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Functional importance of Vpx protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 was evaluated in various types of cells. In 8 lymphocytic or monocytic cell lines tested, vpx mutant virus grew as well as wild-type virus. Only in primary peripheral blood mononuclear cell cultures, severely retarded growth of mutant virus was observed. No replication of vpx-minus virus was detected in primary macrophage cells. A highly sensitive single-round replication assay system was used to determine the defective replication phase in primary mononuclear cells of vpx mutant virus. In all cell lines examined, vpx mutant displayed no abnormality. In contrast, the vpx mutant was demonstrated to be defective at an early stage of the infection cycle in primary cell cultures. No evidence of a replication-defect at a late phase in primary cells of the vpx mutant was obtained by a transfection-coculture method. These results indicate that the virion-associated Vpx protein is essential for early viral replication process in natural target cells such as primary macrophages.  相似文献   

NDRG4 is a largely unstudied member of the predominantly tumor suppressive N-Myc downstream-regulated gene (NDRG) family. Unlike its family members NDRG1–3, which are ubiquitously expressed, NDRG4 is expressed almost exclusively in the heart and brain. Given this tissue-specific expression pattern and the established tumor suppressive roles of the NDRG family in regulating cellular proliferation, we investigated the cellular and biochemical functions of NDRG4 in the context of astrocytes and glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) cells. We show that, in contrast to NDRG2, NDRG4 expression is elevated in GBM and NDRG4 is required for the viability of primary astrocytes, established GBM cell lines, and both CD133+ (cancer stem cell (CSC)-enriched) and CD133 primary GBM xenograft cells. While NDRG4 overexpression has no effect on cell viability, NDRG4 knockdown causes G1 cell cycle arrest followed by apoptosis. The initial G1 arrest is associated with a decrease in cyclin D1 expression and an increase in p27Kip1 expression, and the subsequent apoptosis is associated with a decrease in the expression of XIAP and survivin. As a result of these effects on cell cycle progression and survival, NDRG4 knockdown decreases the tumorigenic capacity of established GBM cell lines and GBM CSC-enriched cells that have been implanted intracranially into immunocompromised mice. Collectively, these data indicate that NDRG4 is required for cell cycle progression and survival, thereby diverging in function from its tumor suppressive family member NDRG2 in astrocytes and GBM cells.The N-Myc downstream-regulated gene (NDRG)5 family consists of four genes (NDRG1–4) that can be divided into two subfamilies based on sequence homology: NDRG1 and NDRG3 are in the first subfamily, and NDRG2 and NDRG4 make up the second subfamily. Although the four NDRG family members show distinct spatiotemporal expression patterns during embryonic development and in adult tissues (110), all four are highly expressed in the brain (4). To date, however, NDRG2 is the only NDRG family member that has been studied in the context of GBM cells and astrocytes. NDRG2 mRNA and protein levels are lower in GBM than in normal brain tissue, normal glial cells, and low grade astrocytomas (1114), suggesting a tumor suppressive function. Data from experimental and clinical studies support this hypothesis: NDRG2 overexpression inhibits GBM cell proliferation (15), and decreased NDRG2 expression correlates with decreased GBM patient survival (13).In contrast to its subfamily member NDRG2, NDRG4 has not been studied in GBM cells or astrocytes. Nevertheless, available evidence supports the hypothesis that NDRG4 has an important role in this context that is similar to the role of NDRG2. First, unlike the relatively ubiquitous expression patterns of NDRG1–3, NDRG4 expression is restricted to a small number of tissues including the brain, where it is expressed at particularly high levels (7, 10). This restricted expression pattern suggests that NDRG4 plays an important role within the central nervous system. Second, NDRG4 is more than 60% identical in amino acid sequence to NDRG2. This sequence similarity is likely behind the overlapping functions of these two proteins in certain cell types within the brain. For example, in PC12 neuronal cells, both NDRG4 and NDRG2 promote neurite extension (1618). In combination with the brain-specific expression pattern of NDRG4, these functional and sequence similarities suggest that NDRG4 may recapitulate the tumor suppressive function of NDRG2 in primary brain neoplasms.To determine if the similarities between NDRG2 and NDRG4 extend to the context of GBM, we investigated the role of NDRG4 in GBM cell lines and primary human astrocytes. In contrast to the established roles of NDRG2 and other NDRG family members, we found that the role of NDRG4 in GBM is not tumor suppressive. On the contrary, both astrocytes and GBM cells require the presence of NDRG4 for cell cycle progression and survival.