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S. Caplan  J. Kurjan 《Genetics》1991,127(2):299-307
The peptide pheromones secreted by a and α cells (called a-factor and α-factor, respectively) are each encoded by two structural genes. For strains of either mating type, addition of exogenous pheromone does not alleviate the mating defect of mutants with disruptions of both structural genes. In addition, a particular insertion mutation in the major α-factor structural gene (MFα1) that should result in an altered product inhibits α mating. These results suggested that the pheromone precursors (the MFα1 pro region in particular) might play a second role in mating separate from the role of pheromone production. To analyze the role of α-factor and the MFα1 precursor in α mating, we have constructed two classes of mutants. The mating defects of mutants that should produce the MFα1 pro region peptide but no α-factor could not be alleviated by addition of exogenous α-factor in crosses to a wild-type a strain, indicating that the previous results were not due to an inability of the disruption mutants to produce the pro region peptide. Mutants able to produce α-factor, but with a variety of alterations in MFα1 precursor structure, mated at levels proportional to the levels of α-factor produced, suggesting that the only role of the α-factor precursor in mating is to produce α-factor. Both of these results argue against a role for the MFα1 pro region separate from its role in α-factor production. We also describe results that show that in vivo production of α-factor'' (the form of α-factor encoded by one of the two α-factor repeats of MFα2) is equivalent to the major form of α-factor for induction of all responses necessary for mating. We discuss the implications of these results on the role of the pheromones in mating.  相似文献   


In the kidney, the α8 integrin chain (itga8) is expressed in mesenchymal cells and is upregulated in fibrotic disease. We hypothesized that itga8 mediates a profibrotic phenotype of renal cells by promoting extracellular matrix and cytokine expression. Genetic itga8 deficiency caused complex changes in matrix expression patterns in mesangial and smooth-muscle cells, with the only concordant effect in both cell types being a reduction of collagen III expression. Silencing of itga8 with siRNA led to a decline of matrix turnover with repression of matrix metalloproteinases and reduction of matrix production. In contrast, de novo expression of itga8 in tubular epithelial cells resulted in reduced collagen synthesis. Overexpression of itga8 in fibroblasts did not change the expression of matrix molecules or regulators of matrix turnover. Thus, the influence of itga8 on the expression of matrix components was not uniform and celltype dependent. Itga8 seems unlikely to exert overall profibrotic effects in renal cells.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive mutants of phage alpha were obtained by means of various mutagens and assigned to 25 complementation groups. Temperature-sensitive mutants belonging to 21 complementation groups and a mutant giving turbid plaques were used to perform two- and three-factor crosses. Seventeen of the cistrons and the turbid mutant were shown to belong to the same linear linkage group, which showed no signs of circularity. The remaining four unlinked cistrons showed peculiarities in their recombination properties. Genes which are known to be expressed earlier apear to be grouped together in a terminal segment of the linkage group.  相似文献   

Summary A study of the molar ratio dependence of the incorporation of -tocopherol into single-lamellar vesicles showed that the number of molecules which the bilayers can accommodate increased linearly with increasing -tocopherol/phosphatidylcholine initial molar ratios till about 0.05, then approached a saturation limit. At 5 mol%, one -tocopherol molecule per 60 phospholipids can be incorporated into the membranes. Up to this limit the distribution of -tocopherol in the bilayers is uniform, while at initial molar ratios higher than 0.05 a disproportionation toward the inner monolayer of the vesicles is observed. The average outer/total ratio is found to be 0.27±0.03 at -tocopherol/phosphatidylcholine molar ratios above 0.07 and is similar to asymmetrical distributions that have been reported in vesicles containing other one-chain amphiphiles (e.g., cholesterol). This large disproportionation is in contrast with the packing distribution of certain twochain amphiphiles, and indicates that one of the driving forces for asymmetry formation in lipid bilayers might be dependent on the number of hydrocarbon chains per amphiphile molecule. A possible reason for the disproportionation effect observed in our experiments is the displacement of unsaturated phospholipids to the outer monolayer of the single-lamellar vesicles, by the more rigid isoprene units of -tocopherol.  相似文献   

