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A temperature sensitive lethal allele of thewingless locus ofDrosophila melanogaster together with previously studied lethal and viable alleles in this locus, has been used to study some properties of this locus. These studies show the existence of two lethal phases for thewingless lesion; one during embryogenesis and another during pupation. By growing embryos with temperature sensitivewingless lesion at the permissive temperature and letting the larvae develop at non-permissive temperature, a large-scale cell death and subsequent regeneration were seen to occur in the mutant wing discs. This cell death followed by regeneration alters the normal developmental potential of the wing disc. Disc transplantation experiments show that these discs are incapable of differentiating into wing blade structures.  相似文献   

Summary Electrophoresis of myosin extracts from larvae and adult tissues ofDrosophila melanogaster under non-dissociating conditions indicate that two of the bands seen are myosins. They stain for Ca2+ ATPase activity and when cut and re-run under dissociating conditions are found to contain a myosin heavy chain that co-migrates with rabbit skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain. One of the forms of myosin seen is found primarily in extracts from the leg. The other is common to the adult fibrillar flight muscles and the larval body wall muscles.The electrophoretic evidence for two myosin types is strengthened by the histochemical demonstration of two myofibrillar ATPases on the basis of their lability to acid or alkali preincubation. The myofibrillar ATPase in the leg and the Tergal Depressor of the Trochanter (TDT) are shown to be relatively acid labile and alkali stable. The larval body wall muscles and the adult fibrillar flight muscles have an ATPase which is acid stable and alkali labile. This distribution of the two myofibrillar ATPase coincides with that predicted by electrophoresis of extracts from whole tissue and also locates the two myosins to specific muscle types.  相似文献   

Larval glue protein fractions ofDrosophila nasuta nasuta were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Seven major and at least four minor glue protein fractions were recognized. Six of the major fractions are glycosylated. They migrate as three prominent doublets (>100, 43, and 30/28 kd). The synthesis of traceable amounts of these major fractions begins already during the second as well as during the early stages of the third larval instar. The 43-kd and the 30/28-kd fractions are coded by X-chromosomal genes. They are probably clustered within the huge puff of division 10, which is the most prominent X-chromosomal puff in the polytene chromosomes of the third larval instar. Complex posttranslational modification of all but one major glue protein fraction (14 kd) leads to the formation of about 15 different protein fractions in the final glue product. The amount of glue protein produced byD. n. nasuta larvae (in relation to the total saliva proteins) is nearly twice the amount produced byD. melanogaster larvae (ca. 55 and 32%, respectively). This work was supported by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi, India, the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, FR Germany (to S.R.R.), and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ka 309/9-1).  相似文献   

The introduction of cloned and manipulated genetic material into the germline of an experimental organism is one of the most powerful tools of modern biology. In the case of the fruit fly,Drosophila melanogaster, there is also an unparalleled range of sophisticated genetic tools to facilitate subsequent analysis. In consequence,Drosophila remains a most favourable model organism for the dissection of gene structure and functionin vivo. In this review we look at some of the achievements to date inDrosophila genome manipulation, and at what may be possible in the near future.  相似文献   

In situ digestion of metaphase and polytene chromosomes and of interphase nuclei in different cell types ofDrosophila nasuta with restriction enzymes revealed that enzymes like AluI, EcoRI, HaeIII, Sau3a and SinI did not affect Giemsa-stainability of heterochromatin while that of euchromatin was significantly reduced; TaqI and SalI digested both heterochromatin and euchromatin in mitotic chromosomes. Digestion of genomic DNA with AluI, EcoRI, HaeIII, Sau3a and KpnI left a 23 kb DNA band undigested in agarose gels while withTaqI, no such undigested band was seen. TheAluI resistant 23 kb DNA hybridized insitu specifically with the heterochromatic chromocentre. It appears that the digestibility of heterochromatin region in genome ofDrosophila nasuta with the tested restriction enzymes is dependent on the availability of their recognition sites.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of gap junctions in mature larvalDrosophila melanogaster wing discs was analyzed by means of quantitative electron microscopy. Gap junctions are non-randomly distributed in the proximal-distal disc axis and in the apical-basal cell axis of the epithelium. In the epithelial cells, the surface density, number and length of gap junctions are greatest in the apical cell region and distal disc region. The average gap junction surface density is 0.0572 m–1 and 2.77% of the lateral cell surface is composed of gap junctions. In the adepithelial cells, the gap junction surface density is 0.0005 m–1 and 0.06% of the cell surface is composed of gap junctions. No gap junctions were observed between epithelial cells and adepithelial cells. The absolute area of gap junctions was estimated in a proximal-distal strip of cells in the disc and is considerably less in the folded regions of the epithelium compared to the flat notum and wing pouch regions. The results are discussed with respect to pattern formation and growth control in imaginal discs.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of muscle development on thorax morphogenesis has been investigated inDrosophila melanogaster. The development of an indirect flight muscle, the dorsal longitudinal muscle (DLM), has been thought to be responsible for the formation of the distinct thoracic curvature. Using aDrosophila mutant (sr/Df(3)sr) in which the DLM is completely missing, we have shown that a normally curved thorax still is produced. Such results indicate that an external structure (epidermis) is capable of developing wholly independent of an absent internal structure (muscle).  相似文献   

