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Fischer RC  Richter A  Hadacek F  Mayer V 《Oecologia》2008,155(3):539-547
Ant-dispersed plants usually produce seeds with appendages (elaiosomes) as reward for ants. Plants that produce high-quality elaiosomes benefit because ants preferentially disperse their diaspores. We therefore hypothesized that seeds and elaiosomes differ in chemical composition in ways that make elaiosomes of high nutritional quality for ants, capable of providing essential dietary components that explain the increased fitness and higher gyne production documented for colonies with elaiosome consumption. To test the hypothesis we analysed the content and composition of lipids, amino acids, soluble carbohydrates, proteins and starch in seeds and elaiosomes of 15 central European ant-dispersed plants. After separating the different fractions, total lipids were determined gravimetrically, fatty acids and soluble carbohydrates were detected by gas chromatography (GC) and GC–mass spectrometry, free amino acids by an amino acid analyser while starch and protein were analysed photometrically. Seeds accumulated high molecular weight compounds such as proteins and starch, whereas elaiosomes accumulated more easily digestible low molecular weight compounds such as amino acids and monosaccharides. Analysis of similarities and similarity percentages analysis demonstrated that the composition of fatty acids, free amino acids and carbohydrates differed markedly between elaiosomes and seeds. The most important difference was in total amino acid content, which was on average 7.5 times higher in elaiosomes than in seeds. The difference was especially marked for the nitrogen-rich amino acid histidine. The availability of essential nutrients and, in some species, the higher nitrogen content in elaiosomes suggest that their nutritional value for larvae plays a key role in this interaction. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Auld  Tony D.  Denham  A.J. 《Plant Ecology》1999,144(2):201-213
The role seed predators play in influencing the dynamics of plant populations has been little studied in Australia. The interaction of ant dispersal and seed predation on the soil seedbank in six shrubby species of Grevillea from the Sydney region of southeastern Australia was examined in selective exclusion experiments, seed array trials and placement of single seeds on the ground.Two distinct seed types in Grevillea were examined and different seed dispersal and post-dispersal seed predation patterns were associated with each: (a) seeds lacking an elaiosome were not attractive to ants and annual seed losses of between 82 and 95% were found in vegetation unburnt for greater than 8 years. Native rodents, Rattus fuscipes, and macropods, Wallabia bicolor, were responsible for these seed losses; (b) seeds with an elaiosome were rapidly handled by ants. Two functional types of ants were recognised. Most encounters were by ants that were small (Local) relative to seed size and these ants simply removed the elaiosome in situ or moved seeds only small distances (<20 cm). Some 0–24% of ant/seed encounters were by large (Removalist) ant species that were capable of moving seeds back to nests. In addition, Rattus fuscipes and Wallabia bicolor consumed at least 32–68% of seeds of Grevillea species with an elaiosome.Ants may reduce the overall levels of seed predation where seeds moved by Removalist ant species escape predation and are deposited in safe sites, hence allowing more seeds to reach the persistent soil seedbank. Mammals do not consume all seeds when ants are excluded, allowing for the potential for some seed escape from predation after seeds are discarded by Local ant species.  相似文献   

