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Rogers RC  Hermann GE 《Peptides》2008,29(10):1716-1725
Cholecystokinin [CCK] is a peptide released as a hormone by the proximal gut in response to the presence of peptones and fatty acid in the gut. Considerable evidence suggests that CCK inhibits feeding behavior and gastric function by acting as a paracrine modulator of vagal afferents in the periphery, especially in the duodenum. CCK is also widely distributed throughout the mammalian brain and appears to function as a neurotransmitter and neuromodulator. More recent studies have suggested that CCK may act directly within the CNS to activate central vagal afferent terminal inputs to the solitary nucleus. We have developed an in vitro calcium imaging method that reveals, for the first time, the direct effects of this peptide on vagal terminals in the solitary nucleus. In vitro imaging reveals that CCK provokes increases in intracellular calcium in vagal afferent terminals as a consequence of a complex interaction between protein kinase A [PKA] and phospholipase C [PLC] transduction mechanisms that open L-type calcium channels and causes endoplasmic reticular [ER] calcium release. The subsequent activation of PKC may be responsible for initiating calcium spiking which is dependent on a TTX-sensitive mechanism. Thus, imaging of the isolated but spatially intact hindbrain slice has allowed a more complete appreciation of the interdependent transduction mechanisms used by CCK to excite identified central vagal afferent fibers and varicosities.  相似文献   

Acute hyperglycemia has profound effects on vagally mediated gastrointestinal functions. We have reported recently that the release of glutamate from the central terminals of vagal afferent neurons is correlated directly with the extracellular glucose concentration. The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that 5-HT(3) receptors present on vagal afferent nerve terminals are involved in this glucose-dependent modulation of glutamatergic synaptic transmission. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were made from neurons of the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) in thin rat brainstem slices. Spontaneous and evoked glutamate release was decreased in a concentration-dependent manner by the 5-HT(3) receptor selective antagonist, ondansetron. Alterations in the extracellular glucose concentration induced parallel shifts in the ondansetron-mediated inhibition of glutamate release. The changes in excitatory synaptic transmission induced by extracellular glucose concentration were mimicked by the serotonin uptake inhibitor, fenfluramine. These data suggest that glucose alters excitatory synaptic transmission within the rat brainstem via actions on tonically active 5-HT(3) receptors, and the number of 5-HT(3) receptors on vagal afferent nerve terminals is positively correlated with the extracellular glucose concentration. These data indicate that the 5-HT(3) receptors present on synaptic connections between vagal afferent nerve terminals and NTS neurons are a strong candidate for consideration as one of the sites where glucose acts to modulate vagovagal reflexes.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence suggests that glucose modulates gastric functions via vagally mediated effects. It is unclear whether glucose affects only peripheral vagal nerve activity or whether glucose also modulates vagal circuitry at the level of the brain stem. This study used whole cell patch-clamp recordings from neurons of the nucleus of the tractus solitarius (NTS) to assess whether acute variations in glucose modulates vagal brain stem neurocircuitry. Increasing D-glucose concentration induced a postsynaptic response in 40% of neurons; neither the response type (inward vs. outward current) nor response magnitude was altered in the presence of tetrodotoxin suggesting direct effects on the NTS neuronal membrane. In contrast, reducing d-glucose concentration induced a postsynaptic response (inward or outward current) in 54% of NTS neurons; tetrodotoxin abolished these responses, suggesting indirect sites of action. The frequency, but not amplitude, of spontaneous and miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) was correlated with d-glucose concentration in 79% of neurons tested (n = 48). Prior surgical afferent rhizotomy abolished the ability of D-glucose to modulate spontaneous EPSC frequency, suggesting presynaptic actions at vagal afferent nerve terminals to modulate glutamatergic synaptic transmission. In experiments in which EPSCs were evoked via electrical stimulation of the tractus solitarius, EPSC amplitude correlated with D-glucose concentration. These effects were not mimicked by L-glucose, suggesting the involvement of glucose metabolism, not uptake, in the nerve terminal. These data suggest that the synaptic connections between vagal afferent nerve terminals and NTS neurons are a strong candidate for consideration as one of the sites where glucose-evoked changes in vagovagal reflexes occurs.  相似文献   

