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A detailed quantitative calcareous nannofossil analysis has been performed on 138 samples from the astronomically dated Monte del Casino section with the aim to identify and precisely date the most important calcareous nannofossil events across the Tortonian/Messinian boundary in the Mediterranean, and to unravel paleoceanographic conditions at times of sapropel formation during the Late Miocene. From the biostratigraphic perspective, the genus Amaurolithus provides three successive first occurrences (FOs): A. primus, A. cf. amplificus and A. delicatus, dated at 7.446, 7.434 and 7.226 Ma, respectively. Other bioevents include the base and top of the `small reticulofenestrids' Acme, dated at 7.644 and 6.697 Ma, and the FO, FCO and LO of R. rotaria, dated at 7.405, 7.226 and 6.771 Ma. These events appear to be useful in improving biostratigraphic resolution in the Tortonian–Messinian boundary interval, at least for the Mediterranean. Quantitative analysis revealed changes in the calcareous nannofossil assemblage associated with the sapropels. The observed fluctuations suggest a single mechanism for sapropel formation in the Mediterranean during the late Neogene. Sapropels are characterized by a decrease in the total number of coccoliths, interpreted mainly as a reduction in calcareous nannofossil production due to increased siliceous plankton production during spring blooms; and an increase in reworked specimens, interpreted to reflect enhanced continental input via river run-off. An increase in abundance of the genus Rhabdosphaera can be explained by opportunistic behavior at the end of the spring bloom when nutrient levels start to become impoverished. As far as sea surface water temperature indicators are concerned, warm water D. pentaradiatus shows positive fluctuations in sapropels while cooler water D. intercalaris and C. pelagicus show negative fluctuations.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of 67 calcareous nannofossil assemblages from surface sediments recovered in a wide area across the Sicily Channel has been carried out in order to improve the interpretation of palaeontological data based on this planktonic group in a key area for Mediterranean palaeoceanographic studies. The investigation focused on three case studies that demonstrate the high potentiality of such a combined approach, taking into account the recent distribution of taxa or groups of taxa on the sea floor and the palaeontological record. The distribution of reworked specimens over the northern Sicily Channel sea floor validates the role of southern Sicily as a source region for reworked nannofossils and the role of rivers as their carrier. Eustatic sea-level fluctuations can be considered to be the main factor that influenced the abundance variations in sedimentary sequences of this area. The distribution of Florisphaera profunda can be explained in terms of topography (positive correlation) and mesoscale oceanographic circulation. In particular, its significant anti-correlation to the amount of chlorophyll-A deduced by satellite imagery validates the use of this species as a proxy for palaeoproductivity reconstructions. Finally, high abundance values of G. oceanica are confined to the westernmost part of the Sicily Channel, coinciding with a water mass salinity minimum. In particular, abundances of up to about 10% were observed in the westernmost part of the African Margin, suggesting the importance of the Atlantic Tunisian Current, whose activity is more pronounced in winter. The comparison of data of this species between 135 and 110 kyr BP, inside and outside the Channel, led us to deduce that the physical transport in almost unmodified waters of Atlantic origin might be the most important factor for its significant occurrence.  相似文献   

