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The recently isolated second family of neuregulins, NRG2, shares its primary receptors, ErbB-3 and ErbB-4, and induction of mammary cell differentiation with NRG1 isoforms, suggesting functional redundancy of the two growth factor families. To address this possibility, we analyzed receptor specificity of NRGs by using an engineered cellular system. The activity of isoform-specific but partly overlapping patterns of specificities that collectively activate all eight ligand-stimulatable ErbB dimers was revealed. Specifically, NRG2-β, like NRG1-α, emerges as a narrow-specificity ligand, whereas NRG2-α is a pan-ErbB ligand that binds with different affinities to all receptor combinations, including those containing ErbB-1, but excluding homodimers of ErbB-2. The latter protein, however, displayed cooperativity with the direct NRG receptors. Apparently, signaling by all NRGs is funneled through the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). However, the duration and potency of MAPK activation depend on the identity of the stimulatory ligand-receptor ternary complex. We conclude that the NRG-ErbB network represents a complex and nonredundant machinery developed for fine-tuning of signal transduction.  相似文献   

Growth factor receptor tyrosine kinases of the ErbB family play a significant role in vital cellular processes and various cancers. During signal transduction across plasma membrane, ErbB receptors are involved in lateral homodimerization and heterodimerization with proper assembly of their extracellular single-span transmembrane (TM) and cytoplasmic domains. The ErbB1/ErbB2 heterodimer appears to be the strongest and most potent inducer of cellular transformation and mitogenic signaling compared to other ErbB homodimers and heterodimers. Spatial structure of the heterodimeric complex formed by TM domains of ErbB1 and ErbB2 receptors embedded into lipid bicelles was obtained by solution NMR. The ErbB1 and ErbB2 TM domains associate in a right-handed α-helical bundle through their N-terminal double GG4-like motif T648G649X2G652A653 and glycine zipper motif T652X3S656X3G660, respectively. The described heterodimer conformation is believed to support the juxtamembrane and kinase domain configuration corresponding to the receptor active state. The capability for multiple polar interactions, along with hydrogen bonding between TM segments, correlates with the observed highest affinity of the ErbB1/ErbB2 heterodimer, implying an important contribution of the TM helix-helix interaction to signal transduction.  相似文献   

Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) and their cellular signaling pathways play important roles in normal development and homeostasis. Aberrations in their activation or signaling leads to many pathologies, especially cancers, motivating the development of a variety of drugs that block RTK signaling that have been successfully applied for the treatment of many cancers. As the current field of RTKs and their signaling pathways are covered by a very large amount of literature, spread over half a century, I am focusing the scope of this review on seminal discoveries made before tyrosine phosphorylation was discovered, and on the early days of research into RTKs and their cellular signaling pathways. I review the history of the early days of research in the field of RTKs. I emphasize key early findings, which provided conceptual frameworks for addressing the questions of how RTKs are activated and how they regulate intracellular signaling pathways.The family of cell-surface receptors designated receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK) received their name more that a decade after the same molecules were already known as the cell-surface receptors for insulin (insulin receptor), epidermal growth factor (EGFR), and many other growth factor receptors. Following the pioneering discoveries of nerve growth factor and epidermal growth factor (EGF; Levi-Montalcini and Booker 1960; Cohen 1962) and the establishment of the important roles of these two growth factors in the control of neuronal differentiation and cell proliferation in vivo and in vitro, it became clear that these cytokines bind specifically to cell-surface receptors. Insulin had already been discovered by this time, and had been applied successfully to treat diabetes patients since the early twentieth century. The resulting homogenous preparations of pure insulin enabled the quantitative characterization of insulin binding to its receptor on intact cells or to solubilized insulin receptor preparations using radiolabeled insulin (De Meyts et al. 1973). These studies greatly advanced understanding of the ligand binding characteristics of insulin receptor and, later on EGFR (Carpenter et al. 1975), including the establishment of negative cooperativity in insulin binding to its receptor expressed on the surface of living cells (De Meyts et al. 1973). Moreover, these studies shed important light on the dynamic nature of the cellular behavior of these receptors. The capacities of insulin receptor and EGFR to undergo ligand-dependent down-regulation and desensitization through receptor-mediated internalization and degradation (Carpenter and Cohen 1976; Gordon et al. 1978; Schlessinger et al. 1978a,b; Carpentier et al. 1979; Haigler et al. 1979) were also established well before the realization that growth factors receptors are endowed with intrinsic protein tyrosine kinase activities (Fig. 1).Open in a separate windowFigure 1.A time line of key findings during the history of RTKs, with emphasis on findings and discoveries that produced the conceptual framework in the development of the RTK field and its application for cancer therapy. References for the key findings are also presented in the text (Lee et al. 1985; Libermann et al. 1985; Margolis et al. 1990; Bottaro et al. 1991; Bae et al. 2009).Progress was also made in elucidating the role of growth factors in normal embryonic development, wound healing, and pathological conditions such as cancer. Early studies in the 1960s and 1970s showed that growth factors play an important role in oncogenesis induced by retroviruses and in the proliferation of tumor-derived cancer cells. Pioneering studies performed by Howard Temin (1966, 1967) showed that cancer cells need less insulin and serum growth factors for cell proliferation compared with normal cells, suggesting that cancer cells produce and use their own growth factors and/or use cellular processes that in normal cells are regulated by exogenously supplied growth factors; both predictions were subsequently confirmed. A variety of new polypeptide growth factors that stimulate cell proliferation by binding to receptors at the cell surface were subsequently discovered. Those include a growth factor isolated from human platelets designated platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF; Antoniades et al. 1979; Heldin et al. 1979), a growth factor isolated from bovine brain designated fibroblast growth factor (FGF; Gospodarowicz et al. 1978), a growth factor isolated from rat platelets that stimulates the proliferation of mature hepatocytes, designated hepatocyte growth factor (HGF; Nakamura et al. 1986). In addition to EGF, another growth factor that binds selectively to cells expressing EGFR was isolated from virally and chemically transformed cells, suggesting that this growth factor—designated transforming growth factor α—may play a role in oncogenesis by an autocrine mechanism (Roberts et al. 1980, 1982). This discovery provided further support to the earlier finding that transformation by murine and feline sarcoma viruses selectively interferes with EGF binding to EGFR in transformed cells (Todaro et al. 1976). Together with many other studies published since the 1980s, this work showed that growth factors and their receptors play numerous important roles during development and in many normal cellular processes as well as in pathologies such as cancer, diabetes, atherosclerosis, severe bone disorders, and tumor angiogenesis.Visualization of dynamic cellular redistribution of ligand/receptor complexes, and rapid receptor-mediated internalization of growth factors such as insulin or EGF, led to the proposal that cell-surface receptors for these ligands may play a passive role in delivering them to intracellular compartments in which internalized EGF or insulin molecules exert their actions (Vigneri et al. 1978; Podlecki et al. 1986; Jiang and Schindler 1990). In other words, according to this hypothesis, the biological signals induced by insulin or EGF were thought to be mediated by binding of the ligands themselves to intracellular target(s) in the cytoplasm or nucleus, with the role of the cell-surface receptor being to act as a “carrier” that delivers them directly to these targets. An alternative hypothesis was that insulin or EGF activates their cognate receptors at the cell surface, which in turn stimulate the production of an intracellular second messenger molecule analogous to cAMP in signaling by the G-protein-activating β-adrenergic receptor. Indeed, several potential second messengers that are generated in cells on stimulation with insulin or other growth factors were proposed before (and even after) it became clear that insulin receptor, EGFR, and other RTKs are endowed with intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity (Larner et al. 1979; Das 1980; Saltiel and Cuatrecasas 1986).A demonstration that anti-insulin receptor antibodies from the serum of certain diabetic patients could mimic cellular responses of insulin (Flier et al. 1977; Van Obberghen et al. 1979) provided the first conclusive answer to the question of whether the biological activity of growth factors is mediated directly or indirectly through their membrane receptors. This experiment ruled out the possibility that insulin receptor functions as a passive carrier that delivers insulin to an intracellular target to induce cellular responses. Studies showing that intact, bivalent antibodies against the insulin receptor can activate its signaling, whereas monovalent Fab fragments of the same antibodies cannot further argued that ligand-induced receptor dimerization or stimulation of a particular arrangement between two receptor molecules in a dimer can activate the insulin receptor (Kahn et al. 1978).A similar conclusion was reached using certain monoclonal antibodies that bind to the extracellular region of EGFR and block ligand binding (Schreiber et al. 1981). Whereas intact antibodies were able to mimic EGF in stimulating a variety of EGF-like responses including cell proliferation, monovalent Fab fragments of the same monoclonal EGFR antibodies failed to do so—and acted instead as EGFR antagonists (Schreiber et al. 1981, 1983). These experiments provided strong evidence both that EGFR plays a crucial role in mediating EGF-induced cellular responses and that EGFR is activated by ligand-induced receptor dimerization (Schreiber 1981, 1983).  相似文献   

