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The gene coding for 18S small subunit ribosomal RNA (ssu rRNA) was sequenced in seven free-living, marine species of the sessiline peritrich genus Zoothamnium. These were Zoothamnium niveum, Zoothamnium alternans, Zoothamnium pelagicum, and four unidentified species. The ssu rRNA gene also was sequenced in Vorticella convallaria, Vorticella microstoma, and in an unidentified, freshwater species of Vorticella. Phylogenetic trees were constructed using these new sequences to test a previously published phylogenetic association between Zoothamnium arbuscula, currently in the family Zoothamniidae, and peritrichs in the family Vorticellidae. Trees constructed by means of neighbor-joining, maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference methods all had similar topologies. The seven new sequences of Zoothamnium species grouped into three well-supported clades, each of which contained a diversity of morphological types. The three clades formed a poorly supported, larger clade that was deeply divergent from Z. arbuscula, which remained more closely associated with vorticellid peritrichs. It is apparent that Zoothamnium is a richly diverse genus and that a much more intensive investigation, involving both morphological and molecular data and a wider selection of species, will be necessary to resolve its phylogeny. A greater amount of molecular diversity than is predicted by morphological data exists within all major clades of sessiline peritrichs that have been included in molecular phylogenies, indicating that characteristics of stalk and peristomial structure traditionally used to differentiate taxa at the generic level and above may not be uniformly reliable.  相似文献   

The gene coding for the small subunit ribosomal RNA molecule was sequenced in three marine spirotrichs: Pseudoamphisiella lacazei, P. alveolata, and Parabirojimia similis, the systematic positions of which remain unclear in spite of recent progress. Phylogenetic trees were constructed by means of neighbor-joining (NJ), least-squares (LS), maximum parsimony (MP), and Bayesian inference (BI) methods in order to test previously inferred phylogenetic assignments of Pseudoamphisiella and Parabirojimia based on morphological and morphogenetic data. The main results are that: (1) all trees constructed have similar topologies in which the genus Parabirojimia derives at the base of the class Stichotrichia, which suggests that it might represent a unique taxon at about suborder or even-order level near urostylids; (2) the present study supports the conclusion reported by previous researchers that urostylids could be a paraphyletic assemblage and that Uroleptus and Paruroleptus should be removed from the order Urostylida; (3) Pseudoamphisiellidae/Pseudoamphisiella always clusters with Prodiscocephalus borrori rather than with urostylids, which indicates that they might represent an ancestral form for both discocephaline and urostylid species; (4) the monophyly of the traditional suborder Discocephalina and typical euplotids is consistently rejected. Based on both morphological/morphogenetical and molecular data obtained, a new suborder Parabirojimina n. subord. is suggested, which currently includes one family, Parabirojimidae n. fam., and the single genus Parabirojimia.  相似文献   

The morphology, morphogenesis, and phylogeny of an undescribed oligotrich sensu lato (s. lat.) ciliate, Lynnella semiglobulosa n. g., n. sp., found in Daya Bay, southern China, were investigated. This species shares some features with both oligotrichs sensu stricto and choreotrichs, but most morphological and morphogenetic characters as well as the phylogenetic analysis suggest that it should be assigned into subclass Choreotrichia temporarily. Lynnella semiglobulosa is distinguished from members of all known genera and families of the subclass Choreotrichia by a unique combination of characteristics of the buccal and somatic ciliatures. Thus, a new family Lynnellidae n. fam. and a new genus Lynnella n. g. are proposed for it. The new family is distinguished by an open adoral zone of membranelles (AZM) in which, however, there are no ventral membranelles; the distal and proximal portions of the new adoral zone lie close to each other forming an open circle in stomatogenesis. The new genus Lynnella is characterized by possessing two longitudinally oriented somatic kineties, one dorsal and one ventral, several proximal membranelles progressively lengthened toward the proximal end of adoral zone, and two macronuclear nodules. In phylogenetic analyses based on small subunit rRNA gene sequences, L. semiglobulosa clustered basally to all choreotrichs, but with relatively weak support; nevertheless, the possibility of a relationship with the subclass Oligotrichia was not rejected by the approximately unbiased nor Shimodaira-Hasegawa test. Based on morphological, morphogenetic, and molecular evidence of L. semiglobulosa, it is confirmed that the open AZM should be a plesiomorphic character of oligotrichs s. lat. as suggested previously.  相似文献   

