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Length-weight relationships (LWRs) were assessed from four fish species in Hei River in northwest China. All specimens were collected using (fishing1 km along the river and 3 meters along the river bank) and netting (gill nets, nets: 30 × 1.2 m; mesh size: 3 × 3 cm) and shrimp cages (nets: 20.0 × 0.5 × 0.4m; mesh size: 0.5 cm) seasonally from April 2019 to October 2020. The gill nets and shrimp cages were soaked in water in the afternoon and pulled in around 10 a.m. the next day after an overnight stay. These specimens were measured for total length (L, 0.1 cm) and body weight (W, 0.1 g) while the specimens were fresh. The parameters for the LWRs were estimated with the basic statistical analyses. The study provided the new maximum total length for Gymnocypris chilianensis (21.0 cm) and Triplophysa tenuis (17.0 cm).  相似文献   

As one of the largest Southeast Asian rivers, flowing through China, Myanmar, and Thailand, the Nujiang (Salween) River contains a unique and rich diversity of fish species. In the present study, we investigated the length–weight relationships (LWRs) of four fish species (Pteronemacheilus meridionalis, Devario shanensis, Exostoma gaoligongense, and Glyptothorax granosus) collected from the lower reaches of the Nujiang River and its tributaries (24.175N~25.842N, 98.861E~98.903E), including the Mengboluo, Kungong, Luomingba and Laowo rivers in southwest China. Specimens were collected by using drift gill nets (100 m length × 1.5 m depth or 3 m depth, mesh-size: 1 cm-5 cm), cast nets (6.5 m, mouth opening: 35 × 45 cm2, mesh-size: 4 mm) , and an electric shocker apparatus (12 V, 200 Hz) from different regions in the Nujiang River basin in September and October 2019 and June and September 2020. Before the collected fishes were placed in formalin, standard length (SL) and net weight (W) were measured respectively to the nearest 0.1 cm and 0.1g, respectively. Based on searches of the FishBase database and other relevant scientific literature, this study provides a new record of maximum size for P. meridionalis and LWRs for the four fish species.  相似文献   

Parameters of the length-weight relationship (LWR) were estimated for four fish species [Beaufortia szechuanensis (Fang, 1930), Claea dabryi (Sauvage, 1874), Percocypris pingi (Tchang, 1930), and Yunnanilus sichuanensis Ding, 1995] from the Yalong River. Samples were collected seasonally from June 2018 to July 2019, using various fishing gears [set nets (mesh: 1.5 × 2.0 cm), hook, drift gill nets (three mesh sizes: 1.0; 2.0; 3.0 cm) and electro fishing]. Two new maximum standard length were recorded for C. dabryi and P. pingi.  相似文献   

Lake Ichkeul in northern Tunisia is a Ramsar site, a MAB Biosphere Reserve and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The system is one of the most important coastal wetlands in North Africa, especially as an over-wintering area for migratory birds, particularly Palaearctic waterfowl. The present study was aimed at diagnosing the status of fish species in Lake Ichkeul and documenting their annual and seasonal occurrence within the system. Fish samples were collected monthly at 22 sites from March 2011 to April 2012 using a variety of gears, including a dragnet, gillnet, trammelnet, frynet and beach-seine. Temperature and salinity measurements were taken at each site, while fishes were obtained from only 11 sites, representing mainly lacustrine stations. A total of 18 fish species belonging to 14 genera and 12 families were identified, with Mugilidae dominating with four species, followed by Syngnathidae with three species. This study represents a relative recovery in terms of fish species richness, since only 13 species were recorded here between 2003 and 2007. However, the numbers of fish caught, especially of the commercial taxa, seem to have declined in recent years, and the number of species currently present is much lower than that of several decades ago. Increasing human pressures, particularly reductions in catchment freshwater inputs, a breakdown in ecosystem connectivity, pollution and over-fishing appear to be the principal causes for the decline in fish abundance and diversity.  相似文献   