Myrmecochory (seed dispersal by ants) is a common seed dispersal strategy of plants in fire‐prone sclerophyll vegetation of Australia, yet there is little understanding of how fire history may influence this seed dispersal mutualism. We investigated the initial fate of seeds of two myrmecochorous plant species, the small‐seeded Pultenaea daphnoides J.C. Wendl. and the large‐seeded Acacia pycnantha Benth., in replicated burnt (3.25 years since fire) and unburnt (53 years since fire) forest plots in the Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia. Specifically we measured (i) seed removal rates; (ii) the frequency of three ant–seed interactions (seed removal, elaiosome robbery and seed ignoring); (iii) the relative contribution of different ant species to ant–seed interactions; and (iv) the abundance of common interacting ant species. Rates of seed removal from depots and the proportion of seeds removed were higher in recently burnt vegetation and the magnitude of these effects was greater for the smaller‐seeded P. daphnoides. The overall proportion of elaiosomes robbed was higher in unburnt vegetation; however, the decrease in elaiosome robbery in burnt vegetation was greater for P. daphnoides than for A. pycnantha. Ants ignored seeds more frequently in burnt vegetation and at similar rates for both seed species. In total, 20 ant species were observed interacting with seeds; however, three common ant species accounted for 66.3% of ant–seed interactions. Monomorium sydneyense almost exclusively robbed elaiosomes, Rhytidoponera metallica typically removed seeds and Anonychomyrma nr. nitidiceps showed a mix of the three behaviours towards seeds. Differences in the proportions of seeds removed, elaiosomes robbed and seeds ignored appeared to be largely driven by an increase in abundance of A. nr. nitidiceps and a decrease in abundance of M. sydneyense in burnt vegetation. Understanding how these fire‐driven changes in the initial fate of myrmecochorous seeds affect plant fitness requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Potential community effects of nutrient enhancement are a topic of theoretical interest and increasing management concern in coastal marine systems. While increased nutrient levels may lead to increased microalgal production and biomass, studies have provided variable evidence regarding the existence of upward cascade effects on macrofauna. In benthic marine communities, limitation by predation or factors preventing recruitment response may contribute to weak coupling between resource availability and macrobenthos abundances. We conducted blocked nutrient addition and predator exclusion experiments in the intertidal of two estuaries that varied in background nutrient concentrations (Cape Fear and White Oak, southeastern North Carolina). Benthic community comparisons were also made among these and two other North Carolina estuaries to examine correlations in distribution patterns. Cape Fear, which had the highest background nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations, also had highest ambient benthic microalgal biomass. There was no significant response of microalgal biomass to local nutrient additions in Cape Fear and only one macrofaunal taxon during one season exhibited abundance responses to nutrient additions. White Oak, with lower background nutrient levels, was characterized by significant microalgal responses to nutrient additions and significant macrofauna abundance responses for 50% of the species examined during summer experiments. However, all of these macrofauna declined in abundance with nutrient enhancement while biomass remained constant or significantly increased with nutrient additions. This suggests a complex response of macrofauna to nutrient additions in this estuary with greater biomass per individual but a corresponding decline in abundances. Top-down/bottom-up interactive effects were observed for haustoriid amphipods, which were uncommon or absent when predators had access, but exhibited strong biomass responses to nutrient enhancement when predators were excluded. These results support a growing body of literature that indicates the importance of background conditions in regulating benthic community responses to nutrient enhancement. However, responses may be complex with biomass per individual rather than densities being the primary response variable for some taxa and predator moderation of responses occurring for some taxa but not others.  相似文献   

Mangrove forest coverage is increasing in the estuaries of the North Island of New Zealand, causing changes in estuarine ecosystem structure and function. Sedimentation and associated nutrient enrichment have been proposed to be factors leading to increases in mangrove cover, but the relative importance of each of these factors is unknown. We conducted a fertilization study in estuaries with different sedimentation histories in order to determine the role of nutrient enrichment in stimulating mangrove growth and forest development. We expected that if mangroves were nutrient-limited, nutrient enrichment would lead to increases in mangrove growth and forest structure and that nutrient enrichment of trees in our site with low sedimentation would give rise to trees and sediments that converged in terms of functional characteristics on control sites in our high sedimentation site. The effects of fertilizing with nitrogen (N) varied among sites and across the intertidal zone, with enhancements in growth, photosynthetic carbon gain, N resorption prior to leaf senescence and the leaf area index of canopies being significantly greater at the high sedimentation sites than at the low sedimentation sites, and in landward dwarf trees compared to seaward fringing trees. Sediment respiration (CO2 efflux) was higher at the high sedimentation site than at the low one sedimentation site, but it was not significantly affected by fertilization, suggesting that the high sedimentation site supported greater bacterial mineralization of sediment carbon. Nutrient enrichment of the coastal zone has a role in facilitating the expansion of mangroves in estuaries of the North Island of New Zealand, but this effect is secondary to that of sedimentation, which increases habitat area and stimulates growth. In estuaries with high sediment loads, enrichment with N will cause greater mangrove growth and further changes in ecosystem function.  相似文献   

