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Investigating diversity in asexual organisms using molecular markers involves the assignment of individuals to clonal lineages and the subsequent analysis of clonal diversity. Assignment is possible using a distance matrix in combination with a user‐specified threshold, defined as the maximum distance between two individuals that are considered to belong to the same clonal lineage. Analysis of clonal diversity requires tests for differences in diversity and clonal composition between populations. We developed two programs, genotype and genodive for such analyses of clonal diversity in asexually reproducing organisms. Additionally, genotype can be used for detecting genotyping errors in studies of sexual organisms.  相似文献   

The genus Taraxacum is a widely dispersed, ecologically variable taxon of some 2000 sexual and apomictic (agarnospermous) species. Data from numerous studies are used to examine the influences sexuality and apomixis have had on its evolution, geographical distribution and ecological diversification. A new explanation is given of the geographical distribution of sexual and apomictic forms, and the role of polyploidy in buffering apomicts against the effects of an accumulation of deleterious mutations is examined.  相似文献   

Models of adaptive speciation are typically concerned with demonstrating that it is possible for ecologically driven disruptive selection to lead to the evolution of assortative mating and hence speciation. However, disruptive selection could also lead to other forms of evolutionary diversification, including ecological sexual dimorphisms. Using a model of frequency-dependent intraspecific competition, we show analytically that adaptive speciation and dimorphism require identical ecological conditions. Numerical simulations of individual-based models show that a single ecological model can produce either evolutionary outcome, depending on the genetic independence of male and female traits and the potential strength of assortative mating. Speciation is inhibited when the genetic basis of male and female ecological traits allows the sexes to diverge substantially. This is because sexual dimorphism, which can evolve quickly, can eliminate the frequency-dependent disruptive selection that would have provided the impetus for speciation. Conversely, populations with strong assortative mating based on ecological traits are less likely to evolve a sexual dimorphism because females cannot simultaneously prefer males more similar to themselves while still allowing the males to diverge. This conflict between speciation and dimorphism can be circumvented in two ways. First, we find a novel form of speciation via negative assortative mating, leading to two dimorphic daughter species. Second, if assortative mating is based on a neutral marker trait, trophic dimorphism and speciation by positive assortative mating can occur simultaneously. We conclude that while adaptive speciation and ecological sexual dimorphism may occur simultaneously, allowing for sexual dimorphism restricts the likelihood of adaptive speciation. Thus, it is important to recognize that disruptive selection due to frequency-dependent interactions can lead to more than one form of adaptive splitting.  相似文献   



Studies comparing two or more vaccine platforms have historically evaluated each platform based on its ability to induce an immune response and may conclude that one vaccine is more efficacious than the other(s), leading to a recommendation for development of the more effective vaccine for clinical studies. Alternatively, these studies have documented the advantages of a diversified prime and boost regimen due to amplification of the antigen-specific T-cell population. We hypothesize here that two vaccine platforms targeting the same antigen might induce shared and distinct antigen-specific T-cell populations, and examined the possibility that two distinct vaccines could be used concomitantly.  相似文献   

The question of whether distinct self-propagating structures could be formed within the same amino acid sequence in the absence of external cofactors or templates has important implications for a number of issues, including the origin of prion strains and the engineering of smart, self-assembling peptide-based biomaterials. In the current study, we showed that chemically identical prion protein can give rise to conformationally distinct, self-propagating amyloid structures in the absence of cellular cofactors, post-translational modification, or PrP(Sc)-specified templates. Even more surprising, two self-replicating states were produced under identical solvent conditions, but under different shaking modes. Individual prion conformations were inherited by daughter fibrils in seeding experiments conducted under alternative shaking modes, illustrating the high fidelity of fibrillation reactions. Our study showed that the ability to acquire conformationally different self-propagating structures is an intrinsic ability of protein fibrillation and strongly supports the hypothesis that conformational variation in self-propagating protein states underlies prion strain diversity.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is a powerful and ubiquitous force in sexual populations. It has recently been argued that sexual selection can eliminate the twofold cost of sex even with low genomic mutation rates. By means of differential male mating success, deleterious mutations in males become more deleterious than in females, and it has been shown that sexual selection can drastically reduce the mutational load in a sexual population, with or without any form of epistasis. However, any mechanism that claims to maintain sexual reproduction must be able to prevent the fixation of an asexual mutant clone with a twofold fitness advantage. Here, I show that despite very strong sexual selection, the fixation of an asexual mutant cannot be prevented under reasonable genomic mutation rates. Sexual selection can have a strong effect on the average mutational load in a sexual population, but as it cannot prevent the fixation of an asexual mutant, it is unlikely to play a key role on the maintenance of sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

