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Seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum) has great potential for use in salt-affected turfgrass sites. Use of this grass on golf courses, athletic fields, and lawns in subtropical coastal areas may aid in conservation of freshwater resources. Belonolaimus longicaudatus and Hoplolaimus galeatus are considered among the most damaging root pathogens of turfgrasses in Florida. Glasshouse experiments were performed in 2002 and 2003 to examine the effects of increasing levels of irrigation salinity on B. longicaudatus and H. galeatus. Irrigation treatments were formulated by concentrating deionized water to six salinity levels (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 dS/m). Final population densities of H. galeatus followed a negative linear regression (r² = 0.92 and 0.83; P <= 0.01) with increasing salinity levels. Final population densities of B. longicaudatus were quadratically (r² = 0.72 and 0.78; P <= 0.01) related to increasing salinity levels from 0 to 25 dS/m. An increase in population densities of B. longicaudatus was observed at moderate salinity levels (10 and 15 dS/m) compared to 0 dS/m. Root-length comparisons revealed that B. longicaudatus caused root stunting at low salinity levels, 0 to 10 dS/m, but roots were not affected at 15 to 25 dS/m. These results indicate that the ability of B. longicaudatus to feed and stunt root growth was negatively affected at salinity levels of 15 dS/m and above.  相似文献   

''Floratam'' and ''FX-313'' St. Augusfinegrasses (Stenotaphrum secundatum) were compared in a time-course experiment for host suitability and susceptibility to the lance nematode, Hoplolaimus galeatus. Nematode densities were determined in the soil and acid-fuchsin stained roots 42, 84, 126, 168, and 210 days after pots containing 230 cm³ of autoclaved native Margate fine sand/pot were infested with 104 ± 9 nematodes and maintained at 25 ± 2 C in the laboratory. ''FX-313'' was a more suitable host for H. galeatus. Numbers of H. galeatus reached a maximum at 210 days after inoculation, with 5,550 and 4,120 nematodes (adults plus juveniles)/pot for ''FX-313'' and ''Floratam,'' respectively. Root and shoot dry weights of both grasses were not affected by H. galeatus throughout the experiment. Three polyploid, 2n = 30 to 32 (''Floratam,'' ''FX-10,'' and ''Bitterblue'') and three diploid, 2n = 18 (''FX-313,'' ''Florida Common,'' and ''Seville'') S. secundatum genotypes were inoculated with H. galeatus (99 ± 9/pot) and compared with uninoculated controls 210 days after inoculation. St. Augustinegrass genotypes differed as hosts of H. galeatus. ''FX-313'' and ''Florida Common'' represented the high and low extremes, respectively, for nematode reproduction (9,750 and 5,490 nematodes/pot or 4,239 and 2,387 nematodes/100 cm³ of soil). However, differences in root and shoot growth were not detected 210 days after inoculation with H. galeatus.  相似文献   

Belonolaimus longicaudatus and Hoplolaimus galeatus are considered among the most damaging pathogens of turfgrasses in Florida. However, the host status of seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum) is unknown. Glasshouse experiments were performed in 2002 and 2003 to determine the tolerance of ''SeaIsle 1'' seashore paspalum to a population of B. longicaudatus and a population of H. galeatus, and to compare to ''Tifdwarf'' bermudagrass for differences. Both nematode species reproduced well on either grass, but only B. longicaudatus consistently reduced root growth as measured by root length. Belonolaimus longicaudatus reduced root growth (P ≤ 0.05) by 35% to 45% at 120 days after inoculation on both grasses. In 2003, higher inoculum levels of H. galeatus reduced root growth (P ≤ 0.05) by 19.4% in seashore paspalum and by 14% in bermudagrass after 60 and 120 days of exposure, respectively. Percentage reductions in root length caused by H. galeatus and B. longicaudatus indicated no differences between grass species, although Tifdwarf bermudagrass supported higher soil population densities of both nematodes than SeaIsle 1 seashore paspalum.  相似文献   