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) can disseminate between CD4+ T cells via diffusion-limited cell-free viral spread or by directed cell-cell transfer using virally induced structures termed virological synapses. Although T-cell virological synapses have been well characterized, it is unclear whether this mode of viral spread is susceptible to inhibition by neutralizing antibodies and entry inhibitors. We show here that both cell-cell and cell-free viral spread are equivalently sensitive to entry inhibition. Fluorescence imaging analysis measuring virological synapse lifetimes and inhibitor time-of-addition studies implied that inhibitors can access preformed virological synapses and interfere with HIV-1 cell-cell infection. This concept was supported by electron tomography that revealed the T-cell virological synapse to be a relatively permeable structure. Virological synapse-mediated HIV-1 spread is thus efficient but is not an immune or entry inhibitor evasion mechanism, a result that is encouraging for vaccine and drug design.As with enveloped viruses from several viral families, the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) can disseminate both by fluid-phase diffusion of viral particles and by directed cell-cell transfer (39). The primary target cell for HIV-1 replication in vivo is the CD4+ T-cell (13), which is infectible by CCR5-tropic (R5) and CXCR4-tropic (X4) viral variants (29). R5 HIV-1 is the major transmitted viral phenotype and dominates the global pandemic, whereas X4 virus is found later in infection in ca. 50% of infected individuals, and its presence indicates a poor disease progression prognosis (23). Cell-cell HIV-1 transfer between T cells is more efficient than diffusion-limited spread (8, 16, 32, 38), although recent estimates for the differential range from approximately 1 (42) to 4 (6) orders of magnitude. Two structures have been proposed to support contact-mediated intercellular movement of HIV-1 between T cells: membrane nanotubes (33, 43) and macromolecular adhesive contacts termed virological synapses (VS) (15, 17, 33). VS appear to be the dominant structure involved in T-cell-T-cell spread (33), and both X4 (17) and R5 HIV-1 (6, 15, 42) can spread between T cells via this mechanism.VS assembly and function are dependent on HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) engaging its primary cellular receptor CD4 (2, 6, 17). This interaction recruits more CD4 and coreceptor to the site of cell-cell contact in an actin-dependent manner (17). Adhesion molecules cluster at the intercellular junction and are thought to stabilize the VS (18). In parallel, viral Env and Gag are recruited to the interface by a microtubule-dependent mechanism (19), where polarized viral budding may release virions into the synaptic space across which the target cell is infected (17). The precise mechanism by which HIV-1 subsequently enters the target T-cell cytoplasm remains unclear: by fusion directly at the plasma membrane, fusion from within an endosomal compartment, or both (4, 6, 15, 25, 34).Viruses from diverse families including herpesviruses (9), poxviruses (22) and hepatitis C virus (44) evade neutralizing antibody attack by direct cell-cell spread, since the tight junctions across which the these viruses move are antibody impermeable. It has been speculated that transfer of HIV-1 across VS may promote evasion from immune or therapeutic intervention with the inference that the junctions formed in retroviral VS may be nonpermissive to antibody entry (39). However, available evidence regarding whether neutralizing antibodies (NAb) and other entry inhibitors can inhibit HIV-1 cell-cell spread is inconsistent (25). An early analysis suggested that HIV-1 T-cell-T-cell spread is relatively resistant to neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (NMAb) (12). A later study agreed with this conclusion by demonstrating a lack of permissivity of HIV-1 T-cell-T-cell spread, measured by transfer of viral Gag, to interference with viral fusion using a gp41-specific NMAb and a peptidic fusion inhibitor (6). In contrast, another analysis reported that anti-gp41-specific NMAb interfered effectively with HIV-1 spread between T cells (26). Inhibitors of the HIV-1 surface glycoprotein (gp120)-CD4 or gp120-CXCR4 interaction reduced X4 HIV-1 VS assembly and viral transfer if applied prior to mixing of infected and receptor-expressing target cells (17, 19), but the effect of these inhibitors has not been tested on preformed VS. Thus, the field is currently unclear on whether direct T-cell-T-cell infectious HIV-1 spread is susceptible or not to antibody and entry inhibitor-mediated disruption of VS assembly, and the related question, whether the VS is permeable to viral entry inhibitors, including NAb. Addressing these questions is of central importance to understanding HIV-1 pathogenesis and informing future drug and vaccine design.Since estimates reported in the literature of the relative efficiency of direct HIV-1 T-cell-T-cell spread compared to cell-free spread vary by approximately 3 orders of magnitude (6, 38, 42), and the evidence for the activity of viral entry inhibitors on cell-cell spread is conflicting, we set out to quantify the efficiency of infection across the T-cell VS and analyze the susceptibility of this structure to NAb and viral entry inhibitors. Assays reporting on events proximal to productive infection show that the R5 HIV-1 T-cell VS is approximately 1 order of magnitude more efficient than cell-free virus infection, and imaging analyses reveal that the VS assembled by HIV-1 is most likely permeable to inhibitors both during, and subsequent to, VS assembly. Thus, we conclude that the T-cell VS does not provide a privileged environment allowing HIV-1 escape from entry inhibition.  相似文献   

