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Datta S  Satten GA 《Biometrics》2002,58(4):792-802
We propose nonparametric estimators of the stage occupation probabilities and transition hazards for a multistage system that is not necessarily Markovian, using data that are subject to dependent right censoring. We assume that the hazard of being censored at a given instant depends on a possibly time-dependent covariate process as opposed to assuming a fixed censoring hazard (independent censoring). The estimator of the integrated transition hazard matrix has a Nelson-Aalen form where each of the counting processes counting the number of transitions between states and the risk sets for leaving each stage have an IPCW (inverse probability of censoring weighted) form. We estimate these weights using Aalen's linear hazard model. Finally, the stage occupation probabilities are obtained from the estimated integrated transition hazard matrix via product integration. Consistency of these estimators under the general paradigm of non-Markov models is established and asymptotic variance formulas are provided. Simulation results show satisfactory performance of these estimators. An analysis of data on graft-versus-host disease for bone marrow transplant patients is used as an illustration.  相似文献   

Satten GA  Sternberg MR 《Biometrics》1999,55(2):507-513
In a semi-Markov model, the hazard of making a transition between stages depends on the time spent in the current stage but is independent of time spent in other stages. If the initiation time (time of entry into the network) is not known for some persons and if transition time data are interval censored (i.e., if transition times are not known exactly but are known only to have occurred in some interval), then the length of time these persons spent in any stage is not known. We show how a semi-Markov model can still be fit to interval-censored data with missing initiation times. For the special case of models in which all persons enter the network at the same initial stage and proceed through the same succession of stages to a unique absorbing stage, we present discrete-time nonparametric maximum likelihood estimators of the waiting-time distributions for this type of data.  相似文献   

Datta S  Satten GA  Datta S 《Biometrics》2000,56(3):841-847
In this paper, we present new nonparametric estimators of the stage-occupation probabilities in the three-stage irreversible illness-death model. These estimators use a fractional risk set and a reweighting approach and are valid under stage-dependent censoring. Using a simulated data set, we compare the behavior of our estimators with previously proposed estimators. We also apply our estimators to data on time to Pneumocystis pneumonia and death obtained from an AIDS cohort study.  相似文献   

Zhao and Tsiatis (1997) consider the problem of estimation of the distribution of the quality-adjusted lifetime when the chronological survival time is subject to right censoring. The quality-adjusted lifetime is typically defined as a weighted sum of the times spent in certain states up until death or some other failure time. They propose an estimator and establish the relevant asymptotics under the assumption of independent censoring. In this paper we extend the data structure with a covariate process observed until the end of follow-up and identify the optimal estimation problem. Because of the curse of dimensionality, no globally efficient nonparametric estimators, which have a good practical performance at moderate sample sizes, exist. Given a correctly specified model for the hazard of censoring conditional on the observed quality-of-life and covariate processes, we propose a closed-form one-step estimator of the distribution of the quality-adjusted lifetime whose asymptotic variance attains the efficiency bound if we can correctly specify a lower-dimensional working model for the conditional distribution of quality-adjusted lifetime given the observed quality-of-life and covariate processes. The estimator remains consistent and asymptotically normal even if this latter submodel is misspecified. The practical performance of the estimators is illustrated with a simulation study. We also extend our proposed one-step estimator to the case where treatment assignment is confounded by observed risk factors so that this estimator can be used to test a treatment effect in an observational study.  相似文献   

Carcinogenesis is commonly described as a multistage process, in which stem cells are transformed into cancer cells via a series of mutations. In this article, we consider extensions of the multistage carcinogenesis model by mixture modeling. This approach allows us to describe population heterogeneity in a biologically meaningful way. We focus on finite mixture models, for which we prove identifiability. These models are applied to human lung cancer data from several birth cohorts. Maximum likelihood estimation does not perform well in this application due to the heavy censoring in our data. We thus use analytic graduation instead. Very good fits are achieved for models that combine a small high risk group with a large group that is quasi immune.  相似文献   

