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The pattern of proteins produced by bacteria represents the physiological state of the organism as well as the environmental conditions encountered. Environmental stress induces the expression of several regulons encoding stress proteins. Extensive information about the proteins which constitute these regulons (or stimulons) and their control is available for very few bacteria, such as the Gram-positive Bacillus subtilis and the Gram-negative Escherichia coli (gamma-proteobacteria) and is minimal for all other bacteria. Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a Gram-negative plant pathogen of the alpha-proteobacteria, which constitutes the main tool for plant recombinant genetics. Our previous studies on the control of chaperone-coding operons indicated that A. tumefaciens has unique features and combines regulatory elements from both B. subtilis and E. coli. Therefore, we examined the patterns of proteins induced in A. tumefaciens by environmental changes using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and dual-channel image analysis. Shifts to high temperature, oxidative and mild acid stresses stimulated the expression of 97 proteins. The results indicate that most of these stress-induced proteins (80/97) were specific to one stress stimulon. Only 10 proteins appear to belong to a general stress regulon.  相似文献   

In stressful conditions, bacteria enter into the viable but non-culturable (VBNC) state; in this state, they are alive but fail to grow on conventional media on which they normally grow and develop into colonies. The molecular basis underlying this state is unknown. We investigated the role of the alternative sigma factor RpoS (σ(38)) in the VBNC induction using Salmonella Dublin, Salmonella Oranienburg and Salmonella Typhimurium LT2. VBNC was induced by osmotic stress in LT2 and Oranienburg. Dublin also entered the VBNC state, but more slowly than LT2 and Oranienburg did. The LT2 rpoS gene was initiated from an alternative initiation codon, TTG; therefore, LT2 had smaller amounts of RpoS than Dublin and Oranienburg. Oranienburg had a single amino acid substitution (D118N) in RpoS (RpoS(SO)). Disruption of rpoS caused rapid VBNC induction. VBNC induction was significantly delayed by Dublin-type RpoS (RpoS(SD)), but only slightly by RpoS(SO). These results indicate that RpoS delays VBNC induction and that the rapid induction of VBNC in LT2 and Oranienburg may be due to lower levels of RpoS and to the D118N amino acid substitution, respectively. Reduced RpoS intracellular level was observed during VBNC induction. During the VBNC induction, Salmonella might regulate RpoS which is important for maintenance of culturablity under stresses.  相似文献   

In the natural environment, organisms are exposed to large variations in physical conditions. Quantifying such physiological responses is, however, often performed in laboratory acclimation studies, in which usually only a single factor is varied. In contrast, field acclimatization may expose organisms to concurrent changes in several environmental variables. The interactions of these factors may have strong effects on organismal function. In particular, rare events that occur stochastically and have relatively short duration may have strong effects. The present experiments studied levels of expression of several genes associated with cellular stress and metabolic regulation in a field population of limpet Cellana toreuma that encountered a wide range of temperatures plus periodic rain events. Physiological responses to these variable conditions were quantified by measuring levels of mRNA of genes encoding heat‐shock proteins (Hsps) and metabolic sensors (AMPKs and Sirtuin 1). Our results reveal high ratios of individuals in upregulation group of stress‐related gene expression at high temperature and rainy days, indicating the occurrence of stress from both prevailing high summer temperatures and occasional rainfall during periods of emersion. At high temperature, stress due to exposure to rainfall may be more challenging than heat stress alone. The highly variable physiological performances of limpets in their natural habitats indicate the possible differences in capability for physiological regulation among individuals. Our results emphasize the importance of studies of field acclimatization in unravelling the effects of environmental change on organisms, notably in the context of multiple changes in abiotic factors that are accompanying global change.  相似文献   

Aims: To investigate mechanisms of osmotic tolerance in Burkholderia cenocepacia, a member of the B. cepacia complex (Bcc) of closely related strains, which is of clinical as well as environmental importance. Methods and Results: We employed NMR‐based metabolic profiling (metabolomics) to elucidate the metabolic consequences of high osmotic stress for five isolates of B. cenocepacia. The strains differed significantly in their levels of osmotic stress tolerance, and we identified three different sets of metabolic responses with the strains least impacted by osmotic stress exhibiting higher levels of the osmo‐protective metabolites glycine‐betaine and/or trehalose. Strains either increased concentrations or had constitutively high levels of these metabolites. Conclusions: Even within the small set of B. cenocepacia isolates, there was a surprising degree of variability in the metabolic responses to osmotic stress. Significance and impact of the study: The metabolic responses, and hence osmotic stress tolerance, vary between different B. cenocepacia isolates. This study provides a first look into the potentially highly diverse physiology of closely related strains of one species of the Bcc and illustrates that physiological or clinically relevant phenotypes are unlikely to be inferable from genetic relatedness within this species group.  相似文献   

