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利用聚乙二醇(PEG8000)纯化小球藻病毒FJ-1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提取小球藻病毒基因组DNA,探索利用3% ̄10%的PEG8000加3% ̄7%的NaCl沉淀病毒。其中以7%的PEG和4%的NaCl沉淀效果最好,但其沉淀效率较低。  相似文献   

中国小球藻病毒及其分子生物学性质   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以小球藻NC64A株系为寄主,从17个省市采集的上百个水样中分离到了11个病毒分离物(BJ-1、BJ-2、BJ-3、BJ-4、FJ-1、FJ-2、NJ-1、HCJ-1、CDT-1、SCB—1、SCC-1)。这些病毒具有许多相同的性质,如均为球形多面体,基因组为300kb的dsDNA。但它们的DNA限制性酶切图谱,碱基组成和蛋白组分等均有差异。FJ-1的主要外壳蛋白的分子量小于54000,其它10个分离物则与PBCV-1一样,主要外壳蛋白的分子量为54000。Westernblot分析的结果显示,除FJ-1外其它病毒分离物与PBCV—1的抗血清有较强的免疫交叉反应。说明这些病毒与PBCV-1的同源性较高。在11个病毒分离物中,FJ-1在蛋白组分、碱基组成等方面与其它分离物和PBCV—1差别较大。  相似文献   

海水小球藻抗菌蛋白的分离纯化及性质研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海水小球藻(Chlorella pacifica)提取液经硫酸铵沉淀、DEAE-52离子交换层析和SephadexG-200凝胶过滤层析后分离纯化出1种抗菌蛋白.经SDS-PAGE测定,两个亚基的相对分子量分别为61 kD和70 kD;该抗菌蛋白对热稳定,氨基酸组成分析表明含17种氨基酸,其中谷氨酸的含量最高,其次为甘氨酸与天冬氨酸,胱氨酸的含量最低.在抗菌活性中,纯化的蛋白质对产黄青霉(Penicillium chrysogenum)和中华根霉(Rhizopus chinensis)有较强的抑制作用,对金黄色葡萄球菌(staphy lococcus aureus)和肠炎病病原菌(Ameromonas punctata)也有抑制作用,其抗真菌活性比抗细菌强.  相似文献   

从PBCV\|1感染小球藻NC64A的细胞裂解液中提取了Lysin的粗制剂,酶活底物范围分析表明,几丁质酶、壳聚糖酶和β\|1,3\|葡萄糖苷酶是Lysin活性的主要组成部分,并与小球藻细胞壁的组成成分相吻合。其中几丁酯酶和壳聚糖酶,特别是几丁酯酶在裂解小球藻细胞壁的过程中发挥了重要的作用。Lysin粗制剂经FPLC分离纯化得到分子量分别为52kD、56kD的两个几丁质酶(Chil和Chi2)和一个分子量为36kD的壳聚糖酶。  相似文献   

小球藻病毒PBCV-1特异性溶壁酶(Lysin)的溶壁活性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从PBCV-1感染小球藻NC64A的细胞裂解液中提取了Lysin的粗制剂,酶活底物范围分析表明,几丁质酶、壳聚糖酶的β-1,3-葡萄糖苷酶是Lysin活性的主要组成部分,并与小球藻细胞壁的组成甩分相吻合。其中几丁酯酶和壳聚糖酶,特别是几丁酯酶在裂解小球藻细胞壁的过程中发挥了重要的作用。Lysin粗制剂经FPLC分离纯化得到分子量分别为52kD、56kD的两个几丁质酶(Chil和Chi2)和一个分子量为36kD的壳聚糖酶。  相似文献   

目的制备具备完整空间构型且纯度在90%以上的灭活HIV-1病毒,用于HIV疫苗研究。方法应用化学制剂2,2’-dithiodipyridine(aldrithiol-2;AT-2)灭活HIV-1病毒,对灭活的病毒超速离心浓缩并洗涤去除灭活用的化学制剂AT-2。采用分子筛技术去除灭活病毒中残存的杂质蛋白质。结果 250μmol/L AT-2与HIV-137℃作用1 h可以彻底灭活病毒的感染性,同时保留病毒的免疫原性。灭活的病毒纯化后检测不到AT-2的残留,检测牛血清蛋白残余量低于50 ng/mL。结论灭活的HIV-1病毒经过纯化后纯度达到95.6%,可以满足作为HIV疫苗研究的免疫刺激剂的使用要求。  相似文献   

通过对大肠杆菌表达,经载体pPROEXHTb克隆的TGEV重组N蛋白纯化方法中一系列条件的探索,最终得到了纯化融合蛋白的最佳优化方法。即在裂解液中含有1mM PMSF的条件下,分别经过2倍体积的bufferA和bufferB洗脱后,再收集pH5.9,含有80mM咪唑的1倍体积bufferC洗脱液,在波长280nm处检测蛋白吸收值A,再将峰值经SDS-PAGE电泳分析,可得到纯度较高的融合蛋白。  相似文献   

