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1. Four alien cynipid gall wasps of the genus Andricus are established and still spreading in the British Isles. The order, according to the northerliness of their distribution boundary, is: A. corruptrixA. quercuscalicisA. lignicolaA. kollari. All four aliens have a sexual generation in spring on Quercus cerris (introduced to Britain) and an agamic generation in autumn on native oak species. 2. For 2 years 1994 and 1995, galls of both generations of the four alien species were sampled at eight sites from the south of England to the north of Scotland to determine the parasitoid and inquiline species that attack the new galls. The spring generations of the invading species shared a parasitoid complex of four pteromalid species. Five species of inquilines and 11 species of parasitoids emerged from the autumn galls. 3. Two colonisation events were recorded for A. lignicola and A. corruptrix. On both occasions, the spring generations were found first at the new sites, indicating that the agamic generation provides the colonisers for these invading species. After colonisation, the galls of both species were attacked by parasitoids in their first season. 4. In spring, the invading species were among the most abundant cynipids at all eight sites. By sampling the whole local community of cynipid galls, it was found that the parasitoid species attacking the spring galls of the invaders seemed to have shifted their attack to the new hosts. 5. The secondary sex ratios of the parasitoid species emerging from the sexual galls of A. quercuscalicis (the smallest of the four) showed a strong and significant male bias at all sites and in both years. Parasitoid emergence from the galls of the sexual generations of the other three species (all about equal in size) was between 60 and 70% male, and variable among sites and between years.  相似文献   

What factors drive population variability through space and time? Here we assess patterns of abundance of seven species of gall wasps in three genera occurring on the leaves of valley oaks (Quercus lobata) at 10 sites throughout this species' statewide range in California, from 2000 to 2006. Our primary goals were to understand the factors driving variability in gall abundance and to assess the extent of spatial synchrony in gall wasp communities at both large and small geographic scales. On the large, statewide scale, there was significant site-to-site variation in gall abundance, driven in all cases primarily by differences in mean maximum seasonal temperatures, and lesser year-to-year variation. In contrast, on the small, local scale, differences were more pronounced from year to year than from tree to tree, and were to some extent correlated with differences in acorn production, suggesting an interaction with the reproductive effort of hosts. Significant spatial synchrony was detected, particularly at the statewide scale, but in no case did synchrony decline significantly with distance, despite sites being up to 741 km apart. Variation in spatial synchrony was correlated with a number of exogenous factors, including seasonal weather conditions, the acorn crop at the statewide scale and soil phosphorus availability at the local scale; however, most variation in spatial synchrony in our analyses remained unexplained.  相似文献   

We report for the first time the occurrence of an oak gall wasp Andricus mukaigawae (Mukaigawa) (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) on the deciduous oak Quercus griffithii Hook. F & Thomson ex Miq. in India. Andricus mukaigawae is the only cynipid species that has been observed to induce galls on deciduous oak species in India to date. In addition, this is the first record of a gall wasp species with a distribution extending all the way from the eastern Palearctic region to the Indian subcontinent, suggesting the existence of a close relationship between cynipid faunas on deciduous oak trees in the two regions.  相似文献   

Sequence data of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and nuclear ITS2 region were used to assess genetic diversity, intraspecific phylogeography and population genetic structure of the oak gall wasp Andricus chodjaii from Turkey. We examined 293 individuals from 21 localities which generated 57 cyt b haplotypes and 8 ITS2 alleles. The average genetic diversity was 0.575 for cyt b and 0.202 ITS2, and the average nucleotide diversity 0.015 for cyt b gene and 0.001 for the ITS2 region. Phylogenetic analyses of cyt b haplotypes produced mostly similar topologies with geographically significant groupings. The ITS2 data provided less resolution without robust and apparent geographic structure. Population demographic analysis indicated that some eastern populations expanded, however, some others underwent either expansion or decline resulting in genetically structured populations. Molecular clock applied to the mtDNA data indicated that ingroup haplotypes diversified from the outgroup haplotypes around Early Pliocene. Further diversification events throughout Pleistocene resulted in major clade formations. It appears that geographic formations and glacial and interglacial cycles of Pleistocene were crucial for shaping the phylogeographic structure of A. chodjaii in Turkey.  相似文献   

The Andricus mukaigawae complex of oak gall wasps is composed of cyclically parthenogenetic species: A. mukaigawae and Andricus kashiwaphilus, and a parthenogenetic species, Andricus pseudoflos. The component species differ in life history, host plant, karyotype, and asexual gall shape, although little difference is found in the external morphology of asexual adults. To understand the speciation history of this species complex, DNA sequences of one mitochondrial region and nine nuclear gene regions were investigated. The genetic relationship among the species suggested that a loss of sex occurred after host shift. Unexpectedly, two or three distinct groups in the parthenogenetic species, A. pseudoflos, were revealed by both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA data. Gene flow in nuclear genes from the species not infected by Wolbachia (A. kashiwaphilus) to the species infected by it (A. mukaigawae) was suggested by a method based on coalescent simulations. On the other hand, gene flow in mitochondrial genes was suggested to be in the opposite direction. These findings indicate possible involvement of Wolbachia infection in the speciation process of the A. mukaigawae complex.  相似文献   