The Thomel Level of the Lambruisse section in the Vocontian Basin (southeast France), which is marked by intercalations of black shales and organic-rich marls, accumulated during the oceanic anoxic event 2 (OAE2) occurring in the Cenomanian-Turonian (C-T) boundary interval. Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic investigation of this interval revealed a total of five nannofossil zones, corresponding to the UC3-UC8 zones (Middle Cenomanian-Middle Turonian) as defined by Burnett. Biostratigraphically important taxa observed in the section include Cretarhabdus striatus, Axopodorhabdus albianus, Lithraphidites acutus, Corollithion kennedyi, Helenea chiastia, Quadrum gartneri, Q. intermedium, Eiffellithus eximius, Eprolithus octopetalus and E. eptapetalus. The two nannofossil events commonly used in the delineation of the C-T boundary, namely the LO of H. chiastia and the FO of Q. gartneri, occur less than 2 m apart in the studied section. These two bioevents define the limits of the UC6 nannofossil Zone and occur within the Whiteinella archaeocretacea foraminifer Zone. Previous litho- and chemostratigraphic analyses indicate that the δ13C profile of the section corresponds well with changes in lithofacies and fluctuations in the total organic carbon (TOC) and calcium carbonate content of the section. Initial increase in the δ13C values occurs within the UC3-UC4a undifferentiated zone, coinciding with the onset of the deposition of the organic-rich sediments of the Thomel Level and a drastic decline in the CaCO3 values. The plateau of high δ13C values, on the other hand, occurs within the UC5 zone, between the LO of C. kennedyi and the LO of H. chiastia (and FO of Q. gartneri). This interval of high δ13C values also corresponds to the interval of high TOC and low CaCO3 values. The integrated nannofossil, planktonic foraminifer and δ13C data provide a precise biostratigraphic and chemostratigraphic framework of the C-T boundary in the Lambruisse section that can be used in future studies in the Vocontian Basin and allow correlations with other well-studied C-T boundary sections.  相似文献   

This study is a preliminary quantitative analysis of Paleocene calcareous nannofossil assemblages of the Tenida area (Egypt) in order to establish a detailed biostratigraphic framework as well as to reconstruct the paleoclimatic trends. A total of 48 samples with an average sample spacing of 1.5 m allowed the identification of 63 calcareous nannofossil species belonging to 19 different genera. The preservation of the studied samples varies from poor to moderate and is characterized by the frequent presence of small frangible placoliths, and nannoliths. This study recognizes three calcareous nannofossil biozones in the Danian-Thanetian time interval; Chiasmolithus danicus (NP3) Zone, Ellipsolithus macellus (NP4) Zone, and Heliolithus kleinpellii (NP6) Zone. Moreover, the multivariate statistical analysis of the calcareous nannofossil communities reveals a relationship between the distribution of these nannofossil assemblages and variations in paleoclimatic trends. Accordingly, the relative abundances of Coccolithus pelagicus in addition to nine calcareous nannofossil genera along with the diversity and preservation indices of calcareous nannofossil elements have been used to elucidate changes in paleoclimatic trends. Based on the cyclic change from cold to warm climates, it was possible to subdivide the Paleocene Period recorded in the Tenida section into four paleoclimatic intervals. The oldest is a global cooling trend spanning 2.01 Myr long, starting in the early Paleocene (Danian) during the deposition of the lower part of the Kharga Shale Member. This cooling trend is followed by a ~ 0.56 Myr warming trend during deposition of the middle part of the Kharga Shale Member that was followed by a return to a cooling mode, with an estimated duration of roughly 1.67 Myr. The last interval includes a 0.39 Myr long period at the Selandian/Thanetian boundary interval, which is dominated by a global warming trend during deposition of the upper part of the Upper Kharga Shale Member.  相似文献   

The study of the Late Eocene (Priabonian) otolith associations from Possagno, North-East Italy, and from the Synclinal d’Allons in Haute Provence, South-East France, allows for the reconstruction of a teleost fauna of 55 taxa, which is the most diversified assemblage presently known from the Upper Eocene Paleo-Mediterranean basin. Thirty-six taxa are identified at the species level, and five of those are new: “genus Alepocephalidarum” astrictus, “genus Lophiiformorum” canovae, “genus Agonidarum” sudans, “genus Uranoscopidarum” cochlearis and Aseraggodes laganum. In the Synclinal d’Allons, the otolith associations reflect a tropical to subtropical neritic environment with a few mesopelagic fishes. At Possagno, the associations indicate an environment that changed from one that was deep and exposed to the pelagic realm and then evolved to a more shallow sea with a well-diversified benthic life and less mesopelagic fishes. A paleobiogeographical analysis of all known data on Priabonian otoliths, worldwide, shows clearly a western Atlantic (Louisiana) and an eastern Atlantic-Paleomediterranean association. In the eastern Atlantic-Paleomediterranean association, the Aquitaine association not only differs from the Possagno-Allons association in function of its more distant geographical position, but also by its stronger oceanic character in the southern part of the basin, and by the occurrence in the north, of a very shallow water facies (Saint-Estephe Formation) that contains some taxa which are known nowhere else in the Priabonian. The Ukraine fauna is characterized by a high number of species, which have an Oligocene record in other European sites. The northern geographic location of Ukraine, combined with the good connections to both the North Sea Basin and the Turgai street can provide the explanation. Many Oligocene species (or their close relatives) probably already existed at Eocene times in more northern regions, but could penetrate only in more southern European seas since the strong cooling at the beginning of the Oligocene.  相似文献   

