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Biodiversity impact analysis in northwest Yunnan, southwest China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper reports the main findings of a study on the factors threatening biodiversity in northwest Yunnan, a global biodiversity hotspot in China and home to over five million people. The research was based on eight site-level case studies. The main driving forces of biodiversity loss are livelihood activities, including agricultural production, livestock grazing and the collection of fuel wood, construction timber and NTFPs. Behind these specific drivers are underlying factors including changes in demography, market conditions, resource tenure policies and development policies and projects. Some change in land cover has been due to specific trigger events, the most significant of which reflect national policy changes. At the site level, a range of biophysical and socio-cultural factors influence the specific outcomes that any particular factor may have. The paper suggests some specific redressive measures and general implications for research and policy.  相似文献   

Brazil is an international environmental leader that has led important negotiations to set sustainable development targets over the last decade. However, in terms of national policies, Brazil is consistently making decisions that go against the global policies it ratifies. For instance, Brazilian governors have recently revised the Brazilian Forest Act ‐ its main environmental legislation on private land, reduced the area covered by some protected areas and allowed the creation of new hydropower plants on undisturbed Amazonian rivers, and have plans to open indigenous reserves to mining. Among other consequences, these controversial actions made by national leaders may increase CO2 emissions and propel a massive loss of species, with irreversible consequences to the provision of ecosystem services and goods. In this paper, I present inconsistent actions made by policy and decision makers in Brazil and argue for a more focused environmental decision in Brazil, which matches the country's international position as a leader and that could help Brazil to achieve the status of a biodiversity superpower.  相似文献   

With the need to meet ambitious restoration targets, an improved native seed sector for the production of herbaceous species with a practical and supportive policy framework is recognized. We evaluated the current “ready‐made” policy frameworks in Europe regarding the native seed supply of herbaceous species and found them to be, generally, unsatisfactory for both producers and users. Initially, such policies were designed for fodder seed and relate to distinctness, uniformity, and stability, traits that do not reflect the genetic heterogeneity of native species required for ecological restoration. Until recently, more suitable certification standards were designed to multiply fodder seed for preservation of the natural environment; however, due to the disparateness of the seed market in Europe, this policy is rarely practical and fails to encompass all herbaceous native species often resulting in unregulated seed sales. We recommend a new or adapted native seed policy constructed through a participatory or bottom‐up approach and supported through the formation of widely based trade associations. Such a policy could stimulate the native seed trade with concomitant impacts on the speed of improving ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Trends and status of species and habitats need to be measured to assess whether global biodiversity policy targets have been achieved. However, it is impossible to monitor all species and habitats with a justifiable effort. Therefore, it is critical to prioritize the monitoring of specific biodiversity components. Priorities must be linked to key nature conservation policies to ensure that monitoring efforts are relevant to policy needs, achieve maximum impact, and obtain governmental support. Here we discuss priority setting in biodiversity monitoring in view of monitoring obligations and priorities in supranational biodiversity legislation and policies in Europe and assess overlaps in priorities among policies. While most supranational biodiversity regulations require monitoring of biodiversity, obligations are legally enforceable only for the Nature Directives, the Water Framework Directive, and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive of the European Union. Of the assessed international conventions and other relevant policy instruments about 50% explicitly designate priority species and most focus on vertebrates. Lower emphasis is given to habitats and geographical priorities are even less pronounced. Also, an overarching system for monitoring prioritization is still missing. Our prioritization system is based on three main criteria: (1) legal requirement for reporting, (2) wording used to define priority or importance, and (3) inclusion in lists that indicate importance of monitoring due to e.g. threats or relevance of a region for a species. Our system contains five main priority levels, within which an additional division differentiates priorities according to national/European responsibility criteria. Based on this system, we provide recommendations for allocating species and habitats enlisted by the reviewed policy tools to explicit non-overlapping priority levels. Our approach will facilitate synergies between monitoring activities for different policy needs, and contribute to alleviate the notorious resource shortage for biodiversity monitoring.  相似文献   

In order to influence global policy effectively, conservation scientists need to be able to provide robust predictions of the impact of alternative policies on biodiversity and measure progress towards goals using reliable indicators. We present a framework for using biodiversity indicators predictively to inform policy choices at a global level. The approach is illustrated with two case studies in which we project forwards the impacts of feasible policies on trends in biodiversity and in relevant indicators. The policies are based on targets agreed at the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) meeting in Nagoya in October 2010. The first case study compares protected area policies for African mammals, assessed using the Red List Index; the second example uses the Living Planet Index to assess the impact of a complete halt, versus a reduction, in bottom trawling. In the protected areas example, we find that the indicator can aid in decision-making because it is able to differentiate between the impacts of the different policies. In the bottom trawling example, the indicator exhibits some counter-intuitive behaviour, due to over-representation of some taxonomic and functional groups in the indicator, and contrasting impacts of the policies on different groups caused by trophic interactions. Our results support the need for further research on how to use predictive models and indicators to credibly track trends and inform policy. To be useful and relevant, scientists must make testable predictions about the impact of global policy on biodiversity to ensure that targets such as those set at Nagoya catalyse effective and measurable change.  相似文献   

