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We have earlier reported antileishmanial activity of hypericin by spermidine starvation. In the current report, we have used label free proteome quantitation approach to identify differentially modulated proteins after hypericin treatment. A total of 141 proteins were found to be differentially regulated with ANOVA P value less than 0.05 in hypericin treated Leishmania promastigotes. Differentially modulated proteins have been broadly classified under nine major categories. Increase in ribosomal protein S7 protein suggests the repression of translation. Inhibition of proteins related to ubiquitin proteasome system, RNA binding protein and translation initiation factor also suggests altered translation. We have also observed increased expression of Hsp 90, Hsp 83–1 and stress inducible protein 1. Significant decreased level of cyclophilin was observed. These stress related protein could be cellular response of the parasite towards hypericin induced cellular stress. Also, defective metabolism, biosynthesis and replication of nucleic acids, flagellar movement and signalling of the parasite were observed as indicated by altered expression of proteins involved in these pathways. The data was analyzed rigorously to get further insight into hypericin induced parasitic death.  相似文献   

Starvation Response of the Marine Barophile CNPT-3   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The psychrophilic marine barophile CNPT-3 underwent a starvation-survival response similar to that reported for the marine bacteria Ant-300, DW1, and S-14. The number of culturable cells increased initially and then decreased gradually over a 24-day starvation period, with corresponding decreases in total cell number and direct viability count. A significant reduction in cell size and biovolume accompanied these changes. Starved cells demonstrated a greater tendency to attach at the in situ pressure (400 atm; ca. 40.5 MPa) and temperature (5°C) than at 1 atm (ca. 101 kPa), and the extent of attachment increased with increasing duration of starvation. The membrane fatty acid profile of the marine barophile CNPT-3 was studied as the cells were subjected to starvation conditions. A 37.5% increase in saturated fatty acids was observed during the first 8 days of starvation, with a concomitant decrease in unsaturated fatty acids. There was also an increase in the amount of short-chain (<C15:0) fatty acids.  相似文献   

The Survival of Marine Bacteria under Starvation Conditions   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The survival under starvation conditions of two selected strains of marine bacteria, a yellow Pseudomonas sp. (strain 95A) and an unidentified oxidative peritrichate Gram negative rod (strain 41), was investigated. The 50% survival times of suspensions in phosphate buffer depended on cell density and were often more than 20 d. A capacity to scavenge atmospheric nitrogenous compounds led to a marked increase in the viability of cell suspensions of 104 cells/ml. Intracellular poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) prolonged the survival of strain 95A. Strain 41 contained more intracellular protein and this was degraded during starvation in ammonia-free air. Prolonged survival was not explicable in terms of low adenylate charge states. The 'maintenance energy'requirements of strains 95A and 41 in chemostat cultures were 0.042 and 0.04 g glucose/g dry wt/h respectively, compared with dilution-rate-dependent values of 0.051 to 0.856 for Escherichia coli. The low maintenance energy requirements would not alone explain the long viability. Thus no peculiar physiological property such as nitrogen-scavenging, ability to survive at the expense of intracellular PHB or protein, abnormally low cellular protein content, low maintenance energy requirements or a low adenylate charge state fully account for the starvation resistance of these marine bacteria.  相似文献   

Since starvation for carbon sources is a common condition for bacteria in nature and it can also occur in industrial fermentation processes due to mixing zones, knowledge about the response of cells to carbon starvation is beneficial. The preferred carbon source for bacilli is glucose. The response of Bacillus pumilus cells to glucose starvation using metabolic labeling and quantitative proteomics was analyzed. Glucose starvation led to an extensive reprogramming of the protein expression pattern in B. pumilus. The amounts of proteins of the central carbon metabolic pathways (glycolysis and TCC) remained stable in starving cells. Proteins for gluconeogenesis were found in higher amounts during starvation. Furthermore, many proteins involved in acquisition and usage of alternative carbon sources were present in elevated amounts in starving cells. Enzymes for fatty acid degradation and proteases and peptidases were also found in higher abundance when cells entered stationary phase. Among the proteins found in lower amounts were many enzymes involved in amino acid and nucleotide synthesis and several NRPS and PKS proteins.  相似文献   