  • 1 The role that amino acids in extrafloral nectars play in attracting ants to plants was investigated. Workers from laboratory colonies of Solenopsis invicta Buren and S.geminafa (F). (Formicidae) fed from artificial nectaries containing mimics of the extrafloral nectar of Passiflora menispermifoh and P.caerulea; P.menispermifoh nectar contains higher levels of amino acids (1347.3 pdml) than does the nectar of P.currulea (125.2 μm /ml).
  • 2 When sugar-only and sugar—amino acid nectar mimics were presented simultaneously, more S.invicta workers were counted at sugar—amino acid nectar mimics than at sugar-only nectars. S.geminatu did not discriminate between the two nectars.
  • 3 When the two Pamiflora L. nectar mimics were presented simultaneously, S.invicta and S.geminata workers were more abundant at the nectaries containing high levels of amino acids (P.menispermifolia HBK mimic) than at the nectaries containing low levels of amino acids (P.cuerulea L. mimic).
  • 4 The behaviour shown by S.invicta and S.gerninata suggests that plants with high levels of amino acids in their extrafloral nectars attract more ant protectors and might suffer less herbivory than plants producing nectars with low levels of amino acids. If so, ants may favour, over evolutionary time, plants that produce nectars with high levels of amino acids.
  • 5 Day-to-day variability in ant behaviour was considerable even among laboratory colonies maintained on the same diet in similar environmental conditions. This variability will reduce the selective impact that ants have on plants and may help to explain why most ant-plant interactions are facultative.

Excessive nutrient loads resulted in cascading trophic effects and ecosystem responses. Aims of this study were to determine if the thresholds in nutrient gradient related to phytoplankton community composition could be identified in eutrophic lake, and further to analyze the change of phytoplankton assemblage along the nutrient concentration based on Threshold Indicator Taxa ANalysis (TITAN). The results presented the significant community thresholds estimate for negative taxa declining at 1.650 mg/L TN and 131.5 μg/L TP, as well as simultaneously increasing for positive taxa at 1.665 mg/L TN and 151.5 μg/L TP along nutrient enrichment gradient. However, there was unremarkable change point determined for TN:TP ratios in Lake Dianchi. Elevated TN and TP altered the phytoplankton assemblage, even may induce the fade of algal blooms across the threshold in the hypertrophic lake. The findings could provide implications for deeply deciphering abrupt transitions for phytoplankton assemblage and developing nutrient tactics to protect the lake ecosystems.  相似文献   

Rooikrans Acacia cyclops is an aggressive invasive tree that threatens natural resources in South Africa. The seeds of A. cyclops have a prominent aril which attracts birds that ingest the seeds and disperse them endozoochorously. Two biological control agents, a Seed Weevil Melanterius servulus and a Flower‐galling Midge Dasineura dielsi, were released on A. cyclops in 1991 and 2002, respectively. Together these agents have substantially reduced seed production and generally far lower numbers of seeds are now available to birds. A consequence of this transition from historically bounteous quantities of seeds to scanty seed availability is that birds may no longer associate with the trees and seed dispersal may be disproportionately reduced. To assess whether this has happened, seed attrition was measured by comparing the amount of seeds that disappeared from two groups of branches, one available to birds and the other enclosed in bird netting. Other types of granivores (mainly field mice) were excluded from both groups of branches with a plastic funnel placed around the stems. Mature seeds were also harvested and fed to caged bird species to determine gut retention times and germination rates of ingested seeds. Attrition rates of seeds showed that birds continue to remove seeds but that only a proportion of the crop is taken. Only two frugivorous species (Knysna Turaco Tauraco corythaix and Red‐winged Starling Onychognathus morio) and two granivorous species (Red‐eyed Dove Streptopelia semitorquata and Laughing Dove Streptopelia sengalensis) ingested A. cyclops seeds during feeding trials. Ingestion by birds enhanced seed germination except for those ingested by Laughing Doves. There were no apparent effects of length of gut passage time and avian body size on seed germination rates. Despite the diminished seed resource due to biological control agents, birds continue to disperse A. cyclops seeds.  相似文献   