During the Messinian, the Mediterranean area experienced fast and prominent paleoenvironmental changes, culminating in the so-called Messinian Salinity Crisis, with the deposition of the evaporitic series. This work investigates the micropaleontological assemblages in the pre-evaporitic sediments of the Sant’Agata Fossili Marls (SAF) of the Pollenzo section (Cuneo area, North Western Italy). A semiquantitative analysis is carried out on the upper part of the marly and pelitic sediments of the SAF underlying the first gypsum bed, ascribed to the Vena del Gesso Fm. (VDF). The studied interval belongs to the planktonic foraminifer Globorotalia conomiozea Zone and “non distinctive Zone” of Iaccarino and to the calcareous nannofossil MNN11b/c Zone of Raffi et al. (1998, 2003) ( [Raffi et al., 1998] and [Raffi et al., 2003]). Decrease of diversity and abundance of the foraminifer and calcareous nannofossil assemblages is recorded 12 m below the VDG and clearly reflects environmental stress. From bottom to top, six paleoecological events are recorded: (1) the first peak abundance of “small” Reticulofenestra and the last recovery (LR) of planktonic foraminifers; (2) the peak abundance of Pontosphaera japonica and the last recovery of warm water taxa Discoaster spp.; (3) the last recovery of benthic foraminifers; (4) the co-occurring peak abundances of Helicosphaera carteri and Sphenolithus abies, and the last recovery of warm water taxa Amaurolithus spp.; (5) the second peak of “small” Reticulofenestra; (6) the definitive disappearance of calcareous nannofossils. These paleoecological events describe a progressive isolation of the basin from the world ocean and increasingly stressed environment (LR planktonic foraminifers; LR Discoaster spp.), increasing dysoxic to anoxic conditions at the sea floor (LR benthic foraminifers), shallowing of the water column (peak of H. carteri), increasing salinity in surface waters (peak of S. abies), and enhanced nutrient concentration in surface waters (peak of “small” Reticulofenestra); these are related to paleoenvironmental changes predating gypsum deposition at Pollenzo and affecting the whole Mediterranean basin.  相似文献   

The Norian portion of the Costa dei Frascari succession (Matese Mountains, northern Campania) provides an example of a calcareous algae association dominated by the family Pseudoudoteaceae; subordinately, Gymnocodiaceae and Dasycladaceae also occur. The present study deals with the record of Garwoodia maxima Dragastan, Garwoodia toomeyi Dragastan, Pseudoudotea magna Dragastan et al., Jabrianella sp., and Asterocalculus heraki Sokac and Grgasovic, from the open-lagoon carbonate deposits which were referred to the portion of the Norian below the Triasina hantkeni Zone.Riassunto. Vengono presentati i risultati di uno studio sistematico condotto sulle alghe calcaree del Norico dei Monti del Matese (Campania settentrionale), per la prima volta segnalate in Italia. La ricca associazione è composta da prevalenti pseudoudoteacee e precisamente: Garwoodia maxima, Garwoodia toomeji, Pseudoudotea magna, Jabrianella sp., oltre a Asterocalculus heraki, Heteroporella zankli e Probolocuspis espakhensis, recentemente attribuito alle Dasycladales da Senowbari-Daryan and Majidifard. I campioni analizzati provengono dalla porzione inferiore della successione della Costa dei Frascari (versante meridionale dei Monti del Matese) i cui 160 m basali sono costituiti da prevalenti calcari granulo-sostenuti e da rare intercalazioni di calcari fango-sostenuti, talora loferitici, spesso dolomitizzati e stromatolitici. Labbondanza di antozoi, chetetidi, gasteropodi di grandi dimensioni e, in particolare, di resti di echinodermi indica che tali sedimenti si sono deposti in un ambiente di open-lagoon caratterizzato da continui scambi con il mare aperto che garantivano condizioni di salinità e ossigenazione delle acque idonee a questo tipo di organismi. In base allassociazione micropaleontologica e considerata lassenza di Triasina hantkeni e di Griphoporella curvata, la cui comparsa avviene a circa 160 m dalla base della successione, questi sedimenti sono stati riferiti alla porzione di Norico sottostante la Zona a Triasina hantkeni (sensu Marcoux et al. 1993).  相似文献   

