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Until recently, canine semen assessment was routinely performed by conventional light microscopic techniques. The limitations of these methods include subjectivity, variability, the small number of spermatozoa analyzed, and poor correlation with fertilizing potential. The last decade, several new in vitro techniques have been introduced for canine semen assessment that enable a more detailed evaluation of several sperm characteristics. Numerous fluorescent staining techniques have been developed for the evaluation of specific sperm characteristics and functions, including plasma membrane integrity, capacitation status and the acrosome reaction. By combining fluorescent stains, several functional sperm characteristics can be assessed simultaneously. Moreover, by means of flow cytometry, large numbers of fluorescently labelled spermatozoa can be analysed in a short interval. Following thorough standardization and validation, computer-assisted sperm analysis systems provide objective and detailed information on various motility characteristics and morphometric dimensions that cannot be identified by conventional light microscopic semen analysis. In vitro assays, evaluating the capacity of canine spermatozoa to bind to the zona pellucida or oviductal explants, or to penetrate the oocyte, provide additional information on canine gamete interaction that may be useful in predicting the fertilizing potential of spermatozoa. Although substantial improvements have been made in canine semen assessment, surprisingly few parameters were correlated with in vivo fertility. Therefore, further research is required to determine which sperm characteristics are of clinical value for predicting the in vivo fertility in dogs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The mechanism for the disappointing late outcome following stenting of bifurcation lesions is unclear. This prospective observational study aims to evaluate culotte stent deployment and dimensions with intravascular ultrasound (IVUS). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients with bifurcation stenoses were treated using two stents in a culotte configuration. After optimizing the angiographic appearance of both stents, IVUS was used to evaluate both limbs of the culotte. The main outcome measures were cross-sectional area (CSA) and minimal lumen diameter (MLD) assessed by IVUS. RESULTS: Within the culotte stent, the final mean CSA in the main limb was 6.1 mm(2) (97% of reference) and in the side-limb was 5.9 mm(2) (97% of reference). However, in each case, the minimum CSA and IVUS MLD of both limbs was at the bifurcation point. For all patients, the final mean CSA at the bifurcation point of the main limb was 4.3 mm(2) (70% of main stent) and of the side-limb was 4.4 mm(2) (75% of side stent). The IVUS MLD at the bifurcation point of the main limb was 2.1 mm (78% of main stent) and of the side-limb was 2.1 mm (84% of the side stent). Importantly, this significant residual stenosis was not detectable with quantitative coronary angiography. CONCLUSIONS: IVUS evaluation of culotte stents is feasible. The minimum IVUS CSA and MLD of both limbs of the culotte stent is at the bifurcation point. Despite an optimal angiographic appearance a significant residual stenosis was noted with IVUS at each bifurcation point.  相似文献   

Doris Kavanagh-Gray 《CMAJ》1974,110(8):945-946
A case of myocardial infarction with angiographically demonstrated occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery is presented. Repeat angiography 18 months later revealed patent coronary arteries despite persistent electrocardiographic infarction pattern. Coronary artery occlusion resulting in infarction may not, therefore, be permanent.  相似文献   

Age-grading adult insects: a review of techniques   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Abstract.The range of techniques available for age-grading adult insects is reviewed, with particular emphasis on species of medical and veterinary importance. Chronological and physiological age-grading are discussed, considering the relative merits of each approach. The techniques described include those based on changes to the reproductive system, those relying on somatic changes and those dependent on cuticular degradation. The advantages and problems of each technique and the use of a number of techniques in combination are discussed.  相似文献   

Velocity profiles and the pressure drop across two mild (62 percent) coronary stenoses in series have been investigated numerically and experimentally in a perspex-tube model. The mean flow rate was varied to correspond to a Reynolds number range of 50-400. The pressure drop across two identical (62 percent) stenoses show that for low Reynolds numbers the total effect of two stenoses equals that of two single stenoses. A reduction of 10 percent is found for the higher Reynolds numbers investigated. Numerical and experimental results obtained for the velocity profiles agree very well. The effect of varying the converging angle of a single mild (62 percent) coronary stenosis on the fluid flow has been determined numerically using a finite element method. Pressure-flow relation, especially with respect to relative short stenoses, is discussed.  相似文献   

