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Type III secretion machinery (TTSM), composed of a needle, a basal body, and a C-ring compartment, delivers a subset of effectors into host cells. Here, we show that Shigella Spa33 is an essential component of the C-ring compartment involved in mediating the transit of various TTSM-associated translocated proteins. Electron microscopic analysis and pull-down assay revealed Spa33 to be localized beneath the TTSM via interaction with MxiG and MxiJ (basal body components). Spa33 is also capable of interacting with Spa47 (TTSM ATPase), MxiK, MxiN (required for the transit of MxiH, the needle component), Spa32 (required for determining needle length), and several effectors. Genetic and functional analyses of the Spa33 C-terminal region, which is highly conserved in the SpaO-YscQ-HrcQ(B)-FliN family, indicate that some of the conserved residues are crucial for needle formation via interactions with MxiN. Thus, Spa33 plays a central role as the C-ring component in recruiting/exporting TTSM-associated proteins.  相似文献   

We investigated the supramolecular structure of the SHIGELLA: type III secretion machinery including its major components. Our results indicated that the machinery was composed of needle and basal parts with respective lengths of 45.4 +/- 3.3 and 31.6 +/- 0.3 nm, and contained MxiD, MxiG, MxiJ and MxiH. spa47, encoding a putative F(1)-type ATPase, was required for the secretion of effector proteins via the type III system and was involved in the formation of the needle. The spa47 mutant produced a defective, needle-less type III structure, which contained MxiD, MxiG and MxiJ but not MxiH. The mxiH mutant produced a defective type III structure lacking the needle and failed to secrete effector proteins. Upon overexpression of MxiH in the mxiH mutant, the bacteria produced type III structures with protruding dramatically long needles, and showed a remarkable increase in invasiveness. Our results suggest that MxiH is the major needle component of the type III machinery and is essential for delivery of the effector proteins, and that the level of MxiH affects the length of the needle.  相似文献   

The effectors of enterocyte invasion by Shigella are dependent on a type III secretion system that contains a needle whose length average does not exceed 50 nm. Previously, we reported that Spa32 is required for needle length control as well as to switch substrate specificity from MxiH to Ipa proteins secretion. To identify functional domains of Spa32, 11 truncated variants were constructed and analysed for their capacity (i) to control the needle's length; (ii) to secrete the Ipa proteins; and (iii) to invade HeLa cells. Deletion at either the N‐terminus or C‐terminus affect Spa32 function in all cases, but Spa32 variants lacking internal residues 37–94 or 130–159 retained full Spa32 function. Similarly, a Spa32 variant obtained by inserting of the YscP's ruler domain retained Spa32 function although it programmed slightly elongated needles. Using the GST pull‐down assay, we show that residues 206–246 are required for Spa32 binding to the C‐terminus of Spa40, an inner membrane protein required for Ipa proteins secretion. Our data clearly demonstrate that shortening Spa32 affects the length of the needle in a comparable manner to the spa32 mutant, indicating that the control of needle length does not require a molecular ruler mechanism.  相似文献   

Type III secretion systems (TTSS) are essential virulence determinants of many gram-negative bacteria and serve, upon physical contact with target cells, to translocate bacterial proteins directly across eukaryotic cell membranes. The Shigella TTSS is encoded by the mxi/spa loci located on its virulence plasmid. By electron microscopy secretons are visualized as tripartite with an external needle, a transmembrane domain, and a cytoplasmic bulb. In the present study, we generated a Shigella spa32 mutant and studied its phenotype. The spa32 gene shows low sequence homology to Salmonella TTSS1 invJ/spaN and to flagellar fliK. The spa32 mutant, like the wild-type strain, secreted the Ipas and IpgD, which are normally secreted via the TTSS, at low levels into the growth medium. However, unlike the wild-type strain, the spa32 mutant could neither be induced to secrete the Ipas and IpgD instantaneously upon addition of Congo red nor penetrate HeLa cells in vitro. Additionally, the Spa32 protein is secreted in large amounts by the TTSS during exponential growth but not upon Congo red induction. Interestingly, electron microscopy analysis of the spa32 mutant revealed that the needle of its secretons were up to 10 times longer than those of the wild type. In addition, in the absence of induction, the spa32 mutant secreted normal levels of MxiI but a large excess of MxiH. Taken together, our data indicate that the spa32 mutant presents a novel phenotype and that the primary defect of the mutant may be its inability to regulate or control secretion of MxiH.  相似文献   

