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Both habitat preferences and social organization can influence the spatial distributions of individuals. We explored effects of individual behavior and social organization on distributions of arc-eye hawkfish (Paracirrhites arcatus) in lagoons of French Polynesia. Analysis of habitat selectivity data obtained during surveys revealed that the most highly preferred microhabitat of arc-eye hawkfish was large Pocillopora coral with an open branching morphology. However, such corals were rare and most hawkfish occupied smaller, less preferred Pocillopora. Indeed, total abundance of Pocillopora explained nearly two thirds of the lagoon-wide variation in abundance of hawkfish and the derived relationship between the numbers of hawkfish and Pocillopora predicted 86% of the spatial variation in hawkfish abundance during subsequent surveys. In contrast, large, open-branched Pocillopora explained little of the spatial variation in abundance of hawkfish. Individual behavior and social organization significantly impacted use of the most highly preferred Pocillopora. During a colonization experiment set up outside hawkfish home ranges, all colonizers resided on the most highly preferred corals. Following addition of the most highly preferred Pocillopora corals to areas occupied by hawkfish, only the largest, socially dominant individuals obtained access to added corals, spending significantly more time and increasing both aggressive acts and prey attacks from these substrates. These results illustrate the importance of understanding the modulating effects of social behavior on habitat use and explain why most hawkfish individuals do not occupy their most preferred microhabitat type.  相似文献   

Synopsis We document differences in the use of microhabitats, male courtship behavior, and swimming performance of populations from headwater and downstream sites in two rivers of the Oropuche drainage in Trinidad. Guppies from headwater sites used microhabitats with higher water velocities, had a higher swimming performance, and were less patchily distributed than guppies from downstream sites. Although males from the headwater and downstream sites had similar display rates, males from headwater sites displayed in microhabitats with higher velocities (riffles) whereas males in downstream sites courted in still pools. Subtle effects of female choice maintain the honesty of male courtship behavior in various microhabitats. In downstream sites, where predators impose a survivorship cost on ornamental males, swimming performance was positively correlated with area of carotenoid ornamentation. In headwater sites, males frequently displayed in fast-flowing water, thus paid a higher metabolic cost of courtship. Interactions between characteristics of the physical habitat and predation pressure not only affect the distribution of guppies, but also have subtle effects on the types of condition-dependent traits favored by females.  相似文献   

The mechanisms responsible for different patterns of habitat use by two benthic gobiid fishes, Acentrogobius sp. 1 and A. sp. 2, which displayed identical food use but resided in shallow and deep zones of coarse and fine sediments, respectively, in Lake Hamana, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, were investigated by field removal and laboratory sediment-grain size selection experimentation. Following field manipulation, involving removal of both species, the distribution patterns of each were found to be similar in both control and manipulated quadrats, suggesting their differential habitat use patterns may be the outcome not of competition but of differing preferences for habitat characteristics. Results of a sediment-grain size selection experiment in the laboratory suggested a weak preference of A. sp. 2 for fine sediment, while A. sp. 1 showed no grain size preference. The observed difference in the distribution patterns between these two species, therefore, may possibly have resulted from, at least in part, a combination of differences in their preference for sediment grain size and other habitat characteristics such as water depth.  相似文献   

Synopsis Patterns of ecotopic variation in the population structure of two common and relatedPercina species were examined among seven central Gulf-Coast stream sites by Kendall's concordance tests, revealing four complexes of variables with significant covariation from a total of 18 population and habitat variables. The first complex comprised three interrelated habitat variables, implying that mid-stream surface current varied inversely with both instream cover and substrate heterogeneity. The second complex of five interrelated variables revealed (1) that darter abundance was better correlated with the area of instream cover than with total area, and (2) that site density [number m-2] varied inversely with site area. Along with three other variables, cover density (number per square meter of instream cover) formed a third complex, demonstrating resource complementarity between instream cover and macroinvertebrate abundance. Variables within the fourth complex all increased concomitantly with the key variable of mean darter size, including body-size diversity, biomass, relative abundance of the two darter species and mid-stream depth. Within the study region, local ecological factors largely regulate distributions, abundances and size-structures ofPercina populations, apparently even outweighing the effects of stochastic and historical factors  相似文献   

