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The cobalt-labelling technique was used to investigate the termination areas of trigeminal primary afferent fibers. The familiar somatotopic arrangement of fibers and terminals of the three divisions of the trigeminal nerve was recognized both in the spinal tract and in the nuclear complex of the trigeminus. The spinal tract could be traced as far as the 3rd cervical segment of the spinal cord where fibers crossed to the contralateral side. The different divisions of the nuclear complex could be unambiguously defined on the basis of the pattern of fiber terminations. The nucleus principalis was characterized by the even distribution of terminals in the nucleus. The nucleus spinalis was characterized by small bundles of fibers of intranuclear origin, which broke up the even distribution pattern of terminals. The presence of mesencephalic trigeminal fibers in the nucleus oralis distinguished this nucleus from the nucleus interpolaris. The nucleus caudalis was recognized on the ground of its striated structure. Primary trigeminal afferent fibers were located in the following sites: in the solitary nucleus, in the lateral part of the reticular formation, in the dorsal-column nuclei and in the superior vestibular nuclei. Primary fiber terminations could not be observed in the cerebellum.  相似文献   

Horseradish peroxidase histochemical studies of afferent and efferent projections of the trigeminal nerve in two species of chondrostean fishes revealed medial, descending and ascending projections. Entering fibers of the trigeminal sensory root project medially to terminate in the medial trigeminal nucleus, located along the medial wall of the rostral medulla. Other entering sensory fibers turn caudally within the medulla, forming the trigeminal spinal tract, and terminate within the descending trigeminal nucleus. The descending trigeminal nucleus consists of dorsal (DTNd) and ventral (DTNv) components. Fibers of the trigeminal spinal tract descend through the lateral alar medulla and into the dorsolateral cervical spinal cord. Fibers exit the spinal tract throughout its length, projecting to the ventral descending trigeminal nucleus (DTNv) in the medulla and to the funicular nucleus at the obex. Retrograde transport of HRP through sensory root fibers also revealed an ascending bundle of fibers that constitutes the neurites of the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus, cell bodies of which are located in the rostral optic tectum. Retrograde transport of HRP through motor root fibers labeled ipsilateral cells of the trigeminal motor nucleus, located in the rostral branchiomeric motor column.  相似文献   

The horseradish peroxidase (HRP) histochemical technique was used to examine the peripheral distribution and afferent projections of the trigeminal nerve in the goldfish, Carassius auratus. Sensory fibers of the trigeminal nerve distribute over the head via four branches. The ophthalmic branch distributes fibers to the region above the eye and naris. The maxillary and mandibular branches innervate the regions of the upper and lower lip, respectively. A fourth branch of the trigeminal nerve was demonstrated to be present in the hyomandibular trunk. Upon entering the medulla the trigeminal afferent fibers divide into a rostromedially directed bundle and a caudally directed bundle. The rostromedially directed bundle terminates in the sensory trigeminal nucleus (STN) located within the rostral medulla. The majority of fibers turn caudally, forming the descending trigeminal tract. Fibers of the descending trigeminal tract terminate within three medullary nuclei: the nucleus of the descending trigeminal tract (NDTV), the spinal trigeminal nucleus (Spv), and the medial funicular nucleus (MFn). All projections, except for those to the MFn, are ipsilateral. Contralateral projections were observed at the level of the MFn following the labeling of the ophthalmic and maxillomandibular branches. All branches of the trigeminal nerve project to all four of the trigeminal medullary nuclei. Projections to the STN and MFn were found to be topographically organized such that the afferents of the ophthalmic branch project onto the ventral portion of these nuclei, while the afferents of the maxillo- and hyomandibular branches project to the dorsal portion of these nuclei. Cells of the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus were retrogradely labeled following HRP application to the ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular branches of the trigeminal nerve. In addition to demonstrating the ascending mesencephalic trigeminal root fibers, HRP application to the above-mentioned branches also revealed descending mesencephalic trigeminal fibers. The descending mesencephalic trigeminal fibers course caudally medial to the branchiomeric motor column and terminate in the ventromedial portion of the MFn.  相似文献   

