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莲幼胚子叶细胞中淀粉质体的发育及其生物大分子的观察   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
莲胚子叶细胞中质体的产生从受精后的4d左右一直延续到21d左右,质体的分裂是质体数目增加的一种方式。子叶细胞在发育阶段1,即分生组织细胞中前质体大量出现,体积小,多为变形虫状,大量的位于细胞的外围。  相似文献   

叙述了用显微光度术在亚细胞水平上测量蚕豆子叶细胞中淀粉质体Feulgen-DNA含量,显示了在不同发育时期蚕豆子叶细胞中的淀粉体DNA含量的动态变化。随着发育时期的递增,淀粉体DNA拷贝数不断地增长。生长中期的淀粉体DNA含量平均数为2.14(任意单位),到了成熟期淀粉体DNA平均含量增长到10.12(任意单位)。在成熟期,子叶细胞中的淀粉体DNA含量比生长中期增长了9.6倍。通过生物统计分析,在  相似文献   

淀粉质体遗传研究的现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
淀粉质体来源于前质体,与叶绿体同源,具有其特有的遗传特性,是核外遗传的重要组成部分。本文综述了淀粉质体遗传研究方面取得的成果和进展。淀粉质体DNA发现于20世纪70年代,其含量随着组织发育的不同阶段有所变化,最后这些DNA作为贮藏的形式积累在质体中。淀粉质体基因组与叶绿体基因组同源性很高,但是不表达与光合作用有关的基因。现有的实验证据表明,淀粉质体基因组的表达调控发生在转录水平,与DNA甲基化有关。淀粉质体的发育受核基因组和质体基因组双重调控。组织发育到一定时期,淀粉质体中出现单核糖体和多聚核糖体;淀粉质体具有蛋白质合成体系。淀粉质体DNA及淀粉质体遗传的研究具有重要的理论和实际意义,对淀粉质体遗传进行深入的研究,将丰富核外遗传知识和理论。  相似文献   

蚕豆种子贮藏蛋白质组分的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以10份蚕豆品种为材料,利用SDS-PAGE方法,对其种子贮藏蛋白亚基组成进行了分析,结果表明:不同品种间的种子贮藏蛋白具有一定的差异,表现出一定的多态性;共分离出23条迁移率不同的亚基条带,13条具有多态性;利用贮藏蛋白亚基条带的信息,分析了品种间的蛋白相似度,相似度指数0.619~0.947,平均0.744;并通过聚类分析,在遗传相似系数0.8260水平上,将供试材料分为了3类,其中第2类具有较丰富的多样性,多样性指数达3.9296;共筛选出7对亲缘关系较远的杂交组合,可为蚕豆品种选育提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

陈建敏  孙德兰 《植物学报》2005,22(5):541-548
莲子叶细胞中储存了丰富的营养物质, 主要为蛋白质、淀粉和淀粉质体DNA。这些贮藏物质为种子萌发和幼苗的生长提供必需的能量和养料。通过组织化学和显微镜观察, 研究莲从种子萌发到植株生长至具有4个节时, 子叶中贮藏物质消耗的全过程。在此过程中, 子叶中的贮藏物质不断降解,营养物质发生转运。蛋白体首先发生降解, 其大量降解主要发生在幼苗三叶期。淀粉质体降解时会聚 集成团, 之后体积逐渐减小, 最后完全降解。种子萌发后65天是子叶贮藏物质消耗末期, 淀粉质体DNA的含量比萌发后20天的三叶期明显减少。细胞壁的形态结构发生多种形式的变化, 细胞壁发生的这些变化与子叶细胞间物质的运输有关。含多糖的球形颗粒通过维管束在子叶中运输。  相似文献   

莲种子萌发和幼苗生长时期营养物质的代谢变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
莲子叶细胞中储存了丰富的营养物质,主要为蛋白质、淀粉和淀粉质体DNA.这些贮藏物质为种子萌发和幼苗的生长提供必需的能量和养料.通过组织化学和显微镜观察,研究莲从种子萌发到植株生长至具有4个节时,子叶中贮藏物质消耗的全过程.在此过程中,子叶中的贮藏物质不断降解,营养物质发生转运.蛋白体首先发生降解,其大量降解主要发生在幼苗三叶期.淀粉质体降解时会聚集成团,之后体积逐渐减小,最后完全降解.种子萌发后65天是子叶贮藏物质消耗末期,淀粉质体DNA的含量比萌发后20天的三叶期明显减少.细胞壁的形态结构发生多种形式的变化,细胞壁发生的这些变化与子叶细胞间物质的运输有关.含多糖的球形颗粒通过维管束在子叶中运输.  相似文献   

