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CSM. Chan  D. Botstein 《Genetics》1993,135(3):677-691
We have developed a colony papillation assay for monitoring the copy number of genetically marked chromosomes II and III in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The unique feature of this assay is that it allows detection of a gain of the marked chromosomes even if there is a gain of the entire set of chromosomes (increase-in-ploidy). This assay was used to screen for chromosome-gain or increase-in-ploidy mutants. Five complementation groups have been defined for recessive mutations that confer an increase-in-ploidy (ipl) phenotype, which, in each case, cosegregates with a temperature-sensitive growth phenotype. Four new alleles of CDC31, which is required for spindle pole body duplication, were also recovered from this screen. Temperature-shift experiments with ipl1 cells show that they suffer severe nondisjunction at 37°. Similar experiments with ipl2 cells show that they gain entire sets of chromosomes and become arrested as unbudded cells at 37°. Molecular cloning and genetic mapping show that IPL1 is a newly identified gene, whereas IPL2 is allelic to BEM2, which is required for normal bud growth.  相似文献   

乳酸抗性酵母的筛选及其生长特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以酿酒酵母 (saccharomycesceevisiae)单倍体YNN -2 7(αtep ura )为亲株 ,在含有 4 %乳酸的梯度平板上直接进行紫外线诱变处理 ,筛选到突变株YNN -2 7-2 4。通过对该突变株乳酸抗性产生原因分析、在含有不同浓度的乳酸和潮霉素B(hygromycinB)的YPDL和YPDLH培养基中的重复特性的研究发现 ,该突变株对乳酸和潮霉素B产生的抗性 ,不是因对环境条件的适应而产生 ,而是由基因突变所引起。与突变株YNN2 7-2 4相比 ,乳酸对亲株生长的影响在于延长了其生长的延迟期 ,而其生长速率没有发生改变。用Mini-photo 51 8测定供试菌株在生长过程中的吸光度 ( 660nm)以研究酵母菌的生长特性 ,是一种行之有效的方法 ,具有较高的灵敏度和较好的再现性。  相似文献   

Actin is a key cytoskeletal protein with multiple roles in cellular processes such as polarized growth, cytokinesis, endocytosis, and cell migration. Actin is present in all eukaryotes as highly dynamic filamentous structures, such as linear cables and branched filaments. Detailed investigation of the molecular role of actin in various processes has been hampered due to the multifunctionality of the protein and the lack of alleles defective in specific processes. The actin cytoskeleton of the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, has been extensively characterized and contains structures analogous to those in other cell types. In this study, primarily with the view to uncover actin function in cytokinesis, we generated a large bank of fission yeast actin mutants that affect the organization of distinct actin structures and/or discrete physiological functions of actin. Our screen identified 17 mutants with specific defects in cytokinesis. Some of these cytokinesis mutants helped in dissecting the function of specific actin structures during ring assembly. Further genetic analysis of some of these actin mutants revealed multiple genetic interactions with mutants previously known to affect the actomyosin ring assembly. We also characterize a mutant allele of actin that is suppressed upon overexpression of Cdc8p-tropomyosin, underscoring the utility of this mutant bank. Another 22 mutant alleles, defective in polarized growth and/or other functions of actin obtained from this screen, are also described in this article. This mutant bank should be a valuable resource to study the physiological and biochemical functions of actin.  相似文献   

Polypeptone is widely excluded from Schizosaccharomyces pombe growth medium. However, the reasons why polypeptone should be avoided have not been documented. Polypeptone dramatically induced cell lysis in the ura4 deletion mutant when cells approached the stationary growth phase, and this phenotype was suppressed by supplementation of uracil. To determine the specificity of this cell lysis phenotype, we created deletion mutants of other genes involved in de novo biosynthesis of uridine monophosphate (ura1, ura2, ura3, and ura5). Cell lysis was not observed in these gene deletion mutants. In addition, concomitant disruption of ura1, ura2, ura3, or ura5 in the ura4 deletion mutant suppressed cell lysis, indicating that cell lysis induced by polypeptone is specific to the ura4 deletion mutant. Furthermore, cell lysis was also suppressed when the gene involved in coenzyme Q biosynthesis was deleted. This is likely because Ura3 requires coenzyme Q for its activity. The ura4 deletion mutant was sensitive to zymolyase, which mainly degrades (1,3)-beta-D glucan, when grown in the presence of polypeptone, and cell lysis was suppressed by the osmotic stabiliser, sorbitol. Finally, the induction of cell lysis in the ura4 deletion mutant was due to the accumulation of orotidine-5-monophosphate. Cell wall integrity was dramatically impaired in the ura4 deletion mutant when grown in the presence of polypeptone. Because ura4 is widely used as a selection marker in S. pombe, caution needs to be taken when evaluating phenotypes of ura4 mutants.  相似文献   