We investigate the use of follow-up samples of individuals to estimate survival curves from studies that are subject to right censoring from two sources: (i) early termination of the study, namely, administrative censoring, or (ii) censoring due to lost data prior to administrative censoring, so-called dropout. We assume that, for the full cohort of individuals, administrative censoring times are independent of the subjects' inherent characteristics, including survival time. To address the loss to censoring due to dropout, which we allow to be possibly selective, we consider an intensive second phase of the study where a representative sample of the originally lost subjects is subsequently followed and their data recorded. As with double-sampling designs in survey methodology, the objective is to provide data on a representative subset of the dropouts. Despite assumed full response from the follow-up sample, we show that, in general in our setting, administrative censoring times are not independent of survival times within the two subgroups, nondropouts and sampled dropouts. As a result, the stratified Kaplan-Meier estimator is not appropriate for the cohort survival curve. Moreover, using the concept of potential outcomes, as opposed to observed outcomes, and thereby explicitly formulating the problem as a missing data problem, reveals and addresses these complications. We present an estimation method based on the likelihood of an easily observed subset of the data and study its properties analytically for large samples. We evaluate our method in a realistic situation by simulating data that match published margins on survival and dropout from an actual hip-replacement study. Limitations and extensions of our design and analytic method are discussed.  相似文献   

Multistate models can be successfully used for describing complex event history data, for example, describing stages in the disease progression of a patient. The so‐called “illness‐death” model plays a central role in the theory and practice of these models. Many time‐to‐event datasets from medical studies with multiple end points can be reduced to this generic structure. In these models one important goal is the modeling of transition rates but biomedical researchers are also interested in reporting interpretable results in a simple and summarized manner. These include estimates of predictive probabilities, such as the transition probabilities, occupation probabilities, cumulative incidence functions, and the sojourn time distributions. We will give a review of some of the available methods for estimating such quantities in the progressive illness‐death model conditionally (or not) on covariate measures. For some of these quantities estimators based on subsampling are employed. Subsampling, also referred to as landmarking, leads to small sample sizes and usually to heavily censored data leading to estimators with higher variability. To overcome this issue estimators based on a preliminary estimation (presmoothing) of the probability of censoring may be used. Among these, the presmoothed estimators for the cumulative incidences are new. We also introduce feasible estimation methods for the cumulative incidence function conditionally on covariate measures. The proposed methods are illustrated using real data. A comparative simulation study of several estimation approaches is performed and existing software in the form of R packages is discussed.  相似文献   

Standard errors for attributable risk for simple and complex sample designs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Graubard BI  Fears TR 《Biometrics》2005,61(3):847-855
Adjusted attributable risk (AR) is the proportion of diseased individuals in a population that is due to an exposure. We consider estimates of adjusted AR based on odds ratios from logistic regression to adjust for confounding. Influence function methods used in survey sampling are applied to obtain simple and easily programmable expressions for estimating the variance of AR. These variance estimators can be applied to data from case-control, cross-sectional, and cohort studies with or without frequency or individual matching and for sample designs with subject samples that range from simple random samples to (sample) weighted multistage stratified cluster samples like those used in national household surveys. The variance estimation of AR is illustrated with: (i) a weighted stratified multistage clustered cross-sectional study of childhood asthma from the Third National Health and Examination Survey (NHANES III), and (ii) a frequency-matched case-control study of melanoma skin cancer.  相似文献   

The modeling of lifetime (i.e. cumulative) medical cost data in the presence of censored follow-up is complicated by induced informative censoring, rendering standard survival analysis tools invalid. With few exceptions, recently proposed nonparametric estimators for such data do not extend easily to handle covariate information. We propose to model the hazard function for lifetime cost endpoints using an adaptation of the HARE methodology (Kooperberg, Stone, and Truong, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1995, 90, 78-94). Linear splines and their tensor products are used to adaptively build a model that incorporates covariates and covariate-by-cost interactions without restrictive parametric assumptions. The informative censoring problem is handled using inverse probability of censoring weighted estimating equations. The proposed method is illustrated using simulation and also with data on the cost of dialysis for patients with end-stage renal disease.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of estimating the intensity functions for a continuous time 'illness-death' model with intermittently observed data. In such a case, it may happen that a subject becomes diseased between two visits and dies without being observed. Consequently, there is an uncertainty about the precise number of transitions. Estimating the intensity of transition from health to illness by survival analysis (treating death as censoring) is biased downwards. Furthermore, the dates of transitions between states are not known exactly. We propose to estimate the intensity functions by maximizing a penalized likelihood. The method yields smooth estimates without parametric assumptions. This is illustrated using data from a large cohort study on cerebral ageing. The age-specific incidence of dementia is estimated using an illness-death approach and a survival approach.  相似文献   