Policy makers face a number of difficult choices as they develop policies to ensure maintenance of a polio-free world following global eradication and certification. These policy decisions include choices about immunization, outbreak response (including whether to create a vaccine stockpile), surveillance, containment, management of chronic excretors, and investment in future research. This paper focuses on identifying the categories of decisions and characterizing the actual factors that country-level policy makers must weigh to manage polio risks during the first 5 years after certification. Building on a comprehensive literature review, we report the results of the first qualitative analysis to: (1) systematically characterize each type of decision and the relevant options during the first 5 years after certification, (2) clearly identify critical factors that influence the choices, and (3) specifically demonstrate the interdependence among the decisions to produce a reduced set of decision options. This paper explicitly focuses on the different perspectives of developed and developing countries in characterizing the options. While the management of polio risk in the postcertification period presents important challenges, this comprehensive approach helps simplify the process by focusing on critical decisions.  相似文献   

纤维素丁醇作为一种新型可再生能源,具有与汽油配伍性好、蒸汽压较低、安全系数高、能量密度高及抗爆性好等优势,在替代化石燃料方面极具发展前景,已受到广泛关注。虽然纤维素丁醇工业化生产仍存在一定的技术瓶颈,生产技术经济性也较差,产业化发展受到限制,但未来通过政策支持,在丰富的农林剩余物资源及巨大市场需求的条件下,纤维素丁醇作为新型能源仍具有非常广阔的发展前景。为了更好地促进纤维素丁醇产业发展,以纤维素丁醇的产业化发展为研究对象,总结了纤维素丁醇产业发展现状,分析了纤维素丁醇产业发展过程中存在的问题,从政策、资源及市场等方面对未来纤维素丁醇产业发展的前景进行了预测,并对如何促进其产业化发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

The relationship between biodiversity and the activities of small-scale farmers remains poorly understood despite its importance for conservation. In tropical forest areas farmers often include extraction of forest products in their subsistence strategies, and it has been suggested that factors such as market access and diversity levels influence people’s use of forest products. To investigate these relationships, we studied the use of palms in five villages inhabited by colonists and indigenous Shuar in the lower montane forest in south-eastern Ecuador by means of interviews and line transects around the villages. We found that use of palms was not driven by the diversity of palms available in the forest surrounding each village. Instead, the most important factor seemed to be lack of market access so in villages furthest away from the nearest road people used more palm products for their subsistence life compared to villages closer to the road. Forests around more remote villages had higher utility levels when evaluated on the basis of the villagers’ use of palms, despite lower levels of palm diversity and richness in these forests. The lower diversity levels may reflect past human activity or ecological factors, or a combination of both. In either case, our results show that forests with higher diversity levels are not necessarily more valuable to local people compared to less diverse forests. Instead, socio-economic factors such as market access may be more important in shaping people’s relationship with the natural environment.  相似文献   

This article uses content analysis to review policies and relevant documents that promote or hinder the generation and use of biodiversity data in Eastern Africa. The review found that all countries in the region are committed to international and regional conventions that emphasize the protection and conservation of biodiversity. Some of the other drivers for biodiversity informatics include countries’ national biodiversity related policies although there are few, which highlight the need for biodiversity data management systems. However, the existing policies are deficient in terms of policies for biodiversity data management. Suggestions to ensure the success of biodiversity informatics in East Africa include: (i) Avoiding overlaps but promoting complementarities within and/or between different institutions and stakeholders involved in biodiversity conservation; (ii) Putting in place clear, complete and simple policy documents pertaining to biodiversity data management.  相似文献   

Circular economy concepts, practices, and policies are increasingly drawing attention as important means for the pursuit of sustainable development. This article uses a conceptual framework to catalogue and investigate policy efforts for the circular economy in China. Based on the framework, policy prototypes and specific examples are identified: resource‐oriented, production‐oriented, waste, and use‐oriented and life cycle policies. A comprehensive review of 280 related policies shows that China has a long history of resource‐oriented policies and implemented production‐oriented policies very quickly after the year 2000. China's policies toward the circular economy became more comprehensive through time, with a broad engagement of government agencies, an extensive and progressive coverage of recycling opportunities, production initiatives across multiple scales, and use of different policy instruments. The continuous progress has been driven by proactive state actors and their learning from the international society. The current policy framework, however, is concerned more with the means rather than the ends of the circular economy, and relies too much on direct subsidies and other financial incentives. Policy making can be improved by more explicit consideration of the whole production life cycle and use of market‐based policy design.  相似文献   