Objective: It is unclear if resting metabolic rate (RMR) and spontaneous physical activity (SPA) decrease in weight‐reduced non‐obese participants. Additionally, it is unknown if changes in SPA, measured in a respiratory chamber, reflect changes in free‐living physical activity level (PAL). Research Methods and Procedures: Participants (N = 48) were randomized into 4 groups for 6 months: calorie restriction (CR, 25% restriction), CR plus structured exercise (CR+EX, 12.5% restriction plus 12.5% increased energy expenditure via exercise), low‐calorie diet (LCD, 890 kcal/d supplement diet until 15% weight loss, then weight maintenance), and control (weight maintenance). Measurements were collected at baseline, Month 3, and Month 6. Body composition and RMR were measured by DXA and indirect calorimetry, respectively. Two measures of SPA were collected in a respiratory chamber (percent of time active and kcal/d). Free‐living PAL (PAL = total daily energy expenditure by doubly labeled water/RMR) was also measured. Regression equations at baseline were used to adjust RMR for fat‐free mass and SPA (kcal/d) for body weight. Results: Adjusted RMR decreased at Month 3 in the CR group and at Month 6 in the CR+EX and LCD groups. Neither measure of SPA decreased significantly in any group. PAL decreased at Month 3 in the CR and LCD groups, but not in the CR+EX group, who engaged in structured exercise. Changes in SPA in the chamber and free‐living PAL were not related. Discussion: Body weight is defended in non‐obese participants during modest caloric restriction, evidenced by metabolic adaptation of RMR and reduced energy expenditure through physical activity.  相似文献   

Genetic interaction screens have been applied with great success in several organisms to study gene function and the genetic architecture of the cell. However, most studies have been performed under optimal growth conditions even though many functional interactions are known to occur under specific cellular conditions. In this study, we have performed a large‐scale genetic interaction analysis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae involving approximately 49 × 1,200 double mutants in the presence of five different stress conditions, including osmotic, oxidative and cell wall‐altering stresses. This resulted in the generation of a differential E‐MAP (or dE‐MAP) comprising over 250,000 measurements of conditional interactions. We found an extensive number of conditional genetic interactions that recapitulate known stress‐specific functional associations. Furthermore, we have also uncovered previously unrecognized roles involving the phosphatase regulator Bud14, the histone methylation complex COMPASS and membrane trafficking complexes in modulating the cell wall integrity pathway. Finally, the osmotic stress differential genetic interactions showed enrichment for genes coding for proteins with conditional changes in phosphorylation but not for genes with conditional changes in gene expression. This suggests that conditional genetic interactions are a powerful tool to dissect the functional importance of the different response mechanisms of the cell.  相似文献   

Aims: To identify and understand the presence of metabolites responsible for the variation in the metabolic profile of Vibrio coralliilyticus under extreme conditions. Methods and Results: Multiple batches of V. coralliilyticus were grown under normal conditions. Four samples in one batch were subjected to extreme conditions via a freeze‐thaw cycle during lyophilization. Polar metabolites were extracted using a combination of methanol, water and heat. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)‐based metabolic profiles indicated significant differences between the normal and stressed samples. Three compounds identified in the stressed metabolome were maltose, ethanolamine, and the bioplastic‐type compound (BTC) 2‐butenoic acid, 2‐carboxy‐1‐methylethyl ester. This is the first report of the production of this BTC by V. coralliilyticus. Conclusions: The presence of maltose and ethanolamine indicates a state of acute nutrient limitation; therefore, we hypothesize that the cell’s metabolism turned to its own cell wall, or perhaps neighbouring cells, for sources of carbon and nitrogen. The presence of the BTC also supports the acute nutrient limitation idea because of the parallels with polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) production in other gram‐negative bacteria, including other Vibrio species. Significance and Impact of the Study: Recent metabolomics research on the temperature‐dependent coral pathogen V. coralliilyticus has led to the discovery of several compounds produced by the organism as a response to high density, low nutrient conditions. The three metabolites, along with 1H NMR metabolic fingerprints of the nutrient limited samples, are proposed to serve as metabolic markers for extremely stressful conditions of V. coralliilyticus.  相似文献   