We consider lifetime data involving pairs of study individuals with more than one possible cause of failure for each individual. Non-parametric estimation of cause-specific distribution functions is considered under independent censoring. Properties of the estimators are discussed and an illustration of their application is given.  相似文献   

Independent censoring is a crucial assumption in survival analysis. However, this is impractical in many medical studies, where the presence of dependent censoring leads to difficulty in analyzing covariate effects on disease outcomes. The semicompeting risks framework offers one approach to handling dependent censoring. There are two representative estimators based on an artificial censoring technique in this data structure. However, neither of these estimators is better than another with respect to efficiency (standard error). In this paper, we propose a new weighted estimator for the accelerated failure time (AFT) model under dependent censoring. One of the advantages in our approach is that these weights are optimal among all the linear combinations of the previously mentioned two estimators. To calculate these weights, a novel resampling-based scheme is employed. Attendant asymptotic statistical results for the estimator are established. In addition, simulation studies, as well as an application to real data, show the gains in efficiency for our estimator.  相似文献   

We derive the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimate (NPMLE) of the cumulative incidence functions for competing risks survival data subject to interval censoring and truncation. Since the cumulative incidence function NPMLEs give rise to an estimate of the survival distribution which can be undefined over a potentially larger set of regions than the NPMLE of the survival function obtained ignoring failure type, we consider an alternative pseudolikelihood estimator. The methods are then applied to data from a cohort of injecting drug users in Thailand susceptible to infection from HIV-1 subtypes B and E.  相似文献   

Researchers in observational survival analysis are interested in not only estimating survival curve nonparametrically but also having statistical inference for the parameter. We consider right-censored failure time data where we observe n independent and identically distributed observations of a vector random variable consisting of baseline covariates, a binary treatment at baseline, a survival time subject to right censoring, and the censoring indicator. We assume the baseline covariates are allowed to affect the treatment and censoring so that an estimator that ignores covariate information would be inconsistent. The goal is to use these data to estimate the counterfactual average survival curve of the population if all subjects are assigned the same treatment at baseline. Existing observational survival analysis methods do not result in monotone survival curve estimators, which is undesirable and may lose efficiency by not constraining the shape of the estimator using the prior knowledge of the estimand. In this paper, we present a one-step Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimator (TMLE) for estimating the counterfactual average survival curve. We show that this new TMLE can be executed via recursion in small local updates. We demonstrate the finite sample performance of this one-step TMLE in simulations and an application to a monoclonal gammopathy data.  相似文献   

Frailty models are useful for measuring unobserved heterogeneity in risk of failures across clusters, providing cluster-specific risk prediction. In a frailty model, the latent frailties shared by members within a cluster are assumed to act multiplicatively on the hazard function. In order to obtain parameter and frailty variate estimates, we consider the hierarchical likelihood (H-likelihood) approach (Ha, Lee and Song, 2001. Hierarchical-likelihood approach for frailty models. Biometrika 88, 233-243) in which the latent frailties are treated as "parameters" and estimated jointly with other parameters of interest. We find that the H-likelihood estimators perform well when the censoring rate is low, however, they are substantially biased when the censoring rate is moderate to high. In this paper, we propose a simple and easy-to-implement bias correction method for the H-likelihood estimators under a shared frailty model. We also extend the method to a multivariate frailty model, which incorporates complex dependence structure within clusters. We conduct an extensive simulation study and show that the proposed approach performs very well for censoring rates as high as 80%. We also illustrate the method with a breast cancer data set. Since the H-likelihood is the same as the penalized likelihood function, the proposed bias correction method is also applicable to the penalized likelihood estimators.  相似文献   