Adult hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) with serially transplantable activity comprise two subtypes. One shows a balanced output of mature lymphoid and myeloid cells; the other appears selectively lymphoid deficient. We now show that both of these HSC subtypes are present in the fetal liver (at a 1:10 ratio) with the rarer, lymphoid-deficient HSCs immediately gaining an increased representation in the fetal bone marrow, suggesting that the marrow niche plays a key role in regulating their ensuing preferential amplification. Clonal analysis of HSC expansion posttransplant showed that both subtypes display an extensive but variable self-renewal activity with occasional interconversion. Clonal analysis of their differentiation programs demonstrated functional and molecular as well as quantitative HSC subtype-specific differences in the lymphoid progenitors they generate but an indistinguishable production of multipotent and myeloid-restricted progenitors. These findings establish a level of heterogeneity in HSC differentiation and expansion control that may have relevance to stem cell populations in other hierarchically organized tissues.  相似文献   

Sexual selection has the potential to contribute to population divergence and speciation. Most studies of sexual selection in Drosophila have concentrated on a single signaling modality, usually either courtship song or cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs), which can act as contact pheromones. We have examined the relationship between both signal types and reproductive success using F(1-3) offspring of wild-collected flies, raised in the lab. We used two populations of the Holarctic species Drosophila montana that represent different phylogeographic clades that have been separate for ca. 0.5 million years (MY), and differ to some extent in both traits. Here, we characterize the nature and identify the targets of sexual selection on song, CHCs, and both traits combined within the populations. Three measures of courtship outcome were used as fitness proxies. They were the probability of mating, mating latency, and the production of rejection song by females, and showed patterns of association with different traits that included both linear and quadratic selection. Courtship song predicted courtship outcome better than CHCs and the signal modalities acted in an additive rather than synergistic manner. Selection was generally consistent in direction and strength between the two populations and favored males that sang more vigorously. Sexual selection differed in the extent, strength, and nature on some of the traits between populations. However, the differences in the directionality of selection detected were not a good predictor of population differences. In addition, a character previously shown to be important for species recognition, interpulse interval, was found to be under sexual selection. Our results highlight the complexity of understanding the relationship between within-population sexual selection and population differences. Sexual selection alone cannot predict differences between populations.  相似文献   

The structures of enzymes catalyzing the reactions in central metabolic pathways are generally well conserved as are their catalytic mechanisms. The two types of 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase (DHQase) are therefore most unusual since they are unrelated at the sequence level and they utilize completely different mechanisms to catalyze the same overall reaction. The type I enzymes catalyze a cis-dehydration of 3-dehydroquinate via a covalent imine intermediate, while the type II enzymes catalyze a trans-dehydration via an enolate intermediate. Here we report the three-dimensional structures of a representative member of each type of biosynthetic DHQase. Both enzymes function as part of the shikimate pathway, which is essential in microorganisms and plants for the biosynthesis of aromatic compounds including folate, ubiquinone and the aromatic amino acids. An explanation for the presence of two different enzymes catalyzing the same reaction is presented. The absence of the shikimate pathway in animals makes it an attractive target for antimicrobial agents. The availability of these two structures opens the way for the design of highly specific enzyme inhibitors with potential importance as selective therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

