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Parentage analyses of broods of nestling red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) revealed that extra-pair fertilizations (EPFs) accounted for 24% of the offspring. 8% of attempted copulations and 13% of male courtship displays during observations of focal females were by extra-pair males. In addition, mates and non-mates often chased and occasionally made physical contact with females; 34% of those chases in which contact was made were extra-pair chases. Females behaved variably during both within-pair and extra-pair events; females crouched less and resisted more frequently during extra-pair courtship than during within-pair courtship. All extra-pair events, whether natural or induced by male removal, were either resisted or accepted by the female. In 318 focal female-hours of observation during the fertilizable period, no female was ever seen in another male's territory soliciting a copulation. In addition, removal of females' mates resulted in frequent extra-pair courtship and copulation; all of these occurred on the removed male's territory. Some females left their mates' territories on occasion — these forays were nearly always off the study area, no female was ever seen copulating with an extra-pair male while on these forays, and neither the frequency nor the duration of female forays correlated with the frequency of extra-pair fertilizations within broods. There were no associations between extra-pair fertilizations and female age, settlement order, nest order, or clutch size. The number of fledglings produced from a nest was significantly positively associated with the number of sires of the brood. Fewer offspring apparently starved in broods that were multiply sired, yet males did not provide courtship feedings during either within-pair or extra-pair copulations, nor was any paternal care provided to young sired through extra-pair matings. The frequency of infertile eggs was low (< 1%); in those instances of infertile eggs the territory owner sired some young in the same nest or another nest on his territory. Fewer broods were a mixture of within-pair and extra-pair paternity than expected by chance. Clear evidence implicating a mixed strategy on the part of females could not be gathered. Because females behaved variably and because not all costs and benefits to females of extra-pair copulations could be measured, it remains possible that female behavior patterns are either (1) part of a mixed strategy, or (2) part of a strategy minimizing the costs of copulation.  相似文献   

Parentage and relatedness in polyandrous comb-crested jacanas using ISSRs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this article we present the first analysis of parentage and relatedness in a natural vertebrate population, using Intersimple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers. Thus, 28 ISSR markers were used in a study of a sex-role reversed, simultaneously polyandrous shorebird from northeastern Australia, the comb-crested jacana (Irediparra gallinacea). Assessment of parentage was based on comparison of field observations, novel bands, individual-specific bands found in 7/9 males and 4/6 females, and a 99% CI exclusion criteria. Integrating results from these approaches resulted in confirmation of paternity in all 36 chicks. In only one case (2.8% of chicks) was a co-mate assigned paternity. Thus, comb-crested jacanas appear to be genetically monogamous. These results showed resemblance to sequentially polyandrous birds but differed from the simultaneously polyandrous wattled jacana ( Jacana jacana; Emlen et al. 1998). A significant relationship between relatedness and ISSR similarity resulted in recognition that 14/15 adults sampled may be related to at least one other adult by 0.25 or more. Lack of dispersal may be explained by physical limitations and adequate regional habitat. ISSRs proved to be simple and helpful in resolving these issues.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1997,53(2):397-404
Extra-pair paternity can influence mating systems by affecting the fitness costs associated with polygyny. Polygyny is disadvantageous to males when the time and energetic demands of multiple pairings decrease either a male's success at gaining extra-pair fertilizations or his ability to ensure paternity among harem members. In Savannah sparrows,Passerculus sandwichensison Kent Island, New Brunswick, Canada, multilocus DNA fingerprinting of 136 adults and young revealed substantial female infidelity: overall, 31 of 92 young (33.7%) in 15 of 24 nests (62.5%) were the product of extra-pair fertilizations. Male mating status was a strong predictor of paternity. Each of seven monogamous females produced at least one extra-pair offspring, but only six of 11 primary females (54.5%) and two of six secondary females (33.3%) were unfaithful. As a result, nearly 80% of the young in nests of polygynous males resulted from within-pair fertilizations, compared with only 40% of the young in nests of monogamous males. Kent Island Savannah sparrows are simultaneously polygynous, and the absence of paternity costs associated with polygyny is surprising. The observed pattern of paternity suggests the operation of female choice, although male control of parentage cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