Maathuis MH  Hudgens MG 《Biometrika》2011,98(2):325-340
New methods and theory have recently been developed to nonparametrically estimate cumulative incidence functions for competing risks survival data subject to current status censoring. In particular, the limiting distribution of the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator and a simplified naive estimator have been established under certain smoothness conditions. In this paper, we establish the large-sample behaviour of these estimators in two additional models, namely when the observation time distribution has discrete support and when the observation times are grouped. These asymptotic results are applied to the construction of confidence intervals in the three different models. The methods are illustrated on two datasets regarding the cumulative incidence of different types of menopause from a cross-sectional sample of women in the United States and subtype-specific HIV infection from a sero-prevalence study in injecting drug users in Thailand.  相似文献   

Shih JH  Lu SE 《Biometrics》2007,63(3):673-680
We consider the problem of estimating covariate effects in the marginal Cox proportional hazard model and multilevel associations for child mortality data collected from a vitamin A supplementation trial in Nepal, where the data are clustered within households and villages. For this purpose, a class of multivariate survival models that can be represented by a functional of marginal survival functions and accounts for hierarchical structure of clustering is exploited. Based on this class of models, an estimation strategy involving a within-cluster resampling procedure is proposed, and a model assessment approach is presented. The asymptotic theory for the proposed estimators and lack-of-fit test is established. The simulation study shows that the estimates are approximately unbiased, and the proposed test statistic is conservative under extremely heavy censoring but approaches the size otherwise. The analysis of the Nepal study data shows that the association of mortality is much greater within households than within villages.  相似文献   

Summary .  We consider semiparametric transition measurement error models for longitudinal data, where one of the covariates is measured with error in transition models, and no distributional assumption is made for the underlying unobserved covariate. An estimating equation approach based on the pseudo conditional score method is proposed. We show the resulting estimators of the regression coefficients are consistent and asymptotically normal. We also discuss the issue of efficiency loss. Simulation studies are conducted to examine the finite-sample performance of our estimators. The longitudinal AIDS Costs and Services Utilization Survey data are analyzed for illustration.  相似文献   

Regression modeling of semicompeting risks data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Peng L  Fine JP 《Biometrics》2007,63(1):96-108
Semicompeting risks data are often encountered in clinical trials with intermediate endpoints subject to dependent censoring from informative dropout. Unlike with competing risks data, dropout may not be dependently censored by the intermediate event. There has recently been increased attention to these data, in particular inferences about the marginal distribution of the intermediate event without covariates. In this article, we incorporate covariates and formulate their effects on the survival function of the intermediate event via a functional regression model. To accommodate informative censoring, a time-dependent copula model is proposed in the observable region of the data which is more flexible than standard parametric copula models for the dependence between the events. The model permits estimation of the marginal distribution under weaker assumptions than in previous work on competing risks data. New nonparametric estimators for the marginal and dependence models are derived from nonlinear estimating equations and are shown to be uniformly consistent and to converge weakly to Gaussian processes. Graphical model checking techniques are presented for the assumed models. Nonparametric tests are developed accordingly, as are inferences for parametric submodels for the time-varying covariate effects and copula parameters. A novel time-varying sensitivity analysis is developed using the estimation procedures. Simulations and an AIDS data analysis demonstrate the practical utility of the methodology.  相似文献   

Bivariate samples may be subject to censoring of both random variables. For example, for two toxins measured in batches of wheat grain, there may be specific detection limits. Alternatively, censoring may be incomplete over a certain domain, with the probability of detection depending on the toxin level. In either case, data are not missing at random, and the missing data pattern bears some information on the parameters of the underlying model (informative missingness), which can be exploited for a fully efficient analysis. Estimation (after suitable data transformation) of the correlation in such samples is the subject of the present paper. We consider several estimators. The first is based on the tetrachoric correlation. It is simple to compute, but does not exploit the full information. The other two estimators exploit all information and use full maximum likelihood, but involve heavier computations. The one assumes fixed detection limits, while the other involves a logistic model for the probability of detection. For a real data set, a logistic model for the probability of detection fitted markedly better than a model with fixed detection limits, suggesting that censoring is not complete.  相似文献   

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