Lactate and ammonia are the most important waste products of central carbon metabolism in mammalian cell cultures. In particular during batch and fed-batch cultivations these toxic by-products are excreted into the medium in large amounts, and not only affect cell viability and productivity but often also prevent growth to high cell densities. The most promising approach to overcome such a metabolic imbalance is the replacement of one or several components in the culture medium. It has been previously shown that pyruvate can be substituted for glutamine in cultures of adherent Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. As a consequence, the cells not only released no ammonia but glucose consumption and lactate production were also reduced significantly. In this work, the impact of media changes on glucose and glutamine metabolism was further elucidated by using a high-throughput platform for enzyme activity measurements of mammalian cells. Adherent MDCK cells were grown to stationary and exponential phase in six-well plates in serum-containing GMEM supplemented with glutamine or pyruvate. A total number of 28 key metabolic enzyme activities of cell extracts were analyzed. The overall activity of the pentose phosphate pathway was up-regulated during exponential cell growth in pyruvate-containing medium suggesting that more glucose-6-phosphate was channeled into the oxidative branch. Furthermore, the anaplerotic enzymes pyruvate carboxylase and pyruvate dehydrogenase showed higher cell specific activities with pyruvate. An increase in cell specific activity was also found for NAD(+)-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase, glutamate dehydrogenase, and glutamine synthetase in MDCK cells grown with pyruvate. It can be assumed that the increase in enzyme activities was required to compensate for the energy demand and to replenish the glutamine pool. On the other hand, the activities of glutaminolytic enzymes (e.g., alanine and aspartate transaminase) were decreased in cells grown with pyruvate, which seems to be related to a decreased glutamine metabolism.  相似文献   

We compared long-term adaptation versus short-term or shock response of potato ( Solanum tuberosum ) cells to polyethylene glycol (PEG)-induced low water potential. Potato cells, which were allowed to adapt gradually to a decreasing water potential, were able to grow actively in a medium containing 20% PEG. In contrast, no appreciable gain in dry weight was observed in potato cells shocked by abrupt transfer to the same medium. PEG-adapted cells were also salt-tolerant, as they were able to proliferate in a medium supplemented with 200 m M NaCl. No visible ultrastructural changes of mitochondria or proplastids were observed in adapted cells at values of low water potential (about −2.0 MPa), which caused membrane disruption and appearance of lipid droplets in unadapted cells. ABA cellular content increased 5-fold in PEG-shocked cells but no significant increase was found in PEG-adapted cells. The intracellular content of free proline increased 12.5 times over the basal level in PEG-adapted cells and 6.5 times in PEG-shocked cells. As shown by in vivo protein labeling, shock conditions strongly inhibited protein synthesis, which was completely recovered in PEG-adapted cells. Osmotin, a protein associated with salt adaptation in tobacco, was constitutively expressed at a high level in PEG-adapted cells and accumulated in PEG-shocked cells only three days after the transfer in a medium supplemented with 20% PEG. Proline and osmotin accumulation were coincident with the increase in cellular ABA content in PEG-shocked cells, but not in PEG-adapted cells. These data suggest that this hormone is mainly involved in shock response rather than long-term adaptation.  相似文献   

