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The mitochondrial citrate transport protein (CTP) has been investigated by replacing 22 consecutive residues within transmembrane domain IV, one at a time, with cysteine. A cysteine-less CTP retaining wild-type functional properties served as the starting template. The single Cys CTP variants were overexpressed in Escherichia coli, isolated, and functionally reconstituted in a liposomal system. The accessibility of each single Cys mutant to three methanethiosulfonate reagents was evaluated by determining the pseudo first order rate constants for inhibition of CTP function. These rate constants varied by seven orders of magnitude. With three independent data sets we observed peaks and troughs in the rate constant data at identical amino acid positions and a periodicity of four was observed from residues 177-193. Based on the pattern of accessibility we conclude that residues 177-193 exist as an alpha-helix. Furthermore, a water-accessible face of the helix has been defined consisting of Pro-177, Val-178, Arg-181, Gln-182, Asn-185, Gln-186, Arg-189, Leu-190, and Tyr-193, and a water-inaccessible face has been delineated consisting of Ser-179, Met-180, Ala-183, Ala-184, Ala-187, Val-188, Gly-191, and Ser-192. We infer that the water-accessible face comprises a portion of the substrate translocation pathway through the CTP, whereas the water-inaccessible surface faces the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

Previous examination of the accessibility of a panel of single-Cys mutants in transmembrane domain III (TMDIII) of the yeast mitochondrial citrate transport protein to hydrophilic, cysteine-specific methanethiosulfonate reagents, enabled identification of the water-accessible surface of this domain and suggested its potential participation in the formation of a portion of the substrate translocation pathway. To evaluate this idea, we conducted a detailed characterization of the functional properties of 20 TMDIII single-Cys substitution mutants. Kinetic studies indicate that the A118C, S123C, and K134C mutants displayed a 3- to 7-fold increase in K(m). Moreover, the A118C mutation caused a doubling of the V(max) value, whereas the S123C, E131C, and K134C mutations caused V(max) to dramatically decrease, resulting in a reduction of the catalytic efficiencies of these three mutants by >97%. Examination of the ability of citrate to protect against the inhibition mediated by sodium (2-sulfonatoethyl)methanethiosulfonate (MTSES) indicated that citrate conferred significant protection of cysteines substituted at eight water-accessible locations (i.e. Gly-115, Leu-116, Gly-117, Leu-121, Ser-123, Val-127, Glu-131, and Thr-135), but not at other sites. Importantly, similar levels of protection were observed at both 4 degrees C and 20 degrees C. The temperature independence of the protection indicates that substrate binding and/or occupancy of the transport pathway sterically blocks the access of MTSES to these sites, thereby providing direct protection, without involvement of a major protein conformational change. The significance of these extensive functional investigations is discussed in terms of the three-dimensional CTP homology model that we previously developed and a new model of the dimer interface.  相似文献   

Protein sequence similarities and predicted structures identified 75 mitochondrial transport proteins (37 subfamilies) from among the 28,994 human RefSeq (NCBI) protein sequences. All, except two, have an E-value of less than 4e--05 with respect to the structure of the single subunit bovine ADP/ATP carrier/carboxyatractyloside complex (bAAC/CAT) (mGenThreader program). The two 30-kDa exceptions have E-values of 0.003 and 0.005. 21 have been functionally identified and belong to 14 subfamilies. A subset of subfamilies with sequence similarities for each of 12 different protein regions was identified. Many of the 12 protein regions for each tested protein yielded different size subsets. The sum of subfamilies in the 12 subsets was lowest for the phosphate transport protein (PTP) and highest for aralar 1. Transmembrane sequences are most unique. Sequence similarities are highest near the membrane center and matrix. They are highest for the region of transmembrane helices H1, H2 and connecting matrix loop 12 and smallest for transmembrane helices H3, H4 and loop 34. These sequence similarities and the predicted high similarities to the bAAC/CAT structure point to common structural/functional elements that could include subunit/subunit contact sites as they have been identified for PTP and AAC. The four residues protein segment (SerLysGlnIle) of loop 12 is the only segment projecting into the center of the funnel-like structure of the bAAC/CAT. It is present in its entirety only in the AACs and with some replacements in the large Ca2+-modulated aspartate/glutamate transporters. Other transporters have deletions and replacements in this region of loop 12. This protein segment with its central location and variation in size and composition likely contributes to the substrate specificity of the transporters.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial citrate transport protein (CTP) has been investigated by mutating 28 consecutive residues within transmembrane domain III (TMDIII), one at a time, to cysteine. A cysteine-less CTP that retains wild-type functional properties, served as the starting template. The single Cys CTP mutants were abundantly expressed in Escherichia coli, isolated, and functionally reconstituted in a liposomal system. The accessibility of each single Cys mutant to two methanethiosulfonate reagents was evaluated by determining the rate constants for inhibition of CTP function. These rate constants varied by over five orders of magnitude. With two independent data sets we observed peaks and troughs in the rate constant data at identical amino acid positions and a periodicity of 4 was observed from residues 123-137. Based on the pattern of accessibility we conclude that residues 123-137 exist as an alpha-helix. Although less certain, a combination of the rate constant data and the specific activity data with the single Cys mutants suggests that the alpha-helical secondary structure may extend to residue 113. Furthermore, the rate constant data define water-accessible and water-inaccessible faces of the helix. We infer that the water-accessible face comprises a portion of the substrate translocation pathway through the CTP, whereas the water-inaccessible surface faces the lipid bilayer. Finally, based on a combination of the CTP inhibition rate constant data and the existence of significant sequence identity with a transmembrane segment within glycophorin A that forms a portion of its dimer interface, a model for a putative CTP TMDIII-TMDIII' dimer interface has been developed.  相似文献   

