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乌梁素海浮游细菌群落结构及其对富营养化因子的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】揭示乌梁素海浮游细菌的群落结构及其对富营养化环境因子的响应,认识乌梁素海浮游细菌多样性,以丰富微生物与富营养化关系的理论。【方法】提取水体浮游细菌总DNA,利用细菌通用引物对63F/1387R进行PCR扩增,构建小口、沙尖北和红圪卜3个湖区16S rRNA基因克隆文库;以典型对应分析(CCA)方法解析浮游细菌群落结构对环境因子的响应。【结果】各湖区中富营养化程度最重的红圪卜位点细菌多样性、丰富度及均匀度最高,而富营养化程度最轻的小口位点细菌多样性、丰富度及均匀度最低。Proteobacteria、Bacteroidetes和Actinobacteria为水体中优势类群。α-、γ-、δ-Proteobacteria,Actinobacteria及Bacteroidetes等菌群丰度随着水体的富营养化程度改变而有显著的变化。各湖区皆存在许多可能具有污染物降解及驱动生源要素循环能力的细菌类群。CCA分析表明TN、NH4+、NO3-和COD等水体指标对浮游细菌群落结构组成的影响较大。此外,乌梁素海水体内未知细菌类群很多;且不同于一般淡水生态系统,乌梁素海中存在9.6%的轻度嗜盐碱性细菌。【结论】乌梁素海水体中浮游细菌多样性较高,细菌群落结构复杂、其类群组成与富营养化因子紧密相关。  相似文献   

湖泊富营养化灰色评价模型及其应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
湖泊富营养化灰色评价模型及其应用冯玉国(冶金部山东地质勘查局三队,烟台264002)AGreyEvaluationModeloflakeEutrophicationanditsApplication.FengYuguo(No.3TeamofShand...  相似文献   

滨海盐土是重要的农业土地后备资源.微生物是土壤中物质循环的关键动力,然而盐度对土壤微生物群落特征影响的研究还很缺乏.本研究采集滨海地区的土壤样品,研究非盐、轻盐和高盐3组不同盐度对土壤细菌数量、多样性和群落构建的影响.结果表明:与非盐和轻盐土壤相比,高盐土壤的脱氢酶活性和细菌数量显著降低,而细菌α多样性没有变化,细菌群...  相似文献   

【目的】了解大水面放养水葫芦对富营养化湖泊水体可培养细菌群落结构和多样性的影响。【方法】采用稀释平板法,分别对云南滇池紫根水葫芦放养区(ZW)、野生型普通水葫芦放养区(PW)、未放养水葫芦对照区(CK)水体中细菌进行分离,并对其16S r RNA序列进行分析。【结果】分别从ZW、PW、CK 3种水体分离得到54、49、40株菌落形态差异的细菌,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数分别为3.17、3.07、2.73,细菌数量分别为1.35×107、8.35×106、2.70×106 CFU/L。16S r RNA序列分析表明,ZW、PW、CK 3种水体可培养细菌主要包括变形菌门α亚群(Alphaproteobacteria,35.1%、32.4%和40%)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria,18.9%、32.4%和20%)、变形菌门β亚群(Betaproteobacteria,13.5%、5.9%和16.0%)、变形菌门γ亚群(Gammaproteobacteria,13.5%、14.6%和12.0%)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes,13.5%、8.8%和8.0%)和厚壁菌门(Firmicutes,2.7%、5.9%和4.0%)。在属的水平上,3种水体仅有鞘氨醇盒菌属(Sphingopyxis)、红细菌属(Rhodobacter)、黄色杆菌属(Xanthobacter)、新鞘脂菌属(Novosphingobium)、鞘氨醇单胞菌属(Sphingomonas)、假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)、微杆菌属(Microbacterium)、链霉菌属(Steptomyces)、黄杆菌属(Flavobacterium)、芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)等10个属的细菌为共有菌属。【结论】大水面放养水葫芦提高了富营养化湖泊水体中可培养细菌的多样性,改变了细菌的群落结构。  相似文献   

