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单序冬青组[Sect.Lioprinus(Loes.)S.Y.Hu常绿乔木或灌木;单个花序生于当年生枝叶腋或鳞片内。叶片薄革质或坚纸质,分核背部具1单沟,断面呈U形(聚伞冬青系Ser.Chinenses)。  相似文献   

罗金裕   《广西植物》1989,9(3):197-198
<正> 缠绕木质藤本,枝条有纵条纹。枝条、叶柄、叶脉、花序轴、花萼外面、果序轴及果实均密被硬毛,长短混生,有时长毛脱落。叶纸质,三角状卵形,长3—12.6厘米,宽2.7-12厘米,先端通常具芒状短尖头,基部微心形至近截形,边全缘,有睫毛,上面深绿色,有光泽,下面灰绿色;通常有粗壮的掌状脉7,网脉两面明显;叶柄粗厚,长1.5—8厘米,微盾状着生。花序总状或圆锥状,由小聚伞花序组成,生于叶腋或老茎上;雄花:萼片4,分  相似文献   

花序是影响植物繁殖的关键性状,也在分类学和系统发育研究中起着重要作用。药用植物穿龙薯蓣(Discorea nipponica)的花序类型具有多样型,但目前相关研究资料较少,且常有争议。为明晰穿龙薯蓣的花序类型及特征,本研究以观察测量为主,结合石蜡制片技术,对穿龙薯蓣的花序形态、数量性状及发育过程进行研究。结果表明:穿龙薯蓣雌花形成腋生的穗状花序,具退化雄蕊,具花粉囊,但不产生花粉;雄花序特征与现有资料的描述不尽相同,雄花序生于叶腋或顶生于侧枝,花序主轴为无限花序,侧轴为蝎尾状单歧聚伞花序,整体为形似穗状的混合花序;由于雄株部分侧枝叶片退化,腋生花序向顶逐渐短缩,与顶生花序结合呈圆锥状;雄花序的长度、小花数量、小花密度及花期时间等均高于雌花序。本研究发现,穿龙薯蓣雌雄花序形态与有限花序向无限花序演化过程相符,具原始性,可保证传粉的成功率,增强对环境的适应性。  相似文献   

在扫描电镜下首次观察了桦木科鹅耳枥属千金榆花序和花的形态发生过程。千金榆雌花序由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成;每个小花序原基分化出1枚初级苞片和一团小花序原基分生组织,由小花序原基分生组织分化形成2个花原基和2个次级苞片;每个花原基分化出2个心皮原基,形成1个二心皮雌蕊;次级苞片远轴面发育快于近轴面,呈不均等的联合状;雌蕊基部有1层环状花被原基。雄花序为柔荑状,由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成;每个小花序原基分化出1枚初级苞片和一团小花序原基分生组织,由小花序原基分生组织分化出3个花原基分区,并分化形成3朵小花,小花无花被,位于两侧的小花分别有2枚雄蕊,位于中央的小花有4枚雄蕊,雄蕊共8枚,稀为10枚,该3朵小花为二歧聚伞状排列,其花基数应为2基数。  相似文献   

基部被子植物金粟兰科(Chloranthaceae)的单性花或两性花结构十分简单,雪香兰(Hedyosmum orientale)花单性、雌雄异株,花的形态及结构与其它属物种具有显著的差异,对于研究被子植物花特别是花被的起源和系统进化具有重要意义。该研究采用电子显微镜和光学显微镜观察了雪香兰单性花的器官发生及发育过程。结果表明,雌、雄花均为顶生和腋生,多个小花呈聚伞圆锥状排列。雄花外侧是苞片,每朵雄花上着生150–200个雄蕊,花轴基部着生少数退化的叶原体。苞片原基及其腋生的花原基最初呈圆丘状,随后伸长。在雄花发育过程中,苞片原基比雄蕊原基生长快,雄花原基纵向伸长,叶原体原基在基部发生,雄蕊原基自下而上发生。每2朵雌花底部合生形成小聚伞花序,每朵雌花被一苞叶包裹,由单心皮和三棱型子房构成,外覆三裂叶状花被。在雌花发育过程中,雌花原基比苞片原基生长快,花被原基首先于花顶端发生,随后花顶端中心凹陷,进一步发育成具有单心皮的子房原基。雪香兰的单性花发育不经过两性同体阶段,花分生组织只起始雄蕊器官或雌蕊器官的发育。研究结果支持雪香兰单性花是原始性状的观点,雄花叶原体与雌花三裂叶状花被同源,可能是花被(萼片与花瓣)的起源。  相似文献   