Acute exposure to warming temperatures increases minimum energetic requirements in ectotherms. However, over and within multiple generations, increased temperatures may cause plastic and evolved changes that modify the temperature sensitivity of energy demand and alter individual behaviors. Here, we aimed to test whether populations recently exposed to geothermally elevated temperatures express an altered temperature sensitivity of metabolism and behavior. We expected that long‐term exposure to warming would moderate metabolic rate, reducing the temperature sensitivity of metabolism, with concomitant reductions in boldness and activity. We compared the temperature sensitivity of metabolic rate (acclimation at 20 vs. 30°C) and allometric slopes of routine, standard, and maximum metabolic rates, in addition to boldness and activity behaviors, across eight recently divergent populations of a widespread fish species (Gambusia affinis). Our data reveal that warm‐source populations express a reduced temperature sensitivity of metabolism, with relatively high metabolic rates at cool acclimation temperatures and relatively low metabolic rates at warm acclimation temperatures compared to ambient‐source populations. Allometric scaling of metabolism did not differ with thermal history. Across individuals from all populations combined, higher metabolic rates were associated with higher activity rates at 20°C and bolder behavior at 30°C. However, warm‐source populations displayed relatively bolder behavior at both acclimation temperatures compared to ambient‐source populations, despite their relatively low metabolic rates at warm acclimation temperatures. Overall, our data suggest that in response to warming, multigenerational exposure (e.g., plasticity, adaptation) may not result in trait change directed along a simple “pace‐of‐life syndrome” axis, instead causing relative decreases in metabolism and increases in boldness. Ultimately, our data suggest that multigenerational warming may produce a novel combination of physiological and behavioral traits, with consequences for animal performance in a warming world.  相似文献   

When Arthrobacter globiformis is grown in medium containing increased concentrations of NaCl or decreased levels of cations, the bacteria grow as clusters of branching myceloid cells. The sensitivities of salt-induced and citrate-induced myceloids to several environmental stresses were compared to those of normal exponential-phase bacilli and stationary-phase cocci. Salt-induced myceloids were more resistant than normal cells to ultraviolet light or heat shock at 45°C but not to osmotic upshock or pH 4.3; citrate-induced myceloids showed an intermediate rate of heat inactivation. Carbon or nitrogen starvation of myceloids in the absence of added NaCl or citrate led to their division into single cells. Both myceloids and the single cells derived from them were more resistant than normal bacteria to nitrogen starvation. Salt-induced and citrate-induced myceloids showed reduced metabolism of many different carbon compounds in Biolog GP plates. These studies suggest that the formation of multicellular structures by A. globiformis is an adaptive response which increases its potential for survival.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption was measured for three tropical fishes,Exodon paradoxus, Leporinus fasciatus andLabeo erythrurus in relation to swimming speed and temperature. For each species the logarithm of oxygen consumption (mg 02 · g–1 · h–1) increased linearly with relative swimming speed (1 · s–1) with the value of the regression coefficients varying inversely with temperature. Active metabolism and critical swimming speed ofE. paradoxus andL. fasciatus increased with temperature to a maximum at 30 and 35° C respectively. Basal metabolic rates ofE. paradoxus andL. fasciatus increased with temperature. Metabolic rates and critical swimming speed of the three fishes studied were consistent with values for polar, temperate and other tropical species over their respective thermal ranges of tolerance. Tropical fishes have lowered their metabolism and swimming performance from that expected for many temperate species at the same temperature.  相似文献   

AIMS: The efficiency of trehalose, sucrose and maltose to protect Lactobacillus bulgaricus during drying has been evaluated in bacteria grown at low water activity. METHODS AND RESULTS: Bacteria were grown in MRS (control), and in MRS supplemented with sucrose (MRS-sucrose) or with polyethyleneglycol (PEG) (MRS-PEG) as low water activity media. The growth in low water activity media (MRS-sucrose and MRS-PEG) prior to drying enhanced the effectiveness of trehalose as thermoprotectant during drying. The efficiency of sucrose was improved when bacteria were grown in MRS-sucrose. On the other hand, the growth in both low water activity media did not affect the efficiency of maltose. The damage produced during dehydration has been evaluated by means of growth kinetics in milk. The preservation of bacteria dehydrated with sucrose, after growing them in MRS-sucrose, appears to be as efficient as the dehydration with trehalose. CONCLUSIONS: The growth of L. bulgaricus in low water activity media enhances the protective action of trehalose and sucrose. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE THE STUDY: These results may aid the dairy industry to improve the recovery of the starters at low costs after preservation processes.  相似文献   