JEREMY K. BLAKEY 《Ibis》1994,136(4):457-462
The incidence of extra-pair paternity in a Great Tit Parus major population at Wytham Wood, Oxford, in 1985–1987 was determined using two polymorphic allozymes. In 831 nestlings from 94 broods, 27 genetic exclusions were detected in 25 (3%) nestlings from 16 broods. Seven (44%) of these broods contained offspring that excluded the putative male parent from being the genetic parent. The distribution of exclusion types indicated that excluded offspring were the result of fertilizations by extra-pair males and not of egg-dumping. The true frequency of extra-pair paternity was estimated as 14% of offspring. These results suggest a mixed reproductive strategy for males in which they breed mo-nogamously whilst simultaneously seeking extra-pair matings with females of other pairs.  相似文献   

Studies aimed at determining why female birds often produce offspring sired by males other than their social mates generally compare traits of social and genetic mates. Here I examine paternity patterns in nests of the same female red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) in successive breeding seasons. Returning females preferentially selected their former social mates as their new social mates when those males were present. However, paternity patterns were much less consistent. A female''s behaviour (faithful versus unfaithful) in one year did not predict her behaviour the following year. Females unfaithful in successive years did not prefer the same extra-pair males. Females unfaithful in one year that switched social mates the next year did not preferentially choose their former extra-pair mates as their new social mates. By switching genetic mates, females did not generally improve the quality of their mates. These results, together with previous analyses, suggest that female blackbirds in this population have little control over extra-pair mating. Although females may benefit from extra-pair mating because extra-pair males are generally longer lived, paternity patterns in this population are not consistent with extra-pair mating being part of a finely tuned female reproductive strategy.  相似文献   

Genetic parentage studies of socially monogamous birds reveal a widespread prevalence of extra-pair paternity. Variation in extra-pair paternity among individuals may depend on how different individuals benefit from extra-pair fertilisations and on the opportunity to pursue extra-pair copulations. A long-term study of sand martins (Riparia riparia) in Hungary allowed us to examine patterns of extra-pair fertilisations in a large colony of over 3,000 breeding pairs with many known age individuals. We used multi-locus DNA fingerprinting to determine whether extra-pair fertilisations occur when females are paired to (1) presumably low quality mates, or (2) genetically similar or dissimilar mates, and whether extra-pair fertilisations result in offspring of higher quality. Extra-paternal young were found in 38% of 47 broods and comprised 19% of 190 offspring. Males that lost paternity did not differ significantly from others in age or body condition. Social mates of broods containing extra-pair offspring did not differ in genetic similarity from pairs without extra-pair offspring. Furthermore, there was no significant difference in body condition between extra-pair young and their maternal half-siblings. We were unable to assign paternity and therefore cannot exclude the possibility that extra-pair males differed from the within-pair males they cuckolded, in age, body condition or genetic similarity with the female. We found a positive relationship between paternity losses and breeding density, suggesting that low breeding density may constrain opportunities for seeking extra-pair copulations.  相似文献   

In socially monogamous species, pair-bonded males often continue to provide care to all offspring in their nests despite some degree of paternity loss due to female extra-pair copulation. Previous theoretical models suggested that females can use their within-pair offspring as ‘hostages'' to blackmail their social mates, so that they continue to provide care to the brood at low levels of cuckoldry. These models, however, rely on the assumption of sufficiently accurate male detection of cuckoldry and the reduction of parental effort in case of suspicion. Therefore, they cannot explain the abundant cases where cuckolded males continue to provide extensive care to the brood. Here we use an analytical population genetics model and an individual-based simulation model to explore the coevolution of female fidelity and male help in populations with two genetically determined alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs): sneakers that achieve paternity solely via extra-pair copulations and bourgeois that form a mating pair and spend some efforts in brood care. We show that when the efficiency of mate guarding is intermediate, the bourgeois males can evolve to ‘specialize'' in providing care by spending more than 90% of time in helping their females while guarding them as much as possible, despite frequent cuckoldry by the sneakers. We also show that when sneakers have tactic-specific adaptations and thus are more competitive than the bourgeois in gaining extra-pair fertilizations, the frequency of sneakers and the degrees of female fidelity and male help can fluctuate in evolutionary cycles. Our theoretical predictions highlight the need for further empirical tests in species with ARTs.  相似文献   