Using dark adapted isolated spinach chloroplasts and sequences of brief saturating flashes the correlation of the uptake and release of protons with electron transport from Photosystem II to Photosystem I were studied. The following observations and conclusions are reported: (1) Flash-induced proton uptake shows a weak, damped binary oscillation, with maxima occurring after the 2nd, 4th, etc. flashes. The damping factor is comparable to that observed in the O2 flash yield oscillation and therefore explained by misses in Photosystem II. (2) On the average and after a steady state is reached, each flash (i.e. each reduction of Q) induces the uptake of 2H+ from outside the chloroplasts. (3) Flash induced proton release inside the chloroplast membrane shows a strong damped binary oscillation with maximum release occurring also after the 2nd, 4th, etc. flashes. (4) This phenomenon is correlated with the earlier reported binary oscillations of electron transport [2] and shows that both electrons and protons are transported in pairs between the photosystems. (5) In two sequential flashes 4H+ from the outside of the thylakoid and 2e- from water are accumulated at a binding site B. Subsequently, the two electrons are transferred to non-protonated acceptors in Photosystem I (probably plastocyanin and cytochrome f) and the 4H+ are released inside the thylakoid. (6) It is concluded that a primary proton transporting site and/or energy conserving step located between the photosystems is being observed.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori is a human gastric pathogen that survives the strong acidity of the stomach by virtue of its urease activity. This activity produces ammonia, which neutralizes the bacterial microenvironment. UreI, an inner membrane protein, is essential for resistance to low pH and for the gastric colonization of mice by H. pylori. In the heterologous Xenopus oocytes expression system, UreI behaves like an H+-gated urea channel, and His-123 was found to be important for low pH activation. We investigated the role of UreI directly in H. pylori and showed that, in the presence of urea, strains expressing wild-type UreI displayed very rapid stimulation of extracellular ammonia production upon exposure to pH 相似文献   

Mitochondrial transport proteins (MTP) typically are homodimeric with a 30-kDa subunit with six transmembrane helices. The subunit possesses a sequence motif highly similar to Pro X Asp/Glu X X Lys/Arg X Arg within each of its three similar 10-kDa segments. Four (YNL083W, YFR045W, YPR021C, YDR470C) of the 35 yeast (S. cerevisiae) MTP genes were resequenced since the masses of their proteins deviate significantly from the typical 30 kDa. We now find these four proteins to have 545, 285, 902, and 502 residues, respectively. Together with only four other MTPs, the sequences of YPR021C and YDR470C show substitutions of some of the five residues that are absolutely conserved among the 12 MTPs with identified transport function and 17 other MTPs. We do now find these five consensus residues also in the new sequences of YNL083W and YFR045W. Additional analyses of the 35 yeast MTPs show that the location of transmembrane helix sequences do not correlate with the general consensus residues of the MTP family; protein segments connecting the six transmembrane helices and facing the intermembrane space are not uniformly short (about 20 residues) or long (about 40 residues) when facing the matrix; most MTPs have at least one transmembrane helix for which the sum of the negative hydropathy values of all residues yields a very small negative value, suggesting a membrane location bordering polar faces of other transmembrane helices or a non-transmembrane location. The extra residues of the three large MTPs are hydrophilic and at the N-terminal. The 200-residue N-terminal segment of YNL083W has four putative Ca2+-binding sites. The 500-residue N-terminal segment of YPR021C shows sequence similarity to enzymes of nucleic acid metabolism. cDNA microarray data show that YNL083W is expressed solely during sporulation, while the expressions of YFR045W, YPR021C, and YDR470C are induced by various stress situations. These results also show that the 35 MTP genes are expressed under a rather diverse set of metabolic conditions that may help identify the function of the proteins. Interestingly, yeast two-hybrid screens, that will also be useful in identifying the function of MTPs, indicate that MIR1, AAC3, YOR100C, and YPR011C do interact with non-MTPs.  相似文献   