Moriyasu Y  Ohsumi Y 《Plant physiology》1996,111(4):1233-1241
The response of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) suspension-cultured cells (BY-2) to nutrient starvation was investigated. When the cells that were grown in Murashige-Skoog medium containing 3% (w/v) sucrose were transferred to the same medium without sucrose, 30 to 45% of the intracellular proteins were degraded in 2 d. An analysis with sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that proteins were degraded nonselectively. With the same treatment, protease activity in the cell, which was measured at pH 5.0 using fluorescein thiocarbamoyl-casein as a substrate, increased 3- to 7-fold after 1 d. When the cysteine protease inhibitor (2S,3S)-trans-epoxysuccinyl-L-leucylamido-3-methyl-butane (10 [mu]M) was present in the starvation medium, both the protein degradation and the increase in the protease activity were effectively inhibited. Light microscopy analysis showed that many small spherical bodies accumulated in the perinuclear region of the cytosol 8 h after the start of the inhibitor treatment. These bodies were shown to be membrane-bound vesicles of 1 to 6 [mu]m in diameter that contained several particles. Quinacrine stained these vesicles and the central vacuole; thus, both organelles are acidic compartments. Cytochemical enzyme analysis using 1-naphthylphosphate and [beta]-glycerophosphate as substrates showed that these vesicles contained an acid phosphatase(s). We suggest that these vesicles contribute to cellular protein degradation stimulated under sucrose starvation conditions.  相似文献   

Mechanical cues like the rigidity of the substrate are main determinants for the decision-making of adherent cells. Here we use a mechano-chemical model to predict the cellular response to varying substrate stiffnesses. The model equations combine the mechanics of contractile actin filament bundles with a model for the Rho-signaling pathway triggered by forces at cell-matrix contacts. A bifurcation analysis of cellular contractility as a function of substrate stiffness reveals a bistable response, thus defining a lower threshold of stiffness, below which cells are not able to build up contractile forces, and an upper threshold of stiffness, above which cells are always in a strongly contracted state. Using the full dynamical model, we predict that rate-dependent hysteresis will occur in the cellular traction forces when cells are exposed to substrates of time-dependent stiffness.  相似文献   

Depending on the moment of cellobiose starvation, Clostridium cellulolyticum cells behave in different ways. Cells starved during the exponential phase of growth sporulate at 30%, whereas exhaustion of the carbon substrate at the beginning of growth does not provoke cell sporulation. Growth in the presence of excess cellobiose generates 3% spores. The response of C. cellulolyticum to carbon starvation involves changes in proteolytic activities; higher activities (20% protein degradation) corresponded to a higher level of sporulation; lower proteolysis (5%) was observed in cells starved during the beginning of exponential growth, when sporulation was not observed; with an excess of cellobiose, an intermediate value (10%), accompanied by a low level of sporulation, was observed in cells taken at the end of the exponential growth phase. The basal percentage of the protein breakdown in nonstarved culture was 4%. Cells lacking proteolytic activities failed to induce sporulation. High concentrations of cellobiose repressed proteolytic activities and sporulation. The onset of carbon starvation during the growth phase affected the survival response of C. cellulolyticum via the sporulation process and also via cell-cellulose interaction. Cells from the exponential growth phase were more adhesive to filter paper than cells from the stationary growth phase but less than cells from the late stationary growth phase.  相似文献   

Germination and early seedling establishment are developmental stages in which plants face limited nutrient supply as their photosynthesis mechanism is not yet active. For this reason, the plant must mobilize the nutrient reserves provided by the mother plant in order to facilitate growth. Autophagy is a catabolic process enabling the bulk degradation of cellular constituents in the vacuole. The autophagy mechanism is conserved among eukaryotes, and homologs of many autophagy-related (ATG) genes have been found in Arabidopsis thaliana. T-DNA insertion mutants (atg mutants) of these genes display higher sensitivity to various stresses, particularly nutrient starvation. However, the direct impact of autophagy on cellular metabolism has not been well studied. In this work, we used etiolated Arabidopsis seedlings as a model system for carbon starvation. atg mutant seedlings display delayed growth in response to carbon starvation compared with wild-type seedlings. High-throughput metabolomic, lipidomic, and proteomic analyses were performed, as well as extensive flux analyses, in order to decipher the underlying causes of the phenotype. Significant differences between atg mutants and wild-type plants have been demonstrated, suggesting global effects of autophagy on central metabolism during carbon starvation as well as severe energy deprivation, resulting in a morphological phenotype.  相似文献   

The survival response of Lactococcus lactis during long-term starvation was investigated. The cells were cultured with different levels of glucose (the sole energy source) and either were kept in the resultant spent medium or transferred to fresh medium (without glucose) for up to 2 years. The survival of the cells during starvation was not dependent on the nature of transition phase, as expected, but on the nature of medium in which the cells were kept. The proliferation of cells, despite the apparent lack of glucose, could have been due to some cells being able to utilize the small amounts of peptides still present in the spent medium or to use energy sources provided by the breakup of dead cells. The 1- and 2-year-old cultures contained cells with vastly changed morphotypes. When these isolates were examined, it was revealed that the original plasmids present in the parent were rearranged in a certain way, and an entirely new plasmid was generated. Changes were also evident in the chromosomal DNA and in gene expression. Furthermore, all of the isolates exhibited a growth advantage relative to the parent cells when grown in energy-limiting media. When they were tested against different types of stresses, they exhibited a higher resistance against the bile salt and hydrogen peroxide stresses compared to the parent. Because of the similar changes observed in the 2-year-old isolates, a similar survival strategy may be operational in those cells that survive for that length of time.  相似文献   

