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The time course of the intracellular ATP concentration in several UV-irradiated RecA protease constitutive (Cptc) mutants of E. coli has been studied. All Cptc mutants harboring a mutation in region 3 of the RecA protein (including amino acid residues 298-301) increased ATP after UV damage but without any subsequent decrease. Nevertheless, these mutants induced the SOS response after UV irradiation. Likewise, truncated RecA proteins lacking region 3 are also unable to carry out massive ATP hydrolysis in UV-irradiated cells. On the other hand, mutants in region 1 (including amino acids 25-39) or 2 (amino acids 157-184) of the RecA protein showed an increase in ATP concentration during the first 20 min following UV irradiation, which dropped afterwards to the basal level. All these data indicate that region 3 of the RecA protein must be involved in the ATP hydrolysis process. Furthermore, a relationship between the quantity of the UV-mediated ATP produced and the strength of the different RecA Cptc mutants has also been found. Accordingly, both lexA71::Tn5 and null lexA mutants of E. coli only show a cellular ATP increase after UV irradiation when containing a multicopy plasmid carrying either a wild-type lexA or a lexA (Ind-) gene.  相似文献   

K McEntee 《Biochemistry》1985,24(16):4345-4351
The recA enzyme of Escherichia coli catalyzes renaturation of DNA coupled to hydrolysis of ATP. The rate of enzymatic renaturation is linearly dependent on recA protein concentration and shows saturation kinetics with respect to DNA concentration. The kinetic analysis of the reaction indicates that the Km for DNA is 65 microM while the kcat is approximately 48 pmol of duplex formed (pmol of recA)-1 (20 min)-1. RecA protein catalyzed renaturation has been characterized with respect to salt sensitivity, Mg2+ ion and pH optima, requirements for nucleoside triphosphates, and inhibition by nonhydrolyzable nucleoside triphosphates and analogues. These results are consistent with a Michaelis-Menten mechanism for DNA renaturation catalyzed by recA protein. A model is described in which oligomers of recA protein bind rapidly to single-stranded DNA, and in the presence of ATP, these nucleoprotein intermediates aggregate to bring complementary sequences into close proximity for homologous pairing. As with other DNA pairing reactions catalyzed by recA protein, ongoing DNA hydrolysis is required for renaturation. However, unlike the strand assimilation or transfer reaction, renaturation is inhibited by E. coli helix-destabilizing protein.  相似文献   

The occurrence of homologous DNA recombination in chloroplasts is well documented, but little is known about the molecular mechanisms involved or their biological significance. The endosymbiotic origin of plastids and the recent finding of an Arabidopsis nuclear gene, encoding a chloroplast-localized protein homologous to Escherichia coli RecA, suggest that the plastid recombination system is related to its eubacterial counterpart. Therefore, we examined whether dominant negative mutants of the E. coli RecA protein can interfere with the activity of their putative homolog in the chloroplast of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Transformants expressing these mutant RecA proteins showed reduced survival rates when exposed to DNA-damaging agents, deficient repair of chloroplast DNA, and diminished plastid DNA recombination. These results strongly support the existence of a RecA-mediated recombination system in chloroplasts. We also found that the wild-type E. coli RecA protein enhances the frequency of plastid DNA recombination over 15-fold, although it has no effect on DNA repair or cell survival. Thus, chloroplast DNA recombination appears to be limited by the availability of enzymes involved in strand exchange rather than by the level of initiating DNA substrates. Our observations suggest that a primary biological role of the recombination system in plastids is in the repair of their DNA, most likely needed to cope with damage due to photooxidation and other environmental stresses. This hypothesis could explain the evolutionary conservation of DNA recombination in chloroplasts despite the predominantly uniparental inheritance of their genomes.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli rnh mutants lacking RNase H activity are capable of recA+-dependent DNA replication in the absence of concomitant protein synthesis (stable DNA replication). In rnh dnaA::Tn10 and rnh delta oriC double mutants in which the dnaA+-dependent initiation of DNA replication at oriC is completely blocked, the recA200 mutation encoding a thermolabile RecA protein renders both colony formation and DNA synthesis of these mutants temperature sensitive. To determine which stage of DNA replication (initiation, elongation, or termination) was blocked, we analyzed populations of these mutant cells incubated at 30 or 42 degrees C in the presence or absence of chloramphenicol (CM) by dual-parameter (DNA-light scatter) flow cytometry. Incubation at 30 degrees C in the presence of CM resulted in cells with a continuum of DNA content up to seven or more chromosome equivalents per cell. The cultures which had been incubated at 42 degrees C in the absence or presence of CM consisted of cells with integral numbers of chromosomes per cell. It is concluded that active RecA protein is required specifically for the initiation of stable DNA replication.  相似文献   