温州六道木Abelia spathulata Sieb. &; Zucc.原来被认为特产于日本, 最近发现也分布在我国浙江省永嘉县四海山。温州六道木与糯米条A. chinensis R. Brown的亲缘关系最近, 但温州六道木聚伞花序仅2花, 生于小枝顶端; 花冠白色或粉红色, 长2-3 cm, 钟状, 裂片二唇形; 雄蕊不伸出花冠筒外。糯米条聚伞花序多花, 集生于小枝顶部叶腋成圆锥花序状; 花冠白色, 长0.5-1 cm, 漏斗状, 裂片近辐射对称; 雄蕊显著伸出花冠筒外。  相似文献   

甜菜树属(中国山柚子科新纪录属)一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小乔木;小枝无毛。单叶互生,革质或肉质,无毛。花单性,雌雄异株,排成圆锥花序,花序轴纤细,具乳头状小突起,微被毛;花序多着生在主干上,少数着生在小枝上或小枝上部的叶腋;花4(-5);雄花单1或3—5簇生于苞片腋;花丝短,贴生于花被片基部;花药较大;花盘肉质微裂,类似退化的子房;雌花平生于苞腋,有时3—5簇生,具短梗。核果椭圆形,长卵形或倒卵形,长2.3—4厘米,果皮薄,厚1.5  相似文献   

报道了中国苦苣苔科蛛毛苣苔属一新记录种——腺花蛛毛苣苔(Paraboea glanduli flora Barnett)并提供了形态描述和野外生态照片,讨论了该种与近缘种类间的区别.该种为亚灌木状草本,无基生叶,聚伞花序2~4枝成对着生于茎顶叶腋,花冠密被腺毛,在该属中较为特殊.  相似文献   

正九里香[Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack],别名千里香、过山香,为芸香科(Rutaceae)九里香属常绿灌木至小乔木,株高可达8 m,奇数羽状复叶互生,小叶3~7枚,叶形变异极大,卵形、匙状倒卵形至近棱形,长1~6 cm,宽0.5~3 cm,全缘,表面深绿色,有光泽。圆锥状聚伞花序顶生,侧生或生于上部叶腋内。花白色,极芳香;萼片卵形,长约1.5mm;花瓣5片,长椭圆形,长1~1.5 cm,盛开时反折;雄蕊10枚,长短不等,比花瓣略短,花丝白色;花柱较子房稍细,均为淡绿色,柱头黄  相似文献   

瓠瓜(Lagenarla leucantha Rusby)品种“杭州长葫芦”的正常开花习性,是在主蔓上,每一叶腋开一朵雄花。但在幼苗期用乙烯利喷洒处理,可以促进多生雌花,少生雄花。但当乙烯利与GA_3混合使用时,显示GA_3有抵消乙烯利效应的作用,而这种作用的大小,与GA_3的浓度有关。 不论在长光照、短光照或自然光照下,乙烯利处理都可以促进主蔓多生雌花,少生雄花。但对侧蔓的影响不大。而用GA_3处理,对主蔓的雌雄性别,几乎没有影响。但对侧蔓的雌花数有减少的趋势。 乙烯利喷洒处理时,瓠瓜植株的节数愈多,则连续着生雌花的节数(相当于花数),有减少的顷向。但由处理时植株的顶叶数起到开始着生雌花之间的节数,则不同处理时期之间,相差不大。 试验证明:雄花的花药长度只有在0.2~0.4毫米以下时,才能为乙烯利处理转变为雌花。当雄花发育到花药长度超过0.5毫米时,就不能为乙烯利转变为雌花。乙烯利处理,并不能诱导瓠瓜分化更多的雌花,而只是使原来的雄花芽转变成为雌花。  相似文献   

