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Various proteins sharing thioredoxin (Trx)-like active site sequences (Cys-Xxx-Xxx-Cys) have been found and classified in the Trx superfamily. Among them, transmembrane Trx-related protein (TMX) was recently identified as a novel protein possessing an atypical active site sequence, Cys-Pro-Ala-Cys. In the present study, we describe the properties of this membranous Trx-related molecule. Endogenous TMX was detected as a protein of approximately 30 kDa with a cleavable signal peptide. TMX was enriched in membrane fractions and exhibited a similar subcellular distribution with calnexin localized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The examination of membrane topology of TMX suggested that the N-terminal region containing the Trx-like domain was present in the ER lumen, where protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) was found to assist protein folding. Recombinant TMX showed PDI-like activity to refold scrambled RNase. These results indicate the possibility that TMX can modify certain molecules with its oxidoreductase activity and be involved in the redox regulation in the ER.  相似文献   

Ticks belonging to arthropoda are blood feeding, geographically widespread ectoparasites of mammals, reptiles and birds. Their saliva contains active substances that protect them from host immune attack and allow for transmission of various pathogens during the feeding process. Characterization of tick saliva components can therefore contribute to the development of effective methods for the control of tick-borne diseases.

Here we describe the identification and basic characterization of a gene encoding a 55 kDa protein found in the salivary glands (SG) of Amblyomma variegatum tick. Based on the primary structure and homology to the family of protein disulfide isomerases (PDI; EC the gene was named AvPDI. The 1461 nt long AvPDI open reading frame codes for a 487 amino acid protein. In vitro expressed AvPDI was exclusively localized in the endoplasmic reticulum. RT-PCR and Western blot analysis revealed that AvPDI expression is not restricted to the SG of the tick. More detailed analysis on tissue slides from SG detected an AvPDI specific signal in granular cells of the acini type II and III. Finally, reductase activity of AvPDI was confirmed in an insulin assay. The structural and functional characteristics suggest that AvPDI is another member of the PDI protein family and represents the first more closely characterized PDI in the ticks.  相似文献   

This review examines oxidative protein folding within the mammalian endoplasmic reticulum (ER) from an enzymological perspective. In protein disulfide isomerase-first (PDI-first) pathways of oxidative protein folding, PDI is the immediate oxidant of reduced client proteins and then addresses disulfide mispairings in a second isomerization phase. In PDI-second pathways the initial oxidation is PDI-independent. Evidence for the rapid reduction of PDI by reduced glutathione is presented in the context of PDI-first pathways. Strategies and challenges are discussed for determination of the concentrations of reduced and oxidized glutathione and of the ratios of PDIred:PDIox. The preponderance of evidence suggests that the mammalian ER is more reducing than first envisaged. The average redox state of major PDI-family members is largely to almost totally reduced. These observations are consistent with model studies showing that oxidative protein folding proceeds most efficiently at a reducing redox poise consistent with a stoichiometric insertion of disulfides into client proteins. After a discussion of the use of natively encoded fluorescent probes to report the glutathione redox poise of the ER, this review concludes with an elaboration of a complementary strategy to discontinuously survey the redox state of as many redox-active disulfides as can be identified by ratiometric LC–MS–MS methods. Consortia of oxidoreductases that are in redox equilibrium can then be identified and compared to the glutathione redox poise of the ER to gain a more detailed understanding of the factors that influence oxidative protein folding within the secretory compartment.  相似文献   

For most of the proteins synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), disulfide bond formation accompanies protein folding in a process called oxidative folding. Oxidative folding is catalyzed by a number of enzymes, including the family of protein disulfide isomerases (PDIs), as well as other proteins that supply oxidizing equivalents to PDI family proteins, like ER oxidoreductin 1 (Ero1). Oxidative protein folding in the ER is a basic vital function, and understanding its molecular mechanism is critical for the application of plants as protein production tools. Here, I review the recent research and progress related to the enzymes involved in oxidative folding in the plant ER. Firstly, nine groups of plant PDI family proteins are introduced. Next, the enzymatic properties of plant Ero1 are described. Finally, the cooperative folding by multiple PDI family proteins and Ero1 is described.  相似文献   