The RecX protein is a potent inhibitor of RecA activities. We identified several factors that affect RecX-RecA interaction. The interaction is enhanced by the RecA C terminus and by significant concentrations of free Mg(2+) ion. The interaction is also enhanced by an N-terminal His(6) tag on the RecX protein. We conclude that RecX protein interacts most effectively with a RecA functional state designated A(o) and that the RecA C terminus has a role in modulating the interaction. We further identified a C-terminal point mutation in RecA protein (E343K) that significantly alters the interaction between RecA and RecX proteins.  相似文献   

To investigate the DNA binding site of RecA protein, we constructed 15 recA mutants having alterations in the regions homologous to the other ssDNA binding proteins. The in vivo analyses showed that the mutational change at Arg243, Lys248, Tyr264, or simultaneously at Lys6 and Lys19, or Lys6 and Lys23 caused severe defects in the recA functions, while other mutational changes did not. Purified RecA-K6A-K23A (Lys6 and Lys23 changed to Ala and Ala, respectively) protein was indistinguishable from the wild-type RecA protein in its binding to DNA. However, the RecA-R243A (Arg243 changed to Ala) and RecA-Y264A (Tyr264 changed to Ala) proteins were defective in binding to both ss- and ds-DNA. In self-oligomerization property, RecA-R243A was proficient but RecA-Y264A was deficient, suggesting that the RecA-R243A protein had a defect in DNA binding site and the RecA-Y264A protein was defective in its interaction with the adjacent RecA molecule. The region of residues 243–257 including the Arg243 is highly homologous to the DNA binding motif in the ssDNA binding proteins, while the eukaryotic RecA homologues have a similar structure at the amino-terminal side proximal to the nucleotide binding core. The region of residues 243–257 would be a part of the DNA binding site. The other parts of this site would be the Tyr103 and the region of residues 178–183, which were cross-linked to ssDNA. These three regions lie in a line in the crystal structure.  相似文献   

We have characterized the double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) binding properties of RecA protein, using an assay based on changes in the fluorescence of 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-dsDNA complexes. Here we use fluorescence, nitrocellulose filter-binding, and DNase I-sensitivity assays to demonstrate the binding of two duplex DNA molecules by the RecA protein filament. We previously established that the binding stoichiometry for the RecA protein-dsDNA complex is three base-pairs per RecA protein monomer, in the presence of ATP. In the presence of ATPgammaS, however, the binding stoichiometry depends on the MgCl2 concentration. The stoichiometry is 3 bp per monomer at low MgCl2 concentrations, but changes to 6 bp per monomer at higher MgCl2 concentrations, with the transition occurring at approximately 5 mM MgCl2. Above this MgCl2 concentration, the dsDNA within the RecA nucleoprotein complex becomes uncharacteristically sensitive to DNase I digestion. For these reasons we suggest that, at the elevated MgCl2 conditions, the RecA-dsDNA nucleoprotein filament can bind a second equivalent of dsDNA. These results demonstrate that RecA protein has the capacity to bind two dsDNA molecules, and they suggest that RecA or RecA-like proteins may effect homologous recognition between intact DNA duplexes.  相似文献   