The type III secretion (TTS) pathway is used by numerous Gram-negative pathogens to inject virulence factors into eukaryotic cells. In addition to a functional TTS apparatus, secretion of effector proteins depends upon specific chaperones. Using a two-hybrid screen in yeast and a co-purification assay in Shigella flexneri, we demonstrated that Spa15, which is encoded by an operon for components of the TTS apparatus, is associated in the cytoplasm with three proteins that are secreted by the TTS pathway, IpaA, IpgB1 and OspC3. Spa15 was found to be necessary for stability of IpgB1 but not IpaA, and for secretion of IpaA molecules that were stored in the cytoplasm but not those that were synthesized while the secretion apparatus was active. The ability of Spa15 to associate with several non-homologous secreted proteins, the presence of Spa15 homologues in other TTS systems and the location of the corresponding genes within operons for components of the TTS apparatus suggest that Spa15 belongs to a new class of TTS chaperones.  相似文献   

The pathogenic bacterium Shigella flexneri uses a type III secretion system to inject virulence factors from the bacterial cytosol directly into host cells. The machinery that identifies secretion substrates and controls the export of extracellular components and effector proteins consists of several inner-membrane and cytoplasmic proteins. One of the inner membrane components, Spa40, belongs to a family of proteins proposed to regulate the switching of substrate specificity of the export apparatus. We show that Spa40 is cleaved within the strictly conserved amino acid sequence NPTH and substitution of the proposed autocatalytic residue abolishes cleavage. Here we also report the crystal structure of the cytoplasmic complex Spa40C and compare it with the recent structures of the homologues from Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium . These structures reveal the tight association of the cleaved fragments and show that the conserved NPTH sequence lies on a loop which, when cleaved, swings away from the catalytic N257 residue, resulting in different surface features in this region. This structural rearrangement suggests a mechanism by which non-cleaving forms of these proteins interfere with correct substrate switching of the apparatus.  相似文献   

Type III secretion (TTS) systems are used by many Gram-negative pathogens to inject virulence proteins into the cells of their hosts. Several of these virulence effectors require TTS chaperones that maintain them in a secretion-competent state. Whereas most chaperones bind only one effector, Spa15 from the human pathogen Shigella flexneri and homologous chaperones bind several seemingly unrelated effectors, and were proposed to form a special subgroup. Its 1.8 A crystal structure confirms this specific classification, showing that Spa15 has the same fold as other TTS effector chaperones, but forms a different dimer. The presence of hydrophobic sites on the Spa15 surface suggests that the different Spa15 effectors all possess similar structural elements that can bind these sites. Furthermore, the Spa15 structure reveals larger structural differences between class I chaperones than previously anticipated, which does not support the hypothesis that chaperone-effector complexes are structurally conserved and function as three-dimensional secretion signals.  相似文献   

MxiG is a single-pass membrane protein that oligomerizes within the inner membrane ring of the Shigella flexneri type III secretion system (T3SS). The MxiG N-terminal domain (MxiG-N) is the predominant cytoplasmic structure; however, its role in T3SS assembly and secretion is largely uncharacterized. We have determined the solution structure of MxiG-N residues 6-112 (MxiG-N(6-112)), representing the first published structure of this T3SS domain. The structure shows strong structural homology to forkhead-associated (FHA) domains. Canonically, these cell-signaling modules bind phosphothreonine (Thr(P)) via highly conserved residues. However, the putative phosphate-binding pocket of MxiG-N(6-112) does not align with other FHA domain structures or interact with Thr(P). Furthermore, mutagenesis of potential phosphate-binding residues has no effect on S. flexneri T3SS assembly and function. Therefore, MxiG-N has a novel function for an FHA domain. Positioning of MxiG-N(6-112) within the EM density of the S. flexneri needle complex gives insight into the ambiguous stoichiometry of the T3SS, supporting models with 24 MxiG subunits in the inner membrane ring.  相似文献   

Bacterial flagella and injectisomes are supramolecular structures that are responsible for motility and for delivering toxic proteins into the cytosol of eukaryotic cells, respectively. They look very similar to each other. Both systems are called type III secretion pathways, and their components share substantial sequence similarities. One remarkable feature of the type III systems is that the length of their substructure is fairly well controlled by a secretion switching machinery, which consists of at least two proteins, a length control protein and an integral membrane secretion component. Here, we review how and why the length of these structures must be accurately controlled.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria commonly interact with animal and plant hosts using type III secretion systems (TTSSs) for translocation of proteins into eukaryotic cells during infection. 10 of the 25 TTSS-encoding genes are homologous to components of the bacterial flagellar basal body, which the TTSS needle complex morphologically resembles. This indicates a common ancestry, although no TTSS sequence homologues for the genes encoding the flagellum are found. We here present an approximately 16-A structure of the central component, the needle, of the TTSS. Although the needle subunit is significantly smaller and shares no sequence homology with the flagellar hook and filament, it shares a common helical architecture ( approximately 5.6 subunits/turn, 24-A helical pitch). This common architecture implies that there will be further mechanistic analogies in the functioning of these two bacterial systems.  相似文献   