To investigate GABA(B) receptors along vagal afferent pathways, we recorded from vagal afferents, medullary neurons, and vagal efferents in ferrets. Baclofen (7-14 micromol/kg i.v.) reduced gastric tension receptor and nucleus tractus solitarii neuronal responses to gastric distension but not gastroduodenal mucosal receptor responses to cholecystokinin (CCK). GABA(B) antagonists CGP-35348 or CGP-62349 reversed effects of baclofen. Vagal efferents showed excitatory and inhibitory responses to distension and CCK. Baclofen (3 nmol i.c.v. or 7-14 micromol/kg i.v.) reduced both distension response types but reduced only inhibitory responses to CCK. CGP-35348 (100 nmol i.c.v. or 100 micromol/kg i.v.) reversed baclofen's effect on distension responses, but inhibitory responses to CCK remained attenuated. They were, however, reversed by CGP-62349 (0.4 nmol i.c.v.). In conclusion, GABA(B) receptors inhibit mechanosensitivity, not chemosensitivity, of vagal afferents peripherally. Mechanosensory input to brain stem neurons is also reduced centrally by GABA(B) receptors, but excitatory chemosensory input is unaffected. Inhibitory mechano- and chemosensory inputs to brain stem neurons (via inhibitory interneurons) are both reduced, but the pathway taken by chemosensory input involves GABA(B) receptors that are insensitive to CGP-35348.  相似文献   

Intravenous doses of 0.5-8 micrograms/kg (0.3-4.9 nmol/kg) of caerulein, a cholecystokinin-related peptide, depressed the crossed extensor reflex response of chloralose-anesthetized rats in a dose-dependent manner. Intraventricularly administered caerulein was effective only at high doses (1-2 micrograms/animal, i.e., 0.6-1.2 nmol/animal). Cervical vagotomy completely abolished the inhibitory effect of peripherally injected caerulein. Electrical stimulation of vagal afferent nerves could simulate the caerulein effect to some extent. These results suggest that the primary site of action of peripherally administered caerulein is located in the gastrointestinal tract and thus the generated afferent vagal impulses mediate the reflex depression via the nucleus tractus solitarius and other as yet unclarified brain stem structures.  相似文献   

The effect of microelectrophoretically injected glycine and GABA on the excitability of intraspinal terminals of group Ia muscle afferents was studied in experiments on cats anesthetized with pentobarbital. The excitability of the terminals, studied by Wall's method, was reduced by the action of glycine but increased by that of GABA. The possible role of the two amino acids in presynaptic inhibition of spinal reflexes is discussed.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein A-IV (apo A-IV), a peptide expressed by enterocytes in the mammalian small intestine and released in response to long-chain triglyceride absorption, may be involved in the regulation of gastric acid secretion and gastric motility. The specific aim of the present study was to determine the pathway involved in mediating inhibition of gastric motility produced by apo A-IV. Gastric motility was measured manometrically in response to injections of either recombinant purified apo A-IV (200 microg) or apo A-I, the structurally similar intestinal apolipoprotein not regulated by triglyceride absorption, close to the upper gastrointestinal tract in urethane-anesthetized rats. Injection of apo A-IV significantly inhibited gastric motility compared with apo A-I or vehicle injections. The response to exogenous apo A-IV injections was significantly reduced by 77 and 55%, respectively, in rats treated with the CCK(1) receptor blocker devazepide or after functional vagal deafferentation by perineural capsaicin treatment. In electrophysiological experiments, isolated proximal duodenal vagal afferent fibers were recorded in vitro in response to close-arterial injection of vehicle, apo A-IV (200 microg), or CCK (10 pmol). Apo A-IV stimulated the discharge of duodenal vagal afferent fibers, significantly increasing the discharge in 4/7 CCK-responsive units, and the response was abolished by CCK(1) receptor blockade with devazepide. These data suggest that apo A-IV released from the intestinal mucosa during lipid absorption stimulates the release of endogenous CCK that activates CCK(1) receptors on vagal afferent nerve terminals initiating feedback inhibition of gastric motility.  相似文献   