In polygynous species, it is unclear whether extrapair matings provide a better reproductive payoff to males than additional social mates. Male house wrens, Troglodytes aedon, show three types of social mating behaviour: single-brooded monogamy, sequential monogamy (two broods) and polygyny. Thus, male reproductive success can vary depending on the number of mates, the number of broods and the number of extrapair fertilizations. We used microsatellite markers to determine the realized reproductive success (total number of young sired from both within-pair and extrapair fertilizations) of males in these three categories. We found that polygynous males were more likely to be cuckolded than monogamous males; however, half of the polygynous males had a third brood, which resulted in similar reproductive success for sequentially monogamous and polygynous males. Despite the paternity gained from extrapair fertilizations by single-brooded males, males were more successful when they produced multiple broods during a season, either sequentially (monogamy) or simultaneously (polygyny). In our population, multibrooded males were more likely to have prior breeding experience and arrived earlier in the season, which provided a better opportunity to obtain more than one brood and, thus, produce more young.  相似文献   

In polyandrous species females produce successive clutches with several males. Female barn owls (Tyto alba) often desert their offspring and mate to produce a 2nd annual brood with a second male. We tested whether copulating during chick rearing at the 1st annual brood increases the male''s likelihood to obtain paternity at the 2nd annual breeding attempt of his female mate in case she deserts their brood to produce a second brood with a different male. Using molecular paternity analyses we found that 2 out of 26 (8%) second annual broods of deserting females contained in total 6 extra-pair young out of 15 nestlings. These young were all sired by the male with whom the female had produced the 1st annual brood. In contrast, none of the 49 1st annual breeding attempts (219 offspring) and of the 20 2nd annual breeding attempts (93 offspring) of non-deserting females contained extra-pair young. We suggest that female desertion can select male counter-strategies to increase paternity and hence individual fitness. Alternatively, females may copulate with the 1st male to derive genetic benefits, since he is usually of higher quality than the 2nd male which is commonly a yearling individual.  相似文献   

The frequency of extra-pair paternity in a wild colony of swifts Apus apus was determined by multilocus DNA fingerprinting in two successive breeding seasons. The data were used to examine the expectation that extra-pair paternity is frequent in colonial-nesting species, either for proximal reasons such as the increased opportunity for extra-pair matings, or because extra-pair matings are important in the evolution and maintenance of coloniality. Forty-two broods containing 88 chicks were analysed. The genetic analysis revealed four cases of extra-pair paternity (4.5% of chicks) from four (9.5%) nests. Rapid mate-switching was considered unlikely to be the cause of extra-pair paternity since three of the cases were in the nests of previously established breeding pairs. Extra-pair copulations were not observed, but were assumed to be the cause of extra-pair paternity. The data show that high levels of extra-pair paternity are not an inevitable feature of high-density nesting.  相似文献   