Summary We studied aspects of the thermal biology and microhabitat selection of the endangered lizard Podarcis hispanica atrata during autumn in the field and laboratory. Body temperatures (T b ) of active lizards were within a narrow range, were largely independent of ambient temperatures, and exhibited little diel variation. Activity T b s largely coincided with the selected temperatures maintained in a laboratory thermogradient and with T b s that maximize running performance. Alternation of basking with other activities and shuttling between sun and shade were obvious aspects of thermoregulatory behaviour. Lizards shifted microhabitat use throughout the day. During early morning and late afternoon, basking lizards were restricted to rocky sites surrounded by shrubs. Near midday lizards used a wider array of microhabitats, and many moved in open grassy sites. Juveniles maintained lower activity T b s, had lower selected temperatures, and basked less frequently than the adults. Juveniles occupied open grassy patches more often than the adults. We discuss the relevance of our results for the conservation of this extremely rare lizard and the management of its habitats.  相似文献   

Summary Habitat selection whereby individuals within a population have different microhabitat preferences is possibly important for genetic diversity and stability. It has received a good deal of attention, especially forDrosophila populations. The literature is summarized and an attempt is made to reconcile what appear to be contradictory findings. Some generalizations are drawn: (1) individualDrosophila choose habitats in consistent and characteristic ways; (2) some microhabitat differences are more important to flies than others; (3) genetic factors influence habitat preferences; (4) experiential factors influence habitat preferences; (5) differences in processing ability moderate the influence of experience on habitat choice. It is argued that the traditional analysis of variance models are frequently not very helpful for visualizing the process, and a computational model is suggested instead.  相似文献   

Synopsis We analyzed temporal changes in the dispersion of the rosyside dace,Clinostomus funduloides, (family Cyprinidae) in a headwater stream, to assess the role of habitat availability in promoting fish aggregation. The dace foraged alone and in groups of up to about 25 individuals, and dispersion varied significantly among monthly censuses conducted from May through December. In two of three study pools, dace aggregated during July, October and/or December, but spread out during other months, especially during September when dispersion did not differ significantly from random. Dispersion was not significantly correlated with the total amount of suitable habitat available to foraging dace, but during summer, corresponded to the availability of depositional areas adjacent to rapid currents. Foragers aggregated in eddies or depositional areas during high stream discharge in July, and shifted out of depositional areas when current velocities declined from July to September. During late autumn, however, aggregations formed independently of changes in habitat conditions, and dace dispersion did not vary significantly among months in a third pool. The study suggests that dace dispersion cannot be predicted from the overall availability of suitable habitat as estimated from point measurements of depth and velocity; both the occurrence of a specific habitat feature (i.e., eddies adjacent to high velocity currents) and seasonal differences in behavior more strongly influenced the spatial distribution of foragers.  相似文献   

Sabo JL 《Oecologia》2003,136(3):329-335
I used radio telemetry to determine the effects of substrate size and composition on overnight retreat site selection by western fence lizards ( Sceloporus occidentalis). In watersheds of northern California (USA), these lizards occupy two habitat types differing in substrate characteristics: rocky cobble bars found in the dry, active channels of rivers and grassy upland meadows. Rocky substrates, found almost exclusively on cobble bars, provided warmer potential retreat sites than all available retreat sites on meadows during the first 5 h of inactivity. Only cobble and sand substrates provided retreats with temperatures within the preferred daily active range (32–36°C) during the inactive period for these lizards (1900–0900 hours). Females on a cobble bar used rocks as retreats on >90% of nights during the breeding season whereas females on a meadow used wood (>70% of nights) and burrows (>25% of nights). In contrast to females, cobble bar males used rocks significantly less frequently (<70%) and slept in the open air significantly more frequently (25% vs. <1%). Cobble bar females further, showed a significant preference for cobbles 15 cm thick, whereas the rocks used by males did not differ significantly in thickness from those measured in randomly placed transects. Rocks 15 cm thick were the warmest retreats commonly available on this habitat type. Thus, thermal microenvironments available to and chosen by gravid female lizards differ considerably between river and non-river habitats.  相似文献   