The robust redhorse, Moxostoma robustum (Teleostei: Catostomidae), is an imperiled sucker native to large rivers of the Atlantic slope of the southeastern United States. Juvenile M. robustum were tested for tolerances to temperature, salinity, pH, and hypoxia in order to evaluate basic early life-history requirements. Static (acute) tests resulted in estimates of mean lower temperature tolerances (5.3–19.4 °C) that varied with prior thermal acclimation and indicated no apparent difference in tolerance among fish 30, 60, and 90 days old. Fish acclimated to 20 °C and 30 °C had significantly different mean critical thermal maxima (34.9 °C and 37.2 °C, respectively) and exhibited pronounced increased opercular ventilation rates with elevated temperatures. Fish exposed to acute and chronic increases in salinity showed unusual patterns of mortality above the isosmotic point (9 ppt) that reflected possible differences in body mass and prior acclimation conditions (i.e., water ionic composition); small fish and those held in soft water were the least tolerant of increased salinity. Abrupt exposure to extreme pH values resulted in greater than 50% mortality at pH values below 4.3 and above 9.5 within a 96-hour period. Fish exposed to progressive hypoxia utilized aquatic surface respiration at a mean oxygen concentration of 0.72–0.80 mg O2 l-1 (20 °C and 30 °C acclimated fish, respectively), and lost equilibrium at 0.54–0.57 mg O2 l-1. Juvenile M. robustum are moderately tolerant of a wide range of ambient physicochemical parameters, but further research is needed to determine how both abiotic and biotic factors have contributed to population decline and extirpation of this species.  相似文献   

This study aimed to estimate the parameters of length-weight relationships (LWRs) for six freshwater fish species that inhabit in the Xiangjiang River of Guangxi region, China. The specimens were sampled in April, July, and October 2014 and in January 2015 using electrofishing (CWB-2000P, China; 12 V import, 250 V export) and traps (mesh size 8.5 mm; length 200 m) at five sampling sites. For each sampling site, a trap was settled on one nearshore zone of the river for 24 hr, and the electrofishing was applied within 30 min from downstream to upstream with 200 m long. Standard length was measured (be accurate to 0.1 cm) and total weight determined (be accurate to 0.1 g) after preservation in formaldehyde (10%). The values for the parameter b of the length-weight relationships were estimated together with the coefficient of determination scores. In addition, this study provides a new tentative LWRs for the six species.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the length-weight relationships (LWRs) for three teleost fish species sampled from the Stung Russei Chrum River basin, Kingdom of Cambodia. The fish were collected during two dry seasons (April 2019 and November 2019) and one rainy season (October 2018) using monofilament trammel nets (2–12 cm mesh size), cast net (mesh size 2 cm) and scoop-nets (mesh size with 0.3 cm). Results showed that all fitted regressions were highly significant and the coefficients of determination (r2) were high. This study expanded the value of maximum total length for Cyclocheilichthys apogon and Poropuntius laoensis while reported the wider ranges of total mass for Poropuntius laoensis. Moreover, our present study also provided the novel LWRs records for Hemibagrus filamemtus.  相似文献   

River flow and fish abundance in a South African estuary   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The ichthyofauna of the Thukela Estuary, a small (55 ha), shallow (<1·5 m) system on the KwaZulu-Natal coast (mean annual river runoff of 3865 × 106 m3, from a large catchment of 29 000 km2, is seasonal: peak inputs occurring between November and March), was dominated by the juveniles of marine taxa that used the estuary as a nursery area. A striking feature of the above community was the decline in fish abundance with increasing river input, with flow values >100 m3 s−1 leading to increased loss of species from the system. This decline was linked to the lack of saline intrusion into the estuary and increased freshwater flooding through the system.  相似文献   

The toxicity of the carbamate insecticide carbaryl (Seven√) and its metabolite, 1-naphthol, to four species of fish was studied. The calculated 96 h LC 60 values of carbaryl forCatla catla (Ham.), Anabas testudineus (Bloch),Mystus cavasius (Ham.) andMystus vittatus (Bloch) are 6.4, 6.6, 4.6 and 2.4 ppm respectively and that of 1-naphthol are 4.3,3, 0.33 and 1.1 ppm respectively. The degradation product of the insecticide was found to be more toxic than the parent compound, to all the four species studied.  相似文献   