Recent behavioural and molecular studies have shown that in most monogamous bird species extra-pair copulations and fertilizations outside the pair bond occur routinely. The consequences of female extra-pair behaviour might comprise effects on important life-history traits, such as the extent of male parental care. In this study we test the assumption that, within a species, females'' options for extra-pair mating depend on female quality and the environments that females occupy. This ''constrained female hypothesis'' predicts that females in good environments or high-quality females are able to resist males'' control efforts better than females in poor environments or low-quality females. We test the idea in the socially monogamous serin. We found that the likelihood of extra-pair paternity is significantly higher in territories with high availability of food. There was a negative relationship between environmental quality (food availability) and paternity both in natural and in experimentally manipulated habitats. Male feeding rates were negatively related to food availability and positively related to paternity. These data and the additional result that in better environments all of a females'' offspring were sired by one extra-pair male provide support for Gowaty''s ''constrained female hypothesis''.  相似文献   

Sex-allocation theory predicts that females should preferentially produce offspring of the sex with greater fitness potential. In socially monogamous animal species, extra-pair mating often increases the variance in fitness of sons relative to daughters. Thus, in situations where offspring sired by a female''s extra-pair mate(s) will typically have greater fitness potential than offspring sired by the within-pair mate, sex-allocation theory predicts that females will bias the sex of offspring sired by extra-pair mates towards male. We examined the relationship between offspring sex and paternity over six breeding seasons in an Illinois population of the house wren (Troglodytes aedon), a cavity-nesting songbird. Out of the 2345 nestlings that had both sex and paternity assigned, 350 (15%) were sired by extra-pair males. The sex ratio of extra-pair offspring, 0.534, was significantly greater than the sex ratio of within-pair offspring, 0.492, representing an increase of 8.5 per cent in the proportion of sons produced. To our knowledge, this is the first confirmed report of female birds increasing their production of sons in association with extra-pair fertilization. Our results are consistent with the oft-mentioned hypothesis that females engage in extra-pair mating to increase offspring quality.  相似文献   

Molecular paternity tests show that extra-pair fertilizations are common in many socially monogamous bird species. However, the question of why females often seek extra-pair copulations is still controversial. Competing alternative explanations differ in their predictions on how extra-pair young should be distributed within and among broods. Analysing these distributions may therefore help to resolve this controversy. In several species broods without extra-pair young and those with total or nearly total extra-pair paternity have been claimed to be over-represented. Consequently, extra-pair nestlings would be distributed non-randomly among nests. To compute expected frequencies (i.e. the patterns of random distribution) the Poisson distribution has frequently been used. However, the Poisson distribution is not appropriate for two reasons. (1) Impossible configurations can receive positive probabilities. (2) The Poisson distribution approaches randomness only if extra-pair fertilizations are events of low probability, which often is not the case. We show how randomness can be computed appropriately by using the multivariate hypergeometric distribution. Re-analysing published data on distributions of extra-pair young, we show that the result that there are more broods containing either none or many extra-pair young than expected by chance is even more pronounced than previously thought.  相似文献   

一雌一雄单配制鸟类中,雌性个体与配偶外雄性发生交配的行为称为婚外交配,继而导致了婚外受精产生婚外子代的现象称为产生了婚外父权。婚外父权广泛存在于鸟类中,针对其发生和影响因素已经成为了鸟类行为生态学研究的热点。本文收集了近十年社会性单配制鸟类婚外父权方面的研究文献,从婚外父权的发生及其影响因素两个方面综述了单配制鸟类婚外父权的研究进展。婚外父权发生原因的探讨主要包括:1、从两性的角度探讨雌雄两性在婚外行为中不同的进化繁殖策略。雄性策略旨在增加自身的繁殖输出;有关雌性策略则提出了确保受精假说、食物供给假说、遗传利益假说等,但目前尚存争议;2、在遗传利益假说中较常见的又分为3个假说:“优秀基因”假说、“遗传相容性”假说和“遗传多样性”假说,该三种假说是针对雌性从遗传方面获得的利益而提出的,不断有报道指出雌性配偶选择会被潜在的雄性遗传特性所影响;3、非遗传利益——母系效应影响婚外父权的进化。一些研究指出遗传质量参数,如体重、身体大小、存活率和免疫应答等方面可能会存在母系效应。婚外父权发生的影响因素这里主要指环境因素,包括繁殖同步性、繁殖密度、栖息地环境、产卵及孵化时机等。由于物种不同,受到环境压力不同,导致婚外父权发生率千差万别。最后本文针对未来的研究方向做出了展望。尽管近十年的研究进一步解释了鸟类婚外父权现象,但是该领域仍然存在并且产生了许多新的未解决的问题,而相关实验操作和理论的完善是深入探讨这些问题的关键。  相似文献   