The question of what controls animal abundance has always been fundamental to ecology, but given rapid environmental change, understanding the drivers and mechanisms governing abundance is more important than ever. Here, we determine how multidimensional environments and niches interact to determine population abundance along a tropical habitat gradient. Focusing on the endemic lizard Anolis bicaorum on the island of Utila (Honduras), we evaluate direct and indirect effects of three interacting niche axes on abundance: thermal habitat quality, structural habitat quality, and prey availability. We measured A. bicaorum abundance across a series of thirteen plots and used N‐mixture models and path analysis to disentangle direct and indirect effects of these factors. Results showed that thermal habitat quality and prey biomass both had positive direct effects on anole abundance. However, thermal habitat quality also influenced prey biomass, leading to a strong indirect effect on abundance. Thermal habitat quality was primarily a function of canopy density, measured as leaf area index (LAI). Despite having little direct effect on abundance, LAI had a strong overall effect mediated by thermal quality and prey biomass. Our results demonstrate the role of multidimensional environments and niche interactions in determining animal abundance and highlight the need to consider interactions between thermal niches and trophic interactions to understand variation in abundance, rather than focusing solely on changes in the physical environment.  相似文献   

Synopsis Experiments were conducted to investigate the response of juvenile Atlantic salmon,Salmo salar, to changes in the location at which food entered a stream tank. Experience with the location of food input into the system significantly influenced foraging-site selection by the dominant fish. Dominant fish changed location of their foraging site in response to a change in the location of food input, and occupied, aggressively defending, sites just downstream of the location of food introduction. In contrast, subordinate fish occupied foraging sites at the downstream end of the stream tank, regardless of location of food input. As a result of both site selection and social status, dominant fish captured significantly more prey than subordinates. Our results support the contention that salmonids choose foraging sites to maximize foraging opportunities. Our results also provide a possible explanation for the use of atypical foraging sites by individual fish within their home range over the course of a single day, as observed in a number of salmonid species in the field.  相似文献   

The avifauna of mid-European mountains has for a long time been influenced by the intensive activities of man. As a consequence, the ancient cultivation in the formerly wooded Black Forest has led to a typical semi-open to open cultural landscape (heath land) on the mountain summits dominated by extensive pasturing with cattle and goat. Within several species of semi-open landscapes, especially citril finches profited from this development. However, during the last decades pasturing and transhumance activities ceased drastically, and continuous natural and artificial reforestation began. Due to these changes, several characteristic bird species of this semi-open landscape decreased strongly or became extinct. In this thematical context I studied microgeographic habitat selection in citril finches as a consequence of resource availability at mount Schliffkopf in the Northern Black Forest. As expected, citril finches are especially drawn to man-made habitat structures in this area and seem to react directly to the continuous reduction of these structures in the last centuries. Its recently observed population decline is characteristic for a couple of other bird species of semi-open landscapes in mid-European mountains, such as woodlarks and nightjars.  相似文献   

Two contrasting strategies of plants from disturbed areas are reported to depend on nutrient availability. Resprouters, investing into storage and capable of vegetative regeneration after disturbance, are predicted to be enhanced in nutrient poor environments. This contrasts to seeders, which invest preferentially into seed production and regenerating only from seeds, and are thought to prevail in nutrient rich environments. To test such predicted dichotomy, we set up an experiment with two facultative resprouters with contrasting nutrient demands and assessed the fitness of individuals regenerated from seeds and root fragments in differently productive environments. We hypothesized that 1) plants with higher nutrient demands have a higher fitness as seeders irrespectable of nutrient availability and/or 2) both species will have a higher fitness as resprouters under lower nutrient availability and as seeders when nutrient availability is higher. Nutrient availability was also manipulated prior to and after disturbance to evaluate the impact of changing nutrient availability on the strategy of resprouting. The results of our pot experiment with Plantago lanceolata and Plantago media supported the first but not the second hypothesis. Moreover, high nutrient availability prior to disturbance negatively affected resprouting success, but the growth and fitness of successfully regenerated individuals were enhanced under higher nutrient availability. We concluded that resprouting from roots after disturbance is affected by nutrient availability, but this effect considerably differs between individual life-history stages.  相似文献   

I examined dietary selection by Yakushima macaques (Macaca fuscata yakui)in relation to food availability and air temperature. Multiple regression analysis indicates that both food availability and temperature influenced the selection of foods. Feeding on young leaves, seeds, and flowers was affected more by availability, while feeding on fruits, mature leaves, and fallen seeds was affected more by temperature. Feeding on insects is strongly correlated with temperature,perhaps because availability of insects increased with temperature. These results suggest that temperature influences dietary selection of Yakushima macaques by changing the energy expenditure required for thermoregulation and through its influence on the accessibility to insects, which are an important protein source for the monkeys.  相似文献   