Calcareous nannofossils from Paleocene sediments of two boreholes (Odeska-6 and 20) from the north-western shelf of the Black Sea are examined. Five nannofossil Zones are identified according to the standard zonations of Martini (1971) and Quillévéré et al. (2002): the Chiasmolithus danicus Zone (NP3), the upper part of Ellipsolithus Macellus Zone (NP4b), the Fasciculithus tympaniformis Zone (NP5), the Heliolithus kleinpelli Zone (NP6) and the Heliolithus riedelii Zone (NP8). This biostratigraphical work allows us to correlate the Bilokamian and Kachian regional stages of the Stratigraphic Scheme of Southern Ukraine (Zernetskiy et al., 1993) to the standard nannofossil zonations and, therefore, to the International Chronostratigraphic scheme. The presence of an unconformity between the Bilokamian and Kachian regional stages in the borehole section of Odeska-6 is suggested by Linear Sedimentary Rates estimated for the two boreholes. This unconformity corresponds to the upper part of the Chiasmolithus danicus nannofossil Zone (NP3) and the lower part of Ellipsolithus Macellus (NP4a), and is estimated to last nearly 1.94 Ma.  相似文献   

Representatives of nine bryozoan genera of four orders are identified for the first time from the carbonate deposits of the stratotype section of the Upper Kazanian Substage of the Middle Permian. Among them four new species are established and described: Permopora volgensis sp. nov., Stellahexaformis burovi sp. nov., Alternifenestella esaulovae sp. nov., and Wjatkella definita sp. nov. A brief lithological characterization is provided of the carbonate deposits that contain the remains of these bryozoans and were formed under the conditions of transgression-regression cycles of the Late Kazanian marine basin. Some questions concerning the taphonomy, ecology, and morphology of the bryozoans studied are considered.  相似文献   

The Terramare civilization (ca. 1650–1150 cal bce) on the Po plain in northern Italy is considered to have been an agrarian society typical of the European Bronze Age, with a subsistence economy based on arable and livestock farming, and which showed some innovations such as the introduction of millets as cultivars. Some questions are still open concerning the agricultural system, the food and non-food uses of plant resources and the organization of labour at these sites. In this paper, for the first time, phytolith analysis has been integrated with more standard archaeobotanical methods applied to material from the long-lasting settlement of Fondo Paviani, Verona. The aim of the study was to use phytoliths as a tool to investigate the cereal economy in order to detect different grass subfamilies and possibly provide hints about local crop processing activities. For this purpose, two contexts, a shallow ditch at the edge of the site that had been filled with domestic waste and a near-site fen with natural infilling, have been the objects of a multi-proxy inter-disciplinary investigation. This includes the analyses of phytoliths, pollen, NPP, sediment texture and micromorphology. The phytolith record shows remains of panicoid as well as pooid grasses, including chaff material with frequent traces of threshing that indicate the processing of cereals at the site and the possible use of chopped straw as fodder. The comparison of different kinds of evidence strengthens the interpretation and offers a new perspective on the application of phytolith analysis to Bronze Age northern Italy.  相似文献   