Within the last fifteen years Spain and Portugal have begun to experience a phenomenon that occurred in northern Europe three or four decades earlier. Rising prosperity, an ageing population, and growing labour shortages have triggered a demand for foreign labour in the Iberian economies. This survey article identifies the changing trends and developments of recent immigration to two southern European countries, and the problems of labour market integration. It compares and contrasts the insertion process in Spain and Portugal and highlights the policy dilemma that, like most of the rest of the EU, the Iberian economies require immigrant workers, but have yet to develop effective mechanisms for integrating them. It argues that the labour market is not only the principal mechanism by which immigrants are integrated, but is beginning to transform attitudes towards immigration. Employer organizations have played a lead role in pressing for a shift from restriction and control to the management of immigrant integration. However, the needs of employers, who require a supply of cheap, flexible labour clashes with the government's exclusion policy, as the case study based on Lorca, Spain demonstrates.  相似文献   

Two primary regulatory mechanisms have been proposed to incentivize new antibiotic development: (1) changing Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval processes to expedite antibiotic approval; and (2) offering enhanced possibilities for market exclusivity. Changes to the FDA regulatory approval process include greater reliance on surrogate endpoints such as biomarkers, use of noninferiority hypothesis designs for key preapproval clinical trials, and development of an expedited development track specific for antibiotics called the Limited Population pathway. The second strategy intended to encourage new antibiotic development has been to provide additional market exclusivity incentives based on regulatory approval. While these pathways have some positive attributes, they also present enhanced risks to patients associated with lower regulatory barriers and the market exclusivity incentives may not efficiently direct resources to the true origins of antibiotic innovation.  相似文献   

The existence of laws and policies in Australia that affect wetland protection and rehabilitation has been ascertained. There is a diverse range of environmental legislation, primarily at the state level, that potentially affects wetlands. There are environmental planning instruments made under legislation in New South Wales and Western Australia, which are specifically directed to the protection of wetlands. These are legislative-backed mechanisms providing legal protection to wetlands. Whilst there is no national policy on wetlands, a draft Commonwealth policy has been circulated and is expected to be released in final form in February 1997. New South Wales is the only state with a current wetlands policy, whilst some other states have draft policies. These policies do refer to wetland rehabilitation. The present federal government indicated it wished to finalize a national wetlands policy in the lead up to its election in March 1996. This is not likely to happen soon and any national policy will probably be an implementation framework for the policies of individual governments. It is suggested that a commonwealth policy, whilst useful in providing consistency in commonwealth government decision making affecting wetlands, does not go far enough. Given that only one state in Australia has a wetland policy, it may take the formulation of a national policy to get the remaining states and territories in Australia to finalize their own policies.  相似文献   

宫颈癌Cervical cancer是最常见的妇科恶性肿瘤,是威胁女性健康的第二大恶性肿瘤。宫颈癌疫苗是预防宫颈癌发病的有效途径。2019年以前葛兰素史克(GSK)和默沙东(MSD)垄断了全球宫颈癌疫苗药物市场。虽然国内宫颈癌疫苗起步较晚,但在国内创新政策驱动下,20种疫苗已进入临床阶段,特别是由厦门万泰联合厦门大学研发的馨可宁于2020年4月获批上市,它是我国首个自主研发、全球第三个的宫颈癌疫苗。相比较欧美等发达国家,我国在宫颈癌疫苗推广力度上还有较大差距,我国9~45岁女性的HPV疫苗接种率不足0.05%。面对HPV疫苗接种覆盖率低,提出了优化HPV疫苗审评审批流程、将HPV疫苗纳入国家免疫规划、提高女性对HPV疫苗的认识等对策建议。  相似文献   

Conservation of tropical forest birds in countryside habitats   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The pressing need to increase agricultural production often seems at odds with conserving biodiversity. We find that if managed properly, the tropical countryside may provide a substantial opportunity for tropical bird conservation. We detected 144 bird species from 29 families in agricultural areas outside of extensive native forest in southern Costa Rica. The majority of the species detected were observed foraging, often kilometres from extensive native forest. We estimate that 46% of those native to this region (excluding nocturnal species and waterfowl) are utilizing the countryside in some manner. Forecasts of biodiversity change under various land-use scenarios indicate that policies that affect habitat composition could greatly impact the persistence of these species in the countryside. In particular, if tall trees and edge habitats were removed from this landscape, we predict that bird richness in the countryside would decline by approximately 40%.  相似文献   

