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Two methods were used to compare the biodegradation of six polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners by 12 white rot fungi. Four fungi were found to be more active than Phanerochaete chrysosporium ATCC 24725. Biodegradation of the following congeners was monitored by gas chromatography: 2,3-dichlorobiphenyl, 4,4′-dichlorobiphenyl, 2,4′,5-trichlorobiphenyl (2,4′,5-TCB), 2,2′,4,4′-tetrachlorobiphenyl, 2,2′,5,5′-tetrachlorobiphenyl, and 2,2′,4,4′,5,5′-hexachlorobiphenyl. The congener tested for mineralization was 2,4′,5-[U-14C]TCB. Culture supernatants were also assayed for lignin peroxidase and manganese peroxidase activities. Of the fungi tested, two strains of Bjerkandera adusta (UAMH 8258 and UAMH 7308), one strain of Pleurotus ostreatus (UAMH 7964), and Trametes versicolor UAMH 8272 gave the highest biodegradation and mineralization. P. chrysosporium ATCC 24725, a strain frequently used in studies of PCB degradation, gave the lowest mineralization and biodegradation activities of the 12 fungi reported here. Low but detectable levels of lignin peroxidase and manganese peroxidase activity were present in culture supernatants, but no correlation was observed among any combination of PCB congener biodegradation, mineralization, and lignin peroxidase or manganese peroxidase activity. With the exception of P. chrysosporium, congener loss ranged from 40 to 96%; however, these values varied due to nonspecific congener binding to fungal biomass and glassware. Mineralization was much lower, ≤11%, because it measures a complete oxidation of at least part of the congener molecule but the results were more consistent and therefore more reliable in assessment of PCB biodegradation.  相似文献   

The degradation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) by seven strains of white rot fungi was examined in two different media containing 50 mg L−1 of TNT. When TNT was added into a nutrient-rich YMG medium at the beginning of the incubation, four of the fungal strains completely removed TNT during several days of incubation and showed higher removal rates than those of Phanerochaete chrysosporium. TNT added into YMG medium after a 5-day preincubation period completely disappeared within 12 hours, and the removal rates were higher than those in N-limited minimal medium. Isomers of hydroxylamino-dinitrotoluene were identified as the first detectable metabolites of TNT. These were transformed to amino-dinitrotoluenes, which also disappeared during further incubation from cultures of Irpex lacteus. During the initial phase of TNT degradation by I. lacteus, dinitrotoluenes were also detected after the transient formation of a hydride-Meisenheimer complex, indicating that I. lacteus used two different pathways of TNT degradation simultaneously. Received: 29 March 2000 / Accepted: 23 May 2000  相似文献   

不同木质纤维素基质上白腐菌降解特性的研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
通过测定木质素、纤维素、半纤维素和漆酶分泌的变化,研究白腐菌在稻草、木屑、粗纤维素、滤纸、黑液木素基质上的降解特性。结果表明,除黑液木素上白腐菌不能生长外,在前25d,各基质中纤维素、半纤维素和木质素含量呈持续下降趋势,之后,降解速率减少,其中木质素的降解速率大于纤维素和半纤维素的降解速率。漆酶分泌在生长初期呈快速上升趋势,第10d酶活达到最大,第10~20d快速下降,其后基本不变,基质中酶活大小顺序为稻草基质、木屑基质、粗纤维和滤纸基质,显示了木质素存在对漆酶分泌的诱导作用。  相似文献   