Knowledge of immune mechanisms responsible for the cross-protection between highly divergent viruses such as human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and HIV-2 may contribute to an understanding of whether virus variability may be overcome in the design of vaccine candidates which are broadly protective across the HIV subtypes. We demonstrate that despite the significant difference in virus amino acid sequence, the majority of HIV-2-infected individuals with different HLA molecules possess a dominant cytotoxic T-cell response which is able to recognize HIV-1 Gag protein. Furthermore, HLA-B5801-positive subjects show broad cross-recognition of HIV-1 subtypes since they mounted a T-cell response that tolerated extensive amino acid substitutions within HLA-B5801-restricted HIV-1 and HIV-2 epitopes. These results suggests that HLA-B5801-positive HIV-2-infected individuals have an enhanced ability to react with HIV-1 that could play a role in cross-protection.Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and HIV-2 are related human retroviruses that show various biological and structural differences. HIV-2 is found mainly in West Africa, whereas HIV-1 is spreading throughout the world. HIV-2 is less transmissible, and HIV-2-positive patients exhibit longer clinical latency periods than individuals infected with HIV-1 (23). A recent report has also shown that the mortality in HIV-2-infected individuals is only twice as high as in the uninfected population and, in the majority of adults, survival is not affected by HIV-2 status (31).Although the two viruses are similar in genomic organization, various genetic and enzymatic differences have been found at many stages of the retroviral life cycle. They differ significantly in terms of amino acid sequence, the more conserved being the Pol and Gag sequences, which exhibit less than 60% homology (17).Despite these differences, epidemiological data and animal studies have shown some evidence of cross-protection between the two viral infections. Travers et al. reported that HIV-2-infected women had a lower incidence of HIV-1 infection than did HIV-seronegative women in a cohort of commercial sexual workers in Dakar (37), and rhesus macaques immunized with a recombinant HIV-1 poxvirus vaccine are protected against HIV-2 challenge (2). These studies, though not conclusive (1, 6), suggest that differences in the virus may not necessarily preclude the development of defensive immunity to a subsequent pathogenic infection, an old-fashioned concept pioneered by Jenner, who used cowpox to vaccinate against human smallpox.The immunological basis of cross-protection is largely unknown, and a clear understanding of the role played by the humoral or cell-mediated immune response in HIV protection is still lacking. However, mounting evidence suggests that cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response could be the key element. Indeed, the protection afforded in animal models against simian (13) and feline (12) immunodeficiency virus infections is closely correlated with the induction of specific CTL response, and HIV-1 and HIV-2 HLA-B35-restricted cross-reactive CTLs have been postulated to confer protection against repeated HIV exposure (33).CTLs recognize short viral peptides, 8 to 11 amino acids long, that are generated by the intracellular processing of endogenously synthesized viral antigens within the infected cells, which are expressed at the cell surface in the binding groove of HLA class I molecules. The specificity of the T-cell response is determined by the interaction of the antigen-specific T-cell receptor (TCR) with the peptide-HLA complex, and this interaction, together with non-antigen-specific signals, activates the CTLs (15).The presence of cross-reactive CTLs able to lyse HIV-1- or HIV-2-infected cells should be dependent on the extent of conservation between the two viruses within the epitopes selected by particular HLA class I molecules. It is well known that amino acid substitutions within the epitopes can abrogate the CTL response by inhibiting either HLA binding or TCR recognition (32). However, a number of recent studies have shown that T cells can recognize apparently unrelated peptides (10, 41), and crystallographic data have shown physical limits to the TCR epitope specificity due to the limited size of contact between the TCR and the peptide (14), suggesting a flexibility in T-cell recognition of antigen (19).Some individuals with a particular HLA profile which is responsible for presentation of the viral antigen and