A member of the family of RTX toxins, Escherichia coli haemolysin A, is secreted from Gram-negative bacteria. It carries a C-terminal secretion signal of approximately 50 residues, targeting the protein to the secretion or translocation complex, in which the ABC-transporter HlyB is a central element. We have purified the nucleotide-binding domain of HlyB (HlyB-NBD) and a C-terminal 23kDa fragment of HlyA plus the His-tag (HlyA1), which contains the secretion sequence. Employing surface plasmon resonance, we were able to demonstrate that the HlyB-NBD and HlyA1 interact with a K(D) of approximately 4 microM. No interaction was detected between the HlyA fragment and unrelated NBDs, OpuAA, involved in import of osmoprotectants, and human TAP1-NBD, involved in the export of antigenic peptides. Moreover, a truncated version of HlyA1, lacking the secretion signal, failed to interact with the HlyB-NBD. In addition, we showed that ATP accelerated the dissociation of the HlyB-NBD/HlyA1 complex. Taking these results together, we propose a model for an early stage of initiation of secretion in vivo, in which the NBD of HlyB, specifically recognizes the C terminus of the transport substrate, HlyA, and where secretion is initiated by subsequent displacement of HlyA from HlyB by ATP.  相似文献   

Mutations in the SMN1 (survival motor neuron 1) gene cause spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). We now show that SMN protein, the SMN1 gene product, interacts directly with the tumor suppressor protein, p53. Pathogenic missense mutations in SMN reduce both self-association and p53 binding by SMN, and the extent of the reductions correlate with disease severity. The inactive, truncated form of SMN produced by the SMN2 gene in SMA patients fails to bind p53 efficiently. SMN and p53 co-localize in nuclear Cajal bodies, but p53 redistributes to the nucleolus in fibroblasts from SMA patients. These results suggest a functional interaction between SMN and p53, and the potential for apoptosis when this interaction is impaired may explain motor neuron death in SMA.  相似文献   

We have previously purified a GDP/GTP exchange protein for smg p21A and -B, members of a ras p21/ras p21-like small GTP-binding protein superfamily. This regulatory protein, named smg p21 GDP dissociation stimulator (GDS), stimulates the dissociation of both GDP and GTP from and the subsequent binding of both GDP and GTP to smg p21s. We show here that smg p21 GDS forms a complex with both the GDP- and GTP-bound forms of smg p21B at a molar ratio of about 1:1. Both the GDP- and GTP-bound forms of smg p21B bound to membranes. smg p21 GDS inhibited this binding and moreover induced the dissociation of the prebound smg p21B from the membranes. These results indicate that smg p21 GDS stoichiometrically interacts with smg p21B and thereby regulates its GDP/GTP exchange reaction and its translocation between membranes and cytoplasm.  相似文献   

The amino-terminal sequence of ribosomal protein L10 from Halobacterium marismortui has been determined up to residue 54, using both a liquid- and a gas-phase sequenator. The two sequences are in good agreement. The protein is clearly homologous to protein HcuL10 from the related strain Halobacterium cutirubrum. Furthermore, a weaker but distinct homology to ribosomal protein L6 from Escherichia coli and Bacillus stearothermophilus can be detected. In addition to 7 identical amino acids in the first 36 residues in all four sequences a number of conservative replacements occurs, of mainly hydrophobic amino acids. In this common region the pattern of conserved amino acids suggests the presence of a beta-alpha fold as it occurs in ribosomal proteins L12 and L30. Furthermore, several potential cases of homology to other ribosomal components of the three ur-kingdoms have been found.  相似文献   

Drosou V  Reincke B  Schneider M  Ludwig B 《Biochemistry》2002,41(34):10629-10634
Under in vitro conditions, bacterial cytochrome c oxidases may accept several nonhomologous c-type electron donors, including the evolutionarily related mitochondrial cytochrome c. Several lines of evidence suggest that in intact membranes the heme aa(3) oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans receives its electrons from the membrane-bound cytochrome c(552). Both the structures of the oxidase and of a heterologously expressed, soluble fragment of the c(552) have been determined recently, but no direct structural information about a static cocomplex is available. Here, we analyze the kinetic properties of the isolated oxidase with the full-size c(552), with two truncated soluble forms, and with a set of site-specific mutants within the presumed docking site of the cytochrome, all heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli. Our data indicate that all three forms, the wild type and both truncations, are fully competent kinetically and exhibit biphasic kinetic behavior, however, under widely different ionic strength conditions. When mutations in lysine residues clustered around the interaction domain were introduced into the smallest fragment of c(552), both kinetic parameters, K(M) and k(cat), were drastically influenced. On the other hand, when the nonmutated truncated form was used to donate electrons to a set of oxidase mutants with replacements clustered along the docking site on subunit II, we observe distinct differences when comparing the kinetic properties of the widely used horse heart cytochrome c with those of the bacterial c(552). We conclude that the specific docking sites for the two types of cytochromes differ to some extent.  相似文献   

