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Intratetrad mating, the fusion of gametes formed in a single meiosis, has unusual consequences for genetic diversity, especially in genome regions linked to mating type loci. Here we investigate the fate of modifier alleles that alter the rate of intratetrad mating, under models of heterozygote advantage and of genetic load resulting from recurrent mutation. In both cases, intratetrad mating is favored if the recombination rate between the selected locus and mating type is less than the frequency of lethal recessive alleles at that locus in the population. Positive feedback often accelerates the invasion of modifiers to the intratetrad mating rate. Recombination rate and intratetrad mating rate exert indirect selection on one another, resulting in a cascading decline in outcrossing, even in the absence of any cost of sex. However, under recurrent mutation, alleles for obligate intratetrad mating invade only very slowly, perhaps explaining why outcrossing can persist at low frequencies in a largely intratetrad mating population.  相似文献   

Variation in the magnitude of inbreeding depression (ID) among families may have important consequences for mating system evolution. Experimental studies have shown that such variation is a common feature of natural plant populations. Unfortunately, the genetic and evolutionary significance of family level estimates remains obscure. Almost any kind of genetic variation will generate differences in ID among families, and as a consequence, a non-zero variance in family level ID is not sufficient to distinguish genetic architectures with wholly different implications for mating system evolution. Quantitative genetic methods provide a means to extract more information from ID experiments. Estimates of quantitative genetic variance components directly inform questions about the genetic basis of ID and should ultimately allow tests of alternative theories of mating system evolution.  相似文献   

Historically, explanations for the evolution of floral traits that reduce self-fertilization have tended to focus on selection to avoid inbreeding depression. However, there is growing support for the hypothesis that such traits also play a role in promoting efficient pollen dispersal by reducing anther-stigma interference. The relative importance of these two selective pressures is currently a popular topic of investigation. To date, there has been no theoretical exploration of the relative contributions of selection to avoid the genetic costs of self-fertilization and selection to promote efficient pollen dispersal on the evolution of floral traits. We developed a population genetic model to examine the influence of these factors on the evolution of dichogamy: the temporal separation of anther maturation and stigma receptivity. Our analysis indicates that anther-stigma interference can favor dichogamy even in the absence of in-breeding depression. Although anther-stigma interference and inbreeding depression are the key forces driving the initial evolution of dichogamy, selection to match the timing of pollen dispersal to the availability of ovules at the population level becomes a more potent force opposing the further evolution of dichogamy as the extent of temporal separation increases. This result may help to explain otherwise puzzling phenomena such as why dichogamy is rarely complete in nature and why dichogamy tends to be associated with asynchronous flower presentation.  相似文献   

Summary Verbal explanations for the evolution of migration and dispersal often invoke inbreeding depression as an important force. Experimental work on plant populations indicates that while inbreeding depression may favor increased migration rates, adaptation to local environments may reduce the advantage to migrants. We formalize and test this hypothesis using a two-locus genetic model that incorporates lowered fitness in offspring produced by self-fertilization, and habitat differentiation. We also use the model to address questions about the general theory of genetic modifiers and the modifier reduction principle. We find that even under conditions when migration would increase the mean fitness of a population, migration may not be favored. This result is due to the associations that develop between genotypes at a locus subject to overdominant selection and at a neutral locus controlling the migration rate. Thus, it appears that, in this model, the forces of local adaptation, which favor a reduction in the migration rate, overwhelm those of inbreeding depression, which may favor dispersal.  相似文献   

Although a large portion of plant and animal species exhibit intermediate levels of outcrossing, the factors that maintain this wealth of variation are not well understood. Natural enemies are one relatively understudied ecological factor that may influence the evolutionary stability of mixed mating. In this paper, we aim for a conceptual unification of the role of enemies in mating system expression and evolution in both hermaphroditic animals and plants. We review current theory and detail the potential effects of enemies on fundamental mating system parameters. In doing so, we identify situations in which consideration of enemies alters expectations about the stability of mixed mating. Generally, we find that inclusion of the enemy dimension may broaden conditions in which mixed mating systems are evolutionarily stable. Finally, we highlight avenues ripe for future theoretical and empirical work that will advance our understanding of enemies in the expression and evolution of mixed mating in their hosts/victims, including examination of feedback cycles between victims and enemies and quantification of mating system-related parameters in victim populations in the presence and absence of enemies.  相似文献   