Lysozymes and hexosaminidases are ubiquitous hydrolases in bacteria and eukaryotes. In phagocytic lower eukaryotes and professional phagocytes from higher eukaryotes, they are involved in the degradation of ingested bacteria in phagosomes. In Entamoeba histolytica, which is the intestinal protozoan parasite that causes amoebiasis, phagocytosis plays a pivotal role in the nutrient acquisition and the evasion from the host defense systems. While the content of phagosomes and biochemical and physiological roles of the major phagosomal proteins have been established in E. histolytica, the mechanisms of trafficking of these phagosomal proteins, in general, remain largely unknown. In this study, we identified and characterized for the first time the putative receptor/carrier involved in the transport of the above-mentioned hydrolases to phagosomes. We have shown that the receptor, designated as cysteine protease binding protein family 8 (CPBF8), is localized in lysosomes and mediates transport of lysozymes and β-hexosaminidase α-subunit to phagosomes when the amoeba ingests mammalian cells or Gram-positive bacillus Clostridium perfringens. We have also shown that the binding of CPBF8 to the cargos is mediated by the serine-rich domain, more specifically three serine residues of the domain, which likely contains trifluoroacetic acid-sensitive O-phosphodiester-linked glycan modifications, of CPBF8. We further showed that the repression of CPBF8 by gene silencing reduced the lysozyme and β-hexosaminidase activity in phagosomes and delayed the degradation of C. perfringens. Repression of CPBF8 also resulted in decrease in the cytopathy against the mammalian cells, suggesting that CPBF8 may also be involved in, besides the degradation of ingested bacteria, the pathogenesis against the mammalian hosts. This work represents the first case of the identification of a transport receptor of hydrolytic enzymes responsible for the degradation of microorganisms in phagosomes.  相似文献   

Recent high resolution x-ray structures of the β2-adrenergic receptor confirmed a close salt-bridge interaction between the suspected micro-switch residue ArgIII:26 (Arg3.50) and the neighboring AspIII:25 (Asp3.49). However, neither the expected "ionic lock" interactions between ArgIII:26 and GluVI:-06 (Glu6.30) in the inactive conformation nor the interaction with TyrV:24 (Tyr5.58) in the active conformation were observed in the x-ray structures. Here we find through molecular dynamics simulations, after removal of the stabilizing T4 lysozyme, that the expected salt bridge between ArgIII:26 and GluVI:-06 does form relatively easily in the inactive receptor conformation. Moreover, mutational analysis of GluVI:-06 in TM-VI and the neighboring AspIII:25 in TM-III demonstrated that these two residues do function as locks for the inactive receptor conformation as we observed increased G(s) signaling, arrestin mobilization, and internalization upon alanine substitutions. Conversely, TyrV:24 appears to play a role in stabilizing the active receptor conformation as loss of function of G(s) signaling, arrestin mobilization, and receptor internalization was observed upon alanine substitution of TyrV:24. The loss of function of the TyrV:24 mutant could partly be rescued by alanine substitution of either AspIII:25 or GluVI:-06 in the double mutants. Surprisingly, removal of the side chain of the ArgIII:26 micro-switch itself had no effect on G(s) signaling and internalization and only reduced arrestin mobilization slightly. It is suggested that ArgIII:26 is equally important for stabilizing the inactive and the active conformation through interaction with key residues in TM-III, -V, and -VI, but that the ArgIII:26 micro-switch residue itself apparently is not essential for the actual G protein activation.  相似文献   

