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The effect of an exercise-induced reduction in blood O2-carrying capacity on ventilatory gas exchange and acid-base balance during supramaximal exercise was studied in six males [peak O2 consumption (VO2peak), 3.98 +/- 0.49 l/min]. Three consecutive days of supramaximal exercise resulted in a preexercise reduction of hemoglobin concentration from 15.8 to 14.0 g/dl (P less than 0.05). During exercise (120% VO2peak) performed intermittently (1 min work to 4 min rest); a small but significant (P less than 0.05) increase was found for both O2 consumption (VO2) (l X min) and heart rate (beats/min) on day 2 of the training. On day 3, VO2 (l/min) was reduced 3.2% (P less than 0.05) over day 1 values. No changes were found in CO2 output and minute ventilation during exercise between training days. Similarly, short-term training failed to significantly alter the changes in arterialized blood PCO2, pH, and [HCO-3] observed during exercise. It is concluded that hypervolemia-induced reductions in O2-carrying capacity in the order of 10-11% cause minimal impairment to gas exchange and acid-base balance during supramaximal non-steady-state exercise.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and adult somatic cells, induced to pluripotency (iPSCs), can differentiate into multiple cell lineages. We previously reported that adult mammalian bone marrow contains a sub-population of CD34+ cells that express genes of ESCs and genes required to generate iPSCs. They also express lineage genes of the three embryonic germ layers. Are these CD34+ cells multipotent? Here, CD34+ bone marrow stem cells from adult male ROSA mice, which carry two markers: the β-galactosidase gene and the male Y chromosome, were transplanted into blastocysts of wildtype mice. Each female ROSA chimera generated had a distinct pattern of male-derived organs expressing β-galactosidase; e.g., ectodermal brain, dorsal root ganglia and skin; mesodermal heart, bone and bone marrow; and endodermal pancreas, intestine, and liver. Thus, adult mammals carry cells that appear to exhibit a developmental potential reminiscent of ESCs and iPSCs suggesting they could be used for cell replacement therapy.  相似文献   

High-efficiency gene transfer into ex vivo expanded human hematopoietic progenitors and precursor cells by adenovirus vectorsFrey, B.M. et al. (1998)Blood 91, 2781–2792  相似文献   

Short interfering (si) RNAs have now been shown to inhibit gene expression in several species, including mammals (Elbashir et al.: Nature 411:494-498, 2001; Fire et al.: Nature 391:806-811, 1998). RNA inhibition in primary cells such as stem cells would facilitate rapid gene discovery in a postgenome era. While retroviruses can deliver siRNA expression cassettes for stable expression (Barton and Medzhitov: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 99:14943-14945, 2002; Paddison et al.: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 99:1443-1448, 2002; Rubinson et al.: Nat Genet 33:401-406, 2003), an efficient method for direct transfer of siRNA to stem cells is still lacking. Here, we established electroporation to deliver siRNA to hematopoietic progenitors. On average, at least 80% of cells take up the RNA, and these display nearly 100% knockout of marker gene expression at both the RNA and protein level. Moreover, knockdown of the hematopoietic regulator, CD45, results in 3-fold more hematopoietic colonies in a progenitor assay. These results demonstrate that transient transfection of siRNA to primary cells can have substantial functional consequences. This technology may be applicable to a variety of primary cell types.  相似文献   

Blood and muscle substrates and metabolites were investigated in six healthy males (ranging in age from 19 to 23 yr) during three consecutive days of supramaximal exercise training. Muscle biopsies from the vastus lateralis and arterialized blood samples from a hand vein were extracted before the exercise and at selected times during the intermittent (1 min work to 4 min rest) cycling. The results indicated that blood glucose concentration was significantly depressed (P less than 0.05) on both days 2 and 3 of the training, whereas plasma free fatty acids and blood glycerol, pyruvate, alanine, and lactate were unaffected. At the muscle level, glucose and lactate concentrations were depressed on days 2 and 3, whereas ATP and glycogen were reduced only on the final day of training. No training-induced alterations were noted for muscle glucose 6-phosphate or muscle ADP. These results indicate that the approximate 10-11% reduction in O2-carrying capacity accompanying the short-term training does not directly and negatively influence muscle energy metabolism during the exercise. Rather, the explanation for the altered muscle and blood constituents must be sought from other effects of the training such as impaired carbohydrate repletion.  相似文献   