Reproductive compensation, the replacement of dead embryos by potentially viable ones, is known to play a major role in the maintenance of deleterious mutations in mammalian populations. However, it has received little attention in plant evolution. Here we model the joint evolution of mating system and inbreeding depression with reproductive compensation. We used a dynamic model of inbreeding depression, allowing for partial purging of recessive lethal mutations by selfing. We showed that reproductive compensation tended to increase the mean number of lethals in a population, but favored self-fertilization by effectively decreasing early inbreeding depression. When compensation depended on the selfing rate, stable mixed mating systems can occur, with low to intermediate selfing rates. Experimental evidence of reproductive compensation is required to confirm its potential importance in the evolution of plant mating systems. We suggest experimental methods to detect reproductive compensation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The remarkable diversity of mating patterns and sexual systems in flowering plants has fascinated evolutionary biologists for more than a century. Enduring questions about this topic include why sexual polymorphisms have evolved independently in over 100 plant families, and why proportions of self- and cross-fertilization often vary dramatically within and among populations. Important new insights concerning the evolutionary dynamics of plant mating systems have built upon a strong foundation of theoretical models and innovative field and laboratory experiments. However, as the pace of advancement in this field has accelerated, it has become increasingly difficult for researchers to follow developments outside their primary area of research expertise. SCOPE: In this Viewpoint paper we highlight three important themes that span and integrate different subdisciplines: the changes in morphology, phenology, and physiology that accompany the transition to selfing; the evolutionary consequences of pollen pool diversity in flowering plants; and the evolutionary dynamics of sexual polymorphisms. We also highlight recent developments in molecular techniques that will facilitate more efficient and cost-effective study of mating patterns in large natural populations, research on the dynamics of pollen transport, and investigations on the genetic basis of sexual polymorphisms. This Viewpoint also serves as the introduction to a Special Issue on the Evolution of Plant Mating Systems. The 15 papers in this special issue provide inspiring examples of recent discoveries, and glimpses of exciting developments yet to come.  相似文献   

Regions of the chromosomes determining mating compatibility in some fungi, including Microbotryum lychnidis‐dioicae and Neurospora tetrasperma, exhibit suppressed recombination similar to sex chromosomes in plants and animals, and recent studies have sought to apply basic theories of sex chromosome evolution to fungi. A phylogeny of the MTL1 locus in Microbotryum indicates that it has become part of the nonrecombining regions of the mating‐type chromosomes in multiple independent events, and that recombination may have been subsequently restored in some cases. This illustrates that fungal mating‐type chromosomes can exhibit linkage relationship that are quite dynamic, adding to the list of similarities to animal or plant sex chromosomes. However, fungi such as M. lychnidis‐dioicae and N. tetrasperma exhibit an automictic mating system, for which an alternate theoretical framework exists to explain the evolution of linkage with the mating‐type locus. This study encourages further comparative studies among fungi to evaluate the role of mating systems in determining the evolution of fungal mating‐type chromosomes.  相似文献   

The evolution of novel sexual communication systems is integral to the process of speciation, as it discourages gene flow between incipient species. Physical linkage between genes underlying male-female communication (i.e. sexual signals and preferences for them) facilitates both rapid and coordinated divergence of sexual communication systems between populations and reduces recombination in the face of occasional hybridization between diverging populations. Despite these ramifications of the genetic architecture of sexual communication for sexual selection and speciation, few studies have examined this relationship empirically. Previous studies of the closely related Hawaiian crickets Laupala paranigra and Laupala kohalensis have indirectly suggested that many of the genes underlying the difference in pulse rate of male song are physically linked with genes underlying the difference in female preference for pulse rate. Using marker-assisted introgression, we moved 'slow pulse rate' alleles from L. paranigra at five known quantitative trait loci (QTL) underlying male pulse rate into the 'fast pulse rate' genetic background of L. kohalensis and assessed the effect of these loci on female preference. An astounding four out of five song QTL predicted the preferences of female fourth-generation backcrosses, providing direct evidence for the extensive genetic linkage of song and preference in one of the fastest diversifying genera currently known.  相似文献   

InUstilago maydis thea andb mating type loci control pathogenicity as well as sexual development. We review the function of these loci in controlling the cell fusion step, the switch from yeast-like to filamentous growth and subsequent pathogenic development. Our special emphasis will be the role of pheromones and pheromone signaling in these processes.  相似文献   

