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N-cadherin is crucial for heart formation in the chick embryo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The developing heart primordium strongly expresses N-cadherin. In order to investigate the role of this adhesion molecule in heart morphogenesis, chicken embryos were cultured at stages 5–12, and injected with anti-N-cadherin antibodies that can specifically block the activity of this cadherin. In the injected embryos, the epimyocardial layers, which develop bilaterally from the splanchnic mesoderm, did not fuse to form a single cardiac tube. Moreover, each of the unfused layers became fragmented into epithelioid clusters. At the cellular level, large intercellular gaps were observed in the antibody-treated myocardial layers. These disorganized myocardial layers beat to some extent, suggesting that their differentiation was not blocked; however, their contraction was not coordinated. Morphogenesis of other tissues, not only N-cadherin-negative but also N-cadherin-positive tissues, such as the neural tube and notochord, proceeded normally even in the presence of anti-N-cadherin antibodies. These results suggest that N-cadherin is indispensable for heart formation, but not for morphogenesis of the other tissues, at the developmental stages examined. For the latter processes, expression of other cadherin subtypes presumably compensated for the loss of N-cadherin activity.  相似文献   

Small heat shock protein Hsp27 is required for proper heart tube formation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The small heat shock protein Hsp27 has been shown to be involved in a diverse array of cellular processes, including cellular stress response, protein chaperone activity, regulation of cellular glutathione levels, apoptotic signaling, and regulation of actin polymerization and stability. Furthermore, mutation within Hsp27 has been associated with the human congenital neuropathy Charcot-Marie Tooth (CMT) disease. Hsp27 is known to be expressed in developing embryonic tissues; however, little has been done to determine the endogenous requirement for Hsp27 in developing embryos. In this study, we show that depletion of XHSP27 protein results in a failure of cardiac progenitor fusion resulting in cardia bifida. Furthermore, we demonstrate a concomitant disorganization of actin filament organization and defects in myofibril assembly. Moreover, these defects are not associated with alterations in specification or differentiation. We have thus demonstrated a critical requirement for XHSP27 in developing cardiac and skeletal muscle tissues.  相似文献   

 The molecular signalling mechanisms that are believed to govern the patterning of the heart early in embryonic development are not well understood. We have investigated the events which occur during patterning of the vertebrate heart by exposing gastrula stage zebrafish embryos to lithium, which is known to affect the phosphoinositol signalling pathway. Treatment of embryos at 50% epiboly (5.25 h after fertilization at 28.5°C) with 0.3 m LiCl for 5–15 min, results in embryos with defects which range from mild to severe, depending on the length of time the embryos are exposed to lithium. In the heart, defects appear progressively in the inflow tract, the sinus venosus and atrium. By using an antibody that recognizes an atrium-specific isoform of myosin, our results show that lithium treatment at gastrulation specifically affects the atrium and sinus venosus, and has little obvious effect on the ventricle. Defects induced by lithium differ from those induced by retinoic acid (RA) treatment of similarly staged embryos, and suggest that lithium and RA may affect the patterning signals important for establishment of the vertebrate heart by acting on different populations of cells or by influencing different patterning pathways. Received: 8 December 1995 / Accepted: 11 April 1996  相似文献   

This study shows that the hydrophobic cation octylguanidine protects against myocardial damage induced by ischemia-reperfusion. The protective effect of the amine was analyzed after 5 min of coronary occlusion followed by 5 min reperfusion in rat hearts. ECG tracings from rats treated with an i.v. injection of 5 mg/kg of octylguanidine showed a total absence of post-reperfusion arrhythmias, conversely to what was observed in untreated rats. The histological images showed that myocardium fibers from treated rats were in good shape and retained their striae, also there was absence of edema. Furthermore, the accumulation of 201Tl in hearts from these rats indicated that the tissue did not suffer disruption or impairment in membrane functions. The above correlated with the fact that mitochondria isolated from the ventricular free wall from treated rats preserved their ability to synthesize ATP. We propose that the protective effect of octylguanidine might be due to its documented inhibitory action on the opening of mitochondrial non-specific pores, a mechanism which is associated in heart injury as induced by reperfusion. (Mol Cell Biochem 269: 19–26, 2005)  相似文献   

