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DE ROPP  R. S. 《Annals of botany》1939,3(1):243-252
Rye grains were soaked for various periods and the effect onthe subsequent growth of the excised embryo (grown on sucroseagar) studied. Soaking the grain for as short a period as two hours producesincreased growth of both roots and shoots in the excised embryo.This increase takes place irrespective of whether the embryois grown in light or darkness and is still manifested twentydays after the excision of the embryo. Production of lateral roots, both in light and darkness, andof anthocyanins in etiolated embryos is also increased by preliminarysoaking. Preliminary soaking of the grain has a marked accelerating effecton the tropic responses of the excised embryo. Concentration of sugar and duration of prelutllnary soakingboth effect the growth of the excised embryo, but neither constitutesa simple controlling factor in this growth. It is concluded that during the preliminary soaking, both auxinand a ‘regulator’ controlling its production anddistribution, enter the embryo from the endosperm and aleuronelayer.  相似文献   

After removal of the embryo from developing seeds of Vicia fabaL. and Pisum sativum L., the ‘empty’ ovules werefilled with a standard solution (pH 5.5). Seed coat exudatesof both species were collected during relatively long experiments(up to about 12 h) and the concentration of sugar (mainly sucrose),amino acids and phosphate in the exudate measured. A discussionis presented on the amino acid/sugar ratio and the phosphate/sugarratio in the seed coat exudate. A pretreatment (15 min) withp-chloromercuribenzenesulphonic acid (PCMBS) reduced the releaseof sugar, amino acids and phosphate from broad bean seed coats.After excision of ‘empty’ ovules of Vicia faba andPisum sativum from the maternal plant, 2–4 h after thistreatment a strong difference became visible between sucroserelease from excised seed coats and sucrose release from attachedseed coats. Similarly, when the rate of phloem transport ofsucrose into an ‘empty’ ovule of Vicia faba or Pisumsativum was reduced by a sub-optimal mannitol concentrationin the solution, a reduced rate of sugar release from the seedcoat could be observed. Excision and treatment with a sub-optimalmannitol concentration reduced the release of amino acids toa lesser extent than for sucrose. These treatments did not reducethe rate of phosphate release from the seed coat. Key words: Seed development, Seed coat exudate, Phloem transport  相似文献   

The growth of the fruit of two varieties of almond (Prunus dulcis(Mill.) D. A. Webb) was studid from anthesis (week 0) to maturity(week 32). The dimensions, fresh weight, moisture content, anatomyand chemical composition of the pericarp, testa, embryo, endospermand nucellus are recorded diagrarnmatically, graphically andby micrographs for one variety. Of the two ovules present atflowering only one normally developed further. By 12 weeks afterflowering the whole fruit had reached full size. The space encloscdby the pericarp was filled by nuallus until weck 10, with subsequentenlargement of both endosperm and embryo. From week 16 to week20 the embryo increased to full size with a concumnt decreasein the size of the endosperm. Sixteen weeks after flowering,the embryo began to accumulate protein and lipid, little ofwhich originated from either the nucellus or endosperm. Theembryo contained no starch or reducing sugar but up to 3% sucrosein the early stags which dtcreascd as lipid and protein increased.Starch and sucrose levels were high in the testa at week 16but subsbquently dropped, starch more rapidly than sucrose.The role of the testa in transport of metabolites to the embryois discussed. Prunus dulcis, almond, fruit development, anatomy, embryo, endosperm  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy and x-ray microanalysis were usedto study the localization of nickel in seeds of the hyperaccumulatingspecies Thlaspi pindicum Hausskn. (Brassicaceae). The metalwas preferentially accumulated in the micropylar area oppositethe radicle and in the epidermis of cotyledons. In seed sections,nickel was detected only in the embryo epidermis. Possible reasonsfor this characteristic distribution are discussed. Copyright2001 Annals of Botany Company Embryo, epidermis, hyperaccumulator, x-ray microanalysis, micropylar area, nickel localization, seeds, Thlaspi pindicum Hausskn  相似文献   