Monitoring environmental policy progress often focuses on contaminant concentrations while policy goals address health. To bridge this gap, we developed policy evaluation case studies applying risk assessment methods to explore population health risks of chemical exposures before and after policy implementation. Beginning in the 1970s the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection provided some of the United States' first data on contaminants including trichloroethylene in drinking water and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in fish. These data provide a unique opportunity to evaluate environmental policies. The 1979 PCB manufacturing ban succeeded in reducing exposure and risk, but the persistence of these compounds in local fish requires continued state and local consumption advisories. The positive impact of drinking water standards for trichloroethylene was reflected in declining detection in public water supplies from the late 1970s to 2005, although maximum concentrations in a small percentage of supplies remain above standards. Our case studies show success and progress, and the need for multiple policies in combination when conditions warrant. Tracking specific policies and contaminants using risk assessment methods can be a valuable tool for policy evaluation and can foster population-based environmental health research. Pollution prevention policies are warranted for chemicals that persist in the environment.  相似文献   

Being the ultimate beneficiary of ecosystem services provided by on-farm agricultural biodiversity, the participation of farmers in its sustainable utilization and conservation is crucial. How much aware they are with the significance and conservation of agricultural biodiversity in order to improve their crop yield remains unclear, especially from the developing courtiers. Pollination is one of such ecosystem services, enormously contributed by the wild bees. In the present study, we have investigated the knowledge of farmers about bees and pollination in general in three districts i.e. Multan, Bahawalpur and Khanewal of southern Punjab, Pakistan. Some 300 farmers (100 cucurbit growers in each district using convenient sampling method) were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. Respondents were first presented with a box of insect specimens and then were asked to identify bees among those. Those who identified correctly were asked to state about their nesting sites. Only 11% of the respondents could correctly identify the bees and half of them could report something about nesting sites. A majority (63%) of the farmers was unable to tell fertilization requirements in cucurbits, 59% could not distinguish female flower from the male flower and 64% could not state any benefit of bees. However, upon briefing about the significance of bee pollinators, 58% of the farmers showed eagerness to conserve bees at their farms. Keeping in view the inadequacies of farmers' knowledge about wild bees and pollination in general, the present study also gives some policy recommendations.  相似文献   

Significant evidence has accumulated demonstrating that soil biochar amendment has many environmental benefits; however, adoption has been slow. This raises the question of how to align the environmental benefits with commercial motivations to drive more widespread implementation. Here, we examine the role that government policy can play in accelerating production and use at commercial scale. We identify three types of programs that can support biochar production: commercial financial incentives, nonfinancial policy support, and research and development funding. We also describe how these programs are currently used to support biochar production. For example, financial incentives can motivate immediate changes in business practices while nonfinancial policies can be important mechanisms to educate consumers and expand market demand. Research and development support can provide the necessary funding for early‐stage innovations that may one day become commercially viable options, even without other types of policy support. There are different risk–reward profiles for each policy mechanism, and these must be considered when evaluating a policy direction. Finally, we offer broad recommendations to the development of policy that maximizes the net benefits of biochar adoption. Key recommendations include improving policies that allow for the monetization of environmental benefits and avoided costs, recognizing soil as a resource through national preservation policy, and developing a broadly accepted set of product standards for biochar.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to contribute to filling the knowledge gap in public opinion and knowledge about forest and its certification in Japan, as well as to identify key elements and the possible role of public opinion within integrated bottom-up policies, bridging the sectors of forest, environment and energy. For the study 1930 questionnaires were disseminated in a small town in early 2007. Results from the statistical analysis indicated that forest was perceived as an ecosystem with a protective function against e.g. soil erosion or flooding, rather than a place that might serve for wood production and providing jobs. Forest certification and bioenergy from forest were identified as key elements for future integrated bottom-up policies that need to concentrate on facilitating the linkage between forestry and renewable energy as well as on promoting environmentally sound management and forest certification.  相似文献   

Rapid industry-led growth in East Asia over the past three decades has resulted in deteriorating air and water quality, escalating energy use and attendant increases in greenhouse gas emissions, and other serious environmental concerns. Current efforts to strengthen environmental regulatory institutions are in many cases overridden by the scale effects of urban-industrial growth. We examine policy approaches that support a shift toward an alternative trajectory of economic development that is less energy, materials, and pollution intensive. Given that a large proportion of the capital stock in the developing market economies of Asia has yet to be built, we argue that influencing the energy, materials, and pollution intensity of new industrial investment is both a critical opportunity and a policy imperative. Our research indicates a need for greater integration of environmental, industrial and technology policies within the region. Such policy integration should link reductions in energy, materials and pollution intensity to efforts to upgrade the technology and industrial capability of the developing market economies of East Asia.  相似文献   

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