Calcareous nannofossil assemblages have been investigated at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1090 located in the modern Subantarctic Zone, through the Pleistocene Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 34–29, between 1150 and 1000 ka. A previously developed age model and new biostratigraphic constraints provide a reliable chronological framework for the studied section and allow correlation with other records. Two relevant biostratigraphic events have been identified: the First Common Occurrence of Reticulofenestra asanoi, distinctly correlated to MIS 31–32; the re-entry of medium Gephyrocapsa at MIS 29, unexpectedly similar to what was observed at low latitude sites.The composition of the calcareous nannofossil assemblage permits identification of three intervals (I–III). Intervals I and III, correlated to MIS 34–32 and MIS 30–29 respectively, are identified as characteristic of water masses located south of the Subtropical Front and reflecting the southern border of Subantarctic Zone, at the transition with the Polar Front Zone. This evidence is consistent with the hypothesis of a northward shift of the frontal system in the early Pleistocene with respect to the present position and therefore a northernmost location of the Subantarctic Front. During interval II, which is correlated to MIS 31, calcareous nannofossil assemblages display the most significant change, characterized by a distinct increase of Syracosphaera spp. and Helicosphaera carteri, lasting about 20 ky. An integrated analysis of calcareous nannofossil abundances and few mineralogical proxies suggests that during interval II, Site 1090 experienced the influence of subtropical waters, possibly related to a southward migration of the Subtropical Front, coupled with an expansion of the warmer Agulhas Current at the core location. This pronounced warming event is associated to a minimum in the austral summer insolation. The present results provide a broader framework on the Mid-Pleistocene dynamic of the ocean frontal system in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, as well as additional evidence on the variability of the Indian–Atlantic ocean exchange.  相似文献   

Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1260 recovered a near-continuous and expanded (187-m thick) middle Eocene carbonate sequence at mid-bathyal depths on Demerara Rise off Suriname, South America. A calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic framework has been established for the sequence to aid multi-proxy cyclostratigraphic analyses. The diversity of calcareous nannofossils is reasonably high and preservation moderate throughout most of the section, and the proximity to the continent is indicated by the occurrence of braarudosphaerids in the lower three quarters of the section. The species richness of sphenoliths is particularly high, and our data confirm the occurrence of new sphenoliths during the middle Eocene as shown recently by Bown and Dunkley Jones (2006). In particular we corroborate the occurrences of Sphenolithus strigosus and S. runus that these authors found in their Zone NP16 Tanzania sediments, however we extend the ranges of these taxa down into Zone NP15 (CP13). Moreover we document the occurrence of Bramletteius serraculoides in Zone NP15 (CP13b) and the occurrence of Sphenolithus predistentus in NP16 (CP14a), extending their known ranges down column.  相似文献   

A burrow previously assigned to the ichnotaxon Palaeophycus insignis is redescribed, and a new ichnotaxon Olongichnus solodukhoi n. igen. n. isp is erected for this flattened, slightly curved, multi-oriented, smooth burrow that has a thick lining with internal and external very fine-grained mucuous layers. It shows subrectangular to oblong form in cross section. O. solodukhoi is collected from the lowermost part of the Member D (Seryi Kamen Member, Pechishchi Beds) of the late Kazanian (middle Permian) stratotype section (East European Platform). It occurs in yellowish grey dolostone formed within open shallow-marine environments. O. solodukhoi records combined feeding and dwelling behaviours of a suspension-feeding organism. It could be produced by burrowing organisms with a simple flattened morphology, such as flatworms or polychaetes; however, we favour elongate and ultra-elongate bivalves as the potential tracemakers of the reported burrows.  相似文献   

