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Bacterial manganese (Mn) oxidation plays an important role in the global biogeochemical cycling of Mn and other compounds, and the diversity and prevalence of Mn oxidizers have been well established. Despite many hypotheses of why these bacteria may oxidize Mn, the physiological reasons remain elusive. Intracellular Mn levels were determined for Pseudomonas putida GB-1 grown in the presence or absence of Mn by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Mn oxidizing wild type P. putida GB-1 had higher intracellular Mn than non Mn oxidizing mutants grown under the same conditions. P. putida GB-1 had a 5 fold increase in intracellular Mn compared to the non Mn oxidizing mutant P. putida GB-1-007 and a 59 fold increase in intracellular Mn compared to P. putida GB-1 ∆2665 ∆2447. The intracellular Mn is primarily associated with the less than 3 kDa fraction, suggesting it is not bound to protein. Protein oxidation levels in Mn oxidizing and non oxidizing cultures were relatively similar, yet Mn oxidation did increase survival of P. putida GB-1 when oxidatively stressed. This study is the first to link Mn oxidation to Mn homeostasis and oxidative stress protection.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida GB-1-002 catalyzes the oxidation of Mn2+. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the transposon insertion site of a nonoxidizing mutant revealed a gene (designated cumA) encoding a protein homologous to multicopper oxidases. Addition of Cu2+ increased the Mn2+-oxidizing activity of the P. putida wild type by a factor of approximately 5. The growth rates of the wild type and the mutant were not affected by added Cu2+. A second open reading frame (designated cumB) is located downstream from cumA. Both cumA and cumB probably are part of a single operon. The translation product of cumB was homologous (level of identity, 45%) to that of orf74 of Bradyrhizobium japonicum. A mutation in orf74 resulted in an extended lag phase and lower cell densities. Similar growth-related observations were made for the cumA mutant, suggesting that the cumA mutation may have a polar effect on cumB. This was confirmed by site-specific gene replacement in cumB. The cumB mutation did not affect the Mn2+-oxidizing ability of the organism but resulted in decreased growth. In summary, our data indicate that the multicopper oxidase CumA is involved in the oxidation of Mn2+ and that CumB is required for optimal growth of P. putida GB-1-002.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida MnB1 is an isolate from an Mn oxide-encrusted pipeline that can oxidize Mn(II) to Mn oxides. We used transposon mutagenesis to construct mutants of strain MnB1 that are unable to oxidize manganese, and we characterized some of these mutants. The mutants were divided into three groups: mutants defective in the biogenesis of c-type cytochromes, mutants defective in genes that encode key enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle, and mutants defective in the biosynthesis of tryptophan. The mutants in the first two groups were cytochrome c oxidase negative and did not contain c-type cytochromes. Mn(II) oxidation capability could be recovered in a c-type cytochrome biogenesis-defective mutant by complementation of the mutation.  相似文献   


Mn oxides have long been considered the primary environmental oxidant of Cr(III), however, since most of the reactive Mn oxides in the environment are believed to be of biological origin, microorganisms may indirectly mediate Cr(III) oxidation and accelerate the rate over that seen in purely abiotic systems. In this study, we examined the ability of the Mn(II)-oxidizing bacterium, Pseudomonas putida strain GB-1, to oxidize Cr(III). Our results show that GB-1 cannot oxidize Cr(III) directly, but that in the presence of Mn(II), Cr(III) can be rapidly and completely oxidized. Growth studies suggest that in growth medium with few organics the resulting Cr(VI) may be less toxic to P. putida GB-1 than Cr(III), which is generally considered less hazardous. In addition, Cr(III) present during the growth of P. putida GB-1 appeared to cause iron stress as determined by the production of the fluorescent siderophore pyoverdine. When stressed by Fe limitation or Cr(III) toxicity, Mn(II) oxidation by GB-1 is inhibited.  相似文献   