Length‐weight relationships (LWRs) were estimated for four fish species [Schizopygopsis anteroventris Wu & Tsao, 1989, Schizothorax lissolabiatus Tsao, 1964, Triplophysa markehenensis (Zhu & Wu, 1981) and Triplophysa siluroides (Herzenstein, 1888)] from the Yellow River. Samples were collected seasonally from August 2016 to October 2017, using various fishing gears [set nets (mesh: 1.5 cm × 2.0 cm), hook, drift gill nets (mesh: 1.0 cm × 2.0 cm × 3.0 cm) and electro fishing]. Four new maximum standard length were recorded for S. anteroventris, S. lissolabiatus, T. markehenensis and T. siluroides.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships (LWRs) were determined for four fish species (Akrokolioplax bicornis [Wu, 1977], Barbodes wynaadensis [Day, 1873], Glyptothorax cavia [Hamilton, 1822] and Placocheilus cryptonemus [Cui & Li, 1984]) from the Nujiang River, China. Samples were collected from March 2008 to August 2016 (frequency of sampling during the study period: once per year), using various fishing gears (set nets [mesh: 1.5 cm × 2.0 cm], fish cages [0.5 cm mesh], hook, drift gill nets [mesh: 1.0 cm × 2.0 cm × 3.0 cm] and electro fishing). Two new maximum SL were recorded for B. wynaadensis and P. cryptonemus.  相似文献   

This study provides the length–weight relationships (LWRs) for four fish species [Leptobotia rubrilabris (Dabry de Thiersant, 1872); Opsariichthys bidens Günther, 1873; Xenocypris yunnanensis Nichols, 1925; and Sinogastromyzon sichangensis Chang, 1944] collected from the Niulan River, China. Samples were obtained between April 2008 and June 2011 using various types of fishing gear [drift gill nets (mesh: 5 × 5 cm), hook and electro fishing]. A total of 136 specimens belonging to four fish species were analyzed. For each species the sample size, length range, weight range, LWR, 95% confidence intervals of a and b, and coefficient of correlation were determined. Prior to this study, the LWRs for S. sichangensis and X. yunnanensis were unknown. New maximum sizes for S. sichangensis and X. yunnanensis are also provided.  相似文献   

River regulation and fish larvae: variation through space and time   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1. Patterns in abundance and distribution of larval fish in a heavily regulated and a mildly regulated Australian lowland river were compared over four breeding seasons to gain some insight into how river regulation affects fish populations.
2. Larvae from a total of 13 species from nine families were recorded from the two rivers. The mildly regulated Broken River supported twice as many species as the heavily regulated Campaspe River. The two rivers shared three introduced species but only two native species. The dominant species in the Campaspe was not found in the Broken River.
3. The two most abundant species in the Campaspe were classified as `opportunists'. They are small, short-lived species, which spawn for up to 9 months, encompassing extremes in temperature and flow. The extended spawning period may place a subset of larvae in optimal conditions for recruitment and is hypothesised as being the key to the success of these species.
4. Most species spawned each year, despite large interannual variation in flow and temperature conditions. Poor recruitment over several decades, rather than a failure to spawn, is considered the most likely explanation for differences in the larval fish faunas between the two rivers.
5. The highly regulated section of the Campaspe River downstream of the regulating impoundment is thought to provide suboptimal habitat conditions for larvae relative to the less regulated downstream sections.
6. The timing of occurrence of larvae of the dominant species varied by breeding season and may be the result of flexibility in the timing of spawning.  相似文献   