The integration of multiple signaling pathways is a key issue in several aspects of embryonic development. In this context, extracellular inhibitors of secreted growth factors play an important role, which is to antagonize specifically the activity of the corresponding signaling molecule. We provide evidence that the Hedgehog-interacting protein (Hip) from Xenopus, previously described as a Hedgehog-specific antagonist in the mouse, interferes with Wnt-8 and eFgf/Fgf-8 signaling pathways as well. To address the function of Hip during early embryonic development, we performed gain- and loss-of-function studies in the frog. Overexpression of Xhip or mHip1 resulted in a dramatic increase of retinal structures and larger olfactory placodes primarily at the expense of other brain tissues. Furthermore, loss of Xhip function resulted in a suppression of olfactory and lens placode formation. Therefore, the localized expression of Xhip may counteract certain overlapping signaling activities, which inhibit the induction of distinct sensory placodes.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) is strongly and transiently expressed in the developing heart but its function is not well documented. This work examined the role, either protective or detrimental, that endogenous and exogenous NO could play in the functioning of the embryonic heart submitted to hypoxia and reoxygenation. Spontaneously beating hearts isolated from 4-day-old chick embryos were either homogenized to determine basal inducible NOS (iNOS) expression and activity or submitted to 30 min anoxia followed by 100 min reoxygenation. The chrono-, dromo- and inotropic responses to anoxia/reoxygenation were determined in the presence of NOS substrate (L-arginine 10 mM), NOS inhibitor L-NIO (1–5 mM), or NO donor (DETA NONOate 10–100 M). Myocardial iNOS was detectable by immunoblotting and its activity was specifically decreased by 53% in the presence of 5 mM L-NIO. L-Arginine, L-NIO and DETA NONOate at 10 M had no significant effect on the investigated functional parameters during anoxia/reoxygenation. However, irrespective of anoxia/reoxygenation, DETA NONOate at 100 M decreased ventricular shortening velocity by about 70%, and reduced atrio-ventricular propagation by 23%. None of the used drugs affected atrial activity and hearts of all experimental groups fully recovered at the end of reoxygenation. These findings indicate that (1) by contrast with adult heart, endogenously released NO plays a minor role in the early response of the embryonic heart to reoxygenation, (2) exogenous NO has to be provided at high concentration to delay postanoxic functional recovery, and (3) sinoatrial pacemaker cells are the less responsive to NO.  相似文献   

Outflow tract myocardium in the mouse heart is derived from the anterior heart field, a subdomain of the second heart field. We have recently characterized a transgene (y96-Myf5-nlacZ-16), which is expressed in the inferior wall of the outflow tract and then predominantly in myocardium at the base of the pulmonary trunk. Transgene A17-Myf5-nlacZ-T55 is expressed in the developing heart in a complementary pattern to y96-Myf5-nlacZ-16, in the superior wall of the outflow tract at E10.5 and in myocardium at the base of the aorta at E14.5. At E9.5, the two transgenes are transcribed in different subdomains of the anterior heart field. A clonal analysis of cardiomyocytes in the outflow tract, at E10.5 and E14.5, provides insight into the behaviour of myocardial cells and their progenitors. At E14.5, most clones are located at the base of either the pulmonary trunk or the aorta, indicating that these derive from distinct myocardial domains. At E10.5, clones are observed in subdomains of the outflow tract. The distribution of small clones indicates proliferative differences, whereas regionalisation of large clones, that derive from an early myocardial progenitor cell, reflect coherent cell growth in the heart field as well as in the myocardium. Our results suggest that myocardial differences at the base of the great arteries are prefigured in distinct progenitor cell populations in the anterior heart field, with important implications for understanding the etiology of congenital heart defects affecting the arterial pole of the heart.  相似文献   