淡水湖泊浮游藻类对富营养化和气候变暖的响应   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
水体富营养化和气候变暖是淡水生态系统面临的两大威胁。文章分别阐述了富营养化和气候变暖对淡水湖泊浮游藻类直接和间接效应, 并总结气候变暖可能通过影响水体理化性质、水生植物组成、食物链结构从而直接或间接改变浮游藻类生物量或群落结构。作者重点分析了气候变暖下湖泊生态系统蓝藻水华暴发机制, 比较了不同湖泊蓝藻对气候变暖和富营养化响应的异同点, 发现气候变暖和富营养化对湖泊生态系统影响存在相似性, 表现在均促进湖泊由清水-浊水稳态转变、增加蓝藻水华发生频率和强度。然而二者对湖泊浮游藻类影响的相对重要性取决于分层型湖泊和混合型湖泊的差异性、不同营养型湖泊和不同类群蓝藻组成差异性。作者认为, 开展气候变暖和富营养化下, 湖泊浮游藻类功能群响应研究亟待进行。  相似文献   

桂林罗汉肚洞细菌群落的环境驱动机制及群落构建过程   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
【目的】洞穴被认为是黑暗、寡营养的极端环境,是研究深地生物圈的天然实验室。洞穴内部小生境丰富,不同洞穴水文条件和环境因子等差异大,尽管微生物群落在不同的洞穴中均显示出较强的生境特异性,但对不同相态(固相和液相)环境样本中微生物群落的环境驱动机制以及群落构建的生态学过程的认识却十分薄弱。为了回答上述科学问题。【方法】本文选择了桂林地区典型的喀斯特洞穴罗汉肚洞,针对洞穴中不同生境(岩壁、沉积物、水潭积水、滴水和地下河河水)进行系统采样以及16S rRNA扩增子的高通量测序分析和理化参数的测试。【结果】结果表明洞穴中不同生境微生物群落结构具有显著的生境特异性。岩壁样品以放线菌门(Actinobacteria)为优势类群,沉积物中的优势类群则为酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria),所有水样微生物群落均以γ-变形菌纲(Gammaproteobacteria)为主。温度、风化指数以及SO42–浓度显著影响罗汉肚岩壁和沉积物等固相样本中微生物的群落结构,其中USCγ和假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)与温度呈正相关,假诺卡氏菌属(Pseudonocar...  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】揭示乌梁素海富营养化湖泊湖滨湿地沉积物与土壤过渡带细菌群落的组成、丰度以及多样性变化,结合土壤理化因子探讨其对细菌群落结构的影响。【方法】采用湿地土壤总DNA提取方法提取沉积物和土壤总DNA,对细菌群落的16S rRNA 基因的V1-V3区进行高通量测序,分析各样品中细菌群落结构的组成、丰度以及多样性指标;土壤理化性质采用标准方法测定,分析其对细菌群落结构的驱动作用。【结果】富营养化湖泊湖滨湿地水陆过渡带的芦苇沼泽沉积物、碱蓬群落盐碱化土壤和白刺群落荒漠化土壤中,细菌群落组成和各类群细菌的相对丰度差异较大,门水平上的细菌类群主要有Proteobacteria、Bacteroidetes、Chloroflexi、Actinobacteria、Planctomycetes和Gemmatimonadetes,细菌群落多样性指数随陆向分布依次在增高,门水平上Proteobacteria和属水平上Sulfurimonas对湖泊退化演化敏感;环境因子最佳子集为总磷、水溶盐总量和铵态氮的组合对整个细菌群落结构的影响最为明显,相关系数最高(R=0.8857),Mantel检验结果表明这种相关关系为显著相关(P=0.037)。【结论】乌梁素海富营养化湖泊湖滨湿地过渡带细菌群落结构差异较大,Sulfurimonas属在乌梁素海富营养化湖泊沉积物的生物地球化学循环中扮演着重要的角色,应在以后的研究中得到更多的关注。  相似文献   

湖泊水体细菌多样性及其生态功能研究进展   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
维护湖泊生态系统健康发展是一个全球关注的热点问题.细菌不仅是湖泊系统食物网的重要组成部分,同时在控制和调节湖泊水质方面发挥着重要作用.本文对于细菌多样性的相关概念和评价方法、细菌群落在湖泊水体中的分布特征、形成机制及其生态功能等方面进行了综合论述和分析.目前,在湖泊水体中共发现21个典型的淡水细菌门类,其中变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、蓝细菌门(Cyanobacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)和疣微菌门(Verrucomicrobia)是最主要的5个门类.Beijerinck和Baas-Becking的观点及Meta-群落假说,均表明湖泊水体细菌群落多样性和物种分布特征是“随机分布”和“环境决定”两种过程共同作用的结果.对湖泊细菌功能的研究,主要集中于细菌参与下的湖泊水体生产力和元素的生物地球化学循环过程.尽管经过十几年的不懈努力,人们对湖泊细菌群落多样性和功能的认识还十分有限,湖泊细菌生态学仍是一门年轻的科学,限制着人们对湖泊微生物群落的进一步认识.未来研究者们需要在以下4个方面重点开展工作:(1)综合细菌表型、基因型、系统发育史及生态特征的一致性来界定细菌“种”的概念;(2)在区域尺度上研究细菌在不同斑块间的扩散作用;(3)在微观尺度上研究细菌群落多样性及功能特征;(4)提出或验证湖泊细菌群落多样性的生态理论及假说,完善微生物生态学相关理论框架.  相似文献   