经硫酸铵分部沉淀、SephacrylS-300和DEAE-纤维素柱层析纯化了小球藻RubisCO,得率为15%,比活力达1.232μmolCO2ms-1min-1,分子量是500kD,它和菠菜叶片RubisCO在分子量、亚基组成和免疫特性等方面相似,反映RubisCO在高等和低等植物中有较高的同源性。自养小球藻RubisCO占细胞可溶性蛋白质的24%。而异养转变后的小球藻细胞内不含RubisCO。异养小球藻向自养生长转变过程中,20h后细胞内叶绿素含量逐渐增加,24h时细胞内出现RubisCO,24h后大量增加,至41h时含量达最高峰;标志着小球藻细胞光合作用能力的恢复和加强。  相似文献   

在大肠杆菌中,利用新构建的含T7噬菌体g-10核糖体结合位点(RBS),以及λ噬菌体PR启动子的新型原核表达载体,通过表达gag-pol基因片段,获得了具有天然序列的人类免疫缺陷病毒1型(HIV-1)核心蛋白p24(CA)的高效表达。克隆的gag-pol基因片段在其阅读框架移位区域插入了4bp碱基,其表达的病毒蛋白酶在阅读框架上与gag一致,从而实现了对gag-pol融合蛋白的有效加工,产生成熟的核心蛋白p24及其它产物。重组p24以可溶形式存在,可以被抗p24的单克隆抗体特异识别。测定的N-端7个氨基酸序列与从病毒纯化的p24完全一致,在使用硫酸铵沉淀后,采用两步离子柱层析,可将重组蛋白纯化到95%以上的纯度。ELISA分析表明,纯化的p24可以作为特异性很强的试剂而用于HIV感染的诊断及病情的预后,并可用于p24的生化及结构分析。  相似文献   

目的:摸索出最佳分离纯化和复性重组禽流感病毒NS1抗原的方法,得到高纯度的重组蛋白。方法:将重组质粒pET32a—NS1转染大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)后获得表达,分别以尿素变性、复性,Ni—NTA His.Bind Resin亲和,以及脱氧胆酸钠-N-十二烷基肌氨酸钠(DOC—SKL)洗涤溶解等3种纯化方法从表达产物包涵体中分离纯化NS1蛋白,并进行比较研究。结果:原核表达得到相对分子质量约45000的目的蛋白;3种纯化方法均能分离和纯化出NS1重组蛋白,其中尿素纯化的蛋白纯度为50%~60%,Ni—NTA His.Bind Resin亲和纯化的蛋白纯度为80%-90%,DOC-SKL纯化的蛋白纯度达95%以上;Western blot检测表明,复性后的纯化蛋白具有良好的生物学活性。结论:应用十二烷基肌氨酸钠洗涤纯化是最佳的纯化NS1蛋白的方法,所获得的蛋白可作为包被ELISA的抗原。  相似文献   

随着各种诱导膜融合的因子相继发现,人们建立了各种膜融合的模型.我们通过对聚乙二醇PEG诱导脂质体融合的分析,认为膜融合的关键在于脱去膜表面的结合水,而其它作用诸如膜脂缺陷.膜脂分相以及脂多型性等尽管是不同膜体系中直接观察到的膜融合形式,都是膜脱去结合水带来的必然结果.膜表面结合水的排除是前因,本文着重讨论脱水及脱水后膜脂结构的一系列变化.  相似文献   

本文研究了用PEG修饰的McAb的某些理化性质。研究结果表明:修饰的McAb与天然的McAb相比有如下几点变化:1.随修饰度增高,分子量增大;2.随修饰度增高,PAGE与SDS-PAGE泳动速度减慢;3.修饰的McAb等电点发生酸移;4.等速电泳呈峰高降低与泳动速度稍快的变化;5.园二色性光谱无明显的构象变化。修饰的PcAb与酶,除修饰酶与天然酶的园二色性光谱有明显不同外,其它的变化与修饰的McAb相似。  相似文献   

Chlorella saccharophila (Krüger) Nadson takes up mannitol and sorbitol in the light and the dark. The rate of uptake is concentration dependent. is not affected by pH in the range pH 6.0 to 8.0 and ii not stimulated by light. Uptake is inhibited by the respiration inhibitor sodium azide (10-2 M) but not by 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-di-methyl urea (10-6 M), an inhibitor of photosynthesis. Sorbitol. but not mannitol, stimulates the rate of dark respiration but both support the heterotrophic growth of the alga. Both compounds permeate the cells of C. miniata. and two strains of C. pyrenoidosa but do not support the heterotrophic growth of these algae. The cells of C. vulgaris are impermeable to both compounds.  相似文献   