Mangroves are highly productive wetland ecosystems strategically located at the interface between land and sea. They play an important role in the biogeochemical cycles of the coastal environment, acting as sources of nutrients to adjacent marine and terrestrial ecosystems through active and passive transport. We examined the nutrient contents in mangrove and nonmangrove soils in and around the Bhitarkanika National Park, India and assessed whether the local agricultural producers were aware of and placed a value on this contribution of mangrove forests in enhancing agroecosystem productivity. Soil samples from both mangrove and nonmangrove areas were analysed and quantity of organic carbon, total nitrogen, available phosphorus and potassium were derived. The replacement cost method was used to derive the value of nutrients in mangrove soils. We estimated that each hectare of mangrove contains additional nutrients worth US$232.49 in comparison to nonmangrove areas. The difference in nutrient content in mangrove versus nonmangrove areas gave the value of US$3.37 million for the nutrients in 145 km2 of mangrove forests. The agricultural producers were aware that mangrove forests act as a source of nutrients and were willing to pay a higher price for the land adjoining mangrove forests. Around 92% of the producers ranked nutrient retention as a secondary function of mangrove forests. Despite crop depredation from wild ungulates and conflict with salt water crocodiles the agriculturist finds the benefit to cost ratio of mangrove forests high and more than 76% were in favour of mangrove restoration. This study provides an opportunity to highlight the importance of mangrove ecosystems to the livelihoods of the local people and the urgent need to sustain these through proper policy and market interventions.  相似文献   

Both water level and nutrient availability are important factors influencing the growth of wetland plants. Increased nutrient supply might counteract the negative effects of flooding on the growth of the fast-growing species. Experimental evidence is scarce and the mechanism is far from clear. The aim of this study is to identify the role of nutrient availability in acclimation to high-water level by investigating the growth and root morphology of the marsh plant Deyeuxia angustifolia, one of the dominant species in the Sanjiang Plain, China. Experimental treatments included two water levels (0 and 10 cm, relative to soil surface) and three levels of nutrient supply (0, 0.5 and 1 g fertilizer per container). High-water level usually led to decreased biomass accumulation, shoot mass and root mass, whereas biomass accumulation was unaffected by water level at the highest nutrient level, indicating that high-nutrient availability played a role in compensating for the growth loss induced by the high-water level. Increased nutrient supply led to decreased root length in 0 cm water-level treatments, but root length increased with nutrient supply in the 10 cm water-level treatments. High-water level usually led to a lower lateral root density, lateral root:main root length ratio and the diameter of main roots and laterals, whereas increased nutrient supply resulted in thicker main roots or laterals, and a higher total root length, lateral root density and lateral root:main root length ratio. These data indicate that the growth of D. angustifolia is restrained by high-water level, and that increased nutrient supply not only ameliorates root characteristics to acclimate to high-water level but also results in a high-total root length to facilitate nutrient acquisition.  相似文献   