for selection of the T-cell repertoire may possess a CTL response not affected by mutations within the epitope, as has been demonstrated in subjects with HLA alleles B27 (28) and B35 (33). In these cases, amino acid substitutions within the HIV-1 and -2 epitopes were tolerated by the CTLs.In this study, we have investigated the extent of cross-reacting CTLs between HIV-2 and HIV-1 in a group of HIV-2-infected subjects with different HLA class I types. We have shown that despite differences in amino acid sequence between the two viruses, the majority of HIV-2-positive subjects possess CTLs which are able to recognize HIV-1 Gag protein.Furthermore, analysis of HLA profiles and the fine specificity of the cytotoxic response demonstrated that HLA-B5801-positive subjects show broad cross-recognition of HIV-1 isolates. These subjects mounted a CTL response that tolerated extensive amino acid substitutions within an HLA-B5801-restricted HIV-1 epitope.  相似文献   

During assembly and budding of retroviruses, host cell proteins are incorporated into viral particles. Identification of virion-associated proteins may help pinpoint key cellular components required for virus production and function. The cellular protein annexin 2 (Anx2) is incorporated into HIV-1 particles, and knockdown of Anx2 has been reported to cause defects in Gag processing and infectivity of HIV-1 particles in macrophages. Here, we tested whether Anx2 was required for HIV-1 production in other cell types capable of producing HIV-1 virions. Endogenous Anx2 levels were knocked down by ∼98% using lentivirus encoding short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) or small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) targeting Anx2. Under these conditions, there was no reduction in HIV-1 virus-like particle (VLP) production in either COS-1, 293T, or Jurkat T cells or primary human monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs). Murine embryonic fibroblasts derived from Anx2−/− mice produced the same levels of VLPs as matched cells from wild-type mice. The calcium-mediated spike in VLP production still occurred in Anx2-depleted COS-1 cells, and there was no apparent alteration in the intracellular Gag localization. Overexpression of Anx2 in trans had no effect on Gag processing or VLP production. Neither Anx2 depletion nor Anx2 overexpression altered the infectivity of HIV-1 particles produced by COS-1 or 293T cells. However, supernatants containing virus from Anx2 siRNA-treated primary human MDMs exhibited decreased infectivity. These data indicate that Anx2 is not required for HIV-1 assembly or Gag processing but rather plays a cell type-dependent role in regulating production of infectious HIV-1 by macrophages.The Gag polyprotein generates the key structural proteins for all retroviruses. Gag is necessary and sufficient for the formation of virus-like particles (VLPs), which are morphologically similar to immature virions. Following its synthesis in the cytoplasm, HIV-1 Gag is trafficked to sites of particle production on membranes. Viral particle production depends on Gag-membrane interactions mediated by the myristoylated MA domain of Gag (18, 22, 31) and Gag-Gag interactions mediated by the CA and NC domains. Budding and release of the new virion are mediated by the Gag p6 domain. For successful particle production to occur, HIV-1 Gag must also interact with numerous host cell proteins and protein complexes. Identification of these interactions provides a crucial window into determining Gag trafficking intermediates as well as clues to the mechanism of virion production.The host cell protein annexin 2 (Anx2) has recently attracted attention for its potential to regulate key processes in both cells and viruses (9, 14, 17, 24). Anx2 belongs to a family of conserved calcium-regulated proteins and interacts with actin, membranes, and negatively charged phospholipids. The major protein binding partner for Anx2 is p11, also known as S100A10. Two populations of Anx2 have been identified: a heterotetrameric complex with two molecules of Anx2 and two molecules of p11 (found predominantly at the plasma membrane) and a monomeric form found mainly in the cytoplasm. Anx2 performs multiple functions in the cell, including regulation of actin-based dynamics, fibrinolysis, calcium-mediated exocytosis, and transport of intermediates from early to late endosomes (10, 14-16) Anx2 also enhances binding and fusion of cytomegalovirus with phospholipid membranes (21). In addition, Anx2 can be detected within influenza virus particles (28), where it has been shown to aid in virus replication (9).Several lines of evidence suggest that Anx2 may play a role in HIV-1 biogenesis. Both Anx2 and its binding partner p11 are incorporated in HIV-1 particles produced by macrophages (2). Anx2 interacts with Gag in macrophages, and annexin 2 knockdown has been reported to cause defective Gag processing and reduced infectivity of the released particles (24). Blockade of Anx2 function, with either anti-Anx2 antibody or small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated knockdown, results in suppression of HIV-1 infection in macrophages (11). Anx2 also