A method of noise decomposition has been developed. This method allows for the identification of a latent periodicity with symbol insertions and deletions that is specific for all or most amino acid sequences belonging to the same protein family or protein domain. The latent periodicity has been identified in catalytic domains of 85% of serine/threonine and tyrosine protein kinases. Similar results have been obtained for 22 other protein families. The possible role of latent periodicity in protein families is discussed.__________Translated from Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, Vol. 39, No. 3, 2005, pp. 420–436.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Laskin, Kudryashov, Skryabin, Korotkov.  相似文献   

Neuregulin and ErbB receptor signaling pathways in the nervous system   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
The neuregulins are a complex family of factors that perform many functions during neural development. Recent experiments have shown that neuregulins promote neuronal migration and differentiation, and regulate the selective expression of neurotransmitter receptors in neurons and at the neuromuscular junction. They also regulate glial commitment, proliferation, survival and differentiation. At interneuronal synapses, neuregulin ErbB receptors associate with PDZ-domain proteins at postsynaptic densities where they can modulate synaptic plasticity. How this combinatorial network - comprising many neuregulin ligands that signal through distinct combinations of dimeric ErbB receptors - elicits its multitude of biological effects is beginning to be resolved.  相似文献   

Neuregulin signaling via ErbB receptor assemblies in the nervous system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neuregulins (NRG) play important roles in the development, maintenance, and repair of the nervous system, with influences on neuronal migration, synaptogenesis, receptor subunit composition, and the proliferation/survival of oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells. However, the precise detail of how the NRGs signal through ErbB receptors, particularly at central synapses, is incomplete. The receptor kinase domain provides sites for association with adaptor proteins. In addition, evidence from recent reports suggests that ErbB2/4 receptors, through their C-terminal amino acids, can form specific associations with scaffolding proteins. The existence of such assemblies expands the range of signaling cascades available to the NRGs.  相似文献   