The effect of amending soil held at 3 different moisture levels with glucose, unsulfured molasses, or nutrient broth (0.3, 0.7, 3.2, 7.1 g carbon/100 g) on Tylenchorhynchus claytoni and T. dubius was investigated. When soil was held under saturated or flooded conditions in the absence of carbon amendments for 7 days, Tylenchorhynchus populations were 19% and 16%, respectively, of the controls. Carbon amendments at all levels tested precipitated a further decline in the nematode population to 1% or less of the unamended controls in 7 days. Two applications of molasses (7.4%, w/w) 3 days apart to nematode-infested soil held in Conetainers under mist for 7 days reduced Tylenchorhynchus spp. and Hoplolaimus galeatus densities to 7% and 3%, respectively, of the controls. Nematode densities in turfgrass field plots also declined following irrigation and repeated drenching with a molasses solution. Based on the observed decline in redox potential and pH in saturated soil, especially following carbon amendment, we propose that the activity of anaerobic fermentative bacteria was responsible for the reduction in nematode densities.  相似文献   

Dipping of bare-rooted ''Tifdwarf'' bermudagrass sprigs in 1000 ppm of the 2,4-dichlorophenyl ester of methanesulfonic acid plus 2150 ppm 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane or in 1000 ppm ethyl 4-(methylthio)-m-tolyl isopropyl phosphoramidate for 30 min eliminated Hoplolaimus galeatus (Cobb) Thorne. No phytotoxic effect was observed and bermudagrass growth was improved.  相似文献   

Pasteuria penetrans is a gram positive bacterium that prevents Meloidogyne spp. from reproducing and diminishes their ability to penetrate roots. The attachment of the endospores to the cuticle of the nematodes is the first step in the life cycle of the bacterium and is essential for its reproduction. As a preliminary study to a field solarization test, the effects of temperature on the attachment of P. penetrans on Meloidogyne arenaria race 1 were investigated. Preexposing second-stage juveniles (J2) of M. arenaria to approximately 30 °C in water before exposing them to endospores increased their receptivity to endospore attachment when compared to treating J2 at 25 °C or 35 °C. In tests with soil, highest attachment occurred when J2 were incubated in soil infested with endospores and maintained at 20 °C to 30 °C for 4 days. Heating J2 in soil to sublethal temperatures (35 °C to 40 °C) decreased endospore attachment. Incubating P. penetrans endospores in soil at 30 °C to 70 °C for 5 hours a day over 10 days resulted in reductions of endospore attachment to nematodes as temperatures of incubation increased to 50 °C and higher.  相似文献   

The biological control of Meloidogyne arenaria on peanut (Arachis hypogaea) by Pasteuria penetrans was evaluated using a six x six factorial experiment in field microplots over 2 years. The main factors were six inoculum levels of second-stage juveniles (J2) of M. arenaria race 1 (0, 40, 200, 1,000, 5,000, and 25,000 J2/microplot, except that the highest level was 20,000 J2/microplot in 1995) and six infestation levels of P. penetrans as percentages of J2 with endospores attached (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100%). The results were similar in 1994 and 1995. Numbers of eggs per root system, J2 per 100 cm³ soil at harvest, root galls, and pod galls increased with increasing nematode inoculum levels and decreased with increasing P. penetrans infestation levels (P ≤ 0.05), except that there was no effect of P. penetrans infestation levels on J2 per 100 cm³ soil in 1994 (P> 0.05). There were no statistical interaction effects between the inoculum levels of J2 and the infestation levels of P. penetrans (P > 0.05). When the infestation level was increased by 10%, the number of eggs per root system, root galls, and pod galls decreased 7.8% to 9.4%, 7.0% to 8.5%, and 8.0% to 8.7% in 1994 and 1995, respectively, whereas J2 per 100 cm³ soil decreased 8.8% in 1995 (P ≤ 0.05). The initial infestation level of P. penetrans contributed 81% to 95% of the total suppression of pod galls, whereas the infection of J2 of the subsequent generations contributed only 5% to 19% suppression of pod galls. The major suppressive mechanism of M. arenaria race 1 by P. penetrans on peanut is the initial endospore infestation of J2 at planting.  相似文献   

Six methods for quantification of the endospore concentrations of Pasteuria penetrans from tomato roots are described. Mortar disruption and machine disruption methods gave the highest estimations (endospores per gram of root material) of 83.7 and 79.0 million, respectively. These methods were significantly superior to incubation bioassay (47.7 million), enzymatic disruption (32.1 million), and enzymatic disruption + flotation (25.8 million) methods. A centrifugation bioassay method gave the lowest estimation of 12.7 million.  相似文献   