Fire is not an integral part of terrestrial ecosystems in temperate Europe, nevertheless prescribed burning is proposed to be an alternative to traditional management applied to grasslands. Thus, anthropogenic fire represents a serious challenge to plant species, and there is no information on how the recruitment of species responds to fire. The aim of our study was to assess the effect of fire on seed germination of 16 herbaceous grassland and ruderal species belonging to four common families. We first assessed the fuel load in open habitats in early spring and measured soil temperatures during experimental fires. After that we performed a controlled pot experiment involving heat treatments and experimental fire applied to seeds and followed their germination. Our measurements showed that maximum temperatures are between 73 °C and 264 °C on the ground surface and fire passage is fast, with short residence times of high temperatures. In deeper soil layers (1 cm and 5 cm), temperature increase is negligible. Seed germination of half of the species was decreased by the passage of fire, and a heat shock of 100 °C for 5 min had an even stronger adverse effect. Seeds of three Fabaceae species were stimulated by heat or fire, while negative effects prevailed among species belonging to other families. Anthropogenic fire in grasslands of temperate Europe might reduce recruitment by seed, particularly in species of the Asteraceae and Poaceae, two very important families with a large representation in temperate grasslands. Our results indicate that prescribed burning should be carefully applied in order not to endanger the local persistence of grassland species whose seedling emergence is negatively affected by fire.  相似文献   

Foraging traits of seed predators are expected to impact the spatial structure of plant populations, community dynamics and diversity. Yet, many of the key mechanisms governing distance- or density-dependent seed predation are poorly understood. We designed an extensive set of field experiments to test how seed predation by two harvester ant species interact with seed dispersal in shaping the spatial patterns of surviving seeds. We show that the Janzen–Connell establishment pattern can be generated by central-place foragers even if their focal point is located away from the seed source. Furthermore, we found that differences in the social behaviour of seed predators influence their sensitivity to seed density gradients and yield opposing spatial patterns of surviving seeds. Our results support the predictions of a recent theoretical framework that unifies apparently opposing plant establishment patterns, and suggest that differences in foraging traits among seed predators can drive divergent pathways of plant community dynamics.  相似文献   

Only a combination of nutrient load abatement and food-web management proved efficient for the management of water quality in the deep stratifying Wupper Reservoir. Reduction of nutrient loading, was completed in winter 1992/1993, but resulted only in reduced winter/spring mixing of phosphorus concentrations. Since the capacity of the diatom spring bloom to remove nutrients from the trophogenic layer of this slightly eutrophic water-body was never exhausted, the surplus of total phosphorus available to support summer algal growth remained unchanged. Thus, nutrient reduction alone did not improve the water quality, as expected. Subsequent replacement of the smaller Daphnia cucullata by the larger Daphnia galeata-hyalina complex that was attributable to successful food-web management did, however, result in a shift from a turbid to a clear water regime in 1999. Clearly, the zooplankton community, and therefore food-web structure, played an integral role in nutrient recycling and in the repartitioning of the phosphorus pool. As diatom settling and grazing became much more tightly linked with the appearance of the larger-bodied Daphnia galeata-hyalina complex, which exploits lower-level food resources as early as May, daphnids increasingly acted as a sink for phosphorus. This increased export fluxes out of the pelagic zone and leaves a smaller surplus of total phosphorus to support the accumulation of summer algae. Consequently, water transparency and total chlorophyll concentrations in summer improved with food-web restructuring, indicating real oligotrophication of Wupper Reservoir driven by internal feedbacks. Handling editor: S. I. Dodson  相似文献   

Many of the world’s soils are zinc (Zn) deficient. Consequently, many crops experience reduced growth, yield and tissue Zn concentrations. Reduced concentrations of Zn in the edible portions of crops have important implications for human Zn nutrition; this is a cause of global concern. Most terrestrial plant species form arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) with a relatively limited number of specialized soil fungi. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can take up nutrients, including Zn, and transfer them to the plant, thereby enhancing plant nutrition. Under high soil Zn concentrations the formation of AM can also ‘protect’ against the accumulation of Zn in plant tissues to high concentrations. Here, a short review focusing on the role of AM in enhancing plant Zn nutrition, principally under low soil Zn concentrations, is presented. Effects of Zn on the colonisation of roots by AMF, direct uptake of Zn by AMF, the role of AM in the Zn nutrition of field grown plants, and emerging aspects of Zn molecular physiology of AM, are explored. Emergent knowledge gaps are identified and discussed in the context of potential future research.  相似文献   