荚荣 《生物数学学报》1998,13(2):187-190
存在于双底物随机机制的途径中,偏离米氏方程行为的底物抑制现象被作为一个问题进行探讨.通过计算机模拟出双底物浓度和稳态下的初始速率构成的三维图形,提出底物抑制、速率常数和底物浓度之间的关系.  相似文献   

In this study, we have used different fluorescent dyes and techniques to characterize the heterogeneity and changes of the physiological states encountered by the marine bacterium Deleya aquamarina during a 92-day starvation survival experiment at 20 and 5(deg)C. Changes of physiological states were investigated on a single-cell basis by flow cytometry and epifluorescence microscopy in conjunction with fluorescent dyes specific for various cellular functions and constituents. Heterogeneities within populations with regard to functions (respiration, substrate responsiveness, enzymatic activity, and cytoplasmic membrane permeability), constituent (DNA), and cell volume (light scatter) were compared to the evolution of viable plate counts (CFU). At 20(deg)C, CFU changes were divided into three stages corresponding to stability up to day 13 followed by a rapid drop between days 13 and 42 and then by stabilization at a level of 10 to 20% during the remaining survival period. Most of the cellular fractions showing a metabolic activity were close to the evolution of the culturable cells, suggesting the absence of viable but nonculturable cells. On the other hand, cells with selective cytoplasmic membrane permeability but without any metabolic activity were observed, and this stage was followed by DNA alteration occurring at different rates after the loss of membrane cytoplasmic permeability. We observed a greater maintenance of culturability, physiological functions, DNA, and cellular volume at the lower temperature. These results have different ecological implications from both methodological and conceptual viewpoints.  相似文献   

Anaerobic starvation conditions are frequent in industrial fermentation and can affect the performance of the cells. In this study, the anaerobic carbon or nitrogen starvation response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was investigated for cells grown in anaerobic carbon or nitrogen-limited chemostat cultures at a dilution rate of 0.1 h−1 at pH 3.25 or 5. Lactic or benzoic acid was present in the growth medium at different concentrations, resulting in 16 different growth conditions. At steady state, cells were harvested and then starved for either carbon or nitrogen for 24 h under anaerobic conditions. We measured fermentative capacity, glucose uptake capacity, intracellular ATP content, and reserve carbohydrates and found that the carbon, but not the nitrogen, starvation response was dependent upon the previous growth conditions. All cells subjected to nitrogen starvation retained a large portion of their initial fermentative capacity, independently of previous growth conditions. However, nitrogen-limited cells that were starved for carbon lost almost all their fermentative capacity, while carbon-limited cells managed to preserve a larger portion of their fermentative capacity during carbon starvation. There was a positive correlation between the amount of glycogen before carbon starvation and the fermentative capacity and ATP content of the cells after carbon starvation. Fermentative capacity and glucose uptake capacity were not correlated under any of the conditions tested. Thus, the successful adaptation to sudden carbon starvation requires energy and, under anaerobic conditions, fermentable endogenous resources. In an industrial setting, carbon starvation in anaerobic fermentations should be avoided to maintain a productive yeast population.  相似文献   

High levels of antibiotic tolerance are a hallmark of bacterial biofilms. In contrast to well-characterized inherited antibiotic resistance, molecular mechanisms leading to reversible and transient antibiotic tolerance displayed by biofilm bacteria are still poorly understood. The physiological heterogeneity of biofilms influences the formation of transient specialized subpopulations that may be more tolerant to antibiotics. In this study, we used random transposon mutagenesis to identify biofilm-specific tolerant mutants normally exhibited by subpopulations located in specialized niches of heterogeneous biofilms. Using Escherichia coli as a model organism, we demonstrated, through identification of amino acid auxotroph mutants, that starved biofilms exhibited significantly greater tolerance towards fluoroquinolone ofloxacin than their planktonic counterparts. We demonstrated that the biofilm-associated tolerance to ofloxacin was fully dependent on a functional SOS response upon starvation to both amino acids and carbon source and partially dependent on the stringent response upon leucine starvation. However, the biofilm-specific ofloxacin increased tolerance did not involve any of the SOS-induced toxin–antitoxin systems previously associated with formation of highly tolerant persisters. We further demonstrated that ofloxacin tolerance was induced as a function of biofilm age, which was dependent on the SOS response. Our results therefore show that the SOS stress response induced in heterogeneous and nutrient-deprived biofilm microenvironments is a molecular mechanism leading to biofilm-specific high tolerance to the fluoroquinolone ofloxacin.  相似文献   

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