In the present study, we provide morphological and molecular characterization of two Trichodina species, T. acuta Lom, 1970 and T. funduli Wellborn, 1967, isolated from koi (Cyprinus carpio) and loach (Paramisgurnus dabryanus), respectively. Morphological characters of the two Trichodina species were mainly investigated on the basis of dry silver nitrate-impregnated specimens. Both species are medium-sized and possess well-developed denticles comprising strongly sickle-shaped blades, well-developed central parts, and straight rays. Trichodina acuta can be easily distinguished from the other Trichodina species that possess a clear central circle by the well-developed sharp blade apophysis, and the gap between ray tip and central circle. Trichodina funduli is a poorly known species that is easily confused with T. heterodentata Duncan, 1977, however the latter species has thinner denticles. The small subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequences of Trichodina acuta and T. funduli were incorporated into phylogenetic analyses. Our findings suggest that the phylogenetic lineage of trichodinids might not correspond with their living environments, host species or even some morphological characteristics.  相似文献   

The gene encoding 18S small subunit ribosomal RNA (ssu rRNA) was sequenced in the sessiline peritrichs Opisthonecta minima and Opisthonecta matiensis, whose free-swimming, paedomorphic trophonts resemble telotrochs. Using these new sequences, phylogenetic trees were constructed with four different methods to test a previously published association between Opisthonecta henneguyi and members of the families Vorticellidae and Astylozoidae. All trees had similar topologies, with O. minima, O. henneguyi, Vorticella microstoma, and Astylozoon enriquesi forming a well-supported, certainly monophyletic clade. On the basis of genetic evidence, genera of the families Opisthonectidae and Astylozoidae are assigned to the family Vorticellidae, which already includes some species with free-swimming morphotypes. The ssu rRNA sequence of O. matiensis places it in the family Epistylididae; its taxonomic revision will be left to another group of authors. A close association of Ophrydium versatile with members of the family Vorticellidae was confirmed, casting doubt on the validity of the family Ophrydiidae. Epistylis galea, Campanella umbellaria, and Opercularia microdiscum are confirmed as comprising an extremely distinct, monophyletic, but morphologically heterogeneous clade that is basal to other clades of sessiline peritrichs.  相似文献   

The 16S ribosomal RNA of Wolinella succinogenes ATCC29543 was analyzed by the RNase T1 oligonucleotide cataloguing approach. In contrast to its present classification, W. succinogenes is related neither to members of the genus Bacteroides nor to any other genus of the family Bacteroidaceae. As derived from the similarity coefficients (SAB values) calculated on the basis of more than 350 eubacterial species, W. succinogenes appears to be a distantly related member of the division of purple photosynthetic bacteria and their relatives; however, SAB values do not indicate that this species is preferentially related to any representative of the 4 subdivisions.  相似文献   

Three species of Microthoracids, Lopezoterenia paratorpens n. sp., Trochiliopsis australis Foissner et al., 1988 and Discotricha papillifera Tuffrau, 1954, collected from Chinese coastal waters, were investigated using live observation and protargol staining methods. Lopezoterenia paratorpens n. sp. was characterized by its squarely shaped cortical papillae and by dorsal kineties which contained loosely distributed basal bodies. Trochiliopsis australis was revealed to have two oral membranelles, which was not recorded in the original report. Phylogenetic analyses were carried out based on SSU rRNA gene sequence data from each of the three species, and on other available data for microthoracids. The results showed that the order Microthoracida is not monophyletic because the family Discotrichidae, which contains L. paratorpens and D. papillifera, forms a clade separated from the “core” Microthoracids clade. The topologies of the maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference trees, along with the distinct morphological characteristics found previously, suggest that the family Discotrichidae should not be assigned to the order Microthoracida. We propose to designate a new order, Discotrichida n. ord. which diagnosed as: flattened ciliates with conspicuous cortical papillae on both dorsal and ventral faces, rod‐shaped mucocysts, and an asymmetric cytopharyngeal basket. Also, the fact that Leptopharynx clusters with the assemblage including T. australis, and Pseudomicrothorax is located distantly from Leptopharynx indicates that the classification of Pseudomicrothoracidae and Microthoracidae by Foissner (1985) is justified.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. We have generated 18S rRNA sequences for peritrichs collected in Brazil, including four Opercularia species, two different populations of Epistylis plicatilis (one epibiont and another free‐living), and one additional Epistylis species. Our Opercularia species clustered with the previously available Opercularia microdiscum, corroborating the monophyly of this genus. The Epistylis sampled here clustered with previously sequenced species of this genus. The two populations of E. plicatilis collected in Brazil clustered closely together despite their different ecological contexts, whereas both were very divergent from the sample assigned to the same species previously sampled in China. If affirmed by additional morphological corroboration of species assignment, this observation would indicate that samples from different continents morphologically allocated in the same species may in fact belong to distant evolutionary lineages. More broadly, our results support the recognition of two major clades within Peritrichia. Given the robustness of their support, we suggest that these two clades should be formally recognized as orders, and propose the names Vorticellida and Operculariida to designate them. Furthermore, Epistylis species occurred in both orders, tending to occupy basal positions. This suggests that characters used to define this genus may be plesiomorphic for Peritrichia, so that Epistylis may in fact represent an assemblage of basal species retaining ancestral features.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among peritrichs remain unresolved. In this study, the complete small subunit rRNA (SSrRNA) gene sequences of seven species (Epistylis galea, Campanella umbellaria, Carchesium polypinum, Zoothamnium arbuscula, Vaginicola crystallina, Ophrydium versatile, and Opercularia microdiscum) were determined. Trees were constructed using distance-matrix, maximum-likelihood and maximum-parsimony methods, all of which strongly supported the monophyly of the subclass Peritrichia. Within the peritrichs, 1) E. galea grouped with Opercularia microdiscum and Campanella umbellaria but not the other Epistylis species, which indicates that the genus Epistylis might not be monophyletic; 2) the topological position of Carchesium and Campanella suggested that Carchesium should be placed in the family Zoothamniidae, or be elevated to a higher taxonomic rank, and that Campanella should be independent of the family Epistylididae, and probably be given a new rank; and 3) Opisthonecta grouped strongly with Astylozoon, which suggested that Opisthonecta species were not the ancestors of the stalked peritrichs.  相似文献   

