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Information on the ecology of lizard species from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest is scarce and almost nothing is known about the ecology of lizards of the genus Enyalius. In this study, we provide information about some aspects of the natural history of E. brasiliensis from an area of Atlantic Forest in Ilha Grande, RJ. Enyalius brasiliensis (N = 15) feeds mainly on arthropods. The most frequent food items were insect larvae, orthopterans, and ants; in terms of volume, larvae and termites were the most important food items; ants and termites were the most numerous prey categories. Two females were reproductive (one had 10 and the other, five vitellogenic follicles); the smallest measured 92.4 mm in SVL. Seven lizards were found on forest leaf litter. The other microhabitats used were vines, fallen logs, branches, and a crevice on a slope.  相似文献   

Digestibility by captive numbats for termites was determined by feeding trials to be 81%+/-1.2% for Coptotermes sp. and 64%+/-3.3% for Nasutitermes sp. Water, ash, and energy content of both the Coptotermes (0.96+/-0.099 mg(dry mass) individual(-1), 78.0%+/-0.36% water, 5.8%+/-0.31% ash, 23.1+/-0.19 kJ g-1dry total energy) and Nasutitermes (0.91+/-0.046 mg(dry mass) individual(-1), 76.7%+/-3.09% water, 7.5%+/-1.10% ash, 22.7+/-0.36 kJ g-1dry total energy) were similar to values measured previously for other termites and for ants and insects in general. Numbats have a slow passage time for termites (20-30 h), presumably to enhance the digestion of termites. The water economy index (WEI) was 0.2 for captive numbats feeding on Coptotermes and 0.25 for Nasutitermes, whereas the WEI measured for wild, free-living numbats was 0.29, which corresponds to a digestibility of 58%. The WEI of a myrmecophage diet is determined by the energy and water contents and digestibilities of termites and ants, in the absence of drinking. The WEI for numbats, and other termitivorous mammals as well as reptiles, is higher than would be expected for an animal-based diet because of their relatively low digestibility (58%-81%) for termites. A high WEI preadapts myrmecophages to survival in arid environments without having to drink.  相似文献   

Abstract Relative abundance is one factor that influences selection of prey by insectivorous mammals and lizards. Ants and termites are extremely abundant over most of inland Australia. Their patterns of abundance are also broadly similar across climatic gradients, being most and least abundant in seasonally arid (tropic and sub-tropic) and temperate mesic regions, respectively. All else being equal (e. g. mechanisms of prey defence, palat-ability, availability), animals that eat many termites should also eat many (adult) ants. The present study asks three questions: (i) What is the diversity of specialized ant-eaters (>50% volume)?; (ii) Does specialization vary with climate?; and (iii) Are ants and termites eaten in broadly similar proportions (using an earlier study on termites). Of the mammals, only the echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus) in mesic regions, and probably the marsupial mole (Notoryctes typhlops) in the arid zone and the striped possum (Dactylopsila trivirgata) in mesic regions are ant-specialized. Ant-specialization in mammals shows no pattern with regard to climate. Of the lizards, only four agamid lizards are ant-specialized: Moloch horridus (arid, semi-arid), Ctenophorus fordi (arid, semi-arid), Ctenophorus isolepis (arid) and Ctenophorus maculatus (arid). Specialization on ants by lizards is greatest in the arid zone (4 spp.); no lizard species were found to be ant-specialists in mesic regions. In the arid and semi-arid zone, two mammals each specialize on termites and one on ants; in mesic regions, two mammals specialize on ants and one on termites. Specialized insectivorous mammals thus demonstrate no marked preference for either termites or ants. Lizards, in contrast, are markedly termite-specialized (4 ant-specialist spp., 16 termite-specialist spp.), and specialization is greatest in the arid zone (16 spp.). Greater specialization on termites than on (adult) ants in lizards is explained with reference to differences in prey defence and palatability between ants and termites. Consumption of ant brood (eggs, larvae, pupae) appears to be associated with a fossorial foraging mode (the marsupial mole N. typhlops; spp. of Aprasia lizards; spp. of blindsnakes Ramphotyphlops).  相似文献   