Bacterial manganese(II) oxidation has a profound impact on the biogeochemical cycling of Mn and the availability of the trace metals adsorbed to the surfaces of solid Mn(III, IV) oxides. The Mn(II) oxidase enzyme was tentatively identified in Pseudomonas putida GB-1 via transposon mutagenesis: the mutant strain GB-1-007, which fails to oxidize Mn(II), harbors a transposon insertion in the gene cumA. cumA encodes a putative multicopper oxidase (MCO), a class of enzymes implicated in Mn(II) oxidation in other bacterial species. However, we show here that an in-frame deletion of cumA did not affect Mn(II) oxidation. Through complementation analysis of the oxidation defect in GB-1-007 with a cosmid library and subsequent sequencing of candidate genes we show the causative mutation to be a frameshift within the mnxS1 gene that encodes a putative sensor histidine kinase. The frameshift mutation results in a truncated protein lacking the kinase domain. Multicopy expression of mnxS1 restored Mn(II) oxidation to GB-1-007 and in-frame deletion of mnxS1 resulted in a loss of oxidation in the wild-type strain. These results clearly demonstrated that the oxidation defect of GB-1-007 is due to disruption of mnxS1, not cumA::Tn5, and that CumA is not the Mn(II) oxidase. mnxS1 is located upstream of a second sensor histidine kinase gene, mnxS2, and a response regulator gene, mnxR. In-frame deletions of each of these genes also led to the loss of Mn(II) oxidation. Therefore, we conclude that the MnxS1/MnxS2/MnxR two-component regulatory pathway is essential for Mn(II) oxidation in P. putida GB-1.In living cells, manganese (Mn) is an essential trace element, required for enzymes such as superoxide dismutase and in photosystem II (7). In the environment, Mn cycles between a soluble reduced form [Mn(II)] and an insoluble oxidized form [Mn(III, IV)] that can adsorb other trace metals from the environment and serve as potent oxidizing agents. Thus, redox cycling of Mn has a profound effect on the bioavailability and geochemical cycling of many essential or toxic elements (40). Microorganisms, particularly bacteria, are capable of catalyzing the oxidation of Mn(II), thereby increasing the rate of formation of Mn(III, IV) by several orders of magnitude (39). Since Mn(III, IV) oxides are able to bind trace metals, the bacteria that catalyze their formation are good candidates for bioremediation of heavy metal contaminated sites (26, 39).Although bacterial Mn(II) oxidation is widespread, little is known about the physiological function of oxidation (40). The oxidation of Mn(II) to Mn(III) or Mn(IV) is thermodynamically favorable; thus, bacteria may derive energy from this reaction, although this has never been unequivocally proven (40). In addition, Mn(II) oxidation could protect cells from reactive oxygen species (4) or UV irradiation (11). Since oxidation occurs on the cell surface, the bacteria become coated with the solid Mn(IV) oxides, which may also provide protection from toxic heavy metals, predation, or phage infection (40). As a strong oxidant, Mn(IV) oxides could allow the bacteria to degrade refractory organic matter to low-molecular-weight compounds that could then be used to support bacterial growth (38). Conversely, Mn(II) oxidation may be a side reaction or the result of nonspecific interactions with cellular products (15). Identifying signals or conditions that regulate oxidation could provide some insight into the role of Mn(II) oxidation in the cell. Aside from a requirement for oxygen (28) and iron (27, 30), as well as the observation that oxidation occurs in stationary phase (23), very little is known about this regulation.The enzymes responsible for Mn(II) oxidation have been tentatively identified from some species of bacteria and in several cases the enzyme is a putative multicopper oxidase (MCO). MCOs are a family of enzymes that use four Cu ion cofactors to catalyze oxidation of diverse substrates such as metals and organic compounds (33). This family of enzymes is found in plants and fungi (laccase) and humans (ceruloplasmin), as well as in bacteria (35). Some fungi have been shown to use a laccase enzyme to oxidize Mn(II) (20). In both Leptothrix discophora SS-1 and Pedomicrobium sp. strain ACM 3067, the Mn(II)-oxidizing MCO was identified genetically (mofA [10] and moxA [31], respectively). A third MCO—MnxG—was identified both biochemically and genetically as the Mn(II) oxidase in Bacillus sp. strain SG-1 and related strains (14, 43). Recent work with the Mn(II)-oxidizing alphaproteobacterium Aurantimonas manganoxydans SI85-9A1 and Erythrobacter sp. strain SD21 has identified a second class of enzyme involved in Mn(II) oxidation: the heme-binding peroxidase named MopA (3). This class of enzyme had previously been shown to be used by fungi to oxidize Mn(II) (29), in some cases in concert with an MCO (34).Pseudomonas putida GB-1 is a Mn(II)-oxidizing bacterium (9) whose genetic tractability and ease of growth under standard laboratory conditions make it an ideal model system for studying the physiology and mechanism of Mn(II) oxidation. Consequently, several random transposon mutagenesis screens have been undertaken with this organism to identify genes required for Mn(II) oxidation. These screens have identified several categories of genes as important for oxidation or the export of the oxidase to the cell surface: the ccm operon of c-type cytochrome synthesis genes (8, 13), genes encoding components of the trichloroacetic acid (TCA) cycle and the tryptophan biosynthesis pathway (8) and genes encoding a general secretory pathway (12). The Mn(II) oxidation-defective mutant GB-1-007 has a transposon insertion in the gene cumA that encodes a putative MCO (6). Therefore, P. putida GB-1 has been thought to use a similar mechanism as L. discophora SS-1, Pedomicrobium sp. strain ACM 3067, and Bacillus sp. to oxidize Mn(II).Because the available data suggested that CumA was an MCO essential for Mn(II) oxidation, we wanted to study its function in greater detail. We were hampered in this, however, by the fact that the transposon insertion in cumA resulted in a growth defect due to its polar effect on expression of the downstream cumB gene (6). In order to assess the role of CumA in Mn(II) oxidation without the complications arising from polarity, we generated an in-frame deletion of cumA and tested the ability of the resulting ΔcumA strain to form Mn(IV) oxides. Our results showed that cumA is dispensable for Mn(II) oxidation and have instead revealed a complex two-component regulatory pathway essential for Mn(II) oxidation in P. putida GB-1.  相似文献   