The present research shows that sensory ganglion cells are located within the oculomotor nerve of monkeys and man. Furthermore, afferent fibers have been found in the IIIrd nerve of all the animals examined (lamb, pig, cat, dog and monkey). These fibers have their perikarya prevalently in the semilunar ganglion. Their pathway could be studied after section of either the trigeminal ophthalmic branch or of the intracranial portion of the IIIrd nerve. Following these operations, degenerating fibers were found entering the brain stem through the oculomotor nerve. In the brain stem, they were traced through the pons and the medulla and were seen to end in the spinal cord, within the subnucleus gelatinosus of the nucleus caudalis trigemini. Their degenerating endings found in the neuropil of the SG Rolandi, represented peripheral axonal endings of the glomeruli, rather than central axonal endings, as was the case after trigeminal rhizotomy. On the basis of these different degenerating patterns, the conclusion can be reached that the perikarya of the afferent fibers located in the semilunar ganglion represent, in reality, a ganglion of the IIIrd nerve.  相似文献   

The nucleus tractus solitarius and the spinal trigeminal nucleus receive peripheral sensory input from substance P containing afferent nerves. This study demonstrates that invitro depolarization of these nuclei in tissue slices evokes a calcium-dependent efflux of substance P immunoreactivity. Capsaicin (33μM) also elicits substance P release from the nucleus tractus solitarius and spinal trigeminal nucleus but not from the hypothalamus. The occurrence of potassium-stimulated SP release from the two medullary nuclei fulfills one of the criteria for neurotransmitter status. The capsaicin data support the contention that this agent elicits release of substance P from nuclear regions receiving peripheral afferent information in substance P nerves independent of the particular sensory modality served but is ineffective in nonsensory areas.  相似文献   

Anterograde and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase was used to examine the afferent and efferent projections of the glossopharyngeal and vagal nerves in the lamprey, Lampetra japonica. Except for the ganglion cells and motoneurons, the distribution patterns of HRP-positive elements differed little between the two nerves. Afferent fibers mainly terminated in the ipsilateral cerebellar area, medial octavolateralis nucleus, and between the ventral octavolateralis nucleus and descending tract and nucleus of the trigeminal nerve (dV). In the cerebellar area, most of the labeled fibers were located in the molecular zone, but some penetrated into the granular zone. In the rostral part of the medial octavolateralis nucleus, labeled fibers coursed from the middle to the lateral area, and in the caudal part, they were localized in the dorsal area of the nucleus. In the area between the dV and ventral octavolateralis nucleus, labeled fibers coursed near the dorsal margin of the rostral part of the dV, and in the caudal part, they shifted dorsally. Ganglion cells and motoneurons of each nerve were also labeled.  相似文献   

Summary Afferents to the cerebellum in frogs (Rana esculenta, Rana temporaria) were studied by use of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. Following injections restricted to the molecular layer of the cerebellum cell labelling was found in the contralateral inferior olive and the ventral portion of the caudal medullary raphe. Injections involving the granular layer resulted in labelling in the ventral horn of the cervical spinal cord, the caudal spinal trigeminal nucleus, the nucleus caudalis and the medial portion of the nucleus ventralis of the vestibular nerve, the inferior reticular nucleus and the nucleus of the fasciculus longitudinalis medialis. Following larger injections, which may have spread significantly into the cerebellar, secondary gustatory, trigeminal or vestibular nuclei, labelled cell bodies were also found in the nucleus ruber, nucleus solitarius, the rostral spinal trigeminal nucleus and the rostral rhombencephalic reticular formation. It is unclear whether the fibers from these latter areas innervate the cerebellum of the frog, as they do in mammals, or only reach the underlying areas. This situation emphasizes a limitation of the HRP technique when applied to small structures as is often the case in lower vertebrates.Supported by Grant Gr 276 to U. G.-C. from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Course and termination of the pyramidal tract in the pig   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To study the pyramidal tract in the pig, the motor cerebral cortex of one side was defined electrophysiologically and subsequently excised. The animals operated were killed after 7, 11 and 14 days, and the cerebral hemisphere of the operated side, brain stem and spinal cord were removed for histological examination. The pyramidal tract proved to run ipsilaterally as far as the oral extremity of the 12th cranial nerve nucleus. The decussation, which exhausted itself almost completely at the level of the rostral extremity of the 1st cervical metamere, started here. After the limit just mentioned only rare isolated fibres were visible. Along its course, the pyramidal tract sent a small number of axons to the ipsilateral and contralateral nucleus of the 7th cranial nerve, while the fibres running from the opposite side to the reticular formation and to the hypoglossal nerve nucleus, cuneatus, gracilis and trigeminal spinal tract nuclei were more numerous.  相似文献   

