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Microfluidics can provide unique experimental tools to visualize the development of neural structures within a microscale device, which is followed by guidance of neurite growth in the axonal isolation compartment. We utilized microfluidics technology to monitor the differentiation and migration of neural cells derived from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). We co-cultured hESCs with PA6 stromal cells, and isolated neural rosette-like structures, which subsequently formed neurospheres in suspension culture. Tuj1-positive neural cells, but not nestin-positive neural precursor cells (NPCs), were able to enter the microfluidics grooves (microchannels), suggesting that neural cell-migratory capacity was dependent upon neuronal differentiation stage. We also showed that bundles of axons formed and extended into the microchannels. Taken together, these results demonstrated that microfluidics technology can provide useful tools to study neurite outgrowth and axon guidance of neural cells, which are derived from human embryonic stem cells.  相似文献   

Cell migration is a critical step of normal developmental processes and disease progression. Often, migrating cells interact and maintain contact with neighboring cells. However, the precise roles of cell-cell adhesion in cell migration have thus far been poorly defined. Often in aggressive cancers, N-cadherin is prominently upregulated, yet, these highly motile cells have limited cell-cell adhesion when plated on a stiff 2D substrate. But, the same cells in a 3D matrix migrate as a multicellular cluster. This new observation suggests that N-cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion supports cell interactions between migrating cells in a more physiologically relevant 3D matrix, but not on a 2D substrate. While N-cadherin is an integral part of neural synapses, the ectopic expression of N-cadherin in transformed epithelial cells plays an equally important part in initiating pro-migratory signaling, and providing strong yet flexible cell cohesion essential for persistent cell migration in a 3D matrix. The 3D cell migration analysis for studying cell-to-cell interactions exposes the roles of N-cadherin in multicellular migration, and reveals novel insights into cell migration-dependent normal and pathological processes.  相似文献   

Cell migration is a critical step of normal developmental processes and disease progression. Often, migrating cells interact and maintain contact with neighboring cells. However, the precise roles of cell-cell adhesion in cell migration have thus far been poorly defined. Often in aggressive cancers, N-cadherin is prominently upregulated, yet, these highly motile cells have limited cell-cell adhesion when plated on a stiff 2D substrate. But, the same cells in a 3D matrix migrate as a multicellular cluster. This new observation suggests that N-cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion supports cell interactions between migrating cells in a more physiologically relevant 3D matrix, but not on a 2D substrate. While N-cadherin is an integral part of neural synapses, the ectopic expression of N-cadherin in transformed epithelial cells plays an equally important part in initiating pro-migratory signaling, and providing strong yet flexible cell cohesion essential for persistent cell migration in a 3D matrix. The 3D cell migration analysis for studying cell-to-cell interactions exposes the roles of N-cadherin in multicellular migration, and reveals novel insights into cell migration-dependent normal and pathological processes.  相似文献   

Neurogenesis is the process in which neurons are generated from neural stem/progenitor cells (NSCs/NPCs). It involves the proliferation and neuronal fate specification/differentiation of NSCs, as well as migration, maturation and functional integration of the neuronal progeny into neuronal network. NSCs exhibit the two essential properties of stem cells: self-renewal and multipotency. Contrary to previous dogma that neurogenesis happens only during development, it is generally accepted now that neurogenesis can take place throughout life in mammalian brains. This raises a new therapeutic potential of applying stem cell therapy for stroke, neurodegenerative diseases and other diseases. However, the maintenance and differentiation of NSCs/NPCs are tightly controlled by the extremely intricate molecular networks. Uncovering the underlying mechanisms that drive the differentiation, migration and maturation of specific neuronal lineages for use in regenerative medicine is, therefore, crucial for the application of stem cell for clinical therapy as well as for providing insight into the mechanisms of human neurogenesis. Here, we focus on the role of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling in NSCs during mammalian brain development.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) can self‐renew and differentiate into all cell lineages. E2 is known to exhibit positive effects on embryo development. Although the importance of E2 in many physiological processes has been reported, to date few researchers have investigated the effects of E2 on hESCs differentiation. We studied the effects of E2 on dopamine (DA) neuron induction of hESCs and its related signalling pathways using the three‐stage protocol. In our study, 0.1 μM E2 were applied to hESCs‐derived human embryoid bodies (hEBs) and effects of E2 on neural cells differentiation were investigated. Protein and mRNA level assay indicated that E2 up‐regulated the expression of insulin‐like growth factors (IGF)‐1, ectoderm, neural precursor cells (NPC) and DA neuron markers, respectively. The population of hESC‐derived NPCs and DA neurons was increased to 92% and 93% to that of DMSO group, respectively. Furthermore, yield of DA neuron‐secreted tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and dopamine was also increased. E2‐caused promotion was relieved in single inhibitor (ICI or JB1) group partly, and E2 effects were repressed more stronger in inhibitors combination (ICI plus JB1) group than in single inhibitor group at hEBs, hNPCs and hDA neurons stages. Owing to oestrogen receptors regulate multiple brain functions, when single or two inhibitors were used to treat neural differentiation stage, we found that oestrogen receptor (ER)β but not ERα is strongly repressed at the hNPCs and hDA neurons stage. These findings, for the first time, demonstrate the molecular cascade and related cell biology events involved in E2‐improved hNPC and hDA neuron differentiation through cross‐talk between IGF‐1 and ERβ in vitro.  相似文献   