Cynipid galls are examples of induced plant development, where the gall inducer is in control of cell differentiation and morphogenesis of a new plant organ. This study concentrates on the tissues of the larval chamber common to all cynipid galls. The protein content of the inner gall tissue was compared to that of non‐gall plant tissues. We investigated three oak and two rose galls and their respective host plants. Total protein signatures of inner gall tissues were different from those of non‐gall plant tissues, and among the five galls. N‐terminal sequences were obtained for two abundant proteins from the inner gall tissues of D. spinosa and A. quercuscalicis, which were common to all galls, at 62 and 43 kDa. Database queries suggest the 62 kDa protein to be homologous to a protein disulphide isomerase (PDI), and the 43 kDa protein to be homologous to NAD‐dependent formate dehydrogenase (FDH). A naturally biotinylated protein was detected at 33 kDa during Western analyses with streptavidin. Western analyses revealed the presence of the biotinylated protein and PDI in the inner gall tissues of all five galls, while FDH was only detected in A. quercuscalicis and A. fecundator. PDI was also common to all non‐gall tissues, while FDH was not detected in non‐gall tissues, and the biotinylated protein was only detected in seeds. The proteins identified in the inner gall tissue suggest that (a) inner gall tissues in some galls are under respiratory stress, and (b) cynipid gall formation might involve the ectopic expression of seed‐specific proteins.  相似文献   

Torymus koreanus (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) was reared from galls of Dryocosmus kuriphilus (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) for the first time in Japan. We here report morphological features and partial mtDNA sequencing data of T. koreanus. Torymus koreanus has several common characteristics with species of the cyaneus group defined by Zavada (2003 ). According to the key to species groups defined by Graham and Gijswijt (1998 ), it does not belong to any species group because of the entire posterior margin of metasomal tergum five.  相似文献   

Ann R. Sanderson 《Genetica》1988,77(3):189-216
The chromosome number was determined in eleven heterogonous species of gall-wasps on caks and in four species which reproduce by constant parthenogenesis on wild roses. One of the latter group proved to be a natural triploid. Maturation was studied in representative forms from synapsis through diakinesis and the abortive first division to the second division in the laid egg. Chromosome regulation in the developing egg, the production of parthenogones of different sex and the role of the sperm are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Four alien, host-alternating cynipid gall wasps are established in the British Isles: Andricus kollari, A. lignicola, A. quercuscalicis and A. corruptrix. Their current distributions divide Britain into four zones; all four invaders are present in the south and south-east of Britain, whereas only A. kollari is present in the far north of Scotland. The rank order, according to how far north the distributions of the four invading cynipid species reach, is: A. corruptrixA. quercuscalicisA. lignicolaA. kollari. The life cycles of all four cynipid species involve a sexual generation in spring on Quercus cerris, and an agamic generation in autumn on Q. robur. Here we studied the parasitoid attack by four pteromalid species on the sexual generations of the invaders. We collected and reared the galls of all four species at eight sites from the south to the north of the country (two sites per zone). The geographical locations of the sites reflect the invasion history and thus the residence time of the alien species in the four zones. At each site we measured the densities of all host galls on Q. cerris and of both obligatory host-tree species. We also took a series of measures, such as host-tree density and mean host-tree size, to further characterize the tree stands. These measures are referred to as local parameters. Host densities varied between sites and between years. In A. kollari, galling rates were highest in the middle of the country (zone 2) in 1994, whereas in 1995 they increased from the south to the north. In A. lignicola, galling rates in both years were lowest at the sites in zone 3 (closest to its distribution boundary). In A. quercuscalicis, galling rates were found to be lowest at the site most to the north-west in both years, again the one furthest away from the area where this species was first recorded. Mortality caused by parasitoid attack differed from less than 10% to as high as 70% and varied between host species, sites and years. In four out of six cases the historical/regional variables (north/south and east/west) correlated significantly with parasitoid attack rates that were characteristically lowest at sites close to the distribution boundaries. Of the local factors, we found parasitoid attack rates correlated negatively in one case with host density, whereas they correlated positively in four cases with the density of alternative hosts of the parasitoids. In one of the models the local density of Q. cerris trees correlated negatively with parasitoid attack on A. quercuscalicis. For all three host species the terms retained in the minimal adequate models obtained for 1994 and 1995 differed, which might indicate that these communities of native parasitoids and invading host have not yet settled in any definite structure.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The strength or density dependence of pairwise species interactions can depend on the presence or absence of other species, especially potential mutualists.
2. The gall wasp Disholcaspis eldoradensis induces plant galls that secrete a sweet honeydew from their top surfaces while the wasp larvae are active. These galls are actively tended by Argentine ants, which collect the honeydew and drive off parasitoids attempting to attack the gall wasp.
3. When ants were excluded, the total rate of parasitism by seven species of parasitoids increased by 36%, and the rate of gall-wasp emergence decreased by 54%.
4. The total percentage parasitism was affected by gall density when ants were excluded but not when ants were unmanipulated, suggesting a change in parasitoid functional responses due to ant tending.
5. In addition, excluding ants significantly altered the proportions of different parasitoid species that emerged from galls; one parasitoid species increased from 1% to 34%, and another decreased from 46% to 19%.
6. The invasive Argentine ants studied are capable of maintaining the mutualism with the gall wasps that evolved in the presence of different ant species and also act as a selective filter for the local community of generalist parasitoids trying to attack this gall species.  相似文献   