Pasteuria penetrans is a promising biological control agent of plant-parasitic nematodes. This study was conducted to determine effects of temperature on the bacterium''s development in Meloidogyne arenaria. Developmental stages of P. penetrans were viewed with a compound microscope and verified with scanning electron microscopy within each nematode at 100 accumulated degree-day intervals by tracking accumulated degree-days at three temperatures (21, 28, and 35 °C). Five predominant developmental stages of P. penetrans were identified with light microscopy: endospore germination, vegetative growth, differentiation, sporulation, and maturation. Mature endospores were detected at 28, 35, and >90 calendar days at 35, 28, and 21 °C, respectively. The number of accumulated degree-days required for P. penetrans to reach a specific developmental stage was different for each temperature. Differences were observed in the development of P. penetrans at 21, 28, and 35 °C based on regression values fitted for data from 100 to 600 accumulated degree-days. A linear response was observed between 100 to 600 accumulated degree-days; however, after 600 accumulated degree-days the rate of development of P. penetrans leveled off at 21 and 28 °C, whereas at 35 °C the rate decreased. Results suggest that accumulated degree-days may be useful only in predicting early-developmental stages of P. penetrans.  相似文献   

Two populations of Trophonema okamotoi parasitized by Pasteuria sp. were found on Liquidambar styraciflua (sweetgum) and on an unidentified tropical grass in north-central Florida. Endospores of this Pasteuria sp. attached to motile vermiform second-stage juveniles (J2) and males of T. okamotoi, but not to other developmental stages. Sporangia and new endospores were produced only inside the bodies of swollen and sedentary third- and fourth-stage juveniles and females that developed in the host roots. No egg masses were produced by infected T. okamotoi females. The endospore diameter from the tropical grass population was 4.93 μm and the central core diameter was 1.97 μm; measurements of endospores from the sweetgum populations were similar. Endospores that were collected from T. okamotoi and added to uninfected T. okamotoi and other plant-parasitic nematodes attached/to J2 of T. okamotoi but did not attach to juveniles and adults of Helicotylenchus pseudorotrustus, Pratylenchus brachyurus, or to J2 of either Meloidogyne arenaria race 1, M. incognita race 1, M. javanica, or Tylenchulus semipenetrans. Pasteuria sp. from T. okamotoi differed from the described Pasteuria species in endospore size, host preference, and rate of attachment.  相似文献   

The potential of Pasteuria penetrans for suppressing Meloidogyne arenaria race 1 on peanut (Arachis hypogaea) was tested over a 2-year period in a field microplot experiment. Endospores of P. penetrans were mass-produced on M. arenaria race 1 infecting tomato plants. Endospores were inoculated in the first year only at rates of 0, 1,000, 3,000, 10,000, and 100,000 endospores/g of soil, respectively, into the top 20 cm of microplots that were previously infested with M. arenaria race 1. One peanut seedling was planted in each microplot. In the first year, root gall indices and pod galls per microplot were significantly reduced by 60% and 95% for 100,000 endospores/g of soil, and 20% and 65% for 10,000 endospores/g of soil, respectively. Final densities of second-stage juveniles (J2) in soil were not significantly different among the treatments. The number of endospores attached to J2 and percentage of J2 with attached endospores significantly increased with increasing endospore inoculation levels. Pasteuria penetrans significantly reduced the densities of J2 that overwintered. In the second year, root and pod gall indices, respectively, were significantly reduced by 81% and 90% for 100,000 endospores/g of soil, and by 61% and 82% of 10,000 endospores/g of soil. Pod yields were significantly increased by 94% for 100,000 and by 57% for 10,000 endospores/g of soil, respectively. The effect of P. penetrans on final densities of J2 in soil was not significant. Regression analyses verified the role of P. penetrans in the suppression of M. arenaria. The minimum number of endospores required for significantly suppressing M. arenaria race 1 on peanut was 10,000 endospores/g of soil.  相似文献   

