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Previous studies revealed that the potential tumor suppressor EAF2 binds to and stabilizes pVHL, suggesting that EAF2 may function by disturbing the hypoxia signaling pathway. However, the extent to which EAF2 affects hypoxia and the mechanisms underlying this activity remain largely unknown. In this study, we found that EAF2 is a hypoxia response gene harboring the hypoxia response element (HRE) in its promoter. By taking advantage of the pVHL-null cell lines RCC4 and 786-O, we demonstrated that hypoxia-induced factor 1α (HIF-1α), but not HIF-2α, induced EAF2 under hypoxia. Subsequent experiments showed that EAF2 bound to and suppressed HIF-1α but not HIF-2α transactivity. In addition, we observed that EAF2 inhibition of HIF-1α activity resulted from the disruption of p300 recruitment and that this occurred independently of FIH-1 (factor inhibiting HIF-1) and Sirt1. Furthermore, we found that EAF2 protected cells against hypoxia-induced cell death and inhibited cellular uptake of glucose under hypoxic conditions, suggesting that EAF2 indeed may act by modulating the hypoxia-signaling pathway. Our findings not only uncover a unique feedback regulation loop between EAF2 and HIF-1α but also provide a novel insight into the mechanism of EAF2 tumor suppression.  相似文献   

Highlights? A concept to explain the production of AD-associated Aβ42(43) is proposed ? Aβ42(43) is not only a product of, but also a substrate for, γ-secretase in cells ? The mechanism underlying the action of γ-secretase modulators is proposed ? Enhancing γ-secretase function to cleave Aβ42(43) is a strategy for anti-AD drugs  相似文献   

The accessory beta subunit (Cavβ) of calcium channels first appear in the same genome as Cav1 L-type calcium channels in single-celled coanoflagellates. The complexity of this relationship expanded in vertebrates to include four different possible Cavβ subunits (β1, β2, β3, β4) which associate with four Cav1 channel isoforms (Cav1.1 to Cav1.4) and three Cav2 channel isoforms (Cav2.1 to Cav2.3). Here we assess the fundamentally-shared features of the Cavβ subunit in an invertebrate model (pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis) that bears only three homologous genes: (LCav1, LCav2, and LCavβ). Invertebrate Cavβ subunits (in flatworms, snails, squid and honeybees) slow the inactivation kinetics of Cav2 channels, and they do so with variable N-termini and lacking the canonical palmitoylation residues of the vertebrate β2a subunit. Alternative splicing of exon 7 of the HOOK domain is a primary determinant of a slow inactivation kinetics imparted by the invertebrate LCavβ subunit. LCavβ will also slow the inactivation kinetics of LCav3 T-type channels, but this is likely not physiologically relevant in vivo. Variable N-termini have little influence on the voltage-dependent inactivation kinetics of differing invertebrate Cavβ subunits, but the expression pattern of N-terminal splice isoforms appears to be highly tissue specific. Molluscan LCavβ subunits have an N-terminal “A” isoform (coded by exons: 1a and 1b) that structurally resembles the muscle specific variant of vertebrate β1a subunit, and has a broad mRNA expression profile in brain, heart, muscle and glands. A more variable “B” N-terminus (exon 2) in the exon position of mammalian β3 and has a more brain-centric mRNA expression pattern. Lastly, we suggest that the facilitation of closed-state inactivation (e.g. observed in Cav2.2 and Cavβ3 subunit combinations) is a specialization in vertebrates, because neither snail subunit (LCav2 nor LCavβ) appears to be compatible with this observed property.  相似文献   

The p21-activated kinase (PAK) 2 is known to be involved in numerous biological functions, including the regulation of actin reorganization and cell motility. To better understand the mechanisms underlying this regulation, we herein used a proteomic approach to identify PAK2-interacting proteins in human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells. We found that MYO18A, an emerging member of the myosin superfamily, is a novel PAK2 binding partner. Using a siRNA knockdown strategy and in vitro binding assay, we discovered that MYO18A binds to PAK2 through the βPIX/GIT1 complex. Under normal conditions, MYO18A and PAK2 colocalized in lamellipodia and membrane ruffles. Interestingly, knockdown of MYO18A in cells did not prevent formation of the PAK2/βPIX/GIT1 complex, but rather apparently changed its localization to focal adhesions. Moreover, MYO18A-depleted cells showed dramatic changes in morphology and actin stress fiber and membrane ruffle formation and displayed increases in the number and size of focal adhesions. Migration assays revealed that MYO18A-depleted cells had decreased cell motility, and reexpression of MYO18A restored their migration ability. Collectively, our findings indicate that MYO18A is a novel binding partner of the PAK2/βPIX/GIT1 complex and suggest that MYO18A may play an important role in regulating epithelial cell migration via affecting multiple cell machineries.  相似文献   