Nesfatin-1, a novel hypothalamic peptide, inhibits nocturnal feeding behavior and gastrointestinal motility in rodents. The effects of nesfatin-1 on gastrointestinal secretory function, including gastric acid production, have not been evaluated. Nesfatin-1 was injected into the fourth intracerebral ventricle (4V) of chronically cannulated rats to identify a nesfatin dose sufficient to inhibit food intake. Nesfatin-1 (2 μg) inhibited dark-phase food intake, in a dose-dependent fashion, for >3 h. Gastric acid production was evaluated in urethane-anesthetized rats. Nesfatin-1 (2 μg) was introduced via the 4V following endocrine stimulation of gastric acid secretion by pentagastrin (2 μg·kg(-1)·h(-1) iv), vagal stimulation with 2-deoxy-d-glucose (200 mg/kg sc), or no stimulus. Gastric secretions were collected via gastric cannula and neutralized by titration to determine acid content. Nesfatin-1 did not affect basal and pentagastrin-stimulated gastric acid secretion, whereas 2-deoxy-d-glucose-stimulated gastric acid production was inhibited by nesfatin-1 in a dose-dependent manner. c-Fos immunofluorescence in brain sections was used to evaluate in vivo neuronal activation by nesfatin-1 administered via the 4V. Nesfatin-1 caused activation of efferent vagal neurons, as evidenced by a 16-fold increase in the mean number of c-Fos-positive neurons in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMNV) in nesfatin-1-treated animals vs. controls (P < 0.01). Finally, nesfatin-induced Ca(2+) signaling was evaluated in primary cultured DMNV neurons from neonatal rats. Nesfatin-1 caused dose-dependent Ca(2+) increments in 95% of cultured DMNV neurons. These studies demonstrate that central administration of nesfatin-1, at doses sufficient to inhibit food intake, results in inhibition of vagally stimulated secretion of gastric acid. Nesfatin-1 activates DMNV efferent vagal neurons in vivo and triggers Ca(2+) signaling in cultured DMNV neurons.  相似文献   

The role and nature of volumetric feedbacks in the regulation of meal size was investigated for Schistocerca gregaria. Feedback from the anterior region of the crop was found to be important and denervation led to hyperphagia. Additional feedbacks were found from more posterior gut regions. Cannulating agar or paraffin into the mid- and hindgut caused a decrease in the size of a following meal. This effect was removed by cutting the ventral nerve cord anterior to the terminal abdominal ganglion. Increasing the blood volume by injections of isotonic saline into the haemocoel was also found to decrease subsequent meal size. This effect was not mediated via the gut or body wall stretch receptors and possible mechanisms are discussed. The results for S. gregaria are compared with those obtained previously from Locusta migratoria.
Résumé L'étude de la nature et du rôle des feed backs volumétriques dans la régulation de la taille du repas a été effectuée chez S. gregaria. Un feed back, originaire de la région antérieure du jabot, s'est révélé important et la dénervation a provoqué l'hyperphagie. Des feed backs supplémentaires ont été décelés dans des régions plus postérieures du jabot. De l'agar ou de la paraffine canulés dans la jabot moyen et postérieur ont provoqué une diminution de la taille du repas suivant. Ces effets sont supprimés avec la section de la corde nerveuse centrale avant le ganglion abdominal terminal. L'augmentation du volume sanguin par des injections de solution saline isotonique a aussi diminué la taille du repas suivant. Cet effet n'est pas transmis via des récepteurs de tension du jabot ou de la paroi du corps; des mécanismes envisageables sont discutés. Ces résultats avec S. gregaria sont comparés à ceux obtenus antérieurement avec Locusta migratoria.

Our present understanding of the morphology of neuroepithelial bodies (NEBs) in mammalian lungs is comprehensive. Several hypotheses have been put forward regarding their function but none has been proven conclusively. Microscopic data on the innervation that appears to affect the reaction of NEBs to stimuli have given rise to conflicting interpretations. The aim of this study has been to check the validity of the hypothesis that pulmonary NEBs receive an extensive vagal sensory innervation. The fluorescent neuronal tracer DiI was injected into the vagal sensory nodose ganglion and NEBs were visualized in toto by using immunocytochemistry and confocal microscopy on 100-μm-thick frozen sections of the lungs of adult rats. The most striking finding was the extensive intraepithelial terminal arborizations of DiI-labelled vagal afferents in intrapulmonary airways, apparently always co-appearing with calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-immunoreactive NEBs. Not all NEBs received a traced nerve fibre. Intrapulmonary CGRP-containing nerve fibres, including those innervating NEBs, always appeared to belong to a nerve fibre population different from the DiI-traced fibres and hence did not arise from the nodose ganglion. Therefore, at least some of the pulmonary NEBs in adult rats are supplied with sensory nerve fibres that originate from the vagal nodose ganglion and form beaded ramifications between the NEB cells, thus providing support for the hypothesis of a receptor function for NEBs. Received: 13 November 1997 / Accepted: 17 February 1998  相似文献   