Previously, we demonstrated that the γC subunit of type I IL-4 receptor was required for robust tyrosine phosphorylation of the downstream adapter protein, IRS-2, correlating with the expression of genes (ArgI, Retnla, and Chi3l3) characteristic of alternatively activated macrophages. We located an I4R-like motif (IRS-2 docking sequence) in the γC cytoplasmic domain but not in the IL-13Rα1. Thus, we predicted that the γC tail directed enhanced IRS-2 phosphorylation. To test this, IL-4 signaling responses were examined in a mutant of the key I4R motif tyrosine residue (Y325F) and different γC truncation mutants (γ285, γ308, γ318, γ323, and γFULL LENGTH (FL)) co-expressed in L-cells or CHO cells with wild-type (WT) IL-4Rα. Surprisingly, IRS-1 phosphorylation was not diminished in Y325F L-cell mutants suggesting Tyr-325 was not required for the robust insulin receptor substrate response. IRS-2, STAT6, and JAK3 phosphorylation was observed in CHO cells expressing γ323 and γFL but not in γ318 and γ285 mutants. In addition, when CHO cells expressed γ318, γ323, or γFL with IL-2Rβ, IL-2 induced phospho-STAT5 only in the γ323 and γFL clones. Our data suggest that a smaller (5 amino acid) interval than previously determined is necessary for JAK3 activation/γC-mediated signaling in response to IL-4 and IL-2. Chimeric receptor chains of the γC tail fused to the IL-13Rα1 extracellular and transmembrane domain did not elicit robust IRS-2 phosphorylation in response to IL-13 suggesting that the extracellular/transmembrane domains of the IL-4/IL-13 receptor, not the cytoplasmic domains, control signaling efficiency. Understanding this pathway fully will lead to rational drug design for allergic disease.  相似文献   

When the receptors for platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) are activatedthey aggregate, become tyrosine-phosphorylated and elicit a cascade ofdown-stream signals, including mobilization of Ca2+ from intra- andextracellular stores. Receptor mobility in the plane of the membrane isa prerequisite for receptor aggregation and further signalling. Using humanforeskin fibroblasts (AG 1523) and fluorescence recovery afterphotobleaching (FRAP), we therefore assessed the lateral mobilitycharacteristics of PDGF-2 receptors by their diffusioncoefficient (D), and fraction of mobile receptors (R). This was done oncells stimulated with either normal human serum (NHS) or PDGF underdifferent Ca2+-conditions.The results suggest that both intra- and extracellular free Ca2+influence the mobility characteristics of the PDGF-2receptor. Interestingly, the extracellular Ca2+ seems to imposegeneral restrictions on the mobility of receptors, since R increased whenextracellular Ca2+ was quenched with EGTA, whereas intracellularclamping of Ca2+ transients with MABTAM (BAPT/AM) primarily affectedD. When both intra- and extracellular Ca2+ were quenced, D remainedlow and R high, further supporting the proposition that they achievedistinct effects. Inhibition of tyrosine phosphorylation with Erbstatin,partly inhibited the NHS effects and released PDGF-induced receptorimmobilization. Ratio imaging with Fura-2 displayed that both NHS and PDGFinduced changes in intracellular free [Ca2+]. In view of the presentdata it might have important effects on the state of the receptor in themembrane, for instance by regulating its lateral mobility, communicationwith other receptors and signalling functions in the membrane.  相似文献   

The α4 subunit of the GABAA receptor (GABAAR) is highly expressed in the thalamus where receptors containing the α4 and δ subunits are major mediators of tonic inhibition. The α4 subunit also exhibits considerable plasticity in a number of physiological and pathological conditions, raising questions about the expression of remaining GABAAR subunits when the α4 subunit is absent. Immunohistochemical studies of an α4 subunit knockout (KO) mouse revealed a substantial decrease in δ subunit expression in the ventrobasal nucleus of the thalamus as well as other forebrain regions where the α4 subunit is normally expressed. In contrast, several subunits associated primarily with phasic inhibition, including the α1 and γ2 subunits, were moderately increased. Intracellular localization of the δ subunit was also altered. While δ subunit labeling was decreased within the neuropil, some labeling remained in the cell bodies of many neurons in the ventrobasal nucleus. Confocal microscopy demonstrated co-localization of this labeling with an endoplasmic reticulum marker, and electron microscopy demonstrated increased immunogold labeling near the endoplasmic reticulum in the α4 KO mouse. These results emphasize the strong partnership of the δ and α4 subunit in the thalamus and suggest that the α4 subunit of the GABAAR plays a critical role in trafficking of the δ subunit to the neuronal surface. The findings also suggest that previously observed reductions in tonic inhibition in the α4 subunit KO mouse are likely to be related to alterations in δ subunit expression, in addition to loss of the α4 subunit.  相似文献   