湖泊的水生态模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于城市化进程的不断加快,大量的污染物排放到湖泊中,打破了湖泊的生态平衡.湖泊的水生态模型不仅能够研究湖泊的富营养化现象,而且还可以模拟工业毒物等污染物对湖泊生态系统的影响,是湖泊管理的有力工具.本文从分析湖泊的污染现状以及污染趋势出发,介绍了湖泊水生态模型的研究现状,并根据模型的模拟对象和空间模拟能力对湖泊水生态模型进行了分类.在此基础上介绍了AQUATOX、PAMOLARE、CAEDYM、WASP、OOMAS等比较成熟的模拟湖泊生态系统的模型软件,阐述了它们的产生、发展、主要特点以及应用,总结了当今湖泊水生态模型在模拟过程中遇到的问题,并对水生态模型的发展趋势进行了展望.本文为湖泊水生态模型的选择提供了建议.  相似文献   

探究乌梁素海富营养化湖泊湿地演化过程中,不同植物群落下土壤氨氧化细菌群落的组成、丰度、亲缘关系以及多样性变化,结合湿地理化因子探讨基质条件对氨氧化细菌群落结构的影响。提取沉积物和土壤总DNA,对氨氧化细菌群落的amoA基因构建克隆文库,并进行测序,分析湿地沉积物与土壤过渡带4个样点中氨氧化细菌群落结构的组成、丰度、亲缘关系以及多样性指标;分析基质条件变化对氨氧化细菌群落结构的影响。富营养化湖泊湿地水陆过渡带的芦苇沼泽沉积物、碱蓬盐碱化土壤和白刺荒漠化土壤中,氨氧化细菌群落结构组成相似性逐渐降低;优势种群发生明显变化,氨氧化细菌从与Nitrosomonaslike序列相似为主要优势类群向与Nitrosospira-like序列相似为主要优势类群转变,群落结构空间异质性成因主要由总氮和水溶盐总量这两个基质因子所主导,相关系数r为0.943;多样性指数分析表明,芦苇沼泽沉积物和白刺荒漠化土壤适合多样的氨氧化细菌生长。氨氧化细菌多样性与优势种群在湿地水陆过渡带发生明显变化,氨氧化细菌群落结构主要驱动因子为总氮和水溶盐总量的组合。  相似文献   

Two recent, independent advances in ecology have generated interest and controversy: the development of neutral community models (NCMs) and the extension of biogeographical relationships into the microbial world. Here these two advances are linked by predicting an observed microbial taxa-volume relationship using an NCM and provide the strongest evidence so far for neutral community assembly in any group of organisms, macro or micro. Previously, NCMs have only ever been fitted using species-abundance distributions of macroorganisms at a single site or at one scale and parameter values have been calibrated on a case-by-case basis. Because NCMs predict a malleable two-parameter taxa-abundance distribution, this is a weak test of neutral community assembly and, hence, of the predictive power of NCMs. Here the two parameters of an NCM are calibrated using the taxa-abundance distribution observed in a small waterborne bacterial community housed in a bark-lined tree-hole in a beech tree. Using these parameters, unchanged, the taxa-abundance distributions and taxa-volume relationship observed in 26 other beech tree communities whose sizes span three orders of magnitude could be predicted. In doing so, a simple quantitative ecological mechanism to explain observations in microbial ecology is simultaneously offered and the predictive power of NCMs is demonstrated.  相似文献   

