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A survey of 35 species indicates that monitor lizards (Varanus) typically hunt over large areas, search in particular microhabitats, and feed frequently on a wide variety of prey, many of which are relatively small. There is ontogenetic, seasonal, and geographic variation in diet. With some exceptions, invertebrates are the predominant prey, but rare predation on vertebrates is often energetically significant. A few monitors specialize on prey types that occur as occasional items in the diet of species with more generalized diets; these include crabs, snails, orthopterans, lizards, and large mammals. For most species, prey specialization occurs via habitat selection and a variety of prey types and sizes are eaten, as expected for widely searching predators. Comparisons with other anguimorphans suggest that derived features of Varanus are associated with high body temperature and activity levels; specialized chemoreception; and rapid, skillful capture of hidden and/or potentially hard to catch prey. Occasional ingestion of moderately large prey is primitive for Varanoidca (Helodermatidae +Varanidae), accentuating a trend that is perhaps primitive for anguimorphan lizards. Reduction of very large prey prior to ingestion is a derived attribute within Varanus , seen infrequently in several larger species and commonly in V. komodoensis. This study illustrates the synthesis of comparative natural history in a phylogenetic context, a method that addresses the history of organismal change.  相似文献   

In a model group of giant reptiles, we explored the allometric relationships between male and female body size and compared the effects of sexual and fecundity selection, as well as some proximate causes, on macroevolutionary patterns of sexual size dimorphism (SSD). Monitor lizards are a morphologically homogeneous group that has been affected by extreme changes in body size during their evolutionary history, resulting in 14‐fold differences among the body sizes of recent species. Here, we analysed data concerning the maximum and/or mean male and female snout–vent lengths in 42 species of monitor lizard from literary sources and supplemented these data with measurements made in zoos. There was a wide scale of SSD from nearly monomorphic species belonging mostly to the subgenus Odatria and Prasinus group of the Euprepriosaurus to apparently male‐larger taxa. The variable best explaining SSD was the body size itself; the larger the species, the higher the SSD. This pattern agrees with the currently discussed Rensch's rule, claiming that the relationship between male and female body size is hyperallometric, i.e. the allometric exponent of this relationship exceeds unity and thus SSD increases with body size in the case of male‐larger taxa. All our estimates of the reduced major axis regression slopes of this relationship ranged from 1.132 to 1.155. These estimates are significantly higher than unity, and thus unequivocally corroborate the validity of Rensch's rule in this reptilian group. In spite of our expectation that the variation in SSD can be alternatively explained by variables reflecting the strength of sexual selection (presence of male combat), fecundity selection (e.g. clutch size and mass) and/or proximate ecological factors (habitat type), none of these variables had consistent effects on SSD, especially when the data were adjusted to phylogenetic dependence and/or body size. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 293–306.  相似文献   

In the first of three experiments, Gould's monitor lizards Varanus gouldii (n = 8) and Gila monsters Heloderma suspectum (n = 8) were tested to determine whether a postingestion elevation in tongue-flick rate (PETF) occurred. Based on analysis of numbers of tongue-flicks during 20 successive minutes following treatments and controls, significant PETF was detected in V. gouldii. Analysis of numbers of tongue-flicks over 20 successive minutes for H. suspectum indicated that PETF did not occur. A second experiment with refined procedures confirmed the absence of PETF in our H. suspectum. The third experiment was designed to determine whether V. gouldii and H. suspectum were capable of following prey-chemical trails. Varanus gouldii and H. suspectum followed these trails, and did so equally well, whether or not prey were bitten and ingested prior to exposure to chemical trails. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