Biomineralization in heterogeneous aqueous systems results from a complex association between pre-existing surfaces, bacterial cells, extracellular biomacromolecules, and neoformed precipitates. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was used in several complementary sample introduction modes (attenuated total reflectance [ATR], diffuse reflectance [DRIFT], and transmission) to investigate the processes of cell adhesion, biofilm growth, and biological Mn-oxidation by Pseudomonas putida strain GB-1. Distinct differences in the adhesive properties of GB-1 were observed upon Mn oxidation. No adhesion to the ZnSe crystal surface was observed for planktonic GB-1 cells coated with biogenic MnO x , whereas cell adhesion was extensive and a GB-1 biofilm was readily grown on ZnSe, CdTe, and Ge crystals prior to Mn-oxidation. IR peak intensity ratios reveal changes in biomolecular (carbohydrate, phosphate, and protein) composition during biologically catalyzed Mn-oxidation. In situ monitoring via ATR-FTIR of an active GB-1 biofilm and DRIFT data revealed an increase in extracellular protein (amide I and II) during Mn(II) oxidation, whereas transmission mode measurements suggest an overall increase in carbohydrate and phosphate moieties. The FTIR spectrum of biogenic Mn oxide comprises Mn-O stretching vibrations characteristic of various known Mn oxides (e.g., “acid” birnessite, romanechite, todorokite), but it is not identical to known synthetic solids, possibly because of solid-phase incorporation of biomolecular constituents. The results suggest that, when biogenic MnO x accumulates on the surfaces of planktonic cells, adhesion of the bacteria to other negatively charged surfaces is hindered via blocking of surficial proteins.  相似文献   