Neuregulin1, a protein involved in signaling through the ErbB receptors, is required for the proper development of multiple organ systems. A complete understanding of the expression profile of Neuregulin1 is complicated by the presence of multiple isoform variants that result from extensive alternative splicing. Remarkably, these numerous protein products display a wide range of divergent functional roles, making the characterization of tissue-specific isoforms critical to understanding signaling. Recent evidence suggests an important role for Neuregulin1 signaling during olfactory epithelium development and regeneration. In order to understand the physiological consequences of this signaling, we sought to identify the isoform-specific and cell type-specific expression pattern of Neuregulin1 in the adult olfactory mucosa using a combination of RT-qPCR, FACS, and immunohistochemistry. To complement this information, we also analyzed the cell-type specific expression patterns of the ErbB receptors using immunohistochemistry. We found that multiple Neuregulin1 isoforms, containing predominantly the Type I and Type III N-termini, are expressed in the uninjured olfactory mucosa. Specifically, we found that Type III Neuregulin1 is highly expressed in mature olfactory sensory neurons and Type I Neuregulin1 is highly expressed in duct gland cells. Surprisingly, the divergent localization of these Neuregulin isoforms and their corresponding ErbB receptors does not support a role for active signaling during normal turnover and maintenance of the olfactory mucosa. Conversely, we found that injury to the olfactory epithelium specifically upregulates the Neuregulin1 Type I isoform bringing the expression pattern adjacent to cells expressing both ErbB2 and ErbB3 which is compatible with active signaling, supporting a functional role for Neuregulin1 specifically during regeneration.  相似文献   

The ErbB receptor tyrosine kinase family consists of four members: EGFR/Her1, Her2, Her3 and Her4; they have been involved in a variety of malignant tumors. The mitogen-inducible gene 6 (MIG6) is a natural tumor-suppressor protein that can inactivate ErbB signaling by directly binding to the catalytic domain of ErbB kinases. Here, a peptide segment s2p was stripped from the MIG6 interaction interface with ErbB, which exhibited a very low or no affinity to the four ErbB kinases. Structural dynamics simulations revealed that the linear peptide is highly flexible in unbound state and would incur a considerable entropy penalty upon binding to kinases. In this respect, the s2p peptide was cyclized by rational design of a disulfide bond across its two termini, resulting in a cyclic peptide s2p-c. Integration of computational analysis and experimental assay found that the cyclization can largely constrain s2p conformation, thus minimizing the entropy penalty and restoring the binding affinity of s2p-c to kinases.  相似文献   

The ErbB protein tyrosine kinases are among the most important cell signaling families and mutation-induced modulation of their activity is associated with diverse functions in biological networks and human disease. We have combined molecular dynamics simulations of the ErbB kinases with the protein structure network modeling to characterize the reorganization of the residue interaction networks during conformational equilibrium changes in the normal and oncogenic forms. Structural stability and network analyses have identified local communities integrated around high centrality sites that correspond to the regulatory spine residues. This analysis has provided a quantitative insight to the mechanism of mutation-induced “superacceptor” activity in oncogenic EGFR dimers. We have found that kinase activation may be determined by allosteric interactions between modules of structurally stable residues that synchronize the dynamics in the nucleotide binding site and the αC-helix with the collective motions of the integrating αF-helix and the substrate binding site. The results of this study have pointed to a central role of the conserved His-Arg-Asp (HRD) motif in the catalytic loop and the Asp-Phe-Gly (DFG) motif as key mediators of structural stability and allosteric communications in the ErbB kinases. We have determined that residues that are indispensable for kinase regulation and catalysis often corresponded to the high centrality nodes within the protein structure network and could be distinguished by their unique network signatures. The optimal communication pathways are also controlled by these nodes and may ensure efficient allosteric signaling in the functional kinase state. Structure-based network analysis has quantified subtle effects of ATP binding on conformational dynamics and stability of the EGFR structures. Consistent with the NMR studies, we have found that nucleotide-induced modulation of the residue interaction networks is not limited to the ATP site, and may enhance allosteric cooperativity with the substrate binding region by increasing communication capabilities of mediating residues.  相似文献   