体型是动物重要的形态特征,影响动物的生境利用。为揭示龟鳖类体型与生境之间的关系,通过文献收集331种龟鳖(龟鳖目Tesudines总物种数的98.8%)的最大背甲长及其生境信息,将生境分为海洋、淡水、岛屿性陆地和大陆性陆地4种类型,再将淡水生境分为大静水、大流水、小静水、小流水和所有水域5种亚类型,大陆性陆地生境分为高地、平地和荒漠3种亚类型,从而比较不同生境类型或亚类型之间龟鳖类体型的差异。广义线性混合模型分析结果显示:1)海龟体型最大,岛屿性陆龟次之,淡水龟鳖和大陆性陆龟体型最小,且后两者差异无统计学意义。2)淡水龟鳖类的体型在5种亚类型生境间存在差异,大静水和大流水水域的体型均显著大于小静水和小流水水域,而体型在大静水与大流水水域、小静水与小流水水域之间的差异均无统计学意义,表明淡水龟鳖类体型与水域面积有关,而与水域是静水或流水无关。广布所有水域的淡水龟鳖类体型趋于中间型,且与其他4种亚类型生境中的体型之间的差异均无统计学意义。3)大陆性陆龟的体型从高地到平地再到荒漠有逐渐变大的趋势,但差异无统计学意义。本研究揭示龟鳖类的保护对策需要考虑其体型和生境面积的相关性。  相似文献   

The relationship between body size and tooth size has been documented for recent primates and insectivores and resulting predictive equations used to estimate body size in fossil species. This relationship is an important one, as body size is related to a host of physiological and ecological factors. In this study, the relationship between body size and molar size in recent dentally conservative marsupials is examined and body size in Cretaceous marsupials is estimated. Body weight information and basic length, width, and area measurements were taken from the molars of individuals from 22 species of Didelphidae and Dasyuridae. Least squares regression analysis shows that, as in previous studies on eutherians, the first molar is generally the most highly correlated with body size. In fact, there is a strong relationship between body size and tooth size throughout the molar series, suggesting that a fairly accurate body size estimate could be obtained from molars other than the first molar. The inclusion of species that are morphologically divergent from the average morphotype may affect the analysis. Body mass estimated in Cretaceous marsupials indicates a range of sizes similar to that seen in Recent dentally primitive marsupials.  相似文献   

1. Using data from the literature, I assessed how broad climatic patterns affected field body temperatures (Tb’s) of lizards in the genus Sceloporus.

2. Sceloporus at temperate latitudes had mean Tb’s of 35°C throughout their elevational range. This pattern is associated with “tropical” temperatures that extend into high north latitudes during the summer and the relatively low elevations occupied by the lizards.

3. At tropical latitudes, mean Tb declined from 35°C at low elevations to 31°C at high elevations. This pattern is associated with low seasonal variation in temperature at tropical latitudes and the relatively high elevations occupied by the lizards.  相似文献   

Hard, highly calcified eggshells evolved several independent times during the history of amniotes. Because of phylogenetic conservatism of this trait, lineages in which closely related taxa differ in eggshell structure are rare. Four gekkotan families (Carphodactylidae, Diplodactylidae, Eublepharidae and Pygopodidae) have eggs with soft shells, while their close relatives (Gekkonidae) lay eggs with hard shells. Geckos thus offer a rare opportunity to compare the impact of the emergence of a hard eggshell on the economy of egg architecture. Because a sphere has the smallest surface area of all three‐dimensional solids of a given volume, spherical eggs in geckos with hard eggshells reduce calcium investment and should therefore be advantageous. Here, we document that hard‐shelled gekkonid eggs are indeed more spherical than those of the other gecko lineages. However, within gekkonids, small species lay more elongated eggs than larger species. We speculate that miniature gekkonid females, which lay larger eggs relative to body size compared with large gekkonids, produce elongate eggs in order to pass the egg through a limited pelvic opening.  相似文献   