细胞色素P450单加氧酶(CYP450)是参与植物代谢的最大酶家族,其中CYP734A亚家族成员广泛参与植物激素油菜素类固醇(BRs)的失活。该研究以青稞农家品种‘肚里黄’幼苗为实验材料,通过人工合成激素24 表油菜素内酯(24 eBL)和BRs合成抑制剂油菜素唑(BRZ)处理,分析BRs对青藏高原特色作物青稞(Hordeum vulgare L. var. nudum Hook. f.)的影响;采用RT PCR技术从青稞中克隆HvBAS1基因,并运用实时定量PCR检测其表达特征,为深入分析HvBAS1基因的功能奠定研究基础。结果显示:(1)24 eBL能够显著促进青稞幼苗的生长,而BRZ处理后幼苗长势明显减缓。(2)从青稞中成功克隆到2个与拟南芥BRs失活基因BAS1高度同源的CYP734A亚家族基因,即HvBAS1 1和HvBAS1 2;HvBAS1 1开放阅读框全长1 629 bp,编码542个氨基酸;HvBAS1 2长1 689 bp,编码562个氨基酸,二者氨基酸序列相似性为76.42%;亚细胞定位预测结果显示二者均存在于内质网。(3)实时定量PCR检测发现,青稞HvBAS1 1与HvBAS1 2的表达模式完全不同,其中HvBAS1 1在青稞根中的表达量高于叶中,而HvBAS1 2在叶中的表达量高于根,且随着苗龄的增大,HvBAS1 1在根中的表达呈先升高后降低的趋势,HvBAS1 2在叶片中呈先降低后升高的变化趋势;BRZ处理青稞幼苗后,其HvBAS1 1与HvBAS1 2基因的表达较对照均显著下调,且HvBAS1 2下调更为明显。研究表明,HvBAS1 1和HvBAS1 2很可能都参与了青稞内源BRs的失活,但二者的功能存在差异。  相似文献   

Sandra Ricci 《Hydrobiologia》1990,194(2):115-118
The new varietyStaurastrum dilatatum Ehr. var.thomassonii is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Stylosanthes sp. aff.S. scabra is an undescribed taxon showing affinities with the allotetraploid speciesS. scabra, but distinct in a number of attibutes. Several collections show potential as forage for clay soils in northern Australia. Twelve accessions have been analysed using STS (sequence-tagged-sites) as genetic markers, and they all displayed STS phenotypes of typical diploid species. Taking into account their morphological similarities, the STS analysis provides strong evidence thatStylosanthes sp. aff.S. scabra might be a diploid progenitor of the allotetraploidS. scabra. This speculation was supported by cytological examinations. Somatic chromosome numbers of two of these accessions were counted and both were found to be diploid (2n = 20). The level of polymorphism among the 12Stylosanthes sp. aff.S. scabra accessions, estimated using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) as markers, was 7.8%, and the dissimilarity value betweenStylosanthes sp. aff.S. scabra andS. viscosa (the other putative progenitor ofS. scabra) was 89%.  相似文献   

郭英兰  刘锡琎 《菌物学报》1992,11(Z1):99-108
本文报道中国假尾孢属的16个种,其中有3个新种:藤山柳假尾孢(Pseudocercospora clematoclethrae),仙茅假尾孢(P. curculiginis,),豆付柴假尾孢(P. premnicola), 8个新组合:金粟兰假尾孢(P. chloranthe), 榅桲假尾孢(P. cydoniae),福岗假尾孢(P. fukuokaensis),土连翘假尾孢(P. hymenodictyonis),南五味子假尾孢(P. kadsurae), 野岛假尾孢(P. nojimae).绣线菊假尾孢(P. spiraeicola),球形假尾孢(P. sphaeriiformis)和3个中国新纪录。文中对新种进行了描述并绘图。研究的标本保存在中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室(HMAS)。  相似文献   

In a taxonomic study on the ascomycetous yeasts isolated from plant materials collected in tropical forests in Yunnan and Hainan Provinces, southern China, four strains isolated from tree sap (YJ2E(T)) and flowers (YF9E(T), YWZH3C(T) and YYF2A(T)) were revealed to represent four undescribed yeast species. Molecular phylogenetic analysis based on the large subunit (26S) rRNA gene D1/D2 domain sequences showed that strain YJ2E(T) was located in a clade together with Candida haemulonii and C. pseudohaemulonii. Strain YF9E(T) was most closely related to C. azyma and strain YWZH3C(T) to C. sorbophila and C. spandovensis. Strain YYF2A(T) was clustered in a clade containing small-spored Metschnikowia species and related anamorphic Candida species. The new strains differed from their closely related described species by more than 10% mismatches in the D1/D2 domain. No sexual states were observed for the four strains on various sporulation media. The new species are therefore assigned to the genus Candida and described as Candida alocasiicola sp. nov. (type strain, YF9E(T) = AS 2.3484(T) = CBS 10702(T)), Candida hainanensis sp. nov. (type strain, YYF2A(T) = AS 2.3478(T) = CBS 10696(T)), Candida heveicola sp. nov. (type strain, YJ2E(T) = AS 2.3483(T) = CBS 10701(T)) and Candida musiphila sp. nov. (type strain, YWZH3C(T) = AS 2.3479(T) = CBS 10697(T)).  相似文献   