The de novo DNA methyltransferase DNMT3B functions in establishing DNA methylation patterns during development. DNMT3B missense mutations cause immunodeficiency, centromere instability and facial anomalies (ICF) syndrome. The restriction of Dnmt3b expression to neural progenitor cells, as well as the mild cognitive defects observed in ICF patients, suggests that DNMT3B may play an important role in early neurogenesis. We performed RNAi knockdown of DNMT3B in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) in order to investigate the mechanistic contribution of DNMT3B to DNA methylation and early neuronal differentiation. While DNMT3B was not required for early neuroepithelium specification, DNMT3B deficient neuroepithelium exhibited accelerated maturation with earlier expression, relative to normal hESCs, of mature neuronal markers (such as NEUROD1) and of early neuronal regional specifiers (such as those for the neural crest). Genome-wide analyses of DNA methylation by MethylC-seq identified novel regions of hypomethylation in the DNMT3B knockdowns along the X chromosome as well as pericentromeric regions, rather than changes to promoters of specific dysregulated genes. We observed a loss of H3K27me3 and the polycomb complex protein EZH2 at the promoters of early neural and neural crest specifier genes during differentiation of DNMT3B knockdown but not normal hESCs. Our results indicate that DNMT3B mediates large-scale methylation patterns in hESCs and that DNMT3B deficiency in the cells alters the timing of their neuronal differentiation and maturation.  相似文献   

The de novo DNA methyltransferase DNMT3B functions in establishing DNA methylation patterns during development. DNMT3B missense mutations cause immunodeficiency, centromere instability and facial anomalies (ICF) syndrome. The restriction of Dnmt3b expression to neural progenitor cells, as well as the mild cognitive defects observed in ICF patients, suggests that DNMT3B may play an important role in early neurogenesis. We performed RNAi knockdown of DNMT3B in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) in order to investigate the mechanistic contribution of DNMT3B to DNA methylation and early neuronal differentiation. While DNMT3B was not required for early neuroepithelium specification, DNMT3B deficient neuroepithelium exhibited accelerated maturation with earlier expression, relative to normal hESCs, of mature neuronal markers (such as NEUROD1) and of early neuronal regional specifiers (such as those for the neural crest). Genome-wide analyses of DNA methylation by MethylC-seq identified novel regions of hypomethylation in the DNMT3B knockdowns along the X chromosome as well as pericentromeric regions, rather than changes to promoters of specific dysregulated genes. We observed a loss of H3K27me3 and the polycomb complex protein EZH2 at the promoters of early neural and neural crest specifier genes during differentiation of DNMT3B knockdown but not normal hESCs. Our results indicate that DNMT3B mediates large-scale methylation patterns in hESCs and that DNMT3B deficiency in the cells alters the timing of their neuronal differentiation and maturation.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells (hESC) are emerging as an attractive alternative source for cell replacement therapy since they can be expanded in culture indefinitely and differentiated to any cell types in the body. Various types of biomaterials have also been used in stem cell cultures to provide a microenvironment mimicking the stem cell niche1-3. The latter is important for promoting cell-to-cell interaction, cell proliferation, and differentiation into specific lineages as well as tissue organization by providing a three-dimensional (3D) environment4 such as encapsulation. The principle of cell encapsulation involves entrapment of living cells within the confines of semi-permeable membranes in 3D cultures2. These membranes allow for the exchange of nutrients, oxygen and stimuli across the membranes, whereas antibodies and immune cells from the host that are larger than the capsule pore size are excluded5. Here, we present an approach to culture and differentiate hESC DA neurons in a 3D microenvironment using alginate microcapsules. We have modified the culture conditions2 to enhance the viability of encapsulated hESC. We have previously shown that the addition of p160-Rho-associated coiled-coil kinase (ROCK) inhibitor, Y-27632 and human fetal fibroblast-conditioned serum replacement medium (hFF-CM) to the 3D platform significantly enhanced the viability of encapsulated hESC in which the cells expressed definitive endoderm marker genes1. We have now used this 3D platform for the propagation of hESC and efficient differentiation to DA neurons. Protein and gene expression analyses after the final stage of DA neuronal differentiation showed an increased expression of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), a marker for DA neurons, >100 folds after 2 weeks. We hypothesized that our 3D platform using alginate microcapsules may be useful to study the proliferation and directed differentiation of hESC to various lineages. This 3D system also allows the separation of feeder cells from hESC during the process of differentiation and also has potential for immune-isolation during transplantation in the future.  相似文献   