Pasteuria penetrans is an endospore-forming bacterial parasite of root-knot nematodes that has potential as a biological control agent. Biochemical investigations of P. penetrans are limited because of difficulty in obtaining large quantities of endospores free of plant debris and contaminating microorganisms. Our objective was to develop a technique for extraction and purification of P. penetrans endospores from root-knot nematodes. Tomato roots infected with Meloidogyne arenaria that was parasitized by P. penetrans were digested with cytolase. The nematode females along with plant debris were washed with a jet stream of water onto an 800-µm-pore sieve nested on a 250-µm-pore sieve. The materials retained on the 250-µm-pore sieve were centrifuged through a 20% sucrose solution. The resulting loose pellet fraction was collected on a 250-µm-pore sieve and then centrifuged through a 47% sucrose solution. Endospore-filled females were handpicked from the 47% sucrose pellicle fraction. Endospores were released by grinding the females with a glass tissue grinder. The endospores were then filtered through a nylon filter with 8-µm openings, collected by centrifugation, and subjected to buoyant density centrifugation in different media. Further purification by buoyant density centrifugation in a linear gradient of sodium diatrizoate resulted in a preparation of endospores free of debris. This additional step may be desirable for the further characterization of components unique to the endospores.  相似文献   

Pasteuria penetrans has .been identified as an important biological control agent of root-knot nematodes. In this study the use of tally thresholds was evaluated for estimating P. penetrans endospore attachment to second-stage juveniles (J2) of Meloidogyne spp. A tally threshold (T) is defined as the maximum number of individuals in a sample unit that may be treated as absent based on binomial sampling. Three different data sets that originated from centrifugal bioassay, incubation bioassay, and field experiments were investigated. The data sets each contained 70, 33, and 111 estimates of the mean number of endospores attached per J2 (m), respectively. Empirical relationships between m and proportions of J2 with ≤T endospores attached (PT) were developed using parameters from the linear regression of ln(m) on PT (0 < PT < 1): ln(m) = a + b PT, T was set to 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, and 10 endospores/J2. The results indicated that the variances of linear equations tended to decrease with increasing T values for all three data sets. T values of 0, 1, 8, and 10 endospores/J2 for centrifugal bioassay and incubation bioassay, and of 0, 1, 2, and 3 endospores/J2 for field experiments were associated with an r² of >= 0.8. These T values were robust for estimating m from PT, reducing the variability as well as the time and effort spent in estimating the mean number of endospores attached per J2.  相似文献   

A microplot study on the influence of cropping sequences with peanut in summer and bare fallowed or cover crops of rye or vetch in winter on the population development of Pasteuria penetrans was initiated in the spring of 1987. The number of spores of P. penetrans attached per second-stage juvenile of Meloidogyne arenaria race 1 increased from 0.11 in the fall of 1987 to 7.6, 8.6, and 3.6 in the fall of 1989 in the rye, vetch, and fallowed plots, respectively. Higher (P ≤ 0.05) levels of P. penetrans occurred in the rye and vetch plots than in fallowed plots. No influence of P. penetrans on peanut, rye, or vetch yield was observed in 1987 and 1988, but in 1989 peanut yield was 64% higher (P ≤ 0.05) in plots infested with P. penetrans than in plots without P. penetrans. Numbers of M. arenaria in plots without P. penetrans were influenced by the cropping sequences in the spring of 1988 and 1989 but not in the fall following the peanut crop. In the spring the plots with rye had the lowest nematode numbers in either year (P ≤ 0.05). Nematode numbers were lower (P ≤ 0.05) in plots with P. penetrans than in plots without P. penetrans in the spring of 1989 (vetch) and the fall of 1989 (rye, vetch, and fallowed).  相似文献   

Endospores of Pasteuria penetrans were evaluated for their vertical distribution in field soil and their downward movement through soil in the laboratory. In the field trial, the number of endospores attached to second-stage juveniles (J2) of Meloidogyne arenaria race 1 varied greatly in different soil depths. There were higher percentages of J2 with endospores attached in former weed fallow plots during the first 3 years of growing peanut than in former bahiagrass and rhizomal peanut plots (P ≤ 0.05). In weed fallow plots a higher average number of endospores per J2 were maintained in all depths, upper three depths, and upper four depths in 1999, 2000, and 2001, respectively (P ≤ 0.05). However, in 2002, there were no differences in the percentages of J2 with endospores attached and in the average of the numbers of endospores per J2 among the treatments (P > 0.05). In laboratory trials, P. penetrans endospores were observed to move throughout the soil through the percolation of water. After one application of water, some endospores were detected 25 to 37.5 cm deep. Endospores were present at the greatest depth, 37.5 to 50 cm, after the third application of water. These results indicate that rain or water applications by irrigation are likely to move endospores to deeper levels of the soil, but the majority of endospores remain in the upper 0-to-30-cm depth.  相似文献   