Semi-dominant mutants displaying greatly elevated (up to 200-fold above control) levels of spontaneous mitotic recombination have been isolated in a disomic haploid strain of yeast heteroallelic at the arg4 locus. They are designated by the symbol MIC. The mutants variously exhibit associated sensitivity to UV and ionizing radiation and to methyl methanesulfonate, enhanced UV-induced mitotic recombination, and enhanced spontaneous forward mutation rates. Possible enzyme defects and involvement in repair and editing of DNA are discussed. The mutants are expected to simplify the analysis of recombination pathways in yeast.  相似文献   

Ten temperature-sensitive mutants of Sendai virus, a paramyxovirus, were isolated and partially characterized. The mutants replicated in chicken embryo lung cells at 30 C, but not at 38 C; wild-type virus grew equally well at both temperatures. Complementation tests divided the mutants into seven groups. Six groups synthesized neither infectious virus nor RNA when incubated at 38 C from the beginning of infection. Temperature shift-up experiments demonstrated that three of these complementation groups were blocked in early steps required for RNA synthesis, but these gene functions were not needed throughout the replicative cycle. In contrast, the other three RNA-negative complementation groups were defective throughout the replicative cycle in functions required for virus-specific RNA synthesis. Only one mutant, which complemented all of the above, synthesized RNA but not infectious virus when placed at 38 C; the hemagglutinin of this mutant functioned only at the permissive temperature.  相似文献   

Lactobacillus bulgaricus CNRZ 397 is able to hydrolyze many amino-acyl- and dipeptidyl-β-naphthylamides. Analysis of heat inactivation kinetics, protease inhibitor effects, and the subcellular location of aminopeptidase (AP) activities from the parental strain and mutant derivatives dificient in alanyl- or leucyl-β-naphthylamide hydrolysis pointed out the existence of four APs. All mutants isolated were totally deficient in AP II, a cell wall metallo-enzyme with a broad substrate specificity but that is specifically responsible for lysyl-AP activity and is characterized by a molecular mass of 95,000 daltons. AP I and AP III are cytoplasmic enzymes that exhibit arginyl-AP activity; both enzymes are inducible during growth in rich peptide MRS medium (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, Mich.). The existence of a fourth AP (AP IV) that is involved in leucyl-AP activity was suggested. Moreover, we showed that X-prolyl-dipeptidyl-AP activity, which was not catalyzed by an AP, involved an enzyme(s) that is controlled by a regulatory mechanism that is common to that of AP II.  相似文献   

An attempt to characterize Caulobacter crescentus genes important for the response to high concentrations of NaCl was initiated by the isolation of mutants defective in survival in the presence of 85 mM NaCl. A transposon Tn5 library was screened, and five strains which contained different genes disrupted by the transposon were isolated. Three of the mutants had the Tn5 in genes involved in lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis, one had the Tn5 in the nhaA gene, which encodes a Na+/H+ antiporter, and one had the Tn5 in the ppiD gene, which encodes a peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase. All the mutant strains showed severe growth arrest in the presence of 85 mM NaCl, but only the nhaA mutant showed decreased viability under these conditions. All the mutants except the nhaA mutant showed a slightly reduced viability in the presence of 40 mM KCl, but all the strains showed a more severe reduction in viability in the presence of 150 mM sucrose, suggesting that they are defective in responding to osmotic shock. The promoter regions of each disrupted gene were cloned in lacZ reporter vectors, and the pattern of expression in response to NaCl and sucrose was determined; this showed that both agents induced ppiD and nhaA gene expression but did not induce the other genes. Furthermore, the ppiD gene was not induced by heat shock, indicating that it does not belong to the σ32 regulon, as opposed to what was observed for its Escherichia coli homolog.  相似文献   

T. Ishikawa  A. Toh-E  I. Uno    K. Hasunuma 《Genetics》1969,63(1):75-92

Zoospores of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii exhibit chemotaxis towards maltose, sucrose, xylose, mannitol, and ammonium. Ten independent mutants defective in chemotaxis towards sugars have been isolated. These mutants form five phenotypic classes. Genetic analysis of two mutant strains defective in chemotaxis to maltose (CHE1, CHE3) and two mutant strains defective in chemotaxis to sucrose (CHE2, CHE4) indicated that the defect in them depended on single nuclear recessive mutant alleles. Mutations mal1, mal2, suc1, and suc2 represent four chemotactic loci that are unlinked to the marker mt located on the linkage group VI. Four loci are unlinked to each other. These observations suggest that the mal and the suc loci do not constitute a spatially single functional group.  相似文献   

Two kynureninase activities are known in Neurospora crassa, one of which (kynureninase I) is inducible, the other (kynureninase II) being constitutive. A method is described for the isolation of low-kynureninase mutants of N. crassa. When grown on an inducer, the mutants show significantly less kynureninase I activity compared with wild type, whereas constitutive kynureninase II activity is unaffected. Since a low level of kynureninase I activity remains in the mutants examined, the mutations may be in a regulatory gene or genes. Other experiments are described concerning the molecular weights of the two enzymes and the intracellular localization and specificity of kynureninase II.  相似文献   