研究龟鳖的两性异形对理解形态适应具有重要意义。通过测量41只(21♀,20♂)成体四眼斑水龟(Sacalia quadriocellata)的20个形态特征指标,研究四眼斑水龟个体大小和体形的两性异形。结果表明:除头长、头宽、尾长和尾长肛前段长外,四眼斑水龟其他的形态特征均与背甲长呈正相关。雌性的背甲长、腹甲长、腹甲中线长、腹甲曲线长显著大于雄性;雄性的头长、头宽、后肢长、尾长和尾长肛前段长显著大于雌性;雌雄两性的体重、体周长、前肢长、腹甲宽、肛盾切口长、肛盾切口宽以及除背甲长外的所有背甲形态特征指标均无显著差异。研究结果表明,四眼斑水龟存在个体大小和体形两性异形。  相似文献   

The population of Crepidula convexa inhabiting the eelgrass beds of the lower Mystic Estuary, Connecticut, exhibits large seasonal fluctuations in size. The population is largest in the middle of the summer following the emergence of juveniles and then rapidly declines. Oviposition occurs from May into September with maximal egg production taking place in June. Within this habitat the life span of Crepidula is short (ca. 1 yr), female size is small and individual fecundity is low.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine the concept of the “good enough” body size acceptability across a wide range of ages and weight status. Research Methods and Procedures: Subjects were 303 children, 427 adolescents, 261 young adults, and 326 middle‐age adults who selected acceptable body sizes from an array of drawings representing their own age and gender. They also selected body sizes representing their own actual and ideal size. Results: A large majority (87%) of subjects considered their own body size socially acceptable. This finding applied to both genders in all age groups and to underweight, normal weight, and overweight subjects. Even among obese subjects, 48% considered their own body size socially acceptable. For the large percentage of subjects who reported a discrepancy between their actual and ideal body sizes, most considered their own body size acceptable. This finding also applied to both genders in all age groups and to underweight, normal weight, and overweight subjects. Discussion: Most male and female subjects across a wide range of ages and status considered their own body size to be within the range of socially acceptable body sizes even though, for many, it did not match their ideal. The implications of expanding body size research to include the conceptual framework of body size acceptability is discussed in terms of contributing to a paradigm of positive psychology.  相似文献   

The reproductive activity of reptiles is typically assessed using monthly sampling. The spermatogenic cycle of Sceloporus variabilis was recently assessed using the aforementioned methodology, and only two spermatogenic phases (recrudescence and maximum activity) were observed. The authors hypothesized that quiescence and regression must occur in a short period (less than a month), which was not visualized by their monthly sampling methods. Thus, the entire spermatogenic cycle displayed by this species may have not been adequately represented. The present study assessed the spermatogenic cycle of S. variabilis in those months where the spermatogenic activity passes from maximum activity (July) to recrudescence (August) using weekly sampling to test the hypothesis that quiescence and regression do indeed occur. The results showed a regression period for 2 weeks, whereas quiescence was not observed. These results lead us to two hypotheses: (a) quiescence occurs in a very short period (days/hours) or (b) does not occur in this species. The data generated in this study suggest that species exhibiting rapid changes in spermatogenic activity need to be assessed at more frequent intervals to accurately depict the spermatogenic stages.  相似文献   

Body mass can impact reproductive performance in males and females. In nonhuman primates the relationship is often mediated by dominance. We measured body mass monthly in a provisioned group of bonnet macaques (Macaca radiata) living at a Hindu temple. We also measured body mass on 3 occasions in a wild population of bonnet macaques. In the temple group, females that reproduced lost body mass, while females that did not reproduce gained body mass. Mass loss among females occurred primarily while they were nursing. Adult males from the temple group lost mass during the mating season and gained it during the non-mating season. Subadult males experienced less seasonal variation in body mass. Body mass and changes in mass were not related to dominance rank in either the temple or the forest group. Furthermore, maternal dominance rank did not affect infant mass. Females from the smallest forest group weighed significantly less than females from the two larger forest groups, which suggests intergroup competition in the population. Body mass was not related to dominance rank in a straightforward manner but may indirectly affect reproductive performance. The pattern of body mass change suggests that the period of lactation is critical for females and endurance rivalry is an important form of competition among males.  相似文献   