The bacteria Pasteuria spp. have been identified as among the most promising of several microbial organisms currently under investigation as biological control agents of plant-parasitic nematodes. As part of our goal to develop methods to discriminate isolates of Pasteuria penetrans with different host preferences, we investigated the potential of developing antibody probes to identify endospores of different isolates of P. penetrans. Polyclonal IgY antibodies were raised in chickens against endospores of P. penetrans isolates P20 and P100. Hens were injected with P20 or P100 endospore suspensions and boosted at 14 days. Anti-spore titers were determined with ELISA on yolk extracts of individual eggs as a function of time. The highest titers were found in eggs produced at 22 to 35 days after initial injections. Yolk extracts showing the highest titers were combined and processed to provide partially purified IgY preparations. SDS-PAGE and immunoblot analyses identified protein antigens with Mr values of 23-24, 46, and 57-59 KDa common to both P20 and P100 endospores. One protein antigen with an Mr value of 62 KDa was unique to the PI00 endospores. The IgY antibodies reduced the attachment of Pasteuria endospores to their nematode hosts, indicating antibody interaction with antigens on the endospore surface that are involved in the recognition and attachment processes.  相似文献   

The population density of Helicotylenchus lobus and the percentage of the population with spores of Pasteuria penetrans were determined for 10 monthly intervals in naturally infested turf grass soil at Riverside, California. The percentage of nematodes with attached spores ranged from 40% to 67%. No relationship was found between nematode density and the percentage of nematodes with spores. The mean and maximum numbers of spores adhering per nematode with at least one spore ranged from 2 to 8 and 7 to 66, respectively. The mean number of spores per nematode (based on total number of H. lobus) was correlated with the percentage of nematodes with spores. Spores adhered to both adult and juvenile H. lobus. Between 9% and 32% of the nematodes with spores had been penetrated and infected by the bacterium. Many infected nematodes were dead, but mature spores were also observed within living adult and juvenile H. lobus that exhibited no apparent reduction in viability and motility. Spore and central endospore diameters of this P. penetrans isolate were larger than those reported for the type isolate from Meloidogyne incognita, but transmission and scanning electron microscopy did not reveal significant morphological differences between the two isolates. Spores of the isolate associated with H. lobus did not adhere to juveniles of M. incognita.  相似文献   

The endospore and central core diameters of 69 isolates of Pasteuria spp. showed a relationship with the body wall thickness of their corresponding host nematodes. A relationship was also observed when cuticle and hypodermis layer data were derived from transmission electron microscopy micrographs. Principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis based on endospore and central core diameters and host nematode body wall thickness delineated six distinct groups. Five groups included nematode species of distinct taxa. Endospore morphometric diversity appears to be the result of an evolutionary adaptation that occurred during host nematode speciation related to the forces acting on adhering endospores and(or) to the host cuticle penetration phase. On this basis, the validity of endospore morphometrics and host taxonomy as significant parameters in discriminating Pasteuria species is questioned.  相似文献   

Pasteuria penetrans is an endospore-forming bacterial parasite of Meloidogyne spp. This organism is among the most promising agents for the biological control of root-knot nematodes. In order to establish the phylogenetic position of this species relative to other endospore-forming bacteria, the 16S ribosomal genes from two isolates of P. penetrans, P-20, which preferentially infects M. arenaria race 1, and P-100, which preferentially infects M. incognita and M. javanica, were PCR-amplified from a purified endospore extraction. Universal primers for the 16S rRNA gene were used to amplify DNA which was cloned, and a nucleotide sequence was obtained for 92% of the gene (1,390 base pairs) encoding the 16S rDNA from each isolate. Comparison of both isolates showed identical sequences that were compared to 16S rDNA sequences of 30 other endospore-forming bacteria obtained from GenBank. Parsimony analyses indicated that P. penetrans is a species within a clade that includes Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius, A. cycloheptanicus, Sulfobacillus sp., Bacillus tusciae, B. schlegelii, and P. ramosa. Its closest neighbor is P. ramosa, a parasite of Daphnia spp. (water fleas). This study provided a genomic basis for the relationship of species assigned to the genus Pasteuria, and for comparison of species that are parasites of different phytopathogenic nematodes.  相似文献   

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