The upper operon of the TOL plasmid pWW0 of Pseudomonas putida encodes a set of enzymes involved in the conversion of toluene and xylenes to their carboxylic acid derivatives. The last gene of the upper operon, xylN, encodes a 465-amino-acid polypeptide which exhibits significant sequence similarity to FadL, an outer membrane protein involved in fatty acid transport in Escherichia coli. To analyze the role of the xylN gene product, xylN on TOL plasmid pWW0 was disrupted by inserting a kanamycin resistance gene, and the phenotypes of P. putida harboring the wild-type and xylN mutant TOL plasmids were characterized. The growth of P. putida harboring the wild-type TOL plasmid was inhibited by a high concentration of m-xylene, while that of P. putida harboring the xylN mutant TOL plasmid was not. The apparent K(s) value for the oxidation of m-xylene in intact cells of the xylN mutant was fourfold higher than that of the wild-type strain, although the TOL catabolic enzyme activities in cell extracts from the two strains were almost identical. We therefore presume that the xylN gene product is a porin involved in the transport of m-xylene and its analogues across the outer membrane. Western blot analysis confirmed the localization of XylN in the outer membrane.  相似文献   

Propane and n-Butane Oxidation by Pseudomonas putida GPo1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Propane and n-butane inhibit methyl tertiary butyl ether oxidation by n-alkane-grown Pseudomonas putida GPo1. Here we demonstrate that these gases are oxidized by this strain and support cell growth. Both gases induced alkane hydroxylase activity and appear to be oxidized by the same enzyme system used for the oxidation of n-octane.  相似文献   

The basic mechanisms underlying solvent tolerance in Pseudomonas putida DOT-T1E are efflux pumps that remove the solvent from bacterial cell membranes. The solvent-tolerant P. putida DOT-T1E grows in the presence of high concentrations (e.g., 1% [vol/vol]) of toluene and octanol. Growth of P. putida DOT-T1E cells in LB in the presence of toluene supplied via the gas phase has a clear effect on cell survival: the sudden addition of 0.3% (vol/vol) toluene to P. putida DOT-T1E pregrown with toluene in the gas phase resulted in survival of almost 100% of the initial cell number, whereas only 0.01% of cells pregrown in the absence of toluene tolerated exposure to this aromatic hydrocarbon. One class of toluene-sensitive octanol-tolerant mutant was isolated after Tn5-′phoA mutagenesis of wild-type P. putida DOT-T1E cells. The mutant, called P. putida DOT-T1E-18, was extremely sensitive to 0.3% (vol/vol) toluene added when cells were pregrown in the absence of toluene, whereas pregrowth on toluene supplied via the gas phase resulted in survival of about 0.0001% of the initial number. Solvent exclusion was tested with 1,2,4-[14C]trichlorobenzene. The levels of radiochemical accumulated in wild-type cells grown in the absence and in the presence of toluene were not significantly different. In contrast, the mutant was unable to remove 1,2,4-[14C]trichlorobenzene from the cell membranes when grown on Luria-Bertani (LB) medium but was able to remove the aromatic compound when pregrown on LB medium with toluene supplied via the gas phase. The amount of 14C-labeled substrate in whole cells increased in competition assays in which toluene and xylenes were the unlabeled competitors, whereas this was not