We report an efficient system to produce and display properly folded disulfide-rich proteins facilitated by coupled complementary DNA (cDNA) display and protein disulfide isomerase-assisted folding. The results show that a neurotoxin protein containing four disulfide linkages can be displayed in the folded state. Furthermore, it can be refolded on a solid support that binds efficiently to its natural acetylcholine receptor. Probing the efficiency of the display proteins prepared by these methods provided up to 8-fold higher enrichment by the selective enrichment method compared with cDNA display alone, more than 10-fold higher binding to its receptor by the binding assays, and more than 10-fold higher affinities by affinity measurements. Cotranslational folding was found to have better efficiency than posttranslational refolding between the two investigated methods. We discuss the utilities of efficient display of such proteins in the preparation of superior quality proteins and protein libraries for directed evolution leading to ligand discovery.  相似文献   

Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) is a multifunctional protein required for many aspects of protein folding and transit through the endoplasmic reticulum. A conserved family of three PDIs has been functionally analysed using genetic mutants of the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans. PDI-1 and PDI-3 are individually non-essential, whereas PDI-2 is required for normal post-embryonic development. In combination, all three genes are synergistically essential for embryonic development in this nematode. Mutations in pdi-2 result in severe body morphology defects, uncoordinated movement, adult sterility, abnormal molting and aberrant collagen deposition. Many of these phenotypes are consistent with a role in collagen biogenesis and extracellular matrix formation. PDI-2 is required for the normal function of prolyl 4-hydroxylase, a key collagen-modifying enzyme. Site-directed mutagenesis indicates that the independent catalytic activity of PDI-2 may also perform an essential developmental function. PDI-2 therefore performs two critical roles during morphogenesis. The role of PDI-2 in collagen biogenesis can be restored following complementation of the mutant with human PDI.  相似文献   

The QSOX1 protein, belonging to a new class of FAD-linked Quiescin/Sulfhydryl oxidase, catalyzes disulfide bond formation. To give new insight into the biological function of QSOX1, we studied its involvement in oxidative stress-induced apoptosis and cell recovery of PC12 cells. By real time RT-PCR and flow cytometric analysis, we show that the QSOX1 mRNA and protein levels increased late after the beginning of oxidative treatment and were sustained for 72 h. These levels were still high when the PC12 cells were not dying but had resumed proliferation. The kinetics of QSOX1 expression suggest a more protective effect of QSOX1 rather than an involvement of this protein in apoptosis. Human breast cancer MCF-7 cell lines overexpressing the guinea pig QSOX1 protein submitted to the same treatments appeared less sensitive to cell death than the MCF-7 control cells. The protective effect is partly due to a preservation of the mitochondrial polarization generally lost after an oxidative stress. These results strengthen our hypothesis of a protective role of QSOX1 against apoptosis.  相似文献   

Disulfide bond formation during protein folding of nascent proteins is associated with the generation of H2O2 in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Approaches to quantifying H2O2 directly within the ER failed because of the oxidative environment in the ER lumen, and ER-specific catalase expression to detoxify high H2O2 concentrations resulted in an inactive protein owing to N-glycosylation. Therefore, the N-glycosylation motifs at asparagine-244 and -439 of the human catalase protein were deleted by site-directed mutagenesis. The ER-targeted expression of these variants revealed that the deletion of the N-glycosylation motif only at asparagine-244 (N244) was associated with the maintenance of full enzymatic activity in the ER. Expression of catalase N244 in the ER (ER-Catalase N244) was ER-specific and protected the cells significantly against exogenously added H2O2. With the expression of ER-Catalase N244, a highly effective H2O2 inactivation within the ER was achieved for the first time. Catalase has a high H2O2-inactivation capacity without the need of reducing cofactors, which might interfere with the ER redox homeostasis, and is not involved in protein folding. With these characteristics ER-Catalase N244 is an ideal tool to explore the impact of ER-generated H2O2 on the generation of disulfide bonds or to study the induction of ER-stress pathways through protein folding overload and accumulation of H2O2.  相似文献   

蛋白质二硫键异构酶(PDI)可催化二硫键的形成、断裂和重排,并促进蛋白质折叠,对稳定蛋白质的三维结构至关重要. PDI的表达或酶活性的失调与一系列疾病如癌症、神经退行性疾病、血栓形成等密切相关.本文综述了PDI结构、与疾病的关系及其抑制剂的研究进展,并指出目前PDI抑制剂存在的问题及未来发展方向,以期为PDI抑制剂的进一步研究提供参考.  相似文献   