  1. Understanding the successional patterns of microbial communities during a phytoplankton bloom is crucial for predicting the compositional and functional stability of lake ecosystems in response to the disturbance of a bloom. Previous studies on bacterial communities associated with blooms have rarely studied the dynamics of these communities. The successional patterns of bacterial communities within different micro-habitats (i.e. water column versus particles) and mechanisms that shape these communities that differ in composition and structure remain unclear.
  2. We selected a eutrophic urban lake to investigate the succession of bacterial communities during a bloom. We divided the bacterial communities into free-living (FL) and particle-attached (PA) groups based on their different lifestyles. The amplicon-based 16S rRNA gene high-throughput sequencing technology was used to obtain bacterial community composition and phylogenetic structure.
  3. Our study showed distinct successional patterns between FL and PA bacterial communities, and the two bacterial lifestyles showed different responses and resilience to the bloom, in terms of diversity and relative abundance of bacterial taxa. Alpha-diversity of the PA bacterial community decreased during the bloom, whereas that of the FL bacterial community increased. More taxa in the FL bacterial community showed resilience after the disturbance than in the PA bacterial community.
  4. The influence of phytoplankton blooms on the assembly of the bacterial community can be viewed as niche selection that led to the decrease in the relative importance of stochastic processes in shaping both FL and PA bacterial communities. This study shows the ecological significance of the bacterial community response to bloom events in lakes. It also shows that assembly processes differ for bacterial communities that have different lifestyles in lake ecosystems disturbed by phytoplankton blooms.

Tubificid and lumbriculid worms were used to monitor, at depths of 150 m, the recovery of Lake Geneva (Switzerland) from eutrophication. As predicted from the decrease of phosphorus concentrations, relative abundance of oligotrophic species was higher from 1988 to 1993 than in 1983, i.e. before the abatement of eutrophication. However, this trend towards oligotrophication can be reversed, as indicated by a decrease of oligotrophic species, recorded in 1993. But this change corresponded to the effects of an increase of water temperature on the abundance of the mesotrophic species Potamothrix vejdovskyi rather than to a deterioration of the profundal. In addition to this short-term setback, oligochaete communities located at a depth of 150 m responded more slowly and less clearly to the decrease of phosphorus concentrations than those located at a depth of 40 m. However, the zoobenthos indicated more clearly the recovery of Lake Geneva than the phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Moss  Brian 《Hydrobiologia》1990,200(1):367-377
Engineering approaches (nutrient removal, sediment pumping, hypolimnion oxygenation, alum treatments) may be most appropriate to deep lakes where the aim of restoration from eutrophication is simply to reduce the production and crop of one component, the phytoplankton. They do not always give the desired results because the nutrient loading may only be reduced to a limited extent. There are additional problems in shallow lakes where change of state between community dominance (aquatic plants versus plankton) is wanted. Each community has powerful buffering mechanisms and biomanipulation may be essential to switch one state to another even with considerable nutrient reduction. For the phytoplankton-dominated community the buffers include the advantages of early growth, lower diffusion pathways for CO2, overhead shading, and an absence of large cladoceran grazers. This later is because open-water shallow environments provide no refuges against predation for the large Cladocera which are both the most efficient grazers and the most favoured prey for fish. Restoration of aquatic plants may then require provision of refuges for the grazers. Different sorts of refuge are discussed using case studies of Hoveton Great Broad and Cockshoot Broad in the Norfolk Broadland.  相似文献   

Marine planktonic bacteria and archaea commonly exhibit pronounced seasonal succession in community composition. But the existence of seasonality in their assembly processes and between‐domain differences in underlying mechanism are largely unassessed. Using a high‐coverage sampling strategy (including single sample for each station during four cruises in different seasons), 16S rRNA gene sequencing, and null models, we investigated seasonal patterns in the processes governing spatial turnover of bacteria and archaea in surface coastal waters across a sampling grid over ~300 km in the East China Sea. We found that archaea only bloomed in prokaryotic communities during autumn and winter cruises. Seasonality mostly overwhelmed spatial variability in the compositions of both domains. Bacterial and archaeal communities were dominantly governed by deterministic and stochastic assembly processes, respectively, in autumn cruise, probably due to the differences in niche breadths (bacteria < archaea) and relative abundance (bacteria > archaea). Stochasticity dominated assembly mechanisms of both domains but was driven by distinct processes in winter cruise. Determinism‐dominated assembly mechanisms of bacteria rebounded in spring and summer cruises, reflecting seasonal variability in bacterial community assembly. This could be attributed to seasonal changes in bacterial niche breadths and habitat heterogeneity across the study area. There were seasonal changes in environmental factors mediating the determinism‐stochasticity balance of bacterial community assembly, holding a probability of the existence of unmeasured mediators. Our results suggest contrasting assembly mechanisms of bacteria and archaea in terms of determinism‐vs.‐stochasticity pattern and its seasonality, highlighting the importance of seasonal perspective on microbial community assembly in marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