In this study, we have characterized the early steps of hematopoiesis during embryonic stem cell differentiation. The immunophenotype of hematopoietic progenitor cells derived from murine embryonic stem cells was determined using a panel of monoclonal antibodies specific for hematopoietic differentiation antigens. Surprisingly, the CD41 antigen (alphaIIb integrin, platelet GPIIb), essentially considered to be restricted to megakaryocytes, was found on a large proportion of cells within embryoid bodies although very few megakaryocytes were detected. In clonogenic assays, more than 80% of all progenitors (megakaryocytic, granulo-macrophagic, erythroid and pluripotent) derived from embryoid bodies expressed the CD41 antigen. CD41 was the most reliable marker of early steps of hematopoiesis. However, CD41 remained a differentiation marker because some CD41(-) cells from embryoid bodies converted to CD41(+) hematopoietic progenitors, whereas the inverse switch was not observed. Immunoprecipitation and western blot analysis confirmed that CD41 was present in cells from embryoid bodies associated with CD61 (beta3 integrin, platelet GPIIIa) in a complex. Analysis of CD41 expression during ontogeny revealed that most yolk sac and aorta-gonad-mesonephros hematopoietic progenitor cells were also CD41(+), whereas only a minority of bone marrow and fetal liver hematopoietic progenitors expressed this antigen. Differences in CD34 expression were also observed: hematopoietic progenitor cells from embryoid bodies, yolk sac and aorta-gonad-mesonephros displayed variable levels of CD34, whereas more than 90% of fetal liver and bone marrow progenitor cells were CD34(+). Thus, these results demonstrate that expression of CD41 is associated with early stages of hematopoiesis and is highly regulated during hematopoietic development. Further studies concerning the adhesive properties of hematopoietic cells are required to assess the biological significance of these developmental changes.  相似文献   

Bcr-Abl kinase is known to reverse apoptosis of cytokine-dependent cells due to cytokine deprivation, although it has been controversial whether chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) progenitors have the potential to survive under conditions in which there are limited amounts of cytokines. Here we demonstrate that early hematopoietic progenitors (Sca-1(+) c-Kit(+) Lin(-)) isolated from normal mice rapidly undergo apoptosis in the absence of cytokines. In these cells, the expression of Bim, a proapoptotic relative of Bcl-2 which plays a key role in the cytokine-mediated survival system, is induced. In contrast, those cells isolated from our previously established CML model mice resist apoptosis in cytokine-free medium without the induction of Bim expression, and these effects are reversed by the Abl-specific kinase inhibitor imatinib mesylate. In addition, the expression levels of Bim are uniformly low in cell lines established from patients in the blast crisis phase of CML, and imatinib induced Bim in these cells. Moreover, small interfering RNA that reduces the expression level of Bim effectively rescues CML cells from apoptosis caused by imatinib. These findings suggest that Bim plays an important role in the apoptosis of early hematopoietic progenitors and that Bcr-Abl supports cell survival in part through downregulation of this cell death activator.  相似文献   

Conditioned media (CM) from a cloned murine marrow-derived stromal cell line, AC6.21 (ALC), was shown to stimulate retroviral vector infection of hematopoietic progenitors in culture. Inclusion of ALC CM during cocultivation of normal murine bone marrow (BM) with vector-producing fibroblasts improved infection efficiency of day 13 spleen colony-forming cells (CFU-s) from 63% (15 provirus-positive spleen colonies/24 total), without added growth factor, to 90% (36 provirus-positive colonies/40 total). In addition, stimulation of BM cells with ALC CM during cocultivation improved retroviral infection of stem cells capable of repopulating the hematopoietic system of irradiated recipient animals. Because ALC CM was found to have 50 to 100 U/ml of IL-6 activity, purified recombinant human IL-6 was tested for an effect in this system. Stimulation with IL-6 alone increased retroviral infection efficiency of CFU-s from 15% (17 colonies provirus-positive/111 total analyzed) without added growth factor to 66% (97 provirus-positive colonies/148 total analyzed). These experiments support and extend previous studies which have demonstrated the necessity for growth factor stimulation in optimizing retroviral vector transduction of hematopoietic precursors.  相似文献   