Postsynaptic potentials of motoneurons in the facial nerve nucleus, evoked by stimulation of the cranial nerves (trigeminal, hypoglossal, facial) and of the sensomotor cortex were investigated in cats anesthetized with chloralose and pentobarbital. Two functionally opposite groups of motoneurons were found to exist in the facial nucleus. Stimulation of the afferent nerves and cortex evoked the appearance of EPSPs in the first of these groups and IPSPs in the second. The latency and duration of the PSPs indicate that afferent and corticofugal impulses reach the facial motoneurons along polysynaptic pathways. Interneurons on which wide convergence of influences travelling along afferent fibers and of the cortex, were found in the region of the facial nucleus. The possible neuronal pathways concerned with the transmission of afferent and corticofugal impulses to the facial motoneurons are discussed.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol.4, No.4, pp. 391–400, July–August, 1972.  相似文献   

Retrograde and transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was used to investigate the neurons innervating the upper and the lower lips and their central projections in the rat. Both the upper and the lower lips were observed to be innervated by a very large number of trigeminal sensory neurons, with their cell bodies located in the maxillary and the mandibular parts of the trigeminal ganglion, respectively. The central projections of neurons innervating the upper lip formed a long continuous column starting rostrally at midlevels of the trigeminal main sensory nucleus (5P) and extending caudally through the CI dorsal horn, with occasional fibers reaching the C3 segment. The heaviest projections appeared in the middle portions of 5P and nucleus interpolaris (51), as well as in the rostral part of nucleus caudalis (5C). A small but consistent projection to the solitary tract nucleus, originating from cells in the inferior vagal ganglion, was observed in the upper-lip experiments. The central projections from neurons innervating the lower lip also appeared as a long column located dorsally or dorsomedially to the projections from the upper lip. The most prominent projections from the lower lip were located in the caudal part of 5P, the middle part of 5I, and the caudal two-thirds of 5C. Sparse projections could be traced as far caudally as C4. At 5C and cervical levels, some labeling appeared contralaterally in the same location as on the ipsilateral side.  相似文献   

Peripherin is a 57 kDa Type III intermediate filament protein associated with neurite extension, neuropathies such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and cranial nerve and dorsal root projections. However, knowledge of peripherin expression in the CNS is limited. We have used immunoperoxidase histochemistry to characterise peripherin expression in the mouse hindbrain, including the inferior colliculus, pons, medulla and cerebellum. Peripherin immunolabelling was observed in the nerve fibres and nuclei that are associated with all cranial nerves [(CN) V–XII] in the hindbrain. Peripherin expression was prominent in the cell bodies and axons of the mesenchephalic trigeminal nucleus and the pars compacta region of nucleus ambiguus, and in the fibres that comprise the solitary tract, the descending spinal trigeminal tract and the trigeminal and facial nerves. A small proportion of peripherin positive fibres in CN VIII likely arise from cochlear type II spiral ganglion neurons. Peripherin positive fibres were also observed in the inferior cerebellar peduncle and folia in the intermediate zone of the cerebellum. Antibody specificity was confirmed by absence of labelling in hindbrain tissue from peripherin knockout mice. This study shows that in the adult mouse hindbrain, peripherin is expressed in discrete neuronal subpopulations that have sensory, motor and autonomic functions.  相似文献   