We demonstrated the effect of an aquatic herbivore on the spatial arrangement of benthic algal biomass within artificial stream channels. Transects of ceramic tiles were exposed to a gradient of snail (Physella) densities in a 30 d experiment. We observed positive effects of snails on the mean abundance of overstory algae (the filamentous chlorophyte Cladophora and associated epiphytes), an important benthic microhabitat in streams. Snails altered several aspects of the spatial arrangement of overstory algae. Snails reduced the strength of downstream gradients in overstory biomass, as well as residual variability around these gradients. Geostatistical analysis revealed that snails also reduced the strength of spatial dependence, and so reduced spatial heterogeneity of the overstory, at small scales (<40 cm). As a result, organisms inhabiting the overstory might experience a more fragmented habitat landscape at high snail densities. In addition, snails increased the scale of spatial dependence in understory algal biomass (algae remaining on tiles after overstory was removed) from 10 cm to 40 cm. Consumer effects on the spatial arrangement of a microhabitat argue for the inclusion of feedbacks between the biota and the environment in spatially-explicit models.  相似文献   

Peres-Neto PR 《Oecologia》2004,140(2):352-360
A number of studies at large scales have pointed out that abiotic factors and recolonization dynamics appear to be more important than biotic interactions in structuring stream-fish assemblages. In contrast, experimental and field studies at small scales show the importance of competition among stream fishes. However, given the highly variable nature of stream systems over time, competition may not be intense enough to generate large-scale complementary distributions via competitive exclusion. Complementary distribution is a recurrent pattern observed in fish communities across stream gradients, though it is not clear which instances of this pattern are due to competitive interactions and which to individual species requirements. In this study, I introduce a series of null models developed to provide a more robust evaluation of species associations by facilitating the distinction between different processes that may shape species distributions and community assembly. These null models were applied to test whether conspicuous patterns in species co-occurrences are more consistent with their differences in habitat use, morphological features and/or phylogenetic constraints, or with species interactions in fish communities in the streams of a watershed in eastern Brazil. I concluded that patterns in species co-occurrences within the studied system are driven by common species-habitat relationships and species interactions may not play a significant role in structuring these communities. I suggest that large-scale studies, where adequate designs and robust analytical tools are applied, can contribute substantially to understanding the importance of different types of processes in structuring stream-fish communities.  相似文献   

A multispecies approach was used to examine the role of the canopy forming kelp, Nereocystis luetkeana, in structuring kelp communities near Juneau, Alaska (58°22′53 N, 134°38′45 W). Large-scale (1500 m2) manipulations were used to test direct and indirect effects of Nereocystis on faunal assemblages. Fish and invertebrate abundances were quantified in relation to canopy (canopy, no canopy), depth (bottom, surface), and season (summer, winter) using Standard Monitoring Units for Recruitment of Fish (SMURFs), light traps, and visual surveys. Lacuna vincta directly utilized the canopy of Nereocystis with greatest abundances at canopy sites during the summer. In contrast, a direct negative effect of Nereocystis was observed for schooling Gadidae fishes; six times more fish were observed at sites without canopy kelp. The abundance of juvenile benthic fishes was twice as high at the bottom of sites containing Nereocystis as compared to no canopy sites, providing strong evidence for an indirect effect of canopy presence on community structure. Other invertebrate abundances (i.e., amphipods, copepods) were greater within the bottom strata (sub-canopy) of all sites, regardless of canopy or season. Our results illustrate the importance of a multispecies approach and present novel information for a little-studied, high-latitude kelp system.  相似文献   

Synopsis Male beaugregory damselfish,Stegastes leucostictus, were provided with three types of artificial breeding structures to determine if they change habitats based on past or future reproductive payoffs. All three site types quickly lured males away from their natural sites. In comparison to those living on natural sites, those using artificial sites were less likely to move to different areas and had a higher reproductive success. When given no choice, male reproductive success was correlated to structural type. A second experiment provided males with an additional structure after using the intermediate quality type for 2 months. Males would often initially use both sites but would eventually shift their spawning activity to the new site if it was of the same quality or better than the old one. However, males would not move if the new site was of inferior quality. When given a new site identical to the initial one, approximately half of the males shifted to the new site. There was no evidence that reproductive performance influenced a male's decision to use a new site.  相似文献   