Six water stress treatments were applied before, during andafter anthesis of the sunflower inflorescence. The effects ofthese stresses on leaf and inflorescence size, cypsela number,pericarp and embryo weight were examined. Water stress accelerated leaf senescence and reduced leaf number.Leaf area and inflorescence diameter were reduced in some treatments.Total cypsela weight may be related to leaf area. All stresstreatments reduced pericarp weight at all positions. Embryoweight at central positions was similarly affected. Post-anthesisstress did not affect embryo weight at peripheral positions.The effects of water stress on embryo weight may involve a criticalstage in development but this differs from that envisaged forleaves. Helianthus annuus L., sunflower, water stress, cypsela, inflorescence, embryo, pericarp  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers counted from embryo cells of the marine gastropodLittorina saxatilis (=L. rudis), were the same, 2n = 34, inpopulations of two different phenotypes from a small area inSweden. Chromosome number in the related species-complex, Littorinaobtusata, could not be determined definitely, but the most adequatefigure seemed to be 2n = 34. (Received 9 September 1982;  相似文献   

Ceratonia siliqua L. seeds were germinated in water and undera range of PEG 4000-induced moisture stresses. Germination wasretarded as water stress was stronger. Axis growth, total dryweight decrease, and starch formation in the embryo were closelycorrelated to galactomannan depletion, the latter being inhibitedwith lower external water potential. Endosperm -galactosidasewas inhibited in PEG-germinated seeds, while embryo -galactosidaseactivity was not significantly affected. Soluble sugar contentwas higher in cotyledons of seeds geminated under stress conditions,mainly due to higher sucrose accumulation. The higher sugarcontent in the endosperm was mainly due to higher galactoseand mannose content. Water stress effected a delay in the raffinose-typeoligosaccharide depletion.  相似文献   

Leaf d. wt and the levels of soluble sugars and proteins showa two-phase development during leaf growth in Stevia rebaudiana.The initial large increases in leaf size are due mainly to waterintake up to an area of around 9–10 cm2. Increases inabsolute protein content were initially slow though in the secondphase increased it rapidly with dry matter and soluble sugarcontent. In relative terms, however, the concentration of free sugarsdeclined throughout leaf growth. The data indicate that leafprotein synthesis is most probably dependent upon a carbon supplyfrom in situ photo synthesis which only becomes significantat 80 per cent of full leaf area. Stevia rebaudiana Bert., leaf ontogeny, protein content, sugar content  相似文献   

Comparative embryo development has been studied histologicallyin Lupinus albus, Lupinus mutabilis, Vicia faba, Pisum sativumand Latkyrus latifolius. The detailed histology of the stagesof embryo formation up to the early differentiation of tissuesof the seed is reported. The rate of embryogenesis has beentimed through 15 stages of development from anthesis and comparativerates of tissue formation established between the species. Themain observation was the slow rate of morphogenesis of embryosand seeds in Lupinus albus in comparison with the very rapidrate observed in Pisum sativum. A long period at the globularembryo stage, when embryo morphogenesis was inactive contributedto the extended development time of embryos and seeds in Lupinusalbus. Slow differentiation of reproductive tissues in L. albusdetermines late maturity in seeds and pods. Lupinus albus, white lupin, L. mutabilis, tarwi, Vicia faba, faba bean, Pisum sativum, pea, Lathyrus latifolius, everlasting pea, embryo development  相似文献   

Embryo sac development in ‘Nonpareil’ almond wasstudied following cross-, self- and non-pollination under fieldand greenhouse conditions. The embryo sac, which develops accordingto the Polygonum type, does not begin to differentiate untilanthesis in contrast to other Prunus spp. where a well-developedembryo sac is present at the time of flower opening. The developingmegagametophyte appears to be isolated from surrounding nucellartissue by the deposition of a ring of callose, which, as indicatedby aniline blue-induced fluorescence in the walls of nucellarcells, encloses the embryo sac during its elongation. Developmentand growth of the embryo sac following the different pollinationtreatments indicated that embryo sac development was stimulatedby the presence of compatible pollen tubes in the style andfinal elongation growth of the embryo sac was promoted by cross-pollination.Irregularities in megagametophyte development, including delayeddifferentiation of the megaspore mother cell, embryo sac abortionand lack of polar nuclei fusion and embryo sac elongation, werefrequently noted in ovules of self- and non-pollinated flowers. Almond, callose, embryo sac, megagametophyte, pollination, Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb.  相似文献   