Eavesdropping has evolved in many predator–prey relationships. Communication signals of social species may be particularly vulnerable to eavesdropping, such as pheromones produced by ants, which are predators of termites. Termites communicate mostly by way of substrate‐borne vibrations, which suggest they may be able to eavesdrop, using two possible mechanisms: ant chemicals or ant vibrations. We observed termites foraging within millimetres of ants in the field, suggesting the evolution of specialised detection behaviours. We found the termite Coptotermes acinaciformis detected their major predator, the ant Iridomyrmex purpureus, through thin wood using only vibrational cues from walking, and not chemical signals. Comparison of 16 termite and ant species found the ants‐walking signals were up to 100 times higher than those of termites. Eavesdropping on passive walking signals explains the predator detection and foraging behaviours in this ancient relationship, which may be applicable to many other predator–prey relationships.  相似文献   

In tropical areas worldwide, more than 1000 terrestrial species of invertebrates are used as food. For populations of Amazonian areas, different species of insects and other invertebrates serve as nourishing food sources. Here, we document the composition and nutritional quality of some invertebrates consumed in Venezuelan Amazonia, including termites (Isoptera) and earthworms (Glossoscolecidae) eaten by the Ye'Kuana (Makiritare) and caterpillars (Lepidoptera) and grubs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) consumed by the Yanomamo. Consumption of 100 g of any of these invertebrates contributed 1.2–9.4 percent of the daily fat requirement and 26–144 percent of the protein daily requirement for an adult male. The sample of caterpillars regularly eaten by these peoples was rich in beta carotene (provitamin A), and a 100 g ingestion guaranteed 323 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin A. The greatest amount of alpha tocopherol was provided by the consumption of the smoked earthworms (36.7%). Earthworms and termites contained high levels of sterols, mainly cholesterol. The consumption of these animals by tropical human populations represents not only an important traditional habit but also, considering their nutritional composition, a substantial contribution to the human diet.  相似文献   

Wolfgang Nentwig 《Oecologia》1986,69(4):571-576
Summary Feeding experiments were performed with seven species of non-webbuilding spiders and a variety of prey taxa. Some species were generally polyphagous whereas other spiders restricted their prey to a few groups. At one end of the spectrum of prey specialization the thomisid Misumena vatia is limited to a few taxa of possible prey (Table 1). The literature of prey records of non-webbuilding spiders is reviewed (Table 2) with special emphasis on oligophagous or monophagous spiders. Monophagous spiders are generally rare and have specialized on only a few prey taxa: social insects (ants, bees, termites) and spiders.  相似文献   

Studies on the role of natural predatory instincts in captive‐born mammalian myrmecophagy are rare. Consequently, researchers rely extensively on case reports to learn more about the contexts in which predatory behavior occurs among such animals. In this study, we recorded an uncommon case of a captive‐born southern tamandua (Tamandua tetradactyla) that accidentally escaped from a zoo into a nonnative habitat in Asia. The southern tamandua was found alive 3 months later. Two fresh fecal samples were obtained, and the diet composition was examined. Three termite species (one family, three genera), and 14 ant species (four subfamilies, nine genera) were identified in the fecal samples. The studied southern tamandua preyed on terrestrial and arboreal ants and termites, as the wild populations of its species do. Ants of the subfamily Myrmicinae and termites of the subfamily Nasutitermitinae were the most abundant prey items in the samples, which is consistent with related reports on the wild populations. Soldier ants constituted <1% of the prey items in the fecal samples, suggesting that the southern tamandua likely avoided preying on ants of the soldier caste. Fungus‐growing termites Odontotermes (Isoptera: Macrotermitinae), which are not native to neotropical regions, were also ingested by the southern tamandua. This study provides information on how a captive‐born mammalian myrmecophagy applies its natural feeding instincts in nonnative natural settings.  相似文献   

The bilby (Macrotis lagotis) is a small omnivorous marsupial that was once widespread but is now restricted to the most arid margins of its former range. It feeds on a mixture of invertebrates (mainly ants and termites) and plant material (mainly seeds and bulbs), most of which is below ground. Measurements of the energy and water requirements of free-living bilbies and of the maintenance nitrogen requirements of captive animals provided the basis for an explanation for its continued survival in the Australian arid zone. Measurements of the mean retention times of inert markers for the solute and particulate phases of digesta revealed no selective retention of solutes and small particles in the caecum. Lack of selective digesta retention in the bilby hindgut helps to explain why the plant component of their diet consists predominantly of seeds and bulbs of relatively low fibre content. This is in contrast to the stems and leaves eaten by other bandicoots, all of which appear to have a colonic separation mechanism that not only selectively retains small particles in the caecum but also facilitates the passage of large fibrous particles through the colon. The ability of the bilby to survive in the Australian arid zone is related to low water and nitrogen requirements and the abundance of ants, termites, bulbs and seeds. Foraging efficiency is maximised by exploiting the underground nests of seed-harvesting ants.  相似文献   