Solubilization and Mineralization of Lignin by White Rot Fungi   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The white rot fungi Lentinula edodes, Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Pleurotus sajor-caju, Flammulina velutipes, and Schizophyllum commune were grown in liquid media containing 14C-lignin-labelled wood, and the formation of water-soluble 14C-labelled products and 14CO2, the growth of the fungi, and the activities of extracellular lignin peroxidase, manganese peroxidase, and laccase were measured. Conditions that affect the rate of lignin degradation were imposed, and both long-term (0- to 16-day) and short-term (0- to 72-h) effects on the production of the two types of product and on the activities of the enzymes were monitored. The production of 14CO2-labelled products from the aqueous ones was also investigated. The short-term studies showed that the different conditions had different effects on the production of the two products and on the activities of the enzymes. Nitrogen sources inhibited the production of both products by all species when differences in growth could be discounted. Medium pH and manganese affected lignin degradation by the different species differently. With P. chrysosporium, the results were consistent, with lignin peroxidase playing a role in lignin solubilization and manganese peroxidase being important in subsequent CO2 production.  相似文献   

The kinetics of cotton cellulose depolymerization by the brown rot fungus Postia placenta and the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium were investigated with solid-state cultures. The degree of polymerization (DP; the average number of glucosyl residues per cellulose molecule) of cellulose removed from soil-block cultures during degradation by P. placenta was first determined viscosimetrically. Changes in molecular size distribution of cellulose attacked by either fungus were then determined by size exclusion chromatography as the tricarbanilate derivative. The first study with P. placenta revealed two phases of depolymerization: a rapid decrease to a DP of approximately 800 and then a slower decrease to a DP of approximately 250. Almost all depolymerization occurred before weight loss. Determination of the molecular size distribution of cellulose during attack by the brown rot fungus revealed single major peaks centered over progressively lower DPs. Cellulose attacked by P. chrysosporium was continuously consumed and showed a different pattern of change in molecular size distribution than cellulose attacked by P. placenta. At first, a broad peak which shifted at a slightly lower average DP appeared, but as attack progressed the peak narrowed and the average DP increased slightly. From these results, it is apparent that the mechanism of cellulose degradation differs fundamentally between brown and white rot fungi, as represented by the species studied here. We conclude that the brown rot fungus cleaved completely through the amorphous regions of the cellulose microfibrils, whereas the white rot fungus attacked the surfaces of the microfibrils, resulting in a progressive erosion.  相似文献   

Three samples of high-molecular-weight humin-like substances were obtained by solid-phase cultivation of Coriolus hirsutus and/or Cerrena maxima on oat straw. The yield of humin-like substances amounted to 1.38–2.26% of the weight of the plant substrate consumed. These substances, produced both by individual and mixed cultures of the basidiomycetes, were shown to be similar in their structure and physicochemical properties. According to the data of IR and 13C-NMR spectroscopy, the substances contained aromatic fragments and were close to soil humic acids. Studies of the dynamics of laccase production suggested that the humin-like substances were produced via direct degradation of lignin macromolecules with direct involvement of extracellular laccase.  相似文献   

White Rot Fungi (WRF) are able to decolorize dyes through the use of relatively non-specific extracellular oxidative enzymes. Nevertheless, decolorization does not imply that the resulting metabolites are less toxic than the parent molecules. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the detoxification potential of six strains (Pycnoporus sanguineus, Perenniporia tephropora, Perenniporia ochroleuca, Trametes versicolor, Coriolopsis polyzona and Clitocybula dusenii) during decolorization of dyes. Cytotoxicity assays were carried out on human Caco-2 cells, which are considered as a validated model for the human intestinal epithelium, and the results were compared with those obtained on classical bacterial cells. Genotoxic character was monitored through VITOTOX® assays. The biotransformation of an anthraquinonic dye (CI Acid Blue 62, ABu62) was studied. All tested strains were able to decolorize extensively ABu62 (between 83 and 95% decolorization), however, different cytotoxicity reduction levels were reached (from 44 to 99%). Best results were achieved with P. sanguineus strain and the major role of laccases in cytotoxicity reduction was underlined. Based on this result, efficiency of P. sanguineus strain was further studied. Four azo and two anthraquinonic dyes were treated by this strain. After WRF treatment, two dyes were found to be more toxic in one or both toxicity assays. Genotoxic character appeared during biotransformation of one dye, however, it was removed by the addition of hepatic rat extract to mimic liver transformation. These results stress the importance of monitoring several parameters, such as colour, toxicity and mutagenicity, to ensure the efficiency of the bioremediation process.  相似文献   