Pre-dawn infidelity: females control extra-pair mating in superb fairy-wrens   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Despite great interest in the use of extra-pair mating as a tool for examining female choice and intersexual selection, the underlying assumption of female control has proved difficult to verify empirically. We combined microsatellite genotyping and radiotelemetry of fertile females in order to investigate mate choice in superb fairy-wrens Malurus cyaneus, the bird with the highest known rate of extra-pair fertilization. All five females radio tracked during the peak of fertility, two to four days before the first egg is laid, undertook pre-dawn forays. All extra-pair young produced by the female were sired by a male visited during their forays, indicating that females control extra-pair fertilizations. In a larger sample of paternity data, some broods were sired by two extra-group males. In virtually all the cases the territory of the two sires were on an identical linear trajectory from the female's territory. This again suggests that extra-group paternity in superb fairy-wrens is directly linked to female extra-territorial forays. In other species mixed paternity has been taken to indicate that females attempt to insure against infertile pairings or try to maximize the genetic diversity of their brood. However, in fairy-wrens the likelihood of multiple extra-group paternity increased greatly as females traversed more territories in order to mate, perhaps suggesting that females which foray further are more likely to have difficulties locating the preferred male.  相似文献   

Sexual selection can act through variation in the number of social mates obtained, variation in mate quality, or variation in success at obtaining extra-pair fertilizations. Because within-pair fertilizations (WPF) and extra-pair fertilizations (EPF) are alternate routes of reproduction, they are additive, rather than multiplicative, components of fitness. We present a method for partitioning total variance in reproductive success (a measure of the opportunity for selection) when fitness components are both additive and multiplicative and use it to partition the variance into components that correspond to each mechanism of sexual selection. Computer simulations show that extra-pair fertilizations can either increase or decrease total variance, depending on the covariance between within-pair and extra-pair success. Simulations also suggest that for socially monogamous species, extra-pair fertilizations have a greater effect than variation in mate quality or pairing status on the opportunity for selection. Application of our model to data gathered for a population of red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) indicates that most of the variance in male reproductive success was attributable to within-pair sources of variance. Nevertheless, extra-pair copulations increased the opportunity for selection because males varied both in the proportion of their social young that they sired and in the number of extra-pair mates that they obtained. Furthermore, large and positive covariances existed between the number of extra-pair mates a male obtained and both social pairing success and within-pair paternity, indicating that, in this population, males preferred as social mates also were preferred as extra-pair mates.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory posits that ornamental traits can evolve if they provide individuals with an advantage in securing multiple mates. That male ornamentation occurs in many bird species in which males pair with a single female is therefore puzzling. It has been proposed that extra-pair mating can substantially increase the variance in reproductive success among males in monogamous species, thus increasing the potential for sexual selection. We documented the frequency of extra-pair paternity and examined its effect on variation in male reproductive success in the mountain bluebird Sialia currucoides , a socially monogamous songbird in which males possess brilliant plumage ornamentation. Extra-pair paternity was common in our Wyoming study population, with 72% of broods containing at least one extra-pair offspring. The standardized variance in actual male reproductive success (i.e., the total number of within-pair and extra-pair offspring sired) was more than seven times higher than the variation in apparent success (i.e., success assuming that no extra-pair mating occurred). Success at siring within-pair and extra-pair offspring both contributed to the variation in overall male reproductive success. Within-pair success, however, did not predict a male's level of extra-pair success, suggesting that males do not sacrifice within-pair paternity to gain extra-pair paternity. Calculation of the sexual selection (Bateman) gradient showed that males sire approximately two additional offspring for each extra-pair mate that we identified. Thus, in this sexually dichromatic species, extra-pair mating increases the variance in male reproductive success and provides the potential for sexual selection to act.  相似文献   