The α7nicotinic receptor (nAChR) is a major subtype of the nAChRs in the central nervous system, and the receptor plays an important role in brain function. In the dbSNP database, there are 55 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that cause missense mutations of the human α7nAChR in the coding region. In this study, we tested the impact of 14 SNPs that cause missense mutations in the agonist binding site or the coupling region between binding site and channel gate on the receptor function. The wild type or mutant receptors were expressed or co-expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and the agonist-induced currents were tested using two-electrode voltage clamp. Our results demonstrated that 6 mutants were nonfunctional, 4 mutants had reduced current expression, and 1 mutants altered ACh and nicotine efficacy in the opposite direction, and one additional mutant had slightly reduced agonist sensitivity. Interestingly, the function of most of these nonfunctional mutants could be rescued by α7nAChR positive allosteric modulator PNU-120596 and agonist-PAM 4BP-TQS. Finally, when coexpressed with the wild type, the nonfunctional mutants could also influence the receptor function. These changes of the receptor properties by the mutations could potentially have an impact on the physiological function of the α7nAChR-mediated cholinergic synaptic transmission and anti-inflammatory effects in the human SNP carriers. Rescuing the nonfunctional mutants could provide a novel way to treat the related disorders.  相似文献   

GABA type A receptors (GABAAR), the brain''s major inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors, are the targets for many general anesthetics, including volatile anesthetics, etomidate, propofol, and barbiturates. How such structurally diverse agents can act similarly as positive allosteric modulators of GABAARs remains unclear. Previously, photoreactive etomidate analogs identified two equivalent anesthetic-binding sites in the transmembrane domain at the β+ subunit interfaces, which also contain the GABA-binding sites in the extracellular domain. Here, we used R-[3H]5-allyl-1-methyl-5-(m-trifluoromethyl-diazirynylphenyl) barbituric acid (R-mTFD-MPAB), a potent stereospecific barbiturate anesthetic, to photolabel expressed human α1β3γ2 GABAARs. Protein microsequencing revealed that R-[3H]mTFD-MPAB did not photolabel the etomidate sites at the β+ subunit interfaces. Instead, it photolabeled sites at the α+ and γ+ subunit interfaces in the transmembrane domain. On the (+)-side, α1M3 was labeled at Ala-291 and Tyr-294 and γ2M3 at Ser-301, and on the (−)-side, β3M1 was labeled at Met-227. These residues, like those in the etomidate site, are located at subunit interfaces near the synaptic side of the transmembrane domain. The selectivity of R-etomidate for the β+ interface relative to the α++ interfaces was >100-fold, whereas that of R-mTFD-MPAB for its sites was >50-fold. Each ligand could enhance photoincorporation of the other, demonstrating allosteric interactions between the sites. The structural heterogeneity of barbiturate, etomidate, and propofol derivatives is accommodated by varying selectivities for these two classes of sites. We hypothesize that binding at any of these homologous intersubunit sites is sufficient for anesthetic action and that this explains to some degree the puzzling structural heterogeneity of anesthetics.  相似文献   