白腐菌的研究进展及其在重金属修复中的展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
白腐菌是一类特殊的丝状真菌,能降解多种污染物质,具有广谱、彻底、高效、无专一性的 特点,在生物修复中有广阔的应用前景。综述了白腐菌的分类、酶系、降解机理以及应用于有机 物污染的研究现状,特别介绍了白腐菌在重金属污染的生物修复的应用进展情况,包括白腐菌吸 附重金属的原理、在重金属污染的废水中的研究应用现状及在修复重金属污染土壤中需考虑的 因素。同时展望了白腐菌在重金属污染及复合污染的生物修复中的应用前景。  相似文献   

Summary Four white-rot fungi isolated in Pakistan were used for decolorization of widely used reactive textile dyestuffs. Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Coriolus versicolor, Ganoderma lucidum and Pleurotus ostreatus were grown in defined nutrient media for decolorization of Drimarene Orange K-GL, Remazol Brilliant Yellow 3GL, Procion BluePX-5R and Cibacron Blue P-3RGR for 10 days in shake flasks. Samples were removed every day, centrifuged and the absorbances of the supernatants were read to determine percentage decolorization. It was observed that P. chrysosporium and C. versicolor could effectively decolorize Remazol Brilliant Yellow 3GL, Procion BluePX-5R and Cibacron Blue P-3RGR. Drimarene Orange K-GL was completely decolorized (0.2 g/l after 8 days) only by P.chrysosporium, followed by P. ostreatus (0.17 g/l after 10 days). P. ostreatus also showed good decolorization efficiencies (0.19–0.2 g/l) on all dyes except Remazol Brilliant Yellow (0.07 g/l after 10 days). G. lucidum did not decolorize any of the dyestuffs to an appreciable extent except Remazol Brilliant Yellow (0.2 g/l after 8 days).  相似文献   

白腐菌对培养环境pH的调节及其产漆酶的相关性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
研究了不同种属白腐菌多孔菌属C1(Polyporussp.)、侧耳属B2(Pleurotussp.)、香菇属A3(Lentinusedodes)对培养环境pH的调节,及其与菌株产漆酶状况的相关性。结果表明:3株白腐菌均可调节培养液酸化,培养环境的pH可分别由初始的4.5~5.0持续下降至培养结束时3.0~3.5水平,相应C1、B2、A3三者的漆酶合成与分泌在pH值较高(pH 4.5以上)时均表现较弱(酶活分别处于约1 500、200、50 U/mL以下的水平),在pH 3.2~4.5范围内的不同偏酸性条件下则得到较好表达(最高酶活分别达5 000、340、144 U/mL)。统计学分析指出,白腐菌调节环境pH状况与其产漆酶状况之间存在显著或极显著相关性,但不同白腐菌调节培养环境pH的能力之间并不具有显著性差异。  相似文献   

About 70 strains of white and brown rot fungi were cultivated on media, containing filter paper cellulose as the main carbon source. The cellulolytic activity of the culture filtrates was measured after different periods of growth by means of the turbidimetric method. The results obtained indicate a difference between the two types of wood decay fungi as to the capacity of attacking the cellulose used in the medium and in the cellulase test. No significant C1activity was found in any of the brown rot cultures whereas all white rot fungi tested exerted a measurable activity on the test substrate. The effect of various carbohydrates and some proteins as inducers of cellulase activity was studied. Especially cellobiose and lactose were active on white rot fungi in this respect, particularly in the presence of yeast extract. Also some brown rot fungi exerted C1-activity after incubation on glucose or cellobiose.  相似文献   