The effect that Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA binding (SSB) protein has on the single-stranded DNA-dependent ATPase activity of RecA protein is shown to depend upon a number of variables such as order of addition, magnesium concentration, temperature and the type of single-stranded DNA substrate used. When SSB protein is added to the DNA solution prior to the addition of RecA protein, a significant inhibition of ATPase activity is observed. Also, when SSB protein is added after the formation of a RecA protein-single-stranded DNA complex using either etheno M13 DNA, poly(dA) or poly(dT), or using single-stranded phage M13 DNA at lower temperature (25 °C) and magnesium chloride concentrations of 1 mm or 4 mm, a time-dependent inhibition of activity is observed. These results are consistent with the conclusion that SSB protein displaces the RecA protein from these DNA substrates, as described in the accompanying paper. However, if SSB protein is added last to complexes of RecA protein and single-stranded M13 DNA at elevated temperature (37 °C) and magnesium chloride concentrations of 4 mm or 10 mm, or to poly(dA) and poly(dT) that was renatured in the presence of RecA protein, no inhibition of ATPase activity is observed; in fact, a marked stimulation is observed for single-stranded M13 DNA. A similar effect is observed if the bacteriophage T4-coded gene 32 protein is substituted for SSB protein. The apparent stoichiometry of DNA (nucleotides) to RecA protein at the optimal ATPase activity for etheno M13 DNA, poly(dA) and poly(dT) is 6(±1) nucleotides per RecA protein monomer at 4 mm-MgCl2 and 37 °C. Under the same conditions, the apparent stoichiometry obtained using single-stranded M13 DNA is 12 nucleotides per RecA protein monomer; however, the stoichiometry changes to 4.5 nucleotides per RecA protein monomer when SSB protein is added last. In addition, a stoichiometry of four nucleotides per RecA protein can be obtained with single-stranded M13 DNA in the absence of SSB protein if the reactions are carried out in 1 mm-MgCl2. These data are consistent with the interpretation that secondary structure within the natural DNA substrate limits the accessibility of RecA protein to these regions. The role of SSB protein is to eliminate this secondary structure and allow RecA protein to bind to these previously inaccessible regions of the DNA. In addition, our results have disclosed an additional property of the RecA protein-single-stranded DNA complex: namely, in the presence of complementary base-pairing and at elevated temperatures and magnesium concentrations, a unique RecA protein-DNA complex forms that is resistant to inhibition by SSB protein.  相似文献   

We have developed a new assay to characterize the double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) binding properties of RecA protein. This assay is based on measurement of changes in the fluorescence of a 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-dsDNA complex upon RecA protein binding. The binding of RecA protein to a complex of DAPI and dsDNA results in displacement of the bound DAPI, producing a decrease in the observed fluorescence. DAPI displacement is dependent on both RecA protein and ATP; dATP and, to a lesser extent, UTP and dCTP also support the DAPI displacement reaction, but dGTP, GTP, dITP and TTP do not. Binding stoichiometry for the RecA protein-dsDNA complex measured by DAPI displacement is 3 bp per RecA protein monomer in the presence of ATP. These results, taken together with data for mutant RecA proteins, suggest that this DAPI displacement assay monitors formation of the high affinity DNA binding state of RecA protein. Since this state of RecA protein defines the form of the nucleoprotein filament that is active in DNA strand exchange, these findings raise the possibility that the RecA protein-dsDNA filament may possess a homologous pairing capacity.  相似文献   

The genes for ribosomal proteins L4 and L22 from two erythromycin-resistant mutants of Escherichia coli have been isolated and sequenced. In the L4 mutant, an A-to-G transition in codon 63 predicted a Lys-to-Glu change in the protein. In the L22 strain, a 9-bp deletion removed codons 82 to 84, eliminating the sequence Met-Lys-Arg from the protein. Consistent with these DNA changes, in comparison with wild-type proteins, both mutant proteins had reduced first-dimension mobilities in two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels. Complementation of each mutation by a wild-type gene on a plasmid vector resulted in increased erythromycin sensitivity in the partial-diploid strains. The fraction of ribosomes containing the mutant form of the protein was increased by growth in the presence of erythromycin. Erythromycin binding was increased by the fraction of wild-type protein present in the ribosome population. The strain with the L4 mutation was found to be cold sensitive for growth at 20 degrees C, and 50S-subunit assembly was impaired at this temperature. The mutated sequences are highly conserved in the corresponding proteins from a number of species. The results indicate the participation of these proteins in the interaction of erythromycin with the ribosome.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli RdgC protein is a potential negative regulator of RecA function. RdgC inhibits RecA protein-promoted DNA strand exchange, ATPase activity, and RecA-dependent LexA cleavage. The primary mechanism of RdgC inhibition appears to involve a simple competition for DNA binding sites, especially on duplex DNA. The capacity of RecA to compete with RdgC is improved by the DinI protein. RdgC protein can inhibit DNA strand exchange catalyzed by RecA nucleoprotein filaments formed on single-stranded DNA by binding to the homologous duplex DNA and thereby blocking access to that DNA by the RecA nucleoprotein filaments. RdgC protein binds to single-stranded and double-stranded DNA, and the protein can be visualized on DNA using electron microscopy. RdgC protein exists in solution as a mixture of oligomeric states in equilibrium, most likely as monomers, dimers, and tetramers. This concentration-dependent change of state appears to affect its mode of binding to DNA and its capacity to inhibit RecA. The various species differ in their capacity to inhibit RecA function.  相似文献   