Subterranean termites provide a major potential food source for forest-dwelling ants, yet the interactions between ants and termites are seldom investigated largely due to the cryptic nature of both the predator and the prey. We used protein marking (rabbit immunoglobin protein, IgG) and double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA) to examine the trophic interactions between the woodland ant, Aphaenogaster rudis (Emery) and the eastern subterranean termite, Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar). We marked the prey by feeding the termites paper treated with a solution of rabbit immunoglobin protein (IgG). Subsequently, we offered live, IgG-fed termites to ant colonies and monitored the intracolony distribution of IgG-marked prey. Laboratory experiments on the distribution of protein-marked termite prey in colonies of A. rudis revealed that all castes and developmental stages receive termite prey within 24 h. In field experiments, live, protein-marked termites were offered to foraging ants. Following predation, the marker was recovered from the ants, demonstrating that A. rudis preys on R. flavipes under field conditions. Our results provide a unique picture of the trophic-level interactions between predatory ants and subterranean termites. Furthermore, we show that protein markers are highly suitable to track trophic interactions between predators and prey, especially when observing elusive animals with cryptic food-web ecology. Received 19 January 2007; revised 23 March 2007; accepted 26 March 2007.  相似文献   

Ants are among the most ecologically and economically significant biological invaders and are notoriously difficult to eradicate once established. Invasive ants are typically managed with toxic baits which are often unattractive to the target species, toxic to non-targets, and environmentally persistent. The current study evaluated a novel Trojan horse approach for managing invasive ants in natural habitats based on the use of poisoned prey. Eastern subterranean termites (Reticulitermes flavipes) were topically exposed to fipronil and presented to Asian needle ants (Pachycondyla chinensis) which are a significant invader in natural and disturbed habitats in the eastern United States. In laboratory assays, P. chinensis colonies were offered fipronil-treated termites within experimental arenas. The termites were readily attacked and consumed and results demonstrate that a single termite exposed to 25 ppm fipronil for 1 h is capable of killing 100 P. chinensis workers in 9 h. To evaluate population effects, field studies were conducted in forested areas invaded by P. chinensis. Fipronil-treated termites scattered on the forest floor provided rapid control of P. chinensis and ant densities throughout the treated plots declined by 98 ± 5 % within 28 days. I demonstrate that the poison baiting approach based on fipronil-treated termite prey is highly effective against P. chinensis and may offer an effective alternative to traditional bait treatments against other invasive ants, especially those with predatory and generalist feeding habits. Furthermore, I demonstrate that the poison baiting approach offers environmental benefits by delivering substantially less toxicant to the environment relative to current control methods which rely on commercial bait formulations. In summary, the poison baiting approach evaluated in this study appears highly suitable for controlling invasive ants and should be further tested against other invasive ants.  相似文献   

Summary The myrmicine ant Decamorium uelense is a predator of small termites which feed inside their food sources of roots and plant debris. The ant uses a specialized recruitment regime to secure its prey. A scout ant searches for foraging termites and returns to the nest where it recruits a column of 10–30 ants which attack and immobilize the termites. A mass recruitment phase is then instigated, with larger numbers of ants retrieving the prey. The major prey item is Microtermes (consumed at an annual rate of 632 termites m-2), with other small termites accounting for 0.5% of the total predation. The annual predation of Microtermes in primary savanna woodland by D. uelense removes 74% of the standing population.  相似文献   