The traditional approach to allometric analysis entails the fitting of a straight line to logarithmic transformations of the data, after which parameters in a two-parameter allometric equation are estimated by back-transformation to the original scale. We re-examined published data for dimensions of the limbs in 22 species of varanid lizards to illustrate the biases that can be introduced into allometric analyses by applying the aforementioned protocol. Statistical models fit to the original data by linear and nonlinear regression conformed better with underlying assumptions than did models obtained by back-transformation from logarithms, and the former generally were better than the latter for describing limb dimensions over the full range in body size. Allometric exponents estimated by the traditional method therefore were based on inappropriate and inaccurate statistical models and, consequently, were biased and misleading. Investigators can avoid problems such as these by performing preliminary graphical and statistical analyses on data in their original scale and by validating the fitted model. Logarithmic transformations should be used sparingly and only for cause.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 296–305.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities often create distinctive but discontinuously distributed habitat patches with abundant food but high risk of predation. Such sites can be most effectively utilized by individuals with specific behaviors and morphologies. Thus, a widespread species that contains a diversity of sizes and behavioral types may be pre‐adapted to exploiting such hotspots. In eastern Australia, the giant (to >2 m) lizard Varanus varius (lace monitor) utilizes both disturbed (campground) and undisturbed (bushland) habitats. Our surveys of 27 sites show that lizards found in campgrounds tended to be larger and bolder than those in adjacent bushland. This divergence became even more marked after the arrival of a toxic invasive species (the cane toad, Rhinella marina) caused high mortality in larger and bolder lizards. Some of the behavioral divergences between campground and bushland lizards may be secondary consequences of differences in body size, but other habitat‐associated divergences in behavior are due to habituation and/or nonrandom mortality.  相似文献   

Size evolution in island lizards   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aim  The island rule, small animal gigantism and large animal dwarfism on islands, is a topic of much recent debate. While size evolution of insular lizards has been widely studied, whether or not they follow the island rule has never been investigated. I examined whether lizards show patterns consistent with the island rule.
Location  Islands worldwide.
Methods  I used literature data on the sizes of island–mainland population pairs in 59 species of lizards, spanning the entire size range of the group, and tested whether small insular lizards are larger than their mainland conspecifics and large insular lizards are smaller. I examined the influence of island area, island isolation, and dietary preferences on lizard size evolution.
Results  Using mean snout–vent length as an index of body size, I found that small lizards on islands become smaller than their mainland conspecifics, while large ones become larger still, opposite to predictions of the island rule. This was especially strong in carnivorous lizards; omnivorous and herbivorous species showed a pattern consistent with the island rule but this result was not statistically significant. No trends consistent with the island rule were found when maximum snout–vent length was used. Island area had, at best, a weak effect on body size. Using maximum snout–vent length as an index of body size resulted in most lizard populations appearing to be dwarfed on islands, but no such pattern was revealed when mean snout–vent length was used as a size index.
Main conclusions  I suggest that lizard body size is mostly influenced by resource availability, with large size allowing some lizard populations to exploit resources that are unavailable on the mainland. Lizards do not follow the island rule. Maximum snout–vent length may be biased by sampling effort, which should be taken into account when one uses this size index.  相似文献   

Objective: The ability of young women (n = 132, average age 17 years) to recall body size and age at menarche was examined. The use of body silhouettes to assist women in recalling their body size at menarche and to represent their current body size was also evaluated. Research Methods and Procedures: Subjects, who previously participated in a cohort study, were asked to recall height and weight at the time of menarche, to select body silhouettes that best reflected their body shape at the time of menarche and their current body shape, and to recall age at menarche. Two sets of body silhouettes were developed, one representative of an adult body shape and another representative of an adolescent body shape. Results: Pearson correlation coefficients between the adult and adolescent body figures and actual body mass index (BMI; kg/m2) at the time of menarche were not significantly different (r = 0.82 for adult figures vs. r = 0.72 for adolescent figures, p > 0.05). The correlation between actual BMI at the time of menarche and body silhouette (r = 0.77, all subjects) was similar to the correlation between actual and recalled BMI at the time of menarche (r = 0.83) as well as the correlation between current BMI and current body silhouette (r = 0.75). Recalled and actual ages at menarche were highly correlated (r = 0.83). Discussion: The recall of body shape was considered to be a less precise measure of body size than asking about height and weight, but use of body silhouettes may offer advantages in certain situations.  相似文献   