The increase in complexity of computational neuron models makes the hand tuning of model parameters more difficult than ever. Fortunately, the parallel increase in computer power allows scientists to automate this tuning. Optimization algorithms need two essential components. The first one is a function that measures the difference between the output of the model with a given set of parameter and the data. This error function or fitness function makes the ranking of different parameter sets possible. The second component is a search algorithm that explores the parameter space to find the best parameter set in a minimal amount of time. In this review we distinguish three types of error functions: feature-based ones, point-by-point comparison of voltage traces and multi-objective functions. We then detail several popular search algorithms, including brute-force methods, simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, evolution strategies, differential evolution and particle-swarm optimization. Last, we shortly describe Neurofitter, a free software package that combines a phase–plane trajectory density fitness function with several search algorithms.  相似文献   

Consequential life cycle assessment: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Over the past two decades, consequential life cycle assessment (CLCA) has emerged as a modeling approach for capturing environmental impacts of product systems beyond physical relationships accounted for in attributional LCA (ALCA). Put simply, CLCA represents the convergence of LCA and economic modeling approaches.  相似文献   

Verma  Shveta  Bala  Anju 《Cluster computing》2021,24(3):2425-2459
Cluster Computing - Cloud and IoT applications have inquiring effects that can strongly influence today’s ever-growing internet life along with necessity to resolve numerous challenges for...  相似文献   

The detection techniques used in biosensors can be broadly classified into label-based and label-free. Label-based detection relies on the specific properties of labels for detecting a particular target. In contrast, label-free detection is suitable for the target molecules that are not labeled or the screening of analytes which are not easy to tag. Also, more types of label-free biosensors have emerged with developments in biotechnology. The latest developed techniques in label-free biosensors, such as field-effect transistors-based biosensors including carbon nanotube field-effect transistor biosensors, graphene field-effect transistor biosensors and silicon nanowire field-effect transistor biosensors, magnetoelastic biosensors, optical-based biosensors, surface stress-based biosensors and other type of biosensors based on the nanotechnology are discussed. The sensing principles, configurations, sensing performance, applications, advantages and restriction of different label-free based biosensors are considered and discussed in this review. Most concepts included in this survey could certainly be applied to the development of this kind of biosensor in the future.  相似文献   

Objectives. The flow velocity-pressure gradient (v-dp) relation is clinically used to assess coronary stenoses. This in vitro study aimed to investigate the ability to determine the impact of each individual stenosis in the setting of two consecutive stenoses, the effect of variable stenosis reference diameters and the impact of one or two wires in a stenosis, on the v-dp relation. Methods. The model consisted of a reservoir and different sized tubes and stenoses. Pressure gradient and flow velocity were assessed with a pressure and a Doppler wire. By plotting flow velocity and pressure gradient on an X-Y plot, the v-dp relation was determined. Results. The v-dp relation of a proximal stenosis was not influenced by a distal stenosis. The diameter of the segment where flow velocity was measured influenced the v-dp relation. This could be corrected by substituting flow velocity with volume flow. The presence of one or two wires in a stenosis made the v-dp relation substantially steeper. Conclusions. The v-dp relation can be used to determine the significance of each individual stenosis in arteries with consecutive stenoses, provided that the distance between the stenoses is large enough. The diameter of the segment where flow velocity is measured and the presence of one or two wires substantially affect the v-dp relation. (Neth Heart J 2008;16:156-62.)  相似文献   