百合扦插鳞片控温成球过程中4种物质含量的动态变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以东方型(火百合Stargazer品种)、亚洲型(新中心Nove Cento品种)和麝香型(新铁炮LillHmformo-longii品种)百合鳞片为试验材料,连续在25℃保留8周、17℃保留4周、4~5℃保留8周后分析温控成球过程中鳞片淀粉、总糖、还原糖和蛋白质等含量的动态变化。结果表明:3个品种百合鳞片在控温成球过程中,4种物质的变化与鳞片控温成球处理的不同阶段有密切关系,火百合品种在整个温控成球过程中所测的4种物质含量变化较平缓,而新中心和新铁炮2个品种在整个温控成球过程中4种物质含量变化较大。  相似文献   

应用透射电镜技术对荞麦(Fagopyrum esculentum)子叶和糊粉层细胞中贮藏蛋白质的积累过程进行了研究。荞麦开花后15天,胚乳最外细胞的液泡中开始积累蛋白质。开花后25天,最外层胚乳细胞中积累较多的糊粉粒(直径1-2μm)形成糊粉层。开花后20天,子叶细胞中蛋白质开始在液泡和细胞质中积累,同时液泡通过膜的向内生长和缢裂两种方式形成体积较小的液泡。开花后25天,成熟的子叶细胞中含有丰富的蛋白质,贮藏蛋白质主要积累在液泡中形成体积较大的蛋白质贮藏液泡(PSVs,protein storage vacuoles,直径1-3μm)。在荞麦子叶积累蛋白质的各个阶段,细胞质中都有一些来源于高尔基体,含蛋白质的电子不透明小泡(直径0.1-0.7μm)存在,观察到有些小泡正进入液泡,推断这种来自高尔基体膜囊的小泡不仅将蛋白质运输到液泡形成PSVs的作用,也可能是荞麦成熟子叶积累贮藏蛋白质的一种结构。  相似文献   

Myelin sheath is a lipid-rich membrane, consisting of 70% lipid and 30% proteins, that is involved in physiological and pathological processes. For this reason its protein composition has been often investigated, principally by two-dimensional electrophoresis; however, the consistent lipid content makes it difficult to obtain good proteins separation. To improve the resolution of myelin proteins in a denaturing monodimensional gel electrophoresis, we examined several mixtures for the denaturation of the sample, utilizing different detergents and reducing agents. The definition of the protein pattern was analyzed by both “Blue Silver” Coomassie staining and Western Blot analysis against myelin basic protein, one of the most represented myelin proteins. The best resolution is observed when the sample was incubated with a mixture containing 1.25% dithiothreitol, 4 M urea, and 1% dodecyl maltoside or 1 % 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)-dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate, prior to addition of denaturing agents. In conclusion, this work describes a novel method to improve the separation of myelin proteins in a monodimensional gel electrophoresis. It may be also useful for investigating other lipid-rich samples.  相似文献   

A computer program (SECTION) is presented which allows for the three-dimensional reconstruction of serial cross sections through biological materials. The program provides a numerical analysis of perimeter length and transverse area of each anatomical feature designated in a cross section, as well as surface area and volume computations for features that pass from one section to another. In addition to rotating and tilting the 3-D reconstruction in any desired orientation, the program has editing capabilities which allow different combinations of anatomical features to be shown in neutral gray outline or interconnected by colored lines.  相似文献   

Proteins from 7 species of chlorosarcinacean algae representing 4 genera were studied with starch and disc gel electrophoresis and immunology to determine biochemical relationships. Migration patterns of enzymes and serological reactions indicated that 4 species of Chlorosarcinopsis were closely related, whereas Friedmannia israeliensis, Fasciculochloris boldii, and Chlorosarcina longispinosa were more diverse. Malate dehydrogenase, glutamate dehydrogenase, nonspecific alpha esterases, and peroxidase (using pyrogallol as the hydrogen donor) were present in all 7 species. No peroxidase activity occurred with benzidine. Leucine aminopeptidase was obvious in only 2 species. A single distinct band of general protein in F. israeliensis and C. longispinosa suggested the presence of homogenous reserve protein. The 7 species exhibited serological affinity to 4 isolates of Protosiphon representing diverse morphology within the genus. The data are discussed relative to current knowledge of comparative morphology of chlorosarcinacean algae.  相似文献   