the case when benzene was the competitor. This finding suggests that the exclusion system works specifically with certain aromatic substrates. The mutation in P. putida DOT-T1E-18 was cloned, and the knockedout gene was sequenced and found to be homologous to the drug exclusion gene mexB, which belongs to the efflux pump family of the resistant nodulator division type.The sensitivity of microorganisms to toxic organic solvents is related to the logarithm of the partition coefficient of the solvent in a mixture of octanol and water (log Pow). Aromatic hydrocarbons with a log Pow of between 1.5 and 3.5 are extremely toxic to living organisms (47). These chemicals dissolve in the cytoplasmic membrane, disorganize it, and collapse the cell membrane potential; this, together with the induced loss of lipids and proteins, leads to irreversible damage resulting in the death of the cell (8, 47, 50).Independent laboratories have isolated Pseudomonas putida strains tolerant to different aromatic hydrocarbons such as toluene, styrene, and p-xylene (6, 15, 42, 48). All four isolated strains were able to grow in liquid culture medium to which a high concentration (1% [vol/vol]) of these aromatic hydrocarbons was added. Tolerance to organic solvents in these P. putida strains is achieved by a series of biochemical mechanisms that actively remove the organic solvent from cell membranes (16, 43) and by physical barriers that help the cell to become (to a certain degree) impermeable to the solvent (13, 37, 43, 48). The physical barriers involve the ordered organization of the cell surface lipopolysaccharides (37) together with modified phospholipids (4, 37, 43, 49). Modifications in phospholipids upon exposure to an organic solvent involve both a short-term response, in which the level of the trans isomers of unsaturated phospholipids increases, and a long-term response consisting of a modification of the polar head groups of phospholipids (4, 43, 49) and an increase in the total amount of phospholipids per dry weight (49). For P. putida DOT-T1, it was suggested that an energy-dependent exclusion system (such as an efflux pump) is critical for tolerance to solvents (43). This conclusion was based on the following findings: (i) P. putida DOT-T1 treated with the uncoupler carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenyl hydrazone accumulated higher levels of 1,2,4-[14C]trichlorobenzene in cell membranes than did untreated cells, and (ii) P. putida DOT-T1 mutants which were sensitive to toluene, octanol, and other chemicals accumulated 5- to 20-fold-higher levels of 1,2,4-[14C]trichlorobenzene in cell membranes than did the wild-type strain. Similar observations have been reported for Pseudomonas sp. strain S12 (16).In this study, we report that P. putida DOT-T1 uses at least two efflux pumps for toluene exclusion, one that seems to be expressed constitutively and a second inducible one. A mini-Tn5′phoA-Kmr knocked out the constitutive efflux system of P. putida DOT-T1E. The mutant was shown to be hypersensitive to toluene but not to octanol. The Kmr marker of the mini-Tn5 and the 3′ adjacent chromosomal DNA were cloned, and the wild-type gene was rescued by colony screening hybridization and sequenced. Sequence analysis showed that the knocked-out gene in the mutant was a homolog of the mexB gene, which belongs to the efflux pump family of the resistant nodulator division type (3436, 3841).  相似文献   