Three-dimensional ultrasound (3D US) is a new imaging modality, which is being introduced into clinical practice. Although this technique will not probably replace two-dimensional ultrasound, it is being increasingly used. It has been reported that 3D US is a very high reproducible technique. The endometrium has been paid special attention when using this technique. The aim of this paper is to address some technical aspects of 3D US and to review critically its current status in evaluating endometrial function with special focus in its role in predicting pregnancy in assisted reproductive techniques. In spontaneous cycles endometrial volume grows during follicular phase remaining constant through the luteal phase. Endometrial vascularization increases during follicular phase peaking 2–3 days before ovulation, decreasing thereafter and increasing again during mid and late luteal phase. Data from studies analysing the role of 3D US for predicting IVF outcome are controversial. An explanation for these controversial findings might be different design of reported studies, specially the timing of ultrasound evaluation.  相似文献   

随着转基因动物在新品种培育、异种器官移植、生物反应器和疾病模型等方面的研究与发展,转基因动物的生物安全性引起了人们的广泛关注。目前,各国政府与机构已制定了相应的法律法规来规范转基因动物的研究与应用。文中介绍了转基因动物生物安全研究的内容、评价原则、评价政策与程序、上市或有望上市的转基因动物产品。最后,对转基因动物及其产品的研究与应用进行了展望。  相似文献   


Background Context

Research employing gait measurements indicate asymmetries in ground reaction forces and suggest relationships between these asymmetries, neurological dysfunction and spinal deformity. Although, studies have documented the use of centre of pressure (CoP) and net joint moments in gait assessment and have assessed centre of mass (CoM)-CoP distance relationships in clinical conditions, there is a paucity of information relating to the moments about CoM. It is commonly considered that CoM is situated around S2 vertebra in normal upright posture and hence this study uses S2 vertebral prominence as reference point relative to CoM.


To assess and establish asymmetry in the CoP pattern and moments about S2 vertebral prominence during level walking and its relationship to spinal deformity in adolescents with scoliosis.

Patient sample

Nine Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis subjects (8 females and 1 male with varying curve magnitudes and laterality) scheduled for surgery within 2–3 days after data collection, took part in this study.

Outcome measures

Kinetic and Kinematic Gait assessment was performed with an aim to estimate the CoP displacement and the moments generated by the ground reaction force about the S2 vertebral prominence during left and right stance during normal walking.


The study employed a strain gauge force platform to estimate the medio-lateral and anterior-posterior displacement of COP and a six camera motion analysis system to track the reflective markers to assess the kinematics. The data were recorded simultaneously.


Results indicate wide variations in the medio lateral direction CoP, which could be related to the laterality of both the main and compensation curves. This variation is not evident in the anterior-posterior direction. Similar results were recorded for moments about S2 vertebral prominence. Subjects with higher left compensation curve had greater displacement to the left.


Although further longitudinal studies are needed, results indicate that the variables identified in this study are applicable to initial screening and surgical evaluation of scoliosis.  相似文献   

Sex hormones and coronary disease: a review of the clinical studies   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
M F Kalin  B Zumoff 《Steroids》1990,55(8):330-352
A male to female ration of coronary disease of 2:1 has been a consistent finding. This differential persists event when the classic risk factors for coronary disease--hypertension, smoking, obesity, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia--are controlled for gender. The most likely ultimate cause of this phenomenon is male-female differences in sex hormone patterns. Clinical studies in this area have either compared the sex hormone profiles of men and women with and without coronary disease or computed the relative prevalence of disease in populations that differ in their sex hormone patterns. In general, research findings have disputed the hypothesis that persons with coronary disease have low levels of a protective factor such as estrogen or progesterone and high levels of testosterone. Coronary disease patients actually have elevated estrogen levels and low testosterone levels; endogenous progesterone levels are normal before infarction but show a stress-mediated increase in the immediate postinfarction period. Findings of a low prevalence of coronary disease in premenopausal women, a loss of protection after menopause, and a low prevalence of coronary disease in men with cirrhosis-related hyperestrogenemia suggest that natural estrogens are antiatherogenic. The protective effect of pregnancy against myocardial infarction, despite concomitant potentially thrombogenic levels of estrogen at the time, seems to indicate that progesterone, whose levels are also extremely high during pregnancy, plays a major anti-infarction protective effect distinct from that of estrogen. Studies of women oral contraceptive (OC) users and men taking estrogens for brief periods have found that these exogenous hormones produce coronary thrombosis but not atherosclerosis. Finally, the finding of increased coronary disease risk in long-term OC users indicates that synthetic estrogens favor coronary atherosclerosis by suppressing natural estrogen and progesterone production.  相似文献   