Tyrosine kinase activity was determined in neonatal and adult human brain, oligodendrogliomas, and astrocytomas. The astrocytomas were divided into low- (grade I and grade II) and high-grade (grade III and grade IV) tumors. We measured the tyrosine kinase activity in the cytosolic and membrane fraction using poly(glutamic acid:tyrosine, 4:1) as an artificial substrate. The cytosolic activity in oligodendrogliomas (n = 7), low-grade astrocytomas (n = 7), and neonatal brain (n = 1) was increased, on average, two- to fourfold compared with that in normal adult brain (n = 14). The cytosolic activities of high-grade astrocytomas (n = 11) were in approximately the same range as found in normal adult brain. The absence of an increase in cytosolic activity in high-grade astrocytomas compared with adult brain is likely due to the occurrence of necrosis in these tumors. In contrast to the cytosolic activity, no differences were found in the membrane-bound activity. By fast protein liquid chromatography, at least three forms of cytosolic protein tyrosine kinase could be separated, which eluted at 0, 115, and 210 mM NaCl. In most cases the highest amount of activity eluted at 210 mM NaCl. However, in oligodendrogliomas, high-grade astrocytomas, and neonatal brain, more activity eluted at 115 mM NaCl than in normal adult brain (p = 0.043). Nevertheless, protein tyrosine kinases from all three peaks contributed to the elevated levels of total cytosolic activity of oligodendrogliomas and low-grade astrocytomas.  相似文献   

Huang YZ  Mei L 《生理科学进展》2001,32(3):197-203
Neuregulins(NRG)是一在结构上相类似的多肽家族,它们由四个不同的基因编码。NRG有三种异构体(NRG1、2和3)。这些异构体在及脑内有高表达,包括发育中的脑和成熟的脑。这些异构体中,对NRG1研究最为广泛。NRG1对神经系统的发育有多种重要的调节作用。它能促进胶质细胞的生化和分化;也能调节小脑、颗粒细胞沿胶质细胞的迁移。在突触形成过程中,NRG1可诱导以下三种受体的表达:神经肌肉接头和中枢 神经系统内的乙酰胆碱受体的表达;小脑胶质细胞中NMDA受体的NR2C亚单位的表达;小脑胶质细胞中GABAA受体的表达。近年来的研究表明,NRG受体多分布于突触后膜致密区,提示NRG可能对突触的可塑性有重要的作用。本文综述了NRG的研究进展,特别对其功能及其信号转导机制有较多的讨论。  相似文献   

We have compared all available deduced protein sequences of the ErbB family of receptors and their ligands. Analysis of the aligned sequences of the receptors indicates that there are some differences in the receptors that are specific to invertebrates. In addition, comparison of the vertebrate ErbB receptors suggest that a gene duplication event generated two ancestral receptors, the ErbB3/ErbB4 precursor and the ErbB1/ErbB2 precursor. Subsequent gene duplications of these precursors generated the four receptors present in mammals. Analysis of the sequences for the known ligands of the ErbB receptors suggests that the vertebrate ligands segregate into the ErbB1 ligands and the ErbB3/ErbB4 ligands, paralleling the evolution of the receptors; however, it is difficult to ascertain any correlation between the invertebrate and the vertebrate ligands. Even though ErbB3 is kinase-impaired, there is significant conservation of the kinase domain within the vertebrate lineage (human, rat, and F. rubripes), suggesting some function for this domain other than kinase activity, such as mediating protein–protein interactions that are involved in receptor dimerization and/or activation of the kinase domain of the heterodimerization partner. To date, no ligand for ErbB2 has been identified, and comparison of the extracellular domains of ErbB2 reveals two regions that are not conserved across the mammalian species. These two regions of divergence align with sequences in ErbB1 that have been shown to be proximal to the amino-terminus and to the carboxyl-terminal region, respectively, of bound EGF. Further, one of these regions contains an insertion, relative to the other members of the mammalian ErbB family, which might affect the ligand binding site and provide a structural basis for this receptor's apparent inability to bind ligand independently. Received: 8 September 1999 / Accepted: 17 January 2000  相似文献   