Fruit Development and Structure in Some Indian Bamboos   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fruit structure and development of seven species belonging tofive genera of Indian bamboos are described. The fruit in fourspecies is a caryopsis typical of the family Poaceae. The ovuleis bitegmic; the outer surface of the cells of nucellar epidermisbecomes cutinized and forms the seed coat. Three species beara fleshy fruit with a unitegmic ovule. In a mature fruit theendosperm is either completely absorbed by the embryo or ispresent only in small quantity. The developing embryo comesin direct contact with the fruit wall due to the disintegrationof the nucellus and integument. The embryo is covered by a thickbrown mat from the disorganized cells of the inner layers ofthe fruit wall. Poaceae, Bambusoideae, Bambusa, Dendrocalamus, Melocalamus, Ochlandra, Pseudostachyum (fleshy fruits), fruit wall  相似文献   

The procera (pro) mutant of tomato exhibits a well-characterizedconstitutive gibberellic acid (GA) response phenotype. The tomatoDELLA gene LeGAI in the pro mutant background contains a pointmutation that results in an amino acid change in the conservedVHVID putative DNA-binding domain in LeGAI to VHEID. This samepoint mutation is in four different genetic backgrounds exhibitingthe pro phenotype, suggesting that this mutation co-segregateswith the pro phenotype. Complementation of the mutant with aconstitutively expressed wild-type LeGAI gene sequence was notconclusive due to the infertility of transgenic plants. Thepro mutation alters tomato branching architecture through differentialsuppression of axillary bud development, indicating a role forDELLA proteins in the regulation of plant structure. Isolatedgib-1 pro double mutant embryo axes, which are unable to synthesizeGA, germinate faster than their wild-type counterparts, andexert greater embryo growth potential. The pro mutation is thereforeregulating GA responses within the tomato embryo. Transientexpression of a LeGAI–GFP (green fluorescent protein)fusion protein in onion epidermis results in its location tothe nucleus, and this protein is rapidly degraded by the proteasomein the presence of GA. Key words: Branching pattern, DELLA, embryo growth potential, tomato seed germination Received 12 October 2007; Revised 27 November 2007 Accepted 28 November 2007  相似文献   

There is little information on the fate of embryo sacs in plantovules if pollination is prevented. In this study embryo sacsfrom watermelon were observed over a 13 day period followingflowering with (a) normal pollination, (b) non-pollination and(c) induction of parthenocarpic fruit development with naphthaleneacetic acid. Following pollination, and prior to fertilizationapproximately 2 days later, the embryo sacs completed developmentand consisted of two synergids with prominent filiform apparatus,an egg cell, a central cell with two polar nuclei and threeantipodal cells. Sperm nuclei were observed within the embryosac at 2 days and by 4 days the endosperm was proliferating.In the non-pollination treatment the embryo sac was still intactafter 4 days although the antipodal nuclei were becoming hardto distinguish. By 7 days only the two synergids and the eggcell were still well defined, the polar nuclei appeared in somepreparations to be fused, and the antipodals had degenerated.By 10 days the embryo sac was a structure-less watery mass.In parthenocarpic fruit the fate of the embryo sac was similarto that in non-pollinated fruit except that final breakdownwas delayed past 10 days. Maturity of the majority of embryo sacs in an ovary appearedto be contemporaneous with penetration of the pollen tube, andon the basis of the anatomical results it seems possible thatembryo sacs could be fertilized up to 2 days beyond the normaltime. Citrullus lanatus, watermelon, embryo sac, anatomy, pollination, parthenocarpy  相似文献   