We investigated aquatic macrophytes, water quality, and phytoplankton biomass and species composition in three shallow lakes with different levels of vegetation cover and nutrient concentration in Kushiro Moor, during August 2000. Trapa japonica can live in a wide range of nutrient levels. This species forms an environment with a steeper extinction of light, higher concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), lower concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO) near the bottom, and lower concentrations of nitrate+nitrite and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) than other vegetation types. The pH was much higher in a Polygonum amphibium community, and the DO near the bottom did not decrease compared to a T.japonica community in the summer. The relationship between chlorophyll a and the limiting nutrient (total phosphorus (TP) when total nitrogen (TN):TPis 10 and TN/10 when TN:TP is <10) significantly differed between lakes with and without submerged vegetation. The chlorophyll a concentrations at a given nutrient level were significantly lower in water with submerged macrophytes than in water without them. Correspondence analysis showed that the difference in phytoplankton community structure across sites was largely due to the presence or absence of submerged macrophytes, and the ordination of phytoplankton species in the lakes with submerged macrophytes is best explained by environmental gradients of TN, chlorophyll, pH and SRP.  相似文献   

Agriculture is the most dominant land use globally and is projected to increase in the future to support a growing human population but also threatens ecosystem structure and services. Bacteria mediate numerous biogeochemical pathways within ecosystems. Therefore, identifying linkages between stressors associated with agricultural land use and responses of bacterial diversity is an important step in understanding and improving resource management. Here, we use the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP) ecoregion, a highly modified agroecosystem, as a case study to better understand agriculturally associated drivers of stream bacterial diversity and assembly mechanisms. In the MAP, we found that planktonic bacterial communities were strongly influenced by salinity. Tolerant taxa increased with increasing ion concentrations, likely driving homogenous selection which accounted for ~90% of assembly processes. Sediment bacterial phylogenetic diversity increased with increasing agricultural land use and was influenced by sediment particle size, with assembly mechanisms shifting from homogenous to variable selection as differences in median particle size increased. Within individual streams, sediment heterogeneity was correlated with bacterial diversity and a subsidy-stress relationship along the particle size gradient was observed. Planktonic and sediment communities within the same stream also diverged as sediment particle size decreased. Nutrients including carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus, which tend to be elevated in agroecosystems, were also associated with detectable shifts in bacterial community structure. Collectively, our results establish that two understudied variables, salinity and sediment texture, are the primary drivers of bacterial diversity within the studied agroecosystem, whereas nutrients are secondary drivers. Although numerous macrobiological communities respond negatively, we observed increasing bacterial diversity in response to agricultural stressors including salinization and sedimentation. Elevated taxonomic and phylogenetic bacterial diversity likely increases the probability of detecting community responses to stressors. Thus, bacteria community responses may be more reliable for establishing water quality goals within highly modified agroecosystems that have experienced shifting baselines.  相似文献   

The intestinal microbiota plays an important role in the digestion and absorption of nutrients in animals. To address the challenge of conservation, many endangered wildlife are kept in captive or semi-captive conditions. Numerous studies have been conducted on the intestinal microbiota of captive animals, but little information is available on the intestinal microbiota of semi-captive animals, such as Przewalski's gazelle (Procapra przewalskii), which is an endangered ungulate species only distributed around Qinghai Lake in China. In this study, we used high-throughput sequencing methods to analyze the gut bacterial community of semi-captive Przewalski's gazelles during summer and winter. There were differences in the gut bacterial community composition between the 2 seasons, with higher bacterial diversity in winter. Deterministic processes dominated the bacterial community assembly in both seasons. There was a greater influence of heterogeneous selection in winter compared to summer, suggesting that there was more intestinal environmental filtering and selection on shaping the gut bacterial community during winter. There were more potential probiotic bacteria and fewer potential pathogens in winter compared to summer. Overall, stronger heterogeneous selection in winter might enhance gut selection for potential probiotic bacteria and filter out potential pathogens in Przewalski's gazelles, allowing them to adapt to the harsh living conditions in winter. Our study clarified that seasonal fluctuations trigger shifts in bacterial communities, which have potential benefits for Przewalski's gazelles. These results could provide valuable information for managing semi-captive populations and for future wild releases of Przewalski's gazelles.  相似文献   

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