The present study examines the indispensability of a nucleus or nucleus-deriving factors in the induction of cleavage in Xenopus eggs by testing cleavage in Xenopus eggs fertilized with ultraviolet (UV)-damaged sperm and deprived of the female nucleus. These eggs, which contain only one UV-damaged nucleus with one set of centrioles, undergo unique cleavages. Cleavage takes place in only one of the two blastomeres formed by the immediately preceding cleavage. Histologically, only one nucleus, which does not appear to be organized into typical chromosomes, is found in one of the two blastomeres formed by the immediately preceding cleavage. The typical bipolar spindle and the diastema, or a slit of astral rays, are formed in the blastomere that contains the nucleus. By contrast, only asters lacking the spindle and the diastema are formed in the remaining blastomeres, which do not contain a nucleus. The same results are obtained in eggs that contain two UV-damaged nuclei with one set of centrioles. In these eggs, cleavage appears to occur in one or two blastomeres that contain either or both of the nuclei and one bipolar spindle. In eggs that contain one intact and one UV-damaged nuclei, cleavage takes place quite normally with each blastomere containing one nucleus or one set of chromosomes as well as one bipolar spindle. Thus, there is a very close correlation between the presence of a nucleus and the formation of the mitotic spindle, the diastema and the cleavage furrow in the blastomeres of Xenopus embryos. We conclude that the presence of a nucleus or nucleus-deriving factors is indispensable for the formation of the bipolar spindle, the diastema and the cleavage furrow in the blastomeres of the Xenopus embryos.  相似文献   

Abstract The epicardium is embryologically formed by outgrowth of proepicardial cells over the naked heart tube. Epicardium-derived cells (EPDCs) migrate into the myocardium, contributing to myocardial architecture, valve development, and the coronary vasculature. Defective EPDC formation causes valve malformations, myocardial thinning, and coronary defects. In the atrioventricular (AV) valves and the fibrous heart skeleton isolating atrial from ventricular myocardium, EPDCs colocalize with periostin, a matrix molecule involved in remodeling. We investigated whether proepicardial outgrowth inhibition affected periostin expression and how this related to development of the AV valves and fibrous heart skeleton.
Periostin expression by epicardium and EPDCs was confirmed in vitro in primary cultures of human and quail EPDCs. Disturbing EPDC formation in quail embryos reduced periostin expression in the endocardial cushions and AV junction. Disturbed fibrous tissue development resulted in AV myocardial connections reflected by preexcitation electrocardiographic patterns.
We conclude that EPDCs are local producers of periostin. Disturbance of EPDC formation results in decreased cardiac periostin levels and hampers the development of fibrous tissue in AV junction and the developing AV valves. The resulting cardiac anomalies might link to Wolff–Parkinson White syndrome with persistent AV myocardial connections.  相似文献   

Telocytes (TCs) are a novel type of interstitial cells only recently described. This study aimed at characterizing and quantifying TCs and telopodes (Tps) in normal and diseased hearts. We have been suggested that TCs are influenced by the extracellular matrix (ECM) composition. We used transmission electron microscopy and c-kit immunolabelling to identify and quantify TCs in explanted human hearts with heart failure (HF) because of dilated, ischemic or inflammatory cardiomyopathy. LV myectomy samples from patients with aortic stenosis with preserved ejection fraction and samples from donor hearts which could not be used for transplantation served as controls. Quantitative immunoconfocal analysis revealed that 1 mm2 of the normal myocardium contains 14.9 ± 3.4 TCs and 41.6 ± 5.9 Tps. As compared with the control group, the number of TCs and Tps in HF decreased more than twofold. There were no differences between HF and control in the number of Ki67-positive TCs. In contrast, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labelling-positive TCs increased threefold in diseased hearts as compared to control. Significant inverse correlations were found between the amount of mature fibrillar collagen type I and the number of TCs (r = −0.84; P < 0.01) and Tps (r = −0.85; P < 0.01). The levels of degraded collagens showed a significant positive relationship with the TCs numbers. It is concluded that in HF the number of TCs are decreased because of higher rates of TCs apoptosis. Moreover, our results indicate that a close relationship exists between TCs and the ECM protein composition such that the number of TCs and Tps correlates negatively with the amount of mature fibrillar collagens and correlates positively with degraded collagens.  相似文献   