Nonsense suppressors were obtained in a haploid yeast strain containing eight nutritional mutations, that are assumed to be amber or ochre, and the cyc1-179 amber mutation that has a UAG codon corresponding to position 9 in iso-1-cytochrome c. Previous studies established that the biosynthesis and function of iso-1-cytochrome c is compatible with replacements at position 9 of amino acids having widely different structures (Stewart and Sherman 1972). UV-induced revertants, selected on media requiring the reversion of one or two of the amber nutritional markers, were presumed to contain a suppressor if there was the unselected reversion of at least one other marker. The 1088 suppressors that were isolated could be divided into 78 phenotypic classes. Only 43 suppressors of three classes caused the production of more than 50% of the normal amount of iso-1-cytochrome c in the cyc1-179 strain. Genetic analyses indicated that all of these highly efficient amber suppressors are allelic to one or another of the eight suppressors which cause the insertion of tyrosine at ochre (UAA) codons (Gilmore, Stewart and Sherman 1971). Furthermore, only tyrosine has been identified at position 9 in iso-1-cytochrome c in cyc1-179 strains suppressed with these efficient amber suppressors.  相似文献   

A yeast capable of growth on methanol as its sole carbon-energy source was isoalted from soil samples and identified as a strain of Hansenula polymorpha. A continuous enrichment culture at 37 C with a simple mineral salts medium was used to select this organism. The isolate, designated DL-1, has a maximal specific growth rate of 0.22 per h, at pH 4.5 to 5.5 and temperatures of 37 to 42 C, in simple mineral salts medium with methanol (0.5%), biotin, and thiamine. Growth occurred in a chemostat at temperatures up to 50 C, with strong growth at 45 C. The maximal growth yield of the yeast on methanol was 0.36 g of dry cell weight per g of methanol, and the yield on oxygen was 0.37 g of dry cell weight per g of O(2). Protein content of the isolate is 46%, and total nucleic acid content varies from 5.0 to 7.0% with increasing growth rate from 0.08 to 0.20 per h. The amino acid profile of this yeast protein indicates that it could serve as a good source of food protein. Feeding studies with rats show the yeast to have no toxic effects.  相似文献   

As part of a genetic analysis of blue light photoreception in Neurospora, three mutants were isolated that do not exhibit photosuppression of circadian conidiation, i.e., they show periodic conidiation in constant light. The mutations have been given the designations lis-1, lis-2 and lis-3 ("light insensitive"). The three mutations segregate as single nuclear genes, are nonallelic and are recessive to wild type in heterokaryon tests. The linkage groups of the mutations are as follows: lis-1, I; lis-2, VI; and lis-3, V. The light -insensitive phenotype of the mutants is restricted to the photosuppression response; other responses such as photoinduced phase shifting of the conidiation rhythm and photoinduced carotenogenesis are not altered. The physiological or biochemical defects of the mutants have not been established, but they are not similar to previous reported cases (i.e., rib and poky) in which a reduction in light sensitivity has been observed.  相似文献   

We have isolated mutants sensitive to methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Alleles of rad1, rad4, rad52, rad55 and rad57 were found amoung these mms mutants. Twenty-nine of the mms mutants which complement the existing radiation-sensitive (rad and rev) mutants belong to 22 new complementation groups. Mutants from five complementation groups are sensitive only to MMS. Mutants of 11 complementation groups are sensitive to UV or X rays in addition to MMS, mutants of six complementation groups are sensitive to all three agents. The cross-sensitivities of these mms mutants to UV and X rays are discussed in terms of their possible involvement in DNA repair. Sporulation is reduced or absent in homozygous diploids of mms mutants from nine complementation groups.  相似文献   

By using mutagenesis induced by N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, 150 temperature-sensitive mutants of rhizobiophage c were isolated. All were able to form plaques at 14 C but not at 29 C. They were classified into 21 complementation groups. Representative temperature-sensitive mutants from each complementation group were analyzed with regard to gene function. The approximate time of expression of the genes defined by the mutants was measured by temperature-shift experiments. Most genes began to be expressed at 4.0 to 7.5 h after infection at 14 C. Four genes were found which were expressed 2.5 to 3.5 h after infection. Some mutants showed no DNA synthesis at 29 C; some showed a delay in lysis. Some produced apparently normal particles after infection and lysis at 29 C; others produced various types of defective particles. Some mutants showing no DNA synthesis at 29 C nevertheless caused lysis at the normal time together with the production of phage structural components. Representative mutants from each complementation group were mapped by using two-factor crosses. A preliminary genetic map of phage c was constructed from the data.  相似文献   

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