This article reviews the literature on freezing mammalian oocytes and embryos, with emphasis on embryos of domestic animals. Mammalian embryos must be stored in a quiescent state to retain viability for long periods. This has been accomplished by freezing and storing the embryos at ?196°C. To freeze embryos, a cryoprotectant like dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or glycerol was required, slow cooling (0.1 to 2.0°C/min) and warming (1 to 50°C/min) rates were used, enucleation or seeding the freezing medium was a necessity, and stepwise addition and removal of the cryoprotectant at room temperature seemed to be beneficial. Using the above parameters embryos have been frozen and stored at ?196°C for several years and upon thawing and transfer to a suitable recipient, viable offspring have developed. Initially embryo viability was low after freezing-thawing, but with refinement of freezing-thawing techniques has increased sufficiently so that freezing embryos is no longer a laboratory technique, but is applicable to field use.  相似文献   

Depending on stenosis severity, collateral flow can be a confounding factor in the determination of coronary hyperemic microvascular resistance (HMR). Under certain assumptions, the calculation of HMR can be corrected for collateral flow by incorporating the wedge pressure (P(w)) in the calculation. However, although P(w) > 25 mmHg is indicative of collateral flow, P(w) does in part also reflect myocardial wall stress neglected in the assumptions. Therefore, the aim of this study was to establish whether adjusting HMR by P(w) is pertinent for a diagnostically relevant range of stenosis severities as expressed by fractional flow reserve (FFR). Accordingly, intracoronary pressure and Doppler flow velocity were measured a total of 95 times in 29 patients distal to a coronary stenosis before and after stepwise percutaneous coronary intervention. HMR was calculated without (HMR) and with P(w)-based adjustment for collateral flow (HMR(C)). FFR ranged from 0.3 to 1. HMR varied between 1 and 5 and HMR(C) between 0.5 and 4.2 mmHg·cm(-1)·s. HMR was about 37% higher than HMR(C) for stenoses with FFR < 0.6, but for FFR > 0.8, the relative difference was reduced to 4.4 ± 3.4%. In the diagnostically relevant range of FFR between 0.6 and 0.8, this difference was 16.5 ± 10.4%. In conclusion, P(w)-based adjustment likely overestimates the effect of potential collateral flow and is not needed for the assessment of coronary HMR in the presence of a flow-limiting stenosis characterized by FFR between 0.6 and 0.8 or for nonsignificant lesions.  相似文献   

A computer model and numerical method for calculating left epicardial coronary blood flow has been developed. This model employs a finite-branching geometry of the coronary vasculature and the one-dimensional, unsteady equations for flow with friction. The epicardial coronary geometry includes the left main and its bifurcation, the left anterior descending and left circumflex coronary arteries, and a selected number of small branches. Each of the latter terminate in an impedance, whose resistive component is related to intramyocardial compression through a linear dependence on left ventricular pressure. The elastic properties of the epicardial arteries are taken to be non-linear and are prescribed by specifying the local small-disturbance wave speed. The model allows for the incorporation of multiple stenoses as well as aorto-coronary bypasses. Calculations using this model predict pressure and flow waveform development and allow for the systematic investigation of the dependence of coronary flow on various parameters, e.g., peripheral resistance, wall properties, and branching pattern, as well as the presence of stenoses and bypass grafts. Reasonable comparison between calculations and earlier experiments in horses has been obtained.  相似文献   

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