GABAA receptors are composed predominantly of αβγ receptors, which mediate primarily synaptic inhibition, and αβδ receptors, which mediate primarily extrasynaptic inhibition. At saturating GABA concentrations, the barbiturate pentobarbital substantially increased the amplitude and desensitization of the α1β3δ receptor but not the α1β3γ2L receptor currents. To explore the structural domains of the δ subunit that are involved in pentobarbital potentiation and increased desensitization of α1β3δ currents, chimeric cDNAs were constructed by progressive replacement of γ2L subunit sequence with a δ subunit sequence or a δ subunit sequence with a γ2L subunit sequence, and HEK293T cells were co-transfected with α1 and β3 subunits or α1 and β3 subunits and a γ2L, δ, or chimeric subunit. Currents evoked by a saturating concentration of GABA or by co-application of GABA and pentobarbital were recorded using the patch clamp technique. By comparing the extent of enhancement and changes in kinetic properties produced by pentobarbital among chimeric and wild type receptors, we concluded that although potentiation of α1β3δ currents by pentobarbital required the δ subunit sequence from the N terminus to proline 241 in the first transmembrane domain (M1), increasing desensitization of α1β3δ currents required a δ subunit sequence from the N terminus to isoleucine 235 in M1. These findings suggest that the δ subunit N terminus and N-terminal portion of the M1 domain are, at least in part, involved in transduction of the allosteric effect of pentobarbital to enhance α1β3δ currents and that this effect involves a distinct but overlapping structural domain from that involved in altering desensitization.  相似文献   


We performed molecular dynamics simulations for various oligomers with different β-sheet conformations consisting of α-Synuclein 71–82 residues using an all atom force field and explicit water model. Tetramers of antiparallel β-sheet are shown to be stable, whereas parallel sheets are highly unstable due to the repulsive interactions between bulky and polar side chains as well as the weaker backbone hydrogen bonds. We also investigated the stabilities of double antiparallel β-sheets stacked with asymmetric and symmetric geometries. Our results show that this 12 amino acid residue peptide can form stable β-sheet conformers at 320K and higher temperatures. The backbone hydrogen bonds in β-sheet and the steric packing between hydrophobic side chains between β-sheets are shown to give conformational stabilities.  相似文献   

The structure and orientation of the major protein constituent of photosynthetic membranes in green plants, the chlorophyll ab light-harvesting complex (LHC) have been investigated by ultraviolet circular dichroism (CD) and polarized infrared spectroscopies. The isolated purified LHC has been reconstituted into phosphatidylcholine vesicles and has been compared to the pea thylakoid membrane. The native orientation of the pigments in the LHC reconstituted in vesicles was characterized by monitoring the low-temperature polarized absorption and fluorescence spectra of reconstituted membranes. Conformational analysis of thylakoid and LHC indicate that a large proportion of the thylakoid protein is in the α-helical structure (56 ± 4%), while the LHC is for 44 ± 7% α-helical. By measuring the infrared dichroism of the amide absorption bands of air-dried oriented multilayers of thylakoids and LHC reconstituted in vesicles, we have estimated the degree of orientation of the α-helical chains with respect to the membrane normal. Infrared dichroism data demonstrate that transmembrane α-helices are present in both thylakoid and LHC with the α-helix axes tilted at less than 30° in LHC and 40° in thylakoid with respect to the membrane normal. In thylakoids, an orientation of the polar C=O ester groups of the lipids parallel to the membrane plane is detected. Our results are consistent with the existence of 3–5 transmembrane α-helical segments in the LHC molecules.  相似文献   