binds to Gag in 293T cells, and expression of Anx2 in trans in these cells has been reported to lead to increased Gag processing and HIV-1 production (7). Taken together, these findings suggest that Anx2 might play a universal role in Gag trafficking and particle production. To test this hypothesis, we exploited methods to efficiently knock down Anx2 expression and determined the effect of Anx2 knockdown in a variety of cell lines capable of producing HIV-1 virions. Here we show that, in the absence of Anx2 expression, HIV-1 Gag is expressed, trafficked, and capable of mediating viral particle formation in a manner similar to that of control cells expressing Anx2. However, a cell type-dependent effect of Anx2 depletion on HIV-1 infectivity was detected in primary human monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs). These findings suggest that Anx2 might be a macrophage-specific host cell factor that regulates HIV-1 infectivity.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) immediate-early protein Vmw110 stimulates the onset of virus infection in a multiplicity-dependent manner and is required for efficient reactivation from latency. Recent work has shown that Vmw110 is able to interact with or modify the stability of several cellular proteins. In this report we analyze the ability of Vmw110 to inhibit the progression of cells through the cell cycle. We show by fluorescence-activated cell sorter and/or confocal microscopy analysis that an enhanced green fluorescent protein-tagged Vmw110 possesses the abilities both to prevent transfected cells moving from G(1) into S phase and to block infected cells at an unusual stage of mitosis defined as pseudo-prometaphase. The latter property correlates with the Vmw110-induced proteasome-dependent degradation of CENP-C, a centromeric protein component of the inner plate of human kinetochores. We also show that whereas Vmw110 is not the only viral product implicated in the block of infected cells at the G(1)/S border, the mitotic block is a specific property of Vmw110 and more particularly of its RING finger domain. These data explain the toxicity of Vmw110 when expressed alone in transfected cells and provide an explanation for the remaining toxicity of replication-defective mutants of HSV-1 expressing Vmw110. In addition to contributing to our understanding of the effects of Vmw110 on the cell, our results demonstrate that Vmw110 expression is incompatible with the proliferation of a dividing cell population. This factor is of obvious importance to the design of gene therapy vectors based on HSV-1.  相似文献   

In vivo studies in monkeys and humans have indicated that immunodeficiency viruses with Nef deleted are nonpathogenic in immunocompetent hosts, and this has motivated a search for live attenuated vaccine candidates. However, the mechanisms of action of Nef remain elusive. To define the regions of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Nef which mediate in vivo pathogenicity, a series of mutated isogenic viruses were inoculated into human thymic implants in SCID-hu mice. Mutation of several regions, including the myristoylation site at the second glycine and a region encompassing amino acids 41 through 49 of Nef, profoundly affected pathogenicity. Surprisingly, mutations of prolines in either of the two distant PXXP SH3 binding domains did not affect pathogenicity, indicating that these regions are not required for Nef activity in developing T-lineage cells. These data suggest that some functions of Nef described in vitro may not be relevant for in vivo pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK is a crucial pathway regulating cell cycle progression, apoptosis, and drug resistance. The Ras oncogene is frequently mutated in human cancer, which can result in the activation of the downstream Raf/MEK/ERK cascade leading to cell cycle progression in the absence of a growth stimulus. Raf-induced proliferation has been observed in hematopoietic cells. However, the mechanisms by which Raf affects cell cycle progression are not well described. To investigate the importance of Raf/MEK/ERK signaling in human hematopoietic cell growth, the effects of three different Raf genes, A-Raf, B-Raf and Raf-1, on cell cycle progression and regulatory gene expression were examined in TF-1 cells transformed to grow in response to b-estradiol-regulated DRaf:ER genes. Raf activation increased the expression of cyclin A, cyclin D, cyclin E, and p21Cip1, which are associated with G1 progression. Activated DRaf-1:ER and DA-Raf:ER but not DB-Raf:ER increased Cdk2 and Cdk4 kinase activity. The regulatory role of p16Ink4a, a potent Cdk4 kinase inhibitor, on the kinase activity of Cdk2 and Cdk4 was also examined. Raf induced p16Ink4a suppressor but this did not eliminate Cdk4 kinase activity. These results indicate that human hematopoietic cells transformed to grow in response to activated Raf can be used to elucidate the mechanisms by which various cell cycle regulatory molecules effect cell cycle progression. Furthermore, the differences that the various Raf isoforms have on Cdk4 activity and other cell cycle regulatory molecules can be determined in these cells.