酶电泳资料和系统与进化植物学研究综述   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
酶电泳资料和系统与进化植物学研究综述葛颂(中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化植物学开放研究实验室北京100093)关键词同工酶,电泳,植物系统学,进化ELECTROPHORETICDATAANDSTUDIESOFPLANTSYSTEMATICSANDEV...  相似文献   

本文对5种啮齿类动物(岩松鼠、花鼠、五趾跳鼠、棕背(鼠平)和岢岚绒鼠)的核型及其血清蛋白质的SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳进行了分析。通过分析结果,探讨了它们的核型及血清蛋白在其分类中的意义。  相似文献   

离体植物花芽和花器官的发育研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
邵宏波  初立业   《广西植物》1993,13(3):275-288
在近二十几年,尤其是近十年由于离体培养技术的完善和进一步向精确的层次的发展,已使得许多种植物花序、花芽和单独花器官以及部分的花器官在体外成功地进行了培养和尝试,并且对花芽及花器官的离体发育有了更深入的认识。不同植物的花发育需要不同的植物生长调节剂以及它们的不同配比,并且不同植物在其花发育所需要的营养因子也存在着相当大的差异性。这种差异性又随植物器官及花发育的不同阶段而受到加大或缩小。通过对正常花及突变体花进行的离体培养实验研究已经对一些花器官发生过程中的调节程序有了新的了解。利用离体培养技术,包括刚发展起来的薄层细胞培养技术在阐明花发育的机理、形态建成的分子机制以及成花梯度的物质基础等问题上具有广阔的潜力。  相似文献   

曲霉属内黑曲霉(Aspergitlus niger)与米曲霉(A.oryzae)具有特征明显不同的可溶性蛋白质电泳图谱,其种间杂种具有双亲的部分或全部电泳带并与黑曲霉相近。来自杂种Ⅰ的多数分离子电泳带与黑曲霉相近,只有一个分离子产生米曲霉的电泳带并具有米曲霉的遗传特性。青霉属内产黄青霉(Penicillium chrysogenum)与展青霉(P.patulum)种间及种内不同菌株间的电泳图谱基本相同,种内或种间杂种具有双亲的电泳带。结果讨论了蛋白质图谱分析的意义。  相似文献   

Abstract— The Rubiaceae are one of the largest of the families of angiosperms, with over 10000 species. The tribal and subfamilial classification is provisional due to the lack of phylogenetic hypotheses. The present study of the Rubiaceae is based on 33 genera and three data sets, one morphological and two molecular from chloroplast DNA, restriction sites andrbcL sequences. There is much congruence between the morphological and the molecular data sets, but also conflict. For parsimony reasons, the best phylogenetic hypothesis is a tree based on an analysis of the combined data sets. The so-called “total evidence” criterion for the combined analysis is simply a reiteration of the principle of parsimony. In this particular study, the classification would be almost the same even if based on the separate analyses instead of the combined. Despite the inapplicability of consensus trees or trees from separate analyses for phylogenetic hypotheses and classification, separate analyses may provide important information. It is the best way to reveal conflicts between different data sets. Knowledge of the conflicts can promote further detailed investigation in order to improve understanding of characters and phylogenetic hypotheses. In this study, the tribe Vanguerieae provides such an example; morphological data support a position in the subfamily Cinchonoideae, but DNA and a tree based on the combined data support a position in subfamily Ixoroideae. The tribe's position in the morphological tree is probably due to missing information concerning the correct pollen presentation system. Bootstrap fractions and K. Bremer's branch support values are used to evaluate the stability of particular nodes in the trees. Interestingly these values are not always correlated, e.g. in the morphological tree, the node with the highest branch support value has very low bootstrap fraction. The reasons for these differences are unclear, but large differences are presumably more likely to occur on short branches.  相似文献   

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