Many white rot fungi are able to produce de novo veratryl alcohol, which is known to be a cofactor involved in the degradation of lignin, lignin model compounds, and xenobiotic pollutants by lignin peroxidase (LiP). In this study, Mn nutrition was shown to strongly influence the endogenous veratryl alcohol levels in the culture fluids of N-deregulated and N-regulated white rot fungi Bjerkandera sp. strain BOS55 and Phanerochaete chrysosporium BKM-F-1767, respectively. Endogenous veratryl alcohol levels as high as 0.75 mM in Bjerkandera sp. strain BOS55 and 2.5 mM in P. chrysosporium were observed under Mn-deficient conditions. In contrast, veratryl alcohol production was dramatically decreased in cultures supplemented with 33 or 264 (mu)M Mn. The LiP titers, which were highest in Mn-deficient media, were shown to parallel the endogenous veratryl alcohol levels, indicating that these two parameters are related. When exogenous veratryl alcohol was added to Mn-sufficient media, high LiP titers were obtained. Consequently, we concluded that Mn does not regulate LiP expression directly. Instead, LiP titers are enhanced by the increased production of veratryl alcohol. The well-known role of veratryl alcohol in protecting LiP from inactivation by physiological levels of H(inf2)O(inf2) is postulated to be the major reason why LiP is apparently regulated by Mn. Provided that Mn was absent, LiP titers in Bjerkandera sp. strain BOS55 increased with enhanced fungal growth obtained by increasing the nutrient N concentration while veratryl alcohol levels were similar in both N-limited and N-sufficient conditions.  相似文献   

Spicules of 9 Meloidogyne, 2 Heterodera, 3 Globodera, and 12 other plant-parasitic, insect-parasitic, and free-living nematodes were excised and examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Gubernacula of some of the species were also excised, and their structure was determined. The two spicules of all species examined were symmetrically identical in morphology. The spicule typically consisted of three parts: head, shaft, and blade with dorsal and ventral vela. The spicular nerve entered through the cytoplasmic core opening on the lateral outer surface of the spicule head and generally communicated with the exterior through one or two pores at the spicule tip. Spicules of Xiphinema sp. and Aporcelaimellus sp. were not composed of three typical parts, were less sclerotized, and lacked a cytoplasmic core opening and distal pores. Spicules of Aphelenchoides spp. had heads expanded into apex and rostrum and had very arcuate blades with thick dorsal and ventral edges (limbs). Gubernaculum shapes were stable within a species, but differed among species examined. The accessory structures of Hoplolaimus galeatus consisted of a tongue-shaped gubernaculum with two titillae at its distal end and a plate-like capitulum terminating distally in two flat, wing-like structures. A comparison of spicules of several species of Meloidogyne by SEM and light microscopy revealed no striking morphological differences.  相似文献   

吴涓  左珊珊 《微生物学通报》2017,44(6):1286-1294
【目的】对铜绿假单胞菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)所产生物表面活性剂的稳定性进行分析,考察该生物表面活性剂对乳白耙齿菌F17(Irpex lacteus F17)降解蒽的强化作用。【方法】采用三氯甲烷萃取的方法从铜绿假单胞菌的发酵液中提取生物表面活性剂,采用表/界面张力仪测定该生物表面活性剂在不同条件下的表面张力值,对其进行稳定性研究。在乳白耙齿菌F17降解蒽的过程中加入适量的生物表面活性剂,测定蒽的降解率,探讨其对蒽生物降解的强化作用。【结果】铜绿假单胞菌所产生物表面活性剂的临界胶束浓度为40 mg/L,在15-150°C及pH 6.0-13.0范围内表现出优良的稳定性,对盐浓度的耐受性也很高。在蒽的生物降解过程中,生物表面活性剂能极大地促进蒽的降解,在生物表面活性剂浓度为50 mg/L时,第15天蒽的降解率达到了82.9%。生物表面活性剂在接种乳白耙齿菌F17前1天加入培养基中,能更好地促进蒽的降解。与化学表面活性剂相比,生物表面活性剂对蒽降解的强化作用更显著。【结论】该生物表面活性剂性能优良、稳定性好,能够显著强化乳白耙齿菌F17对蒽的降解,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