Protein disulfide isomerases (PDIs) constitute a family of oxidoreductases promoting redox protein folding and quality control in the endoplasmic reticulum. PDIs catalyze disulfide bond formation, isomerization, and reduction, operating in concert with molecular chaperones to fold secretory cargoes in addition to directing misfolded proteins to be refolded or degraded. Importantly, PDIs are emerging as key components of the proteostasis network, integrating protein folding status with central surveillance mechanisms to balance proteome stability according to cellular needs. Recent advances in the field driven by the generation of new mouse models, human genetic studies, and omics methodologies, in addition to interventions using small molecules and gene therapy, have revealed the significance of PDIs to the physiology of the nervous system. PDIs are also implicated in diverse pathologies, ranging from neurodevelopmental conditions to neurodegenerative diseases and traumatic injuries. Here, we review the principles of redox protein folding in the ER with a focus on current evidence linking genetic mutations and biochemical alterations to PDIs in the etiology of neurological conditions.  相似文献   

α-Synuclein (αSyn) is the main component of Lewy bodies formed in midbrain dopaminergic neurons which is a pathological characteristic of Parkinson's disease. It has been recently showed to induce endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and impair ER functions. However, the mechanism of how ER responds to αSyn toxicity is poorly understood. In the present study, we found that protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), a stress protein abundant in ER, effectively inhibits αSyn fibril formation in vitro. In PDI molecule with a structure of abb’xa’c, domain a’ was found to be essential and sufficient for PDI to inhibit αSyn fibril formation. PDI was further found to be more avid for binding with intermediate species formed during αSyn fibril formation, and the binding was more intensive in the later lag phase. Our results provide new insight into the role of PDI in protecting ER from the deleterious effects of misfolded protein accumulation in many neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Oxidative protein folding is confined to few compartments, including the endoplasmic reticulum, the mitochondrial intermembrane space and the bacterial periplasm. Conversely, in compartments in which proteins are translated such as the cytosol, the mitochondrial matrix and the chloroplast stroma proteins are kept reduced by the thioredoxin and glutaredoxin systems that functionally overlap. The highly reducing NADPH pool thereby serves as electron donor that enables glutathione reductase and thioredoxin reductase to keep glutathione pools and thioredoxins in their reduced redox state, respectively. Notably, also compartments containing oxidizing machineries are linked to these reducing pathways. Reducing pathways aid in proofreading of disulfide bond formation by isomerization or they provide reducing equivalents for the reduction of disulfides prior to degradation. In addition, they contribute to the thiol-dependent regulation of protein activities, and they help to counteract oxidative stress. The existence of oxidizing and reducing pathways in the same compartment poses a potential problem as the cell has to avoid futile cycles of oxidation and subsequent reduction reactions. Thus, compartments that contain oxidizing machineries have developed sophisticated ways to spatiotemporally balance and regulate oxidation and reduction. In this review, we discuss oxidizing and reducing pathways in the endoplasmic reticulum, the periplasm and the mitochondrial intermembrane space and highlight the role of glutathione especially in the endoplasmic reticulum and the intermembrane space. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Thiol-Based Redox Processes.  相似文献   

A sensitive new plate-reader assay has been developed showing that adult mammalian blood serum contains circulating soluble sulfhydryl oxidase activity that can introduce disulfide bonds into reduced proteins with the reduction of oxygen to hydrogen peroxide. The activity was purified 5000-fold to >90% homogeneity from bovine serum and found by mass spectrometry to be consistent with the short isoform of quiescin-sulfhydryl oxidase 1 (QSOX1). This FAD-dependent enzyme is present at comparable activity levels in fetal and adult commercial bovine sera. Thus cell culture media that are routinely supplemented with either fetal or adult bovine sera will contain this facile catalyst of protein thiol oxidation. QSOX1 is present at approximately 25 nM in pooled normal adult human serum. Examination of the unusual kinetics of QSOX1 toward cysteine and glutathione at low micromolar concentrations suggests that circulating QSOX1 is unlikely to significantly contribute to the oxidation of these monothiols in plasma. However, the ability of QSOX1 to rapidly oxidize conformationally mobile protein thiols suggests a possible contribution to the redox status of exofacial and soluble proteins in blood plasma. Recent proteomic studies showing that plasma QSOX1 can be utilized in the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and acute decompensated heart failure, together with the overexpression of this secreted enzyme in a number of solid tumors, suggest that the robust QSOX assay developed here may be useful in the quantitation of enzyme levels in a wide range of biological fluids.  相似文献   