ADP ribosylation factors (Arfs) are small GTP-binding proteins known for their role in vesicular transport, where they nucleate the assembly of coat protein complexes at sites of carrier vesicle formation. Similar to other GTPases, Arfs require guanine nucleotide exchange factors to catalyze GTP loading and activation. One subfamily of ArfGEFs, the BRAGs, has been shown to activate Arf6, which acts in the endocytic pathway to control the trafficking of a subset of cargo proteins including integrins. We have previously shown that BRAG2 modulates cell adhesion by regulating integrin surface expression. Here, we show that, in addition to Arf6, endogenous BRAG2 also activates the class II Arfs, Arf4 and Arf5, and that surprisingly, it is Arf5 that mediates integrin internalization. We observed that cell spreading on fibronectin is enhanced upon inhibition of BRAG2 or Arf5 but not Arf6. Similarly, spreading in BRAG2-depleted cells is reverted by expression of a rapid cycling Arf5 mutant (T161A) but not by a corresponding Arf6 construct (T157A). We also show that BRAG2 binds clathrin and the AP-2 adaptor complex and that both BRAG2 and Arf5 localize to clathrin-coated pits at the plasma membrane. Consistent with these observations, depletion of Arf5, but not Arf6 or Arf4, slows internalization of β1 integrins without affecting transferrin receptor uptake. Together, these findings indicate that BRAG2 acts at clathrin-coated pits to promote integrin internalization by activating Arf5 and suggest a previously unrecognized role for Arf5 in clathrin-mediated endocytosis of specific cargoes.  相似文献   

Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), which is also called CCN2, is a secreted matricellular protein. CTGF regulates various important cellular functions by interacting with multiple molecules in the microenvironment. In the ovary, CTGF is mainly expressed in granulosa cells and involved in the regulation of follicular development, ovulation and luteinization. TGF-β1 has been shown to up-regulate CTGF expression in rat and hen granulosa cells. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms of this up-regulation remain undefined. More importantly, whether the stimulatory effect of TGF-β1 on CTGF expression can be observed in human granulosa cells remains unknown. In the present study, our results demonstrated that TGF-β1 treatment up-regulates CTGF expression in both immortalized human granulosa cells and primary human granulosa cells. Using a siRNA-mediated knockdown approach and a pharmacological inhibitor, we demonstrated that the inhibition of Smad2, Smad3 or ERK1/2 attenuates the TGF-β1-induced up-regulation of CTGF. This study provides important insights into the molecular mechanisms that mediate TGF-β1-up-regulated CTGF expression in human granulosa cells.  相似文献   

The antenna proteins in photosystem II (PSII) not only promote energy transfer to the photosynthetic reaction center (RC) but provide also an efficient cation sink to re-reduce chlorophyll a if the electron transfer (ET) from the Mn-cluster is inhibited. Using the newest PSII dimer crystal structure (3.0 Å resolution), in which 11 β-carotene molecules (Car) and 14 lipids are visible in the PSII monomer, we calculated the redox potentials (Em) of one-electron oxidation for all Car (Em(Car)) by solving the Poisson-Boltzmann equation. In each PSII monomer, the D1 protein harbors a previously unlocated Car (CarD1) in van der Waals contact with the chlorin ring of ChlZ(D1). Each CarD1 in the PSII dimer complex is located in the interface between the D1 and CP47 subunits, together with another four Car of the other PSII monomer and several lipid molecules. The proximity of Car bridging between CarD1 and plastoquinone/QA may imply a direct charge recombination of Car+QA. The calculated Em(CarD1) and Em(ChlZ(D1)) are, respectively, 83 and 126 mV higher than Em(CarD2) and Em(ChlZ(D2)), which could explain why CarD2+ and ChlZ(D2)+ are observed rather than the corresponding CarD1+ and ChlZ(D1)+.  相似文献   

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