The occurrence of cytochrome P450 and P450-mediated pentachlorophenol oxidation in a white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium was demonstrated in this study. The carbon monoxide difference spectra indicated induction of P450 (103±13 pmol P450 per mg protein in the microsomal fraction) by pentachlorophenol. The pentachlorophenol oxidation by the microsomal P450 was NADPH-dependent at a rate of 19.0±1.2 pmol min−1 (mg protein)−1, which led to formation of tetrachlorohydroquinone and was significantly inhibited by piperonyl butoxide (a P450 inhibitor). Tetrachlorohydroquinone was also found in the cultures, while the extracellular ligninases which were reported to be involved in tetrachlorohydroquinone formation were undetectable. The formation of tetrachlorohydroquinone was not detectable in the cultures added with either piperonyl butoxide or cycloheximide (an inhibitor of de novo protein synthesis). These results revealed the pentachlorophenol oxidation by induced P450 in the fungus, and it should be the first time that P450-mediated pentachlorophenol oxidation was demonstrated in a microorganism. Furthermore, the addition of the P450 inhibitor to the cultures led to obvious increase of pentachlorophenol, suggesting that the relationship between P450 and pentachlorophenol methylation is worthy of further research.  相似文献   

Two families of peroxidases—lignin peroxidase (LiP) and manganese-dependent lignin peroxidase (MnP)—are formed by the lignin-degrading white rot basidiomycete Phanerochaete chrysosporium and other white rot fungi. Isoenzymes of these enzyme families carry out reactions important to the biodegradation of lignin. This research investigated the regulation of LiP and MnP production by Mn(II). In liquid culture, LiP titers varied as an inverse function of and MnP titers varied as a direct function of the Mn(II) concentration. The extracellular isoenzyme profiles differed radically at low and high Mn(II) levels, whereas other fermentation parameters, including extracellular protein concentrations, the glucose consumption rate, and the accumulation of cell dry weight, did not change significantly with the Mn(II) concentration. In the absence of Mn(II), extracellular LiP isoenzymes predominated, whereas in the presence of Mn(II), MnP isoenzymes were dominant. The release of 14CO2 from 14C-labeled dehydrogenative polymerizate lignin was likewise affected by Mn(II). The rate of 14CO2 release increased at low Mn(II) and decreased at high Mn(II) concentrations. This regulatory effect of Mn(II) occurred with five strains of P. chrysosporium, two other species of Phanerochaete, three species of Phlebia, Lentinula edodes, and Phellinus pini.  相似文献   

Abstract Four strains of white rot fungi, including two strains of Pleurotus sp., one Dichomitus squalens, and one Ganoderma applanatum, were grown on milled straw. After colonization of the straw by the fungi, sterile or nonsterile plugs of soil were added to the fungal substrates. The influence of the sterile soil and the indigenous soil microbiota on fungal growth, overall respiration, and production of ligninolytic exoenzymes was assessed. A method for extraction of laccase from soil samples was developed. Lignocellulose decomposition, and enzyme production of D. squalens were enhanced by the presence of sterile soil. The availability of inorganic compounds such as manganese may be a trigger for this stimulation. Neither growth nor the production of laccase and manganese peroxidase (MnP) of the Pleurotus strains was markedly affected by the soil microbiota. These fungi were highly competitive with the soil microbiota. It was demonstrated for the first time that the exoenzymes of such fungi are active in nonsterile soil. Enzyme activity in the aqueous phase of soil was high as in the aqueous phase of the straw substrate. D. squalens and G. applanatum did not withstand the competition with the soil microbiota, but the mycelia associated with straw were overgrown by soil microorganisms. Correspondingly, the fungi did not penetrate the soil, decomposition of lignocellulose was impeded, and the activities of laccase and MnP decreased dramatically. Received: 2 April 1996; Accepted: 7 June 1996  相似文献   