Summary The ontogeny of allozyme patterns has been studied in embryos ofDrosophilamelanogaster, which are doubly heterozygous for alleles specifying the slow and fast forms of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and -glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH). The ontogeny of esterase-2 was studied in embryos and young larvae of the flour mothEphestia kühniella, which are heterozygous for two of the three existing esterase-2 alleles. In freshly laidDrosophila eggs only the maternal enzyme forms are present and during the first 15 hours of development the staining of these forms becomes progressively fainter. After 16 and 17 h, the paternal and hybrid bands of ADH and GPDH respectively become obvious. Before hatching, the intensity distribution in the three-banded pattern of reciprocal hybrids is asymmetric in favour of the persisting maternal enzyme form. InEphestia embryos, however, there is no persistence of the maternal esterases. In all reciprocal heterozygotes a three-banded pattern suddenly appears 96 h after egg deposition, indicating synchronous activation of both parental alleles. The relative intensity distribution in the hybrid patterns approaches that of the mature larvae stepwise and in an allele-specific manner. This result and the fact that the various heterozygous types exhibit unequal total activities suggest that the Esterase-2 alleles have different activities, which are fixed late in embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary Two temperature-sensitive sex-linkedgrandchildless (gs)-like mutations (gs(1)N26 andgs(1)N441) were induced by ethylmethane sulphonate inDrosophila melanogaster. They complemented each other and mapped at two different loci (1–33.8±0.7 forgs(1)N26 and 1–39.6±1.7 forgs(1)N441), which were not identical to those of any of thegs-like mutants reported in earlier work.Homozygous females of the newly isolated mutants produced eggs that were unable to form pole cells and developed into agametic adults. Competence of the embryos to form pole cells was not restored by wild-type sperm in either mutant; that is, the sterility caused by these mutations is controlled by a maternal effect.Fecundity and fertility ofgs(1)N26 females were low, and their male offspring showed a higher mortality than that of female offspring, causing an abnormal sex ratio. The frequency of agametic progeny was 93.1% and 55.8%, when the female parents were reared at 25° C and 18° C, respectively. In eggs produced by thegs(1)N26 females reared at 25° C, the migration of nuclei to the posterior pole was abnormal, and almost no pole cell formation occurred in these egg. Furthermore, half of these eggs failed to cellularize at the posterior pole. When the females were reared at 18° C, almost all of the eggs underwent complete blastoderm formation, and in half of these blastoderm embryos normal pole cells were formed.In the other mutant,gs(1)N441, the fecundity and fertility of the females were normal. The agametic frequency in the progeny was 70.8% and 18.6% when the female parents were reared at 25° C and 18° C, respectively. In the eggs laid by females reared either at 25° C or at 18° C, the migration of nuclei to the periphery and cellularization proceeded normally; nevertheless, in the majority of the embryos no pole cell formation occured at the stage when nuclei penetrated into the periplasm. When the females were reared at 18° C, some of the embryos from these females formed some round blastoderm cells with cytologically recognizable polar granules and nuclear bodies, which are attributes of pole cells. The temperature sensitive period ofgs(1)N441 was estimated to extend from stage 9 to 13 of King's stages of oogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary Foldback elements are a family of transposable elements described inDrosophila melanogaster. The members of this dispersed repetitive family have terminal inverted repeats that sometimes flank a central region. The inverted repeats of all the family members are homologous.The study of the distribution and conservation of the foldback elements in differentDrosophila species shows that this distribution is different from that of the hybrid dysgenesis systems (PM and IR). Sequences homologous to foldback elements were observed by Southern blots and in situ hybridization in all species of themelanogaster subgroup and in some species of themontium andtakahashii subgroups. The element was probably already present before the radiation of these subgroups. No evidence of horizontal transmission of the foldback element could be observed.  相似文献   