It has been generally assumed that the initial rudiment of the heart ventricle is divided by the longitudinal interventricular septum into the right and left ventricles. This paper presents evidence for the hypothesis that the right and the left ventricles are produced during normal development from different sequentially located segments of the cardiac tube. These segments yielding rudiments of the right and left ventricles could be detected even during early embryogenesis. This hypothesis requires a new explanation for the process of the formation of two separate outlets from the heart ventricles.  相似文献   

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Diethylpyrocarbonate inhibits Na+/Ca2+ antiport activity in isolated heart mitochondria. The inhibition is time-dependent with maximum activity developed after 5 min at 25°C. The reaction of diethylpyrocarbonate with the mitochondrial membrane is biphasic with 25–30 nmol mg–1 reacting rapidly and an additional 30 nmol mg–1 taken up slowly over a 30-min incubation. Inhibition of mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ antiport by diethylpyrocarbonate decreases theV max of the reaction, and the inhibition cannot be reversed by washing the mitochondria or addition of excess histidine. The inhibition occurs at levels of inhibitor that have little or no effect on Ca2+ uptake, Na+/H+ antiport, or succinate respiration. A portion of the Na+-dependent efflux of Ca2+ is insensitive to diethylpyrocarbonate and this component is abolished by diltiazem. The mechanism by which diethylpyrocarbonate inactivates Na+/Ca2+ antiport is still uncertain, but may involve the modification of an unprotonated histidine residue in the transporter.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is not only involved in patterning by removal of tissue (destructive apoptotic patterning), but it can also function in signalling the site of de novo tissue generation via morphogenic signals (instructive apoptotic patterning).  相似文献   