In sediments, the bioavailability and toxicity of Ni are strongly influenced by its sorption to manganese (Mn) oxides, which largely originate from the redox metabolism of microbes. However, microbes are concurrently susceptible to the toxic effects of Ni, which establishes complex interactions between toxicity and redox processes. This study measured the effect of Ni on growth, pellicle biofilm formation and oxidation of the Mn-oxidizing bacteria Pseudomonas putida GB-1. In liquid media, Ni exposure decreased the intrinsic growth rate but allowed growth to the stationary phase in all intermediate treatments. Manganese oxidation was 67% less than control for bacteria exposed to 5 μM Ni and completely ceased in all treatments above 50 μM. Pellicle biofilm development decreased exponentially with Ni concentration (maximum 92% reduction) and was replaced by planktonic growth in higher Ni treatments. In solid media assays, growth was unaffected by Ni exposure, but Mn oxidation completely ceased in treatments above 10 μM of Ni. Our results show that sublethal Ni concentrations substantially alter Mn oxidation rates and pellicle biofilm development in P. putida GB-1, which has implications for toxic metal bioavailability to the entire benthic community and the environmental consequences of metal contamination.  相似文献   

Fatty acid compositions in growing and resting cells of several strains of Pseudomonas putida (P8, NCTC 10936, and KT 2440) were studied, with a focus on alterations of the saturation degree, cis-trans isomerization, and cyclopropane formation. The fatty acid compositions of the strains were very similar under comparable growth conditions, but surprisingly, and contrary to earlier reports, trans fatty acids were not found in either exponentially growing cells or stationary-phase cells. During the transition from growth to the starvation state, cyclopropane fatty acids were preferentially formed, an increase in the saturation degree of fatty acids was observed, and larger amounts of hydroxy fatty acids were detected. A lowered saturation degree and concomitant higher membrane fluidity seemed to be optimal for substrate uptake and growth. The incubation of cells under nongrowth conditions rapidly led to the formation of trans fatty acids. We show that harvesting and sample preparation for analysis could provoke the enzyme-catalyzed formation of trans fatty acids. Freeze-thawing of resting cells and increased temperatures accelerated the formation of trans fatty acids. We demonstrate that cis-trans isomerization only occurred in cells that were subjected to an abrupt disturbance without having the possibility of adapting to the changed conditions by the de novo synthesis of fatty acids. The cis-trans isomerization reaction was in competition with the cis-to-cyclopropane fatty acid conversion. The potential for the formation of trans fatty acids depended on the cyclopropane content that was already present.  相似文献   

Bioluminescence, mRNA levels, and toluene degradation rates in Pseudomonas putida TVA8 were measured as a function of various concentrations of toluene and trichloroethylene (TCE). TVA8 showed an increasing bioluminescence response to increasing TCE and toluene concentrations. Compared to uninduced TVA8 cultures, todC1 mRNA levels increased 11-fold for TCE-treated cultures and 13-fold for toluene-treated cultures. Compared to uninduced P. putida F1 cultures, todC1 mRNA levels increased 4.4-fold for TCE-induced cultures and 4.9-fold for toluene-induced cultures. Initial toluene degradation rates were linearly correlated with specific bioluminescence in TVA8 cultures.  相似文献   

We have cloned, sequenced, and heterologously expressed a periplasmic cytochrome c from a lupanine-utilizing Pseudomonas putida strain. Aerobic batch cultivation of Escherichia coli TB1 harboring the cytochrome c gene placed downstream of the lac promoter in pUC9 vector resulted in significant production of the holo-cytochrome c in the periplasm (~4 mg of hemoprotein/liter of culture). The recombinant cytochrome c was purified to homogeneity and was found to be functional in accepting electrons from lupanine hydroxylase while catalyzing hydroxylation of lupanine. Comparison of the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the isolated cytochrome c with that deduced from the DNA sequence indicated that the signal sequence was processed at the bond position predicted by the SigPep program. The molecular size of the cytochrome c determined by electrospray mass spectrometry (9,595) was in precise agreement with that predicted from the nucleotide sequence.  相似文献   

Cell reproduction is a complex process involving whole cell structures and machineries in space and time, resulting in regulated distribution of endomembranes, organelles, and genomes between daughter cells. Secretory pathways supported by the activity of the Golgi apparatus play a crucial role in cytokinesis in plants. From the onset of phragmoplast initiation to the maturation of the cell plate, delivery of secretory vesicles is necessary to sustain successful daughter cell separation. Tethering of secretory vesicles at the plasma membrane is mediated by the evolutionarily conserved octameric exocyst complex. Using proteomic and cytologic approaches, we show that EXO84b is a subunit of the plant exocyst. Arabidopsis thaliana mutants for EXO84b are severely dwarfed and have compromised leaf epidermal cell and guard cell division. During cytokinesis, green fluorescent protein–tagged exocyst subunits SEC6, SEC8, SEC15b, EXO70A1, and EXO84b exhibit distinctive localization maxima at cell plate initiation and cell plate maturation, stages with a high demand for vesicle fusion. Finally, we present data indicating a defect in cell plate assembly in the exo70A1 mutant. We conclude that the exocyst complex is involved in secretory processes during cytokinesis in Arabidopsis cells, notably in cell plate initiation, cell plate maturation, and formation of new primary cell wall.  相似文献   