The present paper documents the morphology and systematic positions of three new oligotrich ciliates, P arallelostrombidium obesum sp. nov. , P arallelostrombidium ellipticum sp. nov. , and S trombidium tropicum sp. nov. , which were sampled from habitats with different salinities in southern China. P arallelostrombidium obesum sp. nov. is characterized by a fat body and the posterior portions of the girdle and ventral kineties extending transversely on the dorsal side. P arallelostrombidium ellipticum sp. nov. is recognizable by the anterior ends of the girdle and ventral kineties being close to each other and the posterior ends of the girdle and ventral kineties intersecting on the dorsal side. S trombidium tropicum sp. nov. is distinguished by a ventrally opened girdle kinety that is slightly spiralled with the right end shifted posteriad. Small subunit rRNA gene trees show that P . obesum sp. nov. and P . ellipticum sp. nov. fall into a mixed group composed of Parallelostrombidium and some Novistrombidium species, and that S . tropicum sp. nov. branches at the base of the clade containing non‐Strombidium species. The relationships of Parallelostrombidium species and that of Strombidium species are both not resolved considering their low support values in our phylogenetic analysis. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

We studied the morphology and molecular phylogeny of Myoschiston duplicatum, a peritrich ciliate that has been recorded as an epibiont of crustaceans, but which we also identified on marine algae from Korea. The important morphological characteristics revealed by silver staining of Myoschiston species have not been described because they are rarely collected. Using morphological methods, we redescribed the type species of the genus, Myoschiston duplicatum, and provided an improved diagnosis of Myoschiston. In addition, the coding regions for nuclear small subunit (SSU) rRNA and internal transcribed spacer 1‐5.8S‐internal transcribed spacer 2 sequences were sequenced. Phylogenetic analyses that included available SSU rDNA sequences of peritrichs from GenBank strongly supported a position of M. duplicatum within the family Zoothamniidae. In addition, phylogenetic analyses were performed with single datasets (ITS1‐5.8S‐ITS2) and combined datasets (SSU rDNA + ITS1‐5.8S‐ITS2) to explore further the phylogenetic relationship in the family Zoothamniidae between the three morphologically similar genera—Zoothamnium, Myoschiston, and Zoothamnopsis.  相似文献   

Abstract We have analyzed the 16S rDNA sequence and the phylogenetic position of an uncultivated spirochete from the hindgut contents of the Australian termite Mastotermes darwiniensis Froggatt. The 16S rRNA genes of bacteria from the hindgut contents of Mastotermes darwiniensis were amplified by polymerase chain reaction. The amplification products were cloned and sequenced. The sequences were compared to known homologous primary structures. Two of the clones (MDS1 and MDS3) had an insert of 1498 nucleotides showing typical signatures of spirochete 16S rRNA sequences. The sequences of the two clones were most similar to the 16S rRNA sequence of Spirochaeta stenostrepta (89.8%) and Treponema sp. strain H1 (90.7%). Phylogenetical analysis positioned the hindgut spirochete sequence with that of the free-living anaerobic Spirochaeta stenostrepta and Treponema sp. strain H1 as its nearest relatives within the cluster of the spirochetes. We conclude that the analyzed SSU rDNA sequences originate from a spirochete related to the genus Treponema . It is possibly one of the uncultivated unique spirochetes symbiotic in termite hindguts.  相似文献   