The central distribution of intradental afferent nerve fibers was investigated by combining electron microscopic observations with a selective method for inducing degeneration of the A delta- and C-type afferent fibers. Degenerating terminals were found on the proprioceptive mesencephalic trigeminal neurons and on dendrites in the neuropil of the trigeminal motor nucleus after application of capsaicin to the rat's lower incisor tooth pulp. The results give anatomical evidence of new sites of central projection of intradental A delta- and C-type fibers whereby the nociceptive information from the tooth pulp can affect jaw muscle activity.  相似文献   

Primary afferent neurons that innervate the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) in cats were labeled by injecting a 2-5% solution of wheatgerm agglutinin bound to horseradish peroxidase into the joint capsule and capsular tissues in 14 cats and processing the brain stem and trigeminal ganglia using the tetramethylbenzidine method described by Mesulam (1978). The perikarya of ganglion cells that innervate the TMJ ranged in diameter from 15 to 109 μm and were primarily located in the posterolateral portion of the trigeminal ganglion. The central processes of these neurons entered the brain stem in middle pons and were distributed to all portions of the sensory trigeminal nuclei. However, the majority of labeled fibers and greatest density of terminal labeling were observed in the dorsal part of the main sensory nucleus and the subnucleus oralis of the spinal trigeminal nucleus. Very few labeled fibers were observed in the spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve below the obex. However, evidence for axon terminals was consistently observed in laminae I, II, and III of the medullary dorsal horn. These findings concur with physiological evidence showing that information from the TMJ influences neurons in rostral (Kawamura et al, 1967) and in caudal (Broton et al, 1985) portions of the trigeminal sensory nuclei.  相似文献   

Summary By use of the PAP-immunohistochemical staining technique with serial sections, somatostatin-immunoreactive fiber projections into the brain stem and the spinal cord are described. These projections originate in the periventricular somatostatin-immunoreactive perikarya of the hypothalamus and form three main pathways: (1) along the stria medullaris thalami and the fasciculus retroflexus into the interpeduncular nucleus; (2) along the medial forebrain bundle into the mammillary body; and (3) via the periventricular gray and the bundle of Schütz into the midbrain tegmentum. Densely arranged immunoreactive fibers and/or basket-like fiber terminals are observed within the following afferent systems: somatic afferent systems (nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini, substantia gelatinosa dorsalis of the entire spinal cord), and visceral afferent systems (nucleus solitarius, regio intermediolateralis and substantia gelatinosa of the sacral spinal cord). These projections form terminals around the perikarya of the second afferent neuron. Perikarya of the third afferent neuron are influenced by somatostatin-immunoreactive projections into the auditory system (nucleus dorsalis lemnisci lateralis, nucleus corporis trapezoidei). Furthermore, a somatostatin-immunoreactive fiber projection is found in the ventral part of the medial accessory olivary nucleus, in nuclei of the limbic system (nucleus habenularis medialis, nuclei supramamillaris and mamillaris lateralis) and in the formatio reticularis (nucleus Darkschewitsch, nuclei tegmenti lateralis and centralis, nucleus parabrachialis lateralis, as well as individual perikarya of the reticular formation). Targets of these projections are interneurons within interlocking neuronal chains.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Nr. Kr 569/3) and Stiftung Volkswagenwerk  相似文献   

We studied the distribution of sugar residues in the oligosaccharide chains of complex carbohydrates in tissue sections of rat spinal cord, brainstem, and sensory ganglia using twelve lectin-horseradish peroxidase conjugates. Glycoconjugates containing terminal galactose residues were localized apparently in the Golgi apparatus in a population of predominantly small B-type neurons in spinal and trigeminal ganglia. Large A-type neurons rarely showed reactivity with galactose-binding lectins. A cells stained for glycoconjugates with N-glycosidically linked oligosaccharides and glycogen. The central and peripheral processes of the small neurons, mostly unmyelinated C fibers in sensory roots and spinal nerves, contained an abundance of glycoconjugates with terminal alpha-galactose residues. The central projections and terminals of small to medium-sized primary sensory neurons in the spinal and trigeminal ganglia were visualized in Lissauer's tract and the substantia gelatinosa in the spinal cord, and in the spinal trigeminal tract and the nucleus trigeminus in the lower medulla with lectins specific for terminal alpha-galactose residues. In addition, fibers of the solitary system and the area postrema were reactive with these lectins. The peripheral and central nervous system elements with affinity for galactopyranosyl-specific lectins correspond in distribution with neuroanatomical regions thought to be involved in the transmission and relay of somatic and visceral afferent inputs such as pain and temperature. Such specific localization of a glycosubstance to a distinct subpopulation of neurons and their peripheral and central processes suggests that the particular glycoconjugate may be of physiological significance.  相似文献   