The export of bacterial toxins across the bacterial envelope requires the assembly of complex, membrane‐embedded protein architectures. Pseudomonas aeruginosa employs type III secretion (T3S) injectisome to translocate exotoxins directly into the cytoplasm of a target eukaryotic cell. This multi‐protein channel crosses two bacterial membranes and extends further as a needle through which the proteins travel. We show in this work that PscI, proposed to form the T3S system (T3SS) inner rod, possesses intrinsic properties to polymerize into flexible and regularly twisted fibrils and activates IL‐1β production in mouse bone marrow macrophages in vitro. We also found that point mutations within C‐terminal amphipathic helix of PscI alter needle assembly in vitro and T3SS function in cell infection assays, suggesting that this region is essential for an efficient needle assembly. The overexpression of PscF partially compensates for the absence of the inner rod in PscI‐deficient mutant by forming a secretion‐proficient injectisome. All together, we propose that the polymerized PscI in P. aeruginosa optimizes the injectisome function by anchoring the needle within the envelope‐embedded complex of the T3S secretome and – contrary to its counterpart in Salmonella – is not involved in substrate switching.  相似文献   

Invasion of epithelial cells by Shigella flexneri involves entry and intercellular dissemination. Entry of bacteria into non-phagocytic cells requires the IpaA-D proteins that are secreted by the Mxi-Spa type III secretion machinery. Type III secretion systems are found in several Gram-negative pathogens and serve to inject bacterial effector proteins directly into the cytoplasm of host cells. In this study, we have analysed the IpgD protein of S. flexneri, the gene of which is located on the virulence plasmid at the 5' end of the mxi-spa locus. We have shown that IpgD (i) is stored in the bacterial cytoplasm in association with a specific chaperone, IpgE; (ii) is secreted by the Mxi-Spa type III secretion system in amounts similar to those of the IpaA-D proteins; (iii) is associated with IpaA in the extracellular medium; and (iv) is involved in the modulation of the host cell response after contact of the bacterium with epithelial cells. This suggests that IpgD is an effector that might be injected into host cells to manipulate cellular processes during infection.  相似文献   

Type III secretion apparatus (T3SA) are complex nanomachines that insert a translocation pore into the host cell membrane through which effector proteins are injected into the cytosol. In Shigella, the pore is inserted by a needle tip complex that also controls secretion. IpaD is the key protein that rules the composition of the tip complex before and upon cell contact or Congo red (CR) induction. However, how IpaD is involved in secretion control and translocon insertion remains not fully understood. Here, we report the phenotypic analysis of 20 10‐amino acids deletion variants all along the coiled‐coil and the central domains of IpaD (residues 131–332). Our results highlight three classes of T3S phenotype; (i) wild‐type secretion, (ii) constitutive secretion of all classes of effectors, and (iii) constitutive secretion of translocators and early effectors, but not of late effectors. Our data also suggest that the composition of the tip complex defines both the T3SA inducibility state and late effectors secretion. Finally, we shed light on a new aspect regarding the contact of the needle tip with cell membrane by uncoupling the Shigella abilities to escape macrophage vacuole, and to insert the translocation pore or to invade non‐phagocytic cells.  相似文献   

Gram‐negative pathogens often use conserved type three secretion systems (T3SS) for virulence. The Shigella type three secretion apparatus (T3SA) penetrates the host cell membrane and provides a unidirectional conduit for injection of effectors into host cells. The protein Spa47 localizes to the base of the apparatus and is speculated to be an ATPase that provides the energy for T3SA formation and secretion. Here, we developed an expression and purification protocol, producing active Spa47 and providing the first direct evidence that Spa47 is a bona fide ATPase. Additionally, size exclusion chromatography and analytical ultracentrifugation identified multiple oligomeric species of Spa47 with the largest greater than 8 fold more active for ATP hydrolysis than the monomer. An ATPase inactive Spa47 point mutant was then engineered by targeting a conserved Lysine within the predicted Walker A motif of Spa47. Interestingly, the mutant maintained a similar oligomerization pattern as active Spa47, but was unable to restore invasion phenotype when used to complement a spa47 null S. flexneri strain. Together, these results identify Spa47 as a Shigella T3SS ATPase and suggest that its activity is linked to oligomerization, perhaps as a regulatory mechanism as seen in some related pathogens. Additionally, Spa47 catalyzed ATP hydrolysis appears to be essential for host cell invasion, providing a strong platform for additional studies dissecting its role in virulence and providing an attractive target for anti‐infective agents.  相似文献   