Bone remodeling is a continuous physiological process that requires constant generation of new osteoblasts from mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Differentiation of MSCs to osteoblast requires a metabolic switch from glycolysis to increased mitochondrial respiration to ensure the sufficient energy supply to complete this process. As a consequence of this increased mitochondrial metabolism, the levels of endogenous reactive oxygen species (ROS) rise. In the current study we analyzed the role of forkhead box O3 (FOXO3) in the control of ROS levels in human MSCs (hMSCs) during osteogenic differentiation. Treatment of hMSCs with H2O2 induced FOXO3 phosphorylation at Ser294 and nuclear translocation. This ROS-mediated activation of FOXO3 was dependent on mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 (MAPK8/JNK) activity. Upon FOXO3 downregulation, osteoblastic differentiation was impaired and hMSCs lost their ability to control elevated ROS levels. Our results also demonstrate that in response to elevated ROS levels, FOXO3 induces autophagy in hMSCs. In line with this, impairment of autophagy by autophagy-related 7 (ATG7) knockdown resulted in a reduced capacity of hMSCs to regulate elevated ROS levels, together with a reduced osteoblast differentiation. Taken together our findings are consistent with a model where in hMSCs, FOXO3 is required to induce autophagy and thereby reduce elevated ROS levels resulting from the increased mitochondrial respiration during osteoblast differentiation. These new molecular insights provide an important contribution to our better understanding of bone physiology.  相似文献   

In vitro neural differentiation of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) is an advantageous system for studying early neural development. The process of early neural differentiation in hESCs begins by initiation of primitive neuroectoderm, which is manifested by rosette formation, with consecutive differentiation into neural progenitors and early glial-like cells. In this study, we examined the involvement of early neural markers – OTX2, PAX6, Sox1, Nestin, NR2F1, NR2F2, and IRX2 – in the onset of rosette formation, during spontaneous neural differentiation of hESC and human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) colonies. This is in contrast to the conventional way of studying rosette formation, which involves induction of neuronal differentiation and the utilization of embryoid bodies. Here we show that OTX2 is highly expressed at the onset of rosette formation, when rosettes comprise no more than 3–5 cells, and that its expression precedes that of established markers of early neuronal differentiation. Importantly, the rise of OTX2 expression in these cells coincides with the down-regulation of the pluripotency marker OCT4. Lastly, we show that cells derived from rosettes that emerge during spontaneous differentiation of hESCs or hiPSCs are capable of differentiating into dopaminergic neurons in vitro, and into mature-appearing pyramidal and serotonergic neurons weeks after being injected into the motor cortex of NOD-SCID mice.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which extracellular molecules control serotonergic cell fate remains elusive. Recently, we showed that noggin, which inactivates bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), induces serotonergic differentiation of mouse embryonic (ES) and induced pluripotent stem cells with coordinated gene expression along the serotonergic lineage. Here, we created a rapid assay for serotonergic induction by generating knock‐in ES cells expressing a naturally secreted Gaussia luciferase driven by the enhancer of Pet‐1/Fev, a landmark of serotonergic differentiation. Using these cells, we performed candidate‐based screening and identified BMP type I receptor kinase inhibitors LDN‐193189 and DMH1 as activators of luciferase. LDN‐193189 induced ES cells to express the genes encoding Pet‐1, tryptophan hydroxylase 2, and the serotonin transporter, and increased serotonin release without altering dopamine release. In contrast, TGF‐β receptor inhibitor SB‐431542 selectively inhibited serotonergic differentiation, without changing overall neuronal differentiation. LDN‐193189 inhibited expression of the BMP signaling target gene Id, and induced the TGF‐β target gene Lefty, whereas the opposite effect was observed with SB‐431542. This study thus provides a new tool to investigate serotonergic differentiation and suggests that inhibition of BMP type I receptors and concomitant activation of TGF‐β receptor signaling are implicated in serotonergic differentiation.


In mammals, precise spatiotemporal expressions of Hox genes control the main body axis during embryogenesis. However, the mechanism by which Hox genes are regulated is poorly understood. To discover the putative regulator of Hox genes, in silico analyses were performed using GEO profiles, and Akt1 emerged as a candidate regulator of Hox genes in E13.5 MEFs. The results of the RT-PCR showed that 5′ Hoxc genes, including ncRNA were upregulated in Akt1 null MEF. Combined bisulfite restriction analysis (COBRA) and bisulfite sequencing showed that the CpG island of a 5′ Hoxc gene was hypomethylated in Akt1 null cells. These results indicate that Hox expression could be controlled by the function of Akt1 through epigenetic modification such as DNA methylation.  相似文献   

Calmodulin (CaM) is a universal regulator for a huge number of proteins in all eukaryotic cells. Best known is its function as a calcium-dependent modulator of the activity of enzymes, such as protein kinases and phosphatases, as well as other signaling proteins including membrane receptors, channels and structural proteins. However, less well known is the fact that CaM can also function as a Ca2 +-dependent adaptor protein, either by bridging between different domains of the same protein or by linking two identical or different target proteins together. These activities are possible due to the fact that CaM contains two independently-folded Ca2 + binding lobes that are able to interact differentially and to some degree separately with targets proteins. In addition, CaM can interact with and regulates several proteins that function exclusively as adaptors. This review provides an overview over our present knowledge concerning the structural and functional aspects of the role of CaM as an adaptor protein and as a regulator of known adaptor/scaffold proteins.  相似文献   

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