Although impaired respiratory muscle performance that persists up to 5 min after exercise is stopped has been demonstrated during exhaustive exercise in normal young men, it is not known whether impaired respiratory muscle function follows endurance exercise to exhaustion in highly trained athletes. To study the effects of exercise on sustained maximal voluntary ventilation immediately after exercise, eight elite cross-country skiers performed a 4-min maximal sustained ventilation (MSV) test before and immediately after exhaustive exercise. Subjects were encouraged to maintain maximal ventilation (VE) throughout the MSV test. To encourage greater effort, rapid visual feedback of VE was provided on a computer terminal along with a target VE based on their 12-s maximum voluntary ventilation (MVV). The subjects (7 males, 1 female) were 18.5 +/- 0.9 yr old (mean +/- SD) and exercised for 62.5 +/- 16.7 min at 77 +/- 5% of their maximum oxygen consumption during which average VE was 106.7 +/- 24.2 l/min BTPS. The mean MVV was 196.0 +/- 29.9 l/min or 107% of their age- and height-predicted MVV. Before exercise the MSV was 86% of the MVV or 176.7 +/- 30.5 l/min, whereas after exercise the MSV was 90% of the MVV or 180.3 +/- 28.9 l/min (P = NS). The total volume of gas expired during the 4-min MSV was 706.7 +/- 121.9 liters before and 721.2 +/- 115.5 liters after exercise (P = NS). In this group of athletes, exhaustive exercise produced no deleterious effects on the ability to perform a 4-min MSV test immediately after exercise.  相似文献   

The Mixed Lineage Leukemia (MLL) gene is essential for embryonic hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) development, but its role during adult hematopoiesis is unknown. Using an inducible knockout model, we demonstrate that Mll is essential for the maintenance of adult HSCs and progenitors, with fatal bone marrow failure occurring within 3 weeks of Mll deletion. Mll-deficient cells are selectively lost from mixed bone marrow chimeras, demonstrating their failure to self-renew even in an intact bone marrow environment. Surprisingly, HSCs lacking Mll exhibit ectopic cell-cycle entry, resulting in the depletion of quiescent HSCs. In contrast, Mll deletion in myelo-erythroid progenitors results in reduced proliferation and reduced response to cytokine-induced cell-cycle entry. Committed lymphoid and myeloid cells no longer require Mll, defining the early multipotent stages of hematopoiesis as Mll dependent. These studies demonstrate that Mll plays selective and independent roles within the hematopoietic system, maintaining quiescence in HSCs and promoting proliferation in progenitors.  相似文献   

Physiological responses to prolonged exercise in ultramarathon athletes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The physiological responses of 10 ultramarathon athletes to prolonged exercise at the highest intensity level they could sustain for 4 h have been examined. Energy expenditure for the 4 h of exercise was 14,146 +/- 1,789 kJ, of which 63% was provided by the oxidation of fat. Plasma free fatty acids rose, but the changes in blood lactate concentration (delta 0.2 mmol/l) and exchange ratio (delta 0.05) were small, and the postexercise glycogen content (130 +/- 42 mumol/g) of the vastus lateralis muscles was estimated to be 37-53% of normal resting values. During exercise O2 intake (VO2) increased with time from the 50th to 240th min, the rise becoming significant (P less than 0.01) after 110 min of work. The change in VO2 was equivalent to a rise in relative intensity (%VO2max) of +9.1% and a change of speed of 1.49 km/h. A rise in cardiac frequency compensated for a fall in stroke volume (SV), so that cardiac output was maintained, and the increases in rectal temperature (Tre) (delta 0.63 degree C) and sweat loss (3.49 +/- 0.50 kg, equivalent to 5.5% of body wt) and the decreased mean skin temperature (Tsk) (-1.22 degree C) were within tolerable limits during exercise. Following exercise there was a loss (-25%) of ability to generate voluntary force of the quadriceps femoris, though electrically evoked mechanical properties of the muscle remained unchanged. The results suggest that neither thermal nor cardiovascular factors are limiting to prolonged (4 h) exercise, although the ability to utilize fat as a fuel may be important in ultradistance athletes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Oxidative stress in athletes during extreme endurance exercise   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Despite the many known health benefits of exercise, there is a body of evidence suggesting that endurance exercise is associated with oxidative stress. To determine whether extreme endurance exercise induces lipid peroxidation, 11 athletes (3 females, 8 males) were studied during a 50 km ultramarathon (trial 1) and during a sedentary protocol (trial 2) 1 month later. The evening before each trial, with dinner, subjects consumed 75 mg each d(3)-RRR and d(6)-all rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetates. Blood was obtained at baseline, 30 min pre-race, mid-race, post-race, 1 h post-race, 24 h post-race, and at corresponding times during trial 2. All 11 subjects completed the race; average run time was 391 +/- 23 min. Plasma F(2)-isoprostanes increased from 75 +/- 7 pg/ml at pre-race to 131 +/- 17 (p <.02) at post-race, then returned to baseline at 24 h post-race; F(2)-isoprostanes were unchanged during trial 2. Deuterated alpha-tocopherol disappearance rates were faster (2.8 x 10(-4) +/- 0.2 x 10(-4)) during the race compared to the sedentary trial (2.3 x 10(-4) +/- 0.2 x 10(-4); p <.03). These data suggest that extreme endurance exercise results in the generation of lipid peroxidation with a concomitant increase in vitamin E disappearance.  相似文献   