酪氨酸激酶受体Eph亚族的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
酪氨酸激酶受体(RTK)参与细胞生长、分化、胚胎发育及细胞内信号传递等过程,具有相当重要的生理功能.目前已发现50多种RTK基因分属于14种亚族,Eph亚族是其中最大的家族,由14个基因组成,一些基因主要在脑的发育中表达,另一些则在各种组织中广泛表达.最近该亚族胞外配体的发现为深入研究其生理功能打下基础.综述了Eph亚族成员的来源、表达及其配体的研究概况.  相似文献   

Rlk/Txk is a member of the BTK/Tec family of tyrosine kinases and is primarily expressed in T lymphocytes. Unlike other members of this kinase family, Rlk lacks a pleckstrin homology (PH) domain near the amino terminus and instead contains a distinctive cysteine string motif. We demonstrate here that Rlk protein consists of two isoforms that arise by alternative initiation of translation from the same cDNA. The shorter, internally initiated protein species lacks the cysteine string motif and is located in the nucleus when expressed in the absence of the larger form. In contrast, the larger form is cytoplasmic. We show that the larger form is palmitoylated and that mutation of its cysteine string motif both abolishes palmitoylation and allows the protein to migrate to the nucleus. The cysteine string, therefore, is a critical determinant of both fatty acid modification and protein localization for the larger isoform of Rlk, suggesting that Rlk regulation is distinct from the other Btk family kinases. We further show that Rlk is phosphorylated and changes localization in response to T-cell-receptor (TCR) activation and, like the other Btk family kinases, can be phosphorylated and activated by Src family kinases. However, unlike the other Btk family members, Rlk is activated independently of the activity of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, consistent with its lack of a PH domain. Thus, Rlk has two distinct isoforms, each of which may have unique properties in signaling downstream from the TCR.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that ErbB receptors for neuregulins play an important role in cardiac development and muscle spindle formation during embryogenesis; however, little is known about their functions in adulthood. Recent reports indicate that breast cancer therapy with humanized monoclonal ErbB2 antibody induces cardiomyopathy, suggesting that ErbB2 serves as a crucial signaling receptor, even in the adult heart. Here, we examine ErbB2 expression and localization in both cardiac and skeletal muscle of adult mice via immunoblot and immunohistochemistry. ErbB2 was detected as a band approximately 185 kD molecular mass in each cardiac and skeletal muscle extraction. Confocal images of double labeling showed that ErbB2 was colocalized with caveolin-3 in cardiac muscle and with dihydropyridine receptor in skeletal muscle, suggesting that ErbB2 was localized at the T-tubule. In addition, immunoelectron micrographs clearly demonstrated that ErbB2 was located at the T-tubule in both types of muscle. Taken together, the results of the present study suggest that neuregulin-ErbB2 signaling plays a role in the physiological function of cardiac and skeletal muscle, even in adulthood.  相似文献   

Transactivation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR or ErbB) family members, namely EGFR and ErbB2, appears important in the development of diabetes-induced vascular dysfunction. Angiotensin-(1–7) [Ang-(1–7)] can prevent the development of hyperglycemia-induced vascular complications partly through inhibiting EGFR transactivation. Here, we investigated whether Ang-(1–7) can inhibit transactivation of ErbB2 as well as other ErbB receptors in vivo and in vitro. Streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats were chronically treated with Ang-(1–7) or AG825, a selective ErbB2 inhibitor, for 4 weeks and mechanistic studies performed in the isolated mesenteric vasculature bed as well as in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). Ang-(1–7) or AG825 treatment inhibited diabetes-induced phosphorylation of ErbB2 receptor at tyrosine residues Y1221/22, Y1248, Y877, as well as downstream signaling via ERK1/2, p38 MAPK, ROCK, eNOS and IkB-α in the mesenteric vascular bed. In VSMCs cultured in high glucose (25 mM), Ang-(1–7) inhibited src-dependent ErbB2 transactivation that was opposed by the selective Mas receptor antagonist, D-Pro7-Ang-(1–7). Ang-(1–7) via Mas receptor also inhibited both Angiotensin II- and noradrenaline/norephinephrine-induced transactivation of ErbB2 and/or EGFR receptors. Further, hyperglycemia-induced transactivation of ErbB3 and ErbB4 receptors could be attenuated by Ang-(1–7) that could be prevented by D-Pro7-Ang-(1–7) in VSMC. These data suggest that Ang-(1–7) via its Mas receptor acts as a pan-ErbB inhibitor and might represent a novel general mechanism by which Ang-(1–7) exerts its beneficial effects in many disease states including diabetes-induced vascular complications.  相似文献   