Murine multidrug resistance protein 1 (mrp1), differs from its human ortholog (MRP1) in that it fails to confer anthracycline resistance and transports the MRP1 substrate, 17beta-estradiol 17-(beta-d-glucuronide) (E(2)17betaG), very poorly. By mutating variant residues in mrp1 to those present in MRP1, we identified Glu(1089) of MRP1 as being critical for anthracycline resistance. However, Glu(1089) mutations had no effect on E(2)17betaG transport. We have now identified a nonconserved amino acid within the highly conserved COOH-proximal transmembrane helix of MRP1/mrp1 that is important for transport of the conjugated estrogen. Converting Ala(1239) in mrp1 to Thr, as in the corresponding position (1242) in MRP1, increased E(2)17betaG transport 3-fold. Any mutation of mrp1 Ala(1239), including substitution with Thr, decreased resistance to vincristine and VP-16 without altering anthracycline resistance. However, introduction of a second murine to human mutation, Q1086E, which alone selectively increases anthracycline resistance, into mrp1A1239T restored resistance to both vincristine and VP-16. To confirm the importance of MRP1 Thr(1242) for E(2)17betaG transport and drug resistance, we mutated this residue to Ala, Cys, Ser, Leu, and Lys. These mutations decreased E(2)17betaG transport 2-fold. Conversion to Asp eliminated transport of the estrogen conjugate and also decreased leukotriene C(4) transport approximately 2-fold. The mutations also reduced the ability of MRP1 to confer resistance to all drugs tested. As with mrp1, introduction of a second mutation based on the murine sequence to create MRP1E1089Q/T1242A restored resistance to vincristine and VP-16, but not anthracyclines, without affecting transport of leukotriene C(4) and E(2)17betaG. These results demonstrate the important role of Thr(1242) for E(2)17betaG transport. They also reveal a highly specific functional relationship between nonconserved amino acids in TM helices 14 and 17 of both mrp1 and MRP1 that enables both proteins to confer similar levels of resistance to vincristine and VP-16.  相似文献   

Abstract Stibadocerina Alexander, a monotypic genus, includes the only known Neotropical species of the family Cylindrotomidae, S. chilensis Alexander, 1929 , from South Central Chile (ca. 36°50′S–42°17′S). In this paper, Stibadocerina chilensis is redescribed and illustrated in detail. A study of wing‐vein homology in the subfamily Stibadocerinae is provided, to identify the components of the reduced radial sector in Stibadocerina and related taxa. The proposed hypotheses of wing‐vein homology are tested, and the systematic position of Stibadocerina is assessed through a cladistic analysis of 13 characters of the male imago, scored for exemplar species of the four genera included in the Stibadocerinae. A single most parsimonious tree supports the monophyly of the Stibadocerinae and the following relationships among its included genera: Stibadocerodes [Stibadocera (Stibadocerella +Stibadocerina)]. The subfamily includes one example of a vicariant distribution with a sister‐group relationship between South Central Chilean and East Asian taxa, and supports a biogeographical interpretation of an ancestral trans‐Pacific biota.  相似文献   

Human multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1) confers resistance to many chemotherapeutic agents and transports diverse conjugated organic anions. We previously demonstrated that Glu1089 in transmembrane (TM) 14 is critical for the protein to confer anthracycline resistance. We have now assessed the functional importance of all polar and charged amino acids in this TM helix. Asn1100, Ser1097, and Lys1092, which are all predicted to be on the same face of the helix as to Glu1089, are involved in determining the substrate specificity of the protein. Notably, elimination of the positively charged side chain of Lys1092, increased resistance to the cationic drugs vincristine and doxorubicin, but not the electroneutral drug etoposide (VP-16). In addition, mutations S1097A and N1100A selectively decreased transport of 17beta-estradiol 17-(beta-d-glucuronide) (E217betaG) but not cysteinyl leukotriene 4 (LTC4), demonstrating the importance of multiple residues in this helix in determining substrate specificity. In contrast, mutations of Asp1084 that eliminate the carboxylate side chain markedly decreased resistance to all drugs tested, as well as transport of both E217betaG and LTC4, despite the fact that LTC4 binding was unaffected. We show that these mutations prevent the ATP-dependent transition of the protein from a high to low affinity substrate binding state and drastically diminish ADP trapping at nucleotide binding domain 2. Based on results presented here and crystal structures of prokaryotic ATP binding cassette transporters, Asp1084 may be critical for interaction between the cytoplasmic loop connecting TM13 and TM14 and a region of nucleotide binding domain 2 between the conserved Walker A and ABC signature motifs.  相似文献   

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