We have used chlorotetracycline (CTC) and fluphenazine (FPZ)as fluorescent probes to visualize the distributional patternsof membrane calcium (mCa2+) and the Ca2+-receptor protein calmodulin(CaM) in various cell types of unfixed living isolated and unisolatedembryo sacs of Petunia hydrida L. and Nicotiana tabacum L. Ourresults indicate that in the young embryo sacs of Petunia, bothsynergids and the central cell sequester relatively higher amountsof mCa2+ and CaM than the egg cell and the antipodals. Much of the mCa2+ in the synergids is polarized in its distributionin that the mCa2+ is higher towards the micropylar end of thesynergids. Interestingly, in the mature embryo sacs of Petuniaonly one of the two synergids and the egg cell proper manifesta higher level of mCa2+. In vivo only one of the synergids inthe young as well as in the mature embryo sacs if Nicotianaconsistently show higher mCa2+. In the mature embryo sacs of Petunia the level of CaM is almostuniform in all the cell types except that one of the synergidsand the three antipodal cells show a slightly higher level ofCaM. The possible implications of these findings in the late eventsof vectorial orientation of pollen tube tip, pollen-tube-synergidinteractions and sperm delivery mechanism are discussed.Copyright1993, 1999 Academic Press Membrane-Ca2+, calmodulin, living embryo sacs, Petunia, Nicotiana, pollen tube-synergid interaction  相似文献   

Background and Aims: The embryo sac, nucellus and integuments of the early-divergentangiosperms Hydatellaceae and other Nymphaeales are comparedwith those of other seed plants, in order to evaluate the evolutionaryorigin of these characters in the angiosperms. Methods: Using light microscopy, ovule and embryo sac development aredescribed in five (of 12) species of Trithuria, the sole genusof Hydatellaceae, and compared with those of Cabombaceae andNymphaeaceae. Key Results: The ovule of Trithuria is bitegmic and tenuinucellate, ratherthan bitegmic and crassinucellate as in most other Nymphaeales.The seed is operculate and possesses a perisperm that developsprecociously, which are both key features of Nymphaeales. However,in the Indian species T. konkanensis, perisperm is relativelypoorly developed by the time of fertilization. Perisperm cellsin Trithuria become multinucleate during development, a featureobserved also in other Nymphaeales. The outer integument issemi-annular (‘hood-shaped’), as in Cabombaceaeand some Nymphaeaceae, in contrast to the annular (‘cap-shaped’)outer integument of some other Nymphaeaceae (e.g. Barclaya)and Amborella. The megagametophyte in Trithuria is monosporicand four-nucleate; at the two-nucleate stage both nuclei occurin the micropylar domain. Double megagametophytes were frequentlyobserved, probably developed from different megaspores of thesame tetrad. Indirect, but strong evidence is presented forapomictic embryo development in T. filamentosa. Conclusions: Most features of the ovule and embryo sac of Trithuria are consistentwith a close relationship with other Nymphaeales, especiallyCabombaceae. The frequent occurrence of double megagametophytesin the same ovule indicates a high degree of developmental flexibility,and could provide a clue to the evolutionary origin of the Polygonum-typeof angiosperm embryo sac.  相似文献   

Although the importance of the endosperm as a food store inmany angiosperm seeds is well known, its significance duringearly embryogenesis has been neglected. In many interspecifichybrids, and in some other situations, embryos do not developfully and abort. It has often been stated that this is causedby the endosperm failing to conduct sufficient nutrients tothe embryo, but seldom has it been suggested that the endospermactively controls most of the early stages of morphogenesisof the embryo. Information gleaned from a broad survey of theliterature, combined with additional evidence presented here,obtained fromSolanum incanumand interspecific hybrids, indicatethat the endosperm is dynamic and very active in regulatingearly embryo development. This requires highly integrated geneticcontrol of rapidly changing metabolism in the endosperm. Ininterspecific hybrids, lack of coordination may cause unbalancedproduction of growth regulating substances by the endospermand hence abortion of the embryo, or even unregulated productionof nucleases and proteases resulting firstly in autolysis ofthe endosperm and then digestion of the embryo. The endospermmay thus serve to detect inappropriate hybridization of speciesor ploidy levels and so prevent waste of resources by producingseeds that would result in sterile hybrids or unthrifty subsequentgenerations. This discriminatory function of the endosperm hasdiminished during evolution and domestication of the crop plantSolanummelongenaL.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Solanum, embryo morphogenesis, endosperm, hybrid, seed development.  相似文献   