The length of the needle of the Yersinia Ysc injectisome is determined by a protein called YscP. This protein, which acts both as a molecular ruler and as a substrate-specificity switch for type III secretion is itself secreted by the injectisome. In this report, we address the question why YscP is secreted. By a systematic deletion analysis and by fusing different parts of the molecule to the adenylate cyclase reporter, we identified two independent secretion signals. One of them is encompassed within the 35 N-terminal residues while the second one spans residues 97-137. These two signals are functionally different from Yop secretion signals. When both secretion signals were removed, Yops could still be secreted but the needle length control was lost. YscP possessing only one signal did not control needle length properly but the control was improved when more YscP was produced and secreted. YscP deprived of both signals could not control length, even when overproduced. We conclude from this that YscP needs to be secreted to exert its length control function but not its substrate-specificity switch function.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria commonly interact with eukaryotic host cells by using type III secretion systems (TTSSs or secretons). TTSSs serve to transfer bacterial proteins into host cells. Two translocators, IpaB and IpaC, are first inserted with the aid of IpaD by Shigella into the host cell membrane. Then at least two supplementary effectors of cell invasion, IpaA and IpgD, are transferred into the host cytoplasm. How TTSSs are induced to secrete is unknown, but their activation appears to require direct contact of the external distal tip of the apparatus with the host cell. The extracellular domain of the TTSS is a hollow needle protruding 60 nm beyond the bacterial surface. The monomeric unit of the Shigella flexneri needle, MxiH, forms a superhelical assembly. To probe the role of the needle in the activation of the TTSS for secretion, we examined the structure-function relationship of MxiH by mutagenesis. Most point mutations led to normal needle assembly, but some led to polymerization or possible length control defects. In other mutants, secretion was constitutively turned "on." In a further set, it was "constitutively on" but experimentally "uninducible." Finally, upon induction of secretion, some mutants released only the translocators and not the effectors. Most types of mutants were defective in interactions with host cells. Together, these data indicate that the needle directly controls the activity of the TTSS and suggest that it may be used to "sense" host cells.  相似文献   

Type III secretion (T3S) systems are used by numerous Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria to inject virulence proteins into animal and plant host cells. The core of the T3S apparatus, known as the needle complex, is composed of a basal body transversing both bacterial membranes and a needle protruding above the bacterial surface. In Shigella flexneri, IpaD is required to inhibit the activity of the T3S apparatus prior to contact of bacteria with host and has been proposed to assist translocation of bacterial proteins into host cells. We investigated the localization of IpaD by electron microscopy analysis of cross-linked bacteria and mildly purified needle complexes. This analysis revealed the presence of a distinct density at the needle tip. A combination of single particle analysis, immuno-labeling and biochemical analysis, demonstrated that IpaD forms part of the structure at the needle tip. Anti-IpaD antibodies were shown to block entry of bacteria into epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Type III secretion systems (T3SSs) are protein injection devices essential for the interaction of many Gram‐negative bacteria with eukaryotic cells. While Shigella assembles its T3SS when the environmental conditions are appropriate for invasion, secretion is only activated after physical contact with a host cell. First, the translocators are secreted to form a pore in the host cell membrane, followed by effectors which manipulate the host cell. Secretion activation is tightly controlled by conserved T3SS components: the needle tip proteins IpaD and IpaB, the needle itself and the intracellular gatekeeper protein MxiC. To further characterize the role of IpaD during activation, we combined random mutagenesis with a genetic screen to identify ipaD mutant strains unable to respond to host cell contact. Class II mutants have an overall defect in secretion induction. They map to IpaD's C‐terminal helix and likely affect activation signal generation or transmission. The Class I mutant secretes translocators prematurely and is specifically defective in IpaD secretion upon activation. A phenotypically equivalent mutant was found in mxiC. We show that IpaD and MxiC act in the same intracellular pathway. In summary, we demonstrate that IpaD has a dual role and acts at two distinct locations during secretion activation.  相似文献   

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