How an organ develops its characteristic shape is a major issue. This is particularly critical for the eye lens as its function depends on having appropriately ordered three-dimensional cellular architecture. Recent in vitro studies indicate that Wnt signaling plays key roles in regulating morphological events in FGF-induced fiber cell differentiation in the mammalian lens. To further investigate this the Wnt signaling antagonist, secreted frizzled-related protein 2 (Sfrp2), was overexpressed in lens fiber cells of transgenic mice. In these mice fiber cell elongation was attenuated and individual fibers exhibited irregular shapes and consequently did not align or pack regularly; microtubules, microfilaments and intermediate filaments were clearly disordered in these fibers. Furthermore, a striking feature of transgenic lenses was that fibers did not develop the convex curvature typically seen in normal lenses. This appears to be related to a lack of protrusive processes that are required for directed migratory activity at their apical and basal tips as well as for the formation of interlocking processes along their lateral margins. Components of the Wnt/Planar Cell Polarity (PCP) pathway were downregulated or inhibited. Taken together this supports a role for Wnt/PCP signaling in orchestrating the complex organization and dynamics of the fiber cell cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation is commonly used for the long-term storage of heart valve allografts. Despite the excellent hemodynamic performance and durability of cryopreserved allografts, reports have questioned whether cryopreservation affects the valvular structural proteins, collagen and elastin. This study uses two-photon laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) to evaluate the effect of cryopreservation on collagen and elastin integrity within the leaflet and conduit of aortic and pulmonary human heart valves. To permit pairwise comparisons of fresh and cryopreserved tissue, test valves were bisected longitudinally with one segment imaged fresh and the other imaged after cryopreservation and brief storage in liquid nitrogen. Collagen was detected by second harmonic generation (SHG) stimulation and elastin by autofluorescence excitation. Qualitative analysis of all resultant images indicated the maintenance of collagen and elastin structure within leaflet and conduit post-cryopreservation. Analysis of the optimized percent laser transmission (OPLT) required for full dynamic range imaging of collagen and elastin showed that OPLT observations were highly variable among both fresh and cryopreserved samples. Changes in donor-specific average OPLT in response to cryopreservation exhibited no consistent directional trend. The donor-aggregated results predominantly showed no statistically significant change in collagen and elastin average OPLT due to cryopreservation. Since OPLT has an inverse relationship with structural signal intensity, these results indicate that there was largely no statistical difference in collagen and elastin signal strength between fresh and cryopreserved tissue. Overall, this study indicates that the conventional cryopreservation of human heart valve allografts does not detrimentally affect their collagen and elastin structural integrity.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the alpha subunit of the Drosophila Go protein is expressed early in embryogenesis in the precursor cells of the heart tube, of the visceral muscles, and of the nervous system. This early expression coincides with the onset of the mesenchymal-epithelial transition to which are subjected the cardial cells and the precursor cells of the visceral musculature. This gene constitutes an appropriate marker to follow this transition. In addition, a detailed analysis of its expression suggests that the cardioblasts originate from two subpopulations of cells in each parasegment of the dorsal mesoderm that might depend on the wingless and hedgehog signaling pathways for both their determination and specification. In the nervous system, the expression of Goalpha shortly precedes the beginning of axonogenesis. Mutants produced in the Goalpha gene harbor abnormalities in the three tissues in which the gene is expressed. In particular, the heart does not form properly and interruptions in the heart epithelium are repeatedly observed, henceforth the brokenheart (bkh) name. Furthermore, in the bkh mutant embryos, the epithelial polarity of cardial cells was not acquired (or maintained) in various places of the cardiac tube. We predict that bkh might be involved in vesicular traffic of membrane proteins that is responsible for the acquisition of polarity.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid is clearly important for the development of the heart. In this paper, we provide evidence that retinoic acid is essential for multiple aspects of cardiogenesis in Xenopus by examining embryos that have been exposed to retinoic acid receptor antagonists. Early in cardiogenesis, retinoic acid alters the expression of key genes in the lateral plate mesoderm including Nkx2.5 and HAND1, indicating that early patterning of the lateral plate mesoderm is, in part, controlled by retinoic acid. We found that, in Xenopus, the transition of the heart from a sheet of cells to a tube required retinoic acid signaling. The requirement for retinoic acid signaling was determined to take place during a narrow window of time between embryonic stages 14 and 18, well before heart tube closure. At the highest doses used, the lateral fields of myocardium fail to fuse, intermediate doses lead to a fusion of the two sides but failure to form a tube, and embryos exposed to lower concentrations of antagonist form a heart tube that failed to complete all the landmark changes that characterize looping. The myocardial phenotypes observed when exposed to the retinoic acid antagonist resemble the myocardium from earlier stages of cardiogenesis, although precocious expression of cardiac differentiation markers was not seen. The morphology of individual cells within the myocardium appeared immature, closely resembling the shape and size of cells at earlier stages of development. However, the failures in morphogenesis are not merely a slowing of development because, even when allowed to develop through stage 40, the heart tubes did not close when embryos were exposed to high levels of antagonist. Indeed, some aspects of left-right asymmetry also remained even in hearts that never formed a tube. These results demonstrate that components of the retinoic acid signaling pathway are necessary for the progression of cardiac morphogenesis in Xenopus.  相似文献   

The ubiquitous NF‐Y gene regulates the expression of different genes in various signaling pathways. However, the function of NF‐Y in zebrafish heart development is largely unknown. Previously we identified a same group of cell cycle related gene cluster (CCRG) was downregulated in the embryonic hearts with impeded growth due to various stresses. The promoter regions of these CCRG genes shared a most common motif for NF‐Y. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiment demonstrated that the binding of NF‐Y to its motif was real on the CCRG candidate gene promoters. Knockdown of embryonic NF‐Y by morpholinos led to a small heart, mimicking the abnormal heart phenotype caused by other stresses. In parallel the expression of certain CCRG candidate genes was reduced in the NF‐Y A morphant hearts exposed to malignant environments. Absence of NF‐Y A also led to undermine cardiomyocyte proliferation and hence less total number of caridomyocytes per heart. Trans‐AM Elisa experiment also found that in the presence of the stresses such as TCDD and TNNT2 MO, the binding capacity of NF‐Y A subunit to its core motif was reduced. We conclude that NF‐Y sustains proper cardiomyocyte proliferation in the heart, thus it plays a positive role in promoting early zebrafish heart growth.  相似文献   

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