCPPh2)]2 have been determined by X-ray crystallography.  相似文献   

Two new Mn(II) coordination polymers with bis(5-tetrazolyl)methane (H2btm), [Mn(btm)(phen)(H2O)] · H2O (1) and [Mn(btm)(2,2′-bpy)] · 1.5H2O (2), have been synthesized and their structures determined by X-ray diffraction. In complex 1, the btm ligands assume the μ2-1,1′:4 coordination mode and interlink Mn(II) ions into infinite one-dimensional chains. The chains are assembled into a three-dimensional architecture via hydrogen bonds and π-π interactions. For 2, Mn(II) ions are connected by btm ligands in the μ3-1,1′:2:3′ mode to produce two-dimensional (6,3) coordination network. Magnetic investigations revealed that interactions through the btm bridges in both 1 and 2 are antiferromagnetic.  相似文献   

Compounds of formula [Al(CH3CN)6][MCl6]3(CH3CN)3 (M=Ta (1); Nb (2); Sb (3)) have been synthesized from the reactions of MCl5 and AlCl3 in acetonitrile and characterized by X-ray crystallography. Complex 1 crystallizes in the tetragonal space group P4/mbm with a = B = 10.408(2), C = 7.670(3) Å, V = 830.9(4) Å3 and Z = 2/3. Complex 2 crystallizes in the tetragonal space group P4/mnc with a = B = 330(a), C = 15.320(3) Å3 V = 1634.8(4) Å3 and Z = 4/3. Complex 3 also crystallizes in the tetragonal space group P4/mnc with a = B = 10.313(1), C = 15.238(2) Å, V = 1621.0(1) Å3 and Z = 4/3. The non-integer Z values for complexes 1–3 result unusual problems of disorder and/or twinning in these crystal structures due to their high symmetry. The M---Cl distances range from 2.329(3) Å in the Ta complex to 2.355(1) Å in the Sb complex, while the Al---N distances are similar in all three complexes, ranging from 1.92(1) to 1.97(1) Å, respectively. Complexes 1–3 are the first structurally characterized complexes that contain a (hexaacetonitrile)aluminum(III) cation.  相似文献   

A series of iron(II)/(III) and cobalt(II)/(III) complexes with the tetradendate tripodal ligands (2-aminoethyl)bis(2-pyridylmethyl)amine (uns-penp), its methylated derivatives Me2-uns-penp and Me4-uns-penp as well as the amide ligand N-acetyl-N,N-bis[(2-pyridyl)methyl]ethylenediamine (acetyl-uns-penp) were synthesized and structurally characterized. They have been investigated in regard to their reactivity towards dioxygen and/or hydrogen peroxide. Complexes of this type seem to have a high potential to be useful in the activation of dioxygen for selective oxidation reactions of organic substrates.  相似文献   

Two new heterobimetallic complexes of rhenium(I) and ruthenium(II) [(CO)3(NN)Re(4,4′-bpy)Ru(NN)2Cl](PF6)2 and already known monometallic complexes [Cl(NN)2Ru(4,4′-bpy)](PF6) and [(CO)3(NN)Re(4,4′-bpy)](PF6) and bimetallic complexes [Cl(NN)2Ru(4,4′-bpy)Ru(NN)2Cl](PF6)2, [(CO)3(NN)Re(4,4′-bpy)Re(NN)(CO)3](PF6)2 (NN = 2,2′-bipyridine, 1,10-phenanthroline; 4,4′-bpy = 4,4′-bipyridine) are synthesized and characterized by spectral techniques. The photophysical properties of all the complexes are studied. It is found that attachment of rhenium(I) altered the photophysical characteristics of ruthenium(II). Excited state energy transfer from the rhenium(I) chromophore to the ruthenium(II) is observed upon excitation at 355 nm.  相似文献   

A new complex of thallium(III) with the nitrogen donor ligand diethylenetriamine (dien) has been prepared and characterized by multinuclear NMR (1H, 13C, 205Tl), infrared and Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction. In solution, the symmetric s-facial isomer of [Tl(dien)2]3+ is formed. This is a fluxional molecule even at low temperature (235 K); therefore, the different rotamers cannot be observed separately. A complete characterization of the complex is given from its non-trivial NMR spectra. The crystal structure of [Tl(dien)2](ClO4)3·H2O shows u-facial geometry, where the coordination environment around thallium can be described as a distorted trigonal prism.  相似文献   

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