研究了木瓜榕(Ficus auriculata Loureiro)、苹果榕(F.oligodon Miquel)及未知榕(Ficus sp.)3种榕树传粉榕小蜂的核型。结果表明:3种榕树对应的传粉榕小蜂具有非常相似的核型,染色体数目相同为2n=10,染色体全部为中着丝粒染色体;核型公式2n=2X=10=10M,核型均为Stebbins-1A型。以臂比不对称性系数Dc和相对长度不对称性系数Dt作二维散点图,Ceratosolen emarginatus Mayr(木瓜榕传粉榕小蜂)和C.emarginatus Mayr(苹果榕传粉榕小蜂)具有非常相近的核型不对称系数,核型不对称性大于Ceratosolen sp.(未知榕传粉榕小蜂),显示出两者更近的亲缘关系,而Ceratosolen sp.(未知榕)与前两者亲缘关系较远。此外,比较了Ceratosolen属和Blastophaga属在核型方面的差异,认为染色体数目包括染色体形态能够作为准确区分Ceratosolen属和Blastophaga属的依据,并对Ceratosolen属的核型进化进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Aim To test whether the distribution of alien bird impacts varies across bird families and regions of origin, and to investigate whether species traits associated with successful introductions can predict which species will have negative impacts in the new area of introduction. Location Europe and the Mediterranean Basin. Methods Combining historical information and published literature about negative economic, biological and human health impacts, we compared the distribution of impacts among bird families and native origins of bird species for three major types of impact (economic, biodiversity and human health). We examined the relationships between ecological, biological and reproductive characteristics of species and the severity of the impacts. Results The majority of alien species with reported impacts originated from the Afrotropical, Indo‐Malayan and Palaearctic biogeographical regions. The distribution of alien bird species in Europe with reported impacts shows a taxonomic bias and largely mirrors patterns of establishment. While most species had primarily either economic or biodiversity impacts, several species in the Anatidae, Corvidae, Passeridae, Phasianidae and Sturnidae families were associated with moderate to serious negative impacts on both economic resources and native biodiversity. After controlling for taxonomic effects, species with the greatest overall impacts were habitat generalists and multi‐brooded, while species with smaller bodies and the tendency to form large feeding or roosting flocks were linked with greater impacts on native biodiversity. Main conclusions This study presents the first synthesis of published impact data for alien birds and provides a broad‐scale perspective on factors that contribute to their impacts. The results show that accounting for both species traits and taxonomy improves our ability to predict the impacts of alien bird species. Because several species are currently in the early stages of establishment in Europe, there may be an opportunity to limit negative impacts with efforts that promote proactive strategies against species and families possessing the above characteristics.  相似文献   

Exotic grasses are a serious threat to biodiversity in the cerrado savannas of central Brazil. Of particular concern is the possible role they may have in impeding tree regeneration at gallery (riverine) forest edges and increasing fire intensity, thereby driving gallery forest retreat. Here we quantify the effect of roads and distance from gallery forests on the abundance of the African grass Melinis minutiflora Beauv. and test for an effect of this species on woody plant regeneration and leaf area index. Melinis was present at approximately 70% of the sites near gallery forest edges, with its frequency declining sharply at greater distances from the edge. Melinis frequency was 2.8 times greater where roads were present nearby. Leaf area index (LAI) of the ground layer was 38% higher where Melinis was present than where it was absent. LAI was strongly correlated to fine fuel mass (r2 = 0.80), indicating higher fuel loads where Melinis was present. The abundance of tree and shrub species in the ground layer was negatively related to LAI and to the presence of Melinis. The greater fuel accumulation and reduced tree regeneration caused by Melinis may cause a net reduction in forest area by increasing fire intensity at the gallery forest edge and slowing the rate of forest expansion.  相似文献   