Phialophora gregata nuclear (n) DNA was characterized by physical methods. The nDNA of f.sp.adzukicola was shown to be larger than that of f.sp.sojae, 2.9 and 2.1 × 1010 Da, respectively. The amounts of repetitive sequence and AT-rich region in the nDNA were also larger in f.sp.adzukicola than f.sp.sojae. These results indicate that the nuclear genome organization of the two formae speciales is differentiated.  相似文献   

The taxonomic positions of soil isolates known as Streptomyces groups A, B and C were clarified. Comparative 16S rDNA sequence studies indicated that representatives of all three taxa formed distinct phyletic lines within the Streptomyces tree though the group A strains were shown to be related to Streptomyces griseus and associated validly described species. The taxonomic integrity of all three groups was highlighted by DNA:DNA relatedness and ribotype data though the group A strains encompassed a higher degree of genetic variation than the group B and C strains. In light of these and earlier phenotypic data it is proposed that Streptomyces groups A, B and C be given species status as Streptomyces sanglieri sp. nov., Streptomyces aureus sp. nov. and Streptomyces laceyi sp. nov., respectively. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The susceptibility ofPhialophora gregata ff.sp.adzukicola andsojae to antimicrobial chemicals was investigated. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of benomyl, chloramphenicol, CuSO4, cycloheximide and perchlorate for mycelial growth were the same for the two formae speciales. The MIC of hygromycin against f.sp.adzukicola was slightly lower than that against f.sp.sojae, and the latter was more resistant to iprodion than the former. Susceptibility to nystatin was markedly different: ff.sp.adzukicola andsojae had relative growth values of 3–20% and 59–93% at 100 µg/ml, respectively, and this difference could be used to differentiate the two formae speciales.  相似文献   

Multivariate analysis of vegetative and reproductive characters was used to examine morphological relatedness amongAntennaria alborosea A. E. Porsild,A. corymbosa E. Nels.,A. marginata Greene,A. microphylla Rydb.,A. parvifolia Nutt.,A. rosea Greene, andA. umbrinella Rydb. Both pistillate and staminate plants were examined. Some of the characters examined were variable in one species, but stable in another (i.e., presence or absence of papillae on the achenes). Our analyses indicate that the seven species are morphologically distinct. It is hypothesized that theA. rosea agamic complex arose through hybridization amongA. corymbosa, A. microphylla, A. umbrinella, and possiblyA. dioica (L.)Gaertn. However, hybridization between the three former species and others, as well as their subsequent morphological responses to different environmental conditions causes confusion in recognizing the taxa.Antennaria angustifolia Rydb.,A. arida E. Nels.,A. confinis Greene,A. scariosa E. Nels.,A. foliacea humilis Rydb.,A. concinna E. Nels., andA. viscidula E. Nels. are considered to represent F 1 hybrids.  相似文献   

C-banding patterns and polymorphisms were analyzed in several accessions of the diploidAegilops speciesAe. uniaristata, Ae. mutica, andAe. comosa subsp.comosa and subsp.heldreichii, and standard karyotypes of these species were established. Variation in C-band size and location was observed between different accessions, but did not prevent chromosome identification. One accession ofAe. uniaristata was homozygous for whole-arm translocations involving chromosomes 1N and 5N. The homoeologous relationships of these chromosomes were established by comparison of chromosome morphologies and C-banding patterns to other diploidAegilops species with known chromosome homoeology. In addition, in situ hybridization analysis with a 5S rDNA probe was used to identify homoeologous groups 1 and 5 chromosomes. The present analysis permitted the assignment of allAe. mutica, comosa subsp.comosa, andAe. comosa subsp.heldreichii chromosomes, and three of the sevenAe. uniaristata chromosomes according to their homoeologous groups. The data presented will be useful analyzing genome differentiation in polyploidAegilops species.  相似文献   

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