The Hongguleleng Formation, the highest and most important Devonian marine carbonate horizon in western Junggar, contains an endemic shallow-water IcriodusPolygnathus conodont fauna with rare palmatolepids and other genera. The conodont faunas from the Bulongguoer and the Wulankeshun sections are similar, with high abundance (about 40%) of endemic taxa (13 taxa), indicating isolation of the Junggar Basin during early Famennian. Non-endemic species in the faunas suggest that the Lower Member of the Hongguleleng Formation is assignable to the Pa. rhomboidea Zone to the Pa. marginifera marginifera Zone of early Famennian, not including the Frasnian–Famennian boundary. The Upper Member may be of late Famennian–early Tournaisian in age on the basis of our preliminary faunal analysis.  相似文献   

The Miocene Termina Formation of the northern Apennines (Italy) contains thin marly limestone or marly sandstone bodies rich in macrofauna mainly consisting of large lucinid clams. Modern representatives of this fauna occur in cold seep settings where they house chemosymbiotic bacteria. Moreover, these rocks record a δ13C-depletion confirming their origin influenced by a cold seep. The Miocene sections of Sasso delle Streghe and Sarsetta (near Modena) represent classic examples of cold seeps. These sections consist of marls and marly sandstones, respectively, with lucinids (Sasso delle Streghe) or bioclastic sands with lucinids (Sarsetta); both sections are capped by the Sandstones of Montebaranzone. They yield ostracodes that are mainly represented by deep-water filter-feeder species (Platycopa, i.e. Cytherella sp.) and numerous deposit-feeders (Podocopa: i.e. Neonesidea and Krithe), together with species frequently occurring in shallow water environments. These assemblages are able to colonize disaerobic environments such as cold seeps. Although some authors consider the filter-feeders as dominant taxa in disaerobic settings, our data do not provide evidence of significant differences in the ostracode assemblage composition between the deposits originated in seafloors with or without seepage influence. However, the number of specimens is greater in seafloors devoid of seepage influence.  相似文献   

A new calcareous nannofossil, Crepidolithus cantabriensis nov. sp., is described from the Lower Jurassic marls and marly limestones of the Cantabrian Range (Northern Spain). The new species is characterized by medium-sized, normal to narrowly elliptical coccoliths with open central-areas. In the light microscope, under crossed nicols and in distal view, it displays a characteristic bicyclic extinction pattern. Its inner rim edge shows maximum birefringence colours, which vary from white to yellow, whereas the faintly outer rim margin exhibits low birefringence, tending to grey, and they are separated by a dark and sigmoidal isogyre. C. cantabriensis nov. sp. seems closely related to Crepidolithus crassus on the basis of shared morphological characters. Both of them have a distal shield composed of around thirty sub-vertical, dextrally imbricating laths. The central-area width of C. cantabriensis nov. sp. is approximately half of the coccolith width, whilst it is reduced to one or two tiny lenticular slits in C. crassus. Nevertheless, the phyletic relationships between C. cantabriensis nov. sp. and Crepidolithus cavus are not clear, since they show different rim structures, and C. cavus has a delicate bar aligned along the minor axis of its central area. The first specimens of C. cantabriensis nov. sp. have been recognized within the Raricostatum AZ in the Tudanca section. This species seems to be more abundant in the Reinosa area, which occupied a more distal position with respect to the Iberian Massif during the studied time interval. It is hypothesized here that C. cantabriensis nov. sp. could have inhabited the lower-photic zone.  相似文献   

A survey on the importance of Lacerta bilineata as host of Ixodes ricinus was conducted in Northern Italy over a three-year period. A total of 202 western green lizards were captured and a total of 2349 ticks were collected. All ticks were identified as I. ricinus; 53.2% and 46.7% were at the larval and nymphal stages, respectively. Tick number and prevalence were higher in males than in females, especially from April to June during the host breeding period. The level of tick infestation increased with lizard age and size. The number of ticks collected on adult lizards peaked in June and in August. Infestation levels appear to be related to lizard activity patterns and behaviour. Tick number and prevalence also varied in relation to host habitat, infestation being higher in lizards from areas with hard vegetation cover.  相似文献   

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