Summary In aberrant egg follicles of the pattern mutant dicephalic (dic) the oocyte is wedged in between two groups of nurse cells, and this condition may give rise to embryos which express anterior traits at both ends. We have analysed the role of the dic genotype of the germ line cells and the surrounding somatic follicle cells in the formation of the dic follicular phenotype. By means of pole cell transplantations into Fs (1) K 1237 hosts (this cell-autonomous mutation causes degeneration of the host's germ line cells early in oogenesis), we constructed chimeras in which either the follicle cells, the germ line cells, or both were homozygous for the dic mutation. In all three combinations the dic phenotype was expressed but not in controls with dic + in both germ line cells and follicular epithelium. Since follicles with the dic phenotype may be produced if either the germ line cells or the follicle cells lack dic + gene activity we suggest that cellular interactions between both cell types are required for the correct positioning of the oocyte at the follicle's posterior pole.  相似文献   

Summary The pathway of adult sensory nerves has been analysed in three experimental situations: (i) in flies with grossly abnormal thoracic morphology resulting from X-irradiation early during development, (ii) in flies which had been subjected to surgical operations late in the larval period, (iii) in homoeotic mutants. The results provide experimental support for a simple mechanism in which developing adult axons join the nearest larval nerve and are guided by it up to the central nervous system. In particular, experimental interference with normal development can result in nerves from different segments, or from dorsal and ventral appendages, joining each other and entering the central nervous system together.  相似文献   

The peptidase system inDrosophila melanogaster (dipeptidase-A, -B, and -C and leucine aminopeptidases G and P) was used as a model to study the effects of modifier genes on activity of enzymes with similar functions. A screen of X, second, and third chromosome substitution isogenic lines revealed the presence of activity modifiers for peptidases on all three chromosomes. Correlation analyses indicated that covariation between some of the peptidase activities is independent of genetic background, while others are associated with variable second chromosomes. Chromosome-specific effects onK m ,V max, and specific activity of partially purified peptidases were also detected. Moreover, a repeatable technique using anion-exchange column chromatography allowed the characterization of possibly two putative peptidic enzymes, glycyl-l-isoleucine-ase andl-leucyl-l-proline-ase, whose kinetic properties differ from the dipeptidases and the leucine aminopeptidases. These findings confirm the existence of activity modifiers for peptidases, much like other enzymes inDrosophila melanogaster. These studies were supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (GM42-115-01A1), the Whitaker Foundation of the Research Corporation (C-2560), and the National Science Foundation (USE 8951018) to Kazuo Hiraizumi.  相似文献   

Summary The genecrumbs (crb) ofDrosophila melanogaster provides an essential function for the embryonic development of ectodermally derived epithelia. Complete loss of function alleles of thecrb gene are recessive embryonic lethals and lead to a disorganization of the primordia of these epithelia, followed by cell death in some tissues. Incrb mutant embryos, different organs are affected to a different extent. Some tissues die almost completely (as the epidermis, the atrium and the pharynx) while others partially survive and conserve their basic epithelial structure (as the tracheal system, the oesophagus, the proventriculus, the salivary glands, the hindgut and the Malpighian tubules). Degeneration is first visible at stage 11 and continues successively throughout development. There is evidence that the loss of epithelial cell polarity may be the cause for the degeneration of these tissues, suggesting that thecrb gene product is involved in stabilizing the apico-basal polarity of epithelial cells. As previously shown, thecrb protein is specifically expressed on the apical side of embryonic epithelia in a reticular pattern outlining the borders of the cells. Here we demonstrate that thecrb protein shows the same subcellular localization in epithelial cells of imaginal discs and in follicle cells, indicating a similar function ofcrb during the development of embryonic, imaginal and follicle epithelia. Clonal analysis experiments indicate that the genecrb is not cell-autonomous in its expression, suggesting that the gene product may act as a diffusible factor and may serve as a signal in a cell-cell communication process. This signal is thought to be required for the formation and/or maintenance of the cell and tissue structure of the respective epithelia.  相似文献   