A potential benefit to females mating with multiple males is the increased probability that their sons will inherit traits enhancing their pre‐ or post‐mating ability to obtain fertilizations. We allowed red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum) females to mate on three consecutive days either repeatedly to the same male or to three different males. This procedure was carried out in 20 replicate lines, 10 established with wild‐type, and 10 with the Chicago black morph, a partially dominant phenotypic marker. The paternity achieved by the sons of females from polyandrous vs. monandrous lines of contrasting morph was assessed in the F1, F2 and F3 generation by mating wild‐type stock females to two experimental males and assigning the progeny to either sire based on phenotype. The sons of polyandrous wild‐type females achieved significantly higher paternity when mating in the second male role than the sons of monandrous wild‐type females. By contrast, when mating in the first male role, males produced by females from polyandrous lines tended to have lower paternity than males from monandrous lines. Both effects were independent of the number of mates of the black competitor’s mother, and interacted significantly with the number of progeny laid by the female. These results provide the first evidence that manipulating the number of mates of a female can influence her sons’ mating success and suggest a potential trade‐off between offence and defence in this species.  相似文献   

婚配制度作为一种进化稳定对策是动物对某一环境包括种群内部环境适应的结果,在动物生殖过程中具有重要意义.大山雀(Parus major)是一种广域分布物种,研究显示广域分布物种的形态、生理、行为、生态特征及婚配制度在不同地区或种群间存在显著差异,因此,该文选择了分布于中国辽宁仙人洞国家级自然保护区的大山雀(P.m.minor)种群开展其婚配制度研究.野外共采集了22巢大山雀亲代和子代血液样本.结果如下:(1)从11个微卫星位点中筛选出了8个多态性较好的微卫星位点用于大山雀父权鉴定,在母本已知的情况下确定父权的准确率可达99.98%;(2)巢内父权鉴定结果显示,31.8% (7/22)的巢包含婚外父权,8.12% (16/197)的子代为婚外子代.与其他森林雀形目鸟类相比,大山雀婚外子代的比例明显偏低(<10%),每个存在婚外父权巢的婚外子代比例各异(55.6%~9.1%),且无明显规律.  相似文献   

In many socially monogamous species, both sexes seek copulation outside the pair bond in order to increase their reproductive success. In response, males adopt counter-strategies to combat the risk of losing paternity. However, no study so far has tried to experimentally prove the function of behaviour for paternity assurance. Introducing a potential extra-pair partner during the female fertile period provides a standardised method to examine how pair members respond immediately (e.g. increase mate guarding or copulation frequency) or long term (e.g. later parental investment and paternity uncertainty). In this study on a socially monogamous passerine species, we experimentally confronted pairs of reed warblers with a conspecific male (caged male simulating an intruder) during egg-laying. Our results revealed that occurrence of an intruder during that period triggered aggression against the intruder, depending on the presence of the female. The male territory owner also attacked the female partner to drive her away from the intruder. Thus territory defence in reed warblers also serves to protect paternity. The increase in paternity uncertainty did not affect later paternal investment. Paternal investment was also independent of the actual paternity losses. In females, the experiment elicited both, immediate and long-term responses. E.g. female copulation solicitations during the intruder experiment were only observed for females which later turned out to have extra-pair chicks in their nest. In relation to long term response females faced with an intruder invested later less in offspring feeding, and had less extra-pair chicks in their nests. Extra-pair paternity also seems to be affected by female quality (body size). In conclusion female reed warblers seem to seek extra-pair fertilizations but we could demonstrate that males adopt paternity assurance tactics which seems to efficiently help them to reduce paternity uncertainty.  相似文献   

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