用聚乙二醇诱导选定的成对原生质体间的融合   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用微吸管选取单对原生质体,在含聚乙二醇(PEG)的微滴中诱导融合。此法克服了常规的PEG群体融合方法中的盲目性,能排除一方亲本原生质体自相融合和多个原生质体的融合,以及未融合的原生质体的混杂,保证融合产物来自选定的成对原生质体,从而使PEG融合技术精确化。此法在植物细胞工程和细胞生物学研究中有广泛的应用前景  相似文献   

When incubated at pH 4–5, Chlorella freshly isolated from symbiosis with Hydra viridissima PALLAS 1766 (green hydra) release large amounts of photosynthetically fixed carbon in the form of maltose, and assimilation of inorganic N is inhibited. Physiological responses to N starvation of the cultured 3N813A strain of maltose-releasing Chlorella differed from those caused by 48 h of maltose release induced by low pH. N starvation increased rates of ammonium assimilation at pH 7.0 in light or darkness, and ammonium assimilation in darkness stimulated cell respiration. In contrast, cells pretreated at pH 5.0 to induce maltose release were unable to take up ammonium at pH 7.0 unless supplied with an external carbon source such as bicarbonate, acetate, or succinate, and rates of uptake were similar to control cells. Freshly isolated symbionts displayed a similar dependency. Rates of ammonium uptake by cells pretreated at pH 5.0 were reduced in darkness and did not stimulate cell respiration. N-starved cells supplied with ammonium also showed a large short-term increase in glutamine pools at the expense of glutamate, as might be expected if large amounts of ammonium were rapidly assimilated via glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase, whereas after long-term maltose release cells showed only a small increase in glutamine when supplied with ammonium. Furthermore, maltose release caused a fall in pool sizes of a number of amino acids, including glutamine and glutamate, and also caused a decrease in pool sizes of 2-oxoglutarate and phospho-enol-pyruvate, which are required for ammonium assimilation into amino acids. Cells stimulated to synthesize and release maltose may be unable to assimilate ammonium and synthesize amino acids because of diversion of fixed carbon from N metabolism. We estimate that 40–50% affixed C is required for maximal maltose synthesis, whereas up to 30% fixed C is required for ammonium assimilation. These results are discussed in the context of host regulation of symbiotic algal growth.  相似文献   

Potassium is an important component information of polyphosphate bodies (PB) by Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick. However, it was not detected in PB by X-ray energy dispersive microanalyses when the specimens were subjected to a standard preparation procedure for transmission electron microscopy. Intact cells were incinerated at 350 C on stainless steel grids coated with silicon monoxide. X-ray spectra from PB showed conspicuous peaks of energy counts in the Kα lines for phosphorus and potassium. It is proposed that potassium is a major cationic component of PB in C. pyrenoidosa grown in potassium sufficient medium.  相似文献   

The claim that Chlorella sp. (CCAP 211/8p), sometimes referred to as C. fusca, Shihira and Krauss, does not excrete glycolate has been reexamined. Chlorella sp. grown on 5% CO2in air, excreted glycolate when incubated in light in 10 mM bicarbonate. Excretion ceased 30–60 min after transfer of the cells to air and no excretion could be detected with air-grown cells or with cells grown on 5% CO2in media buffered at pH 8.0. Incubation with 10 mM isonicotinyl hydrazide, a glycolate pathway inhibitor, caused excretion in air-grown cells and stimulated excretion in CO2-grown cells indicating that both the rate of glycolate synthesis and metabolism is higher in CO2grown cells than in air-grown cells. Enhanced glycolate synthesis and excretion in CO2-grown cells is correlated with law photosynthetic rate in 10 mM bicarbonate, and the photosynthetic rate of these cells doubles over a period of 2–2.5 h after initial transfer from high CO2to bicarbonate. This correlation of photosynthetic induction with cessation of glycolate excretion is similar to that reported in a bluegreen alga and thought to occur in other green algae. These results indicate that glycolate excretion and its regulation in this species of Chlorella is not different from that in other algae.  相似文献   

The structure of the pyrenoid supports the separation of Chlorella species into two groups based on cell wall chemistry and suggests evolutionary relationships. Chlorella species with a glucan-type wall exhibit quite diverse pyrenoid structures, which may indicate that these species are not closely related. Those species with glucosamine cell walls (C. kessleri, C. sorokiniana, C. vulgaris) are virtually identical in pyrenoid morphology, indicating a closer evolutionary relationship. In the species with glucosamine walls, the thylakoid that penetrates into the pyrenoid matrix, is unijormly double-layered. Pyrenoids in the species with glucan walls show various features: 1) a pyrenoid matrix only, 2) a pyrenoid traversed by a few discs of double thylakoids with many adhering pyrenoglobuli, 3) a pyrenoid penetrated with tubelike structures or 4) a pyrenoid penetrated with many single undulating thylakoids. The pyrenoid structure of the symbiotic Chlorella in Paramecium bursaria resembles those of free-living Chlorella with glucosamine walls.  相似文献   


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