RAND, COLLEEN S. W., JAQUELYN LISS RESNIK, AND ALEX M. C. MACGREGOR. A comparison of body size evaluations of obesity surgery patients and general population adults. Obes Res. Objective: To compare post-operative obesity surgery patients and general population adults in their assessments of a wide range of body sizes. Research Methods and Procedures: Obesity surgery patients (n = 274) and general population adults (n = 326) rated ideal and socially acceptable body sizes in separate arrays of babies, children, young adults, and middle-aged and older adults. Nine line figure drawings ranging from very thin to very obese were rated for each array. Results: Both groups selected the same ideal body size for all arrays except for babies. Both groups rejected obese and very thin body sizes as socially acceptable. However, the obesity surgery patients were more restrictive than general population adults in their ratings of socially acceptable body sizes. Current obesity status did not impact ratings for the patient or general population subjects. In the patient sample, time since surgery did not influence body size evaluations. Discussion: The study of body size ratings limited only to the “ideal” size may be misleading because it may mask subtle but meaningful differences between groups. The consistent difference in more restrictive ratings of obesity surgery patients compared to general population adults may be due to patients' greater psychological investment in endorsing the societal ideal body size. It may also be due to patients' status as peripheral group members of the normal weight community. The inability of some patients to maintain their post-operative weight loss may be particularly problematic for those who have defined “socially acceptable” body size most narrowly.  相似文献   

We determined if data on strepsirhine body and home range sizes support an optimal body size (OBS) model of 100 g, as predicted from studies of energetics in terrestrial mammals. We also tested the following predictions of the OBS model: 1) relationships between body and home range sizes will change slope and sign above and below the OBS threshold of 100 g and 2) best-fit lines for OBS regression models (above and below the 100-g threshold) will intersect at ca. 100 g (range of 80–250 g). We collected data on body mass, home range size, and vertical ranging behavior for 37 strepsirhines from the literature. Linear regression analyses and phylogenetic independent contrasts methods revealed that body size is a significant determinant of both 2-dimensional (ha) and 3-dimensional (km3) home range sizes only in taxa weighing >100 g. There were consistent changes in the sign of the slopes above and below the OBS threshold. The intersections of the best-fit lines were within the OBS range for the body size to 3-dimensional home range comparisons. Thus, the data provide some support for the OBS model in strepsirhines. However, no regression model was statistically significant for the taxa below the OBS threshold, which may reflect small sample sizes. Also, no slope differed significantly between taxa above and below the OBS. Significant correlations between body and home range sizes for the complete data sets refute the √-shaped constraint space predicted via the OBS model.  相似文献   

Cultural differences may partially account for the fact that more black women than white women are overweight in the United States. This study measured perceptions of ideal body size among 93 black and 80 white females, 14–17 years old, who were randomly selected from three public high schools in a southeastern state. The subjects' height and weight were measured along with their estimates of their mother's body size, weight control attitudes, and demographic variables . Blacks preferred a significantly larger body sue than whites when asked to select ideal body size (p=0.045). Subjects who estimated their mother's size to be larger, also selected a larger ideal body size (p=.047). Those who perceived themselves as too fat were more likely to skip meals to help control their weight, compared with those who perceived themselves as normal or too thin (p=.003). Approximately 30% of the sample was overweight or obese. There were not significant racial differences in weight or BMI . These results suggest that overweight is more acceptable among black females than among white females and may help explain why more black females are obese .  相似文献   

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