The cortical development during binary fission of the relatively poorly known stichotrich ciliate, Trachelostyla pediculiformis (Cohn, 1866) Borror, 1972, found in coastal waters near Qingdao, China, was investigated using the protargol impregnation method. The morphogenetic process reveals some pretty unusual characteristics, which do not follow the Oxytricha-pattern: (1) the parental oral apparatus is entirely renewed from an oral primordium formed de novo in the proter; (2) in the proter, the parental undulating membranes are not involved in the formation of the newly formed oral primordium; both undulating membrane-anlagen (UM-anlage) and frontoventral-transverse cirral anlagen (FVT-anlagen) develop from the oral primordium in the proter; (3) the dorsal kineties (DK) are generated in a unique way, that is, in both dividers, two separate groups of DK-anlagen develop in the right- and left-most DK, generate all the DK and evolve to replace the old structures; (4) three caudal cirri are formed at the posterior ends of three right-most dorsal kinety anlagen; (5) eight frontal, five ventral and five transverse cirri are derived from six streaks, namely, the UM-anlage and 5 FVT-anlagen; the cirri are segregated from these anlagen in the pattern 1:3:3:3:4:4 (from left to right) in the Oxytricha mode. Based on both SSrRNA gene sequencing and morphogenetic data, the systematic positions of the genus Trachelostyla Borror, 1972 as well as the family Trachelostylidae Small and Lynn, 1985 are briefly analyzed. The results indicate that this genus/family could be a highly isolated lineage and might be ancestral to other well-known oxytrichids.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The marine scuticociliate Paratetrahymena parawassi n. sp. is described on the basis of morphology, especially infraciliature, and the sequence of its small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene to become the second known member of its genus. Paratetrahymena and other ciliates in the order Loxocephalida possess a mixture of morphological and morphogenetic features characteristic of the subclasses Hymenostomatia and Scuticociliatia. Accordingly, we used SSU rRNA sequences to analyze the phylogeny of Paratetrahymena and three other loxocephalid genera. Paratetrahymena and Cardiostomatella vermiformis formed a moderately well‐supported clade that diverged at a deep level from all other scuticociliates, supporting separation of loxocephalids from other scuticociliates as a suprafamilial taxon. Sathrophilus holtae was a sister taxon to Paratetrahymena and Cardiostomatella in a poorly supported, unresolved relationship; nevertheless, association of all three genera into a single clade was supported by an approximately unbiased (AU) test. Any association of these genera singly or as a group with the Hymenostomatia was rejected decisively by AU tests and by a complete absence in the loxocephalids of the unique nucleotide identities that distinguish hymenostomes. Therefore, the morphological and morphogenetic similarities of loxocephalids to hymenostomes may be plesiomorphies, and the conflicting mix of scuticociliate and hymenostome characteristics seen in loxocephalids may result from differing rates of character evolution. Dexiotrichides pangi and Urocentrum, which is currently classified as a peniculid, formed a small clade that associated with hymenostomes and peritrichs. Monophyly of the Loxocephalida with Dexiotrichides and/or Urocentrum included was not rejected by AU; however, inclusion of Urocentrum in the Peniculia was rejected by AU tests. A hypothesis is offered to explain the lack of resolution of loxocephalid ciliates and Urocentrum in phylogenetic trees, namely that their phylogenetic positions are influenced by a combination of heterogeneous data and long‐branch attraction caused by poor representation of taxa in analyses. The well‐known genus Cyclidium, a member of the order Pleuronematida, was revealed to be polyphyletic as a byproduct of our analyses of loxocephalids. In particular, Cyclidium porcatum appears to fall outside the clade containing typical members of the subclass Scuticociliatia and thus invites investigation as a possible member of the order Loxocephalida.  相似文献   

The almost complete 16S rRNA sequence from Mycobacterium leprae was determined by direct sequencing of the chromosomal gene amplified by the polymerase chain reaction. The primary sequence revealed an insertion of 12 nucleotides at the 5' end of the 16S rRNA gene, which consists of an A-T stretch and appears to be unique for M. leprae. Within the mycobacteria M. leprae branches off with a group of slow-growing species comprising M. scrofulaceum, M. kansasii, M. szulgai, M. malmoense, M. intracellulare and M. avium. A systematic comparison of the nucleotide sequence resulted in the characterization of oligonucleotide probes which are highly specific for M. leprae. The probes hybridized exclusively to 16S rRNA nucleic acids from M. leprae, but not to nucleic acids from 20 cultivable fast- and slow-growing mycobacteria.  相似文献   

Abstract Hydrogenobacter acidophilus strain 3H-1 is a thermoacidophilic, obligately chemolithoautotrophic, hydrogen-oxidizer isolated from a Japanese solfataric field. Strain 3H-1 requires elemental sulfur for growth. We used PCR to amplify the 16S rRNA gene of strain 3H-1, and sequenced the amplification product directly. Phylogenetic analyses show strain 3H-1 is closely related to Aquifex pyrophilus and may be located in the deepest branch within the eubacterial phylogenetic tree. Sulfur-dependency of the ancestral eubacterium is also discussed.  相似文献   

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