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美国有机农业起步较早、发展迅速,已经成为全球有机农产品第一大消费市场,分析美国有机农业起源、发展、标识管理和财政支持对发展我国有机农业、提高我国农产品质量安全具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

苹果一个锌指蛋白基因的cDNA克隆及其表达特性分析(英文)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A cDNA library was created from stem apex tissue from Jonathan apples (Malus domestica Borkh.), harvested in June to August, during which the plant transitions from vegetative growth to reproductive growth. From this library, we isolated an expressed sequence tag (EST) sequence containing a zinc finger motif, using this sequence, a 779 bp cDNA fragment was obtained by using 5‘ RACE, and a final full-length cDNA encoding an apple zinc finger protein (named MdZF1; GenBank accession number AB116545) was obtained by further PCR. This zinc finger motif of MdZF1 has high homology with INOETERMINATE1 (ID1) gene from maize which seemed to be involved in the transition to flowering. Northern blot and RT-PCR analyses showed that the MdZF1 expressed in the root, stem, leaves, shoot apex and floral organs of the apple, with expression levels higher in root, stem, leaves and floral shoot apex than that in floral organs (sepals, petals, stamens and pistils). Genomic Southern analysis showed that there was a single copy gene in apple genome.  相似文献   

植物DnaJ-Like锌指蛋白(DNAJE)是近年来发现的一类具有重要功能的蛋白,在光合作用、质体发育与运动和植物抗逆及防御反应中发挥重要作用。基于辣椒全基因组数据,对辣椒DNAJE基因家族(CaDNAJE)进行鉴定,利用生物信息学方法对基因和蛋白特征、比较进化、共线性关系及高温胁迫下基因表达模式等进行分析。结果表明,CaDNAJE基因家族有28个成员,不均匀的分布在10条染色体和3个Scaffold上,氨基酸序列长度为99-470 aa,分子量为10.05-52.26 kD,理论等电点(pI)为4.75-9.64,其编码蛋白主要定位在叶绿体和细胞核中;辣椒、番茄和拟南芥的比较进化分析可将其分为GroupⅠ 和GroupⅡ 2个亚族,同一亚族具有类似的蛋白保守motif和基因结构;CaDNAJE基因启动子区包含大量光响应、激素响应和胁迫应答元件;辣椒与拟南芥DNAJE之间存在10对共线性基因,辣椒种内仅有1对;辣椒不同组织转录组分析发现,GroupⅠ 中多数成员在各组织中均有高表达,而GroupⅡ 中除CaDNAJE2CaDNAJE9等基因存在高表达外,多数基因表达量都很低甚至不表达;高温胁迫下,辣椒叶片过氧化氢含量急速上升后降低,丙二醛含量持续升高,抗氧化物酶活性也有不同程度的提高。同时,高温诱导热激转录因子Hsf和热激蛋白HSP耐热相关基因及CaDNAJE基因高表达,在不同胁迫时期发挥调控作用。推测CaDNAJE基因家族可能参与辣椒响应高温胁迫,提高其耐受力,以降低细胞损伤。  相似文献   

根据苦荞(Fagopyrum tataricum)花期转录组数据,采用RT-PCR技术和PCR技术克隆得到一个C2C2型锌指蛋白基因Ft LOL1(Ft LSD-one-like 1,Gen Bank登录号:KP260662),获得c DNA和DNA全长序列,采用实时荧光定量PCR技术研究Ft LOL1在3种非生物处理条件下的表达模式。结果显示,苦荞Ft LOL1基因DNA全长1 720bp,由5个外显子和4个内含子组成,符合GT-AG剪切原则;c DNA包含一个444 bp的开放阅读框,编码147个氨基酸,具有LSD1家族的典型特征;2mmol/L水杨酸、UV-B照射和4℃冷处理均能导致Ft LOL1基因表达量下降,其中水杨酸和UV-B处理均在12h达到最小值,分别为对照组(0h)的11.9%和33.8%,而4℃冷处理条件下,Ft LOL1表达量12h开始下降,至24h达到最小值,为对照组(0h)的50.7%,36h后表达量有所回升,稳定在对照组(0h)的60%左右。推测该基因可能参与苦荞抗高浓度水杨酸、UV-B照射和冷胁迫等非生物胁迫的应答反应,为探究苦荞抗逆性提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

目的:通过检测S100A4基因在结肠癌细胞系及结肠癌组织中的表达,探讨其与结肠癌的关系。方法:运用RT-PCR法检测不同结肠癌细胞系中S100A4基因的表达情况;通过原位杂交和免疫组化方法检测61例结肠癌标本中S100A4基因的表达。结果:结肠癌细胞系Lovo及HT29均有S100A4基因表达。S100A4蛋白和RNA在结肠癌中表达率分别为36.1%和34.4%,而在正常结肠组织中不表达(p〈0.05)。临床分期晚比临床分期早的患者S100A4表达明显增高(p〈0.05);有淋巴结转移的患者比无淋巴结转移的患者S100A4表达明显增高(p〈0.05)。此外,S100A4表达还与肿瘤大小,病理学分级,肉眼分型等相关。结论:结肠癌中S100A4基因表达增高,而且与肿瘤的侵袭及转移密切相关,是判断结肠癌生物学行为及预后的有价值的指标。  相似文献   