The results are reported of growth experiments carried out overthree seasons on the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia.The values obtained for relative growth rate, net assimilationrate and leaf area ratio for oats, radish and turnip are discussedand contrasted with values reported for temperate sites. A hypothesisis put forward to explain the consistent depression of Rw andFA whilst the intermittent depression of EA is linked with WarrenWilson's theory of the inhibiting effects of sugar accumulation.The usefulness of this technique in ecological applicationsis examined with particular reference to tundra regions.  相似文献   

Ovules of broad bean (Vicia faba L.) were studied to discloseultrastructural features, which can facilitate nutrient transportto the embryo sac from 10 d after pollination (DAP) to the matureseed. Fertilization occurs during the first 24 h after pollination.The endosperm is a coenocyte, which is eventually consumed bythe embryo. By 10 DAP the inner integument is degraded and theouter integument adjoins the embryo sac boundary. The heart-shapedembryo approaches the embryo sac boundary at two sites, whichhere are named contact zones. Small integument cells in theneighbourhood of the first formed contact zones become separatedby prominent intercellular spaces. A heterogenous scatteringmaterial, probably representing secretion products accumulatesin these spaces. By 14-16 DAP the integument exudate disappears,and the suspensor degenerates. As the contact zones increasein size, wall ingrowths form a bridging network in the narrowspace between the embryo sac boundary and the extra-embryonicpart of the endosperm wall. The epidermal cells of the embryoseparate adjacent to these zones, and develop conspicuous wallingrowths. At 20 DAP vacuoles showing various stages in formationof protein bodies appear in the cells of the embryo.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Vicia faba, broad beans, ovule, seed, nutrient transport  相似文献   

Embryo rescue techniques in Arachis are potentially importantfor recovering interspecific hybrids which have the propensityto abort. Pegs are commonly produced in interspecific crosses,but either they fail to reach the soil because growth is arrested,or pods are produced but embryo development is never re-initiated.Peg tips, with the ovule and embryo, of A. hypogaea L. cv. ‘NC6’, were used to determine whether peg tips can be usedas nurse tissue for in vitro culture of embryos. Tissues werecollected 1, 2, 3 and 4 d after self-pollination, after whichpeg meristems were removed from half the pegs, and culturedon five media combinations. Continued reproductive developmentwas observed for embryos cultured at all four collection days;however, the highest frequency of growth was observed in 1-d-oldtissues. Evidence is presented that meristematic activity mayrestrict embryo growth in the 2- to 4-d-old embryos and, oncethe sequence of events is initiated to slow embryo growth, itis not easily reversed in vitro. Achievements of embryo growthto multicellular, globular stages (stages 1–1 or 1–2)encourage the development of methods to recover very young embryosthrough tissue-culture techniques. Embryo culture, morphology, interspecific hybridization, Arachis hypogaea, comparative light and scanning electron microscopy, peanuts, groundnuts  相似文献   

MOORE  K. G. 《Annals of botany》1965,29(3):433-444
Data are recorded of the changes in chlorophylls, carotene,sugar, shikimic acid, and anthocyanin in leaves of sycamore(Acer pseudoplatanus L.) and Virginia creeper (Parthenocissustricuspidata Planch.) during leaf maturity and senescence. InParthenocissus the losses of chlorophylls, carotene, sugar,and shikimic acid during senescence were closely correlated,and were inversely related to the accumulation of anthocyanin.The losses of chlorophylls, carotene, and sugar by Acer leaveswere also closely correlated. No evidence was found to supportthe suggestion that anthocyanin formation was caused by accumulationof sugar during senescence, but marked differences in shikimicacid content were found between leaves of Acer, which did notform anthocyanin, and Parthenocissus. which did. It is suggestedthat autumn senescence of these leaves involves the rapid senescenceof an increasing proportion of the leaf tissue during a periodof 80 days, and that measurements of the content of constituentsgive an estimate of the proportion of the leaf tissue whichhas senesced.  相似文献   

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