We previously reported the antifungal properties of a monoterpene phenol “Eugenol” against different Candida strains and have observed that the addition of methyl group to eugenol drastically increased its antimicrobial potency. Based on the results and the importance of medicinal synthetic chemistry, we synthesized eugenol-tosylate and its congeners (E1-E6) and tested their antifungal activity against different clinical fluconazole (FLC)- susceptible and FLC- resistant C. albicans isolates alone and in combination with FLC by determining fractional inhibitory concentration indices (FICIs) and isobolograms calculated from microdilution assays. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) results confirmed that all the tested C. albicans strains were variably susceptible to the semi-synthetic derivatives E1-E6, with MIC values ranging from 1–62 μg/ml. The test compounds in combination with FLC exhibited either synergy (36%), additive (41%) or indifferent (23%) interactions, however, no antagonistic interactions were observed. The MICs of FLC decreased 2–9 fold when used in combination with the test compounds. Like their precursor eugenol, all the derivatives showed significant impairment of ergosterol biosynthesis in all C. albicans strains coupled with down regulation of the important ergosterol biosynthesis pathway gene-ERG11. The results were further validated by docking studies, which revealed that the inhibitors snugly fitting the active site of the target enzyme, mimicking fluconazole, may well explain their excellent inhibitory activity. Our results suggest that these compounds have a great potential as antifungals, which can be used as chemosensitizing agents with the known antifungal drugs.  相似文献   