Sub-chronic exposure to municipal wastewater effluent (MWWE) in situ was recently shown to impact the acute response to a secondary stressor in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). However, little is known about whether MWWE exposure in itself is stressful to the animal. To address this, we carried out a laboratory study to examine the organismal and cellular stress responses and tissue-specific metabolic capacity in trout exposed to MWWE. Juvenile rainbow trout were exposed to 0, 20 and 90% MWWE (from a tertiary wastewater treatment plant), that was replenished every 2d, for 14 d. Fish were sampled 2, 8 or 14 d post-exposure. Plasma cortisol, glucose and lactate levels were measured as indicators of organismal stress response, while inducible heat shock protein 70 (hsp70), constitutive heat shock protein 70 (hsc70) and hsp90 expression in the liver were used as markers of cellular stress response. Impact of MWWE on cortisol signaling was ascertained by determining glucocorticoid receptor protein (GR) expression in the liver, brain and, heart, and metabolic capacity was evaluated by measuring liver glycogen content and tissue-specific activities of key enzymes in intermediary metabolism. Plasma glucose and lactate levels were unaffected by exposure to MWWEs, whereas cortisol showed a transient increase in the 20% group at 8d. Liver hsc70 and hsp90, but not hsp70 expression, were higher in the 90% MWWE group after 8d. There was a temporal change in GR expression in the liver and heart, but not brain of trout exposed to MWWE. Liver glycogen content and activities liver gluconeogenic enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK), and alanine aminotransferase (AlaAT) were significantly affected by MWWE exposure. The glycolytic enzymes pyruvate kinase (PK) and hexokinase (HK) activities were significantly higher temporally by MWWE exposure in the gill and heart, but not in the liver and brain. Overall, a 14 d exposure to MWWE evokes a cellular stress response and perturbs the cortisol stress response in rainbow trout. The tissue-specific temporal changes in the metabolic capacity suggest enhanced energy demand in fish exposed to MWWE, which may eventually lead to reduced fitness.  相似文献   

The maximum growth rate of juvenile perch, PercaJuviatilis L., at different constant temperatures and in naturally changing day-lengths was studied in the laboratory. Standard metabolic rate was studied in starvation experiments at constant temperatures under short- and long-day conditions. Growth occurred in temperatures above 8 to 10°C. In winter, from mid-October until mid-April, maximal growth was considerably reduced and was relatively slow but constant. The standard metabolic rate was reduced c . 50% under short-day conditions. The seasonal change in metabolic rates, presumably controlled by an endogenous rhythm, was considered to be an adaptation to low food availability during the short winter days.  相似文献   

Metabolic and hormonal acclimation to heat stress in domesticated ruminants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Environmentally induced periods of heat stress decrease productivity with devastating economic consequences to global animal agriculture. Heat stress can be defined as a physiological condition when the core body temperature of a given species exceeds its range specified for normal activity, which results from a total heat load (internal production and environment) exceeding the capacity for heat dissipation and this prompts physiological and behavioral responses to reduce the strain. The ability of ruminants to regulate body temperature is species- and breed-dependent. Dairy breeds are typically more sensitive to heat stress than meat breeds, and higher-producing animals are more susceptible to heat stress because they generate more metabolic heat. During heat stress, ruminants, like other homeothermic animals, increase avenues of heat loss and reduce heat production in an attempt to maintain euthermia. The immediate responses to heat load are increased respiration rates, decreased feed intake and increased water intake. Acclimatization is a process by which animals adapt to environmental conditions and engage behavioral, hormonal and metabolic changes that are characteristics of either acclimatory homeostasis or homeorhetic mechanisms used by the animals to survive in a new 'physiological state'. For example, alterations in the hormonal profile are mainly characterized by a decline and increase in anabolic and catabolic hormones, respectively. The response to heat load and the heat-induced change in homeorhetic modifiers alters post-absorptive energy, lipid and protein metabolism, impairs liver function, causes oxidative stress, jeopardizes the immune response and decreases reproductive performance. These physiological modifications alter nutrient partitioning and may prevent heat-stressed lactating cows from recruiting glucose-sparing mechanisms (despite the reduced nutrient intake). This might explain, in large part, why decreased feed intake only accounts for a minor portion of the reduced milk yield from environmentally induced hyperthermic cows. How these metabolic changes are initiated and regulated is not known. It also remains unclear how these changes differ between short-term v. long-term heat acclimation to impact animal productivity and well-being. A better understanding of the adaptations enlisted by ruminants during heat stress is necessary to enhance the likelihood of developing strategies to simultaneously improve heat tolerance and increase productivity.  相似文献   

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