Why some organisms become invasive when introduced into novel regions while others fail to even establish is a fundamental question in ecology. Barriers to success are expected to filter species at each stage along the invasion pathway. No study to date, however, has investigated how species traits associate with success from introduction to spread at a large spatial scale in any group. Using the largest data set of mammalian introductions at the global scale and recently developed phylogenetic comparative methods, we show that human‐mediated introductions considerably bias which species have the opportunity to become invasive, as highly productive mammals with longer reproductive lifespans are far more likely to be introduced. Subsequently, greater reproductive output and higher introduction effort are associated with success at both the establishment and spread stages. High productivity thus supports population growth and invasion success, with barriers at each invasion stage filtering species with progressively greater fecundity.  相似文献   

We present a phylogenetic and taxonomic study of the morphology and biology of the terminal‐instar larval stage of 19 species representing all the genera of Torymidae parasitoids of gall wasps in Europe, with the single exception of Megastigmus. The genera studied include Adontomerus Nikol'skaya, Idiomacromerus Crawford, Chalcimerus Steffan & Andriescu, Glyphomerus Förster, Pseudotorymus Masi and Torymus Dalman. We primarily used chaetotaxy and some head structures. The terminal‐instar larvae of all studied species are thoroughly described for the first time and illustrated with SEM images. We provide diagnostic characters for the family and the genera studied, and keys to genera and species for the identification of torymid larvae associated with cynipid galls. The majority of the torymid larvae studied are solitary monophagous parasitoids. Finally, to assess the potential use of larval characters in systematic studies of the family, a phylogenetic analysis of the studied taxa based on 42 larval morphological characters is proposed and compared with the current taxonomy of Torymidae. Our results suggest that body chaetotaxy, and characters of the head and mouthparts could be used for genera and species discrimination. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 154 , 676–721.  相似文献   

Aim This study aimed to quantify changes in fire severity resulting from the invasion of Australia’s tropical savannas by the African grass Andropogon gayanus Kunth. (gamba grass). Location Mesic savannas of the Northern Territory, Australia. Method Byram’s fire‐line intensity (If), fuel load and architecture, and two post‐fire indicators of fire intensity – scorch height (SH) and char height (CH) of woody vegetation – were determined for fires in native grass savanna and A. gayanus invaded savanna. Leaf scorch is the height at which the fire’s radiant heat browns leaf tissue, and leaf char is the height that radiant heat blackens or consumes leaf tissue and provides an indirect measure of flame height. These data, and 5 years of similar data collected from the Kapalga Fire Project in Kakadu National Park, were used to develop empirical relationships between If and the post‐fire indices of fire intensity. Results A relationship between A. gayanus If and SH could not be developed because complete canopy scorch occurred in most A. gayanus fires, even at low If. In contrast, A. gayanus If was strongly correlated with CH. This empirical relationship was substantially different from that for native grass fires. For a given If, there was a significantly greater CH in invaded sites. This increase in radiant heat is attributable to the increased biomass (mean 3.6 t ha?1 in native grasses compared to 11.6 t ha?1 in A. gayanus) and height (approximately 0.5 m in native grasses compared to 4 m in A. gayanus) of the standing fine fuel. Main conclusion Andropogon gayanus invasion resulted in substantial changes in fire behaviour. This has important regional implications owing to the current (10,000–15,000 km2) and predicted (380,000 km2) area of invasion and the negative consequences for the native savanna biota that has evolved with frequent but relatively low‐intensity fire.  相似文献   

The monitoring of introduced species is becoming more important as global trade intensifies. Although ants make up a larger proportion of species on the list of the most invasive species in the world compared with other groups, little is known about the occurrence of those introduced in France, especially inside heated buildings. Here we review the literature available for mainland France and Belgium and report the results of a survey conducted with the help of tropical building managers between 2014 and 2016. We report for the first time in France the presence of Technomyrmex vitiensis and Plagiolepis alluaudi in multiple greenhouses. Technomyrmex difficilis was also found in one greenhouse for the first time in Europe. The diversity of introduced ants in greenhouses is very low, and these buildings are most often dominated by one or two species. We compared the most recent data and those collected throughout the twentieth century and showed that ant communities have changed substantially. Greenhouses could be responsible for the introduction of invasive species because they regularly import exotic plants, but we found no evidence that the three species of invasive ants present outdoors in France were introduced from greenhouses, where they rarely occur. We also report that introduced ants are pests in greenhouses because they disperse scale insects and kill biological control agents. The suppression of these ants could ease the maintenance of plants inside greenhouses.  相似文献   

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