1. Long-lived sedentary organisms with a massive morphology are often assumed to utilize a storage effect whereby the persistence of a small group of adults can maintain the population when sexual recruitment fails. However, employing storage effects could prove catastrophic if, under changing climatic conditions, the time period between favourable conditions becomes so prolonged that the population cannot be sustained solely be sexual recruitment. When a species has multiple reproductive options, a rapidly changing environment may favour alternative asexual means of propagation. 2. Here, we revisit the importance of asexual dispersal in a massive coral subject to severe climate-induced disturbance. Montastraea annularis is a major framework-builder of Caribbean coral reefs but its survival is threatened by the increasing cover of macroalgae that prevents settlement of coral larvae. 3. To estimate levels of asexual recruitment within populations of M. annularis, samples from three sites in Honduras were genotyped using four, polymorphic microsatellite loci. 4. A total of 114 unique genets were identified with 8% consisting of two or more colonies and an exceptionally large genet at the third site comprising 14 colonies. 5. At least 70% of multicolony genets observed were formed by physical breakage, consistent with storm damage. 6. Our results reveal that long-lived massive corals can propagate using asexual methods even though sexual strategies predominate.  相似文献   

Asexual (thelytokous) females of the parasitoid Venturia canescens, which develop inside another insect, exhibit evolutionarily stable mixtures of life-history strategies, allowing two genetically distinct wasp lines to coexist sympatrically on the same host resources. Since the two asexual lines differ in a virus-like particle protein-coding gene (VLP1), the question is whether the VLP1 gene is genetically associated with the phenotype. The recent isolation of facultative sexual (arrhenotokous) and asexual V. canescens strains from the same location in Southern France has enabled an investigation of the genetic basis for the observed phenotypic differences, by comparing the two asexual lines with the corresponding homozygous VLP1 genotypes in arrhenotokous strains. This analysis showed similar patterns of morphological and functional differences exist in the ovaries of the two asexual VLP1 lines and in the two homozygous VLP1 genotypes from the field, suggesting that the VLP1 gene alteration either causes the ovarian phenotype or is genetically closely linked to the putative gene. However, the VLP1-gene may not be the only gene contributing to the phenotypic effects observed in the asexual lines. Although the two VLP1-alleles segregate with the relative differences in the ovary distribution of eggs, the absolute egg numbers differ in the corresponding asexual and sexual genotypes. This suggests that an additional unlinked gene may be involved in the transfer of eggs from the ovarioles into the oviduct.  相似文献   

Asexual development in Aspergillus nidulans begins in superficial hyphae as the programmed emergence of successive pseudohyphal modules, collectively known as the conidiophore, and is completed by a layer of specialized cells (phialides) giving rise to chains of aerial spores. A discrete number of regulatory factors present in hyphae play different stage-specific roles in pseudohyphal modules, depending on their cellular localization and protein-protein interactions. Their multiple roles include the timely activation of a sporulation-specific pathway that governs phialide and spore formation. Such functional versatility provides for a new outlook on morphogenetic change and the ways we should study it.  相似文献   

Blood vessels are crucial for normal development and growth by providing oxygen and nutrients. As shown by genetic targeting studies in mice, zebrafish and Xenopus blood vessel formation (or angiogenesis) is a multistep process, which is highly dependent on angiogenic growth factors such as VEGF, the founding member of the VEGF family. VEGF binds to the tyrosine kinase receptors VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2, and loss of VEGF or its receptors results in abnormal angiogenesis and lethality during development. In contrast, PlGF, another member of this family, binds only to VEGFR-1, and appears to be crucial exclusively for pathological angiogenesis in the adult. However, the expression of VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2 on non-vascular cells suggests additional biological properties for these growth factors. Indeed, the VEGF family and its receptors determine development and homeostasis of many organs, including the respiratory, skeletal, hematopoietic, nervous, renal and reproductive system, independent of their vascular role. These new insights broaden the activity spectrum of these "angiogenic" growth factors, and may have therapeutic implications when using these growth factors for vascular and/or non-vascular purposes.  相似文献   

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