Key Words:

Cell cycle, Raf, p21Cip1, p27Kip1, Cyclins, Cdks, Hematopoietic cells  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix exerts a stringent control on the proliferation of normal cells, suggesting the existence of a mitogenic signaling pathway activated by integrins, but not significantly by growth factor receptors. Herein, we provide evidence that integrins cause a significant and protracted activation of Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK), while several growth factors cause more modest or no activation of this enzyme. Integrin-mediated stimulation of JNK required the association of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) with a Src kinase and p130(CAS), the phosphorylation of p130(CAS), and subsequently, the recruitment of Crk. Ras and PI-3K were not required. FAK-JNK signaling was necessary for proper progression through the G1 phase of the cell cycle. These findings establish a role for FAK in both the activation of JNK and the control of the cell cycle, and identify a physiological stimulus for JNK signaling that is consistent with the role of Jun in both proliferation and transformation.  相似文献   

In vitro propagation studies have established that human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is most efficiently transmitted at the virological synapse that forms between producer and target cells. Despite the presence of the viral envelope glycoprotein (Env) and CD4 and chemokine receptors at the respective surfaces, producer and target cells usually do not fuse with each other but disengage after the viral particles have been delivered, consistent with the idea that syncytia, at least in vitro, are not required for HIV-1 spread. Here, we tested whether tetraspanins, which are well known regulators of cellular membrane fusion processes that are enriched at HIV-1 exit sites, regulate syncytium formation. We found that overexpression of tetraspanins in producer cells leads to reduced syncytium formation, while downregulation has the opposite effect. Further, we document that repression of Env-induced cell-cell fusion by tetraspanins depends on the presence of viral Gag, and we demonstrate that fusion repression requires the recruitment of Env by Gag to tetraspanin-enriched microdomains (TEMs). However, sensitivity to fusion repression by tetraspanins varied for different viral strains, despite comparable recruitment of their Envs to TEMs. Overall, these data establish tetraspanins as negative regulators of HIV-1-induced cell-cell fusion, and they start delineating the requirements for this regulation.The envelope glycoprotein (Env) of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is incorporated into released virus particles and enables the virus to attach to and fuse with target cells in order to initiate the infectious cycle. Before Env mediates the fusion of viral and cellular membranes, i.e., while it is still incorporated in the plasma membrane of the infected cell, it drives the adhesion between virus producer cell and target cells, which gives rise to the formation of the so-called virological synapse (VS) (21, 24, 35, 36). The VS shares certain characteristics with the immunological synapse, including an accumulation of specific cellular membrane proteins and lipids (see, e.g., reference 5), and it provides efficient and secure transfer of virus particles from infected to uninfected cells (8). Importantly, the two adhering cells, like the pre- and postsynaptic cells that form an immunological synapse, typically do not fuse during such cell-to-cell transfer events. At first glance this seems surprising, as HIV-1 Env, unlike many other viral envelope proteins, can induce membrane fusion at physiological pH. Also, adhesion of producer and target cell, which can be initiated when the uropod of the infected cell contacts the uninfected cell (8), followed by reorganization of the cytoskeleton (25) and formation of full-fledged synapses, can extend over minutes (see, e.g., reference 20). This process should allow enough time to trigger cell-cell fusion. However, it is now well established that newly synthesized Env is efficiently internalized upon its arrival at the host cell plasma membrane, unless it is recruited into budding structures by viral Gag (see, e.g., reference 11; also discussed in references 3 and 6). Further, and likely also contributing to the prevention of producer-target cell fusion, immature Gag at the host cell plasma membrane represses Env-driven fusion, and this repression is lost only once Gag is processed in released virions (9, 22, 23, 31, 50). Finally, because syncytia are clearly not required for the transmission of virus from cell to cell in vitro and are possibly detrimental to virus spread in vivo, we hypothesize that HIV-1 cooperates with cellular membrane proteins to prevent cell-cell fusion.Members of a group of cellular proteins known as tetraspanins play an important role as regulators of cellular fusion processes, including myotube