Systemic administration of cholecystokinin (CCK) inhibits a subpopulation of rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) presympathetic vasomotor neurons. This study was designed to determine whether this effect involved subdiaphragmatic vagal afferents and/or central N-methyl-d-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptors. Recordings were made from CCK-sensitive RVLM presympathetic vasomotor neurons in halothane-anesthetized, paralyzed male Sprague-Dawley rats. The responses of the neurons to CCK (2 and 4 microg/kg iv), phenylephrine (PE; 5 microg/kg iv), and phenylbiguanide (PBG; 5 microg/kg iv) were tested before and after application of the local anesthetic lidocaine (2% wt/vol gel; 1 ml) to the subdiaphragmatic vagi at the level of the esophagus. In seven separate experiments, lidocaine markedly reduced the inhibitory effects of CCK on RVLM presympathetic neuronal discharge rate. In other experiments, the effect of systemic administration of dizocilpine (1 mg/kg iv), a noncompetitive antagonist at NMDA receptor ion channels, on the RVLM presympathetic neuronal responses to CCK, PBG, and PE was tested. In all cases (n = 6 neurons in 6 individual rats), dizocilpine inhibited the effects of CCK, PBG, and PE on RVLM presympathetic neuronal discharge. These results suggest that the effects of systemic CCK on the discharge of RVLM presympathetic neurons is mediated via an action on receptors located on subdiaphragmatic vagal afferents. Furthermore, the data suggest that CCK activates a central pathway involving NMDA receptors to produce inhibition of RVLM presympathetic neuronal discharge.  相似文献   

Abstract. Fifth stadium larvae of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta (L.), ate larger meals than usual when they had been deprived of food for periods of time longer than the usual intermeal interval (c. 45 min). Meal size increased with time since the last meal until 180 min, when it was about 3 times normal. There was no evidence of a role for volumetric feedback from the gut in controlling meal size. Injections of a paraffin oil/wax mixture, or of petroleum jelly (Vaseline) into the foregut, midgut or rectum failed to decrease meal size. Cutting the recurrent nerve failed to alter meal size compared to sham-operated controls (although both groups took smaller meals than unoperated controls). By contrast, injections of an extract of soluble nutrients from the diet into the midgut inhibited feeding in some insects and reduced subsequent meal size in others. Appropriate controls showed that these effects were not due to the volumetric or osmotic effects of the injections. These results imply that nutrient feedback plays an important role in controlling meal size in Manduca caterpillars, while volumetric feedback is probably unimportant.  相似文献   

The primary afferent neurotransmitter triggering the spinal micturition reflex after complete spinal cord injury (SCI) in the rat is unknown. Substance P detected immunohistochemically in the sacral parasympathetic nucleus was significantly higher in 12 SCI rats than in 12 spinally intact rats (P = 0.008), suggesting substance P as a plausible candidate for the primary afferent neurotransmitter. The effects of the tachykinin NK1 receptor antagonist L-733060 on the spinal micturition reflex were then determined by performing conscious cystometry in an additional 14 intact rats and 14 SCI rats with L-733060 (0.1-100 microg) administered intrathecally at L6-S1. L-733060 was without effect in intact rats, but blocked the spinal micturition reflex in 10 of 14 SCI rats and increased the intermicturition interval in 2 of 4 others at doses ranging from 10 to 100 microg. Both phasic and nonphasic voiding contractions, differentiated according to the presence of phasic external urethral sphincter (EUS) activity, were present in most SCI rats. Both types of contractions were blocked by high doses of L-733060. Interestingly, there was a relative decline in phasic voiding contractions at high doses as well as a decline in contraction amplitude in nonphasic voiding contractions. In other respects, cystometric variables were largely unaffected in either spinally intact or SCI rats. L-733060 did not affect tonic EUS activity at any dose except when the spinal micturition reflex was blocked and tonic activity was consequently lost. These experiments show that tachykinin action at spinal NK1 receptors plays a major role in the spinal micturition reflex in SCI rats.  相似文献   

Corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) is one of the most important factors in the mechanism of stress-induced stimulation of colonic motility. However, it is controversial whether stress-induced stimulation of colonic motility is mediated via central or peripheral CRF receptors. We investigated the hypothesis that peripherally injected CRF accelerates colonic motility through the central CRF receptor, but not the peripheral CRF receptor. A strain gauge transducer was sutured on the serosal surface of the proximal colon. Colonic motility was monitored before and after the peripheral injection of CRF. An in vitro muscle strip study was also performed to investigate the peripheral effects of CRF. Subcutaneous injection of CRF (30-100 microg/kg) stimulated colonic motility in a dose-dependent manner. The stimulatory effect of peripherally administered CRF on colonic motility was abolished by truncal vagotomy, hexamethonium, atropine, and intracisternal injection of astressin (a CRF receptor antagonist). No responses to CRF (10(-9) -10(-7) M) of the muscle strips of the proximal colon were observed. These results suggest that the stimulatory effect of colonic motility in response to peripheral administration of CRF is mediated by the vagus nerve, nicotinic receptors, muscarinic receptors, and CRF receptors of the brain stem. It is concluded that peripherally administered CRF reaches the area postrema and activates the dorsal nucleus of vagi via central CRF receptors, resulting in stimulation of the vagal efferent and cholinergic transmission of the proximal colon.  相似文献   

We used spectral analysis and event-triggered averaging to determine the effects of chemical inactivation of the medullary lateral tegmental field (LTF) on 1) the relationship of intratracheal pressure (ITP, an index of vagal lung inflation afferent activity) to sympathetic nerve discharge (SND) and phrenic nerve activity (PNA) and 2) central respiratory rate in paralyzed, artificially ventilated dial-urethane-anesthetized cats. ITP-SND coherence value at the frequency of artificial ventilation was significantly (P<0.05; n=18) reduced from 0.73+/-0.04 (mean+/-SE) to 0.24+/-0.04 after bilateral microinjection of muscimol into the LTF. Central respiratory rate was unexpectedly increased in 12 of these experiments (0.28+/-0.03 vs. 0.95+/-0.25 Hz). The ITP-PNA coherence value was variably affected by chemical inactivation of the LTF. It was unchanged when central respiratory rate was also not altered, decreased when respiratory rate was increased above the rate of artificial ventilation, and increased when respiratory rate was raised from a value below the rate of artificial ventilation to the same frequency as the ventilator. Chemical inactivation of the LTF increased central respiratory rate in four of six vagotomized cats but did not significantly affect the PNA-SND coherence value. These data demonstrate that the LTF 1) plays a critical role in mediating the effects of vagal lung inflation afferents on SND but not PNA, 2) helps maintain central respiratory rate in the physiological range, but 3) is not involved in the coupling of central respiratory and sympathetic circuits.  相似文献   

Hypothalamic orexin neurons project to the hindbrain, and 4th-ventricle intracerebroventricular (4th-icv) injection of orexin-A treatment increases food intake. We assessed the effects of hindbrain orexin-A and the orexin-1-receptor antagonist SB334867 on meal pattern in rats consuming standard chow. When injected 4th-icv shortly before dark onset, lower doses of orexin-A increased food intake over a 2-h period by increasing the size of the first meal relative to vehicle, whereas the highest dose increased food intake by causing the second meal to be taken sooner. Conversely, hindbrain SB334867 reduced food intake by decreasing the size of the first meal of the dark phase. We also examined the effects of 4th-icv orexin-A and SB334867 on locomotor activity. Only the highest dose of orexin-A increased activity, and SB334867 had no effect. In addition, hindbrain SB334867 induced c-Fos in the nucleus of the solitary tract. These data support the suggestion that endogenous hindbrain orexin-A acts to limit satiation. Both orexin-A and the pancreatic satiation hormone amylin require an intact area postrema to affect food intake, so we asked whether 4th-icv orexin-A impairs the satiating effect of peripheral amylin treatment. Amylin reduced the size of the first meal of the dark cycle when rats were pretreated with 4th-icv saline, yet amylin was ineffective after 4th-icv orexin-A pretreatment. Using double-label immunohistochemistry, we determined that some orexin-A fibers in the area postrema are located in proximity to amylin-responsive neurons. Therefore, hindbrain orexin-A may increase food intake, in part, by reducing the ability of rats to respond to amylin during a meal.  相似文献   

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