Development of the facial nerve was studied in normal chicken embryos and after surgical disruption of ingrowing sensory facial nerve fibers at 38–72 h of incubation. Disruption of facial nerve fibers by otocyst removal often induced a rostral deviation of the facial nerve and ganglion to the level of the trigeminal ganglion. Cell bodies of the geniculate ganglion trailed their deviating neurites and occupied an abnormal rostral position adjacent to the trigeminal ganglion. Deviating facial nerve fibers were labeled with the carbocyanine fluorescent tracer Dil in fixed tissue. Labeled fibers penetrated the cranium adjacent to the trigeminal ganglion, but they did not follow the trigeminal nerve fibers into the brain stem. Rather, after entering the cranium, they projected caudally to their usual site of entrance and proceeded towards their normal targets. This rostral deviation of the facial nerve was observed only after surgery at 48–72 h of incubation, but not in cases with early otocyst removal (38–48 h). A rostral deviation of the facial nerve was seen in cases with partial otocyst removal when the vestibular nerve was absent. The facial nerve followed its normal course when the vestibular nerve persisted. We conclude that disruption of the devloping facial pathway altered the routes of navigating axons, but did not prevent pathfinding and innervation of the normal targets. Pathfinding abilities may not be restricted to pioneering axons of the facial nerve; later-developing facial nerve fibers also appeared to have positional information. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that navigating axons may respond to multiple guidance cues during development. These cues appear to differ as a function of position of the navigating axon. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Development of the facial nerve was studied in normal chicken embryos and after surgical disruption of ingrowing sensory facial nerve fibers at 38-72 h of incubation. Disruption of facial nerve fibers by otocyst removal often induced a rostral deviation of the facial nerve and ganglion to the level of the trigeminal ganglion. Cell bodies of the geniculate ganglion trailed their deviating neurites and occupied an abnormal rostral position adjacent to the trigeminal ganglion. Deviating facial nerve fibers were labeled with the carbocyanine fluorescent tracer DiI in fixed tissue. Labeled fibers penetrated the cranium adjacent to the trigeminal ganglion, but they did not follow the trigeminal nerve fibers into the brain stem. Rather, after entering the cranium, they projected caudally to their usual site of entrance and proceeded towards their normal targets. This rostral deviation of the facial nerve was observed only after surgery at 48-72 h of incubation, but not in cases with early otocyst removal (38-48 h). A rostral deviation of the facial nerve was seen in cases with partial otocyst removal when the vestibular nerve was absent. The facial nerve followed its normal course when the vestibular nerve persisted. We conclude that disruption of the developing facial pathway altered the routes of navigating axons, but did not prevent pathfinding and innervation of the normal targets. Pathfinding abilities may not be restricted to pioneering axons of the facial nerve; later-developing facial nerve fibers also appeared to have positional information. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that navigating axons may respond to multiple guidance cues during development. These cues appear to differ as a function of position of the navigating axon.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological studies (Sessle, 1987, 1991) suggest that trigeminal deafferenting injuries can cause an "unmasking" of existing but normally suppressed convergent inputs to the spinal trigeminal nucleus, including many that arise from the cervical spinal cord. However, the spatial arrangement of this projection has not been examined, particularly with reference to nociceptive components that might become involved in pathological changes leading to chronic pain. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to apply selective interruptions of the trigeminal and/or cervical primary afferent inputs to the spinal trigeminal subnucleus caudalis (Vc) in the cat, followed by (1) demonstration and quantification of axonal degeneration in the spinal trigeminal tract to determine the extent of trigeminal-cervical primary afferent overlap; and (2) an analysis of lesion-induced alterations in the distribution of calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactivity (CGRP-IR) in laminae I and II of Vc, since recent evidence strongly suggests that CGRP is involved in pathophysiological elevations of central nervous system neuronal excitability. Degenerating fibers were found throughout the spinal tract following a trigeminal rhizotomy or tractotomy, with the largest numbers adjacent to the rostral two-thirds of Vc, but with a significant number extending caudally to at least the level of C2. CGRP-IR was reduced or eliminated from the rostral one-third and periobex region of Vc, except for a dorsomedial zone that was minimally affected. Retention of CGRP-IR was greater at more caudal levels. Following a combined trigmeninal and cervical tractotomy, fiber degeneration was massive throughout the spinal tract, yet a population of small myelinated fibers persisted at 60 days after surgery. Concomitantly, CGRP-IR was profoundly reduced throughout Vc, except for a small dorsomedial zone of retention, which became more extensive caudally. A cervical tractotomy resulted in moderate numbers of degenerating fibers adjacent to the caudal one-third of Vc, and this number declined rostrally; however, degenerating fibers could be seen at the level of the obex. CGRP-IR was reduced in the dorsomedial and ventrolateral zones of Vc, particularly in its caudal one-third. Electron-microscopic analysis revealed a population of CGRP-IR boutons, most of which were of the simple axodendritic type with asymmetrical contacts. A few examples of axoaxonic contacts were observed. Loss of labeled boutons observed with the electron microscope was consistent with light-microscopic quantitative results. Those boutons that were retained were variable in size and displayed simple axodendritic contacts.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The source of innervation of the corpuscular bodies in the palate and the central projections of the afferent fibres of the entire palate was studied in rats by transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin (WGA-HRP) and with substance P (SP) immunohistochemistry. WGA-HRP injected into the incisal papilla was taken up by the nerve fibres that terminated in the corpuscles. Retrogradely labelled neurons were observed in the trigeminal ganglion as well as anterogradely labelled terminals in the dorsolateral part of the spinal trigeminal nucleus and in the lateral part of the nucleus of the solitary tract. No labelling could be found in the geniculate ganglion, the facial nerve and the hypoglossal nucleus. Following WGA-HRP injection in the intermolar area and in the soft palate, labelling was only restricted to the trigeminal ganglion. The lamina propria of the entire palate and the corpuscle-enriched area of the incisal papilla and the soft palate were richly innervated by SP-containing fibres. Numerous SP-containing fibres were also observed in the nerve plexus at the base of the corpuscle. In addition, SP-positive neurons were identified in the trigeminal ganglion and SP-labelled terminals in the sensory trigeminal nuclear complex and in the solitary tract nucleus. On the basis of our morphological observations we conclude that the palatal corpuscular bodies are involved in taste perception which is of trigeminal origin.  相似文献   

Neural mechanisms of emesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Emesis is a reflex, developed to different degrees in different species, that allows an animal to rid itself of ingested toxins or poisons. The reflex can be elicited either by direct neuronal connections from visceral afferent fibers, especially those from the gastrointestinal tract, or from humoral factors. Emesis from humoral factors depends on the integrity of the area postrema; neurons in the area postrema have excitatory receptors for emetic agents. Emesis from gastrointestinal afferents does not depend on the area postrema, but probably the reflex is triggered by projections to some part of the nucleus tractus solitarius. As with a variety of other complex motor functions regulated by the brain stem, it is likely that the sequence of muscle excitation and inhibition is controlled by a central pattern generator located in the nucleus tractus solitarius, and that information from humoral factors via the area postrema and visceral afferents via the vagus nerve converge at this point. This central pattern generator, like those for motor functions such as swallowing, presumably projects to the various motor nuclei, perhaps through interneuronal pathways, to elicit the sequential excitation and inhibition that controls the reflex.  相似文献   

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