formation and fertilization (28, 30, 44; reviewed in, e.g., reference 17). As membrane organizers, these proteins homo- and heteromultimerize and associate with other cellular proteins to form variably sized but discrete microdomains, the so-called tetraspanin-enriched microdomains (TEMs) (29) (also called TERMs [1] or TEAs [12]). Knowledge of the molecular mechanisms through which tetraspanins regulate the fusion of cellular membranes is still lacking, though the available evidence strongly suggests (i) that these proteins are not themselves fusogens but rather that they coordinate the fusion activity of other cellular proteins and (ii) that they can act both as positive and negative regulators of cellular fusion processes. For instance, several in vivo studies unequivocally showed that CD9 expression in oocytes is essential for sperm-egg fusion (27, 28, 30), but CD9 and CD81 ablation in monocytes enhances the formation of multinucleated phagocytes that are involved in immune defense against certain microbes (45). Interestingly, the same two tetraspanins are also known to regulate virus-induced fusion processes. CD9 is involved in regulating cell-cell fusion driven by canine distemper virus, as the anti-CD9 antibody K41 inhibits syncytium formation by this virus (42), and CD81 is a necessary cofactor for infection of cells by hepatitis C virus (see, e.g., references 2 and 52). Finally, tetraspanins on uninfected (target) cells inhibit HIV-1-induced cell-cell fusion (14). This fusion regulation is likely due to interactions of CD9 and CD81 with CD4 and coreceptors at the surface of target cells, though the tetraspanin CD63 has also been implicated in the trafficking of CXCR4 to the plasma membrane (51).Because tetraspanins in HIV-1-producing cells are enriched at budding sites (4, 10, 13, 15, 33, 46, 49) and at the VS (26), we hypothesized that they regulate Env-driven fusion at the VS. Here, we document that tetraspanins in HIV-1-producing cells can indeed restrict syncytium formation. We also define some of the requirements for this fusion inhibition, thus laying the necessary groundwork for future mechanistic analyses. In addition, the characterization of cell-cell fusion regulation parameters in this study will allow the fusion-inhibitory activities to be distinguished from other regulatory functions exerted by tetraspanins, such as the modulation of virion infectivity and the regulation of cell-to-cell transmission of HIV-1.  相似文献   

Supportive evidence that apoptosis contributes to loss of CD4+ lymphocytes in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-infected humans comes from an apparent lack of abnormal apoptosis in apathogenic lentivirus infections of nonhuman primates, including HIV-1 infection of chimpanzees. Two female chimpanzees were inoculated, one cervically and the other intravenously, with HIV-1 derived from the LAI/LAV-1b strain, which was isolated from a chimpanzee infected with the virus for 8 years. Within 6 weeks of infection, both recipient chimpanzees developed a progressive loss of CD4+ T cells which correlated with persistently high viral burdens and increased levels of CD4+ T-cell apoptosis both in vitro and in vivo. Lymph nodes from both animals also revealed evidence of immune hyperactivation. Intermediate levels of T-cell apoptosis in both peripheral blood and lymph nodes were seen in a third chimpanzee that had been infected with the LAI/LAV-1b strain for 9 years; this animal has maintained depressed CD4/CD8 T-cell ratios for the last 3 years. Similar analyses of cells from 4 uninfected animals and 10 other HIV-1-infected chimpanzees without loss of CD4+ cells revealed no difference in levels of apoptosis in these two control groups. These results demonstrate a correlation between immune hyperactivation, T-cell apoptosis, and chronic loss of CD4+ T cells in HIV-1-infected chimpanzees, providing additional evidence that apoptosis is an important factor in T-cell loss in AIDS. Furthermore, the results show that some HIV-1 strains are pathogenic for chimpanzees and that this species is not inherently resistant to HIV-1-induced disease.  相似文献   

Prevention of the initial infection of mucosal dendritic cells (DC) and interruption of the subsequent transmission of HIV-1 from DC to T cells are likely to be important attributes of an effective human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) vaccine. While anti-HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies have been difficult to elicit by immunization, there are several human monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that effectively neutralize virus infection of activated T cells. We investigated the ability of three well-characterized neutralizing MAbs (IgG1b12, 2F5, and 2G12) to block HIV-1 infection of human DC. DC were generated from CD14+ blood cells or obtained from cadaveric human skin. The MAbs prevented viral entry into purified DC and the ensuing productive infection in DC/T-cell cultures. When DC were first pulsed with HIV-1, MAbs blocked the subsequent transmission to unstimulated CD3+ T cells. Thus, neutralizing antibodies can block HIV-1 infection of DC and the cell-to-cell transmission of virus from infected DC to T cells. These data suggest that neutralizing antibodies could interrupt the initial events associated with mucosal transmission and regional spread of HIV-1.