Boney Marsh is a small constructed freshwater wetland located along thefloodplain of the Kissimmee River in south Florida, USA. River water, withaverage Tot-P concentrations of 0.052 mg l−1, Tot-N of 1.70 mgl−1, and Cl of 15.95 mg l−1, wasdiverted through the marsh to quantify mass retention and fate.Comprehensive mass balance budgets for Tot-P, Tot-N, and Clwere developed based on input (inflow, precipitation) and output (outflow,evapotranspiration, seepage). Cl, as well asNa+, budgets indicated that groundwater accounted forapproximately 7% of the total water budget. Annual mass loadings toBoney Marsh were 0.5, 15.7, and 147.9 g m−2year−1 for Tot-P, Tot-N, and Cl, respectively.Mean annual nutrient removal was estimated at 72% for Tot-P and34% for Tot-N, and P-assimilation capacity remained high andunchanged for the period of record. The subtropical marsh system accumulatedTot-P at a much higher rate than Tot-N, with averaged net sedimentationrates of 20.4 and 8.3 year−1, respectively. Boney Marsh netsedimentation coefficients were higher than lakes with similar depths. TheN:P mass ratio in the wetland water column increased during the period ofrecord, and was primarily due to a high P-sedimentation rate and a decliningN-sedimentation rate. The authors use the editor‘s suggestion forabbreviations. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Osier TL  Lindroth RL 《Oecologia》2004,139(1):55-65
This research tested the long-term effects of defoliation on aspen chemistry and growth in relation to genotype and nutrient availability. We grew saplings of four aspen genotypes in a common garden under two conditions of nutrient availability, and subsequently subjected them to two levels of artificial defoliation. Artificial defoliation suppressed plant growth, and saplings of the four genotypes did not show evidence of genetic variation in tolerance to defoliation. Phenolic glycoside concentrations did not respond to defoliation, but were influenced by genotype and nutrient availability. Condensed tannins responded to defoliation and varied among genotypes. Although defoliation affected condensed tannins, plant quality was not altered in a manner important for gypsy moth performance. Regression analyses suggested that phenolic glycoside concentrations accounted for most of the variation in insect performance. The lack of a strong response important for herbivores was surprising given the severity of the defoliation treatment (nearly 100% of leaf area was removed). In this study, plant genotype was of primary importance, nutrient availability was of secondary importance and long-term induced responses were unimportant as determinants of insect performance.  相似文献   

Abstract: Free-living bacteria are expert in adapting to variations in nutrient availability, often using an array of transport systems of different affinities to scavenge for particular substrates (multiport). This review concentrates on the regulation of expression of different transporters contributing to multiport in response to varying nutrient levels. A novel mechanism of controlling bacterial transport affinity under sugar limitation is described. In particular, switching from glucose-rich to glucose-limited conditions results in Escherichia coli orchestrating outer membrane changes as well as the induction of a periplasmic binding protein-dependent (ABC-type) transport system. The changes leading to the high affinity transport pathway are directed towards uptake of rapidly utilisable concentrations and are optimal close to 10−6 M medium glucose. High affinity transport is absent under both glucose-rich 'feast' and glucose-starved 'famine' conditions hence high affinity transporters are not simply repressed by excess nutrient. Rather, the improvement in glucose scavenging involves induction of genes in 2 distinct regulons ( mgl/gal and mal/lamB ) through synthesis of 2 different endogenous inducer molecules (galactose, maltotriose). Endoinducer levels are tightly controlled by extracellular glucose concentration at different glucose-limited growth rates. Aside from endoinducers, the elevated intracellular level of cAMP plays a role in induction of the high-affinity pathway but CAMP-mediated relief from catabolite repression is not itself sufficient for high affinity transport. In contrast to the repressive role of glucose when present at millimolar concentrations, micromolar glucose also leads to the induction of transport systems for other sugars, further broadening the scavenging potential of nutrient-limited bacteria for other substrates.  相似文献   