Investigations into the feeding of the early stages of fishes can provide insights into processes influencing recruitment. In this study, we examined ontogenetic changes in morphology and feeding behaviour of two native Australian freshwater species, Murray cod, Maccullochella peelii peelii, and golden perch, Macquaria ambigua, and the alien species, common carp, Cyprinus carpio. Murray cod free embryos are large and well developed at the onset of feeding, whereas the other two species begin exogenous feeding much younger and are smaller and less-developed. Carp commence exogenous feeding 3 days earlier than golden perch, and show more advanced development of the eyes and ingestive apparatus. We conducted feeding experiments, presenting larvae of the three species with a standardised prey mix (comprising equal numbers of small calanoid copepods, large calanoid copepods, small Daphnia, and large Daphnia). Larvae of most tested ages and species showed a preference for mid-sized prey (300–500 μm wide). This was true even when their gapes substantially exceeded the largest prey offered. Daphnia were consumed more than similar-sized copepods. The results of this study suggest that survival through their larval period will be threatened in all three species if catchable prey <500 μm in width are not available throughout such time. They also suggest that interspecific competition for prey may occur, especially when larvae are very young. The precocious development of structures involved in feeding and the extended transition from endogenous to exogenous feeding of early carp larvae are likely to have contributed to the success of this species since its introduction to Australia.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships (LWRs) are presented for four endemic fish species caught in the upper Yalu River during the yearly surveys (2017) by either electrofishing or fish cage net (5 mm mesh size) as soon as the ice melted. The parameter b ranged between 2.244 in Gobio macrocephalus and 3.428 in Ladislavia taczanowskii. Additionally, the parameter a ranged between 0.004 in Misgurnus bipartitus and 0.059 in Gobio macrocephalus. All length‐weight relationships were highly significant (r2 ≥ 0.8754) on a log scale.  相似文献   

The present study reports the length-weight relationships (LWRs) for eight fish species sampled in Hailang River, a left-bank tributary of the Mudan River in Northeast China. The fishes were collected from April to October bimonthly 2017 by electrofishing (fishing 2 kilometers along the river and within 5 meters from the bank) and netting (drift gillnet: mesh size 2 cm × 3 cm; 200 m net length). The specimens were weighed (nearest 0.1 g) and measured (nearest 0.1 cm) in the laboratory. This study provides an update in maximum lengths for five species.  相似文献   

Using the distribution patterns of benthic insects (198 species) and fishes ( 29 species) from 11 tributaries and the main channel of the Doubs River drainage basin (French Jura), the authors have tried to establish whether there is an organization of species into discrete, identifiable communities. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to identify whether a continuum existed, and also used to select 50 least-disturbed sites, which were used to define a theoretical watercourse. The density classes of each species were projected on this longitudinal gradient and each species response was characterised by two typological traits: its typological preferendum (tp) and its typological amplitude (ta),thus creating a synthesis of ecological characteristics. In the typological index given in the appendix, the 210 species which form a biological templet are listed in alphabetical order with their tp and ta values. These typological species traits are useful contributions to a database for running waters biomonitoring.  相似文献   

The present work reports the length–weight relationships (LWR) for four ornamental fish species from the middle Negro River basin, Amazonas, Brazil. The r2 value ranged from 0.810 to 0.941 and values of b varied from 2.346 to 3.442. These results represent the first reference on LWR for all four species, based on FishBase.  相似文献   

Summary Indigenous people demonstrably lived along rivers and around lakes and wetlands of Australia's Murray‐Darling Basin in pre‐European times. Waterways were, and continue to be, of major significance to the society and culture of Aboriginal peoples throughout Australia. Historically, they exploited most of the fauna – from mussels and crayfish, to fish and birds – and either ate, or used for other purposes, many species of aquatic plants. Such practices placed them in the role of environmental modifiers, a role played by all human groups from both past and present. They built sophisticated fish traps, cut gaps in river banks to allow fish to move on to floodplains, and there is evidence that they practised a form of fish culture by creating small impoundments in which small fish could live and grow in normally ephemeral tributary streams away from predatory larger fish. Knowledge of the numbers of Aboriginal people inhabiting the riverine regions of the Murray‐Darling Basin are sketchy, but at times large groups congregated for cultural reasons, facilitating fishing with extensively engineered fish traps, such as that at Brewarrina, on the Barwon River in New South Wales. At other times, densities may have been about 0.5 person per river kilometre, although this was certainly not evenly distributed and the calculation postdated deaths from smallpox. From archaeological and anthropological evidence, aquatic fauna and flora would have constituted between about 30% and 100% of the diets of Indigenous people historically, depending on season and location. As such, Indigenous people were very much a part of the ecology of aquatic ecosystems and their effects may have been profound. Despite this, their role in influencing these ecosystems has largely been ignored by contemporary freshwater ecologists and managers. Current management practices do not seem to have considered the loss of this component of riverine ecosystems, and there is little debate about how the historical part that Indigenous people played in shaping these systems and their biota might be incorporated into management generally.  相似文献   

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