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the effects of Vpr during human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection of proliferating Jurkat T cells by using a vesicular stomatitis virus envelope G glycoprotein pseudotyped HIV superinfection system. We observe that the expression of Vpr results in a severe reduction in the life span of HIV type 1 (HIV-1)-infected dividing T cells in culture. In agreement with a recent report (S. A. Stewart, B. Poon, J. B. M. Jowett, and I. S. Chen, J. Virol. 71:5579–5592, 1997), we show that events characteristic of apoptotic cell death are involved in the Vpr-mediated cytopathic effects. Our results also show that infection with viruses expressing the wild-type vpr gene results in an increase in viral gene expression and production. Interestingly, the effects of Vpr on cell viability and on viral gene expression both correlate with the ability of the protein to induce a cell cycle arrest in the G2/M phase. Mutagenesis analyses show that the C terminus of Vpr is essential for these biological activities. Although the role of Vpr is currently associated with the infection of nondividing cells, our results suggest that Vpr can also directly increase viral replication in vivo in infected dividing T cells. Furthermore, these in vitro observations suggest that Vpr-mediated cytotoxic effects could contribute to the CD4+ depletion associated with AIDS progression.  相似文献   

The interaction of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Pr55Gag molecule with the plasma membrane of an infected cell is an essential step of the viral life cycle. Myristic acid and positively charged residues within the N-terminal portion of MA constitute the membrane-binding domain of Pr55Gag. A separate assembly domain, termed the interaction (I) domain, is located nearer the C-terminal end of the molecule. The I domain is required for production of dense retroviral particles, but has not previously been described to influence the efficiency of membrane binding or the subcellular distribution of Gag. This study used a series of Gag-green fluorescent protein fusion constructs to define a region outside of MA which determines efficient plasma membrane interaction. This function was mapped to the nucleocapsid (NC) region of Gag. The minimal region in a series of C-terminally truncated Gag proteins conferring plasma membrane fluorescence was identified as the N-terminal 14 amino acids of NC. This same region was sufficient to create a density shift in released retrovirus-like particles from 1.13 to 1.17 g/ml. The functional assembly domain previously termed the I domain is thus required for the efficient plasma membrane binding of Gag, in addition to its role in determining the density of released particles. We propose a model in which the I domain facilitates the interaction of the N-terminal membrane-binding domain of Pr55Gag with the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) antagonizes innate restriction factors in order to infect and persistently replicate in a host. In a previous study, we demonstrated that HIV-1 NL4-3 with a simian immunodeficiency virus mne (SIVmne) vif gene substitution (HSIV-vif-NL4-3) could infect and replicate in pig-tailed macaques (PTM), indicating that APOBEC3 proteins are primary barriers to transmission. Because viral replication was persistent but low, we hypothesized that HSIV-vif-NL4-3 may be suppressed by type I interferons (IFN-I), which are known to upregulate the expression of innate restriction factors. Here, we demonstrate that IFN-α more potently suppresses HSIV-vif-NL4-3 in PTM CD4+ T cells than it does pathogenic SIVmne027. Importantly, we identify a variant (HSIV-vif-Yu2) that is resistant to IFN-α, indicating that the IFN-α-induced barrier can be overcome by HSIV-vif chimeras in PTM CD4+ T cells. Interestingly, HSIV-vif-Yu2 and HSIV-vif-NL4-3 are similarly restricted by PTM BST2/Tetherin, and neither virus downregulates it from the surface of infected PTM CD4+ T cells. Resistance to IFN-α-induced restriction appears to be conferred by a determinant in HSIV-vif-Yu2 that includes env su. Finally, we show that the Yu-2 env su allele may overcome an IFN-α-induced barrier to entry. Together, our data demonstrate that the prototype macaque-tropic HIV-1 clones based on NL4-3 may not sufficiently antagonize innate restriction in PTM cells. However, variants with resistance to IFN-α-induced restriction factors in PTM CD4+ T cells may enhance viral replication by overcoming a barrier early in the viral replication cycle.  相似文献   

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