Genetic mapping methods provide a unique opportunity to study the interactions of differentiated genes and genomes in a hybrid genetic background. After a brief discussion of theoretical and analytical concerns, we review the application of these methods to a wide range of evolutionary issues. Map-based studies of experimental hybrids indicate that most postzygotic reproductive barriers in plants are polygenic and that the expression of extreme or novel traits in segregating hybrids (transgressive segregation) results from the complementary action of divergent parental alleles. However, genetic studies of hybrid vigor do not concur in their interpretations of the relative roles of dominance, overdominance, and epistasis. Map-based studies of natural hybrids are much rarer, but the few existing studies confirm the polygenic basis of postzygotic barriers and demonstrate the utility of genetic linkage for detecting cryptic introgression. In addition, studies of experimental and natural hybrid lineages provide compelling evidence that homoploid hybrid speciation has occurred in nature, and that it represents a rapid and repeatable mode of speciation. Data further indicate that this mode is facilitated by strong fertility selection and high chromosomal mutation rates. We recommend that future studies of hybrid genomes focus on natural hybrids, not only because of the paucity of data in this area, but also because of the availability of highly recombinant hybrid genotypes in hybrid zones. Of particular value will be studies of long-lived or difficult-to-propagate organisms, which previously have not been amenable to genetic study.  相似文献   

The prevalence of recombination in eukaryotes poses one of the most puzzling questions in biology. The most compelling general explanation is that recombination facilitates selection by breaking down the negative associations generated by random drift (i.e. Hill–Robertson interference, HRI). I classify the effects of HRI owing to: deleterious mutation, balancing selection and selective sweeps on: neutral diversity, rates of adaptation and the mutation load. These effects are mediated primarily by the density of deleterious mutations and of selective sweeps. Sequence polymorphism and divergence suggest that these rates may be high enough to cause significant interference even in genomic regions of high recombination. However, neither seems able to generate enough variance in fitness to select strongly for high rates of recombination. It is plausible that spatial and temporal fluctuations in selection generate much more fitness variance, and hence selection for recombination, than can be explained by uniformly deleterious mutations or species-wide selective sweeps.  相似文献   

刺芹侧耳是一种典型的具四极性交配型系统的担子菌,通常需要一对可亲和的单核菌丝体才能够形成稳定的双核菌丝体。本研究将刺芹侧耳单核菌株181(A1B1)中AB交配型基因HD1HD2以及信息素前体基因PEphb3.1PEphb3.3克隆后,通过PEG介导的方式敲入到可亲和的单核菌株183(A2B2)中,获得了22个阳性转化子。运用荧光显微镜对其中11个具有锁状联合的转化子进行了详细观察,描述了锁状联合和细胞核相。研究结果为进一步开展交配型基因的遗传操作研究提供了方法学上的借鉴和参考。本文还探讨了同核双核体的概念和应用价值。  相似文献   

The evolution of multiple mating in army ants   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The evolution of mating systems in eusocial Hymenoptera is constrained because females mate only during a brief period early in life, whereas inseminated queens and their stored sperm may live for decades. Considerable research effort during recent years has firmly established that obligate multiple mating has evolved only a few times: in Apis honeybees, Vespula wasps, Pogonomyrmex harvester ants, Atta and Acromyrmex leaf-cutting ants, the ant Cataglyphis cursor, and in at least some army ants. Here we provide estimates of queen-mating frequency for New World Neivamyrmex and Old World Aenictus species, which, compared to other army ants, have relatively small colonies and little size polymorphism among workers. To provide the first overall comparative analysis of the evolution of army ant mating systems, we combine these new results with previous estimates for African Dorylus and New World Eciton army ants, which have very large colonies and considerable worker polymorphism. We show that queens of Neivamyrmex and Aenictus mate with the same high numbers of males (usually ca. 10-20) as do queens of army ant species with very large colony sizes. We infer that multiple queen mating is ancestral in army ants and has evolved over 100 million years ago as part of the army ant adaptive syndrome. A comparison of army ants and honeybees suggests that mating systems in these two distantly related groups may have been convergently shaped by strikingly similar selective pressures.  相似文献   

This article extends and adds more realism to Lande's analytical model for evolution under mate choice by using individual‐based simulations in which females sample a finite number of males and the genetic architecture of the preference and preferred trait evolves. The simulations show that the equilibrium heritabilities of the preference and preferred trait and the genetic correlation between them (rG), depend critically on aspects of the mating system (the preference function, mode of mate choice, choosiness, and number of potential mates sampled), the presence or absence of natural selection on the preferred trait, and the initial genetic parameters. Under some parameter combinations, preferential mating increased the heritability of the preferred trait, providing a possible resolution for the lek paradox. The Kirkpatrick–Barton approximation for rG proved to be biased downward, but the realized genetic correlations were also low, generally <0.2. Such low values of rG indicate that coevolution of the preference and preferred trait is likely to be very slow and subject to significant stochastic variation. Lande's model accurately predicted the incidence of runaway selection in the simulations, except where preferences were relative and the preferred trait was subject to natural selection. In these cases, runaways were over‐ or underestimated, depending on the number of males sampled. We conclude that rapid coevolution of preferences and preferred traits is unlikely in natural populations, but that the parameter combinations most conducive to it are most likely to occur in lekking species.  相似文献   

Mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) was used to investigate the genetic architecture of divergence in floral characters associated with the mating system, an important adaptive trait in angiosperms. Two species of Leptosiphon (Polemoniaceae), one strongly self-fertilizing (L. bicolor) and the other partially outcrossing (L. jepsonii), were crossed to produce F2 and both backcross progenies. For each crossing population, a linkage map was created using amplified fragment length polymorphism markers, and QTL were identified for several dimensions of floral size. For each of the five traits examined, three to seven QTL were detected, with independent datasets yielding congruent results in some but not all cases. The phenotypic effect of individual QTL was generally moderate. We estimated that many of the QTL were additive or showed dominance toward L. bicolor, whereas comparison of mean trait values for parental and cross progenies showed apparent overall dominance of L. jepsonii traits. Colocalization of QTL for different dimensions of floral size was consistent with high phenotypic correlations between floral traits. Substantial segregation distortion was observed in marker loci, the majority favoring alleles from the large-flowered parent. A low frequency of male sterility in the F2 population is consistent with the Dobzhansky-Muller model for the evolution of reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Second‐generation, sex‐specific genetic linkage maps were generated for the economically important estuarine‐dependent marine fish Sciaenops ocellatus (red drum). The maps were based on F1 progeny from each of two single‐pair mating families. A total of 237 nuclear‐encoded microsatellite markers were mapped to 25 linkage groups. The female map contained 226 markers, with a total length of 1270.9 centiMorgans (cM) and an average inter‐marker interval of 6.53 cM; the male map contained 201 markers, with a total length of 1122.9 cM and an average inter‐marker interval of 6.03 cM. The overall recombination rate was approximately equal in the two sexes (♀:♂ = 1.03:1). Recombination rates in a number of linkage intervals, however, differed significantly between the same sex in both families and between sexes within families. The former occurred in 2.4% of mapped intervals, while the latter occurred in 51.2% of mapped intervals. Sex‐specific recombination rates varied within chromosomes, with regions of both female‐biased and male‐biased recombination. Original clones from which the microsatellite markers were generated were compared with genome sequence data for the spotted green puffer, Tetraodon nigroviridis; a total of 43 matches were located in 17 of 21 chromosomes of T. nigroviridis, while seven matches were in unknown portions of the T. nigroviridis genome. The map for red drum provides a new, useful tool for aquaculture, population genetics, and comparative genomics of this economically important marine species.  相似文献   

Phylogeny is deeply pertinent to evolutionary studies. Traits that perform a body function are expected to be strongly influenced by physical "requirements" of the function. We investigated if such traits exhibit phylogenetic signals, and, if so, how phylogenetic noises bias quantification of form-function relationships. A form-function system that is strongly influenced by physics, namely the relationship between eye morphology and visual optics in amniotes, was used. We quantified the correlation between form (i.e., eye morphology) and function (i.e., ocular optics) while varying the level of phylogenetic bias removal through adjusting Pagel's λ. Ocular soft-tissue dimensions exhibited the highest correlation with ocular optics when 1% of phylogenetic bias expected from Brownian motion was removed (i.e., λ= 0.01); the value for hard-tissue data were 8%. A small degree of phylogenetic bias therefore exists in morphology despite of the stringent functional constraints. We also devised a phylogenetically informed discriminant analysis and recorded the effects of phylogenetic bias on this method using the same data. Use of proper λ values during phylogenetic bias removal improved misidentification rates in resulting classifications when prior probabilities were assumed to be equal. Even a small degree of phylogenetic bias affected the classification resulting from phylogenetically informed discriminant analysis.  相似文献   

Naturally isolated populations have conflicting selection pressures for successful reproduction and inbreeding avoidance. These species with limited seasonal reproductive opportunities may use selfing as a means of reproductive assurance. We quantified the frequency of selfing and the fitness consequences for inbred versus outcrossed progeny of an annual kelp, the sea palm (Postelsia palmaeformis). Using experimentally established populations and microsatellite markers to assess the extent of selfing in progeny from six founding parents, we found the frequency of selfing was higher than expected in every population, and few fitness costs were detected in selfed offspring. Despite a decline in heterozygosity of 30 per cent in the first generation of selfing, self-fertilization did not affect individual size or reproduction, and correlated only with a marginally significant decline in survival. Our results suggest both that purging of deleterious recessive alleles may have already occurred and that selfing may be key to reproductive assurance in this species with limited dispersal. Postelsia has an alteration of a free-living diploid and haploid stage, where the haploid stage may provide increased efficiency for purging the genetic load. This life history is shared by many seaweeds and may thus be an important component of mating system evolution in the sea.  相似文献   

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