Protein kinase A (PKA) substrate phosphorylation is facilitated through its co-localization with its signaling partner by A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs). mAKAP (muscle-selective AKAP) localizes PKA and its substrates such as phosphodiesterase-4D3 (PDE4D3), ryanodine receptor, and protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) to the sarcoplasmic reticulum and perinuclear space. The genetic role of mAKAP, in modulating PKA/PDE4D3 molecular signaling during cardiac diseases, remains unclear. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of naturally occurring mutations in human mAKAP on PKA and PDE4D3 signaling. We have recently identified potentially important human mAKAP coding non-synonymous polymorphisms located within or near key protein binding sites critical to β-adrenergic receptor signaling. Three mutations (P1400S, S2195F, and L717V) were cloned and transfected into a mammalian cell line for the purpose of comparing whether those substitutions disrupt mAKAP binding to PKA or PDE4D3. Immunoprecipitation study of mAKAP-P1400S, a mutation located in the mAKAP-PDE4D3 binding site, displayed a significant reduction in binding to PDE4D3, with no significant changes in PKA binding or PKA activity. Conversely, mAKAP-S2195F, a mutation located in mAKAP-PP2A binding site, showed significant increase in both binding propensity to PKA and PKA activity. Additionally, mAKAP-L717V, a mutation flanking the mAKAP-spectrin repeat domain, exhibited a significant increase in PKA binding compared to wild type, but there was no change in PKA activity. We also demonstrate specific binding of wild-type mAKAP to PDE4D3. Binding results were demonstrated using immunoprecipitation and confirmed with surface plasmon resonance (Biacore-2000); functional results were demonstrated using activity assays, Ca2 + measurements, and Western blot. Comparative analysis of the binding responses of mutations to mAKAP could provide important information about how these mutations modulate signaling.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fifth most common cancer worldwide and is associated with various clinico-pathological characteristics such as genetic mutations and viral infections. Therefore, numerous laboratories look out for identifying always new putative markers for the improvement of HCC diagnosis/prognosis. Many molecular profiling studies investigated gene expression changes related to HCC. HepG2 represents a pure cell line of human liver carcinoma, often used as HCC model due to the absence of viral infection. In this study we compare gene expression profiles associated with HepG2 (as HCC model) and normal hepatocyte cells by microarray technology. Hierarchical cluster analysis of genes evidenced that 2646 genes significantly down-regulated in HepG2 cells compared to hepatocytes whereas a further 3586 genes significantly up-regulated. By using the Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) program, we have classified the genes that were differently expressed and studied the functional networks correlating these genes in the complete human interactome. Moreover, to confirm the differentially expressed genes as well as the reliability of our microarray data, we performed a quantitative Real time RT-PCR analysis on 9 up-regulated and 11 down-regulated genes, respectively. In conclusion this work i) provides a gene signature of human hepatoma cells showing genes that change their expression as a consequence of liver cancer in the absence of any genetic mutations or viral infection, ii) evidences new differently expressed genes found in our signature compared to previous published studies and iii) suggests some genes on which to focus future studies to understand if they can be used to improve the HCC prognosis/diagnosis.  相似文献   

FXR regulates bile acid metabolism, and FXR null (Fxr?/?) mice have elevated bile acid levels and progressive liver injury. The inositol-requiring enzyme 1α/X-box binding protein 1 (XBP1) pathway is a protective unfolded protein response pathway activated in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress. Here, we sought to determine the role of the inositol-requiring enzyme 1α/XBP1 pathway in hepatic bile acid toxicity using the Fxr?/? mouse model. Western blotting and quantitative PCR analysis demonstrated that hepatic XBP1 and other unfolded protein response pathways were activated in 24-week-old Fxr?/? compared with 10-week-old Fxr?/? mice but not in WT mice. To further determine the role of the liver XBP1 activation in older Fxr?/? mice, we generated mice with whole-body FXR and liver-specific XBP1 double KO (DKO, Fxr?/?Xbp1LKO) and Fxr?/?Xbp1fl/fl single KO (SKO) mice and characterized the role of hepatic XBP1 in cholestatic liver injury. Histologic staining demonstrated increased liver injury and fibrosis in DKO compared with SKO mice. RNA sequencing revealed increased gene expression in apoptosis, inflammation, and cell proliferation pathways in DKO mice. The proapoptotic C/EBP-homologous protein pathway and cell cycle marker cyclin D1 were also activated in DKO mice. Furthermore, we found that total hepatic bile acid levels were similar between the two genotypes. At age 60 weeks, all DKO mice and no SKO mice spontaneously developed liver tumors. In conclusion, the hepatic XBP1 pathway is activated in older Fxr?/? mice and has a protective role. The potential interaction between XBP1 and FXR signaling may be important in modulating the hepatocellular cholestatic stress responses.  相似文献   

Cell polarity identifies the asymmetry of a cell. Various types of cells, including odontoblasts and epithelial cells, polarize to fulfil their destined functions. Odontoblast polarization is a prerequisite and fundamental step for tooth development and tubular dentin formation. Current knowledge of odontoblast polarization, however, is very limited, which greatly impedes the development of novel approaches for regenerative endodontics. Compared to odontoblasts, epithelial cell polarization has been extensively studied over the last several decades. The knowledge obtained from epithelia polarization has been found applicable to other cell types, which is particularly useful considering the remarkable similarities of the morphological and compositional features between polarized odontoblasts and epithelia. In this review, we first discuss the characteristics, the key regulatory factors, and the process of epithelial polarity. Next, we compare the known facts of odontoblast polarization with epithelial cells. Lastly, we clarify knowledge gaps in odontoblast polarization and propose the directions for future research to fill the gaps, leading to the advancement of regenerative endodontics.  相似文献   

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