When invasive woody plants become dominant, they present an extreme challenge for restoration of native plant communities. Invasive Morella faya (fire tree) forms extensive, nearly monospecific stands in wet and mesic forests on the Island of Hawai’i. We used logging, girdling, and selective girdling over time (incremental girdling) to kill stands of M. faya at different rates, with the objective of identifying a method that best promotes native forest re-establishment. We hypothesized that rapid canopy opening by logging would lead to establishment of fast-growing, non-native invaders, but that slower death of M. faya by girdling or incremental girdling would increase the establishment by native plants adapted to partial shade conditions. After applying the M. faya treatments, seed banks, seed rain, and plant recruitment were monitored over 3 years. Different plant communities developed in response to the treatments. Increased light and nitrogen availability in the logged treatment were associated with invasion by non-native species. Native species, including the dominant native forest tree, (Metrosideros polymorpha) and tree fern (Cibotium glaucum), established most frequently in the girdle and incremental girdle treatments, but short-lived non-native species were more abundant than native species. A diverse native forest is unlikely to develop following any of the treatments due to seed limitation for many native species, but girdling and incremental girdling promoted natural establishment of major components of native Hawaiian forest. Girdling may be an effective general strategy for reestablishing native vegetation in areas dominated by woody plant invaders.  相似文献   

We examined patterns of habitat selection in wild-caught and hatchery-reared early juvenile red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, using mesocosm experiments. Experiments were performed in the presence and absence of a pinfish, Lagodon rhomboides. We hypothesized that newly recruited red drum would have distinct patterns of habitat selection, and these patterns could be influenced by the presence of a pinfish predator. Red drum were introduced to replicate mesocosms containing all possible pair-wise comparisons of four different habitat types: marsh Spartina alterniflora, non-vegetated bottom/sand, oyster reef Crassostrea virginica, and seagrass Halodule wrightii. Wild-caught and hatchery-reared red drum showed distinctively different patterns of habitat selection. In general, wild-caught red drum selected structured habitats, while hatchery-reared fish did not show strong selection for any habitat type. When a predator was present, wild-caught red drum either changed habitat selection or showed significant selection for other structured habitats. This predator effect was similar albeit weaker for hatchery-reared red drum, but as in the trials without a predator, overall habitat selection was reduced compared to wild-caught red drum. Our results suggest that in the absence of seagrass, other habitat types such as marshes and oyster reefs may be important recruitment habitat for red drum. Additionally, hatchery-dependent behaviors may need to be assessed in designing stock enhancement programs.  相似文献   

Synopsis The availability of reef-related resources, particularly food and shelter can play a significant role in determining the distribution and abundance of reef fishes. Much of the structure on temperate reefs is provided by macroalgae, and variability in the density of temperate reef fishes at large spatial scales (100's of meters) can often be explained by variation in macroalgal cover or density. In this study I investigated the role of macrophytes and associated food resources on the recruitment of a temperate fish, Tautogolabrus adspersus, at a small spatial scale (0.25 m2). No relationship between the density of new recruits and the percent cover of kelp, foliose or filamentous algae was observed. Multiple regressions revealed that less than 8% of variability in recruitment could be explained by variability in macroalgal cover. However, recruits were found in higher abundance in patches containing many functional forms of seaweeds than in patches dominated by a single form. A wide variety of prey were available for use by cunner recruits; however, crustaceans and mussels were the only common components of their diet, and crustaceans were clearly the most preferred prey. The prey composition in patches where fish were present was compared to randomly selected patches. Significantly greater numbers of isopods, amphipods and newly settled mussels were present in patches where fish were present than in randomly selected patches. The data presented in this study contradict previous work that has shown algal structure to be important in determining patterns of abundance and food supply to be of little significance. A conceptual model is proposed suggesting that settling fish select habitats in a hierarchical manner largely based on their dispersal tendencies. Hierarchical selection of habitats results in different attributes of the habitat being selected during different life-history intervals.  相似文献   

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