A de novo 9q33.3-q34.11 microdeletion involving STXBP1 has been found in one of four individuals (group A) with early-onset West syndrome, severe hypomyelination, poor visual attention, and developmental delay. Although haploinsufficiency of STXBP1 was involved in early infantile epileptic encephalopathy in a previous different cohort study (group B), no mutations of STXBP1 were found in two of the remaining three subjects of group A (one was unavailable). We assumed that another gene within the deletion might contribute to the phenotype of group A. SPTAN1 encoding α-II spectrin, which is essential for proper myelination in zebrafish, turned out to be deleted. In two subjects, an in-frame 3 bp deletion and a 6 bp duplication in SPTAN1 were found at the initial nucleation site of the α/β spectrin heterodimer. SPTAN1 was further screened in six unrelated individuals with WS and hypomyelination, but no mutations were found. Recombinant mutant (mut) and wild-type (WT) α-II spectrin could assemble heterodimers with β-II spectrin, but α-II (mut)/β-II spectrin heterodimers were thermolabile compared with the α-II (WT)/β-II heterodimers. Transient expression in mouse cortical neurons revealed aggregation of α-II (mut)/β-II and α-II (mut)/β-III spectrin heterodimers, which was also observed in lymphoblastoid cells from two subjects with in-frame mutations. Clustering of ankyrinG and voltage-gated sodium channels at axon initial segment (AIS) was disturbed in relation to the aggregates, together with an elevated action potential threshold. These findings suggest that pathological aggregation of α/β spectrin heterodimers and abnormal AIS integrity resulting from SPTAN1 mutations were involved in pathogenesis of infantile epilepsy.  相似文献   

Integrins are heterodimeric transmembrane (TM) receptors formed by noncovalent associations of α and β subunits. Each subunit contains a single α-helical TM domain. Inside-out activation of an integrin involves the separation of its cytoplasmic tails, leading to disruption of αβ TM packing. The leukocyte integrin αLβ2 is required for leukocyte adhesion, migration, proliferation, cytotoxic function, and antigen presentation. In this study, we show by mutagenesis experiments that the packing of αLβ2 TMs is consistent with that of the integrin αIIbβ3 TMs. However, molecular dynamics simulations of αLβ2 TMs in lipids predicted a polar interaction involving the side chains of αL Ser1071 and β2 Thr686 in the outer-membrane association clasp (OMC). This is supported by carbonyl vibrational shifts observed in isotope-labeled αLβ2 TM peptides that were incorporated into lipid bilayers. Molecular dynamics studies simulating the separation of αLβ2 tails showed the presence of polar interaction during the initial perturbation of the inner-membrane association clasp. When the TMs underwent further separation, the polar interaction was disrupted. OMC polar interaction is important in regulating the functions of β2 integrins because mutations that disrupt the OMC polar interaction generated constitutively activated αLβ2, αMβ2, and αXβ2 in 293T transfectants. We also show that the expression of mutant β2 Thr686Gly in β2-deficient T cells rescued cell adhesion to intercellular adhesion molecule 1, but the cells showed overt elongated morphologies in response to chemokine stromal-cell-derived factor 1α treatment as compared to wild-type β2-expressing cells. These two TM polar residues are totally conserved in other members of the β2 integrins in humans and across different species. Our results provide an example of the stabilizing effect of polar interactions within the low dielectric environment of the membrane interior and demonstrate its importance in the regulation of αLβ2 function.  相似文献   

The actin–cross-linking protein spectrin is a prominent component of the membrane cytoskeleton. Spectrin is a tetramer of two antiparallel αβ-dimers which share a unique and ancient gene structure. The α-spectrin and β-spectrin genes are composed primarily of tandemly repeated 106-amino-acid segments, each of which forms a triple α-helical coiled coil. Both the genes and the repeats themselves are homologous. The two genes are thought to be the result of a gene duplication event, and each gene is the product of duplications of the 106-amino-acid repeats. In this work we compare the process of molecular evolution across the repeated segments of the α- and β-spectrin genes. We find that the α-spectrin segments have, for the most part, evolved in a homogeneous fashion, while considerable heterogeneity is found among β-spectrin segments. Several segments with unique known functions are found to have evolved differently than the others. On the basis of heterogeneity of the evolutionary process, we suggest that at least one repeat has a unique function that has yet to be documented. We also present new statistical methods for comparing the evolutionary process between different regions of DNA sequences. Received: 27 March 1996 / Accepted: 21 October 1996  相似文献   

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