Y Cao  R R Rowland    T Kogoma 《Journal of bacteriology》1993,175(22):7247-7253
In Escherichia coli rnhA mutants, several normally repressed origins (oriK sites) of DNA replication are activated. The type of DNA replication initiated from these origins, termed constitutive stable DNA replication, does not require DnaA protein or the oriC site, which are essential for normal DNA replication. It requires active RecA protein. We previously found that the lexA71(Def)::Tn5 mutation can suppress this RecA requirement and postulated that the derepression of a LexA regulon gene(s) leads to the activation of a bypass pathway, Rip (for RecA-independent process). In this study, we isolated a miniTn10spc insertion mutant that abolishes the ability of the lexA(Def) mutation to suppress the RecA requirement of constitutive stable DNA replication. Cloning and DNA sequencing analysis of the mutant revealed that the insertion occurs at the 3' end of the coding region of the polA gene, which encodes DNA polymerase I. The mutant allele, designated polA25::miniTn10spc, is expected to abolish the polymerization activity but not the 5'-->3' or 3'-->5' exonuclease activity. Thus, the Rip bypass pathway requires active DNA polymerase I. Since the lethal combination of recA(Def) and polA25::miniTn10spc could be suppressed by derepression of the LexA regulon only when DNA replication is driven by the oriC system, it was suggested that the bypass pathway has a specific requirement for DNA polymerase I at the initiation step in the absence of RecA. An accompanying paper (Y. Cao and T. Kogoma, J. Bacteriol. 175:7254-7259, 1993) describes experiments to determine which activities of DNA polymerase I are required at the initiation step and discusses possible roles for DNA polymerase in the Rip bypass pathway.  相似文献   

DNA sequence dependence of ATP hydrolysis by RecA protein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The DNA sequence dependence of the ATPase activity of RecA protein has been investigated for a variety of single strand octamer and hexadecamer homopolymers and alternating copolymers. Under assay conditions where the single strand DNA concentration exceeds the RecA protein concentration, significant differences in the rates of ATP hydrolysis for the various single strand DNA oligomer cofactors are observed. Under the conditions examined, the order of efficiency of the DNA cofactors in inducing RecA mediated ATPase activity is found to be: dA16 greater than dT16 greater than d(TC)16 greater than dT8 greater than dC16 greater than dA8 = dG8 greater than dG16 greater than dC8 greater than d(AG)16. These results demonstrate not only a dependence of RecA ATPase activity on the sequence composition of short single strand DNA they further reveal ATPase activity can be affected by the nearest neighbor nucleotide sequence of short DNA cofactors.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli dinD is an SOS gene up-regulated in response to DNA damage. We find that the purified DinD protein is a novel inhibitor of RecA-mediated DNA strand exchange activities. Most modulators of RecA protein activity act by controlling the amount of RecA protein bound to single-stranded DNA by affecting either the loading of RecA protein onto DNA or the disassembly of RecA nucleoprotein filaments bound to single-stranded DNA. The DinD protein, however, acts postsynaptically to inhibit RecA during an on-going DNA strand exchange, likely through the disassembly of RecA filaments. DinD protein does not affect RecA single-stranded DNA filaments but efficiently disassembles RecA when bound to two or more DNA strands, effectively halting RecA-mediated branch migration. By utilizing a nonspecific duplex DNA-binding protein, YebG, we show that the DinD effect is not simply due to duplex DNA sequestration. We present a model suggesting that the negative effects of DinD protein are targeted to a specific conformational state of the RecA protein and discuss the potential role of DinD protein in the regulation of recombinational DNA repair.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli RecA protein catalyzes homologous genetic recombination by forming helical polymers around DNA molecules. These polymers have an ATPase activity, which is essential for the movement of strands between two DNA molecules. One obstacle to structural studies of the RecA filament has been that the ATPase results in a dynamical polymer containing a mixture of states with respect to the bound ATP and its hydrolytic products. We have formed filaments which are trapped in the ADP-Pi state by substituting AIF4- for the Pi, and have used these stable filaments to generate a three-dimensional reconstruction from electron micrographs. The resolution of the reconstruction is sufficient to resolve the 38-k RecA subunit into two nearly equal domains. This reconstruction provides the most detailed view yet of the RecA protein, and serves as a framework within which existing biochemical data on RecA can be understood.  相似文献   