The manganese-oxidizing factor of Pseudomonas putida strain GB-1 is associated with the outer membrane. One of the systems of protein transport across the outer membrane is the general secretory pathway (Gsp). The gsp genes are called xcp in Pseudomonas species. In a previous study, it was shown that mutation of the prepilin peptidase XcpA and of a homologue of the pseudopilin XcpT inhibited transport of the factor. In the present study, we describe the genomic region flanking the xcpT homologue (designated xcmT1). We show that xcmT1 is part of a two-gene operon that includes an xcpS homologue (designated xcmS). No other xcp-like genes are present in the regions flanking the xcmT1/xcmS cluster. We also characterized the site of transposon insertion of another transport mutant of P. putida GB-1. This insertion appeared to be located in a gene (designated xcmX) possibly encoding another pseudopilin-related protein. This xcmX is clustered with two other xcpT-related genes (designated xcmT2 and xcmT3) on one side and homologues of three csg genes (designated csmE, csmF and csmG) on the other side. The csg genes are involved in production of aggregative fibres in Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. A search for XcmX homologues revealed that the recently published genome of Ralstonia solanacearum and the unannotated genome of P. putida KT2440 contain comparable gene clusters with xcmX and xcp homologues that are different from the well-described 'regular'xcp/gsp clusters. They do contain xcpR and xcpQ homologues but, for example, homologues of xcpP, Y and Z are lacking. The results suggest a novel Xcp-related system for the transport of manganese-oxidizing enzymes to the cell surface.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida GB-1-002 catalyzes the oxidation of Mn2+. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the transposon insertion site of a nonoxidizing mutant revealed a gene (designated cumA) encoding a protein homologous to multicopper oxidases. Addition of Cu2+ increased the Mn2+-oxidizing activity of the P. putida wild type by a factor of approximately 5. The growth rates of the wild type and the mutant were not affected by added Cu2+. A second open reading frame (designated cumB) is located downstream from cumA. Both cumA and cumB probably are part of a single operon. The translation product of cumB was homologous (level of identity, 45%) to that of orf74 of Bradyrhizobium japonicum. A mutation in orf74 resulted in an extended lag phase and lower cell densities. Similar growth-related observations were made for the cumA mutant, suggesting that the cumA mutation may have a polar effect on cumB. This was confirmed by site-specific gene replacement in cumB. The cumB mutation did not affect the Mn2+-oxidizing ability of the organism but resulted in decreased growth. In summary, our data indicate that the multicopper oxidase CumA is involved in the oxidation of Mn2+ and that CumB is required for optimal growth of P. putida GB-1-002.  相似文献   

The biodegradation of benzene, toluene, and chlorobenzenes by Pseudomonas putida involves the initial conversion of the parent molecules to cis-dihydrodiols by dioxygenase enzyme systems. The cis-dihydrodiols are then converted to the corresponding catechols by dihydrodiol dehydrogenase enzymes. Pseudomonas sp. strain JS6 uses a similar system for growth on toluene or dichlorobenzenes. We tested the wild-type organisms and a series of mutants for their ability to transform substituted phenols after induction with toluene. When grown on toluene, both wild-type organisms converted methyl-, chloro-, and nitro-substituted phenols to the corresponding catechols. Mutant strains deficient in dihydrodiol dehydrogenase or catechol oxygenase activities also transformed the phenols. Oxidation of phenols was closely correlated with the induction and activity of the toluene dioxygenase enzyme system.  相似文献   

Differentiation of oligodendroglial precursor cells (OPCs), a crucial prerequisite for central nervous system (CNS) remyelination in diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS), is modulated by a multitude of extrinsic and intrinsic factors. In a previous study we revealed that the chemokine CXCL12 stimulates rodent OPC differentiation via activation of its receptor CXCR7. We could now demonstrate that CXCR7 is also expressed on NogoA- and Nkx2.2-positive oligodendroglial cells in human MS brains and that stimulation of cultured primary fetal human OPCs with CXCL12 promotes their differentiation as measured by surface marker expression and morphologic complexity. Pharmacological inhibition of CXCR7 effectively blocks these CXCL12-dependent effects. Our findings therefore suggest that a specific activation of CXCR7 could provide a means to promote oligodendroglial differentiation facilitating endogenous remyelination activities.  相似文献   

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