The structure in the extracellular, intradiscal domain of rhodopsin surrounding the Cys110–Cys187 disulfide bond has been shown to be important for correct folding of this receptor in vivo. Retinitis pigmentosa misfolding mutants of the apoprotein opsin (such as P23H) misfold, as defined by a deficiency in ability to bind 11-cis retinal and form rhodopsin. These mutants also possess an abnormal Cys185–Cys187 disulfide bond in the intradiscal domain. Here, by mutating Cys185 to alanine, we eliminate the possibility of forming this abnormal disulfide bond and investigate the effect of combining the C185A mutation with the retinitis pigmentosa mutation P23H. Both the P23H and P23H/C185A double mutant suffer from low expression and poor 11-cis retinal binding. Our data suggest that misfolding events occur that do not have an absolute requirement for abnormal Cys185–Cys187 disulfide bond formation. In the detergent-solubilised, purified state, the C185A mutation allows formation of rhodopsin at wild-type (WT) levels, but has interesting effects on protein stability. C185A rhodopsin is less thermally stable than WT, whereas C185A opsin shows the same ability to regenerate rhodopsin in detergent as WT. Purified C185A and WT opsins, however, have contrasting 11-cis retinal binding kinetics. A high proportion of C185A opsin binds 11-cis retinal with a slow rate that reflects a denatured state of opsin reverting to a fast-binding, open-pocket conformation. This slower rate is not observed in a stabilising lipid/detergent system, 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine/Chaps, in which C185A exhibits WT (fast) retinal binding. We propose that the C185A mutation destabilises the open-pocket conformation of opsin in detergent resulting in an equilibrium between correctly folded and denatured states of the protein. This equilibrium can be driven towards the correctly folded rhodopsin state by the binding of 11-cis retinal.  相似文献   

The molecular integrity of the active site of phytases from fungi is critical for maintaining phytase function as efficient catalytic machines. In this study, the molecular dynamics (MD) of two monomers of phytase B from Aspergillus niger, the disulfide intact monomer (NAP) and a monomer with broken disulfide bonds (RAP), were simulated to explore the conformational basis of the loss of catalytic activity when disulfide bonds are broken. The simulations indicated that the overall secondary and tertiary structures of the two monomers were nearly identical but differed in some crucial secondary–structural elements in the vicinity of the disulfide bonds and catalytic site. Disulfide bonds stabilize the β-sheet that contains residue Arg66 of the active site and destabilize the α-helix that contains the catalytic residue Asp319. This stabilization and destabilization lead to changes in the shape of the active–site pocket. Functionally important hydrogen bonds and atomic fluctuations in the catalytic pocket change during the RAP simulation. None of the disulfide bonds are in or near the catalytic pocket but are most likely essential for maintaining the native conformation of the catalytic site.


PhyB - 2.5 pH acid phophatese from Aspergillus niger, NAP - disulphide intact monomer of Phytase B, RAP - disulphide reduced monomer of Phytase B, Rg - radius of gyration, RMSD - root mean square deviation, MD - molecular dynamics.  相似文献   

Summary As a prelude to complete structure calculations of both the oxidized and reduced forms of Escherchia coli thioredoxin (Mr 11 700), we have analyzed the NMR data obtained for the two proteins under identical conditions. The complete aliphatic 13C assignments for both oxidized and reduced thioredoxin are reported. Correlations previously noted between 13C chemical shifts and secondary structure are confirmed in this work, and significant differences are observed in the C and C shifts between cis- and trans-proline, consistent with previous work that identifies this as a simple and unambiguous method of identifying cis-proline residues in proteins. Reduction of the disulfide bond in the active-site Cys32-Gly-Pro-Cys35 sequence causes changes in the 1H, 15N and 13C chemical shifts of residues close to the active site, some of them quite far distant in the amino acid sequence. Coupling constants, both backbone and side chain, show some differences between the two proteins, and the NOE connectivities and chemical shifts are consistent with small changes in the positions of several side chains, including the two tryptophan rings (Trp28 and Trp31). These results show that, consistent with the biochemical behavior of thioredoxin, there are minimal differences in backbone configuration between the oxidized and reduced forms of the protein.  相似文献   

Changes in assisted protein folding are largely unexplored in diabetes. In the present studies, we have identified a reductive shift in the redox status of rat liver microsomes after 4 weeks of streptozotocin-induced diabetes. This change was reflected by a significant increase in the total- and protein-sulfhydryl content, as well as in the free sulfhydryl groups of the major protein disulfide isomerases (PDIs), the 58 kDa PDI and the 57 kDa ERp57 but not other chaperones. A parallel decrease of the protein-disulfide oxidoreductase activity was detected in the microsomal fraction of diabetic livers. The oxidant of PDI, Ero1-Lalpha showed a more oxidized status in diabetic rats. Our results reveal major changes in the redox status of the endoplasmic reticulum and its redox chaperones in diabetic rats, which may contribute to the defective protein secretion of the diabetic liver.  相似文献   

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