B Müller  I Burdett    S C West 《The EMBO journal》1992,11(7):2685-2693
The structure and stability of recombination intermediates made by RecA protein have been investigated following deproteinization. The intermediates consist of two duplex DNA molecules connected by a junction, as visualized by electron microscopy. Although we expected the structures to be highly unstable due to branch migration of the junction, this was not the case. Instead, we found that the intermediates were stable at 37 degrees C. At 56 degrees C, greater than 60% of the intermediates remained after 6 h of incubation. Only at higher temperatures was significant branch migration observed. This unexpected stability suggests that the formation of extensive lengths of heteroduplex DNA in Escherichia coli is likely to require the continued action of proteins, and does not occur via spontaneous branch migration. We show that heteroduplex DNA may be formed in vitro by ATP-dependent strand exchange catalysed by RecA protein or by the RuvA and RuvB proteins of E. coli.  相似文献   

DNA replication in Escherichia coli mutants that lack protein HU.   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
T Ogawa  M Wada  Y Kano  F Imamoto    T Okazaki 《Journal of bacteriology》1989,171(10):5672-5679

Constitutive stable DNA replication (cSDR), which uniquely occurs inEscherichia coli rnhA mutants deficient in ribonuclease HI activity, requires RecA function. TherecA428 mutation, which inactivates the recombinase activity but imparts a constitutive coprotease activity, blocks cSDR inrnhA mutants. The result indicates that the recombinase activity of RecA, which promotes homologous pairing and strand exchange, is essential for cSDR. Despite the requirement for RecA recombinase activity, mutations inrecB, recD, recJ, ruvA andruvC neither inhibit nor stimulate cSDR. It was proposed that the property of RecA essential for homologous pairing and strand exchange is uniquely required for initiation of cSDR inrnhA mutants without involving the homologous recombination process. The possibility that RecA protein is necessary to counteract the action of Tus protein, a contra-helicase which stalls replication forks in theter region of the chromosome, was ruled out because introduction of thetus : :kan mutation, which inactivates Tus protein, did not alleviate the RecA requirement for cSDR.  相似文献   

We have characterised a RecA protein fused to the simian virus 40 large T nuclear-localisation signal. The fusion protein was targeted to the nucleus in transgenic tobacco plants with high efficiency. By contrast, authentic RecA was not enriched in the nuclei of plant cells expressing comparable amounts of protein. For detailed characterisation of the strand-exchange activity of the nuclear-targeted RecA protein, a nearly identical protein was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. This protein was found to bind to single-stranded DNA with the same stoichiometry and to promote the exchange of homologous DNA strands with the same kinetics as authentic RecA. It was concluded that the amino-terminal modification did not alter any of the essential properties of RecA and that the fusion protein is a fully functional strand-exchange protein. However, the ATPase activity of this protein was 20 times greater than that of RecA in the absence of single-stranded DNA. As with RecA, this activity was further stimulated by the addition of single-stranded DNA. Since ATPase activity is correlated with the ability of RecA to assume its high affinity state for DNA, the nuclear-targeted RecA protein might be regarded as a constitutively stimulated RecA variant, fully functional in promoting homologous recombination.  相似文献   

Enzymatic activities of the RecA protein of Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
G M Weinstock 《Biochimie》1982,64(8-9):611-616

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