Both nutrient cycling and nutrient relationships between mistletoe and host have been widely studied; yet it is unclear whether high nutrient concentrations commonly found in mistletoes affect rates of nutrient cycling. To address this question, we assessed 13 elements in the leaf litter of a temperate eucalypt forest in southern New South Wales, comparing concentrations from trees (Eucalyptus blakelyi, E. dwyeri, and E. dealbata) with and without the hemiparasitic mistletoe Amyema miquelii. Results were in accord with previous research on fresh leaves showing that concentrations of many elements were higher in the mistletoe than the host. This was not the case for all elements; most notably for N, where concentrations were significantly lower in the mistletoe. However, the return of all elements increased with mistletoe infection because of the combined effect of enrichment in mistletoe tissues and high rates of mistletoe litterfall. Annual returns of N and P in leaf litter increased by a factor of 1.65 and 3 respectively, with the greatest increase being for K by a factor of 43 in spring. These increased element returns were not significantly influenced by any changes in host leaf litter quality, as mistletoe infection was not found to affect host element concentrations. Mistletoe infection also altered the spatial and temporal distribution of element returns because of the patchy occurrence of mistletoes and extended period of mistletoe litterfall compared with the host. These findings provide a mechanistic explanation for the role of mistletoes as a keystone resource and, together with comparable results from root‐parasitic plants in boreal tundra and cool‐temperate grasslands, suggest that enhancing nutrient return rates may be a generalized property of parasitic plants.  相似文献   

An analysis is given of a model for two interacting species, one mobile and the other sedentary, in which the mobile one disperses to avoid crowding. The spatial distribution of the mobile species over the habitat, as it evolves with time, is studied. In particular it is shown that a colony of the sedentary species can form an effective barrier against the spreading mobile species, and prevent it from entering certain parts of the habitat.  相似文献   

The soil microbial carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) pools were quantified in the organic horizon of soils from an arctic/alpine low-altitude heath and a high-altitude fellfield by the fumigation-extraction method before and after factorial addition of sugar, NPK fertilizer and benomyl, a fungicide. In unamended soil, microbial C, N and P made up 3.3–3.6%, 6.1–7.3% and 34.7% of the total soil C, N and P content, respectively. The inorganic extractable N pool was below 0.1% and the inorganic extractable P content slightly less than 1% of the total soil pool sizes. Benomyl addition in spring and summer did not affect microbial C or nutrient content analysed in the autumn. Sugar amendments increased microbial C by 15 and 37% in the two soils, respectively, but did not affect the microbial nutrient content, whereas inorganic N and P either declined significantly or tended to decline. The increased microbial C indicates that the microbial biomass also increased but without a proportional enhancement of N and P uptake. NPK addition did not affect the amount of microbial C but almost doubled the microbial N pool and more than doubled the P pool. A separate study has shown that CO2 evolution increased by more than 50% after sugar amendment and by about 30% after NPK and NK additions to one of the soils. Hence, the microbial biomass did not increase in response to NPK addition, but the microbes immobilized large amounts of the added nutrients and, judging by the increased CO2 evolution, their activity increased. We conclude: (1) that microbial biomass production in these soils is stimulated by labile carbon and that the microbial activity is stimulated by both labile C and by nutrients (N); (2) that the microbial biomass is a strong sink for nutrients and that the microbial community probably can withdraw substantial amounts of nutrients from the inorganic, plant-available pool, at least periodically; (3) that temporary declines in microbial populations are likely to release a flush of inorganic nutrients to the soil, particularly P of which the microbial biomass contained more than one third of the total soil pool; and (4) that the mobilization-immobilization cycles of nutrients coupled to the population dynamics of soil organisms can be a significant regulating factor for the nutrient supply to the primary producers, which are usually strongly nutrient-limited in arctic ecosystems.  相似文献   

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