Nototheniid and myctophid fish are primary prey for marine piscivores, yet little is known about their nutritional value. In this study, we characterized the proximate composition [PC: water, fat (neutral lipids), crude protein (CP) and ash] and energy density (ED; kJ g−1) of fifteen fish species from McMurdo Sound and the Ross Sea, Antarctica. We assayed the entire fish for all species except for the large Antarctic toothfish, Dissostichus mawsoni (muscle tissue only). On a wet mass basis (WM), fish were variable in composition: moisture content ranged from 64.9 to 87.3% WM, fat from 0.5 to 17.4% WM, CP from 7.7 to 16.7% WM, ash from 11.2 to 21.0% FFDM (fat-free dry mass), and ED from 2.9 to 10.3 kJ g−1. Myctophids and pelagic nototheniids such as Pleuragramma antarcticum and D. mawsoni were high in fat content (7–17% WM), while a bathylagid and benthic nototheniids including most Trematomus spp. and Lepidonotothen squamifrons were low in fat (0.5–4% WM). The epibenthic Trematomus species (T. eulepidotus and T. lepidorhinus) were intermediate. Energy density tracked fat content, with highest values in myctophids and pelagic nototheniids. The variation in nutrient and energy density confirms that prey composition must be taken into account when modelling energy and nutrient fluxes within the Antarctic ecosystem. Further analyses of prey collected over a number of different locations and seasons are needed in order to determine how the nutritional value of certain species might affect annual or decadal variation in reproductive success or population size of top predators.  相似文献   

Dejean A 《PloS one》2011,6(5):e19837
I studied the predatory behavior of Platythyrea conradti, an arboreal ponerine ant, whereas most species in this subfamily are ground-dwelling. The workers, which hunt solitarily only around dusk, are able to capture a wide range of prey, including termites and agile, nocturnal insects as well as diurnal insects that are inactive at that moment of the Nyctemeron, resting on tree branches or under leaves. Prey are captured very rapidly, and the antennal palpation used by ground-dwelling ponerine species is reduced to a simple contact; stinging occurs immediately thereafter. The venom has an instant, violent effect as even large prey (up to 30 times the weight of a worker) never struggled after being stung. Only small prey are not stung. Workers retrieve their prey, even large items, singly. To capture termite workers and soldiers defending their nest entrances, ant workers crouch and fold their antennae backward. In their role as guards, the termites face the crouching ants and end up by rolling onto their backs, their legs batting the air. This is likely due to volatile secretions produced by the ants' mandibular gland. The same behavior is used against competing ants, including territorially-dominant arboreal species that retreat further and further away, so that the P. conradti finally drive them from large, sugary food sources.  相似文献   

Several populations of chimpanzees have been reported to prey upon Dorylus army ants. The most common tool‐using technique to gather these ants is with “dipping” probes, which vary in length with regard to aggressiveness and lifestyle of the prey species. We report the use of a tool set in army ant predation by chimpanzees in the Goualougo Triangle, Republic of Congo. We recovered 1,060 tools used in this context and collected 25 video recordings of chimpanzee tool‐using behavior at ant nests. Two different types of tools were distinguished based on their form and function. The chimpanzees use a woody sapling to perforate the ant nest, and then a herb stem as a dipping tool to harvest the ants. All of the species of ants preyed upon in Goualougo are present and consumed by chimpanzees at other sites, but there are no other reports of such a regular or widespread use of more than one type of tool to prey upon Dorylus ants. Furthermore, this tool set differs from other types of tool combinations used by chimpanzees at this site for preying upon termites or gathering honey. Therefore, we conclude that these chimpanzees have developed a specialized method for preying upon army ants, which involves the use of an additional tool for opening nests. Further research is needed to determine which specific ecological and social factors may have shaped the emergence and maintenance of this technology. Am. J. Primatol. 72:17–24, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Driver ants ( i.e. , epigaeic species in the army ant genus Dorylus , subgenus Anomma ) are among the most extreme polyphagous predators, but termites appear to be conspicuously absent from their prey spectrum and attacks by driver ants on termite nests have not yet been described. Here, we report a Dorylus ( Anomma ) rubellus attack on a colony of the fungus-growing termite Macrotermes subhyalinus that was observed during the dry season in a savannah habitat in Nigeria's Gashaka National Park. It was estimated that several hundred thousand termites (probably more than 2.4 kg dry mass) were retrieved. The apparent rarity of driver ant predation on Macrotermes nests may be explained by different habitat requirements, by the fact that these ants mostly forage aboveground, by efficient termite defense behavior and nest architecture that make entry into the nest difficult, and finally by driver ant worker morphology, which differs remarkably from that of subterranean Dorylus species that regularly invade and destroy termite colonies.  相似文献   