The voltage-dependent potassium channel, Kv1.3, is modulated by the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFr) and the insulin receptor tyrosine kinases. When the EGFr and Kv1.3 are coexpressed in HEK 293 cells, acute treatment of the cells with EGF during a patch recording can suppress the Kv1.3 current within tens of minutes. This effect appears to be due to tyrosine phosphorylation of the channel, as it is blocked by treatment with the tyrosine kinase inhibitor erbstatin, or by mutation of the tyrosine at channel amino acid position 479 to phenylalanine. Previous work has shown that there is a large increase in the tyrosine phosphorylation of Kv1.3 when it is coexpressed with the EGFr. Pretreatment of EGFr and Kv1.3 cotransfected cells with EGF before patch recording also results in a decrease in peak Kv1.3 current. Furthermore, pretreatment of cotransfected cells with an antibody to the EGFr ligand binding domain (α-EGFr), which blocks receptor dimerization and tyrosine kinase activation, blocks the EGFr-mediated suppression of Kv1.3 current. Insulin treatment during patch recording also causes an inhibition of Kv1.3 current after tens of minutes, while pretreatment for 18 h produces almost total suppression of current. In addition to depressing peak Kv1.3 current, EGF treatment produces a speeding of C-type inactivation, while pretreatment with the α-EGFr slows C-type inactivation. In contrast, insulin does not influence C-type inactivation kinetics. Mutational analysis indicates that the EGF-induced modulation of the inactivation rate occurs by a mechanism different from that of the EGF-induced decrease in peak current. Thus, receptor tyrosine kinases differentially modulate the current magnitude and kinetics of a voltage-dependent potassium channel.  相似文献   

Hippocampal function is important for learning and memory, and dysfunction of the hippocampus has been linked to the pathophysiology of neuropsychiatric diseases such as schizophrenia. Neuregulin1 (NRG1) and ErbB4, two susceptibility genes for schizophrenia, reportedly modulate long-term potentiation (LTP) at hippocampal Schaffer collateral (SC)-CA1 synapses. However, little is known regarding the contribution of hippocampal NRG1/ErbB4 signaling to learning and memory function. Here, quantitative real-time PCR and Western blotting were used to assess the mRNA and protein levels of NRG1 and ErbB4. Pharmacological and genetic approaches were used to manipulate NRG1/ErbB4 signaling, following which learning and memory behaviors were evaluated using the Morris water maze, Y-maze test, and the novel object recognition test. Spatial learning was found to reduce hippocampal NRG1 and ErbB4 expression. The blockade of NRG1/ErbB4 signaling in hippocampal CA1, either by neutralizing endogenous NRG1 or inhibiting/ablating ErbB4 receptor activity, enhanced hippocampus-dependent spatial learning, spatial working memory, and novel object recognition memory. Accordingly, administration of exogenous NRG1 impaired those functions. More importantly, the specific ablation of ErbB4 in parvalbumin interneurons also improved learning and memory performance. The manipulation of NRG1/ErbB4 signaling in the present study revealed that NRG1/ErbB4 activity in the hippocampus is critical for learning and memory. These findings might provide novel insights on the pathophysiological mechanisms of schizophrenia and a new target for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, which is characterized by a progressive decline in cognitive function.  相似文献   

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