Summary Three-hundred and twenty fertile,pal-induced Y-chromosome mosaic males and females were obtained. Fractional analysis of the sons of 55 somatically mosaic flies that were also germinally mosaic tentatively suggests that the number of functional primordial germ cells inDrosophila melanogaster is variable and that it is seldom greater than 24. From the observed 0.17 frequency of germinal mosaicism it was estimated that the average number of pole cells at the end of blastoderm formation is 45. At present, the germ cells afford the only opportunity to compare genetic estimates of the number of blastoderm or primordial cells with available histological counts. The good agreement between them suggests that both the fractional and the mosaic frequency methods for estimating primordial or blastoderm cell numbers of various larval and imaginal anatomical structures provide reasonably close approximations of the actual values.  相似文献   

Natural populations host a wealth of genetic variation in longevity and age-specific schedules of reproduction. This variation provides critical information for inferring the evolutionary origin of senescence. Patterns of mutational effects on age-specific fecundity and survival provide additional insight to distinguish alternative models of senescence. In this study,P-elements bearing thewhite minigene were inserted at random into a common genetic background, generating lines ofD. melanogaster with single, stable transposon inserts. A series of 48 single-P-element lines revealed statistically significant heterogeneity in both longevity and fecundity. Longevity and early fecundity were only weakly positively correlated (r=0.286,P=0.0398). Both the pooled sample and 30 of the individual lines exhibited a leveling of age-specific mortality at advanced ages, in opposition to the classical demographic models. To the extent that these mutational effects are representative of naturally-occurring mutations in heterogeneous populations, this result presents a problem for the evolutionary theory of senescence. Natural selection is inefficient at removing deleterious mutations that are expressed only at late ages, and selection may not differentiate between mutations whose effects on longevity are post-reproductive. A leveling of the mortality rate would also be seen if mutations whose expression is delayed until very late simply do not occur. A simulation of mutation-selection balance among the 48P-element tagged lines shows that the mean longevity declines monotonically with increasing mutation rate, consistent with the mutation-accumulation model.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the esterase 6 (EST6) enzyme ofD. melanogaster is mainly produced in the sperm ejaculatory duct of the adult male and comparisons of wild-type males with laboratory null mutants have suggested that the enzyme plays a role in reproductive fitness. In this study we have compared 18 field-derived lines each isoallelic forEst6 for differences in five components of male reproductive fitness. No consistent fitness differences were found among lines differing in respect of the two major allozyme classes EST6-F and EST6-S, despite other evidence that these two classes are not selectively equivalent in the field. However, differences in reproductive fitness were found among lines differing in the minor mobility variants that segregate within EST6-F and EST6-S. A failure to distinguish among these minor forms may explain the discrepancies in previous studies on the effects of the major EST6 allozymes on reproductive fitness. The most significant associations we have found between EST6 and reproductive fitness were due to variation in EST6 activity levels. Male EST6 activity levels were found to be positively correlated with their time to first mating, negatively correlated with the numbers of eggs laid and progeny produced by their mates, and negatively correlated with the frequency with which their mates remate. We conclude that some EST6 variants differ in components of male reproductive fitness operative in laboratory cultures. However, the evidence for fitness differences is stronger for variants affecting the amount, rather than the structure of the enzyme, and the direction of the differences varies between some of the fitness components tested.  相似文献   

Summary The autonomous synthesis of yolk proteins in ovarian follicles ofDrosophila melanogaster was analyzed. Vitellogenic follicles were labelled with35S-methionine in vitro and the newly synthesized yolk proteins were separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Possible contamination of the follicle preparations caused by adhering fat body cells could be excluded by culturing follicles in males prior to labelling in vitro. When labelled follicles were cut at the nurse cell/oocyte border the three yolk proteins (YP1, YP2, YP3) were found only in posterior fragments containing ooplasm and follicle cells, whereas two radioactive protein bands (A and B) were detected in nurse cells (anterior fragments). The yolk proteins of these five bands were characterized by peptide mapping. Band A protein, migrating a little more slowly than YP2, is closely related to both YP1 and YP2 while band B contains a yolk protein which is very similar to YP3. Hence, the nurse cells have been identified as a site of vitellogenin synthesis within the ovary ofDrosophila.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, SFB 46  相似文献   

Summary Although many different physiological and biochemical changes characterize the process of senescence, little is understood of the genetic elements that determine its age of onset. We provide here the first estimates of the number of genetic factors that extend longevity inDrosophila melanogaster. Life span was measured in F1, F2 and backcrosses of true-breeding long and short-lived stocks ofD. melanogaster, established by selection. Estimates of the number of effective factors delaying senescence range from about 0.3 to 1.5, indicating control by a single factor. The distribution of longevity shows this to arise as selection acts on the short-lived parental stock. Life span is extended at the cost of early fecundity.  相似文献   

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