Paltothyreus tarsatus workers show an adaptive predatory strategy compatible with central place theory which predicts that single-prey loading is an extension of the optimal diet choice while multiple-prey loading behavior would correspond to the optimal use of patches. The insight learning involved in the quick modifications of predatory strategy enablesP. tarsatus to hunt all available prey in a great diversity of sizes and species. Nevertheless, this generalist predator strongly preferred termites and very large prey such as giant diplopods and crickets to other choices within its diet. In the hunting of these favorite prey, the recruitment of nestmates enhanced the efficiency of total predation, though the release of a chemical trail appeared to depend on the hunger-satiety balance of the colony. In addition to the hunger, the miscapture of prey also triggered the release of chemical trails. The strategy for capturing grouped termites was characterized by the loading of multiple prey at a single time, by a concentrated search in a restricted area and by an optional recruitment of nestmates. These behavioral characteristics of ponerine ants probably account for the flexibility of their predatory strategy for hunting aggregated small prey.  相似文献   

部分蚂蚁种类是白蚁的重要天敌。为了探明成都市白蚁天敌——蚂蚁的常见种类及其生境,2011—2015年通过对成都市房屋建筑、园林树木、古建筑以及安装在住宅小区绿地的地下型白蚁监测装置等生境中调查白蚁与蚂蚁种类及数量,共鉴定白蚁9种,隶属于3科4属,黑胸散白蚁Reticulitermes chinensis占比最高(83.9%);蚂蚁29种,隶属于4亚科15属,中国短猛蚁Brachyponera chinensis占比最高(38.2%)。相关性分析表明,黑毛蚁Lasius niger与尖唇散白蚁R.aculabialis、新中华散白蚁R.neochinensis之间,莱曼氏蚁Formica lemani与黑胸散白蚁、尖唇散白蚁之间,敏捷扁头猛蚁Pachycondyla astuta、铺道蚁Tetramorium caesputum与尖唇散白蚁之间均呈显著负相关。黑毛蚁、莱曼氏蚁、敏捷扁头猛蚁、铺道蚁的种群数量大,在白蚁生物防治中具有一定的应用潜力。鉴于蚂蚁对白蚁的控制作用受环境、人为等多种因素的影响,建议进一步加强蚂蚁对白蚁自然控制作用的系统研究。  相似文献   

The abundance, biomass, vertical distribution, and taxonomic composition of soil invertebrates (springtails, macrofauna, and termites) were studied in forest formations differing in edaphic and climatic conditions: lowland forests dominated by Lagerstroemia spp. or Dipterocarpus spp. in the Cat Tien National Park and in a mountain pine (Pinus kesiya) forest on the Da Lat Plateau, southern Vietnam. In the lowland forests, springtails had a relatively low density (10000–12000 ind./m2), but their diversity was high (41–43 species in each forest). The density of large soil invertebrates (without ants and termites) reached 500–700 ind./m2 at a biomass of approximately 30 g/m2 (with earthworms accounting for up to 230 ind./m2 and 19–28 g/m2). Among termites, species of the genera Macrotermes and Odontotermes were dominant. Their total biomass in some areas exceeded 15–20 g/m2. In the mountain pine forest, the total biomass of soil macrofauna was approximately 11 g/m2, the abundance and diversity of springtails were low (7500 ind./m2, 28 species), and wood-destroying species of the genera Schedorhinotermes sp. and Coptotermes sp. dominated among termites.  相似文献   

Prey size is an important factor in food consumption. In studies of feeding ecology, prey items are usually measured individually using calipers or ocular micrometers. Among amphibians and reptiles, there are species that feed on large numbers of small prey items (e.g. ants, termites). This high intake makes it difficult to estimate prey size consumed by these animals. We addressed this problem by developing and evaluating a procedure for subsampling the stomach contents of such predators in order to estimate prey size. Specifically, we developed a protocol based on a bootstrap procedure to obtain a subsample with a precision error of at the most 5%, with a confidence level of at least 95%. This guideline should reduce the sampling effort and facilitate future studies on the feeding habits of amphibians and reptiles, and also provide a means of obtaining precise estimates of prey size.  相似文献   

We studied the foraging and predatory behaviors of the invasive African myrmicine ant, Pheidole megacephala (F.) in its native range. Workers can singly capture a wide range of insects, including relatively large prey items. For still larger prey, they recruit at short range those nestmates situated within reach of an alarm pheromone and together spread-eagle the insect. These behaviors are complimented by a long-range recruitment (of nestmates remaining in the nest) based on prey size. P. megacephala scouts also use long-range recruitment when they detect the landmarks of termites and competing ant species, thus permitting them to avoid confronting these termites and ants solitarily.  相似文献   

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