Despite serious health risks in humans and wild life, the underlying mechanisms that explain the gene-environment effects of chemical toxicants are largely unknown. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are one of the most ubiquitous environmental toxicants worldwide, with reported epidemiological evidence for reproductive and neurocognitive anomalies in humans. Here, we show that Aroclor 1254, a mixture of structurally distinct PCBs, causes preterm birth in interleukin (IL)-10-/- mice at a dose that does not show any adverse effects in wild type mice, highlighting the significance of IL-10 as an anti-toxicant cytokine. Aroclor 1254-treated IL-10-/- mice demonstrated increased amniotic fluid, intrauterine growth restriction, and reduced litter size with postnatal neuromotor defects. Further, our results identify aquaporin 1 (AQP1), a potent effector of fluid volume regulation and angiogenic activity, as a novel placental target of PCBs. In vivo or in vitro exposure to Aroclor 1254 coupled with IL-10 deficiency significantly reduced the protein content of AQP1. Reduced uterine AQP1 levels were associated with defective spiral artery transformation. Importantly, recombinant IL-10 reversed PCB-induced in vivo and in vitro effects. These data demonstrate for the first time that the IL-10-AQP1 axis is a novel regulator of PCB-induced in utero effects.The health consequences of environmental toxicants are likely to have critical effects during in utero fetal development because of the complex signaling cascades, high cellular proliferation rates, and differentiation events. Mammalian reproduction involves a complex but highly choreographed sequence of molecular processes. These processes include interactions between the hormonally stimulated uterus and the developing blastocyst, implantation, placental and fetal development, and parturition (1, 2). Although the hormonal milieu, metabolic changes, and placental microenvironment are programmed in a pregnancy compatible manner, pregnancy presents itself as an immunological and hormonal paradox (3, 4). The role of steroid hormones is well known in uterine receptivity, implantation, local immune modulation, and pregnancy success (5). If not temporally produced and regulated, their dysfunction lead to infertility or pregnancy loss. Man-made chemicals like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)2 act like hormones and interfere with their cognate receptor functions impacting normal biological processes (6, 7). Although the genotoxic effects of PCBs have been investigated intensively and epidemiological studies have highlighted their health risks (6, 7), the mechanisms responsible for reproductive and neurodevelopmental effects still remain enigmatic. The overarching goal of our studies is to identify unknown pathways and targets that impart adverse effects on pregnancy. In this study, we directed our efforts toward establishing an experimental system to evaluate the in utero gene-environment effects of PCBs using wild type mice and their counterparts deficient in pregnancy compatible anti-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin 10 (IL-10).IL-10 is a potent anti-inflammatory cytokine that controls inflammatory insult in most organs, particularly at the maternal-fetal interface. IL-10 is produced by gestational tissue and maternal immune cells in the intrauterine microenvironment in humans (8, 9) and in mice (10). We and others have reported that IL-10-/- mice experience preterm birth and resorptions in response to low doses of inflammatory triggers such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (11, 12) or poly(I-C) (13). Importantly, the pregnancy outcome in treated IL-10-/- mice can be rescued by giving an exogenous dose of IL-10 (11, 14). We have also demonstrated poor IL-10 production in placental and decidual tissues from preterm labor deliveries and missed abortions (15, 16). These data suggest that an inflammatory environment coupled with genetic stress (IL-10 deficiency) may lead to adverse pregnancy outcomes. In consideration of these observations, we hypothesize that exposure to toxicants such as PCBs mimics the physiological counterpart of inflammation that predisposes to adverse pregnancy outcomes when combined with genetic deficiency in loci crucial for pregnancy success such as IL-10.PCBs are chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbon compounds consisting of a group of 209 structurally diverse congeners, identified based on the position of chlorine atoms (7). Since the start of their manufacture in the 1920s until their ban in late 1970s, PCBs were globally valued for their noninflammability and high heat and chemical stability and thus were used widely in a multitude of commercial and industrial applications (7, 17). Improper disposal and accidental release of these compounds led to their introduction into the environment, placing them in the list of widespread environmental contaminants. Subsequently, their lipophilicity facilitated their bioaccumulation in the food chain and bio-concentration at successively higher levels (6, 18-21). PCBs have now been detected globally, in different environmental matrices, wild life, food, and humans (6, 18, 20). Convincing evidence exist for their toxicity, both in humans as well as in laboratory animals (7). From epidemiological studies in humans it has been observed that exposure to PCBs causes various reproductive anomalies that include irregular and shorter menstrual cycles, delayed conception, miscarriage, reduced lactating time, low birth weight, preterm birth, small for gestational age infants, and higher incidence of still-births and mortality among children (22-27). PCB congeners may work in an aryl hydrocarbon receptor-dependent or -independent pathway (6, 7, 28). Despite the knowledge that PCBs affect either aryl hydrocarbon receptor or estrogen receptor signaling, there is a paucity of molecular mechanisms underlying the most sensitive developmental effects of PCBs, and thus new pathways and targets need to be identified.Aroclor 1254 is a mixture of more than one hundred different PCB congeners and may impart cumulative adverse effects on female reproductive health (29, 30). In this study, we show that Aroclor 1254 exposure induces preterm birth in IL-10-/- mice with reduced litter size and birth weight, increased amniotic fluid, and postnatal neurocognitive defects. Importantly, we have identified aquaporin 1 (AQP1) as a novel target of PCB action at the maternal-fetal interface. Our findings for the first time provide direct experimental evidence for a protective role of IL-10 against PCB exposure. These findings may have implications for the understanding and management of environmental toxicant-induced female reproductive anomalies in humans.  相似文献   

白腐菌对染料脱色和降解作用的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
白腐菌应用于废水处理始于二十世纪八十年代。本文对印染废水的处理方法、白腐菌及其对污染物的降解机理作了简要概述 ,着重介绍了白腐菌对染料脱色和降解作用的研究进展。白腐菌对染料的脱色解降作用机理有部分尚待进一步研究 ;同时 ,白腐菌的吸附作用亦不容忽视。  相似文献   

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