Ex vivo expanded primitive hematopoietic cells can be utilized in bone marrow transplantation therapies to treat patients suffering from various cancers and hematopoietic malignancies. A high initial cell density (106 cells/mL) and the supplement of soluble factors secreted by stromal feeders in combination with growth-promoting (interleukin-3 and stem cell factor) and growth-inhibiting (macrophage-inflammatory protein-1) cytokines resulted in high, long-term expansions (17-fold over a 14-day culture period) of human hematopoietic progenitors in a stirred suspension bioreactor. This study demonstrated that a transplantable dosage of human hematopoietic progenitor cells (8.1 ± 1.3 × 106 colony forming unit-granulocyte/macrophage) can be generated from approximately 10 mL of bone marrow aspirate in a 14-day culture using a 250 mL suspension bioreactor system. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate one component of the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway that has been implicated in stem cell self-renewal. Retroviral-mediated introduction of stable beta-catenin to primitive murine bone marrow cells allowed the expansion of multipotential c-Kit(low)Sca-1(low/-)CD19(-) CD11b/Mac-1(-)Flk-2(-)CD43(+)AA4.1(+)NK1.1(-)CD3(-)CD11c(-)Gr-1(-)CD45R/B220(+) cells in the presence of stromal cells and cytokines. They generated myeloid, T, and B lineage lymphoid cells in culture, but had no T lymphopoietic potential when transplanted. Stem cell factor and IL-6 were found to be minimal requirements for long-term, stromal-free propagation, and a beta-catenin-transduced cell line was maintained for 5 mo with these defined conditions. Although multipotential and responsive to many normal stimuli in culture, it was unable to engraft several types of irradiated recipients. These findings support previous studies that have implicated the canonical Wnt pathway signaling in regulation of multipotent progenitors. In addition, we demonstrate how it may be experimentally manipulated to generate valuable cell lines.  相似文献   

The exogenous addition of dolichyl phosphate (Dol-P), an active form of dolichol (Dol) that carries oligosaccharide chains for protein-N-glycosylation, significantly enhanced colony formation of mouse bone marrow hematopoietic progenitors (CFU-e, BFU-e, and CFU-gm) was stimulated by erythropoietin (Epo) and colony-stimulating factor (CSF), but Dol enhanced colony formation of CFU-e only. The effects of Dol or Dol-P on these hematopoietic progenitors were fully dependent on stimulation by Epo or CSF. Other mevalonate-metabolites, such as cholesterol, coenzyme Q10, and isopentenyladenine, had no effect on hematopoietic progenitors. These studies suggest that exogenous Dol-P enhances the frequency of differentiation of hematopoietic progenitors stimulated by Epo or CSF, and there may be a diversity in cellular response of these progenitors to Dol.  相似文献   

The ability of hematopoietic tissue-derived adult stem cells to transdifferentiate into neural progenitor cells offers an interesting alternative to central nervous system (CNS)- or embryonic-derived stem cells as a viable source for cellular therapies applied to brain regeneration. Umbilical cord blood (CB) due to its primitive nature and it unproblematic collection appears as a promising candidate for multipotent stem cell harvest. We developed a negative immunomagnetic selection method that depletes CB from hematopoietic lineage marker-expressing cells, hence isolating a discrete lineage negative (LinNeg) stem cell population (0.1% of CB mononucleated cell [MCN] population). In liquid culture supplemented with thrombopoietin, flt-3 ligand, and c-kit ligand (TPOFLK), CB LinNeg stem cells could expand primitive nonadherent hematopoietic progenitors (up to 47-fold) and simultaneously produce slow-dividing adherent cells with neuroglial progenitor cell morphology over 8 weeks. Laser scanning confocal microscopy analysis identified these adherent cells to express glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). Gene expression analysis showed upregulation of primitive neuroglial progenitor cell markers including, GFAP, nestin, musashi-1, and necdin. ELISA quantification of liquid culture supernatant revealed the in vitro release of transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGFbeta1), glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) suggesting their contribution to CB LinNeg stem cell transdifferentiation into neuroglial progenitors. Our study supports that a single CB specimen can be pre-expanded in TPOFLK to produce both primitive hematopoietic and neuropoietic progenitors, hence widening CB clinical potential for cellular therapies.  相似文献   

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